/* INFO: */ int DeviceListPrintList() { StructuresDynamicNode * localNode = { 0 }; unsigned int localDeviceNumber = { 0 }; CHECK_INITIALIZED(staticInitializedFlag); ++localDeviceNumber; CHECK(ConsolePrint(DEVICE_LIST_PRINT_LIST_STRING)); CHECK(DeviceListMutexLock()); { localNode = globalDeviceList; while(localNode) { CHECK(ConsolePrint( DEVICE_LIST_PRINT_LIST_ENTRY_FORMATTER, localDeviceNumber, localNode->device-> friendlyName, localNode->device-> uniqueDeviceName)); localNode = localNode->next; ++localDeviceNumber; } } CHECK(DeviceListMutexUnlock()); CHECK(ConsolePrint(DEVICE_LIST_NEW_LINE_STRING)); return NO_ERROR; }
void CHudAmmo::UserCmd_Rebuy() { char *afile = (char*)gEngfuncs.COM_LoadFile("rebuy.txt", 5, NULL); char *pfile = afile; char token[64]; char szCmd[1024]; int lastCh; if( !pfile ) { ConsolePrint( "Can't open rebuy.txt file.\n" ); return; } // start with \" strncpy(szCmd, "cl_setrebuy \"", sizeof(szCmd)); while((pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ))) { strcat(szCmd, token); // append space after token strcat(szCmd, " "); } // replace last space with ", before terminator lastCh = strlen(szCmd); szCmd[lastCh - 1] = '\"'; ConsolePrint(szCmd); gEngfuncs.pfnServerCmd(szCmd); gEngfuncs.COM_FreeFile( afile ); }
/* INFO: */ static int CommandsCommonPrintHelpList(const bool inpLongHelpFlag) { const char * localCommandString = { 0 }; const char * localShortHelpString = { 0 }; const char * localLongHelpString = { 0 }; unsigned int localIndex = { 0 }; CHECK(ConsolePrint(COMMANDS_INFO)); for(; localIndex < globalCommandsCommandArraySize; ++localIndex) { localCommandString = globalCommandsCommandArray[localIndex]. commandString; localShortHelpString = globalCommandsCommandArray[localIndex]. shortHelpString; localLongHelpString = globalCommandsCommandArray[localIndex]. longHelpString; CHECK(CommandsCommonPrintHelpEntry(inpLongHelpFlag, localCommandString, localShortHelpString, localLongHelpString)); } CHECK(ConsolePrint(COMMANDS_NEW_LINE_STRING)); return NO_ERROR; }
void CHudAmmo::UserCmd_Autobuy() { char *afile = (char*)gEngfuncs.COM_LoadFile("autobuy.txt", 5, NULL); char *pfile = afile; char token[256]; char szCmd[1024]; if( !pfile ) { ConsolePrint( "Can't open autobuy.txt file.\n" ); return; } strncpy(szCmd, "cl_setautobuy", sizeof(szCmd)); while((pfile = gEngfuncs.COM_ParseFile( pfile, token ))) { // append space first strcat(szCmd, " "); strcat(szCmd, token); } ConsolePrint(szCmd); gEngfuncs.pfnServerCmd(szCmd); gEngfuncs.COM_FreeFile( afile ); }
void RootConsoleMenu::GotRootCmd(const CCommand &cmd) { unsigned int argnum = cmd.ArgC(); if (argnum >= 2) { const char *cmdname = cmd.Arg(1); if (strcmp(cmdname, "internal") == 0) { if (argnum >= 3) { const char *arg = cmd.Arg(2); if (strcmp(arg, "1") == 0) { SM_ConfigsExecuted_Global(); } else if (strcmp(arg, "2") == 0) { if (argnum >= 4) { SM_ConfigsExecuted_Plugin(atoi(cmd.Arg(3))); } } } return; } CCommandArgs ocmd(cmd); ConsoleEntry *entry; if (m_Commands.retrieve(cmdname, &entry)) { if (entry->version2) { entry->cmd->OnRootConsoleCommand2(cmdname, &ocmd); } else { entry->cmd->OnRootConsoleCommand(cmdname, cmd); } return; } } ConsolePrint("SourceMod Menu:"); ConsolePrint("Usage: sm <command> [arguments]"); List<ConsoleEntry *>::iterator iter; ConsoleEntry *pEntry; for (iter=m_Menu.begin(); iter!=m_Menu.end(); iter++) { pEntry = (*iter); DrawGenericOption(pEntry->command.c_str(), pEntry->description.c_str()); } }
// Message handler for text messages // displays a string, looking them up from the titles.txt file, which can be localised // parameters: // byte: message direction ( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, HUD_PRINTCENTER, HUD_PRINTTALK ) // string: message // optional parameters: // string: message parameter 1 // string: message parameter 2 // string: message parameter 3 // string: message parameter 4 // any string that starts with the character '#' is a message name, and is used to look up the real message in titles.txt // the next (optional) one to four strings are parameters for that string (which can also be message names if they begin with '#') int CHudTextMessage::MsgFunc_TextMsg( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) { BEGIN_READ( pbuf, iSize ); int msg_dest = READ_BYTE(); #define MSG_BUF_SIZE 128 static char szBuf[6][MSG_BUF_SIZE]; char *msg_text = LookupString( READ_STRING(), &msg_dest ); msg_text = safe_strcpy( szBuf[0], msg_text , MSG_BUF_SIZE); // keep reading strings and using C format strings for subsituting the strings into the localised text string char *sstr1 = LookupString( READ_STRING() ); sstr1 = safe_strcpy( szBuf[1], sstr1 , MSG_BUF_SIZE); StripEndNewlineFromString( sstr1 ); // these strings are meant for subsitution into the main strings, so cull the automatic end newlines char *sstr2 = LookupString( READ_STRING() ); sstr2 = safe_strcpy( szBuf[2], sstr2 , MSG_BUF_SIZE); StripEndNewlineFromString( sstr2 ); char *sstr3 = LookupString( READ_STRING() ); sstr3 = safe_strcpy( szBuf[3], sstr3 , MSG_BUF_SIZE); StripEndNewlineFromString( sstr3 ); char *sstr4 = LookupString( READ_STRING() ); sstr4 = safe_strcpy( szBuf[4], sstr4 , MSG_BUF_SIZE); StripEndNewlineFromString( sstr4 ); char *psz = szBuf[5]; if ( gViewPort && gViewPort->AllowedToPrintText() == FALSE ) return 1; switch ( msg_dest ) { case HUD_PRINTCENTER: safe_sprintf( psz, MSG_BUF_SIZE, msg_text, sstr1, sstr2, sstr3, sstr4 ); CenterPrint( ConvertCRtoNL( psz ) ); break; case HUD_PRINTNOTIFY: psz[0] = 1; // mark this message to go into the notify buffer safe_sprintf( psz+1, MSG_BUF_SIZE, msg_text, sstr1, sstr2, sstr3, sstr4 ); ConsolePrint( ConvertCRtoNL( psz ) ); break; case HUD_PRINTTALK: safe_sprintf( psz, MSG_BUF_SIZE, msg_text, sstr1, sstr2, sstr3, sstr4 ); gHUD.m_SayText.SayTextPrint( ConvertCRtoNL( psz ), 128 ); break; case HUD_PRINTCONSOLE: safe_sprintf( psz, MSG_BUF_SIZE, msg_text, sstr1, sstr2, sstr3, sstr4 ); ConsolePrint( ConvertCRtoNL( psz ) ); break; } return 1; }
void Blitters_Init() { ConsolePrint(Msg_Get(MSG_Blitters_Loading)); Blitters.list = NULL; Blitters.current = NULL; // Open and read file t_tfile * tf; if ((tf = tfile_read (Blitters.filename)) == NULL) Quit_Msg("%s", meka_strerror()); ConsolePrint("\n"); // Parse each line int line_cnt = 0; for (t_list* lines = tf->data_lines; lines; lines = lines->next) { const char* line = (char*)lines->elem; line_cnt += 1; int i, j; char s1 [256], s2 [256]; for (i = 0, j = 0; line [i] != 0 && line [i] != ';'; i ++) if ((line [0] == '[') || (line [i] != ' ' && line [i] != '\t')) s2 [j ++] = line [i]; s2 [j] = 0; if (StrIsNull (s2)) continue; strcpy(s1, s2); StrLower(s1); switch (Blitters_Parse_Line (s1, s2)) { case MEKA_ERR_UNKNOWN: tfile_free(tf); Quit_Msg(Msg_Get(MSG_Blitters_Error_Unrecognized), line_cnt); case MEKA_ERR_MISSING: tfile_free(tf); Quit_Msg(Msg_Get(MSG_Blitters_Error_Missing), line_cnt); case MEKA_ERR_VALUE_INCORRECT: tfile_free(tf); Quit_Msg(Msg_Get(MSG_Blitters_Error_Incorrect_Value), line_cnt); } } // Free file data tfile_free(tf); // Requires at least 1 blitter if (Blitters.count == 0) Quit_Msg("%s", Msg_Get(MSG_Blitters_Error_Not_Enough)); // Current blitter if (Blitters.blitter_configuration_name != NULL) Blitters.current = Blitters_FindBlitterByName(Blitters.blitter_configuration_name); if (Blitters.current == NULL) Blitters.current = (t_blitter*)Blitters.list->elem; // first }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // DB_Load (const char *filename) // Initialize and load given Meka DB file //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void DB_Load (const char *filename) { t_tfile * tf; t_list * lines; char * line; int line_cnt; ConsolePrint (Msg_Get (MSG_DB_Loading)); // Open and read file tf = tfile_read (filename); if (tf == NULL) { ConsolePrintf ("%s\n", meka_strerror()); return; } // Ok ConsolePrint ("\n"); // Parse each line line_cnt = 0; for (lines = tf->data_lines; lines; lines = lines->next) { line_cnt += 1; line = lines->elem; // Strip comments // FIXME // Trim spaces? // FIXME // Skip empty lines //if (line[0] == EOSTR) // continue; if (DB_Load_Line (line) == 0) { tfile_free (tf); Quit_Msg (Msg_Get (MSG_DB_SyntaxError), line_cnt); } } // Free file data tfile_free(tf); // FIXME - Uncomment for counting progress of DB transition //ConsolePrintf ("ENTRIES NEW = %d, OLD = %d\n", DB.entries_counter_format_new, DB.entries_counter_format_old); //Quit(); }
/* INFO: */ static int CommandsCommonPrintHelpEntry(const bool inpLongHelpFlag, const char * const inpCommandString, const char * const inpShortHelpString, const char * const inpLongHelpString) { if(inpLongHelpFlag) { CHECK(ConsolePrint(COMMANDS_LONG_HELP_FORMATTER, inpCommandString, inpShortHelpString, inpLongHelpString)); } else { CHECK(ConsolePrint(COMMANDS_SHORT_HELP_FORMATTER, inpCommandString, inpShortHelpString)); } return NO_ERROR; }
/* INFO: */ static int DisplayPrintServiceHeader( const StructuresDynamicService * const inpService, const unsigned int inpServiceNumber, const char inpServiceTreeVertical) { CHECK(ConsolePrint( DISPLAY_PRINT_SERVICE_HEADER_FORMAT_STRING, DISPLAY_TREE_HORIZONTAL_EMPTY, DISPLAY_TREE_VERTICAL_FULL, DISPLAY_TREE_HORIZONTAL_EMPTY, DISPLAY_TREE_HORIZONTAL_FULL, DISPLAY_SERVICE_GROUP_STRING, inpServiceNumber, DISPLAY_TREE_HORIZONTAL_EMPTY, inpServiceTreeVertical, DISPLAY_TREE_HORIZONTAL_EMPTY, DISPLAY_TREE_VERTICAL_FULL)); CHECK(DisplayPrintServiceEntry(DISPLAY_SUBSCRIPTION_ID_STRING, inpService->subscriptionId, inpServiceTreeVertical)); CHECK(DisplayPrintServiceEntry(DISPLAY_SERVICE_TYPE_STRING, inpService->serviceType, inpServiceTreeVertical)); CHECK(DisplayPrintServiceEntry(DISPLAY_SERVICE_ID_STRING, inpService->serviceId, inpServiceTreeVertical)); CHECK(DisplayPrintServiceEntry(DISPLAY_SCPDURL_STRING, inpService->SCPDURL, inpServiceTreeVertical)); CHECK(DisplayPrintServiceEntry(DISPLAY_CONTROL_URL_STRING, inpService->controlURL, inpServiceTreeVertical)); CHECK(DisplayPrintServiceEntry(DISPLAY_EVENT_SUB_URL_STRING, inpService->eventSubURL, inpServiceTreeVertical)); return NO_ERROR; }
// Initialize Sound Engine ---------------------------------------------------- // FIXME: This is mostly legacy stuff :( static int Sound_Init_Engine (int buffer_mode) { // Stream Buffer Mode //STREAM_BUFFER_MAXA = DEF_STREAM_BUFFER_MAXA; MODEB_FRAME_SIZE = DEF_MODEB_FRAME_SIZE; MODEB_UPDATE_COUNT = DEF_MODEB_UPDATE_COUNT; MODEB_ERROR_MAX = DEF_STREAM_UPDATE_ERROR_MAX; STREAM_BUFFER_MAXB = MODEB_FRAME_SIZE; MODEB_MASK = MODEB_FRAME_SIZE / MODEB_UPDATE_COUNT; sound_stream_mode = buffer_mode; /* SOUND_STREAM_WAIT in MEKA */ //stream_buffer_max = (sound_stream_mode == SOUND_STREAM_NORMAL) ? STREAM_BUFFER_MAXA : STREAM_BUFFER_MAXB; #ifdef INSTALL_SOUND_TIMER buffered_stream_max = stream_buffer_max = 3; // audio_buffer_max_size MODEB_UPDATE_COUNT = 1; #else stream_buffer_max = ((stream_buffer_max / 6) / MODEB_UPDATE_COUNT) * MODEB_UPDATE_COUNT; // buffered_stream_max = stream_buffer_max; // audio_buffer_max_size buffered_stream_max = MODEB_UPDATE_COUNT * 2; // audio_buffer_max_size #endif /**** timer work init ****/ sound_freerun_count = 0; sound_slice = 0; if (change_sample_rate) { // Sample rate has changed, so all emulators must be restarted! change_sample_rate = FALSE; saStopSoundEmulators(); } ConsolePrint (" - SEAL: Ok\n"); // FIXME: should be a message ? #ifdef INSTALL_SOUND_TIMER saInitSoundTimer(); #endif if (SndMachine != NULL) { if (!SndMachine->first) { int i; SndMachine->first = 1; /* first flag clear */ streams_sh_start(); /* streaming system initialize & start */ pause_sound = 0; /* pause flag off */ vbover_err = vbunder_err = 0; /* error initial */ for (i = 0; i < SndMachine->control_max; i++) { if (SndMachine->f_init[i]) { if (SndMachine->f_init[i] (SndMachine->userdata[i]) != MEKA_ERR_OK) { SndMachine = NULL; return (MEKA_ERR_FAIL); } } } } } return (MEKA_ERR_OK); }
/** Prints a chracter to the default console, using L"%c" format. @param Character Character to print. @return Length of string printed to the console. **/ UINTN PrintChar ( CHAR16 Character ) { return ConsolePrint (L"%c", Character); }
/** Prints a unicode string to the default console, using L"%s" format. @param String String pointer. @return Length of string printed to the console **/ UINTN PrintString ( IN CHAR16 *String ) { return ConsolePrint (L"%s", String); }
/* INFO: */ static int CliAutocompletionApplySuggestion(char * const inpCommandBuffer, const unsigned int inpCommandBufferSize, unsigned int * const inpCommandSize, unsigned int * const inpCommandBufferOffset, const char * const inpSuggestion, const unsigned int inpSuggestionSize) { char * localCompletionBuffer = { 0 }; unsigned int localCompletionBufferSize = { 0 }; const char * localSuggestionTail = { 0 }; unsigned int localSuggestionTailSize = { 0 }; unsigned int localSuggestionOffset = { 0 }; localCompletionBuffer = inpCommandBuffer + (* inpCommandSize); if((* inpCommandSize) >= inpCommandBufferSize) { return ERROR; } localCompletionBufferSize = inpCommandBufferSize - (* inpCommandSize); if(! localCompletionBufferSize) { return ERROR; } if((* inpCommandBufferOffset) > (* inpCommandSize)) { return ERROR; } localSuggestionOffset = (* inpCommandSize) - (* inpCommandBufferOffset); localSuggestionTail = inpSuggestion + localSuggestionOffset; localSuggestionTailSize = inpSuggestionSize - localSuggestionOffset; if(! localSuggestionTailSize) { (* inpCommandBufferOffset) = (* inpCommandSize); return NO_ERROR; } if(localSuggestionTailSize >= localCompletionBufferSize) { (* inpCommandBufferOffset) = (* inpCommandSize); return NO_ERROR; } memcpy(localCompletionBuffer, localSuggestionTail, localSuggestionTailSize); localCompletionBuffer[localSuggestionTailSize] = 0; (* inpCommandSize) += localSuggestionTailSize; CHECK(ConsolePrint(UTILS_SIMPLE_PRINT_FORMATTER, localCompletionBuffer)); (* inpCommandBufferOffset) = (* inpCommandSize); return NO_ERROR; }
/* INFO: */ static int CliAutocompletionPrintPrimaryCommand( char * const inpCommandBuffer) { CHECK(ConsolePrint(UTILS_SIMPLE_PRINT_FORMATTER, inpCommandBuffer)); return NO_ERROR; }
void Log::LogPrint(LogType type, const char* msg) { if (config.logConsole) ConsolePrint(type, msg); if (config.logSyslog) SyslogPrint(type, msg); if (config.logFile) FilePrint(type, msg); }
// ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ void EthSendIntf(NetIntf *intf, const void *dstAddr, u16 etherType, NetBuf *pkt) { // Determine ethernet address by protocol of packet const EthAddr *dstEthAddr = 0; switch (etherType) { case ET_ARP: dstEthAddr = (const EthAddr *)dstAddr; break; case ET_IPV4: { const Ipv4Addr *dstIpv4Addr = (const Ipv4Addr *)dstAddr; if (Ipv4AddrEq(dstIpv4Addr, &g_broadcastIpv4Addr) || Ipv4AddrEq(dstIpv4Addr, &intf->broadcastAddr)) { // IP Broadcast -> Ethernet Broacast dstEthAddr = &g_broadcastEthAddr; } else { // Lookup Ethernet address in ARP cache dstEthAddr = ArpLookupEthAddr(dstIpv4Addr); if (!dstEthAddr) { ArpRequest(intf, dstIpv4Addr, etherType, pkt); return; } } } break; case ET_IPV6: break; } // Skip packets without a destination if (!dstEthAddr) { ConsolePrint("Dropped packet\n"); return; } // Fill in ethernet header pkt->start -= sizeof(EthHeader); EthHeader *hdr = (EthHeader *)pkt->start; hdr->dst = *dstEthAddr; hdr->src = intf->ethAddr; hdr->etherType = NetSwap16(etherType); // Transmit EthPrint(pkt); intf->devSend(pkt); }
// Message handler for text messages // displays a string, looking them up from the titles.txt file, which can be localised // parameters: // byte: message direction ( HUD_PRINTCONSOLE, HUD_PRINTNOTIFY, HUD_PRINTCENTER, HUD_PRINTTALK ) // string: message // optional parameters: // string: message parameter 1 // string: message parameter 2 // string: message parameter 3 // string: message parameter 4 // any string that starts with the character '#' is a message name, and is used to look up the real message in titles.txt // the next (optional) one to four strings are parameters for that string (which can also be message names if they begin with '#') int CHudTextMessage::MsgFunc_TextMsg( const char *pszName, int iSize, void *pbuf ) { int destination; StringList message; NetMsg_TextMsg( pbuf, iSize, destination, message ); if ( gViewPort && gViewPort->AllowedToPrintText() == FALSE ) return 1; while( message.size() < 5 ) { message.push_back( string("") ); } char psz[1024]; char* origin = psz; if( destination == HUD_PRINTNOTIFY ) { psz[0] = 1; origin = psz + 1; } // Ensure that message[0] does not contain exessive %'s, max 4x%s, all other %'s removed. size_t lastpos = 0; size_t pos; int count = 0; while(true) { pos = message[0].find("%", lastpos); if (pos == string::npos) break; if ((message[0].substr(pos + 1, 1) == "s") && (count < 4)) count++; else message[0].replace(pos, 1, " "); lastpos = pos + 1; } sprintf( origin, message[0].c_str(), message[1].c_str(), message[2].c_str(), message[3].c_str(), message[4].c_str() ); ConvertCRtoNL(psz); switch ( destination ) { case HUD_PRINTNOTIFY: case HUD_PRINTCONSOLE: ConsolePrint(psz); break; case HUD_PRINTCENTER: CenterPrint(psz); break; case HUD_PRINTTALK: gHUD.m_SayText.SayTextPrint(psz, 1024); break; } return 1; }
void OutputTable::FilePrint(string file) { std::ofstream out(file); // Opens the file std::streambuf *coutbuf = std::cout.rdbuf(); // Saves the old buf std::cout.rdbuf(out.rdbuf()); // Redirects std::cout to file ConsolePrint(); std::cout.rdbuf(coutbuf); // Resets to standard output again }
//----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ConsolePrintf (const char *format, ...) // Print formatted message to console. //----------------------------------------------------------------------------- void ConsolePrintf (const char *format, ...) { va_list params; va_start (params, format); vsprintf (Msg_Buf, format, params); va_end (params); ConsolePrint(Msg_Buf); }
bool Tester::RunAllTests() { ConsolePrint("Running all tests.\n"); bool retVal = true; for (unsigned i = 0; i < tests_.size(); ++i) { retVal = (RunTest(i) && retVal); } return retVal; }
// Initialize Sound Card ------------------------------------------------------ static int Sound_Init_SoundCard (void) { int i; AUDIOINFO Audio_Infos; ConsolePrintf (Msg_Get (MSG_Sound_Init_Soundcard), Sound.SampleRate); ConsolePrint ("\n"); Audio_Infos.nDeviceId = Sound.SoundCard; Audio_Infos.wFormat = AUDIO_FORMAT_16BITS | AUDIO_FORMAT_STEREO; // FIXME: Stereo ? Audio_Infos.nSampleRate = audio_sample_rate = Sound.SampleRate; if (AOpenAudio(&Audio_Infos) != AUDIO_ERROR_NONE) { Quit_Msg ("%s", Msg_Get (MSG_Sound_Init_Error_Audio)); return (MEKA_ERR_FAIL); } // FIXME: original sound engine was trying different sample rate on failure // Unused // Maybe it was intended to check out number of channels there ? // AGetAudioCaps (Audio_Infos.nDeviceId, &Audio_Caps); // Open voices if (AOpenVoices(Sound.Voices_Max) != AUDIO_ERROR_NONE) { Quit_Msg ("%s", Msg_Get (MSG_Sound_Init_Error_Voices)); return (MEKA_ERR_FAIL); } ASetAudioMixerValue (AUDIO_MIXER_MASTER_VOLUME, 256); // Allocate voices and waveforms Sound.Voices = Memory_Alloc (sizeof (t_voice) * Sound.Voices_Max); for (i = 0; i < Sound.Voices_Max; i++) { if (ACreateAudioVoice(&Sound.Voices[i].hVoice) != AUDIO_ERROR_NONE) { Quit_Msg (Msg_Get (MSG_Sound_Init_Error_Voice_N), i); return (MEKA_ERR_FAIL); } ASetVoicePanning(Sound.Voices[i].hVoice, 128); // Center voice Sound.Voices[i].lpWave = NULL; Sound.Voices[i].playing = FALSE; } // FIXME: is this needed ? AUpdateAudio (); // FIXME: is this needed ? // Check frame sample rate audio_sample_rate = nominal_sample_rate = Audio_Infos.nSampleRate; return (MEKA_ERR_OK); }
void Appli_DsadcCyclic(void) { char str_adc[10]; int chn; #ifdef iLLD // start conversions IfxDsadc_Dsadc_startScan(&dsadc, 0x3f, 0x3f); // results are now available in IFXDSADC(ds).CH[x].RESM.B.RESULT (x=0..5 // declared globally // sint16 result[]; for(chn=0; chn<IFXDSADC_NUM_CHANNELS; ++chn) { if( dsadcChannelAvailable[chn] ) { result[chn] = IfxDsadc_Dsadc_getMainResult(&dsadcChannel[chn]); #if 0 ConsolePrint("\tCH"); ShortToAscii(chn, str_adc); ConsolePrint(str_adc); ConsolePrint(" :"); ShortToAscii(result, str_adc); //str_adc[10] = '\0'; ConsolePrint(str_adc); #endif } } #else DSADC_GLOBRC.U = 0x010001; delay(); //note that DSADC result is 2's complement if ((DSADC_RESM0.B.RESULT & 0x8000) == 0x8000) { result[0] = (float) (~DSADC_RESM0.U + 1) * 11.375290337; //display_ascii_printf(DISPLAYSTDOUT0, "DSADC0 = -%.4fV\n", result); } else { result[0] = (float) DSADC_RESM0.U * 11.375290337; //display_ascii_printf(DISPLAYSTDOUT0, "DSADC0 = %.4fV\n", result); } #endif }
void CHudMenu::UserCmd_ShowVGUIMenu() { if( gEngfuncs.Cmd_Argc() < 2 ) { ConsolePrint("usage: showvguimenu <menuType>\n"); return; } int menuType = atoi(gEngfuncs.Cmd_Argv(1)); ShowVGUIMenu(menuType); }
Model* Graphics::LoadModel(const std::string& modelName) { Model* newModel = nullptr; int dotIndex = modelName.find_last_of('.'); std::string extension = modelName.substr(dotIndex, (modelName.size()) - dotIndex); auto& modelLoader = loaders_.find(extension); std::string friendlyName = modelName.substr(0, dotIndex); if (modelLoader != loaders_.end()) { newModel = ((*modelLoader).val)->Load("Content/Models/" + modelName); if (newModel) { auto it = models_.find(friendlyName); if(it == models_.end()) { models_.insert(friendlyName, newModel); } else { auto sit = models_.find(friendlyName + extension); if(sit == models_.end()) { models_.insert(friendlyName + extension, newModel); } else { ConsolePrint("Two model files of same name and same type, cannot load model" + friendlyName + extension + "\n"); } } } } else { ConsolePrint("Can't load file extension " + extension + " as model.\n"); } newModel->Initialize(); return newModel; }
void TreeStem::Build(TreeSegment* parentSeg, float offset, TreeGeneralParams generalParams, TreeLevelParams levelParams, LevelContext& context) { static int dbNumStems[4]; dbNumStems[levelParams.level]++; ConsolePrint(L"current numStems: (0-%d),(1-%d),(2-%d),(3-%d)\n", dbNumStems[0], dbNumStems[1], dbNumStems[2], dbNumStems[3]); SAFE_DELETE(mFirstSeg); mParentSeg = parentSeg; mLevelParams = levelParams; float parentLength = 0; float stemOffset = 0; if(parentSeg) { mPos = Vector3(0, offset, 0); // offset: 当stem是parentSeg的一个枝条时, stem在parentSeg上长出的位置 parentLength = mParentSeg->mStem->GetLength(); stemOffset = mParentSeg->mSegIndex * mParentSeg->mStem->GetSegLength() + offset; } else { _Assert(mLevelParams.level == 0); // 只有trunk不存在parentSeg mPos = Vector3::Zero; } mLength = calcStemLength(generalParams, parentLength, stemOffset); mBaseRadius = calcStemBaseRadius(generalParams, parentLength, stemOffset); float baseLength = 0; if(mLevelParams.level == 0) { baseLength = generalParams.baseSize * mLength; } calcStemBranchInterval(parentLength, stemOffset, baseLength, &mNumBranches, &mBranchInterval); float parentBaseLength = 0; if(mLevelParams.level == 1) { parentBaseLength = generalParams.baseSize * parentLength; } float downAngle = 0; float rotateAngle = 0; calcBranchAngle(parentLength, stemOffset, parentBaseLength, context.rotateAngle, &downAngle, &rotateAngle); context.rotateAngle = rotateAngle; mOrient = Quaternion(0, DEGREE_TO_RAD(rotateAngle), DEGREE_TO_RAD(downAngle)); buildSegment(generalParams, NULL, 0, 0, 0, 0, LevelContext()); }
extern void ConsolePrintStrStack(void) { const char *str; int i = 0; while ((str = ConsolePopStrStack()) != NULL) { ConsoleSetColor(WHITE, BLACK); ConsoleSetCursor(i++, 0); ConsolePrint(str); } }
/*----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Console: Extern Functions ---------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ extern void ConsoleFillRect( int top, int left, int bottom, int right, int fgColor, int bgColor, const char* str) { ConsoleSetColor( fgColor, bgColor ); for (int i=top; i<bottom; ++i) { ConsoleSetCursor( i, 0 ); for (int j=left; j<right; ++j) { ConsolePrint(str); } } }