//Constructor - user provides a filename for existing file as a c string. Oligowalk_object::Oligowalk_object(const char filename[], const int type) :RNA(filename, type) { CommonConstructor(); }
//Pass the constructor parameters directly to the parent TwoRNA class. Dynalign_object::Dynalign_object(const char sequence1[], const char sequence2[], const bool IsRNA) :TwoRNA(sequence1, sequence2, IsRNA) { //Do some initilaizations CommonConstructor(); }
//Constructor - user provides a sequence as a c string. Oligowalk_object::Oligowalk_object(const char sequence[]) :RNA(sequence) { CommonConstructor(); }
Dynalign_object::Dynalign_object(const char filename1[], const int type1, const char filename2[], const int type2, const bool IsRNA) : TwoRNA(filename1, type1, filename2, type2, IsRNA) { //Do some initilaizations CommonConstructor(); }
Hdf5DataReader::Hdf5DataReader(const FileFinder& rDirectory, const std::string& rBaseName, std::string datasetName) : AbstractHdf5Access(rDirectory, rBaseName, datasetName), mNumberTimesteps(1), mClosed(false) { CommonConstructor(); }
GTimer::GTimer () : m_ConditionVar(&m_Mutex), m_bTimerRunning(false), m_bOneShot(false), m_pCommand(NULL), m_u32MillisecondInterval(0), m_bShuttingdown(false), m_bThreadStarted(false), m_bStopInProgress(false), m_pInitConditionVar(NULL) { // This will not return until the timer's thread has entered run_undetached(). CommonConstructor(); }
OutputFileHandler::OutputFileHandler(const FileFinder& rDirectory, bool cleanOutputDirectory) { FileFinder output_root("", RelativeTo::ChasteTestOutput); std::string relative_path; try { relative_path = rDirectory.GetRelativePath(output_root); } catch (const Exception&) { EXCEPTION("The location provided to OutputFileHandler must be inside CHASTE_TEST_OUTPUT; '" << rDirectory.GetAbsolutePath() << "' is not under '" << output_root.GetAbsolutePath() << "'."); } if (*output_root.GetAbsolutePath().rbegin() != '/' && !relative_path.empty()) { assert(*relative_path.begin() == '/'); relative_path.erase(0, 1); // Remove leading slash } CommonConstructor(relative_path, cleanOutputDirectory); }
//Constructor //This constructor is used to perform Dynaligh refolding. Dynalign_object::Dynalign_object(const char* filename, const short maxtrace, const short bpwin, const short awin, const short percent): TwoRNA() { int i; CommonConstructor(); //Make sure the filename exists: if ((fopen(filename, "r"))== NULL) { //the file is not found ErrorCodeTwo=106; return; } //open the save file to peek at the sizes needed to allocate arrays: std::ifstream sav(filename,std::ios::binary); read(&sav, &modificationflag); //start with structure information read(&sav,&GetRNA1()->GetStructure()->numofbases); read(&sav,&GetRNA2()->GetStructure()->numofbases); sav.close(); //allocate space for the alignment align = new short *[maxtrace];//maximum number of tracebacks and next line and below at delete for (i=0;i<maxtrace;i++) align[i] = new short [GetRNA1()->GetStructure()->numofbases+1]; refolddynalign(filename,GetRNA1()->GetStructure(),GetRNA2()->GetStructure(),align,maxtrace,bpwin,awin,percent); //No errors encountered. ErrorCodeTwo=0; return; }
GTimer::GTimer (const GAbsCommand* pCommand, UINT32 u32MillisecondInterval, bool bOneShot, bool bAutoStart) : m_ConditionVar(&m_Mutex), m_bTimerRunning(false), m_bOneShot(false), m_pCommand(NULL), m_u32MillisecondInterval(0), m_bShuttingdown(false), m_bThreadStarted(false), m_bStopInProgress(false), m_pInitConditionVar(NULL) { m_pCommand = const_cast<GAbsCommand*>(pCommand); m_u32MillisecondInterval = u32MillisecondInterval; m_bOneShot = bOneShot; // This will not return until the timer's thread has entered run_undetached(). CommonConstructor(); if(bAutoStart) { Start(); } }
CEditPoly::CEditPoly( CEditPoly *pCopyFrom ) { CommonConstructor( ); CopyEditPoly( pCopyFrom ); }
ActiveXConstructor(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval) { return CommonConstructor(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_ACTIVEX_OBJECT, obj, argc, argv, rval, PR_TRUE); }
COMObjectConstructor(JSContext *cx, JSObject *obj, uintN argc, jsval *argv, jsval *rval) { return CommonConstructor(cx, XPCJSRuntime::IDX_COM_OBJECT, obj, argc, argv, rval, PR_FALSE); }
TRfd::TRfd(TComponent * owner) { CommonConstructor(owner); } // End of constructor
//Constructor for reading a dynalign save file. Dynalign_object::Dynalign_object(const char filename[]): TwoRNA() { //Open the save file, make the output file int ir,ip,jp,kp,cp; short i,j,k,l; integersize en1; short maxsep; integersize crit; dynalignheap heap; //Do some initializations CommonConstructor(); //Make sure the filename exists: if ((fopen(filename, "r"))== NULL) { //the file is not found ErrorCodeTwo=106; return; } data = new datatable; bool singleinsert,local; bool **allowed_alignments; //indicate that a save file was read so that the destructor can do the cleanup savefileread=true; //open the save file to peek at the sizes needed to allocate arrays: std::ifstream sav(filename,std::ios::binary); read(&sav, &modificationflag); //start with structure information read(&sav,&(GetRNA1()->GetStructure()->numofbases)); read(&sav,&(GetRNA2()->GetStructure()->numofbases)); read(&sav,&maxsep); sav.close(); if (maxsep<0) { //This means that the allowed alignments were constrained by the HMM alignment //probs and not by the traditional M parameter. //Therefore, space must be allocated for the allowed_alignment arrays. allowed_alignments=new bool *[GetRNA1()->GetStructure()->numofbases+1]; for (i=0;i<=GetRNA1()->GetStructure()->numofbases;i++) allowed_alignments[i]=new bool [GetRNA2()->GetStructure()->numofbases+1]; } else allowed_alignments=NULL; //fill the low and highend arrays: //allocate space: lowend = new short [2*GetRNA1()->GetStructure()->numofbases]; highend = new short [2*GetRNA1()->GetStructure()->numofbases]; if (modificationflag==1) { vmod = new dynalignarray(); } else vmod=NULL; v = new varray(); w = new dynalignarray(); w3 = new wendarray(); w5 = new wendarray(); opendynalignsavefile(filename, GetRNA1()->GetStructure(), GetRNA2()->GetStructure(), v, w, vmod, w3, w5, data, &singleinsert, &maxsep, &gap, &lowest, &local, allowed_alignments,lowend,highend); if (maxsep<0) { for (i=0;i<=GetRNA1()->GetStructure()->numofbases;i++) delete[] allowed_alignments[i]; delete[] allowed_alignments; } //delete[] pair[0]; //delete[] pair[1]; //delete[] pair; //No errors encounted ErrorCodeTwo=0; return; }
OutputFileHandler::OutputFileHandler(const std::string& rDirectory, bool cleanOutputDirectory) { CommonConstructor(rDirectory, cleanOutputDirectory); }
CSocketAddress::CSocketAddress(const sockaddr& addr) { CommonConstructor(addr); }
CSocketAddress::CSocketAddress(const sockaddr_storage& addr) { CommonConstructor(*(sockaddr*)&addr); }
CEditPoly::CEditPoly() { CommonConstructor( ); }
//Default Constructor - user provides nothing. Oligowalk_object::Oligowalk_object(const bool IsRNA) :RNA(IsRNA) { CommonConstructor(); }
CEditPoly::CEditPoly( CEditBrush *pBrush ) { CommonConstructor( ); m_pBrush = pBrush; }