Пример #1
avtLCSFilter::RectilinearGridIterativeCalc( std::vector<avtIntegralCurve*> &ics )
    //algorithm sends index to global datastructure as well as end points.
    //Send List of index into global array to rank 0
    //Send end positions into global array to rank 0

    size_t nics = ics.size();

    //loop over all the intelgral curves and add it back to the
    //original list of seeds.
    intVector indices(nics);
    doubleVector points(nics*3);
    doubleVector times(nics);

    for(size_t i=0, j=0; i<nics; ++i, j+=3)
        avtStreamlineIC * ic = (avtStreamlineIC *) ics[i];

        indices[i] = ic->id;
        avtVector point = ic->GetEndPoint();

        points[j+0] = point[0];
        points[j+1] = point[1];
        points[j+2] = point[2];

        if( doPathlines )
          times[i] = ic->GetTime() - seedTime0;
          times[i] = ic->GetTime();

    int* all_indices = 0;
    int* index_counts = 0;

    double* all_points = 0;
    int *point_counts = 0;

    double* all_times = 0;
    int *time_counts = 0;


    CollectIntArraysOnRootProc(all_indices, index_counts,
                               &indices.front(), (int)indices.size());

    CollectDoubleArraysOnRootProc(all_points, point_counts,
                                  &points.front(), (int)points.size());

    CollectDoubleArraysOnRootProc(all_times, time_counts,
                                  &times.front(), (int)times.size());


    //root should now have index into global structure and all
    //matching end positions.
    if(PAR_Rank() != 0)
        return true;
        //variable name.
        std::string var = outVarRoot + outVarName;

        //now global grid has been created.
        if( fsle_ds == 0 )
          fsle_ds = CreateIterativeCalcDataSet();

        // Get the stored data arrays
        vtkDoubleArray *exponents = (vtkDoubleArray *)
        vtkDoubleArray *component = (vtkDoubleArray *)
        vtkDoubleArray *times = (vtkDoubleArray *)

        size_t nTuples = exponents->GetNumberOfTuples();

        // Storage for the points and times
        std::vector<avtVector> remapPoints(nTuples);
        std::vector<double> remapTimes(nTuples);

        //update remapPoints with new value bounds from integral curves.
        int par_size = PAR_Size();
        size_t total = 0;
        for(int i = 0; i < par_size; ++i)
            if(index_counts[i]*3 != point_counts[i] ||
               index_counts[i]   != time_counts[i])
                         "Index count does not the result count." );

            total += index_counts[i];

        for(size_t j=0, k=0; j<total; ++j, k+=3)
            size_t index = all_indices[j];

            if(nTuples <= index)
                         "More integral curves were generatated than "
                         "grid points." );

            remapPoints[index].set( all_points[k+0],

            remapTimes[index] = all_times[j];

        // Store the times for the exponent.
        for(size_t l=0; l<nTuples; ++l)
          times->SetTuple1(l, remapTimes[l]);

        //use static function in avtGradientExpression to calculate
        //gradients.  since this function only does scalar, break our
        //vectors into scalar components and calculate one at a time.

        vtkDataArray* jacobian[3];

        for(int i = 0; i < 3; ++i)
            // Store the point component by component
            for(size_t l=0; l<nTuples; ++l)
                component->SetTuple1(l, remapPoints[l][i]);

            jacobian[i] =
              avtGradientExpression::CalculateGradient(fsle_ds, "component");

        for (size_t i = 0; i < nTuples; i++)
          component->SetTuple1(i, std::numeric_limits<double>::epsilon());

        //now have the jacobian - 3 arrays with 3 components.
        ComputeLyapunovExponent(jacobian, component);
        // Compute the FSLE
        ComputeFSLE( component, times, exponents );

        bool haveAllExponents = true;

        // For each integral curve check it's mask value to see it
        // additional integration is required.

        // ARS - FIX ME not parallelized!!!!!!!!
        for(size_t i=0; i<ics.size(); ++i)
          avtStreamlineIC * ic = (avtStreamlineIC *) ics[i];

          int ms = ic->GetMaxSteps();

          if( ms < maxSteps )

          size_t l = ic->id; // The curve id is the index into the VTK data.

          // Check to see if all exponents have been found.
          if( exponents->GetTuple1(l) == std::numeric_limits<double>::min() &&
              ms < maxSteps )
            haveAllExponents = false;

        if (all_indices)   delete [] all_indices;
        if (index_counts)  delete [] index_counts;

        if (all_points)    delete [] all_points;
        if (point_counts)  delete [] point_counts;

        if (all_times)    delete [] all_times;
        if (time_counts)  delete [] time_counts;

        return haveAllExponents;
    if (ParallelizingOverTime())
        double *totalQRes;
        int    *qResMsgs;
        CollectDoubleArraysOnRootProc(totalQRes, qResMsgs,
                                      &(qRes[0]), qRes.size());
        double *totalTimes;
        int    *timesMsgs;
        CollectDoubleArraysOnRootProc(totalTimes, timesMsgs,
                                      &(times[0]), times.size());
        if (PAR_Rank() == 0)
            int i;
            int nResults = 0;
            int maxIterations = 0;
            for (i = 0 ; i < PAR_Size() ; i++)
                nResults += timesMsgs[i];
                maxIterations = (timesMsgs[i] > maxIterations ? timesMsgs[i]
                                 : maxIterations);

            std::vector<double> finalQRes(nResults, 0.);
            std::vector<double> finalTimes(nResults, 0.);
            int index = 0;
            for (int j = 0 ; j < maxIterations ; j++)
                int loc = 0;
                for (i = 0 ; i < PAR_Size() ; i++)
                    if (timesMsgs[i] > j)
                        finalQRes[index]  = totalQRes[loc+j];
                        finalTimes[index] = totalTimes[loc+j];
                    loc += timesMsgs[i];
            qRes = finalQRes;
            times = finalTimes;
            delete [] totalQRes;
            delete [] qResMsgs;
            delete [] totalTimes;
            delete [] timesMsgs;
            SetOutputDataTree(new avtDataTree());
            finalOutputCreated = true;

    if (qRes.size() == 0)
        debug4 << "Query failed at all timesteps" << endl;
        avtCallback::IssueWarning("Query failed at all timesteps");
        avtDataTree_p dummy = new avtDataTree();
    if (useTimeForXAxis && qRes.size()/nResultsToStore != times.size())
        debug4 << "QueryOverTime ERROR, number of results ("
               << qRes.size() << ") does not equal number "
               << "of timesteps (" << times.size() << ")." << endl;
            "\nQueryOverTime error, number of results does not equal "
            "number of timestates.  Curve being created may be missing "
            "some values.  Please contact a VisIt developer.");
    else if (nResultsToStore > 1 && qRes.size() % nResultsToStore != 0)
        debug4 << "QueryOverTime ERROR, number of results ("
               << qRes.size() << ") is not a multiple of " << nResultsToStore
               << "and therefore cannot generate x,y pairs." << endl;
            "\nQueryOverTime error, number of results is incorrect.  "
            "Curve being created may be missing some values.  "
            "Please contact a VisIt developer.");
    if (skippedTimes.size() != 0)
        std::ostringstream osm;
        osm << "\nQueryOverTime (" << atts.GetQueryAtts().GetName().c_str()
            << ") experienced\n"
            << "problems with the following timesteps and \n"
            << "skipped them while generating the curve:\n   ";

        for (int j = 0; j < skippedTimes.size(); j++)
            osm << skippedTimes[j] << " ";
        osm << "\nLast message received: " << errorMessage.c_str() << ends;
        debug4 << osm.str() << endl;

    stringVector vars = atts.GetQueryAtts().GetVariables();
    bool multiCurve = false;
    if (atts.GetQueryAtts().GetQueryInputParams().HasNumericEntry("curve_plot_type"))
        multiCurve = (atts.GetQueryAtts().GetQueryInputParams().GetEntry("curve_plot_type")->ToInt() == 1);
    avtDataTree_p tree = CreateTree(times, qRes, vars, multiCurve);
    finalOutputCreated = true;