Пример #1
bool CBaseFlashlightEffect::UpdateDefaultFlashlightState( FlashlightState_t& state, const Vector &vecPos, const Vector &vecForward, const Vector &vecRight, const Vector &vecUp )

	// No esta encendida
	if ( !IsOn() )
		return false;

	if ( ComputeLightPosAndOrientation( vecPos, vecForward, vecRight, vecUp, state.m_vecLightOrigin, state.m_quatOrientation ) == false )
		return false;

	state.m_fQuadraticAtten		= m_flQuadratic;
	state.m_fConstantAtten		= m_flConstant;

	// Color de la luz
	state.m_Color[0] = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color[1] = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color[2] = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color[3] = m_flAlpha;

	// Distancia y FOV
	state.m_NearZ					= m_flNear + r_flashlightnearoffsetscale.GetFloat() * m_flCurrentPullBackDist;
	state.m_FarZ					= state.m_FarZAtten = m_flFar;
	state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees	= state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = m_flFOV;

	// Es el efecto de un "MuzzleFlash"
	if ( m_bMuzzleFlashEnabled )
		state.m_pSpotlightTexture		= m_nMuzzleFlashTexture;
		state.m_fLinearAtten			= m_flMuzzleFlashBrightness;

		state.m_bShadowHighRes			= false;
		state.m_nShadowQuality			= 0;
		state.m_flShadowFilterSize		= 2.0f;

	// Es una linterna normal
		state.m_pSpotlightTexture		= m_nFlashlightTexture;
		state.m_fLinearAtten			= m_flBrightness;

		state.m_bShadowHighRes			= true;
		state.m_nShadowQuality			= 1;
		state.m_flShadowFilterSize		= r_projectedtexture_filter.GetFloat();

	state.m_pProjectedMaterial			= NULL;
	state.m_nSpotlightTextureFrame		= 0;

	// Propiedades de las sombras generadas
	state.m_bEnableShadows				= m_bCastsShadows;
	state.m_flShadowAtten				= r_flashlightshadowatten.GetFloat();
	state.m_flShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias();
	state.m_flShadowDepthBias			= g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShadowDepthBias();

	return true;
Пример #2
bool CFlashlightEffect::UpdateDefaultFlashlightState( FlashlightState_t& state, const Vector &vecPos, const Vector &vecForward,
														const Vector &vecRight, const Vector &vecUp, bool castsShadows, bool bTracePlayers )

	if ( !m_bIsOn )
		//		return;

	if ( ComputeLightPosAndOrientation( vecPos, vecForward, vecRight, vecUp, state.m_vecLightOrigin, state.m_quatOrientation, bTracePlayers ) == false )
		return false;

	state.m_fQuadraticAtten = r_flashlightquadratic.GetFloat();

	bool bFlicker = false;

	C_BaseHLPlayer *pPlayer = (C_BaseHLPlayer *)C_BasePlayer::GetLocalPlayer();
	if ( pPlayer )
		float flBatteryPower = ( pPlayer->m_HL2Local.m_flFlashBattery >= 0.0f ) ? ( pPlayer->m_HL2Local.m_flFlashBattery ) : pPlayer->m_HL2Local.m_flSuitPower;
		if ( flBatteryPower <= 10.0f )
			float flScale;
			if ( flBatteryPower >= 0.0f )
				flScale = ( flBatteryPower <= 4.5f ) ? SimpleSplineRemapVal( flBatteryPower, 4.5f, 0.0f, 1.0f, 0.0f ) : 1.0f;
				flScale = SimpleSplineRemapVal( flBatteryPower, 10.0f, 4.8f, 1.0f, 0.0f );

			flScale = clamp( flScale, 0.0f, 1.0f );

			if ( flScale < 0.35f )
				float flFlicker = cosf( gpGlobals->curtime * 6.0f ) * sinf( gpGlobals->curtime * 15.0f );

				if ( flFlicker > 0.25f && flFlicker < 0.75f )
					// On
					state.m_fLinearAtten = r_flashlightlinear.GetFloat() * flScale;
					// Off
					state.m_fLinearAtten = 0.0f;
				float flNoise = cosf( gpGlobals->curtime * 7.0f ) * sinf( gpGlobals->curtime * 25.0f );
				state.m_fLinearAtten = r_flashlightlinear.GetFloat() * flScale + 1.5f * flNoise;

			state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = r_flashlightfov.GetFloat() - ( 16.0f * (1.0f-flScale) );
			state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = r_flashlightfov.GetFloat() - ( 16.0f * (1.0f-flScale) );

			bFlicker = true;
#endif // HL2_EPISODIC

	if ( bFlicker == false )
		if ( m_flLinearAtten > 0.0f )
			state.m_fLinearAtten = m_flLinearAtten;
			state.m_fLinearAtten = r_flashlightlinear.GetFloat();

		if ( m_flFov > 0.0f )
			state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = m_flFov;
			state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = m_flFov;
			state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = r_flashlightfov.GetFloat();
			state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = r_flashlightfov.GetFloat();

		if ( m_bMuzzleFlashEnabled )
			state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = r_flashlightmuzzleflashfov.GetFloat();

	state.m_fConstantAtten = r_flashlightconstant.GetFloat();
	state.m_Color[0] = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color[1] = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color[2] = 1.0f;
	state.m_Color[3] = r_flashlightambient.GetFloat();

	state.m_NearZ = r_flashlightnear.GetFloat() + r_flashlightnearoffsetscale.GetFloat() * m_flCurrentPullBackDist;		// Optionally push near plane out so that we don't clip the world when the flashlight pulls back 
	if ( m_flFarZ > 0.0f )
		state.m_FarZ = state.m_FarZAtten = m_flFarZ;	// Strictly speaking, these are different, but the game can treat them the same
		state.m_FarZ = state.m_FarZAtten = r_flashlightfar.GetFloat();	// Strictly speaking, these are different, but the game can treat them the same
	state.m_bEnableShadows = castsShadows && r_flashlightdepthtexture.GetBool();
	state.m_flShadowMapResolution = r_flashlightdepthres.GetInt();
	state.m_flShadowFilterSize = 3.0f;

	// uberlight
	state.m_bUberlight = r_flashlightuberlight.GetBool();
	state.m_uberlightState.m_fRoundness = 1.0f;

	if ( m_bMuzzleFlashEnabled )
		state.m_pSpotlightTexture = m_MuzzleFlashTexture;
		state.m_pProjectedMaterial = NULL;
		state.m_Color[0] = m_flMuzzleFlashBrightness;
		state.m_Color[1] = m_flMuzzleFlashBrightness;
		state.m_Color[2] = m_flMuzzleFlashBrightness;
		state.m_pSpotlightTexture = m_FlashlightTexture;
		state.m_pProjectedMaterial = NULL;

	state.m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = 0;

	state.m_flShadowAtten = r_flashlightshadowatten.GetFloat();
	state.m_flShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias();
	state.m_flShadowDepthBias = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShadowDepthBias();

	state.m_bVolumetric = r_flashlightvolumetrics.GetBool();
	state.m_flAmbientOcclusion = r_flashlightAO.GetFloat();
	return true;
Пример #3
// Actualiza el estado (la configuración) de la proyección
bool CInternalLight::UpdateState( FlashlightState_t& state, const Vector &vecPos, const Vector &vecForward, const Vector &vecRight, const Vector &vecUp )

    // No esta encendida
    if ( !IsOn() )
        return false;

    // Calculamos la posición y la orientación
    if ( !m_nState.m_bGlobalLight ) {
        if ( !ComputeLightPosAndOrientation( vecPos, vecForward, vecRight, vecUp, state.m_vecLightOrigin, state.m_quatOrientation ) )
            return false;

    state.m_fQuadraticAtten = m_nState.m_fQuadraticAtten;
    state.m_fConstantAtten = m_nState.m_fConstantAtten;
    state.m_fLinearAtten = m_nState.m_fLinearAtten;

    // Color de la luz
    state.m_Color[0] = m_nState.m_Color[0];
    state.m_Color[1] = m_nState.m_Color[1];
    state.m_Color[2] = m_nState.m_Color[2];
    state.m_Color[3] = m_nState.m_Color[3];
    state.m_fBrightnessScale = m_nState.m_fBrightnessScale;

    // Distancia y FOV
    state.m_NearZ = m_nState.m_NearZ + r_projectedtexture_nearoffsetscale.GetFloat() * m_flCurrentPullBackDist;
    state.m_FarZ = m_nState.m_FarZ;
    state.m_FarZAtten = m_nState.m_FarZAtten;
    state.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees = m_nState.m_fHorizontalFOVDegrees;
    state.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees = m_nState.m_fVerticalFOVDegrees;

    // Textura proyectada
    state.m_pSpotlightTexture = m_nLightTexture;
    state.m_pProjectedMaterial = NULL;
    state.m_nSpotlightTextureFrame = 0;

    // Luz Global
    state.m_bGlobalLight = m_nState.m_bGlobalLight;

    if ( state.m_bGlobalLight ) {
        state.m_vecLightOrigin = vecPos;
        state.m_quatOrientation = m_nState.m_quatOrientation;

    // Ortho
    state.m_bOrtho = m_nState.m_bOrtho;

    if ( state.m_bOrtho ) {
        state.m_fOrthoLeft = m_nState.m_fOrthoLeft;
        state.m_fOrthoTop = m_nState.m_fOrthoTop;
        state.m_fOrthoRight = m_nState.m_fOrthoRight;
        state.m_fOrthoBottom = m_nState.m_fOrthoBottom;

    // Propiedades de las sombras generadas
    state.m_bEnableShadows = m_nState.m_bEnableShadows;
    state.m_flShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShadowSlopeScaleDepthBias();
    state.m_flShadowDepthBias = g_pMaterialSystemHardwareConfig->GetShadowDepthBias();

    // Calidad de las sombras
    if ( state.m_bEnableShadows ) {
        state.m_flShadowAtten = r_projectedtexture_shadowatten.GetFloat();
        state.m_bShadowHighRes = m_nState.m_bShadowHighRes;
        state.m_nShadowQuality = m_nState.m_nShadowQuality;
        state.m_flShadowFilterSize = (m_nState.m_flShadowFilterSize > 0) ? m_nState.m_flShadowFilterSize : r_projectedtexture_filter.GetFloat();

        ConVarRef r_flashlightdepthreshigh( "r_flashlightdepthreshigh" );
        ConVarRef r_flashlightdepthres( "r_flashlightdepthres" );

        if ( state.m_bShadowHighRes ) {
            state.m_flShadowMapResolution = r_flashlightdepthreshigh.GetFloat();
        else {
            state.m_flShadowMapResolution = r_flashlightdepthres.GetFloat();

    /*state.m_flNoiseStrength = 0.8f;
    state.m_nNumPlanes = 64;
    state.m_flPlaneOffset = 0.0f;
    state.m_bVolumetric = true;
    state.m_flVolumetricIntensity = 1.0f;*/

    return true;