Пример #1
bool CDVDPlayerResampler::Retrieve(DVDAudioFrame &audioframe, double &pts)
  //check if nr of channels changed so we can allocate new buffers if necessary

  //value to divide samples by to get them into -1.0:1.0 range
  float scale = (float)(1 << (audioframe.bits_per_sample - 1));
  int   nrframes = audioframe.size / audioframe.channel_count / (audioframe.bits_per_sample / 8);

  //if we don't have enough in the samplebuffer, return false
  if (nrframes > m_bufferfill)
    return false;

  //use the pts of the first fresh value in the samplebuffer
  pts = m_ptsbuffer[0];

  //add from samplebuffer to audioframe
  float*   inputptr  = m_buffer;
  int16_t* outputptr = (int16_t*)audioframe.data;

  for (int i = 0; i < nrframes * m_nrchannels; i++)
    *outputptr++ = MathUtils::round_int(Clamp(*inputptr++ * scale, scale * -1.0f, scale - 1.0f));

  m_bufferfill -= nrframes;

  //shift old data to the beginning of the buffer
  memmove(m_buffer, m_buffer + (nrframes * m_nrchannels), m_bufferfill * m_nrchannels * sizeof(float));
  memmove(m_ptsbuffer, m_ptsbuffer + nrframes, m_bufferfill * sizeof(double));

  return true;
Пример #2
void CDVDPlayerResampler::Add(DVDAudioFrame &audioframe, double pts)
  //check if nr of channels changed so we can allocate new buffers if necessary

  //value to divide samples by to get them into -1.0:1.0 range
  float scale = (float)(1 << (audioframe.bits_per_sample - 1));
  int   nrframes = audioframe.size / audioframe.channel_count / (audioframe.bits_per_sample / 8);

  //resize sample buffer if necessary
  //we want the buffer to be large enough to hold the current frames in it,
  //the number of frames needed for libsamplerate's input
  //and the maximum number of frames libsamplerate might generate, times 2 for safety
  ResizeSampleBuffer(m_bufferfill + nrframes + nrframes * MathUtils::round_int(m_ratio + 0.5) * 2);

  //assign samplebuffers
  m_converterdata.input_frames = nrframes;
  m_converterdata.output_frames = m_buffersize - m_bufferfill - m_converterdata.input_frames;
  //output buffer starts at the place where the buffer doesn't hold samples
  m_converterdata.data_out = m_buffer + m_bufferfill * m_nrchannels;
  //intput buffer is a block of data at the end of the buffer
  m_converterdata.data_in = m_converterdata.data_out + m_converterdata.output_frames * m_nrchannels;

  //add samples to the resample input buffer
  int16_t* inputptr  = (int16_t*)audioframe.data;
  float*   outputptr = m_converterdata.data_in;

  for (int i = 0; i < nrframes * m_nrchannels; i++)
    *outputptr++ = (float)*inputptr++ / scale;

  m_converterdata.src_ratio = m_ratio;
  src_set_ratio(m_converter, m_ratio);
  src_process(m_converter, &m_converterdata);

  //calculate a pts for each sample
  for (int i = 0; i < m_converterdata.output_frames_gen; i++)
    m_ptsbuffer[m_bufferfill] = pts + i * (audioframe.duration / (double)m_converterdata.output_frames_gen);