Пример #1
bool CLuaMain::LoadScript ( const char* szLUAScript )
    if ( m_luaVM && !IsLuaCompiledScript( szLUAScript, strlen( szLUAScript ) ) )
        // Run the script
        if ( !CLuaMain::LuaLoadBuffer ( m_luaVM, szLUAScript, strlen(szLUAScript), NULL ) )
            ResetInstructionCount ();
            int luaSavedTop = lua_gettop ( m_luaVM );
            int iret = this->PCall ( m_luaVM, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0 ) ;
            if ( iret == LUA_ERRRUN || iret == LUA_ERRMEM )
                std::string strRes = ConformResourcePath ( lua_tostring( m_luaVM, -1 ) );
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogPCallError( m_luaVM, strRes );
            // Cleanup any return values
            if ( lua_gettop ( m_luaVM ) > luaSavedTop )
                lua_settop( m_luaVM, luaSavedTop );
            std::string strRes = ConformResourcePath ( lua_tostring( m_luaVM, -1 ) );
            g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( m_luaVM, "Loading in-line script failed: %s", strRes.c_str () );
        return false;

    return true;
bool CResourceClientScriptsPacket::Write ( NetBitStreamInterface& BitStream ) const
    if ( m_vecItems.size() == 0 )
        return false;

    BitStream.Write ( m_pResource->GetNetID() );

    auto usItemCount = static_cast<unsigned short>(m_vecItems.size());
    BitStream.Write ( usItemCount );

    for ( std::vector<CResourceClientScriptItem*>::const_iterator iter = m_vecItems.begin ();
            iter != m_vecItems.end();
            ++iter )
        if ( BitStream.Version() >= 0x50 )
            BitStream.WriteString( ConformResourcePath( (*iter)->GetFullName() ) );

        const SString& data = (*iter)->GetSourceCode ();
        unsigned int len = data.length ();
        BitStream.Write ( len );
        BitStream.Write ( data.c_str(), len );

    return true;
Пример #3
bool CLuaArguments::CallGlobal ( CLuaMain* pLuaMain, const char* szFunction, CLuaArguments * returnValues ) const
    assert ( pLuaMain );
    assert ( szFunction );
    TIMEUS startTime = GetTimeUs ();

    // Add the function name to the stack and get the event from the table
    lua_State* luaVM = pLuaMain->GetVirtualMachine ();
    assert ( luaVM );
    LUA_CHECKSTACK ( luaVM, 1 );
    int luaStackPointer = lua_gettop ( luaVM );
    lua_pushstring ( luaVM, szFunction );
    lua_gettable ( luaVM, LUA_GLOBALSINDEX );

    // Push our arguments onto the stack
    PushArguments ( luaVM );

    // Call the function with our arguments
    pLuaMain->ResetInstructionCount ();
    int iret = 0;
    try {
        iret = lua_pcall ( luaVM, m_Arguments.size (), LUA_MULTRET, 0 );
    catch ( ... )
        return false;
    if ( iret == LUA_ERRRUN || iret == LUA_ERRMEM )
        std::string strRes = ConformResourcePath ( lua_tostring( luaVM, -1 ) );
        g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( luaVM, "%s", strRes.c_str () );

        // cleanup the stack
        while ( lua_gettop ( luaVM ) - luaStackPointer > 0 )
            lua_pop ( luaVM, 1 );

        return false; // the function call failed
        int iReturns = lua_gettop ( luaVM ) - luaStackPointer;

        if ( returnValues != NULL )
            for ( int i = - iReturns; i <= -1; i++ )
                returnValues->ReadArgument ( luaVM, i );

        // cleanup the stack
        while ( lua_gettop ( luaVM ) - luaStackPointer > 0 )
            lua_pop ( luaVM, 1 );
    CPerfStatLuaTiming::GetSingleton ()->UpdateLuaTiming ( pLuaMain, szFunction, GetTimeUs() - startTime );
    return true;
Пример #4
void CScriptDebugging::LogString ( const char* szPrePend, lua_State* luaVM, const char* szMessage, unsigned int uiMinimumDebugLevel, unsigned char ucRed, unsigned char ucGreen, unsigned char ucBlue )
    // Add file/line number if required
    SString strText;
    lua_Debug debugInfo;
    if ( luaVM && lua_getstack ( luaVM, 1, &debugInfo ) )
        lua_getinfo ( luaVM, "nlS", &debugInfo );

        // Make sure this function isn't defined in a string (eg: from runcode)
        if ( debugInfo.linedefined != 0 )
            std::string strFilename = ConformResourcePath ( debugInfo.source );

            // Populate a message to print/send
            strText = SString ( "%s%s:%d: %s", szPrePend, strFilename.c_str (), debugInfo.currentline, szMessage );
            strText = SString ( "%s%s (string-defined function)", szPrePend, szMessage );
        strText = SString ( "%s%s", szPrePend, szMessage );

    // Log it to the file if enough level
    if ( m_uiLogFileLevel >= uiMinimumDebugLevel )
        PrintLog ( strText );
    switch ( uiMinimumDebugLevel )
        case 1:
            ucRed = 255, ucGreen = 0, ucBlue = 0;
        case 2:
            ucRed = 255, ucGreen = 128, ucBlue = 0;
        case 3:
            ucRed = 0, ucGreen = 255, ucBlue = 0;
#ifdef MTA_DEBUG
    if ( !g_pCore->IsDebugVisible () ) return;
    g_pCore->DebugEchoColor ( strText, ucRed, ucGreen, ucBlue );
// CResourceFileDownloadManager::DownloadFinished
// Callback when file download has finished
void CResourceFileDownloadManager::DownloadFinished(const SHttpDownloadResult& result)
    CDownloadableResource* pResourceFile = ResolveDownloadContextString((SString*)result.pObj);
    if (!pResourceFile)

    assert(ListContains(m_ActiveFileDownloadList, pResourceFile));
    if (result.bSuccess)
        CChecksum checksum = CChecksum::GenerateChecksumFromFile(pResourceFile->GetName());
        if (checksum != pResourceFile->GetServerChecksum())
            // Checksum failed - Try download on next server
            if (BeginResourceFileDownload(pResourceFile, pResourceFile->GetHttpServerIndex() + 1))
                // Was re-added - Add size again to total.
                SString strMessage("External HTTP file mismatch (Retrying this file with internal HTTP) [%s]", *ConformResourcePath(pResourceFile->GetName()));
                g_pClientGame->TellServerSomethingImportant(1011, strMessage, 3);
        // Download failed due to connection type problem
        CNetHTTPDownloadManagerInterface* pHTTP = g_pNet->GetHTTPDownloadManager(m_HttpServerList[pResourceFile->GetHttpServerIndex()].downloadChannel);
        SString                           strHTTPError = pHTTP->GetError();
        // Disable server from being used (if possible)
        if (DisableHttpServer(pResourceFile->GetHttpServerIndex()))
            //  Try download on next server
            if (BeginResourceFileDownload(pResourceFile, pResourceFile->GetHttpServerIndex() + 1))
                // Was re-added - Add size again to total.
                SString strMessage("External HTTP file download error:[%d] %s (Disabling External HTTP) [%s]", result.iErrorCode, *strHTTPError,
                g_pClientGame->TellServerSomethingImportant(1012, strMessage, 3);
        m_strLastHTTPError = strHTTPError;

    // File now done (or failed)
    ListRemove(m_ActiveFileDownloadList, pResourceFile);
Пример #6
SString GetDebugMessage ( lua_State* luaVM ) 
    SString strDebugMessage = "";
    lua_Debug debugInfo;    
    if ( luaVM && lua_getstack ( luaVM, 1, &debugInfo ) )
        lua_getinfo ( luaVM, "nlS", &debugInfo );
        if ( debugInfo.source[0] == '@' )
            SString strFile = ConformResourcePath ( debugInfo.source );
            strDebugMessage = SString( "%s:%i", strFile.c_str (), debugInfo.currentline );
            SString strFile = debugInfo.short_src;
            strDebugMessage = SString( "%s:%i", strFile.c_str (), debugInfo.currentline );
    return strDebugMessage;
Пример #7
bool CLuaMain::LoadScriptFromBuffer ( const char* cpInBuffer, unsigned int uiInSize, const char* szFileName )
    SString strNiceFilename = ConformResourcePath( szFileName );

    // Decrypt if required
    const char* cpBuffer;
    uint uiSize;
    if ( !g_pRealNetServer->DecryptScript( cpInBuffer, uiInSize, &cpBuffer, &uiSize, strNiceFilename ) )
        SString strMessage( "%s is invalid. Please re-compile at http://luac.mtasa.com/", *strNiceFilename ); 
        g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( m_luaVM, "Loading script failed: %s", *strMessage );
        return false;

    bool bUTF8;

    // UTF-8 BOM?  Compare by checking the standard UTF-8 BOM
    if ( IsUTF8BOM( cpBuffer, uiSize ) == false )
        // Maybe not UTF-8, if we have a >80% heuristic detection confidence, assume it is
        bUTF8 = ( GetUTF8Confidence ( (const unsigned char*)cpBuffer, uiSize ) >= 80 );
        // If there's a BOM, load ignoring the first 3 bytes
        bUTF8 = true;
        cpBuffer += 3;
        uiSize -= 3;

    // If compiled script, make sure correct chunkname is embedded
    EmbedChunkName( strNiceFilename, &cpBuffer, &uiSize );

    if ( m_luaVM )
        // Are we not marked as UTF-8 already, and not precompiled?
        std::string strUTFScript;
        if ( !bUTF8 && !IsLuaCompiledScript( cpBuffer, uiSize ) )
            std::string strBuffer = std::string(cpBuffer, uiSize);
#ifdef WIN32
            std::setlocale(LC_CTYPE,""); // Temporarilly use locales to read the script
            strUTFScript = UTF16ToMbUTF8(ANSIToUTF16( strBuffer ));
            strUTFScript = UTF16ToMbUTF8(ANSIToUTF16( strBuffer ));

            if ( uiSize != strUTFScript.size() )
                uiSize = strUTFScript.size();
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogWarning ( m_luaVM, "Script '%s' is not encoded in UTF-8.  Loading as ANSI...", strNiceFilename.c_str() );
            strUTFScript = std::string(cpBuffer, uiSize);

        // Run the script
        if ( CLuaMain::LuaLoadBuffer ( m_luaVM, bUTF8 ? cpBuffer : strUTFScript.c_str(), uiSize, SString ( "@%s", *strNiceFilename ) ) )
            // Print the error
            std::string strRes = lua_tostring( m_luaVM, -1 );
            if ( strRes.length () )
                CLogger::LogPrintf ( "SCRIPT ERROR: %s\n", strRes.c_str () );
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( m_luaVM, "Loading script failed: %s", strRes.c_str () );
                CLogger::LogPrint ( "SCRIPT ERROR: Unknown\n" );
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( m_luaVM, "Loading script failed for unknown reason" );
            ResetInstructionCount ();
            int luaSavedTop = lua_gettop ( m_luaVM );
            int iret = this->PCall ( m_luaVM, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0 ) ;
            if ( iret == LUA_ERRRUN || iret == LUA_ERRMEM )
                SString strRes = lua_tostring( m_luaVM, -1 );
                g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogPCallError( m_luaVM, strRes, true );
            // Cleanup any return values
            if ( lua_gettop ( m_luaVM ) > luaSavedTop )
                lua_settop( m_luaVM, luaSavedTop );
            return true;

    return false;
Пример #8
bool CLuaArguments::Call ( CLuaMain* pLuaMain, const CLuaFunctionRef& iLuaFunction, CLuaArguments * returnValues ) const
    assert ( pLuaMain );
    TIMEUS startTime = GetTimeUs ();

    // Add the function name to the stack and get the event from the table
    lua_State* luaVM = pLuaMain->GetVirtualMachine ();
    assert ( luaVM );
    LUA_CHECKSTACK ( luaVM, 1 );
    int luaStackPointer = lua_gettop ( luaVM );
    lua_getref ( luaVM, iLuaFunction.ToInt () );

    // Push our arguments onto the stack
    PushArguments ( luaVM );

    // Call the function with our arguments
    pLuaMain->ResetInstructionCount ();

    int iret = lua_pcall ( luaVM, m_Arguments.size (), LUA_MULTRET, 0 );
    if ( iret == LUA_ERRRUN || iret == LUA_ERRMEM )
        SString strRes = ConformResourcePath ( lua_tostring( luaVM, -1 ) );
        vector <SString> vecSplit;
        strRes.Split ( ":", vecSplit );
        if ( vecSplit.size ( ) >= 3 )
            SString strFile = vecSplit[0];
            int     iLine   = atoi ( vecSplit[1].c_str ( ) );
            SString strMsg  = vecSplit[2].substr ( 1 );
            g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( strFile, iLine, strMsg );
            g_pGame->GetScriptDebugging()->LogError ( luaVM, "%s", strRes.c_str () );

        // cleanup the stack
        while ( lua_gettop ( luaVM ) - luaStackPointer > 0 )
            lua_pop ( luaVM, 1 );

       return false; // the function call failed
        int iReturns = lua_gettop ( luaVM ) - luaStackPointer;

        if ( returnValues != NULL )
            for ( int i = - iReturns; i <= -1; i++ )
                returnValues->ReadArgument ( luaVM, i );

        // cleanup the stack
        while ( lua_gettop ( luaVM ) - luaStackPointer > 0 )
            lua_pop ( luaVM, 1 );

    CPerfStatLuaTiming::GetSingleton ()->UpdateLuaTiming ( pLuaMain, pLuaMain->GetFunctionTag ( iLuaFunction.m_iFunction ), GetTimeUs() - startTime );
    return true;