Пример #1
void ComputePerLeafAmbientLighting()
	// Figure out which lights should go in the per-leaf ambient cubes.
	int nInAmbientCube = 0;
	int nSurfaceLights = 0;
	for ( int i=0; i < *pNumworldlights; i++ )
		dworldlight_t *wl = &dworldlights[i];
		if ( IsLeafAmbientSurfaceLight( wl ) )
		if ( wl->type == emit_surface )

		if ( wl->flags & DWL_FLAGS_INAMBIENTCUBE )

	Msg( "%d of %d (%d%% of) surface lights went in leaf ambient cubes.\n", nInAmbientCube, nSurfaceLights, nSurfaceLights ? ((nInAmbientCube*100) / nSurfaceLights) : 0 );

	g_pLeafAmbientLighting->SetCount( numleafs );

	StartPacifier( "ComputePerLeafAmbientLighting: " );
	for ( int leafID = 0; leafID < numleafs; leafID++ )
		dleaf_t *pLeaf = &dleafs[leafID];

		Vector cube[6];
		Vector center = ( Vector( pLeaf->mins[0], pLeaf->mins[1], pLeaf->mins[2] ) + Vector( pLeaf->maxs[0], pLeaf->maxs[1], pLeaf->maxs[2] ) ) * 0.5f;
		if (pLeaf->contents & CONTENTS_WATER)
			int above_leaf=PointLeafnum( center);
			dleaf_t *pLeaf = &dleafs[above_leaf];
			center = ( Vector( pLeaf->mins[0], pLeaf->mins[1], pLeaf->mins[2] ) + Vector( pLeaf->maxs[0], pLeaf->maxs[1], pLeaf->maxs[2] ) ) * 0.5f;
		ComputeAmbientFromSphericalSamples( center, cube );
		for ( int i = 0; i < 6; i++ )
			VectorToColorRGBExp32( cube[i], (*g_pLeafAmbientLighting)[leafID].m_Color[i] );

		UpdatePacifier( (float)leafID / numleafs );

	EndPacifier( true );
void ComputeAmbientForLeaf( int iThread, int leafID, CUtlVector<ambientsample_t> &list )
	CUtlVector<dplane_t> leafPlanes;
	CLeafSampler sampler( iThread );

	GetLeafBoundaryPlanes( leafPlanes, leafID );
	// this heuristic tries to generate at least one sample per volume (chosen to be similar to the size of a player) in the space
	int xSize = (dleafs[leafID].maxs[0] - dleafs[leafID].mins[0]) / 32;
	int ySize = (dleafs[leafID].maxs[1] - dleafs[leafID].mins[1]) / 32;
	int zSize = (dleafs[leafID].maxs[2] - dleafs[leafID].mins[2]) / 64;
	xSize = max(xSize,1);
	ySize = max(xSize,1);
	zSize = max(xSize,1);
	// generate update 128 candidate samples, always at least one sample
	int volumeCount = xSize * ySize * zSize;
	if ( g_bFastAmbient )
		// save compute time, only do one sample
		volumeCount = 1;
	int sampleCount = clamp( volumeCount, 1, 128 );
	if ( dleafs[leafID].contents & CONTENTS_SOLID )
		// don't generate any samples in solid leaves
		// NOTE: We copy the nearest non-solid leaf sample pointers into this leaf at the end
	Vector cube[6];
	for ( int i = 0; i < sampleCount; i++ )
		// compute each candidate sample and add to the list
		Vector samplePosition;
		sampler.GenerateLeafSamplePosition( leafID, leafPlanes, samplePosition );
		ComputeAmbientFromSphericalSamples( iThread, samplePosition, cube );
		// note this will remove the least valuable sample once the limit is reached
		AddSampleToList( list, samplePosition, cube );

	// remove any samples that can be reconstructed with the remaining data
	CompressAmbientSampleList( list );