Пример #1
LUALIB_API int luaL_loadfile (lua_State *L, const char *filename) {
  LoadF lf;
  int status, readstatus;
  int c;
char fullFilename[128];
  int fnameindex = lua_gettop(L) + 1;  /* index of filename on the stack */
  lf.extraline = 0;
  if (filename == NULL) {
    lua_pushliteral(L, "=stdin");
    lf.f = stdin;
  else {
//Note: Always open as the requested file, Lua should not care about
//our crazy directory remapping
lua_pushfstring(L, "@%s", filename);

#if (PS3)
// On the PS3, check always the /dev_hdd0/game/FCEU90000/USRDIR/Lua/ directory!
CheckForValidFilenameWithPath(fullFilename, filename, "/dev_hdd0/game/FCEU90000/USRDIR/Lua/");
//Rest of this code is untouched, we just use fullFilename now!
    lf.f = fopen(fullFilename, "r");
    if (lf.f == NULL) return errfile(L, "open", fnameindex);
  c = getc(lf.f);
  if (c == '#') {  /* Unix exec. file? */
    lf.extraline = 1;
    while ((c = getc(lf.f)) != EOF && c != '\n') ;  /* skip first line */
    if (c == '\n') c = getc(lf.f);
  if (c == LUA_SIGNATURE[0] && fullFilename) {  /* binary file? */
    lf.f = freopen(fullFilename, "rb", lf.f);  /* reopen in binary mode */
    if (lf.f == NULL) return errfile(L, "reopen", fnameindex);
    /* skip eventual `#!...' */
   while ((c = getc(lf.f)) != EOF && c != LUA_SIGNATURE[0]) ;
    lf.extraline = 0;
  ungetc(c, lf.f);
  status = lua_load(L, getF, &lf, lua_tostring(L, -1));
  readstatus = ferror(lf.f);
  if (filename) fclose(lf.f);  /* close file (even in case of errors) */
  if (readstatus) {
    lua_settop(L, fnameindex);  /* ignore results from `lua_load' */
    return errfile(L, "read", fnameindex);
  lua_remove(L, fnameindex);
  return status;
Пример #2
LUALIB_API int luaL_loadfile (lua_State *L, const char *filename) {
  LoadF lf;
  int status, readstatus;
  int c;
  char fullFilename[128];
  int fnameindex = lua_gettop(L) + 1;  /* index of filename on the stack */
  lf.extraline = 0;
  if (filename == NULL) {
    lua_pushliteral(L, "=stdin");
    lf.f = stdin;
  else {
    // Note: Always open as the requested file, Lua should not care about
    // our crazy directory remapping.
    lua_pushfstring(L, "@%s", filename);

#if (PS3)
    // On the PS3, check always the /app_home/Lua/ directory!
    // This works both for dev-testing via remote HDD and on the game disc.
    // These work probably too just for developing, but app_home is fine!
    // /host_root/Lua/ or /dev_bdvd/PS3_GAME/USRDIR/Lua/
    CheckForValidFilenameWithPath(fullFilename, filename, "/app_home/Lua/");
#elif XBOX
    // For the Xbox we have to make sure always to load files from D:\ because
    // fopen ALWAYS expects a full paths, there are no current directories on the
    // Xbox 360 and therefore no relative paths! Check always "D:\Lua\<file>"
    CheckForValidFilenameWithPath(fullFilename, filename, "D:\\Lua\\");
    // On the PC we just use the default search logic (see luaconf.h) and we
    // don't care about directories since we will already be in the correct one!
    // In earlier versions we had a lot of extra checks here.
    strcpy(fullFilename, filename);

    // Rest of this code is untouched, we just use fullFilename now!
    lf.f = fopen(fullFilename, "r");
    if (lf.f == NULL)
      return errfile(L, "open", fnameindex);
  c = getc(lf.f);
  if (c == '#') {  /* Unix exec. file? */
    lf.extraline = 1;
    while ((c = getc(lf.f)) != EOF && c != '\n') ;  /* skip first line */
    if (c == '\n') c = getc(lf.f);
  if (c == LUA_SIGNATURE[0] && fullFilename) {  /* binary file? */
    lf.f = freopen(fullFilename, "rb", lf.f);  /* reopen in binary mode */
    if (lf.f == NULL) return errfile(L, "reopen", fnameindex);
    /* skip eventual `#!...' */
   while ((c = getc(lf.f)) != EOF && c != LUA_SIGNATURE[0]) ;
    lf.extraline = 0;
  ungetc(c, lf.f);
  status = lua_load(L, getF, &lf, lua_tostring(L, -1));
  readstatus = ferror(lf.f);
  if (filename) fclose(lf.f);  /* close file (even in case of errors) */
  if (readstatus) {
    lua_settop(L, fnameindex);  /* ignore results from `lua_load' */
    return errfile(L, "read", fnameindex);
  lua_remove(L, fnameindex);
  return status;