Пример #1
void Style::CreateDefaultStyle(hStyle h) {
    bool isDefaultStyle = true;
    const Default *d;
    for(d = &(Defaults[0]); d->h.v; d++) {
        if(d->h.v == h.v) break;
    if(!d->h.v) {
        // Not a default style; so just create it the same as our default
        // active group entity style.
        d = &(Defaults[0]);
        isDefaultStyle = false;

    Style ns;
    ns.color        = CnfThawColor(d->color, CnfColor(d->cnfPrefix));
    ns.width        = CnfThawFloat((float)(d->width), CnfWidth(d->cnfPrefix));
    ns.widthAs      = UNITS_AS_PIXELS;
    ns.textHeight   = DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT;
    ns.textHeightAs = UNITS_AS_PIXELS;
    ns.textOrigin   = 0;
    ns.textAngle    = 0;
    ns.visible      = true;
    ns.exportable   = true;
    ns.filled       = false;
    ns.fillColor    = RGBf(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
    ns.h            = h;
    if(isDefaultStyle) {
    } else {

Пример #2
void Style::FillDefaultStyle(Style *s, const Default *d, bool factory) {
    if(d == NULL) d = &Defaults[0];
    s->color         = (factory) ? d->color : CnfThawColor(d->color, CnfColor(d->cnfPrefix));
    s->width         = (factory) ? d->width : CnfThawFloat((float)(d->width), CnfWidth(d->cnfPrefix));
    s->widthAs       = UnitsAs::PIXELS;
    s->textHeight    = (factory) ? DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT
                                 : CnfThawFloat(DEFAULT_TEXT_HEIGHT, CnfTextHeight(d->cnfPrefix));
    s->textHeightAs  = UnitsAs::PIXELS;
    s->textOrigin    = TextOrigin::NONE;
    s->textAngle     = 0;
    s->visible       = true;
    s->exportable    = true;
    s->filled        = false;
    s->fillColor     = RGBf(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
    s->stippleType   = (d->h.v == Style::HIDDEN_EDGE) ? StipplePattern::DASH
                                                      : StipplePattern::CONTINUOUS;
    s->stippleScale  = 15.0;
    s->zIndex        = d->zIndex;
Пример #3
void SolveSpaceUI::Init() {
    SS.tangentArcRadius = 10.0;

    // Then, load the registry settings.
    int i;
    // Default list of colors for the model material
    modelColor[0] = CnfThawColor(RGBi(150, 150, 150), "ModelColor_0");
    modelColor[1] = CnfThawColor(RGBi(100, 100, 100), "ModelColor_1");
    modelColor[2] = CnfThawColor(RGBi( 30,  30,  30), "ModelColor_2");
    modelColor[3] = CnfThawColor(RGBi(150,   0,   0), "ModelColor_3");
    modelColor[4] = CnfThawColor(RGBi(  0, 100,   0), "ModelColor_4");
    modelColor[5] = CnfThawColor(RGBi(  0,  80,  80), "ModelColor_5");
    modelColor[6] = CnfThawColor(RGBi(  0,   0, 130), "ModelColor_6");
    modelColor[7] = CnfThawColor(RGBi( 80,   0,  80), "ModelColor_7");
    // Light intensities
    lightIntensity[0] = CnfThawFloat(1.0f, "LightIntensity_0");
    lightIntensity[1] = CnfThawFloat(0.5f, "LightIntensity_1");
    ambientIntensity = 0.3; // no setting for that yet
    // Light positions
    lightDir[0].x = CnfThawFloat(-1.0f, "LightDir_0_Right"     );
    lightDir[0].y = CnfThawFloat( 1.0f, "LightDir_0_Up"        );
    lightDir[0].z = CnfThawFloat( 0.0f, "LightDir_0_Forward"   );
    lightDir[1].x = CnfThawFloat( 1.0f, "LightDir_1_Right"     );
    lightDir[1].y = CnfThawFloat( 0.0f, "LightDir_1_Up"        );
    lightDir[1].z = CnfThawFloat( 0.0f, "LightDir_1_Forward"   );

    exportMode = false;
    // Chord tolerance
    chordTol = CnfThawFloat(0.5f, "ChordTolerancePct");
    // Max pwl segments to generate
    maxSegments = CnfThawInt(10, "MaxSegments");
    // Chord tolerance
    exportChordTol = CnfThawFloat(0.1f, "ExportChordTolerance");
    // Max pwl segments to generate
    exportMaxSegments = CnfThawInt(64, "ExportMaxSegments");
    // View units
    viewUnits = (Unit)CnfThawInt((uint32_t)UNIT_MM, "ViewUnits");
    // Number of digits after the decimal point
    afterDecimalMm = CnfThawInt(2, "AfterDecimalMm");
    afterDecimalInch = CnfThawInt(3, "AfterDecimalInch");
    // Camera tangent (determines perspective)
    cameraTangent = CnfThawFloat(0.3f/1e3f, "CameraTangent");
    // Grid spacing
    gridSpacing = CnfThawFloat(5.0f, "GridSpacing");
    // Export scale factor
    exportScale = CnfThawFloat(1.0f, "ExportScale");
    // Export offset (cutter radius comp)
    exportOffset = CnfThawFloat(0.0f, "ExportOffset");
    // Rewrite exported colors close to white into black (assuming white bg)
    fixExportColors = CnfThawBool(true, "FixExportColors");
    // Draw back faces of triangles (when mesh is leaky/self-intersecting)
    drawBackFaces = CnfThawBool(true, "DrawBackFaces");
    // Check that contours are closed and not self-intersecting
    checkClosedContour = CnfThawBool(true, "CheckClosedContour");
    // Export shaded triangles in a 2d view
    exportShadedTriangles = CnfThawBool(true, "ExportShadedTriangles");
    // Export pwl curves (instead of exact) always
    exportPwlCurves = CnfThawBool(false, "ExportPwlCurves");
    // Background color on-screen
    backgroundColor = CnfThawColor(RGBi(0, 0, 0), "BackgroundColor");
    // Whether export canvas size is fixed or derived from bbox
    exportCanvasSizeAuto = CnfThawBool(true, "ExportCanvasSizeAuto");
    // Margins for automatic canvas size
    exportMargin.left   = CnfThawFloat(5.0f, "ExportMargin_Left");
    exportMargin.right  = CnfThawFloat(5.0f, "ExportMargin_Right");
    exportMargin.bottom = CnfThawFloat(5.0f, "ExportMargin_Bottom");
    exportMargin.top    = CnfThawFloat(5.0f, "ExportMargin_Top");
    // Dimensions for fixed canvas size
    exportCanvas.width  = CnfThawFloat(100.0f, "ExportCanvas_Width");
    exportCanvas.height = CnfThawFloat(100.0f, "ExportCanvas_Height");
    exportCanvas.dx     = CnfThawFloat(  5.0f, "ExportCanvas_Dx");
    exportCanvas.dy     = CnfThawFloat(  5.0f, "ExportCanvas_Dy");
    // Extra parameters when exporting G code
    gCode.depth         = CnfThawFloat(10.0f, "GCode_Depth");
    gCode.passes        = CnfThawInt(1, "GCode_Passes");
    gCode.feed          = CnfThawFloat(10.0f, "GCode_Feed");
    gCode.plungeFeed    = CnfThawFloat(10.0f, "GCode_PlungeFeed");
    // Show toolbar in the graphics window
    showToolbar = CnfThawBool(true, "ShowToolbar");
    // Recent files menus
    for(i = 0; i < MAX_RECENT; i++) {
        RecentFile[i] = CnfThawString("", "RecentFile_" + std::to_string(i));
    // Autosave timer
    autosaveInterval = CnfThawInt(5, "AutosaveInterval");

    // The default styles (colors, line widths, etc.) are also stored in the
    // configuration file, but we will automatically load those as we need
    // them.

