Пример #1
bool CResourceManager::DirectoryExists(const std::string& directory)
    if (PHYSFS_isInit())
        return PHYSFS_exists(CleanPath(directory).c_str()) && PHYSFS_isDirectory(CleanPath(directory).c_str());
    return false;
Пример #2
CiPath::CiPath(const std::string &_text) : text(_text) {


	if (text != WIN_HD) {

		DIR *d = opendir(text.c_str());
		if (d) {
			exists = true;
			isDir = true;
		else if (errno == ENOTDIR) {
			exists = true;
			isDir = false;
		else {
			exists = false;
			isDir = false;
	else {
		exists = true;
		isDir = true;
Пример #3
void AddGamePath( char *path )
	int	i;

	/* dummy check */
	if( path == NULL || path[ 0 ] == '\0' || numGamePaths >= MAX_GAME_PATHS )
	/* add it to the list */
	gamePaths[ numGamePaths ] = safe_malloc( strlen( path ) + 1 );
	strcpy( gamePaths[ numGamePaths ], path );
	CleanPath( gamePaths[ numGamePaths ] );

	/* don't add it if it's already there */
	for (i = 0; i < numGamePaths - 1; i++)
		if (strcmp(gamePaths[i], gamePaths[numGamePaths - 1]) == 0)
			free(gamePaths[numGamePaths - 1]);
			gamePaths[numGamePaths - 1] = NULL;
Пример #4
void AddHomeBasePath(char *path)
#ifdef Q_UNIX
	int             i;
	char            temp[MAX_OSPATH];

	/* dummy check */
	if(path == NULL || path[0] == '\0')

	/* make a hole */
	for(i = (MAX_BASE_PATHS - 2); i >= 0; i--)
		basePaths[i + 1] = basePaths[i];

	/* concatenate home dir and path */
	sprintf(temp, "%s/%s", homePath, path);

	/* add it to the list */
	basePaths[0] = safe_malloc(strlen(temp) + 1);
	strcpy(basePaths[0], temp);
Пример #5
int KTestCommon::CleanPath(const TCHAR cszPath[])
	int nRetCode = false;
	int nResult	 = false;
	TCHAR szPathName[MAX_PATH];
	TCHAR szFullPathFile[MAX_PATH];
	TCHAR* pszFile	 = NULL;
	WIN32_FIND_DATA FindFileData;


	nRetCode = _sntprintf(szPathName, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\%s"), cszPath, _T("*.*"));
	szPathName[MAX_PATH - 1] = _T('\0');

	hFindFile = ::FindFirstFile(szPathName, &FindFileData);
	while (true)
		pszFile = FindFileData.cFileName;
		if (_tcsncmp(pszFile, _T("."), MAX_PATH) != 0		&&
			_tcsncmp(pszFile, _T("logs"), MAX_PATH) != 0	&&
			_tcsncmp(pszFile, _T(".."), MAX_PATH) != 0)
			nRetCode = _sntprintf(szFullPathFile, MAX_PATH, _T("%s\\%s"), cszPath, pszFile);
			KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode != -1);
			szFullPathFile[MAX_PATH - 1] = _T('\0');
			if (FindFileData.dwFileAttributes != FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)
				nRetCode = _tremove(szFullPathFile);
				KGLOG_PROCESS_ERROR(nRetCode == 0);
				nRetCode = CleanPath(szFullPathFile);
				nRetCode = ::RemoveDirectory(szFullPathFile);
		nRetCode = ::FindNextFile(hFindFile, &FindFileData);
		if (!nRetCode)
			nRetCode = ::GetLastError();

	nResult = true;
	return nResult;
Пример #6
bool CResourceManager::Exists(const std::string &filename)
    if (PHYSFS_isInit())
        return PHYSFS_exists(CleanPath(filename).c_str());
    return false;
Пример #7
bool CResourceManager::CreateDirectory(const std::string& directory)
    if (PHYSFS_isInit())
        return PHYSFS_mkdir(CleanPath(directory).c_str());
    return false;
Пример #8
long long CResourceManager::GetLastModificationTime(const std::string& filename)
    if (PHYSFS_isInit())
        return PHYSFS_getLastModTime(CleanPath(filename).c_str());
    return -1;
Пример #9
void AddGamePath( char *path ){
	/* dummy check */
	if ( path == NULL || path[ 0 ] == '\0' || numGamePaths >= MAX_GAME_PATHS ) {

	/* add it to the list */
	gamePaths[ numGamePaths ] = safe_malloc( strlen( path ) + 1 );
	strcpy( gamePaths[ numGamePaths ], path );
	CleanPath( gamePaths[ numGamePaths ] );
Пример #10
void AddBasePath( char *path )
	/* dummy check */
	if( path == NULL || path[ 0 ] == '\0' || numBasePaths >= MAX_BASE_PATHS )
	/* add it to the list */
	basePaths[ numBasePaths ] = safe_malloc( strlen( path ) + 1 );
	strcpy( basePaths[ numBasePaths ], path );
	CleanPath( basePaths[ numBasePaths ] );
Пример #11
long long CResourceManager::GetFileSize(const std::string& filename)
    if (PHYSFS_isInit())
        PHYSFS_File* file = PHYSFS_openRead(CleanPath(filename).c_str());
        if(file == nullptr) return -1;
        long long size = PHYSFS_fileLength(file);
        return size;
    return -1;
Пример #12
std::vector<std::string> CResourceManager::ListDirectories(const std::string &directory)
    std::vector<std::string> result;

    if (PHYSFS_isInit())
        char **files = PHYSFS_enumerateFiles(CleanPath(directory).c_str());

        for (char **i = files; *i != nullptr; i++)
            std::string path = CleanPath(directory) + "/" + (*i);
            if (PHYSFS_isDirectory(path.c_str()))


    return result;
Пример #13
void GuiFileDialog::OnListboxClick(const std::string& fullPathAndFilename)
  lastPath = CleanPath(fullPathAndFilename); 
  GuiTextEdit* text = dynamic_cast<GuiTextEdit*>(GetElementByName("fd-path-text"));


#ifdef GFD_DEBUG
std::cout << "Listbox click: lastPath is now \"" << lastPath << "\"\n";
Пример #14
bool CResourceManager::RemoveDirectory(const std::string& directory)
    if (PHYSFS_isInit())
        std::string path = CleanPath(directory);
        for (auto file : ListFiles(path))
            if (PHYSFS_delete((path + "/" + file).c_str()) == 0)
                return false;
        return PHYSFS_delete(path.c_str()) != 0;
    return false;
Пример #15
void AddHomeBasePath( char *path )
	int		i;
	char	temp[ MAX_OS_PATH ];
	int homePathLen;
	/* dummy check */
	if( path == NULL || path[ 0 ] == '\0' )

	/* strip leading dot, if homePath does not end in /. */
	homePathLen = strlen(homePath);
	if(!strcmp(path, "."))
		/* -fs_homebase . means that -fs_home is to be used as is */
		strcpy(temp, homePath);
	else if(homePathLen >= 2 && !strcmp(homePath + homePathLen - 2, "/."))
		/* remove trailing /. of homePath */
		homePathLen -= 2;

		/* concatenate home dir and path */
		sprintf( temp, "%.*s/%s", homePathLen, homePath, path );
		/* remove leading . of path */
		if(path[0] == '.')

		/* concatenate home dir and path */
		sprintf( temp, "%s/%s", homePath, path );
	/* make a hole */
	for( i = (MAX_BASE_PATHS - 2); i >= 0; i-- )
		basePaths[ i + 1 ] = basePaths[ i ];
	/* add it to the list */
	basePaths[ 0 ] = safe_malloc( strlen( temp ) + 1 );
	strcpy( basePaths[ 0 ], temp );
	CleanPath( basePaths[ 0 ] );
Пример #16
void GuiFileDialog::OnPathChange()
  GuiTextEdit* text = dynamic_cast<GuiTextEdit*>(GetElementByName("fd-path-text"));
  lastPath = CleanPath(text->GetText()); 

  GuiFileListBox* fb = dynamic_cast<GuiFileListBox*>(GetElementByName("fd-file-list-box"));


#ifdef GFD_DEBUG
std::cout << "Path change: lastPath is now \"" << lastPath << "\"\n";
Пример #17
void MonsterPath(Entity *self, Entity *target)
  int p;
  if((self == NULL)||(target == NULL))return;
  p = GetPath(self->p.x/TILEW,self->p.y/TILEH,target->p.x/TILEW,target->p.y/TILEH,self->team,self->path,PATHMAX,target);
  if(p != -1)
    self->drawtrail = 1;
    self->pathlen = p;
    self->pathstep = 0;
    self->target = target;
    self->state = MS_Pathing;
    /*no path to target....*/
/*    self->target = NULL;*/
    self->state = MS_Hostile;
Пример #18
void InitPaths( int *argc, char **argv ){
	int i, j, k, len, len2;
	char temp[ MAX_OS_PATH ];
	char gamePath[MAX_OS_PATH], homeBasePath[MAX_OS_PATH], game_magic[10];

	strcpy( gamePath, "baseq2" );
	strcpy( game_magic, "quake" );
	strcpy( homeBasePath, ".quake2" );

	/* note it */
	Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- InitPaths ---\n" );

	/* get the install path for backup */
	LokiInitPaths( argv[ 0 ] );

	/* set game to default (q3a) */
	numBasePaths = 0;
	numGamePaths = 0;

	/* parse through the arguments and extract those relevant to paths */
	for ( i = 0; i < *argc; i++ )
		/* check for null */
		if ( argv[ i ] == NULL ) {

		/* -fs_basepath */
		if ( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-fs_basepath" ) == 0 ) {
			if ( ++i >= *argc ) {
				Error( "Out of arguments: No path specified after %s.", argv[ i - 1 ] );
			argv[ i - 1 ] = NULL;
			AddBasePath( argv[ i ] );
			argv[ i ] = NULL;


	/* remove processed arguments */
	for ( i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < *argc && j < *argc; i++, j++ )
		for ( j; j < *argc && argv[ j ] == NULL; j++ ) ;
		argv[ i ] = argv[ j ];
		if ( argv[ i ] != NULL ) {
	*argc = k;

	/* add standard game path */
	AddGamePath( gamePath );

	/* if there is no base path set, figure it out */
	if ( numBasePaths == 0 ) {
		/* this is another crappy replacement for SetQdirFromPath() */
		len2 = strlen( game_magic );
		for ( i = 0; i < *argc && numBasePaths == 0; i++ )
			/* extract the arg */
			strcpy( temp, argv[ i ] );
			CleanPath( temp );
			len = strlen( temp );
			Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "Searching for \"%s\" in \"%s\" (%d)...\n", game_magic, temp, i );

			/* this is slow, but only done once */
			for ( j = 0; j < ( len - len2 ); j++ )
				/* check for the game's magic word */
				if ( Q_strncasecmp( &temp[ j ], game_magic, len2 ) == 0 ) {
					/* now find the next slash and nuke everything after it */
					while ( temp[ ++j ] != '/' && temp[ j ] != '\0' ) ;
					temp[ j ] = '\0';

					/* add this as a base path */
					AddBasePath( temp );

		/* add install path */
		if ( numBasePaths == 0 ) {
			AddBasePath( installPath );

		/* check again */
		if ( numBasePaths == 0 ) {
			Error( "Failed to find a valid base path." );

	/* this only affects unix */
	AddHomeBasePath( homeBasePath );

	/* initialize vfs paths */
	if ( numBasePaths > MAX_BASE_PATHS ) {
		numBasePaths = MAX_BASE_PATHS;
	if ( numGamePaths > MAX_GAME_PATHS ) {
		numGamePaths = MAX_GAME_PATHS;

	/* walk the list of game paths */
	//for( j = 0; j < numGamePaths; j++ )
	/* walk the list of base paths */
	//	for( i = 0; i < numBasePaths; i++ )
	//	{
	/* create a full path and initialize it */
	//		sprintf( temp, "%s/%s/", basePaths[ i ], gamePaths[ j ] );
	//		vfsInitDirectory( temp );
	//	}

	/* done */
	Sys_Printf( "\n" );
Пример #19
static void GetFileList(char *path) {
struct stat stat_buf;
char *last_file_ptr, *first_path, *last_path;
int levels_first_file, levels_last_file, file_list_level;
int	sub_index;

FTS *fts;
FTSENT *ftsent;


	// Check for last_file option
	last_file_ptr = strchr(path, ':');
	first_path = last_path = NULL;
	levels_first_file =  levels_last_file = 0;
	if ( last_file_ptr ) {
		// make sure we have only a single ':' in path
		if ( strrchr(path, ':') != last_file_ptr ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Multiple file separators ':' in path not allowed!\n");
		*last_file_ptr++ = '\0';
		// last_file_ptr points to last_file

		if ( strlen(last_file_ptr) == 0 ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Missing last file option after ':'!\n");
		// make sure last_file option is not a full path
		if ( last_file_ptr[0] == '/') {
			fprintf(stderr, "Last file name in -R list must not start with '/'\n");
		// how may sub dir levels has last_file option?
		levels_last_file  = dirlevels(last_file_ptr);

		// if no subdirs are given for last_file, try to find out, if the last_file
		// exists in any possible subdirs
		if ( levels_last_file == 0 ) {
			char s[MAXPATHLEN];
			char *r = VerifyFileRange(path, last_file_ptr);

			if ( r != last_file_ptr && r[0] != '\0' ) {
				snprintf(s, MAXPATHLEN-1, "%s/%s", r, last_file_ptr);
				s[MAXPATHLEN-1] = '\0';
				last_file_ptr = strdup(s);
				levels_last_file  = dirlevels(last_file_ptr);


	levels_first_file = dirlevels(path);

	if ( source_dirs.num_strings == 0 ) {
		// No multiple sources option -M

		// path contains the path to a file/directory
		// stat this entry
		if ( stat(path, &stat_buf) ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "stat() error '%s': %s\n", path, strerror(errno));
		if ( !S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode) && !S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode) ) {
			fprintf(stderr, "Not a file or directory: '%s'\n", path);

		// Check, how many levels of directory in path
		levels_first_file = dirlevels(path);

		if ( last_file_ptr ) {
			// path is [/]path/to/any/dir|file:last_file_ptr

			// make sure first_file is a file
			if ( S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode) ) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Not a file: '%s'\n", path);

			if ( levels_last_file ) {
				// we have levels_last_file number of sub dirs 
				// sub dir levels of first_file mus have at least the same number of levels as last_file
				if ( levels_first_file < levels_last_file ) {
					fprintf(stderr, "Number of sub dirs for sub level hierarchy for file list -R do not match\n");
				if ( levels_first_file == levels_last_file ) {
					char *p, *q;
					// path = [/]sub1[/..]/first_file:sub1[/...]/last_file
					if ( path[0] == '/' ) {
						// this is rather strange, but strctly spoken, valid anyway
						InsertString(&source_dirs, "/");
					} else {
						InsertString(&source_dirs, ".");

					// path = sub_first[/..]/first_file:sub_last[/...]/last_file
					p = strrchr(path, '/');
					q = strrchr(last_file_ptr, '/');
					if ( !p || !q ) {
						// this should never happen
						fprintf(stderr, "software error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
					*p++ = '\0';
					*q++ = '\0';
					first_file = strdup(p);
					last_file = strdup(q);
					file_list_level = levels_last_file + 1;
					first_path = path;
					last_path  = last_file_ptr;
				} else {
					// path = [/]path/to/sub_first[/..]/first_file:sub_last[/...]/last_file
					int i;
					char *p, *r, *s;

					p = strrchr(path, '/');
					// levels_first_file > levels_last_file

					// step back the number of sub dirs in first_file
					for ( i=0; i<levels_last_file; i++ ) {
						do {
						} while ( p >= path && *p != '/');
					*p++ = '\0';
					InsertString(&source_dirs, path);

					r = strrchr(p, '/');
					s = strrchr(last_file_ptr, '/');
					if ( !r || !s ) {
						// this must never happen
						fprintf(stderr, "software error in %s line %d: %s\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, strerror(errno) );
					*r++ = '\0';
					*s++ = '\0';
					first_file = strdup(r);
					last_file = strdup(s);
					// files are listed at this sub dir level
					file_list_level = levels_last_file + 1;
					first_path = p;
					last_path  = last_file_ptr;


			} else {
				// we have no sub dir levels given

				// path is [/]path/to/any/file
				char *p = strrchr(path, '/');

				if ( p ) {
					// path is [/]path/to/any/first_file:last_file
					*p++ = '\0';
					// path is the direcory containing all the files
					InsertString(&source_dirs, path);
					first_file = strdup(p);
				} else {
					// path is first_file:last_file
					InsertString(&source_dirs, ".");
					first_file = strdup(path);
				// set last_file filter
				last_file  = strdup(last_file_ptr);
				// in any case we list the files of directory level 1
				file_list_level = 1;
		} else {
			// path is [/]path/to/any/dir|file
			if ( S_ISDIR(stat_buf.st_mode) ) {
				// path is [/]path/to/any/dir
				// list all files in this directory
				InsertString(&source_dirs, path);
				first_file = NULL;
				file_list_level = 0;
			} else {
				// path is [/]path/to/any/file
				char *p = strrchr(path, '/');
				if ( p ) {
					// path is [/]path/to/any/file
					*p++ = '\0';
					// path is the direcory containing all the files
					InsertString(&source_dirs, path);
					first_file = strdup(p);
				} else {
					// path is file
					InsertString(&source_dirs, ".");
					first_file = strdup(path);
				// in any case we list the files of directory level 1
				file_list_level = 1;
			// in any case, no last_file filter
			last_file  = NULL;

	} else {
		char pathbuff[MAXPATHLEN];
		// multiple sources option -M given
		if ( path[0] == '/') {
			fprintf(stderr, "File list -R must not start with '/' when combined with a source list -M\n");

		// special case for all files in directory
		if ( strcmp(path, ".") == 0 ) {
			first_file = NULL;
			last_file  = NULL;
			file_list_level = 0;
		} else {
			// pathbuff contains the path to a file/directory, compiled using the first entry
			// in the source_dirs
			snprintf(pathbuff, MAXPATHLEN-1, "%s/%s", source_dirs.list[0], path);
			pathbuff[MAXPATHLEN-1] = '\0';
			// pathbuff must point to a file
			if ( stat(pathbuff, &stat_buf) ) {
				if ( errno == ENOENT ) {
					// file not found - try to guess a possible subdir
					char *sub_dir = GuessSubDir(source_dirs.list[0], path);
					if ( sub_dir ) {	// subdir found
						snprintf(pathbuff, MAXPATHLEN-1, "%s/%s", sub_dir, path);
						pathbuff[MAXPATHLEN-1] = '\0';
						// update path
						path = strdup(pathbuff);
						// need guessing subdir with last_file too
						if ( last_file_ptr ) {
							sub_dir = GuessSubDir(source_dirs.list[0], last_file_ptr);
							if ( sub_dir ) {	// subdir found
								snprintf(pathbuff, MAXPATHLEN-1, "%s/%s", sub_dir, last_file_ptr);
								pathbuff[MAXPATHLEN-1] = '\0';
								last_file_ptr = strdup(pathbuff);
								// update dir levels of extended file path
								levels_last_file  = dirlevels(last_file_ptr);
							} else {
								fprintf(stderr, "'%s': %s\n", last_file_ptr, "File not found!");
					} else {	// no file in any possible subdir found
						fprintf(stderr, "stat() error '%s': %s\n", pathbuff, "File not found!");
				} else {	// Any other stat error
					fprintf(stderr, "stat() error '%s': %s\n", pathbuff, strerror(errno));
			} else if ( !S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode) ) {
				fprintf(stderr, "Not a file : '%s'\n", pathbuff);

			// Check, how many levels of directory in path
			levels_first_file = dirlevels(path);

			if ( last_file_ptr ) {
				// path is path/to/any/first_file:last_file_ptr
				char *p, *q;
				// the number of sub dirs must be eqal for first_file and last_file
				if ( levels_first_file != levels_last_file ) {
					fprintf(stderr, "Number of sub dirs must agree in '%s' and '%s'\n", path, last_file_ptr);
				p = strrchr(path, '/');
				if ( p ) {
					// path is fist_sub/to/any/first_file
					// recursive all files in sub dirs
					file_list_level = dirlevels(path) + 1;
					*p++ = '\0';
					first_file = strdup(p);
					first_path = path;
				} else {
					// path is first_file
					first_file = strdup(path);
					file_list_level = 1;

				q = strrchr(last_file_ptr, '/');
				if ( q ) {
					*q++ = '\0';
					last_file = strdup(q);
					last_path  = last_file_ptr;
				} else {
					last_file = strdup(last_file_ptr);
			} else {
				// path is path/to/any/first_file
				char *p = strrchr(path, '/');
				if ( p ) {
					// path is fist_sub/to/any/first_file
					// recursive all files in sub dirs
					file_list_level = dirlevels(path) + 1;
					*p++ = '\0';
					first_file = strdup(p);
					first_path = path;
				} else {
					// path is first_file
					first_file = strdup(path);
					file_list_level = 1;
				last_file  = NULL;

printf("first_file %s\n", first_file ? first_file : "<none>");
printf("last_file %s\n", last_file ? last_file : "<none>");
printf("first_path %s\n", first_path ? first_path : "<none>");
printf("last_path %s\n", last_path ? last_path : "<none>");
printf("file_list_level: %i\n", file_list_level);
	CreateDirListFilter(first_path, last_path, file_list_level );

	// last entry must be NULL
	InsertString(&source_dirs, NULL);
	fts = fts_open(source_dirs.list, FTS_LOGICAL,  compare);
	sub_index = 0;
	while ( (ftsent = fts_read(fts)) != NULL) {
		int fts_level = ftsent->fts_level;
		char *fts_path;

// printf("DBG: %u %i %s %s\n", ftsent->fts_info, ftsent->fts_level, ftsent->fts_path, ftsent->fts_name);

		if ( fts_level == 0 ) {
			sub_index = ftsent->fts_pathlen + 1;

		if ( ftsent->fts_pathlen < sub_index ) {
			printf("ERROR: fts_pathlen error at %s line %d\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);
		fts_path = &ftsent->fts_path[sub_index];

if ( file_list_level ) 
printf("DGB: short fts: '%s', filer_first: '%s', filter_last: '%s'\n", 
					fts_path, dir_entry_filter[fts_level].first_entry , dir_entry_filter[fts_level].last_entry);
		switch (ftsent->fts_info) {
			case FTS_D:
				// dir entry pre descend
				if ( file_list_level && file_list_level && (
					( dir_entry_filter[fts_level].first_entry &&
						( strcmp(fts_path, dir_entry_filter[fts_level].first_entry ) < 0 ) ) ||
					( dir_entry_filter[fts_level].last_entry && 
					  	( strcmp(fts_path, dir_entry_filter[fts_level].last_entry ) > 0 ) ) 
					fts_set(fts, ftsent, FTS_SKIP );

			case FTS_DP:
			case FTS_F:
				// file entry
// printf("==> Check: %s\n", ftsent->fts_name);

				// skip stat file
				if ( strcmp(ftsent->fts_name, ".nfstat") == 0 ||
					 strncmp(ftsent->fts_name, NF_DUMPFILE , strlen(NF_DUMPFILE)) == 0)
				if ( strstr(ftsent->fts_name, ".stat") != NULL )
				// skip pcap file
				if ( strstr(ftsent->fts_name, "pcap") != NULL )

				if ( file_list_level && (
					( fts_level != file_list_level ) ||
					( dir_entry_filter[fts_level].first_entry && 
						( strcmp(ftsent->fts_name, dir_entry_filter[fts_level].first_entry) < 0 ) ) ||
					( dir_entry_filter[fts_level].last_entry &&
					  	( strcmp(ftsent->fts_name, dir_entry_filter[fts_level].last_entry) > 0 ) )
				   ) )

// printf("==> Listed: %s\n", ftsent->fts_path);
				InsertString(&file_list, ftsent->fts_path);



} // End of GetFileList
Пример #20
void SetupInputFileSequence(char *multiple_dirs, char *single_file, char *multiple_files) {

	twin_first  = 0;
	twin_last   = 0xffffffff;

	first_file 	= NULL;
	last_file  	= NULL;

	InitStringlist(&source_dirs, NUM_PTR);
	InitStringlist(&file_list, 64);

	if ( multiple_dirs ) 

	if ( multiple_files ) {
		// use multiple files

		// get time window spanning all the files 
		if ( file_list.num_strings ) {
			stat_record_t stat_ptr;

			// read the stat record
			if ( !GetStatRecord(file_list.list[0], &stat_ptr) ) {
			twin_first = stat_ptr.first_seen;

			// read the stat record of last file
			if ( !GetStatRecord(file_list.list[file_list.num_strings-1], &stat_ptr) ) {
			twin_last  = stat_ptr.last_seen;

	} else if ( single_file ) {

		if ( source_dirs.num_strings == 0 ) {
				InsertString(&file_list, single_file);
		} else {
			int i;

			if ( single_file[0] == '/' ) {
				fprintf(stderr, "File -r must not start with '/', when combined with a source list -M\n");

			for ( i=0; i<source_dirs.num_strings; i++ ) {
				char s[MAXPATHLEN];
				struct stat stat_buf;

				snprintf(s, MAXPATHLEN-1, "%s/%s", source_dirs.list[i], single_file);
				s[MAXPATHLEN-1] = '\0';
				if ( stat(s, &stat_buf) ) {
					if ( errno == ENOENT ) {
						// file not found - try to guess subdir
						char *sub_dir = GuessSubDir(source_dirs.list[i], single_file);
						if ( sub_dir ) {	// subdir found
							snprintf(s, MAXPATHLEN-1, "%s/%s/%s", source_dirs.list[i], sub_dir, single_file);
							s[MAXPATHLEN-1] = '\0';
							InsertString(&file_list, s);
						} else {	// no subdir found
							fprintf(stderr, "stat() error '%s': %s\n", s, "File not found!");
					} else {	// Any other stat error
						fprintf(stderr, "stat() error '%s': %s\n", s, strerror(errno));
				} else {	// stat() successful
					if ( !S_ISREG(stat_buf.st_mode) ) {
						fprintf(stderr, "Skip non file entry: '%s'\n", s);
					} else {
						InsertString(&file_list, s);

	} else // else use stdin
		InsertString(&file_list, NULL);

} // End of SetupInputFileSequence
Пример #21
std::unique_ptr<CSNDFileWrapper> CResourceManager::GetSNDFileHandler(const std::string &filename)
    return MakeUnique<CSNDFileWrapper>(CleanPath(filename));
Пример #22
void InitPaths( int *argc, char **argv )
	int		i, j, k, len, len2;
	char	temp[ MAX_OS_PATH ];
	/* note it */
	Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "--- InitPaths ---\n" );
	/* get the install path for backup */
	LokiInitPaths( argv[ 0 ] );
	/* set game to default (q3a) */
	game = &games[ 0 ];
	numBasePaths = 0;
	numGamePaths = 0;
	/* parse through the arguments and extract those relevant to paths */
	for( i = 0; i < *argc; i++ )
		/* check for null */
		if( argv[ i ] == NULL )
		/* -game */
		if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-game" ) == 0 )
			if( ++i >= *argc )
				Error( "Out of arguments: No game specified after %s", argv[ i - 1 ] );
			argv[ i - 1 ] = NULL;
			game = GetGame( argv[ i ] );
			if( game == NULL )
				game = &games[ 0 ];
			argv[ i ] = NULL;

		/* -fs_forbiddenpath */
		else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-fs_forbiddenpath" ) == 0 )
			if( ++i >= *argc )
				Error( "Out of arguments: No path specified after %s.", argv[ i - 1 ] );
			argv[ i - 1 ] = NULL;
			if(g_numForbiddenDirs < VFS_MAXDIRS)
				strncpy(g_strForbiddenDirs[g_numForbiddenDirs], argv[i], PATH_MAX);
				g_strForbiddenDirs[g_numForbiddenDirs][PATH_MAX] = 0;
			argv[ i ] = NULL;

		/* -fs_basepath */
		else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-fs_basepath" ) == 0 )
			if( ++i >= *argc )
				Error( "Out of arguments: No path specified after %s.", argv[ i - 1 ] );
			argv[ i - 1 ] = NULL;
			AddBasePath( argv[ i ] );
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
		/* -fs_game */
		else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-fs_game" ) == 0 )
			if( ++i >= *argc )
				Error( "Out of arguments: No path specified after %s.", argv[ i - 1 ] );
			argv[ i - 1 ] = NULL;
			AddGamePath( argv[ i ] );
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
		/* -fs_home */
		else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-fs_home" ) == 0 )
			if( ++i >= *argc )
				Error( "Out of arguments: No path specified after %s.", argv[ i - 1 ] );
			argv[ i - 1 ] = NULL;
			homePath = argv[i];
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
		/* -fs_homebase */
		else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-fs_homebase" ) == 0 )
			if( ++i >= *argc )
				Error( "Out of arguments: No path specified after %s.", argv[ i - 1 ] );
			argv[ i - 1 ] = NULL;
			homeBasePath = argv[i];
			argv[ i ] = NULL;

		/* -fs_homepath - sets both of them */
		else if( strcmp( argv[ i ], "-fs_homepath" ) == 0 )
			if( ++i >= *argc )
				Error( "Out of arguments: No path specified after %s.", argv[ i - 1 ] );
			argv[ i - 1 ] = NULL;
			homePath = argv[i];
			homeBasePath = ".";
			argv[ i ] = NULL;
	/* remove processed arguments */
	for( i = 0, j = 0, k = 0; i < *argc && j < *argc; i++, j++ )
		for( ; j < *argc && argv[ j ] == NULL; j++ );
		argv[ i ] = argv[ j ];
		if( argv[ i ] != NULL )
	*argc = k;
	/* add standard game path */
	AddGamePath( game->gamePath );
	/* if there is no base path set, figure it out */
	if( numBasePaths == 0 )
		/* this is another crappy replacement for SetQdirFromPath() */
		len2 = strlen( game->magic );
		for( i = 0; i < *argc && numBasePaths == 0; i++ )
			/* extract the arg */
			strcpy( temp, argv[ i ] );
			CleanPath( temp );
			len = strlen( temp );
			Sys_FPrintf( SYS_VRB, "Searching for \"%s\" in \"%s\" (%d)...\n", game->magic, temp, i );
			/* this is slow, but only done once */
			for( j = 0; j < (len - len2); j++ )
				/* check for the game's magic word */
				if( Q_strncasecmp( &temp[ j ], game->magic, len2 ) == 0 )
					/* now find the next slash and nuke everything after it */
					while( temp[ ++j ] != '/' && temp[ j ] != '\0' );
					temp[ j ] = '\0';
					/* add this as a base path */
					AddBasePath( temp );
		/* add install path */
		if( numBasePaths == 0 )
			AddBasePath( installPath );
		/* check again */
		if( numBasePaths == 0 )
			Error( "Failed to find a valid base path." );
	/* this only affects unix */
		AddHomeBasePath( homeBasePath );
		AddHomeBasePath( game->homeBasePath );
	/* initialize vfs paths */
	if( numBasePaths > MAX_BASE_PATHS )
		numBasePaths = MAX_BASE_PATHS;
	if( numGamePaths > MAX_GAME_PATHS )
		numGamePaths = MAX_GAME_PATHS;
	/* walk the list of game paths */
	for( j = 0; j < numGamePaths; j++ )
		/* walk the list of base paths */
		for( i = 0; i < numBasePaths; i++ )
			/* create a full path and initialize it */
			sprintf( temp, "%s/%s/", basePaths[ i ], gamePaths[ j ] );
			vfsInitDirectory( temp );
	/* done */
	Sys_Printf( "\n" );
Пример #23
ImageFile *UEFileFactory::newImageFile(const std::string &initialFilePath, point initialDefaultPivot)
	FString relPath = ANSI_TO_TCHAR(initialFilePath.c_str());
	return new UEImageFile(TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*relPath), initialDefaultPivot, canvas, imagePath);
Пример #24
SoundFile *UEFileFactory::newSoundFile(const std::string &initialFilePath)
	FString relPath = ANSI_TO_TCHAR(initialFilePath.c_str());
	return new UESoundFile(TCHAR_TO_ANSI(*relPath));