Пример #1

// There are two of these because we have to schedule the next animation
// while the other is still in motion because otherwise we cancel the
// in-progress animation.
// (Actually, with the current implementation this is probably no longer
// necessary.)
PropertyAnimation up_animation;
PropertyAnimation down_animation;

// This works around the inability to use the current GRect macro
// for constants.
#define ConstantGRect(x, y, w, h) {{(x), (y)}, {(w), (h)}}

GRect UPPER_TO_RECT = ConstantGRect(0, 5, 144, 168-5);
GRect LOWER_TO_RECT = ConstantGRect(0, 112, 144, 168-112);


void init_animations() {

  property_animation_init_layer_frame(&up_animation, &text_time_layer.layer, &LOWER_TO_RECT, &UPPER_TO_RECT);

  animation_set_duration(&up_animation.animation, ANIMATION_DURATION_IN_MS);

  animation_set_curve(&up_animation.animation, AnimationCurveEaseOut);

  property_animation_init_layer_frame(&down_animation, &text_time_layer.layer, &UPPER_TO_RECT, &LOWER_TO_RECT);
Пример #2
static TextLayer      *text_time_layer;
static TextLayer      *text_ampm_layer;
static TextLayer      *text_secs_layer;
static TextLayer      *text_days_layer;
static TextLayer      *text_date_layer;
static TextLayer      *text_week_layer;
static GFont          *font_time;
static GFont          *font_days;
static GFont          *font_date;
static InverterLayer  *currentDayLayer;
static AppSync        app;
static uint8_t        sync_buffer[256];

// Define layer rectangles (x, y, width, height)
GRect TIME_RECT      = ConstantGRect(  29,   4, 110,  72 );
GRect AMPM_RECT      = ConstantGRect( 122,   0,  22,  22 );
GRect SECS_RECT      = ConstantGRect( 124,  -1,  24,  24 );
GRect DATE_RECT      = ConstantGRect(  11, 132,  80,  50 );
GRect WEEK_RECT      = ConstantGRect(  72, 132,  92,  50 );
GRect DAYS_RECT      = ConstantGRect(  17,  94, 140,  30 );
GRect BATT_RECT      = ConstantGRect(  20,  79, 103,  17 );
GRect BT_RECT        = ConstantGRect( 127,  78,  17,  20 );
GRect EMPTY_RECT     = ConstantGRect(   0,   0,   0,   0 );
GRect OFF_DATE_RECT  = ConstantGRect(  12, 132, 144,  70 );
GRect OFF_WEEK_RECT  = ConstantGRect(  74, 132, 144,  70 );

GRect TEMP_RECT      = ConstantGRect(   18,  53, 40,  40);
GRect ICON_RECT      = ConstantGRect(   16,  21, 20,  20);

Пример #3

#define ConstantGRect(x, y, w, h) {{(x), (y)}, {(w), (h)}}

    - BackgroundColor is the main filling (black)
    - ForegroundColor is the filling of the cross, points and segments (white)
    - AnimationTime is the duration in milliseconds of transitions (2000)
    - Points are the coordinates of the two points at of each quadrant */
const GColor BackgroundColor = GColorBlack;
const GColor ForegroundColor = GColorWhite;
const int AnimationTime = 2000;

const GRect Points[2] = {
    ConstantGRect(33, 25, 4, 4),
    ConstantGRect(33, 53, 4, 4)

/* Each number is contained in a quadrant which has a layer (its coordinates), 
    2 permanent points and 8 possible segments. Also storing the animations
    that need to be globally accessible and the current segments byte for
    future comparison. */
typedef struct {
    Layer layer;
    Layer points[2];
    Layer segments[8];
    PropertyAnimation animations[8];
    bool cancelAnimations[8];
    char currentSegments;
} Quadrant;
Пример #4
static char date_str[] = "xx";
static char weather_str[] = "eleven";
static char center_str[] = "thirteen";
static char temp_str[] = "clock";
static char temp_f_str[] = "clock";
static char temp_c_str[] = "clock";
static char city_str[] = "1234";
static char connected_str[] = "";
static char disconnected_str[] = "Disconnected";

#define STAGGER_STR 100
#define STAGGER_IN 500
#define WAIT_TIME 2500
#define ConstantGRect(x, y, w, h) {{(x), (y)}, {(w), (h)}}  // borrowed from drop_zone
// hour, tens, ones frames off screen to the right, center (default), left
static GRect r_rect_hour = ConstantGRect(168, 20, 144, 168 - 20);
static GRect r_rect_tens = ConstantGRect(168, 55, 144, 168 - 55);
static GRect r_rect_ones = ConstantGRect(168, 90, 144, 168 - 90);
static GRect c_rect_hour = ConstantGRect(0, 20, 144, 168 - 20);
static GRect c_rect_tens = ConstantGRect(0, 55, 144, 168 - 55);
static GRect c_rect_ones = ConstantGRect(0, 90, 144, 168 - 90);
static GRect c_rect_connection = ConstantGRect(0, 150, 144, 168 - 150);
static GRect l_rect_hour = ConstantGRect(-168, 20, 144, 168 - 20);
static GRect l_rect_tens = ConstantGRect(-168, 55, 144, 168 - 55);
static GRect l_rect_ones = ConstantGRect(-168, 90, 144, 168 - 90);
static PropertyAnimation *hour_anim = NULL;
static PropertyAnimation *tens_anim = NULL;
static PropertyAnimation *ones_anim = NULL;
static bool introComplete = false;
static bool noInterrupts = false;
static bool timerCallback2 = false;