Пример #1
void SSlider::OnFocusLost(const FFocusEvent& InFocusEvent)
	if (bControllerInputCaptured)
		// Commit and reset state
Пример #2
FReply SSlider::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if (this->HasMouseCapture() && !IsLocked())
		SetCursor((Orientation == Orient_Horizontal) ? EMouseCursor::ResizeLeftRight : EMouseCursor::ResizeUpDown);
		CommitValue(PositionToValue(MyGeometry, MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition()));
		// Release capture for controller/keyboard when switching to mouse

		return FReply::Handled();

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #3
FReply SSlider::OnMouseButtonDown( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	if ((MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton) && !IsLocked())
		CommitValue(PositionToValue(MyGeometry, MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition()));
		// Release capture for controller/keyboard when switching to mouse.
		return FReply::Handled().CaptureMouse(SharedThis(this));

	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #4
FReply SScrubWidget::OnMouseButtonUp( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	bool bHandleLeftMouseButton = MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::LeftMouseButton && this->HasMouseCapture();
	bool bHandleRightMouseButton = MouseEvent.GetEffectingButton() == EKeys::RightMouseButton && this->HasMouseCapture() && bAllowZoom;

	if ( bHandleRightMouseButton )
		bPanning = false;

		FTrackScaleInfo TimeScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
		FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition());
		float NewValue = TimeScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(CursorPos.X);

		if( !bMouseMovedDuringPanning )
			CreateContextMenu(NewValue, MouseEvent);
		return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();
	else if ( bHandleLeftMouseButton )
			DraggingBar = false;
		else if( bDragging )
			OnEndSliderMovement.ExecuteIfBound( ValueAttribute.Get() );
			FTrackScaleInfo TimeScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
			FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition());
			float NewValue = TimeScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(CursorPos.X);

			CommitValue( NewValue, true, false );

		bDragging = false;
		return FReply::Handled().ReleaseMouseCapture();


	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #5
FReply SScrubWidget::OnMouseMove( const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FPointerEvent& MouseEvent )
	// Bar Dragging
		// Update bar if we are dragging
		FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal( MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition() );
		FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(),  ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
		float NewDataPos = FMath::Clamp( ScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(CursorPos.X), ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get() );
		OnBarDrag.ExecuteIfBound(DraggableBarIndex, NewDataPos);
		// Update what bar we are hovering over
		FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(MouseEvent.GetScreenSpacePosition());
		FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(),  ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
		DraggableBarIndex = INDEX_NONE;
		if ( DraggableBars.IsBound() )
			const TArray<float>& DraggableBarsVal = DraggableBars.Get();
			for ( int32 I=0; I < DraggableBarsVal.Num(); I++ )
				if( FMath::Abs( ScaleInfo.InputToLocalX(DraggableBarsVal[I]) - CursorPos.X ) < 10 )
					DraggableBarIndex = I;

	if ( this->HasMouseCapture() )
		if (MouseEvent.IsMouseButtonDown( EKeys::RightMouseButton ) && bPanning)
			FTrackScaleInfo ScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(),  ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
			FVector2D ScreenDelta = MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta();
			float InputDeltaX = ScreenDelta.X/ScaleInfo.PixelsPerInput;

			bMouseMovedDuringPanning |= !ScreenDelta.IsNearlyZero(0.001f);

			float NewViewInputMin = ViewInputMin.Get() - InputDeltaX;
			float NewViewInputMax = ViewInputMax.Get() - InputDeltaX;
			// we'd like to keep  the range if outside when panning
			if ( NewViewInputMin < 0.f )
				NewViewInputMin = 0.f;
				NewViewInputMax = ScaleInfo.ViewInputRange;
			else if ( NewViewInputMax > SequenceLength.Get() )
				NewViewInputMax = SequenceLength.Get();
				NewViewInputMin = NewViewInputMax - ScaleInfo.ViewInputRange;

			OnSetInputViewRange.ExecuteIfBound(NewViewInputMin, NewViewInputMax);
		else if (!bDragging)
			DistanceDragged += FMath::Abs(MouseEvent.GetCursorDelta().X);
			if ( DistanceDragged > FSlateApplication::Get().GetDragTriggerDistance() )
				bDragging = true;
			if( bDragging )
		else if (bDragging)
			FTrackScaleInfo TimeScaleInfo(ViewInputMin.Get(), ViewInputMax.Get(), 0.f, 0.f, MyGeometry.Size);
			FVector2D CursorPos = MyGeometry.AbsoluteToLocal(MouseEvent.GetLastScreenSpacePosition());
			float NewValue = TimeScaleInfo.LocalXToInput(CursorPos.X);

			CommitValue( NewValue, true, false );
		return FReply::Handled();


	return FReply::Unhandled();
Пример #6
FReply SSlider::OnKeyDown(const FGeometry& MyGeometry, const FKeyEvent& InKeyEvent)
	FReply Reply = FReply::Unhandled();
	const FKey KeyPressed = InKeyEvent.GetKey();

	if (IsInteractable())
		// The controller's bottom face button must be pressed once to begin manipulating the slider's value.
		// Navigation away from the widget is prevented until the button has been pressed again or focus is lost.
		// The value can be manipulated by using the game pad's directional arrows ( relative to slider orientation ).
		if (KeyPressed == EKeys::Enter || KeyPressed == EKeys::SpaceBar || KeyPressed == EKeys::Gamepad_FaceButton_Bottom)
			if (bControllerInputCaptured == false)
				// Begin capturing controller input and allow user to modify the slider's value.
				bControllerInputCaptured = true;
				Reply = FReply::Handled();
				Reply = FReply::Handled();

		if (bControllerInputCaptured)
			float NewValue = ValueAttribute.Get();
			if (Orientation == EOrientation::Orient_Horizontal)
				if (KeyPressed == EKeys::Left || KeyPressed == EKeys::Gamepad_DPad_Left || KeyPressed == EKeys::Gamepad_LeftStick_Left)
					NewValue -= StepSize.Get();
				else if (KeyPressed == EKeys::Right || KeyPressed == EKeys::Gamepad_DPad_Right || KeyPressed == EKeys::Gamepad_LeftStick_Right)
					NewValue += StepSize.Get();
				if (KeyPressed == EKeys::Down || KeyPressed == EKeys::Gamepad_DPad_Down || KeyPressed == EKeys::Gamepad_LeftStick_Down)
					NewValue -= StepSize.Get();
				else if (KeyPressed == EKeys::Up || KeyPressed == EKeys::Gamepad_DPad_Up || KeyPressed == EKeys::Gamepad_LeftStick_Up)
					NewValue += StepSize.Get();

			CommitValue(FMath::Clamp(NewValue, 0.0f, 1.0f));
			Reply = FReply::Handled();
			Reply = SLeafWidget::OnKeyDown(MyGeometry, InKeyEvent);
		Reply = SLeafWidget::OnKeyDown(MyGeometry, InKeyEvent);

	return Reply;