Пример #1
void CompressImage( u8 const* rgb, u8 a, int width, int height, void* blocks, int flags )
	// fix any bad flags
	flags = FixFlags( flags );

	// initialise the block output
	u8* targetBlock = reinterpret_cast< u8* >( blocks );
	int bytesPerBlock = ( ( flags & kDxt1 ) != 0 ) ? 8 : 16;

	// loop over blocks
	for( int y = 0; y < height; y += 4 )
		for( int x = 0; x < width; x += 4 )
			// build the 4x4 block of pixels
			u8 sourceRgba[16*4];
			u8* targetPixel = sourceRgba;
			int mask = 0;
			for( int py = 0; py < 4; ++py )
				for( int px = 0; px < 4; ++px )
					// get the source pixel in the image
					int sx = x + px;
					int sy = y + py;
					// enable if we're in the image
					if( sx < width && sy < height )
						// copy the rgba value
						u8 const* sourcePixel = rgb + 3*( width*sy + sx );
						for( int i = 0; i < 3; ++i )
							*targetPixel++ = *sourcePixel++;
                        *targetPixel++ = a;

						// enable this pixel
						mask |= ( 1 << ( 4*py + px ) );
						// skip this pixel as its outside the image
						targetPixel += 4;
			// compress it into the output
			CompressMasked( sourceRgba, mask, targetBlock, flags );
			// advance
			targetBlock += bytesPerBlock;
Пример #2
void Compress( u8 const* rgba, void* block, int flags )
	// compress with full mask
	CompressMasked( rgba, 0xffff, block, flags );
Пример #3
void CompressImage( u8 const* rgba, int width, int height, void* blocks, int flags, ProgressFn progressFn )
	// fix any bad flags
	flags = FixFlags( flags );

	// initialise the block output
	u8* targetBlock = reinterpret_cast< u8* >( blocks );
	int bytesPerBlock = ( ( flags & kDxt1 ) != 0 ) ? 8 : 16;

	int progress = 0;

	if (progressFn != NULL)
		progressFn(0, height);

	// loop over blocks
	#pragma omp parallel for shared(progress)
	for( int y = 0; y < height; y += 4 )
		for( int x = 0; x < width; x += 4 )
			// build the 4x4 block of pixels
			u8 sourceRgba[16*4];
			u8* targetPixel = sourceRgba;
			int mask = 0;
			for( int py = 0; py < 4; ++py )
				for( int px = 0; px < 4; ++px )
					// get the source pixel in the image
					int sx = x + px;
					int sy = y + py;
					// enable if we're in the image
					if( sx < width && sy < height )
						// copy the rgba value
						u8 const* sourcePixel = rgba + 4*( width*sy + sx );
						for( int i = 0; i < 4; ++i )
							*targetPixel++ = *sourcePixel++;
						// enable this pixel
						mask |= ( 1 << ( 4*py + px ) );
						// skip this pixel as its outside the image
						targetPixel += 4;
			// compress it into the output
			int blockNum = (((width + 3) / 4) * (y / 4)) + (x / 4);
			u8* outputBlock = targetBlock + (bytesPerBlock * blockNum);
			CompressMasked( sourceRgba, mask, outputBlock, flags );

		#pragma omp atomic
		progress += 4;

		if (progressFn != NULL)
			progressFn(progress, height);

    if (progressFn != NULL)
		progressFn(height, height);