Пример #1
std::string ZConfigFile::GetVariable(std::string sec, std::string var, std::string defVal) const
    //finds variable in same manner as SetVariable, but if not found doesn't create, just returns default value
    std::list<ZCF_Section>::const_iterator secIter;
    std::list<ZCF_Variable>::const_iterator varIter;

    sec = CleanString(sec);
    var = CleanString(var);

        for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); ++secIter)
            if(CleanString((*secIter).section) == sec)    //if this is the section
                    for(varIter = (*secIter).varList.begin(); varIter != (*secIter).varList.end(); ++varIter)
                        if(CleanString((*varIter).var) == var)    //if this is the variable
                            return (*varIter).val;    //return now
                    break;    //done in the for loop, time to go
                    return defVal;

    return defVal;    //if it gets to the end just return the default
Пример #2
boolean DEH_ParseAssignment(char *line, char **variable_name, char **value)
    char *p;

    // find the equals
    p = strchr(line, '=');

    if (p == NULL)
        return false;

    // variable name at the start
    // turn the '=' into a \0 to terminate the string here

    *p = '\0';
    *variable_name = CleanString(line);
    // value immediately follows the '='
    *value = CleanString(p+1);
    return true;
Пример #3
bool ZConfigFile::Exists(std::string sec) const
    std::list<ZCF_Section>::const_iterator secIter;

    sec = CleanString(sec);

    //check list for 'cleaned' version of string
    for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); ++secIter)
        if(CleanString((*secIter).section) == sec)
            return true;
    return false;
Пример #4
int PDSDataset::ParseCompressedImage()

    CPLString osFileName = GetKeyword( "COMPRESSED_FILE.FILE_NAME", "" );
    CleanString( osFileName );

    CPLString osPath = CPLGetPath(GetDescription());
    CPLString osFullFileName = CPLFormFilename( osPath, osFileName, NULL );
    int iBand;

    poCompressedDS = (GDALDataset*) GDALOpen( osFullFileName, GA_ReadOnly );
    if( poCompressedDS == NULL )
        return FALSE;

    nRasterXSize = poCompressedDS->GetRasterXSize();
    nRasterYSize = poCompressedDS->GetRasterYSize();

    for( iBand = 0; iBand < poCompressedDS->GetRasterCount(); iBand++ )
        SetBand( iBand+1, new PDSWrapperRasterBand( poCompressedDS->GetRasterBand( iBand+1 ) ) );
    return TRUE;
Пример #5
std::string FilterStopwords(std::string& fstr){
	// this only works with -std=c++11, change to char**.
	std::vector<std::string> stopwords = {" a ", " I ", " has ", " was ", " had ", " which ", " so ", " it ", " who ", "who ", " that ", ",", "\n", "."};
	for(std::vector<std::string>::iterator i = stopwords.begin(); i != stopwords.end(); i++){
		CleanString(fstr, *i);
	return fstr;
Пример #6
int ZConfigFile::GetInt(std::string section, std::string var, int defVal) const
    std::string val;
    char tmp[20];

    section = CleanString(section);
    var = CleanString(var);

    section = '[' + section + ']';

    val = GetVariable(section,var,tmp);

    if(!atoi(val.c_str()) && val[0] !='0')    //if it is zero but doesn't start with a zero
        return defVal;
        return atoi(val.c_str());
Пример #7
//each get* gets the variable (stored as a string) from using GetVariable, then converts it to the desired format
float ZConfigFile::GetFloat(std::string section, std::string var, float defVal) const
    std::string val;
    char tmp[20];

    section = CleanString(section);
    var = CleanString(var);

    section = '[' + section + ']';

    val = GetVariable(section,var,tmp);

    if(!atof(val.c_str()) && val[0] !='0')    //if it is zero but doesn't start with a zero
        return defVal;
        return static_cast<float>(atof(val.c_str()));   //atof returns a double(?!)
Пример #8
bool ZConfigFile::GetBool(std::string section, std::string var, bool defVal) const
    std::string val,tmp;

    section = CleanString(section);
    var = CleanString(var);

    section = '[' + section + ']';

    tmp = defVal ? "true" : "false";
    val = CleanString(GetVariable(section,var,tmp));

    if(val == "true" || val == "1")
        return true;
    else if(val == "false" || val == "0")
        return false;
        return defVal;
Пример #9
std::string ZConfigFile::GetString(std::string section, std::string var, std::string defVal) const
    std::string val;

    section = CleanString(section);
    var = CleanString(var);

    section = '[' + section + ']';

    val = CleanString(GetVariable(section,var,defVal));
    if(val == CleanString(defVal))
        val = defVal;

    if(val[0] == '\"' && val[val.length()-1] == '\"')
        return val.substr(1,val.length()-2);    //chop off quotes
        return val;
Пример #10
void CData::LevelMetricTypeAsync( const std::string& type, const std::string name,
	const std::string& level, int day, int month, int year, RequestDelegate targetDelegate )
	std::string cleanName(name);
	std::string cleanLevel(level);
	char date[60];
	sprintf_s(date,59,"%d",  gPlaytomic->GameId());
	std::string url(kDataLevelUrl1);
	url += gPlaytomic->GetGameGuid() + kDataLevelUrl2 + type + kDataLevelUrl3;
	url += date;
	url += kDataLevelUrl4 + cleanName ;
	url += kDataLevelUrl5 + cleanLevel ;
	sprintf_s(date,59,"%d%s%d%s%d", day, kDataLevelUrl7, month, kDataLevelUrl8, year);
	url += kDataLevelUrl6;url += date;

	GetDataAsync(url, targetDelegate);
Пример #11
void ZConfigFile::SetVariable(std::string sec, std::string var, std::string val)
    std::list<ZCF_Section>::iterator secIter;
    std::list<ZCF_Variable>::iterator varIter;

    if(Exists(CleanString(sec)))    //if section exists find it
        sec = CleanString(sec);
        for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); ++secIter)
            if(CleanString((*secIter).section) == sec)    //if this is the section
                if(Exists(sec,var)) //if variable exists find it
                    var = CleanString(var);
                    for(varIter = (*secIter).varList.begin(); varIter != (*secIter).varList.end(); ++varIter)
                        if(CleanString((*varIter).var) == var)    //once variable found, set value
                            (*varIter).val = val;
                            break;    //break from this loop
                    break;    //done in the for loop, time to go
                    ZCF_Variable tempVar;
                    tempVar.var = var;
        ZCF_Section tempSec;
        tempSec.section = sec;
Пример #12
CPlaytomicResponsePtr CData::LevelMetricType( const std::string& type, 
	const std::string name, const std::string& level, int day, int month, int year )
	std::string cleanName(name);
	std::string cleanLevel(level);
	char date[60];
	sprintf_s(date,59,"%d",  gPlaytomic->GameId());
	std::string url(kDataLevelUrl1);
	url += gPlaytomic->GetGameGuid() + kDataLevelUrl2 + type + kDataLevelUrl3;
	url += date;
	url += kDataLevelUrl4 + cleanName ;
	url += kDataLevelUrl5 + cleanLevel ;
	sprintf_s(date,59,"%d%s%d%s%d", day, kDataLevelUrl7, month, kDataLevelUrl8, year);
	url += kDataLevelUrl6;url += date;

	return GetData(url);
Пример #13
void ZConfigFile::Flush()
    std::list<ZCF_Section>::iterator secIter;
    std::list<ZCF_Variable>::iterator varIter;
    std::string secName;

    //in case the filename is already cleared somehow
        //open the file blanked out, to not duplicate entries
        std::ofstream cfile(rFilename.c_str(), std::ios::out|std::ios::trunc);

            //iteration through sections
            for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); ++secIter)
                //ensure that section is valid
                secName = CleanString((*secIter).section);
                if(secName.length() && secName[0] == '[' && secName[secName.length()-1] == ']')
                    cfile << (*secIter).section << std::endl;    //write out raw section title

                    //for each variable in section, write out variable=value
                    for(varIter = (*secIter).varList.begin(); varIter != (*secIter).varList.end(); ++varIter)
                        if((*varIter).var[0] == '_') 
                            if( ((*varIter).var).substr(2,7) == "comment")
                                cfile << (*varIter).val << std::endl;
                            else if( ((*varIter).var).substr(2,7) == "newline")
                                cfile << std::endl;
                        else if(CleanString((*varIter).var).length())    //ensures that variable is valid
                            cfile << (*varIter).var << '=' << (*varIter).val << std::endl;
Пример #14
 * Clean a string and write it to the Port.
static bool
WriteCleanString(Port &port, const TCHAR *p,
                 OperationEnvironment &env, unsigned timeout_ms)
  NarrowString<256> buffer;


  return port.FullWriteString(buffer, env, timeout_ms);
Пример #15
bool ZConfigFile::Exists(std::string sec, std::string var) const
    std::list<ZCF_Section>::const_iterator secIter;
    std::list<ZCF_Variable>::const_iterator varIter;

    sec = CleanString(sec);
    var = CleanString(var);

    //first find section, then do same search for variable
    for(secIter = rFileLayout.begin(); secIter != rFileLayout.end(); ++secIter)
        if(CleanString((*secIter).section) == sec)
            for(varIter = (*secIter).varList.begin(); varIter != (*secIter).varList.end(); ++varIter)
                if(CleanString((*varIter).var) == var)
                    return true;
    return false;
Пример #16
void CData::CustomMetricAsync( const std::string& name, int day, int month, int year,
	RequestDelegate targetDelegate )
	std::string cleanName = name;
	char date[60];
	sprintf_s(date,59,"%d",  gPlaytomic->GameId());
	std::string url(kDataCustomUrl1);
	url += gPlaytomic->GetGameGuid() + kDataCustomUrl2 +date + kDataCustomUrl3 + cleanName + kDataCustomUrl4;
	sprintf_s(date,59,"%d%s%d%s%d", day, kDataCustomUrl5, month, kDataCustomUrl6, year);
	url += date; url += kDataCustomUrl6;

	GetDataAsync(url, targetDelegate);
Пример #17
CPlaytomicResponsePtr CData::CustomMetric( const std::string& name, int day/*=0*/,
	int month/*=0*/, int year/*=0*/ )
	std::string cleanName = name;
	char date[60];
	sprintf_s(date,59,"%d",  gPlaytomic->GameId());
	std::string url(kDataCustomUrl1);
	url += gPlaytomic->GetGameGuid() + kDataCustomUrl2 +date + kDataCustomUrl3 + cleanName + kDataCustomUrl4;
	sprintf_s(date,59,"%d%s%d%s%d", day, kDataCustomUrl5, month, kDataCustomUrl6, year);
	url += date; url += kDataCustomUrl6;

	return GetData(url);
Пример #18
 * Clean a string and write it to the Port.
static bool
WriteCleanString(Port &port, const TCHAR *p, unsigned timeout_ms)
    char buffer[256];

#ifdef _UNICODE
    if (::WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, p, -1, buffer, sizeof(buffer),
                              NULL, NULL) <= 0)
        return false;
    CopyString(buffer, p, sizeof(buffer));


    return port.FullWriteString(buffer, timeout_ms);
Пример #19
void ZConfigFile::Process(std::string filename)
    rFilename = filename;
    int commentNum,newlineNum;
    char commentStr[15],newlineStr[15];
    std::string section, str, var, tmp;
    std::ifstream cfile(rFilename.c_str()); 

    commentNum = newlineNum = 0;    //comment/newline support is a bit of a hack

    rFileLayout.clear();    //layout must be cleared, in case variable is being used multiple times

    while(!cfile.eof() && cfile.is_open())  //parses entire file
        std::getline(cfile,str);    //read in a line
        tmp = CleanString(str);    //get a clean version

        //if std::string is bracketed it is a section, if it begins in a letter it is a variable
        if(tmp[0] == '[' && tmp[tmp.length()-1] == ']')
            section = str;
        else if(std::isalpha(tmp[0]))   //variables must start with a letter
            var = str.substr(0,str.find('='));    //split the std::string at the equals sign
        else if(tmp[0] == '#' || tmp[0] == ';') //acceptable comment characters
        else if(tmp.length() == 0 && !cfile.eof())  //avoid adding a line to end of file each time

Пример #20
void CLogRequest::SaveToFile()
    const char *currentFileName = GetLogFileName();
    CFile backupData(currentFileName);
    if(backupData.GetSize() < kMaxFileSize)
            boost::posix_time::ptime now = boost::posix_time::second_clock::universal_time();
            std::string strDate("&date=");
            std::string date = boost::posix_time::to_simple_string(now);
            strDate += date;
            mData += strDate;
Пример #21
int OGRPDSDataSource::Open( const char * pszFilename )

    pszName = CPLStrdup( pszFilename );

// --------------------------------------------------------------------
//      Does this appear to be a .PDS table file?
// --------------------------------------------------------------------

    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "rb");
    if (fp == NULL)
        return FALSE;

    char szBuffer[512];
    int nbRead = (int)VSIFReadL(szBuffer, 1, sizeof(szBuffer) - 1, fp);
    szBuffer[nbRead] = '\0';

    const char* pszPos = strstr(szBuffer, "PDS_VERSION_ID");
    int bIsPDS = (pszPos != NULL);

    if (!bIsPDS)
        return FALSE;

    if (!oKeywords.Ingest(fp, pszPos - szBuffer))
        return FALSE;

    CPLString osRecordType = oKeywords.GetKeyword( "RECORD_TYPE", "" );
    CPLString osFileRecords = oKeywords.GetKeyword( "FILE_RECORDS", "" );
    CPLString osRecordBytes = oKeywords.GetKeyword( "RECORD_BYTES", "" );
    int nRecordSize = atoi(osRecordBytes);
    if (osRecordType.size() == 0 || osFileRecords.size() == 0 ||
        osRecordBytes.size() == 0 || nRecordSize <= 0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                 "One of RECORD_TYPE, FILE_RECORDS or RECORD_BYTES is missing");
        return FALSE;
    if (osRecordType.compare("FIXED_LENGTH") != 0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                 "Only RECORD_TYPE=FIXED_LENGTH is supported");
        return FALSE;

    CPLString osTable = oKeywords.GetKeyword( "^TABLE", "" );
    if (osTable.size() != 0)
        LoadTable(pszFilename, nRecordSize, "TABLE");
        VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(pszFilename, "rb");
        if (fp == NULL)
            return FALSE;

            const char* pszLine = CPLReadLine2L(fp, 256, NULL);
            if (pszLine == NULL)
            char** papszTokens =
                CSLTokenizeString2( pszLine, " =", CSLT_HONOURSTRINGS );
            int nTokens = CSLCount(papszTokens);
            if (nTokens == 2 &&
                papszTokens[0][0] == '^' &&
                strstr(papszTokens[0], "TABLE") != NULL)
                LoadTable(pszFilename, nRecordSize, papszTokens[0] + 1);
            papszTokens = NULL;

    return nLayers != 0;
Пример #22
int OGRPDSDataSource::LoadTable(const char* pszFilename,
                                     int nRecordSize,
                                     CPLString osTableID )

    CPLString osTableFilename;
    int nStartBytes;
    CPLString osTableLink = "^";
    osTableLink += osTableID;
    CPLString osTable = oKeywords.GetKeyword( osTableLink, "" );
    if( osTable[0] == '(' )
        osTableFilename = GetKeywordSub(osTableLink, 1, "");
        CPLString osStartRecord = GetKeywordSub(osTableLink, 2, "");
        nStartBytes = (atoi(osStartRecord.c_str()) - 1) * nRecordSize;
        if (osTableFilename.size() == 0 || osStartRecord.size() == 0 ||
            nStartBytes < 0)
            CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                    "Cannot parse %s line", osTableLink.c_str());
            return FALSE;
        CPLString osTPath = CPLGetPath(pszFilename);
        CleanString( osTableFilename );
        osTableFilename = CPLFormCIFilename( osTPath, osTableFilename, NULL );
        osTableFilename = oKeywords.GetKeyword( osTableLink, "" );
        if (osTableFilename.size() != 0 && osTableFilename[0] >= '0' &&
            osTableFilename[0] <= '9')
            nStartBytes = atoi(osTableFilename.c_str()) - 1;
            if (strstr(osTableFilename.c_str(), "<BYTES>") == NULL)
                nStartBytes *= nRecordSize;
            osTableFilename = pszFilename;
            CPLString osTPath = CPLGetPath(pszFilename);
            CleanString( osTableFilename );
            osTableFilename = CPLFormCIFilename( osTPath, osTableFilename, NULL );
            nStartBytes = 0;

    CPLString osTableName = oKeywords.GetKeyword( MakeAttr(osTableID, "NAME"), "" );
    if (osTableName.size() == 0)
        if (GetLayerByName(osTableID.c_str()) == NULL)
            osTableName = osTableID;
            osTableName = CPLSPrintf("Layer_%d", nLayers+1);
    CPLString osTableInterchangeFormat =
            oKeywords.GetKeyword( MakeAttr(osTableID, "INTERCHANGE_FORMAT"), "" );
    CPLString osTableRows = oKeywords.GetKeyword( MakeAttr(osTableID, "ROWS"), "" );
    int nRecords = atoi(osTableRows);
    if (osTableInterchangeFormat.size() == 0 ||
        osTableRows.size() == 0 || nRecords < 0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                 "One of TABLE.INTERCHANGE_FORMAT or TABLE.ROWS is missing");
        return FALSE;
    if (osTableInterchangeFormat.compare("ASCII") != 0 &&
        osTableInterchangeFormat.compare("BINARY") != 0)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_NotSupported,
                 "Only INTERCHANGE_FORMAT=ASCII or BINARY is supported");
        return FALSE;

    VSILFILE* fp = VSIFOpenL(osTableFilename, "rb");
    if (fp == NULL)
        CPLError(CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined, "Cannot open %s",
        return FALSE;

    CPLString osTableStructure = oKeywords.GetKeyword( MakeAttr(osTableID, "^STRUCTURE"), "" );
    if (osTableStructure.size() != 0)
        CPLString osTPath = CPLGetPath(pszFilename);
        CleanString( osTableStructure );
        osTableStructure = CPLFormCIFilename( osTPath, osTableStructure, NULL );

    GByte* pabyRecord = (GByte*) VSIMalloc(nRecordSize + 1);
    if (pabyRecord == NULL)
        return FALSE;
    pabyRecord[nRecordSize] = 0;

    papoLayers = (OGRLayer**) CPLRealloc(papoLayers, (nLayers + 1) * sizeof(OGRLayer*));
    papoLayers[nLayers] = new OGRPDSLayer(osTableID, osTableName, fp,
                                         nRecords, nStartBytes,
                                         nRecordSize, pabyRecord,
                                         osTableInterchangeFormat.compare("ASCII") == 0);

    return TRUE;
Пример #23
int PDSDataset::ParseImage( CPLString osPrefix )
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*	We assume the user is pointing to the label (ie. .lbl) file.  	   */
/* ------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // IMAGE can be inline or detached and point to an image name
    // ^IMAGE = 3
    // ^IMAGE             = "GLOBAL_ALBEDO_8PPD.IMG"
    // ^IMAGE             = "MEGT90N000CB.IMG"
    // ^IMAGE		  = ("BLAH.IMG",1)	 -- start at record 1 (1 based)
    // ^IMAGE		  = ("BLAH.IMG")	 -- still start at record 1 (equiv of "BLAH.IMG")
    // ^IMAGE		  = ("BLAH.IMG", 5 <BYTES>) -- start at byte 5 (the fifth byte in the file)
    // ^IMAGE             = 10851 <BYTES>
    // ^SPECTRAL_QUBE = 5  for multi-band images

    CPLString osImageKeyword = osPrefix + "^IMAGE";
    CPLString osQube = GetKeyword( osImageKeyword, "" );
    CPLString osTargetFile = GetDescription();

    if (EQUAL(osQube,"")) {
        osImageKeyword = "^SPECTRAL_QUBE";
        osQube = GetKeyword( osImageKeyword );

    int nQube = atoi(osQube);
    int nDetachedOffset = 0;
    int bDetachedOffsetInBytes = FALSE;

    if( osQube.size() && osQube[0] == '(' )
        osQube = "\"";
        osQube += GetKeywordSub( osImageKeyword, 1 );
        osQube +=  "\"";
        nDetachedOffset = atoi(GetKeywordSub( osImageKeyword, 2, "1")) - 1;

        // If this is not explicitly in bytes, then it is assumed to be in
        // records, and we need to translate to bytes.
        if (strstr(GetKeywordSub(osImageKeyword,2),"<BYTES>") != NULL)
            bDetachedOffsetInBytes = TRUE;

    if( osQube.size() && osQube[0] == '"' )
        CPLString osTPath = CPLGetPath(GetDescription());
        CPLString osFilename = osQube;
        CleanString( osFilename );
        osTargetFile = CPLFormCIFilename( osTPath, osFilename, NULL );
        osExternalCube = osTargetFile;

    GDALDataType eDataType = GDT_Byte;

    //image parameters
    int	nRows, nCols, nBands = 1;
    int nSkipBytes = 0;
    int itype;
    int record_bytes;
    char chByteOrder = 'M';  //default to MSB
    double dfNoData = 0.0;
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    /*      Checks to see if this is raw PDS image not compressed image     */
    /*      so ENCODING_TYPE either does not exist or it equals "N/A".      */
    /*      Compressed types will not be supported in this routine          */
    /* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    const char *value;

    CPLString osEncodingType = GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.ENCODING_TYPE","N/A");
    if ( !EQUAL(osEncodingType.c_str(),"N/A") )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                  "*** PDS image file has an ENCODING_TYPE parameter:\n"
                  "*** gdal pds driver does not support compressed image types\n"
                  "found: (%s)\n\n", osEncodingType.c_str() );
        return FALSE;
    /**************** end ENCODING_TYPE check ***********************/
    /***********   Grab layout type (BSQ, BIP, BIL) ************/
    /***********   Grab samples lines band        **************/
    /** if AXIS_NAME = "" then Bands=1 and Sample and Lines   **/
    /** are there own keywords  "LINES" and "LINE_SAMPLES"    **/
    /** if not NULL then CORE_ITEMS keyword i.e. (234,322,2)  **/
    char szLayout[10] = "BSQ"; //default to band seq.
    value = GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.AXIS_NAME", "" );
    if (EQUAL(value,"(SAMPLE,LINE,BAND)") ) {
        nCols = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",1));
        nRows = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",2));
        nBands = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",3));
    else if (EQUAL(value,"(BAND,LINE,SAMPLE)") ) {
        nBands = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",1));
        nRows = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",2));
        nCols = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",3));
    else if (EQUAL(value,"(SAMPLE,BAND,LINE)") ) {
        nCols = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",1));
        nBands = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",2));
        nRows = atoi(GetKeywordSub(osPrefix+"IMAGE.CORE_ITEMS",3));
    else if ( EQUAL(value,"") ) {
        nCols = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.LINE_SAMPLES",""));
        nRows = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.LINES",""));
        nBands = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.BANDS","1"));
    else {
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                  "%s layout not supported. Abort\n\n", value);
        return FALSE;
    /***********   Grab Qube record bytes  **********/
    record_bytes = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.RECORD_BYTES"));
    if (record_bytes == 0)
        record_bytes = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"RECORD_BYTES"));

    // this can happen with "record_type = undefined". 
    if( record_bytes == 0 )
        record_bytes = 1;

    if( nQube >0 && osQube.find("<BYTES>") != CPLString::npos )
        nSkipBytes = nQube - 1;
    else if (nQube > 0 )
        nSkipBytes = (nQube - 1) * record_bytes;
    else if( nDetachedOffset > 0 )
        if (bDetachedOffsetInBytes)
            nSkipBytes = nDetachedOffset;
            nSkipBytes = nDetachedOffset * record_bytes;
        nSkipBytes = 0;     

    nSkipBytes += atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.LINE_PREFIX_BYTES",""));
    /***********   Grab SAMPLE_TYPE *****************/
    /** if keyword not found leave as "M" or "MSB" **/
    CPLString osST = GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.SAMPLE_TYPE" );
    if( osST.size() >= 2 && osST[0] == '"' && osST[osST.size()-1] == '"' )
        osST = osST.substr( 1, osST.size() - 2 );

    if( (EQUAL(osST,"LSB_INTEGER")) || 
        (EQUAL(osST,"LSB")) || // just incase
        (EQUAL(osST,"LSB_SIGNED_INTEGER")) || 
        (EQUAL(osST,"UNSIGNED_INTEGER")) || 
        (EQUAL(osST,"VAX_REAL")) || 
        (EQUAL(osST,"VAX_INTEGER")) || 
        (EQUAL(osST,"PC_INTEGER")) ||  //just incase 
        (EQUAL(osST,"PC_REAL")) ) {
        chByteOrder = 'I';

    /**** Grab format type - pds supports 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 (in theory) **/
    /**** I have only seen 8, 16, 32 (float) in released datasets      **/
    itype = atoi(GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.SAMPLE_BITS",""));
    switch(itype) {
      case 8 :
        eDataType = GDT_Byte;
        dfNoData = NULL1;
      case 16 :
        if( strstr(osST,"UNSIGNED") != NULL )
            eDataType = GDT_UInt16;
            eDataType = GDT_Int16;
        dfNoData = NULL2;
      case 32 :
        eDataType = GDT_Float32;
        dfNoData = NULL3;
      case 64 :
        eDataType = GDT_Float64;
        dfNoData = NULL3;
      default :
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "Sample_bits of %d is not supported in this gdal PDS reader.",
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Is there a specific nodata value in the file? Either the        */
/*      MISSING or MISSING_CONSTANT keywords are nodata.                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.MISSING", NULL ) != NULL )
        dfNoData = CPLAtofM( GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.MISSING", "" ) );

    if( GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.MISSING_CONSTANT", NULL ) != NULL )
        dfNoData = CPLAtofM( GetKeyword( osPrefix+"IMAGE.MISSING_CONSTANT",""));

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Did we get the required keywords?  If not we return with        */
/*      this never having been considered to be a match. This isn't     */
/*      an error!                                                       */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( nRows < 1 || nCols < 1 || nBands < 1 )
        CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_AppDefined,
                  "File %s appears to be a PDS file, but failed to find some required keywords.", 
                  GetDescription() );
        return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Capture some information from the file that is of interest.     */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    nRasterXSize = nCols;
    nRasterYSize = nRows;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Open target binary file.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    if( eAccess == GA_ReadOnly )
        fpImage = VSIFOpenL( osTargetFile, "rb" );
        if( fpImage == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                    "Failed to open %s.\n%s", 
                    VSIStrerror( errno ) );
            return FALSE;
        fpImage = VSIFOpenL( osTargetFile, "r+b" );
        if( fpImage == NULL )
            CPLError( CE_Failure, CPLE_OpenFailed, 
                    "Failed to open %s with write permission.\n%s", 
                    VSIStrerror( errno ) );
            return FALSE;

/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Compute the line offset.                                        */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int     nItemSize = GDALGetDataTypeSize(eDataType)/8;
    int     nLineOffset = record_bytes;
    int	    nPixelOffset, nBandOffset;

    if( EQUAL(szLayout,"BIP") )
        nPixelOffset = nItemSize * nBands;
        nBandOffset = nItemSize;
        nLineOffset = ((nPixelOffset * nCols + record_bytes - 1)/record_bytes)
            * record_bytes;
    else if( EQUAL(szLayout,"BSQ") )
        nPixelOffset = nItemSize;
        nLineOffset = ((nPixelOffset * nCols + record_bytes - 1)/record_bytes)
            * record_bytes;
        nBandOffset = nLineOffset * nRows;
    else /* assume BIL */
        nPixelOffset = nItemSize;
        nBandOffset = nItemSize * nCols;
        nLineOffset = ((nBandOffset * nCols + record_bytes - 1)/record_bytes)
            * record_bytes;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Create band information objects.                                */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    int i;

    for( i = 0; i < nBands; i++ )
        RawRasterBand	*poBand;

        poBand = 
            new RawRasterBand( this, i+1, fpImage,
                               nSkipBytes + nBandOffset * i, 
                               nPixelOffset, nLineOffset, eDataType,
#ifdef CPL_LSB                               
                               chByteOrder == 'I' || chByteOrder == 'L',
                               chByteOrder == 'M',
                               TRUE );

        if( nBands == 1 )
            const char* pszMin = GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.MINIMUM", NULL);
            const char* pszMax = GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.MAXIMUM", NULL);
            const char* pszMean = GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.MEAN", NULL);
            const char* pszStdDev= GetKeyword(osPrefix+"IMAGE.STANDARD_DEVIATION", NULL);
            if (pszMin != NULL && pszMax != NULL &&
                pszMean != NULL && pszStdDev != NULL)
                poBand->SetStatistics( CPLAtofM(pszMin),
        poBand->SetNoDataValue( dfNoData );

        SetBand( i+1, poBand );

        // Set offset/scale values at the PAM level.

    return TRUE;
Пример #24
void PDSDataset::ParseSRS()

    const char *pszFilename = GetDescription();

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Get the geotransform.                                           */
/* ==================================================================== */
    /***********   Grab Cellsize ************/
    //MAP_SCALE   = 14.818 <KM/PIXEL>
    //added search for unit (only checks for CM, KM - defaults to Meters)
    const char *value;
    //Georef parameters
    double dfULXMap=0.5;
    double dfULYMap = 0.5;
    double dfXDim = 1.0;
    double dfYDim = 1.0;
    double xulcenter = 0.0;
    double yulcenter = 0.0;

    value = GetKeyword("IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION.MAP_SCALE");
    if (strlen(value) > 0 ) {
        dfXDim = atof(value);
        dfYDim = atof(value) * -1;
        CPLString unit = GetKeywordUnit("IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION.MAP_SCALE",2); //KM
        //value = GetKeywordUnit("IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION.MAP_SCALE",3); //PIXEL
        if((EQUAL(unit,"M"))  || (EQUAL(unit,"METER")) || (EQUAL(unit,"METERS"))) {
            // do nothing
        else if (EQUAL(unit,"CM")) {
            // convert from cm to m
            dfXDim = dfXDim / 100.0;
            dfYDim = dfYDim / 100.0;
        } else {
            //defaults to convert km to m
            dfXDim = dfXDim * 1000.0;
            dfYDim = dfYDim * 1000.0;
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
/*      Calculate upper left corner of pixel in meters from the         */
/*      upper  left center pixel sample/line offsets.  It doesn't       */
/*      mean the defaults will work for every PDS image, as these       */
/*      values are used inconsistantly.  Thus we have included          */
/*      conversion options to allow the user to override the            */
/*      documented PDS3 default. Jan. 2011, for known mapping issues    */
/*      see GDAL PDS page or mapping within ISIS3 source (USGS)         */
/*      $ISIS3DATA/base/translations/pdsProjectionLineSampToXY.def      */
/* -------------------------------------------------------------------- */
    // defaults should be correct for what is documented in the PDS3 standard
    double   dfSampleOffset_Shift;
    double   dfLineOffset_Shift;
    double   dfSampleOffset_Mult;
    double   dfLineOffset_Mult;

    dfSampleOffset_Shift = 
        atof(CPLGetConfigOption( "PDS_SampleProjOffset_Shift", "-0.5" ));
    dfLineOffset_Shift = 
        atof(CPLGetConfigOption( "PDS_LineProjOffset_Shift", "-0.5" ));

    dfSampleOffset_Mult =
        atof(CPLGetConfigOption( "PDS_SampleProjOffset_Mult", "-1.0") );

    dfLineOffset_Mult = 
        atof( CPLGetConfigOption( "PDS_LineProjOffset_Mult", "1.0") );

    /***********   Grab LINE_PROJECTION_OFFSET ************/
    if (strlen(value) > 0) {
        yulcenter = atof(value);
        dfULYMap = ((yulcenter + dfLineOffset_Shift) * -dfYDim * dfLineOffset_Mult);
        //notice dfYDim is negative here which is why it is again negated here
    /***********   Grab SAMPLE_PROJECTION_OFFSET ************/
    if( strlen(value) > 0 ) {
        xulcenter = atof(value);
        dfULXMap = ((xulcenter + dfSampleOffset_Shift) * dfXDim * dfSampleOffset_Mult);

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Get the coordinate system.                                      */
/* ==================================================================== */
    int	bProjectionSet = TRUE;
    double semi_major = 0.0;
    double semi_minor = 0.0;
    double iflattening = 0.0;
    double center_lat = 0.0;
    double center_lon = 0.0;
    double first_std_parallel = 0.0;
    double second_std_parallel = 0.0;
    OGRSpatialReference oSRS;

    /***********  Grab TARGET_NAME  ************/
    /**** This is the planets name i.e. MARS ***/
    CPLString target_name = GetKeyword("TARGET_NAME");
    CleanString( target_name );
    /**********   Grab MAP_PROJECTION_TYPE *****/
    CPLString map_proj_name = 
    CleanString( map_proj_name );
    /******  Grab semi_major & convert to KM ******/
    semi_major = 
        atof(GetKeyword( "IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION.A_AXIS_RADIUS")) * 1000.0;
    /******  Grab semi-minor & convert to KM ******/
    semi_minor = 
        atof(GetKeyword( "IMAGE_MAP_PROJECTION.C_AXIS_RADIUS")) * 1000.0;

    /***********   Grab CENTER_LAT ************/
    center_lat = 

    /***********   Grab CENTER_LON ************/
    center_lon = 

    /**********   Grab 1st std parallel *******/
    first_std_parallel = 

    /**********   Grab 2nd std parallel *******/
    second_std_parallel = 
    // Need to further study how ocentric/ographic will effect the gdal library.
    // So far we will use this fact to define a sphere or ellipse for some projections
    // Frank - may need to talk this over
    char bIsGeographic = TRUE;
    if (EQUAL( value, "PLANETOCENTRIC" ))
        bIsGeographic = FALSE; 

/**   Set oSRS projection and parameters --- all PDS supported types added if apparently supported in oSRS
      "AITOFF",  ** Not supported in GDAL??
      "BRIESEMEISTER",   ** Not supported in GDAL??
      "HAMMER",    ** Not supported in GDAL??
      "HENDU",     ** Not supported in GDAL??
      "VAN DER GRINTEN",     ** Not supported in GDAL??
      "WERNER"     ** Not supported in GDAL?? 
    CPLDebug( "PDS","using projection %s\n\n", map_proj_name.c_str());

    if ((EQUAL( map_proj_name, "EQUIRECTANGULAR" )) ||
        (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "SIMPLE_CYLINDRICAL" )) ||
        (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "EQUIDISTANT" )) )  {
        oSRS.SetEquirectangular2 ( 0.0, center_lon, center_lat, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "ORTHOGRAPHIC" )) {
        oSRS.SetOrthographic ( center_lat, center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "SINUSOIDAL" )) {
        oSRS.SetSinusoidal ( center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "MERCATOR" )) {
        oSRS.SetMercator ( center_lat, center_lon, 1, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "STEREOGRAPHIC" )) {
        oSRS.SetStereographic ( center_lat, center_lon, 1, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC")) {
        oSRS.SetPS ( center_lat, center_lon, 1, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "TRANSVERSE_MERCATOR" )) {
        oSRS.SetTM ( center_lat, center_lon, 1, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "LAMBERT_CONFORMAL_CONIC" )) {
        oSRS.SetLCC ( first_std_parallel, second_std_parallel, 
                      center_lat, center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "LAMBERT_AZIMUTHAL_EQUAL_AREA" )) {
        oSRS.SetLAEA( center_lat, center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "CYLINDRICAL_EQUAL_AREA" )) {
        oSRS.SetCEA  ( first_std_parallel, center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "MOLLWEIDE" )) {
        oSRS.SetMollweide ( center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "ALBERS" )) {
        oSRS.SetACEA ( first_std_parallel, second_std_parallel, 
                       center_lat, center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "BONNE" )) {
        oSRS.SetBonne ( first_std_parallel, center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "GNOMONIC" )) {
        oSRS.SetGnomonic ( center_lat, center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "OBLIQUE_CYLINDRICAL" )) { 
        // hope Swiss Oblique Cylindrical is the same
        oSRS.SetSOC ( center_lat, center_lon, 0, 0 );
    } else {
        CPLDebug( "PDS",
                  "Dataset projection %s is not supported. Continuing...",
                  map_proj_name.c_str() );
        bProjectionSet = FALSE;

    if (bProjectionSet) {
        //Create projection name, i.e. MERCATOR MARS and set as ProjCS keyword
        CPLString proj_target_name = map_proj_name + " " + target_name;
        oSRS.SetProjCS(proj_target_name); //set ProjCS keyword
        //The geographic/geocentric name will be the same basic name as the body name
        //'GCS' = Geographic/Geocentric Coordinate System
        CPLString geog_name = "GCS_" + target_name;
        //The datum and sphere names will be the same basic name aas the planet
        CPLString datum_name = "D_" + target_name;
        CPLString sphere_name = target_name; // + "_IAU_IAG");  //Might not be IAU defined so don't add
        //calculate inverse flattening from major and minor axis: 1/f = a/(a-b)
        if ((semi_major - semi_minor) < 0.0000001) 
            iflattening = 0;
            iflattening = semi_major / (semi_major - semi_minor);
        //Set the body size but take into consideration which proj is being used to help w/ compatibility
        //Notice that most PDS projections are spherical based on the fact that ISIS/PICS are spherical 
        //Set the body size but take into consideration which proj is being used to help w/ proj4 compatibility
        //The use of a Sphere, polar radius or ellipse here is based on how ISIS does it internally
        if ( ( (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "STEREOGRAPHIC" ) && (fabs(center_lat) == 90)) ) || 
             (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "POLAR_STEREOGRAPHIC" )))  
            if (bIsGeographic) { 
                //Geograpraphic, so set an ellipse
                oSRS.SetGeogCS( geog_name, datum_name, sphere_name,
                                semi_major, iflattening, 
                                "Reference_Meridian", 0.0 );
            } else {
                //Geocentric, so force a sphere using the semi-minor axis. I hope... 
                sphere_name += "_polarRadius";
                oSRS.SetGeogCS( geog_name, datum_name, sphere_name,
                                semi_minor, 0.0, 
                                "Reference_Meridian", 0.0 );
        else if ( (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "SIMPLE_CYLINDRICAL" )) || 
                  (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "EQUIDISTANT" )) || 
                  (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "ORTHOGRAPHIC" )) || 
                  (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "STEREOGRAPHIC" )) || 
                  (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "SINUSOIDAL" )) ) {
            //isis uses the spherical equation for these projections so force a sphere
            oSRS.SetGeogCS( geog_name, datum_name, sphere_name,
                            semi_major, 0.0, 
                            "Reference_Meridian", 0.0 );
        else if (EQUAL( map_proj_name, "EQUIRECTANGULAR" )) { 
            //isis uses local radius as a sphere, which is pre-calculated in the PDS label as the semi-major
            sphere_name += "_localRadius";
            oSRS.SetGeogCS( geog_name, datum_name, sphere_name,
                            semi_major, 0.0, 
                            "Reference_Meridian", 0.0 );
        else { 
            //All other projections: Mercator, Transverse Mercator, Lambert Conformal, etc.
            //Geographic, so set an ellipse
            if (bIsGeographic) {
                oSRS.SetGeogCS( geog_name, datum_name, sphere_name,
                                semi_major, iflattening, 
                                "Reference_Meridian", 0.0 );
            } else { 
                //Geocentric, so force a sphere. I hope... 
                oSRS.SetGeogCS( geog_name, datum_name, sphere_name,
                                semi_major, 0.0, 
                                "Reference_Meridian", 0.0 );

        // translate back into a projection string.
        char *pszResult = NULL;
        oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszResult );
        osProjection = pszResult;
        CPLFree( pszResult );

/* ==================================================================== */
/*      Check for a .prj and world file to override the georeferencing. */
/* ==================================================================== */
        CPLString osPath, osName;
        VSILFILE *fp;

        osPath = CPLGetPath( pszFilename );
        osName = CPLGetBasename(pszFilename);
        const char  *pszPrjFile = CPLFormCIFilename( osPath, osName, "prj" );

        fp = VSIFOpenL( pszPrjFile, "r" );
        if( fp != NULL )
            char	**papszLines;
            OGRSpatialReference oSRS;

            VSIFCloseL( fp );
            papszLines = CSLLoad( pszPrjFile );

            if( oSRS.importFromESRI( papszLines ) == OGRERR_NONE )
                char *pszResult = NULL;
                oSRS.exportToWkt( &pszResult );
                osProjection = pszResult;
                CPLFree( pszResult );

            CSLDestroy( papszLines );
    if( dfULYMap != 0.5 || dfULYMap != 0.5 || dfXDim != 1.0 || dfYDim != 1.0 )
        bGotTransform = TRUE;
        adfGeoTransform[0] = dfULXMap;
        adfGeoTransform[1] = dfXDim;
        adfGeoTransform[2] = 0.0;
        adfGeoTransform[3] = dfULYMap;
        adfGeoTransform[4] = 0.0;
        adfGeoTransform[5] = dfYDim;
    if( !bGotTransform )
        bGotTransform = 
            GDALReadWorldFile( pszFilename, "psw", 
                               adfGeoTransform );

    if( !bGotTransform )
        bGotTransform = 
            GDALReadWorldFile( pszFilename, "wld", 
                               adfGeoTransform );

Пример #25
// int   ReadINIFile(char *Fname, RS_232 *COMM232eeee)
int   ReadINIFile(char *Fname)
FILE     *fptr;
#define  MAXLINE 1000
char     Work[MAXLINE];
char     *Line;
char    *KeyName;
char    *KeyValue;
int      Rcode = 0;

    // Set DEFAULT Values

   if (FileExists(Fname) < 0) {                            /* if file doesn't exist. Create it  (return FileSize      */
      if (WriteINIFile(Fname) == FALSE)
          return FALSE;

   // -------------------------
   // Read the .ini File
   // -------------------------
   if ((fptr = fopen(Fname, "r")) == NULL) {
      MessageBox(NULL, "Errore nella apertura del File", "Error!", MB_ICONEXCLAMATION | MB_OK);
      Rcode = FALSE;
   }                                                       /* End if                                                  */

   while (GetFileLine(Work, MAXLINE, fptr, 'u') != EOF) {

      Line     = CleanString(Work, "=", ' ');              /* togli '='                                               */
      KeyName  = Word(Line, 1);                            /* get parameter name                                      */
      KeyValue = Word(Line, 2);                            /* get parameter value                                     */
      ParmKey  = WordPos(KeyName, Parms);                  /* get value for switch                                    */

      switch (ParmKey) {

         case PORTNUM:
          //COMM232->PortNum     = atoi(KeyValue);
          //COMM232->PortName[3] = COMM232->PortNum+'0';

         case BAUDRATE:
          //COMM232->BaudRate = atoi(KeyValue);

         case NUMEROBIT:
          //COMM232->NumeroBits = atoi(KeyValue);

         case STOPBIT:
          //COMM232->StopBit = atoi(KeyValue);

         case PARITYBIT:
          //COMM232->ParityBit = atoi(KeyValue);

      }                                                    /* End switch                                              */
   }                                                       /* End while                                               */

   fclose(fptr);                                           /* close file.ini                                          */

   return TRUE;

Пример #26
// Log skin data including materials to file.
int	SceneIFC::LogSkinInfo( VActor *Thing, TCHAR* SkinName ) // char* ModelName )
	if( !LogPath[0] )
		return 1; // Prevent logs getting lost in root.



	if( DLog.Error() ) return 0;

   	DLog.Logf("\n\n Unreal skeletal exporter for " PRODUCT " - Model information for [%s.psk] \n\n",SkinName );

	DLog.Logf(" Skin faces: %6i\n",Thing->SkinData.Faces.Num());
	DLog.Logf(" Skin vertices: %6i\n",Thing->SkinData.Points.Num());
	DLog.Logf(" Skin wedges (vertices with unique U,V): %6i\n",Thing->SkinData.Wedges.Num());
	DLog.Logf(" Total bone-to-vertex linkups: %6i\n",Thing->SkinData.RawWeights.Num());
	DLog.Logf(" Reference bones: %6i\n",Thing->RefSkeletonBones.Num());
	DLog.Logf(" Unique materials: %6i\n",Thing->SkinData.Materials.Num());
	DLog.Logf("\n = materials =\n");

	// Print out smoothing groups ?
	for( INT f=0; f< Thing->SkinData.Faces.Num(); f++)
		DLog.Logf(" Smoothing group for face %i is  [ %d ]  [%X] \n",f,Thing->SkinData.Faces[f].SmoothingGroups,Thing->SkinData.Faces[f].SmoothingGroups );

	DebugBox("Start printing skins");

	for( INT i=0; i < Thing->SkinData.Materials.Num(); i++)
		DebugBox("Start printing skin [%i]",i);

		TCHAR MaterialName[256];
		TCHAR tmp[256];
		mbstowcs(tmp, Thing->SkinData.Materials[i].MaterialName, 256);
		_tcscpy(MaterialName, CleanString(tmp));
		strcpy(MaterialName, CleanString( Thing->SkinData.Materials[i].MaterialName ));

		DebugBox("Start printing bitmap");

		// Find bitmap:
		TCHAR BitmapName[MAX_PATH];
		TCHAR BitmapPath[MAX_PATH];

		if( (Thing->SkinData.RawMaterials.Num()>i) && Thing->SkinData.RawMaterials[i] )
			_tcscpy( BitmapName,Thing->SkinData.RawBMPaths[i].RawBitmapName );
			_tcscpy( BitmapPath,Thing->SkinData.RawBMPaths[i].RawBitmapPath );
			_stprintf(BitmapName,_T("[Internal material]"));

		DebugBox("Retrieved bitmapname");
		// Log.
		DLog.Logf(" * Index: [%2i]  name: %s  \n",i, MaterialName);
		if( BitmapName[0] )
			DLog.Logf(_T("   Original bitmap: %s  Path: %s\n "),BitmapName,BitmapPath);
		DLog.Logf("   - Skin Index: %2i\n",Thing->SkinData.Materials[i].TextureIndex );

		DebugBox("End printing bitmap");

		DWORD Flags = Thing->SkinData.Materials[i].PolyFlags;
		DLog.Logf("   - render mode flags:\n");
		if( Flags & MTT_NormalTwoSided ) DLog.Logf("		- Twosided\n");
		if( Flags & MTT_Unlit          ) DLog.Logf("		- Unlit\n");
		if( Flags & MTT_Translucent    ) DLog.Logf("		- Translucent\n");
		if( (Flags & MTT_Masked) == MTT_Masked )
										 DLog.Logf("		- Masked\n");
		if( Flags & MTT_Modulate       ) DLog.Logf("		- Modulated\n");
		if( Flags & MTT_Placeholder    ) DLog.Logf("		- Invisible\n");
		if( Flags & MTT_Alpha          ) DLog.Logf("		- Per-pixel alpha.\n");
		//if( Flags & MTT_Flat           ) DLog.Logf("		- Flat\n");
		if( Flags & MTT_Environment    ) DLog.Logf("		- Environment mapped\n");
		if( Flags & MTT_NoSmooth       ) DLog.Logf("		- Nosmooth\n");

    //#DEBUG print out smoothing groups
	for( INT f=0; f < Thing->SkinData.Faces.Num(); f++ )
		DLog.Logf(" Face [%4i] Smoothing group: %4i  mat: %4i \n ", f, Thing->SkinData.Faces[f].SmoothingGroups, Thing->SkinData.Faces[f].MatIndex );

	// Print out bones list
	DLog.Logf(" \n\n");
	DLog.Logf(" BONE LIST        [%i] total bones in reference skeleton. \n",Thing->RefSkeletonBones.Num());

	    DLog.Logf("  number     name                           (parent) \n");

	for( INT b=0; b < Thing->RefSkeletonBones.Num(); b++)
		DLog.Logf("  [%3i ]    [%s]      (%3i ) \n",b, Thing->RefSkeletonBones[b].Name, Thing->RefSkeletonBones[b].ParentIndex );

	DLog.Logf(" \n\n");
	return 1;
Пример #27
FillMenu( HWND hwndMenu )
  char      szPidPath[1024];
  char      szBuffer[1024];
  char*     pBuf;
  QSPTRREC* pRecHead;
  QSPREC*   pApp;
  int       numItems, iCounter;
  PVOID     pBuffer;
  TASKDATA* data;

  // Delete all current items
  numItems = LONGFROMMR( WinSendMsg( hwndMenu, MM_QUERYITEMCOUNT, 0, 0 ));

  while( numItems-- )
    MENUITEM mi;
    SHORT    id = LONGFROMMR( WinSendMsg( hwndMenu,
                              MM_ITEMIDFROMPOSITION, MPFROMSHORT(0), 0 ));

    if( WinSendMsg( hwndMenu, MM_QUERYITEM,
                    MPFROM2SHORT( id, FALSE ), MPFROMP( &mi )))
      if( mi.hItem )
        data = (TASKDATA*)mi.hItem;

        free( data->szTitle );
        free( data );

    WinSendMsg( hwndMenu, MM_DELETEITEM,
                MPFROM2SHORT( id, FALSE ), 0 );

  if( bType )
    // Ctrl is pressed, get the processes in the system.
    pBuf = (char*)malloc( 0x8000 );

    // Get processes
    DosQuerySysState( QS_PROCESS, 0, 0, 0, (char*)pBuf, 0x8000 );

    // Point to first process
    pRecHead = (QSPTRREC*)pBuf;
    pApp = pRecHead->pProcRec;

    // While its a process record
    while( pApp->RecType == 1 )
      // Get module name for process
      memset( szPidPath, 0, _MAX_PATH );
      DosQueryModuleName( pApp->hMte, 512, szPidPath );

      if( strlen( szPidPath ) == 0 )
        // If no hit is the kernel
        if( pApp->type == 1 ) {
          sprintf( szPidPath, "VDM (%d)", pApp->pid );
        } else {
          strcpy ( szPidPath, "*SYSINIT" );
        // Else trim the path
        strcpy ( szBuffer, FileGetFileExt( szPidPath ));
        sprintf( szPidPath, "%s (%d)", szBuffer, pApp->pid );

      // add to menu
      data = (TASKDATA*)malloc( sizeof( TASKDATA ));
      data->szTitle = strdup( szPidPath );
      data->hWindow = NULLHANDLE;
      data->pid = pApp->pid;

      switch( pApp->type ) {
        case  0: data->hIcon = ico_os2fs;  break;
        case  1: data->hIcon = ico_dos;    break;
        case  2: data->hIcon = ico_os2vio; break;
        case  3: data->hIcon = ico_pm;     break;
        case  4: data->hIcon = ico_detach; break;
        default: data->hIcon = NULLHANDLE; break;

      winhInsertMenuItem( hwndMenu, MIT_END,
                          id++, szPidPath, MIS_OWNERDRAW, 0, data );
      // get next record
      pApp=(QSPREC *)((pApp->pThrdRec) + pApp->cTCB);

    // Get number of items in switchlist
    numItems = WinQuerySwitchList( WinQueryAnchorBlock( hwndMenu ), NULL, 0 );

    // Get all items into buffer
    pBuffer = malloc(( numItems * sizeof(SWENTRY)) + sizeof(HSWITCH));

    WinQuerySwitchList( WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwndMenu),
                        (numItems * sizeof(SWENTRY)) + sizeof(HSWITCH));

    pSB = (PSWBLOCK)(pBuffer);
    for( iCounter = 0; iCounter < numItems; iCounter++ )
      // Should be JUMPABLE and VISIBLE to show in list
      if( pSB->aswentry[iCounter].swctl.uchVisibility == SWL_VISIBLE )

        // Put in menu
        data = (TASKDATA*)malloc( sizeof( TASKDATA ));
        data->szTitle = strdup( pSB->aswentry[iCounter].swctl.szSwtitle );
        data->hWindow = pSB->aswentry[iCounter].swctl.hwnd;
        data->pid = pSB->aswentry[iCounter].swctl.idProcess;
        CleanString( data->szTitle );

        if( pSB->aswentry[iCounter].swctl.hwndIcon != NULLHANDLE ) {
          data->hIcon = pSB->aswentry[iCounter].swctl.hwndIcon;
        } else {
          data->hIcon = (HPOINTER)WinSendMsg( data->hWindow, WM_QUERYICON, 0, 0 );

        winhInsertMenuItem( hwndMenu, MIT_END, id++,
                            MIS_OWNERDRAW, 0, data );
Пример #28
wstring var::strclean(void) 
	return CleanString(strbuff());