Пример #1
inline B32 TestSphereTriangleIntersection(V3 center, F32 radius, const V3& a, const V3& b, const V3& c, V3 *peneterationVector) {
  V3 p = ClosestPointOnTriangle(center, a, b, c);
  V3 displacement = p - center;
  F32 distance = Magnitude(displacement);
  if (distance <= radius) {
    V3 direction = Normalize(displacement);
    F32 diff = radius - distance;
    *peneterationVector = direction * diff;
    return true;

  return false;
Пример #2
void Physics_Cloth::PyramidCollision(v3float _pyraPointA, v3float _pyraPointB, v3float _pyraPointC, v3float _pyraPointD)
	// Cycle through all particles
	for (int i = 0; i < m_particleCount; i++)
		v3float particlePos = *m_pParticles[i].GetPosition();

		// Starts the closest point as the position of the particle and the closest distance to infinity
		v3float closestPt = particlePos;
		float closestDist = FLT_MAX;

		// Declare extra variables
		v3float closestTriPoint;
		float dist;

		// Calculate the closest point on the first triangle and compare
		closestTriPoint = ClosestPointOnTriangle(particlePos, _pyraPointA, _pyraPointB, _pyraPointC);
		dist = pow((particlePos - closestTriPoint).Magnitude(), 2);
		if (dist < closestDist)
			// Save the new closest point and distance
			closestDist = dist;
			closestPt = closestTriPoint;

		// Calculate the closest point on the second triangle and compare
		closestTriPoint = ClosestPointOnTriangle(particlePos, _pyraPointA, _pyraPointC, _pyraPointD);
		dist = pow((particlePos - closestTriPoint).Magnitude(), 2);
		if (dist < closestDist)
			// Save the new closest point and distance
			closestDist = dist;
			closestPt = closestTriPoint;

		// Calculate the closest point on the third triangle and compare
		closestTriPoint = ClosestPointOnTriangle(particlePos, _pyraPointA, _pyraPointD, _pyraPointB);
		dist = pow((particlePos - closestTriPoint).Magnitude(), 2);
		if (dist < closestDist)
			// Save the new closest point and distance
			closestDist = dist;
			closestPt = closestTriPoint;

		// Calculate the closest point on the fourth triangle and compare
		closestTriPoint = ClosestPointOnTriangle(particlePos, _pyraPointB, _pyraPointD, _pyraPointC);
		dist = pow((particlePos - closestTriPoint).Magnitude(), 2);
		if (dist < closestDist)
			// Save the new closest point and distance
			closestDist = dist;
			closestPt = closestTriPoint;

		// If the point is outside all planes then the point is within the bounds of the pyramid
		if (	(PointOutsideOfPlane(particlePos, _pyraPointA, _pyraPointB, _pyraPointC) == true)
			&&	(PointOutsideOfPlane(particlePos, _pyraPointA, _pyraPointC, _pyraPointD) == true)
			&&	(PointOutsideOfPlane(particlePos, _pyraPointA, _pyraPointD, _pyraPointB) == true)
			&&	(PointOutsideOfPlane(particlePos, _pyraPointB, _pyraPointD, _pyraPointC) == true))
			// Move the particle outside the pyramid using the closest point 
			closestPt = closestPt + ((closestPt - particlePos).Normalise() * 0.5f);
			m_pParticles[i].SetPosition(closestPt, true);
			// Particle is not inside the pyramid
			v3float diff = particlePos - closestPt;
			dist = diff.Magnitude();
			// check if the particle is too close to the pyramid
			if (dist < 0.5f)
				// Move the particle a small distance from the pyramid
				closestPt = closestPt + ((particlePos - closestPt).Normalise() * 0.5f);
				m_pParticles[i].SetPosition(closestPt, true);