Пример #1
 inline bool HandleStreamEvent(ChannelHandlerContext& ctx,
                               ChannelStateEvent& e)
     //ChannelStateEvent& stateEvent = (ChannelStateEvent&) e;
     switch (e.GetState())
     case CLOSED:
         CloseRequested(ctx, e);
     case BOUND:
         BindRequested(ctx, e);
     case CONNECTED:
         ConnectRequested(ctx, e);
     return true;
Пример #2
void tcGameOutcomePopup::Draw()
    //unsigned currentCount = tcTime::Get()->Get30HzCount();

    //unsigned age = currentCount - birthCount;
    if (CloseRequested())



    Vec4 color(1, 1, 1, 1);
    Vec4 titleColor(1, 1, 0.4f, 1);

    float x = 0.5f * float(mnWidth);
    float y = 0.5f * float(mnHeight);

    DrawRectangleR(0, 0, float(mnWidth), float(mnHeight), 
        Vec4(0, 0, 0, 0.5f), FILL_ON);

    DrawTextR("GAME OVER", x, 15.0, defaultFont.get(),
        titleColor, fontSize + 6.0f, CENTER_CENTER, float(mnWidth)-10.0f);

    DrawTextR(messageText.c_str(), 5.0f, y, defaultFont.get(),
        color, fontSize + 2.0f, LEFT_CENTER, float(mnWidth)-10.0f);


Пример #3
void tDataSourcesDialog::CreateActions()
    /* Create these in order of importance.
    As many as possible will be added to the softkey bar in this order */

    m_pSelectAct = new tAction( tr( "Select" ), this );
    Connect( m_pSelectAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( Select() ) );
    m_ActionList << m_pSelectAct;

    m_pConfigureAct = new tAction( tr( "Configure device" ), this );
    Connect( m_pConfigureAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( ConfigureDevice() ) );
    m_ActionList << m_pConfigureAct;

    QString scopeName = tProductSettings::Instance().FullSimnetAllowed() ?
        tr( "Group", "The extent or effective range of a selection or setting" ) :
        tr( "Scope", "The extent or effective range of a selection or setting" );
    m_pScopeAct = new tListAction( scopeName, QStringList(), 0, Action::AutoShowPopup, this );
    SetScopeList( m_pScopeAct, true, true, true );
    Connect( m_pScopeAct, SIGNAL( ValueFinalised( int ) ), this, SLOT( OnScopeChanged( int ) ) );
    if (tHAL::Instance()->FeaturePresent(tHAL::ePF_NMEA2000) == true)
        m_ActionList << m_pScopeAct;

    m_pRenameAct = new tAction( tr( "Rename" ), this );
    Connect( m_pRenameAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( RenameInst() ) );
    m_ActionList << m_pRenameAct;

    m_pNewInstanceAct = new tAction( tr( "New" ), this );
    Connect( m_pNewInstanceAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( NewInstance() ) );
    m_ActionList << m_pNewInstanceAct;

    m_pRemoveAct = new tAction( tr( "Remove" ), this );
    Connect( m_pRemoveAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( RemoveInst() ) );
    m_ActionList << m_pRemoveAct;

    QStringList numEnginesList = NumericStringList( 8 );
    m_pEngineNumSetAct = new tListAction( tr("Number of Engines"), numEnginesList, 0, Action::AutoShowPopup, this);
    Connect( m_pEngineNumSetAct, SIGNAL( ValueFinalised( int ) ), this, SLOT( OnUINumEnginesChanged( int ) ) );
    m_ActionList << m_pEngineNumSetAct;

    m_pTransNumSetAct = new tListAction( tr("Number of Transmissions"), numEnginesList, 0, Action::AutoShowPopup, this);
    Connect( m_pTransNumSetAct, SIGNAL( ValueFinalised( int ) ), this, SLOT( OnUINumTransChanged( int ) ) );
    m_ActionList << m_pTransNumSetAct;

    QStringList numTanksList = NumericStringList( 5 );
    m_pTankNumSetAct = new tListAction( tr("Number of Tanks"), numTanksList, 0, Action::AutoShowPopup, this);
    Connect( m_pTankNumSetAct, SIGNAL( ValueFinalised( int ) ), this, SLOT( OnUINumTanksChanged( int ) ) );
    m_ActionList << m_pTankNumSetAct;

    QStringList numTrimTabsList = NumericStringList( 3 );
    m_pTrimTabsNumSetAct = new tListAction( tr("Number of Trim Tabs"), numTrimTabsList, 0, Action::AutoShowPopup, this);
    Connect( m_pTrimTabsNumSetAct, SIGNAL( ValueFinalised( int ) ), this, SLOT( OnNumTrimTabsChanged( int ) ) );
    m_ActionList << m_pTrimTabsNumSetAct;

    if( tProductSettings::Instance().FullSimnetAllowed() )
        m_pAutoSelectAct = new tAction( tr( "Auto Select" ), this );
        Connect( m_pAutoSelectAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( OnAutoSelect() ) );
        if (tHAL::Instance()->FeaturePresent(tHAL::ePF_NMEA2000) == true)
            m_ActionList << m_pAutoSelectAct;
        m_pAutoConfigureAct = new tAction( tr( "Auto Configure" ), this );
        Connect( m_pAutoConfigureAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( AutoConfigure() ) );
        if (tHAL::Instance()->FeaturePresent(tHAL::ePF_NMEA2000) == true)
            m_ActionList << m_pAutoConfigureAct;

    m_pGlobalResetAct = new tAction( tr( "Reset Global" ), this ); 
    Connect( m_pGlobalResetAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( ResetGlobal() ) );
        if (tHAL::Instance()->FeaturePresent(tHAL::ePF_NMEA2000) == true)
        m_ActionList << m_pGlobalResetAct;

    m_pLocalResetAct = new tAction( tr( "Reset Local" ), this );
    Connect( m_pLocalResetAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ), this, SLOT( ResetLocal() ) );
        if (tHAL::Instance()->FeaturePresent(tHAL::ePF_NMEA2000) == true)
        m_ActionList << m_pLocalResetAct;

    // Add as many actions as possible to the softkey bar
    for( int i = 0; (i < m_NumKeys - 1) && (i < m_ActionList.size()); i++ )
        m_KeyList << m_ActionList[i];

    if ( HasTitleCloseButton() == false )
        m_pCloseAct = new tAction( tr( "Close", "Text of the exit dialog button." ), this );
        Connect( m_pCloseAct, SIGNAL( triggered() ),  this, SIGNAL( CloseRequested() ) );
        m_KeyList << m_pCloseAct;

    // NSW-10765
    // Change what actions are displayed for Cougar
    // This should be done a better way - this will do for now.
    // Configure Device
    // Scope
    // Rename
    // New
    // Remove
    // Auto Configure
    // Reset -> Sub menu
    //          Global
    //          Local

    if( tProductSettings::Instance().GetProductFamily() == tProductSettings::HDSGen2TouchFamily ||
        tProductSettings::Instance().GetProductFamily() == tProductSettings::HDSGen3TouchFamily )

        m_KeyList << m_pConfigureAct;
        m_KeyList << m_pScopeAct;
        m_KeyList << m_pRenameAct;
        m_KeyList << m_pNewInstanceAct;
        m_KeyList << m_pRemoveAct;
        m_KeyList << m_pAutoConfigureAct;

        QList<tAction*> resetSubActions;
        resetSubActions << m_pGlobalResetAct;
        resetSubActions << m_pLocalResetAct;

        m_pResetAct = new tAction( tr("Reset") );
        m_ActionList << m_pSelectAct;

        m_KeyList << m_pResetAct;

Пример #4
//! Defines the work for constructor
void tDataSourcesDialog::Init( const QList<tDataFilter*>& filters, tDataType selDataType /* = DATA_TYPE_INVALID*/, int selInstance /* = 0*/, tDataCategory selCategory /* = DATA_CATEGORY_INVALID*/, const QString& title /* = QString()*/ )
    setWindowTitle( title );

    // grab the screen size so we can adapt to it
    QSize screenResolution = tProductSettings::Instance().ScreenResolution();

    m_pDataModel = new tDataSourceTreeModel( *m_pSourceSelection->GetSourceSettings(), filters );

    m_pTreeView = new tTreeView( this );
    m_pTreeView->setModel( m_pDataModel );
    m_pTreeView->setHeaderHidden( true );
    m_pTreeView->setTextElideMode( Qt::ElideMiddle );

    if ( tProductSettings::Instance().ProductSupportsTouch() )
        int largeIconSize = style()->pixelMetric( QStyle::PM_LargeIconSize );
        m_pTreeView->setIconSize( QSize(largeIconSize, largeIconSize) ); 

        QHeaderView* pHeaderView = m_pTreeView->header();
        if ( m_pDataModel->columnCount() == tDataSourceTreeItem::Columns_Count )
            pHeaderView->setResizeMode( tDataSourceTreeItem::Columns_Icon, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents );
        pHeaderView->setResizeMode( tDataSourceTreeItem::Columns_Name, QHeaderView::Stretch );
        pHeaderView->setStretchLastSection( false );
        // This is creating the padding about the menu icon.
        // Remove it if it's too much.

    if( tUiSettings::Instance()->ShowTouchToolTips() )
        m_pTreeView->setToolTip( tr("Tap-and-hold for more options.") );
        if( tProductSettings::Instance().ProductSupportsMenuKey() == false )
            // Kiwi
            m_pTreeView->setToolTip( tr("Press and hold pages for more options.") );
            m_pTreeView->setToolTip( tr("Press %1 for more options.").arg(BUTTON_HTML(tNOSStyle::FP_ButtonImageMENU, "MENU")) );

    if( tProductSettings::Instance().ProductSupportsMenuKey() == false )
        // only KIWI at the moment
        m_pTreeView->setProperty( "RemapLongPressPagesToMenuKey", true );

    m_SelectedSource = tDataId(); // invalid data
    m_SelectedData = DATA_TYPE_INVALID;
    m_SelectedInstance = -1;

    // Status bar
    m_pValue = new QLabel("");

    m_pWidgetLayout = new QGridLayout();
    m_pWidgetLayout->addWidget( m_pValue );

    m_pDialogLayout = new QVBoxLayout();
    m_pDialogLayout->addWidget( m_pTreeView );

    if (screenResolution.height() > 240)
        //Group box
        m_pGroupBox1 = new QGroupBox( "" );
        m_pGroupBox1->setLayout( m_pWidgetLayout );
        m_pDialogLayout->addWidget( m_pGroupBox1  );
        m_pDialogLayout->setContentsMargins( 0, 0, 0, 3 );
        m_pDialogLayout->addLayout( m_pWidgetLayout );
    setLayout( m_pDialogLayout );

    // if we have a SKB keys don't have focus, else hide keys 
    m_NumKeys = 0;



    //todo - check whether we can call this directly instead of signals/slots
    Connect( this, SIGNAL( CloseRequested() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );

    Connect( this, SIGNAL(ShowSimnetAutoSelectionConfirmation( QWidget* )),
        m_pDataSourceMonitor, SLOT(ShowSimnetAutoSelectionConfirmation( QWidget* )), Qt::QueuedConnection );

    Connect( m_pTreeView, SIGNAL( ItemSelectionChanged( const QModelIndex & ) ), this, SLOT( OnItemSelectionChanged( const QModelIndex & ) ) );
    Connect( m_pTreeView, SIGNAL( activated( const QModelIndex& ) ), this, SLOT( OnItemClicked( const QModelIndex& ) ) );

    Connect( m_pDataModel, SIGNAL( ModelAboutToBeRefreshed() ), this, SLOT( OnModelAboutToBeRefreshed() ) );
    Connect( m_pDataModel, SIGNAL( ModelRefreshed() ), this, SLOT( OnModelRefreshed() ) );

    QModelIndex selIndex;
    if( selDataType != DATA_TYPE_INVALID )
        selIndex = m_pDataModel->FindSelectedData( selDataType, selInstance );
    else if( selCategory != DATA_CATEGORY_INVALID )
        selIndex = m_pDataModel->FindCategory( selCategory );
        selIndex = m_pDataModel->index( 0, 0 );
    m_pTreeView->setCurrentIndex( selIndex );
    //m_pTreeView->addAction( m_pEngineNumSetAct );
    OnItemSelectionChanged( selIndex );

    m_TimerId = startTimer( 1000 );
Пример #5
//! Defines the NDP2k network device page (shows the devices)
tNDP2kDevicePage::tNDP2kDevicePage(tNDP2k& ndp2k, QWidget* pParent, bool showButtons, const QList<eColumns> customColumnList )
    : tDialog(tDialog::Full, pParent)
    , m_pNDP2k( &ndp2k )
    , m_FirstRefresh ( true )
    , m_FirstRun( true )
    , m_tableRefreshMode( false )
    , m_ShowNameColumn( false ) // For debugging purposes 
    , m_ShowButtons( showButtons )
    setWindowTitle( tr( "Device List", "NDP2k device list dialog title" ) );

    m_ColumnName[addressColumn] = tr("Address");
    m_ColumnName[modelIdColumn] = tr("Model ID");
    m_ColumnName[manufacturerColumn] = tr("Manufacturer");
    m_ColumnName[productCodeColumn] = tr("Product Code");
    m_ColumnName[classFunctionColumn] = tr("Class/Function");
    m_ColumnName[nameColumn] = tr("ISO Name");
    m_ColumnName[busUsageColumn] = tr("Bus %");
    m_ColumnName[deviceInstanceColumn] = tr("Instance");
    m_ColumnName[serialNumberColumn] = tr("Serial No.");

    // keep name last - it is hidden & not in sort list.
    if( false == customColumnList.isEmpty() )
        m_DisplayColumns = customColumnList;
        m_DisplayColumns = (QList<eColumns>() << modelIdColumn << serialNumberColumn);

    if( tNdp2kSettings::Instance()->GetDebugEnabled() )
        m_DisplayColumns << addressColumn;
        m_ShowNameColumn = true;
    m_DisplayColumns << nameColumn;

    m_NameColumn = m_DisplayColumns.indexOf(nameColumn);

    m_SortOptionList = QStringList();
    m_SortOption = 0;
    for(int i = 0; i < m_DisplayColumns.count(); i++)
        if( m_DisplayColumns[i] != nameColumn || m_ShowNameColumn )
            m_SortOptionList << m_ColumnName[m_DisplayColumns[i]];

    // if we have a SKB keys don't have focus, else hide keys 
    m_NumKeys = 0;
    if ( HasSoftKeyBar() )
        m_NumKeys = SoftKeyBar()->numSoftKeys(); 
    Connect( this, SIGNAL( CloseRequested() ), this, SLOT( accept() ) );

    m_pTableWidget = new tTableWidget(0, m_DisplayColumns.count(), this);
    m_pTableWidget->setEditTriggers( QAbstractItemView::NoEditTriggers );
    m_pTableWidget->SetSoleFocus( true );
    m_pTableWidget->SetWrapping( true );

    if( tUiSettings::Instance()->ShowTouchToolTips() == true )
        m_pTableWidget->setToolTip( tr("Tap-and-hold for more options.") );
        m_pTableWidget->setToolTip( tr("Press %1 for more options.").arg(BUTTON_HTML(tNOSStyle::FP_ButtonImageMENU, "MENU")) ); 

    Connect( m_pTableWidget, SIGNAL( itemSelectionChanged() ), this, SLOT( SelectionChanged() ) );
    Connect( m_pTableWidget, SIGNAL( itemClicked( QTableWidgetItem* ) ), m_pDetailsAct, SLOT( trigger() ) );

    QHeaderView* pHeaderView = m_pTableWidget->horizontalHeader();
    // Prevents header bold font
    Connect( pHeaderView, SIGNAL( sectionClicked( int ) ), this, SLOT( SetSortOption( int ) ) );

    for(int i = 0; i < m_DisplayColumns.count(); i++)
        case addressColumn:
        case manufacturerColumn:
        case productCodeColumn:
        case busUsageColumn:
        case deviceInstanceColumn:
        case serialNumberColumn:
                pHeaderView->setResizeMode(i, QHeaderView::ResizeToContents);

        case modelIdColumn:
        case SwVersionColumn:
        case classFunctionColumn:
                pHeaderView->setResizeMode(i, QHeaderView::Stretch);

        case nameColumn:
                if( m_ShowNameColumn )
                    pHeaderView->setResizeMode(i, QHeaderView::Stretch);
                    pHeaderView->setResizeMode(i, QHeaderView::Fixed);
                    pHeaderView->resizeSection(i, 0); // hide it this way. (actual hide breaks sorting.)

    QStringList headings;
    for(int i = 0; i < m_DisplayColumns.count(); i++)
        headings << m_ColumnName[m_DisplayColumns[i]];

    QVBoxLayout* pVLayout = new QVBoxLayout;

    tNDP2k* pNDP2k = tGlobal<tNDP2k>::Instance();
    Connect(&pNDP2k->DeviceManager(), SIGNAL(DeviceListChanged(const tN2kName&)), this, SLOT(OnDeviceChanged(const tN2kName&)));

    /* Set the bus status on startup... */
        m_IsBusOff = true;
        m_IsBusOff = false;

    m_SelectedName = "";
    //NSW-7687 (Work around LGC-4k unreliable response to global request for address claim...)
    // - No longer required - since we no longer do a global request for address claim.
    // initial row selected in UpdateDeviceList, when we have some content

    //TODO: tNotificationAndStatusMonitor::Instance()->SetVesselShow(false);

    if ( tProductSettings::Instance().GetProductFamily() == tProductSettings::MedusaFamily )
        Connect( tApOperation::Instance(), SIGNAL( ApModeChanged(tPilotCommandInterface::tPilotMode) ), this, SLOT( OnApModeChanged(tPilotCommandInterface::tPilotMode) ) );
        OnApModeChanged( tApOperation::Instance()->GetApMode() ); // Init text

    if( tProductSettings::Instance().ScreenPixelWidth() < 480 )