Пример #1
bool operator<( const CMP_LIBRARY& aItem1, const CMP_LIBRARY& aItem2 )
    /* The cache library always is sorted to the end of the library list. */
    if( aItem2.IsCache() )
        return true;

    if( aItem1.IsCache() )
        return false;

    // If the sort order array isn't set, then sort alphabetically except.
    if( CMP_LIBRARY::GetSortOrder().IsEmpty() )
        return Cmp_KEEPCASE( aItem1.GetName(), aItem2.GetName() ) < 0;

    int i1 = CMP_LIBRARY::GetSortOrder().Index( aItem1.GetName(), false );
    int i2 = CMP_LIBRARY::GetSortOrder().Index( aItem2.GetName(), false );

    if( i1 == wxNOT_FOUND && i2 == wxNOT_FOUND )
        return true;

    if( i1 == wxNOT_FOUND && i2 != wxNOT_FOUND )
        return false;

    if( i1 != wxNOT_FOUND && i2 == wxNOT_FOUND )
        return true;

    return ( i1 - i2 ) < 0;
Пример #2
void SCH_EDIT_FRAME::backAnnotateFootprints( const std::string& aChangedSetOfReferences )
    throw( IO_ERROR, boost::bad_pointer )
    // Build a flat list of components in schematic:
    SCH_SHEET_LIST      sheets( g_RootSheet );
    bool                isChanged = false;

    sheets.GetComponents( Prj().SchLibs(), refs, false );

    DSNLEXER    lexer( aChangedSetOfReferences, FROM_UTF8( __func__ ) );
    PTREE       doc;

        Scan( &doc, &lexer );

#if defined(DEBUG) && 0
        Format( &sf, 0, 0, doc );
        printf( "%s: '%s'\n", __func__, sf.GetString().c_str() );

        CPTREE& back_anno = doc.get_child( "back_annotation" );
        wxString footprint;

        for( PTREE::const_iterator ref = back_anno.begin();  ref != back_anno.end();  ++ref )
            wxASSERT( ref->first == "ref" );

            wxString reference = (UTF8&) ref->second.front().first;

            // Ensure the "fpid" node contains a footprint name,
            // and get it if exists
            if( ref->second.get_child( "fpid" ).size() )
                wxString tmp = (UTF8&) ref->second.get_child( "fpid" ).front().first;
                footprint = tmp;

            // DBG( printf( "%s: ref:%s  fpid:%s\n", __func__, TO_UTF8( reference ), TO_UTF8( footprint ) ); )

            // Search the component in the flat list
            for( unsigned ii = 0;  ii < refs.GetCount();  ++ii )
                if( Cmp_KEEPCASE( reference, refs[ii].GetRef() ) == 0 )
                    // We have found a candidate.
                    // Note: it can be not unique (multiple parts per package)
                    // So we *do not* stop the search here
                    SCH_COMPONENT*  component = refs[ii].GetComp();
                    SCH_FIELD*      fpfield   = component->GetField( FOOTPRINT );
                    const wxString& oldfp = fpfield->GetText();

                    if( !oldfp && fpfield->IsVisible() )
                        fpfield->SetVisible( false );

                    // DBG( printf("%s: ref:%s  fpid:%s\n", __func__, TO_UTF8( refs[ii].GetRef() ), TO_UTF8( footprint ) );)
                    if( oldfp != footprint )
                        isChanged = true;

                    fpfield->SetText( footprint );
    catch( const PTREE_ERROR& ex )
        // remap the exception to something the caller is likely to understand.
        THROW_IO_ERROR( ex.what() );

    if( isChanged )
Пример #3
bool SCH_EDIT_FRAME::ProcessCmpToFootprintLinkFile( const wxString& aFullFilename,
                                                    bool aForceVisibilityState,
                                                    bool aVisibilityState )
    // Build a flat list of components in schematic:
    SCH_REFERENCE_LIST  referencesList;
    SCH_SHEET_LIST      sheetList( g_RootSheet );

    sheetList.GetComponents( Prj().SchLibs(), referencesList, false );

    FILE* cmpFile = wxFopen( aFullFilename, wxT( "rt" ) );

    if( cmpFile == NULL )
        return false;

    // cmpFileReader dtor will close cmpFile
    FILE_LINE_READER cmpFileReader( cmpFile, aFullFilename );

    // Now, for each component found in file,
    // replace footprint field value by the new value:
    wxString reference;
    wxString footprint;
    wxString buffer;
    wxString value;

    while( cmpFileReader.ReadLine() )
        buffer = FROM_UTF8( cmpFileReader.Line() );

        if( !buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "BeginCmp" ) ) )

        // Begin component description.

        while( cmpFileReader.ReadLine() )
            buffer = FROM_UTF8( cmpFileReader.Line() );

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "EndCmp" ) ) )

            // store string value, stored between '=' and ';' delimiters.
            value = buffer.AfterFirst( '=' );
            value = value.BeforeLast( ';' );

            if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "Reference" ) ) )
                reference = value;
            else if( buffer.StartsWith( wxT( "IdModule" ) ) )
                footprint = value;

        // A block is read: initialize the footprint field of the corresponding component
        // if the footprint name is not empty
        if( reference.IsEmpty() )

        // Search the component in the flat list
        for( unsigned ii = 0;  ii < referencesList.GetCount();  ii++ )
            if( Cmp_KEEPCASE( reference, referencesList[ii].GetRef() ) == 0 )
                // We have found a candidate.
                // Note: it can be not unique (multiple units per part)
                // So we *do not* stop the search here
                SCH_COMPONENT*  component = referencesList[ii].GetComp();
                SCH_FIELD*      fpfield = component->GetField( FOOTPRINT );

                fpfield->SetText( footprint );

                if( aForceVisibilityState )
                    component->GetField( FOOTPRINT )->SetVisible( aVisibilityState );

    return true;
Пример #4
bool operator==( const CMP_LIBRARY& aLibrary, const wxString& aName )
    // See our header class_libentry.h for function Cmp_KEEPCASE().
    return Cmp_KEEPCASE( aLibrary.GetName(), aName ) == 0;