Пример #1
// Init, shutdown
bool CHLModelViewerApp::PreInit( )
	CreateInterfaceFn factory = GetFactory();
	ConnectTier1Libraries( &factory, 1 );
	ConVar_Register( 0 );

	MathLib_Init( 2.2f, 2.2f, 0.0f, 2.0f, false, false, false, false );

	// Add paths...
	if ( !SetupSearchPaths( NULL, false, true ) )
		return false;

	// Get the adapter from the command line....
	const char *pAdapterString;
	int nAdapter = 0;
	if (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-adapter", &pAdapterString ))
		nAdapter = atoi( pAdapterString );

	int nAdapterFlags = 0;
	if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-ref" ) )

	g_pMaterialSystem->SetAdapter( nAdapter, nAdapterFlags );

	if ( !g_pFileSystem->IsSteam() || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-OldDialogs" ) )
		g_bOldFileDialogs = true;

	return true; 
Пример #2
int GetDefaultDepthFeatheringValue( void ) //Allow the command-line to go against the default soft-particle value
	static int iRetVal = -1;

	if ( iRetVal == -1 )
			if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-softparticlesdefaultoff" ) )
				iRetVal = 0;
				iRetVal = 1;
			if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-softparticlesdefaulton" ) )
				iRetVal = 1;
				iRetVal = 0;

	return iRetVal;
Пример #3
// Init, shutdown
bool CVMTEditApp::PreInit( IAppSystemGroup *pAppSystemGroup )
	// initialize interfaces
	CreateInterfaceFn appFactory = pAppSystemGroup->GetFactory(); 
	if (!vgui::VGui_InitInterfacesList( "VMTEDIT", &appFactory, 1 ))
		return false;

	g_pMatSystemSurface = (IMatSystemSurface *)pAppSystemGroup->FindSystem(MAT_SYSTEM_SURFACE_INTERFACE_VERSION);

	char *pArg;
	int iWidth = 1024;
	int iHeight = 768;
	bool bWindowed = (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-fullscreen" ) == NULL);
	if (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-width", &pArg ))
		iWidth = atoi( pArg );
	if (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-height", &pArg ))
		iHeight = atoi( pArg );

	if (!CreateAppWindow( "VMTEdit", bWindowed, iWidth, iHeight ))
		return false;

	g_pMatSystemSurface->AttachToWindow( m_HWnd );

	// NOTE: If we specifically wanted to use a particular shader DLL, we set it here...
	//g_pMaterialSystem->SetShader( "shaderapidx8" );
	return true; 
Пример #4
// Returns the name of the file system DLL to use
FSReturnCode_t FileSystem_GetFileSystemDLLName( char *pFileSystemDLL, int nMaxLen, bool &bSteam )
	bSteam = false;

	// Inside of here, we don't have a filesystem yet, so we have to assume that the filesystem_stdio or filesystem_steam
	// is in this same directory with us.
	char executablePath[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !FileSystem_GetExecutableDir( executablePath, sizeof( executablePath ) )	)
		return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_GetExecutableDir failed." );
#if defined( _WIN32 )
	Q_snprintf( pFileSystemDLL, nMaxLen, "%s%cfilesystem_stdio.dll", executablePath, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
#elif defined( POSIX )
	Q_snprintf( pFileSystemDLL, nMaxLen, "%s%cfilesystem_stdio", executablePath, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
	struct stat statBuf;
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-steam" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-steamlocal" ) || stat( pFileSystemDLL, &statBuf ) != 0 )
		Q_snprintf( pFileSystemDLL, nMaxLen, "%s%cfilesystem_steam.dylib", executablePath, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
		bSteam = true;

	#error "define a filesystem dll name"

	return FS_OK;
// Returns the name of the file system DLL to use
FSReturnCode_t FileSystem_GetFileSystemDLLName( char *pFileSystemDLL, int nMaxLen, bool &bSteam )
	bSteam = false;

	// Inside of here, we don't have a filesystem yet, so we have to assume that the filesystem_stdio or filesystem_steam
	// is in this same directory with us.
	char executablePath[MAX_PATH];
	if ( !FileSystem_GetExecutableDir( executablePath, sizeof( executablePath ) )	)
		return SetupFileSystemError( false, FS_INVALID_PARAMETERS, "FileSystem_GetExecutableDir failed." );
#if defined( _WIN32 ) && !defined( _X360 )
	// If filesystem_stdio.dll is missing or -steam is specified, then load filesystem_steam.dll.
	// There are two command line parameters for Steam:
	//		1) -steam (runs Steam in remote filesystem mode; requires Steam backend)
	//		2) -steamlocal (runs Steam in local filesystem mode (all content off HDD)
	Q_snprintf( pFileSystemDLL, nMaxLen, "%s%cfilesystem_stdio.dll", executablePath, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-steam" ) || CommandLine()->FindParm( "-steamlocal" ) || _access( pFileSystemDLL, 0 ) != 0 )
		Q_snprintf( pFileSystemDLL, nMaxLen, "%s%cfilesystem_steam.dll", executablePath, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
		bSteam = true;
#elif defined( _X360 )
	Q_snprintf( pFileSystemDLL, nMaxLen, "%s%cfilesystem_stdio.dll", executablePath, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
#elif defined( _LINUX )
	Q_snprintf( pFileSystemDLL, nMaxLen, "%s%cfilesystem_i486.so", executablePath, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
	#error "define a filesystem dll name"

	return FS_OK;
Пример #6
// PreInit, PostShutdown
bool CInputTestApp::PreInit( )
	if ( !BaseClass::PreInit() )
		return false;

	if (!g_pFullFileSystem || !g_pInputSystem )
		return false;

	// Add paths...
	if ( !SetupSearchPaths() )
		return false;

	const char *pArg;
	int iWidth = 1024;
	int iHeight = 768;
	bool bWindowed = (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-fullscreen" ) == NULL);
	if (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-width", &pArg ))
		iWidth = atoi( pArg );
	if (CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-height", &pArg ))
		iHeight = atoi( pArg );

	if (!CreateAppWindow( "InputTest", bWindowed, iWidth, iHeight ))
		return false;

	g_pInputSystem->AttachToWindow( m_HWnd );
	return true;
// Purpose: called when the plugin is loaded, load the interface we need from the engine
bool CEmptyServerPlugin::Load(	CreateInterfaceFn interfaceFactory, CreateInterfaceFn gameServerFactory )
	//ConnectTier1Libraries( &interfaceFactory, 1 );

	pEngine = (IVEngineServer*)interfaceFactory(INTERFACEVERSION_VENGINESERVER, NULL);

	if (!pEngine){
		Warning( "Unable to load IVEngineServer, aborting load\n" );
		return false;

	// assuming that the value of host_timer_spin_ms is 0 by any server configs
	if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "+host_timer_spin_ms" ) )
		m_bCommandPresent = 1;
		m_iDefaultValue = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "+host_timer_spin_ms", 0 );
		if ( m_iDefaultValue < 0 )
			m_iDefaultValue = 0;
		else if ( m_iDefaultValue > 15 )
			m_iDefaultValue = 15;	// god knows who would do this (idiots)
		CommandLine()->RemoveParm( "+host_timer_spin_ms" );

	//pEngine->ServerCommand( "con_logfile autotimer.log\n" );

	//ConVar_Register( 0 );
	return true;
// Purpose: 
// Input  : argc - 
//			argv[] - 
// Output : int
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
	SpewOutputFunc( SpewFunc );

	Msg( "Valve Software - vcprojtomake.exe (%s)\n", __DATE__ );
	Msg( "Modified for VS2010 Support by Killer Monkey\n" );
	Msg( "<*****@*****.**>\n" );
	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );

	if ( CommandLine()->ParmCount() < 2)
		return 0;

	CVCProjConvert proj;
	if ( !proj.LoadProject( CommandLine()->GetParm( 1 )) )
		Msg( "Failed to parse project\n" );
		return -1;


	CMakefileCreator makefile;
	makefile.CreateMakefiles( proj );
	return 0;
Пример #9
// Purpose: Handles there being an error setting up the video mode
// Output : Returns true on if the engine should restart, false if it should quit
InitReturnVal_t CEngineAPI::HandleSetModeError()
	// show an error, see if the user wants to restart
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-safe" ) )
		Sys_MessageBox( "Failed to set video mode.\n\nThis game has a minimum requirement of DirectX 7.0 compatible hardware.\n", "Video mode error", false );
		return INIT_FAILED;
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-autoconfig" ) )
		if ( Sys_MessageBox( "Failed to set video mode - falling back to safe mode settings.\n\nGame will now restart with the new video settings.", "Video - safe mode fallback", true ))
			CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-safe", NULL );
			return (InitReturnVal_t)INIT_RESTART;
		return INIT_FAILED;

	if ( Sys_MessageBox( "Failed to set video mode - resetting to defaults.\n\nGame will now restart with the new video settings.", "Video mode warning", true ) )
		CommandLine()->AppendParm( "-autoconfig", NULL );
		return (InitReturnVal_t)INIT_RESTART;

	return INIT_FAILED;
Пример #10
// Tests the process.cpp stuff
int main( int argc, char **argv )
	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );

	float flDelay = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-delay", 0.0f );
	const char *pEndMessage = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-message", "Test Finished!\n" );
	int nEndExtraBytes = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-extrabytes", 0 );

	if ( flDelay > 0.0f )
		float t = Plat_FloatTime();
		while ( Plat_FloatTime() - t < flDelay )

	Msg( pEndMessage );

	if ( nEndExtraBytes )
		while( --nEndExtraBytes >= 0 )
			Msg( "%c", ( nEndExtraBytes % 10 ) + '0' );

	return 0;
Пример #11
	// FIXME, this is BS
	bool IsExternalBuild()
		if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-publicbuild" ) )
			return true;

		if ( !CommandLine()->FindParm( "-internalbuild" ) && 
			 !CommandLine()->CheckParm("-dev") )
			return true;

		// It's an external build...
		if ( m_bPhoneHome )
			if ( !Q_stricmp( m_szBuildIdentifier, "beta-playtest" ) )
				// Still internal
				return false;
			return true;
		return false;
Пример #12
bool CTextConsoleUnix::Init( )
	static struct termios termNew;
	sigset_t block_ttou;

	sigemptyset (&block_ttou);
	sigaddset (&block_ttou, SIGTTOU);
	sigprocmask (SIG_BLOCK, &block_ttou, NULL);

	tty = stdout;
	// this code is for echo-ing key presses to the connected tty
	// (which is != STDOUT) 
	if ( isatty(STDIN_FILENO) )
		tty = fopen( ctermid( NULL ), "w+" );	
		if ( !tty )
			printf("Unable to open tty(%s) for output\n", ctermid( NULL ) );
			tty = stdout;
			setbuf( tty, NULL ); // turn buffering off
		tty = fopen( "/dev/null", "w+" );
		if ( !tty )
			tty = stdout;

	tcgetattr( STDIN_FILENO, &termStored );

	memcpy( &termNew, &termStored, sizeof( struct termios ) );

	/* Disable canonical mode, and set buffer size to 1 byte */
	termNew.c_lflag &= ( ~ICANON );
	termNew.c_cc[ VMIN ] = 1;
	termNew.c_cc[ VTIME ] = 0;

	/* disable echo */
	termNew.c_lflag &= ( ~ECHO );

	tcsetattr( STDIN_FILENO, TCSANOW, &termNew );
	sigprocmask (SIG_UNBLOCK, &block_ttou, NULL);

	m_bConDebug = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-condebug" ) != 0;
	if ( m_bConDebug && CommandLine()->FindParm( "-conclearlog" ) )
		g_pFullFileSystem->RemoveFile( CONSOLE_LOG_FILE, "GAME" );

	return CTextConsole::Init();
Пример #13
	virtual void Message( byte msgtype, char const *mapname )
		if ( !m_bPhoneHome )

		if ( !m_pSocket )

		switch ( msgtype )
			if ( !RequestSessionId( m_uSessionID ) )
			// Note we always return here!!!
				if ( m_bLevelStarted )

				m_bLevelStarted = true;

				// Tracker 22394:  Don't send map start/finish when building reslists...
				if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-makereslists" ) )
				if ( !m_bLevelStarted )

				m_bLevelStarted = false;

				// Tracker 22394:  Don't send map start/finish when building reslists...
				if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-makereslists" ) )

		SendSessionMessage( msgtype, mapname );
Пример #14
static CommandLine get_variant_object( const QVariantMap& m )
    QString command = CalamaresUtils::getString( m, "command" );
    int timeout = CalamaresUtils::getInteger( m, "timeout", CommandLine::TimeoutNotSet );

    if ( !command.isEmpty() )
        return CommandLine( command, timeout );
    cWarning() << "Bad CommandLine element" << m;
    return CommandLine();
Пример #15
// Purpose: One-time initialization
void CInput::Init_Mouse (void)
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-nomouse" ) ) 

	m_flPreviousMouseXPosition = 0.0f;
	m_flPreviousMouseYPosition = 0.0f;
	m_fMouseInitialized = true;

	m_fMouseParmsValid = false;

	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm ("-useforcedmparms" ) ) 
#ifdef WIN32
		m_fMouseParmsValid = SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETMOUSE, 0, m_rgOrigMouseParms, 0 ) ? true : false;
		m_fMouseParmsValid = false;
		if ( m_fMouseParmsValid )
			if ( CommandLine()->FindParm ("-noforcemspd" ) ) 
				m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ] = m_rgOrigMouseParms[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ];

				int mouseAccel[3];
				SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETMOUSE, 0, &mouseAccel, 0); mouseAccel[2] = 0; 
				bool ok = SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, &mouseAccel, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); 
				// Now check registry and close/re-open Control Panel > Mouse and see 'Enhance pointer precision' is OFF 
				mouseAccel[2] = 1; 
				ok = SystemParametersInfo(SPI_SETMOUSE, 0, &mouseAccel, SPIF_UPDATEINIFILE); 
				// Now check registry and close/re-open Control Panel > Mouse and see 'Enhance pointer precision' is ON
				m_rgCheckMouseParam[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ] = 1;

			if ( CommandLine()->FindParm ("-noforcemaccel" ) ) 
				m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ] = m_rgOrigMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ];
				m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ] = m_rgOrigMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ];
				m_rgCheckMouseParam[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ] = true;
				m_rgCheckMouseParam[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ] = true;
Пример #16
// app started, must check for update/install requests
// returns true if app must continue execution, false otherwise
bool Updater::DO_NormalRun(void)
	// we now check if we just want to uninstall app
	// it can be done by command line --UNINSTALL option
	if(CommandLine().GetCount() && CommandLine()[0] == "--UNINSTALL")
		return START_Uninstall();
	// if app not installed, we shall install it
	// (if any available version is present on server....)
		// fetch available application versions
		ProductVersions versions = FetchVersions();
		// if versions present on server, install latest
			return START_Install();
		// otherwise resume execution -- it's an uninstalled run
			return true;
	// not installing nor uninstalling
	// we shall check which kind of update is enabled
	String updateMode;
	if(!FileExists(AppendFileName(userConfigPath, "UPDATER_MODE")))
		updateMode = "ASK";
		SaveFile(AppendFileName(userConfigPath, "UPDATER_MODE"), updateMode);
		updateMode = LoadFile(AppendFileName(userConfigPath, "UPDATER_MODE"));

	// if updates are disabled, just do nothing
	if(updateMode == "DISABLED")
		return true;
	// if we don't have a new version available, just do nothing
	ProductVersion maxVer;
	if( (maxVer = FetchMaxValidVersion(acceptDevelVersions)) <= installedVersion)
		return true;
	// if we want manual updates, just ask
	if(updateMode == "ASK")
		if(!PromptYesNo(Format(t_("New version '%s' is available&Install it ?"), maxVer.ToString())))
			return true;
	// updater enabled, start it
	// if update failed, resume normal run, otherwise exit
	// as the app will be launched again by updater itself
	return START_Update();
Пример #17
// Create all singleton systems
bool CHLModelViewerApp::Create()
	SpewOutputFunc( HLMVSpewFunc );

	g_dxlevel = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-dx", 0 );
	g_bOldFileDialogs = ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-olddialogs" ) != 0 );

	AppSystemInfo_t appSystems[] = 
		{ "materialsystem.dll",		MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "studiorender.dll",		STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "vphysics.dll",			VPHYSICS_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "datacache.dll",			DATACACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "datacache.dll",			MDLCACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "soundemittersystem.dll",	SOUNDEMITTERSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION },
		{ "soundsystem.dll",		SOUNDSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION },

		{ "", "" }	// Required to terminate the list

	if ( !AddSystems( appSystems ) ) 
		return false;

	g_pFileSystem = (IFileSystem*)FindSystem( FILESYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pMaterialSystem = (IMaterialSystem*)FindSystem( MATERIAL_SYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig = (IMaterialSystemHardwareConfig*)FindSystem( MATERIALSYSTEM_HARDWARECONFIG_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pStudioRender = (IStudioRender*)FindSystem( STUDIO_RENDER_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pDataCache = (IDataCache*)FindSystem( DATACACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pStudioDataCache = (IStudioDataCache*)FindSystem( STUDIO_DATA_CACHE_INTERFACE_VERSION ); 
	physcollision = (IPhysicsCollision *)FindSystem( VPHYSICS_COLLISION_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	physprop = (IPhysicsSurfaceProps *)FindSystem( VPHYSICS_SURFACEPROPS_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pSoundEmitterBase = (ISoundEmitterSystemBase *)FindSystem( SOUNDEMITTERSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION );
	g_pSoundSystem = (ISoundSystem *)FindSystem( SOUNDSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION );

	if ( !g_pFileSystem || !physprop || !physcollision || !g_pMaterialSystem || !g_pStudioRender || !g_pMDLCache || !g_pDataCache )
		Error("Unable to load required library interface!\n");

	const char *pShaderDLL = CommandLine()->ParmValue("-shaderdll");
		pShaderDLL = "shaderapidx9.dll";
	g_pMaterialSystem->SetShaderAPI( pShaderDLL );

	g_Factory = GetFactory();

	return true;
Пример #18
// The application object
int CPCFFixApp::Main()
	g_pDataModel->SetUndoEnabled( false );
	g_pDataModel->OnlyCreateUntypedElements( true );
	g_pDataModel->SetDefaultElementFactory( NULL );

	// This bit of hackery allows us to access files on the harddrive
	g_pFullFileSystem->AddSearchPath( "", "LOCAL", PATH_ADD_TO_HEAD ); 

	if ( CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-h" ) || CommandLine()->CheckParm( "-help" ) )
		return 0;

	// Do Perforce Stuff
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-nop4" ) )
		g_p4factory->SetDummyMode( true );

	g_p4factory->SetOpenFileChangeList( "Fixed PCF files" );

	const char *pPCFFile = CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-i" );
	if ( !pPCFFile )
		return 0;

	CDmElement *pRoot;
	if ( g_pDataModel->RestoreFromFile( pPCFFile, NULL, "pcf", &pRoot, CR_DELETE_NEW ) == DMFILEID_INVALID )
		Error( "Encountered an error reading file \"%s\"!\n", pPCFFile );
		return -1;

	FixupPCFFile( pRoot );

	CP4AutoEditFile checkout( pPCFFile );
	const char *pOutEncoding = g_pDataModel->GetDefaultEncoding( "pcf" );
	if ( !g_pDataModel->SaveToFile( pPCFFile, NULL, pOutEncoding, "pcf", pRoot ) )
		Error( "Encountered an error writing file \"%s\"!\n", pPCFFile );
		return -1;

	g_pDataModel->RemoveFileId( pRoot->GetFileId() );
	return -1;
Пример #19
// main application
int CHLModelViewerApp::Main()

	g_pDataCache->SetSize( 64 * 1024 * 1024 );

	//mx::setDisplayMode (0, 0, 0);
	g_MDLViewer = new MDLViewer ();
	g_MDLViewer->setMenuBar (g_MDLViewer->getMenuBar ());

	g_pStudioModel->ClearLookTargets( );

	// Load up the initial model
	const char *pMdlName = NULL;
	int nParmCount = CommandLine()->ParmCount();
	if ( nParmCount > 1 )
		pMdlName = CommandLine()->GetParm( nParmCount - 1 );

	if ( pMdlName && Q_stristr( pMdlName, ".mdl" ) )
		char absPath[MAX_PATH];
		Q_MakeAbsolutePath( absPath, sizeof( absPath ), pMdlName );

		if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-screenshot" ) )
			g_MDLViewer->SaveScreenShot( absPath );
		else if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-dump" ) )
			g_MDLViewer->DumpText( absPath );
			g_MDLViewer->LoadModelFile( absPath );

	int nRetVal = mx::run ();


	return nRetVal;
Пример #20
bool FileSystem_GetExecutableDir( char *exedir, int exeDirLen )
	exedir[0] = 0;

	if ( s_bUseVProjectBinDir )
		const char *pProject = GetVProjectCmdLineValue();
		if ( !pProject )
			// Check their registry.
			pProject = getenv( GAMEDIR_TOKEN );
		if ( pProject )
			Q_snprintf( exedir, exeDirLen, "%s%c..%cbin", pProject, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR, CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR );
			return true;
		return false;

	if ( !Sys_GetExecutableName( exedir, exeDirLen ) )
		return false;
	Q_StripFilename( exedir );

	if ( IsX360() )
		// The 360 can have its exe and dlls reside on different volumes
		// use the optional basedir as the exe dir
		if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-basedir" ) )
			strcpy( exedir, CommandLine()->ParmValue( "-basedir", "" ) );

	Q_FixSlashes( exedir );

	// Return the bin directory as the executable dir if it's not in there
	// because that's really where we're running from...
	char ext[MAX_PATH];
	Q_StrRight( exedir, 4, ext, sizeof( ext ) );
	if ( ext[0] != CORRECT_PATH_SEPARATOR || Q_stricmp( ext+1, "bin" ) != 0 )
		Q_strncat( exedir, "bin", exeDirLen, COPY_ALL_CHARACTERS );
		Q_FixSlashes( exedir );
	return true;
Пример #21
void InitCommandLineProgram( int argc, char **argv )
    MathLib_Init( 1,1,1,0,false,true,true,true);
    CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
    InstallProgressReportHandler( PrintFReportHandler );
Пример #22
bool SendTable_Init( SendTable **pTables, int nTables )
	ErrorIfNot( g_SendTables.Count() == 0,
		("SendTable_Init: called twice.")

	// Initialize them all.
	for ( int i=0; i < nTables; i++ )
		if ( !SendTable_InitTable( pTables[i] ) )
			return false;

	// Store off the SendTable list.
	g_SendTables.CopyArray( pTables, nTables );

	g_SendTableCRC = SendTable_ComputeCRC( );

	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-dti" ) )

	return true;	
Пример #23
//	XBX_InitConsoleMonitor
void CXboxConsole::InitConsoleMonitor( bool bWaitForConnect )
	if ( XBX_NoXBDM() )

	// create our events
	g_xbx_dbgValidEvent = CreateEvent( XBOX_DONTCARE, TRUE, FALSE, NULL );
	g_xbx_dbgCmdCompleteEvent = CreateEvent( XBOX_DONTCARE, FALSE, FALSE, NULL );

	// register our command handler with the debug monitor
	HRESULT hr = DmRegisterCommandProcessor( XBX_DBGCOMMANDPREFIX, _DebugCommandHandler );
	if ( FAILED( hr ) )
		XBX_Error( "XBX_InitConsoleMonitor: failed to register command processor" );

	// user can have output bypass slave thread
	g_xbx_bDoSyncOutput = CommandLine()->FindParm( "-syncoutput" ) != 0;

	// create a slave thread to do delayed VXConsole transactions
	ThreadId_t threadID;
	g_xbx_hDebugThread = CreateSimpleThread( _DebugThreadFunc, NULL, &threadID, 16*1024 ); 
	ThreadSetDebugName( threadID, "DebugThread" );
	ThreadSetAffinity( g_xbx_hDebugThread, XBOX_PROCESSOR_5 );

	if ( bWaitForConnect )
		XBX_DebugString( XBX_CLR_DEFAULT, "Waiting For VXConsole Connection...\n" );
		WaitForSingleObject( g_xbx_dbgValidEvent, INFINITE );
Пример #24
bool FileSystem_Init( const char *pBSPFilename, int maxMemoryUsage, FSInitType_t initType, bool bOnlyUseFilename )
	Assert( CommandLine()->GetCmdLine() != NULL ); // Should have called CreateCmdLine by now.

	// If this app uses VMPI, then let VMPI intercept all filesystem calls.
#if defined( MPI )
	if ( g_bUseMPI )
		if ( g_bMPIMaster )
			if ( !FileSystem_Init_Normal( pBSPFilename, initType, bOnlyUseFilename ) )
				return false;

			g_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem = VMPI_FileSystem_Init( maxMemoryUsage, g_pFullFileSystem );
			g_pFileSystem = g_pFullFileSystem = VMPI_FileSystem_Init( maxMemoryUsage, NULL );
		return true;

	return FileSystem_Init_Normal( pBSPFilename, initType, bOnlyUseFilename );
Пример #25
void CBaseGameStats_Driver::SendData()
	// if we don't own the data container or there's no valid data, nothing to do
	if ( !m_pGamestatsData || !m_pGamestatsData->m_bHaveData )

	// save the data to a buffer
	CUtlBuffer buf( 0, 0, CUtlBuffer::TEXT_BUFFER );
	m_pGamestatsData->m_pKVData->RecursiveSaveToFile( buf, 0 );

	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-gamestatsfileoutputonly" ) )
		// write file for debugging
		const char szFileName[] = "gamestats.dat";
		filesystem->WriteFile( szFileName, GAMESTATS_PATHID, buf );
		// upload the file to Steam
		if ( gamestatsuploader )
			gamestatsuploader->UploadGameStats( "", 1, buf.TellPut(), buf.Base() );

Пример #26
static void FileSystem_AddLoadedSearchPath( 
	CFSSearchPathsInit &initInfo, 
	const char *pPathID, 
	const char *fullLocationPath, 
	bool bLowViolence )

	// Check for mounting LV game content in LV builds only
	if ( V_stricmp( pPathID, "game_lv" ) == 0 )

		// Not in LV build, don't mount
		if ( !initInfo.m_bLowViolence )

		// Mount, as a game path
		pPathID = "game";

	// Check for mounting HD game content if enabled
	if ( V_stricmp( pPathID, "game_hd" ) == 0 )

		// Not in LV build, don't mount
		if ( !initInfo.m_bMountHDContent )

		// Mount, as a game path
		pPathID = "game";

	// Special processing for ordinary game folders
	if ( V_stristr( fullLocationPath, ".vpk" ) == NULL && Q_stricmp( pPathID, "game" ) == 0 )
		if ( CommandLine()->FindParm( "-tempcontent" ) != 0 )
			char szPath[MAX_PATH];
			Q_snprintf( szPath, sizeof(szPath), "%s_tempcontent", fullLocationPath );
			initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );

	if ( initInfo.m_pLanguage &&
	     Q_stricmp( initInfo.m_pLanguage, "english" ) &&
	     V_strstr( fullLocationPath, "_english" ) != NULL )
		char szPath[MAX_PATH];
		char szLangString[MAX_PATH];		
		// Need to add a language version of this path first

		Q_snprintf( szLangString, sizeof(szLangString), "_%s", initInfo.m_pLanguage);
		V_StrSubst( fullLocationPath, "_english", szLangString, szPath, sizeof( szPath ), true );
		initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( szPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );		

	initInfo.m_pFileSystem->AddSearchPath( fullLocationPath, pPathID, PATH_ADD_TO_TAIL );
Пример #27
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( argc, argv );
	const char *pDLLName = "vvis_dll.dll";
	CSysModule *pModule = Sys_LoadModule( pDLLName );
	if ( !pModule )
		printf( "vvis launcher error: can't load %s\n%s", pDLLName, GetLastErrorString() );
		return 1;

	CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pModule );
	if( !fn )
		printf( "vvis launcher error: can't get factory from %s\n", pDLLName );
		Sys_UnloadModule( pModule );
		return 2;

	int retCode = 0;
	ILaunchableDLL *pDLL = (ILaunchableDLL*)fn( LAUNCHABLE_DLL_INTERFACE_VERSION, &retCode );
	if( !pDLL )
		printf( "vvis launcher error: can't get IVVisDLL interface from %s\n", pDLLName );
		Sys_UnloadModule( pModule );
		return 3;

	pDLL->main( argc, argv );
	Sys_UnloadModule( pModule );

	return 0;
Пример #28
void RunInDLL( const char *pFilename, CUtlVector<char*> &newArgv )
	if ( g_pConnMgr )						   
		g_pConnMgr->SetAppState( VMPI_SERVICE_STATE_BUSY );

	bool bSuccess = false;
	CSysModule *pModule = Sys_LoadModule( pFilename );
	if ( pModule )
		CreateInterfaceFn fn = Sys_GetFactory( pModule );
		if ( fn )
			if( pDLL )
				// Do this here because the executables we would have launched usually would do it.
				CommandLine()->CreateCmdLine( newArgv.Count(), newArgv.Base() );
				pDLL->main( newArgv.Count(), newArgv.Base() );
				bSuccess = true;
				SpewOutputFunc( MySpewOutputFunc );

		Sys_UnloadModule( pModule );
	if ( !bSuccess )
		Msg( "Error running VRAD (or VVIS) out of DLL '%s'\n", pFilename );

	if ( g_pConnMgr )
		g_pConnMgr->SetAppState( VMPI_SERVICE_STATE_IDLE );
Пример #29
void CGameUI2::Initialize(CreateInterfaceFn appFactory)
	ConnectTier1Libraries(&appFactory, 1);
	ConnectTier2Libraries(&appFactory, 1);
	ConnectTier3Libraries(&appFactory, 1);

	engine = static_cast<IVEngineClient*>(appFactory(VENGINE_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, nullptr));
	enginesound = static_cast<IEngineSound*>(appFactory(IENGINESOUND_CLIENT_INTERFACE_VERSION, nullptr));
	enginevgui = static_cast<IEngineVGui*>(appFactory(VENGINE_VGUI_VERSION, nullptr));
	soundemitterbase = static_cast<ISoundEmitterSystemBase*>(appFactory(SOUNDEMITTERSYSTEM_INTERFACE_VERSION, nullptr));
	render = static_cast<IVRenderView*>(appFactory(VENGINE_RENDERVIEW_INTERFACE_VERSION, nullptr));

	CreateInterfaceFn gameUIFactory = g_GameUI.GetFactory();
	if (gameUIFactory)
		gameui = static_cast<IGameUI*>(gameUIFactory(GAMEUI_INTERFACE_VERSION, nullptr));

	if (!enginesound || !enginevgui || !engine || !soundemitterbase || !render || !gameui)
		Error("CGameUI2::Initialize() failed to get necessary interfaces.\n");

    if (!CommandLine()->FindParm("-shaderedit"))
        if (GetBasePanel())
Пример #30
// Purpose: One-time initialization
void CInput::Init_Mouse (void)
	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm("-nomouse" ) ) 

	for ( int hh = 0; hh < MAX_SPLITSCREEN_PLAYERS; ++hh )
		GetPerUser().m_flPreviousMouseXPosition = 0.0f;
		GetPerUser().m_flPreviousMouseYPosition = 0.0f;

	m_fMouseInitialized = true;

	m_fMouseParmsValid = false;

	if ( CommandLine()->FindParm ("-useforcedmparms" ) ) 
#ifdef WIN32
		m_fMouseParmsValid = SystemParametersInfo( SPI_GETMOUSE, 0, m_rgOrigMouseParms, 0 ) ? true : false;
		m_fMouseParmsValid = false;
		if ( m_fMouseParmsValid )
			if ( CommandLine()->FindParm ("-noforcemspd" ) ) 
				m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ] = m_rgOrigMouseParms[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ];
				m_rgCheckMouseParam[ MOUSE_SPEED_FACTOR ] = true;

			if ( CommandLine()->FindParm ("-noforcemaccel" ) ) 
				m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ] = m_rgOrigMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ];
				m_rgNewMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ] = m_rgOrigMouseParms[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ];
				m_rgCheckMouseParam[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD1 ] = true;
				m_rgCheckMouseParam[ MOUSE_ACCEL_THRESHHOLD2 ] = true;