CRef<CBioseq> MakeMaskingBioseq(const CSeq_id& new_id, TSeqPos seq_length, const CSeq_id& original_id, const CSeq_loc& masking_loc) { return MakeMaskingBioseq(new_id, seq_length, ConstRef(&original_id), masking_loc); }
CSeqMap_CI::CSeqMap_CI(const CBioseq_Handle& bioseq, const SSeqMapSelector& sel, TSeqPos pos) : m_Scope(&bioseq.GetScope()), m_SearchPos(0), m_SearchEnd(kInvalidSeqPos) { SSeqMapSelector tse_sel(sel); tse_sel.SetLinkUsedTSE(bioseq.GetTSE_Handle()); x_Select(ConstRef(&bioseq.GetSeqMap()), tse_sel, pos); }
CSeqMap_CI::CSeqMap_CI(const CBioseq_Handle& bioseq, const SSeqMapSelector& sel, const CRange<TSeqPos>& range) : m_Scope(&bioseq.GetScope()), m_SearchPos(range.GetFrom()), m_SearchEnd(range.GetToOpen()) { SSeqMapSelector tse_sel(sel); tse_sel.SetLinkUsedTSE(bioseq.GetTSE_Handle()); x_Select(ConstRef(&bioseq.GetSeqMap()), tse_sel, range.GetFrom()); }
CConstRef<CSeq_interval> CSeqTable_column::GetSeq_int(size_t row) const { size_t index = row; if ( IsSetSparse() ) { index = GetSparse().GetIndexAt(row); if ( index == CSeqTable_sparse_index::kSkipped ) { if ( IsSetSparse_other() ) { return ConstRef(&GetSparse_other().GetInterval()); } return null; } } if ( IsSetData() ) { const CSeqTable_multi_data::TInterval& arr = GetData().GetInterval(); if ( index < arr.size() ) { return arr[index]; } } if ( IsSetDefault() ) { return ConstRef(&GetDefault().GetInterval()); } return null; }
int Foo (Packed &p, int i, int ui) { int r; if ((r = Val (p.i, i))) return r; if ((r = Val (p.u.i, ui))) return r + 2; if ((r = Val (p.u, ui))) return r + 4; if ((r = ConstRef (p.i, &p.i, i))) return r + 6; return 0; }
void CSeqTableLocColumns::AddExtraColumn(const CSeqTable_column& column, const CSeqTableSetLocField* setter) { m_ExtraColumns.push_back(TColumnInfo(column, ConstRef(setter))); m_Is_set = true; }
{ dword tlen = s_strlen(lptstr, INT_MAX); tmp.SetSize(__FILE__LINE__ tlen + 1); s_strcpy(CastMutable(CPointer, tmp.GetString()), tlen + 1, lptstr); GlobalUnlock(hglb); } } CloseClipboard(); #endif #ifdef OK_SYS_UNIX tmp = _clipboardtext; #endif return tmp; } bool CConsoleClipboard::SetClipboardText(ConstRef(CStringBuffer) text) { #ifdef OK_SYS_WINDOWS HWND hwnd = GetConsoleWindow(); HGLOBAL hglbCopy; LPTSTR lptstrCopy; if ( !hwnd ) return false; if ( !OpenClipboard(hwnd) ) return false; EmptyClipboard(); hglbCopy = GlobalAlloc(GMEM_MOVEABLE, text.GetSize() * sizeof(TCHAR)); if ( !hglbCopy ) { CloseClipboard();
std::string SymbolicVal::toString() const { return (ConstPtr() != 0)? ConstRef().toString() : std::string(""); }
} CListView::CListView(LPCTSTR name): CControl(name), m_SelectMode(TSelectModeDisabled), m_editable(false), m_hasSelection(false), m_nodes(__FILE__LINE__ 64, 128), m_selNodes(__FILE__LINE__ 64, 128), m_images(), m_currentNode(NULL), m_editor(NULL) { } CListView::CListView(ConstRef(CStringBuffer) name): CControl(name), m_SelectMode(TSelectModeDisabled), m_editable(false), m_hasSelection(false), m_nodes(__FILE__LINE__ 64, 128), m_selNodes(__FILE__LINE__ 64, 128), m_images(), m_currentNode(NULL), m_editor(NULL) { } CListView::~CListView(void) { clear();
CConstRef<CSeq_align> CSeq_align_Handle::GetSeq_align(void) const { return ConstRef(&x_GetSeq_align()); }
bool CSeqMap_CI::x_Push(TSeqPos pos, bool resolveExternal) { const TSegmentInfo& info = x_GetSegmentInfo(); if ( !info.InRange() ) { return false; } const CSeqMap::CSegment& seg = info.x_GetSegment(); CSeqMap::ESegmentType type = CSeqMap::ESegmentType(seg.m_SegType); switch ( type ) { case CSeqMap::eSeqSubMap: {{ CConstRef<CSeqMap> push_map (static_cast<const CSeqMap*>(info.m_SeqMap->x_GetObject(seg))); // We have to copy the info.m_TSE into local variable push_tse because // of TSegmentInfo referenced by info can be moved inside x_Push() call. CTSE_Handle push_tse = info.m_TSE; x_Push(push_map, info.m_TSE, GetRefPosition(), GetLength(), GetRefMinusStrand(), pos); break; }} case CSeqMap::eSeqRef: {{ if ( !resolveExternal ) { return false; } const CSeq_id& seq_id = static_cast<const CSeq_id&>(*info.m_SeqMap->x_GetObject(seg)); CBioseq_Handle bh; if ( m_Selector.x_HasLimitTSE() ) { // Check TSE limit bh = m_Selector.x_GetLimitTSE().GetBioseqHandle(seq_id); if ( !bh ) { return false; } } else { if ( !GetScope() ) { NCBI_THROW(CSeqMapException, eNullPointer, "Cannot resolve "+ seq_id.AsFastaString()+": null scope pointer"); } bh = GetScope()->GetBioseqHandle(seq_id); if ( !bh ) { if ( GetFlags() & CSeqMap::fIgnoreUnresolved ) { return false; } NCBI_THROW(CSeqMapException, eFail, "Cannot resolve "+ seq_id.AsFastaString()+": unknown"); } } if ( (GetFlags() & CSeqMap::fByFeaturePolicy) && bh.GetFeatureFetchPolicy() == bh.eFeatureFetchPolicy_only_near ) { return false; } if ( info.m_TSE ) { if ( !info.m_TSE.AddUsedTSE(bh.GetTSE_Handle()) ) { m_Selector.AddUsedTSE(bh.GetTSE_Handle()); } } size_t depth = m_Stack.size(); x_Push(ConstRef(&bh.GetSeqMap()), bh.GetTSE_Handle(), GetRefPosition(), GetLength(), GetRefMinusStrand(), pos); if (m_Stack.size() == depth) { return false; } m_Selector.PushResolve(); if ( (m_Stack.size() & 63) == 0 ) { // check for self-recursion every 64'th stack frame const CSeqMap* top_seq_map = &m_Stack.back().x_GetSeqMap(); for ( int i = m_Stack.size()-2; i >= 0; --i ) { if ( &m_Stack[i].x_GetSeqMap() == top_seq_map ) { NCBI_THROW(CSeqMapException, eSelfReference, "Self-reference in CSeqMap"); } } } break; }} default: return false; } return true; }
CConstPointer vName = va_arg(argList, CConstPointer); Ptr(CSqLite3Column) pColumn = OK_NEW_OPERATOR CSqLite3Column(vName, vDataType); _pFuncInfo->Append(pColumn); } va_end(argList); _lpImpl->create_function(_pFuncInfo); } } CSqLite3Connection::create_function_infoclass::create_function_infoclass(Ptr(CSqLite3Connection) pConn, CConstPointer name, create_function_type funcbody, sword nArgs) : _pConn(pConn), _name(__FILE__LINE__ name), _func(funcbody), _nArgs(nArgs), _args(__FILE__LINE__ 16, 16, CSqLite3ColumnsDeleteFunc) {} CSqLite3Connection::create_function_infoclass::create_function_infoclass(Ptr(CSqLite3Connection) pConn, ConstRef(CStringBuffer) name, create_function_type funcbody, sword nArgs) : _pConn(pConn), _name(name), _func(funcbody), _nArgs(nArgs), _args(__FILE__LINE__ 16, 16, CSqLite3ColumnsDeleteFunc) {} CSqLite3Connection::create_function_infoclass::~create_function_infoclass() {} void CSqLite3Connection::create_function_infoclass::Append(Ptr(CSqLite3Column) pArg) { _args.Append(pArg); } CSqLite3Statement::CSqLite3Statement(CSqLite3Environment* lpEnv, CSqLite3StatementImpl* lpStmtImpl) : _lpEnv(lpEnv), _lpImpl(lpStmtImpl), _columns(__FILE__LINE__ 16, 16, CSqLite3ColumnsDeleteFunc) { if (_lpEnv) _lpEnv->addRef();
#endif { SetString(ARGS_FILE_LINE _str.GetCurrent(), _str.GetLength()); } CStringBuffer::CStringBuffer(DECL_FILE_LINE CStringLiteral _str): CStringLiteral() #ifdef __DEBUG__ , _file(file), _line(line) #endif { SetString(ARGS_FILE_LINE _str.GetString(), _str.GetLength()); } #ifdef QT_VERSION CStringBuffer::CStringBuffer( ConstRef(QString) _str): CStringLiteral() #ifdef __DEBUG__ , _file(NULL), _line(0) #endif { SetString(_str); } #endif CStringBuffer::CStringBuffer(const CStringBuffer& copy): CStringLiteral() #ifdef __DEBUG__ , _file(copy._file), _line(copy._line) #endif {
#ifdef OK_SYS_WINDOWS #include <winsock2.h> #ifdef OK_COMP_MSC #pragma comment (lib, "Ws2_32.lib") #endif #endif #ifdef OK_SYS_UNIX #include <netdb.h> #endif CWinException::CWinException(): CBaseException() { } CWinException::CWinException(DECL_FILE_LINE ConstRef(CStringLiteral) format) : CBaseException(ARGS_FILE_LINE format) { } CWinException::CWinException(DECL_FILE_LINE ConstRef(CStringLiteral) format, CConstPointer sArg) : CBaseException(ARGS_FILE_LINE format, sArg) { } CWinException::CWinException(DECL_FILE_LINE ConstRef(CStringLiteral) format, CConstPointer sArg1, CConstPointer sArg2) : CBaseException(ARGS_FILE_LINE format, sArg1, sArg2) { } CWinException::CWinException(DECL_FILE_LINE ConstRef(CStringLiteral) format, int sArg) :
******************************************************************************/ #include "WS_PCH.H" #include "AsyncFile.h" #include "SecurityFile.h" #include "WinDirectoryIterator.h" CAsyncFile::CAsyncFile(Ptr(CAsyncIOManager) pManager): CAsyncIOBuffer(pManager) { } CAsyncFile::~CAsyncFile(void) { } void CAsyncFile::Create(ConstRef(CFilePath) _path) { CWinDirectoryIterator::UnlinkFile(_path); SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES sa; HANDLE fHandle; sa.nLength = sizeof(SECURITY_ATTRIBUTES); sa.lpSecurityDescriptor = NULL; sa.bInheritHandle = TRUE; fHandle = CreateFile( _path.get_Path().GetString(), // LPCTSTR lpFileName, GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_WRITE, // DWORD dwDesiredAccess, FILE_SHARE_READ, // DWORD dwShareMode, &sa, // LPSECURITY_ATTRIBUTES lpSecurityAttributes,