Limit3D PFO_Scatterplot::GetPlotObjLimits() { Limit3D currLimits; DoStatusChk(); if (StatusNotOK() || (!doPlot)) return currLimits; bool xLin, yLin; GetAxesTypes(xLin, yLin); { const SC_DoubleArray& xData = scatterDataDC->dataTable[plotIVIndx]; const SC_DoubleArray& yData = scatterDataDC->dataTable[plotDVIndx + nplotIV]; for (int j = 0; j < xData.Size(); j++) { double xVal = xData[j]; double yVal = yData[j]; if ((xLin || (xVal > stdEps)) && (yLin || (yVal > stdEps))) currLimits.AddToLimits(Coord3D(xVal, yVal, nullReal)); } } if (plotXGridLines) { const SC_DoubleArray& xData = xGridLinesDC->dataTable[plotIVIndx]; for (int j = 0; j < xData.Size(); j++) { double xVal = xData[j]; if ((!RealIsNull(xVal)) && (xLin || (xVal > stdEps))) currLimits.AddToLimits(Coord3D(xVal, nullReal, nullReal)); } } if (plotYGridLines) { const SC_DoubleArray& yData = yGridLinesDC->dataTable[plotDVIndx]; for (int j = 0; j < yData.Size(); j++) { double yVal = yData[j]; if ((!RealIsNull(yVal)) && (yLin || (yVal > stdEps))) currLimits.AddToLimits(Coord3D(nullReal, yVal, nullReal)); } } return currLimits; }
void PlotDefC::ChangeView(const Coord3D& scaleFactor) { Coord3D viewCenter = GetNewViewCenter(); if (viewCenter.CoordIsNull()) return; Limit3D oldLimits = GetCurrentViewLimits(); Limit3D newLimits; PC_ViewOpRec axesSettings = GetPlotViewOps(); DoOp(axesSettings.xOp, viewCenter.cX, oldLimits.minLim.cX, oldLimits.maxLim.cX, scaleFactor.cX, newLimits.minLim.cX, newLimits.maxLim.cX); DoOp(axesSettings.yOp, viewCenter.cY, oldLimits.minLim.cY, oldLimits.maxLim.cY, scaleFactor.cY, newLimits.minLim.cY, newLimits.maxLim.cY); DoOp(axesSettings.zOp, viewCenter.cZ, oldLimits.minLim.cZ, oldLimits.maxLim.cZ, scaleFactor.cZ, newLimits.minLim.cZ, newLimits.maxLim.cZ); // keep existing 3D az/scale/el PC_View currView = GetCurrentView(); // clear translations currView.translation = Coord3D(0.0); // set new limits currView.viewLimits = newLimits; plotViews.PushStack(currView); ResetView(); }
Coord3D OGL3DBase::GetExtrusionScale(bool pixelSizing) const { // pixel sizing assumed Coord3D minLim, maxLim; GetTransformedLimits(minLim, maxLim); Coord3D deltaLim = maxLim - minLim; return Coord3D(xOrthoSpan / deltaLim.cX,yOrthoSpan / deltaLim.cY, zOrthoSpan / deltaLim.cZ); }
inline Coord3D repulsionForce(const Coord3D& a, const Coord3D& b, float repulsion, float natlength) { Coord3D diff = a - b; float r = repulsion; r /= cube((std::max)(diff.size() / 2.0f, natlength / 10)); diff = diff * r + Coord3D(frand(-0.01f, 0.01f), frand(-0.01f, 0.01f), frand(-0.01f, 0.01f)); return diff; }
bool PD_2D::ProcessRubberbandRegion(const PC_ObjLimitRect& rubberbandRegion) { int dx, dy; rubberbandRegion.GetWidthHeight(dx, dy); // skip tiny zooms if ((dx < 3) || (dy < 3)) return false; Point2D stAxes, endAxes; if (PixelXYtoUserXY(rubberbandRegion.ulXpos, rubberbandRegion.lrYpos, stAxes) && PixelXYtoUserXY(rubberbandRegion.lrXpos, rubberbandRegion.ulYpos, endAxes)) { PC_View newView; newView.viewLimits.minLim = Coord3D(stAxes); newView.viewLimits.maxLim = Coord3D(endAxes); ChangeView(newView); return true; } return false; }
void Camera::SetFromDrawable(const Drawable & drawable, const double scale, const int _upwardAngle) { double d; aspectRatio = 4./3.; // on force un format 4/3 upwardAngle = _upwardAngle; nearplan = 10; d = FastMath::max(scale * drawable.radius+ nearplan, FastMath::max(scale * drawable.radius/ FastMath::fastTan(upwardAngle), scale * drawable.radius* aspectRatio / FastMath::fastTan(upwardAngle) )); farplan = 2 * d - nearplan; int angle = -90; // correction de l'orientation initiale des objets Set(Coord3D( -d, 0, 0), Rotation( 1, 0, 0, 0, FastMath::fastCos(angle), FastMath::fastSin(angle), 0, -FastMath::fastSin(angle), FastMath::fastCos(angle))); }
// scaling for axes independent data like symbols and stroke fonts Coord3D OGL3DBase::GetIndependentScale(const double& inSize) const { if (inAnnoView) { return Coord3D(xPerPixel * inSize, yPerPixel * inSize, 1.0); } // compensate for window size - base is 640x480 int ixAvail, iyAvail; plotBase.CalcAvailablePixels(ixAvail, iyAvail); double xAvail = double(ixAvail); double yAvail = double(iyAvail); double winDiag = 800.0 / sqrt(xAvail * xAvail + yAvail * yAvail); double maxSpan = sqrt(xOrthoSpan * xOrthoSpan + yOrthoSpan * yOrthoSpan + zOrthoSpan * zOrthoSpan); Coord3D scale(winDiag * maxSpan * inSize); Limit3D lim = currView.viewLimits; TransformForAxes(lim.minLim); TransformForAxes(lim.maxLim); scale *= (lim.maxLim - lim.minLim); double currScale = currView.scale; if (!plot3Dbase.ProjectionIsOrtho()) // currScale = 90.0 / plot3Dbase.fieldOfView; currScale = 1.0; scale /= currScale; scale.cX /= xOrthoSpan; scale.cY /= yOrthoSpan; scale.cZ /= zOrthoSpan; return scale; }
void PFO_3DTableSeriesGL :: DrawPlotObject() { if (!InitDrawObject()) return; int maxCol = objTableData->GetNCols(); if ((xDataIndx < maxCol) && (yDataIndx < maxCol) && (zDataIndx < maxCol)) { SC_DoubleArray& xData = objTableData->dataTable[xDataIndx]; SC_DoubleArray& yData = objTableData->dataTable[yDataIndx]; SC_DoubleArray& zData = objTableData->dataTable[zDataIndx]; int nrows = xData.Size() - startRow; SC_CoordArray xyzData(nrows); for (int i = startRow; i < xData.Size(); i++) xyzData[i - startRow] = Coord3D(xData[i], yData[i], zData[i]); GL_Symbol currSeries; currSeries.DrawSeriesSpec(xyzSeries, xyzData, polyOffset, 0); } CloseDrawObject(); }
void SpringLayout::apply() { m_nforces.resize(m_graph.nodeCount()); m_hforces.resize(m_graph.edgeCount()); m_lforces.resize(m_graph.edgeCount()); m_sforces.resize(m_graph.nodeCount()); for (size_t n = 0; n < m_graph.nodeCount(); ++n) { m_nforces[n] = Coord3D(0, 0, 0); for (size_t m = 0; m < n; ++m) { Coord3D diff = repulsionForce(m_graph.node(n).pos, m_graph.node(m).pos, m_repulsion, m_natLength); m_nforces[n] += diff; m_nforces[m] -= diff; } m_sforces[n] = (this->*m_forceCalculation)(m_graph.node(n).pos, m_graph.stateLabel(n).pos, 0.0); } for (size_t n = 0; n < m_graph.edgeCount(); ++n) { Edge e = m_graph.edge(n); Coord3D f; // Variables for repulsion calculations m_hforces[n] = Coord3D(0, 0, 0); m_lforces[n] = Coord3D(0, 0, 0); if (e.from == { m_hforces[n] += repulsionForce(m_graph.handle(n).pos, m_graph.node(e.from).pos, m_repulsion, m_natLength); } f = (this->*m_forceCalculation)(m_graph.node(, m_graph.node(e.from).pos, m_natLength); m_nforces[e.from] += f; m_nforces[] -= f; f = (this->*m_forceCalculation)((m_graph.node( + m_graph.node(e.from).pos) / 2.0, m_graph.handle(n).pos, 0.0); m_hforces[n] += f; f = (this->*m_forceCalculation)(m_graph.handle(n).pos, m_graph.transitionLabel(n).pos, 0.0); m_lforces[n] += f; for (size_t m = 0; m < n; ++m) { // Handles f = repulsionForce(m_graph.handle(n).pos, m_graph.handle(m).pos, m_repulsion * m_controlPointWeight, m_natLength); m_hforces[n] += f; m_hforces[m] -= f; // Labels f = repulsionForce(m_graph.transitionLabel(n).pos, m_graph.transitionLabel(m).pos, m_repulsion * m_controlPointWeight, m_natLength); m_lforces[n] += f; m_lforces[m] -= f; } } for (size_t n = 0; n < m_graph.nodeCount(); ++n) { if (!m_graph.node(n).anchored) { m_graph.node(n).pos = m_graph.node(n).pos + m_nforces[n] * m_speed; m_graph.node(n).pos.clip(m_clipMin, m_clipMax); } if (!m_graph.stateLabel(n).anchored) { m_graph.stateLabel(n).pos = m_graph.stateLabel(n).pos + m_sforces[n] * m_speed; m_graph.stateLabel(n).pos.clip(m_clipMin, m_clipMax); } } for (size_t n = 0; n < m_graph.edgeCount(); ++n) { if (!m_graph.handle(n).anchored) { m_graph.handle(n).pos = m_graph.handle(n).pos + m_hforces[n] * m_speed; m_graph.handle(n).pos.clip(m_clipMin, m_clipMax); } if (!m_graph.transitionLabel(n).anchored) { m_graph.transitionLabel(n).pos = m_graph.transitionLabel(n).pos + m_lforces[n] * m_speed; m_graph.transitionLabel(n).pos.clip(m_clipMin, m_clipMax); } } }
/** \brief Superpose mob on ref Calculates a 4x4 transformation Matrix that should be applied on 'mob' in order to minimize RMSD between mob and ref. Algorithm taken from Sippl et Stegbuchner. Computers Chem. Vol 15, No. 1, p 73-78, 1991. */ Superpose_t superpose(const Rigidbody& ref, const Rigidbody& mob, int verbosity) { Rigidbody reference(ref); //copie de ref pour pouvoir centrer Rigidbody mobile(mob); // copie de mobile if (ref.Size()!=mob.Size()) {std::cout << "Error in superpose.cpp: \ the two AtomSelection objects must have\ the same size !" << std::endl; abort();}; Mat33 rot; Mat33 ident; for (uint i=0; i<3; i++) for(uint j=0; j<3; j++) if (i!=j) {ident[i][j]=0;} else {ident[i][j]=1;} ; //find the translational component Coord3D t0 = ref.FindCenter(); Coord3D t1 = mob.FindCenter(); //centre les deux objets: reference.CenterToOrigin(); mobile.CenterToOrigin(); Mat33 U; //mixed tensor MakeTensor(reference, mobile, U); for(uint i=0; i<35; i++) { double arg1,arg2; arg1 = U[2][1] - U[1][2] ; arg2 = U[1][1] + U[2][2]; double alpha = atan2(arg1 , arg2 ); XRotMatrix(-alpha, rot); Mat33xMat33(rot,ident,ident); //------------------------------------ Mat33xMat33(rot,U,U); arg1 = U[2][0]-U[0][2]; arg2 = U[0][0]+U[2][2]; double beta = atan2(arg1,arg2); YRotMatrix(beta,rot); Mat33xMat33(rot,ident,ident); //-------------------------------------- Mat33xMat33(rot,U,U); arg1 = U[1][0] - U[0][1]; arg2 = U[0][0] + U[1][1]; double gamma = atan2(arg1,arg2); ZRotMatrix(-gamma,rot); Mat33xMat33(rot,ident,ident); Mat33xMat33(rot,U,U); } //creates a 4x4 matrix that tracks transformations for mobile Mat44 tracker; MakeTranslationMat44(Coord3D()-t1,tracker); //copy the 3x3 matrix into a 4x4 matrix Mat44 rotation; MakeTranslationMat44(Coord3D(),rotation); //identity matrix; for (int i=0; i<3; i++) for (int j=0; j<3; j++) rotation[i][j]=ident[i][j]; mat44xmat44(rotation, tracker, tracker); MakeTranslationMat44(t0, rotation); mat44xmat44(rotation, tracker, tracker); Matrix output(4,4); for (int i=0; i<4; i++) for (int j=0; j<4;j++) output(i,j)=tracker[i][j]; Superpose_t sup; sup.matrix = output; Rigidbody probe(mob); probe.ApplyMatrix(output); sup.rmsd = Rmsd(ref,probe); return sup; // screw = MatTrans2screw(ident, t0, t1); // screw.point = screw.point + t1 ; /* if (verbosity==1) { Rigidbody newmob(mob); Rigidbody newref(ref); selref.setRigid(newref); selmob.setRigid(newmob); newmob.transform(screw); std::cout << "verif screw, rmsdca = " << rmsd(selmob && CA(newmob),selref && CA(newref)) << std::endl ; } */ // return screw; } }
void PlotDefC::ChangeView(double scaleFactor) { Coord3D sc3D = Coord3D(scaleFactor); ChangeView(sc3D); }
virtual Coord3D minRGB() { return Coord3D((float)minR/255.0f, (float)minG/255.0f, (float)minB/255.0f); }
// Vissage MatTrans2screw(Mat33 rotmatrix, Coord3D t0, Coord3D t1) Screw MatTrans2screw(const Matrix& mat) { Coord3D trans; Mat33 rotmatrix; trans.x = mat(0,3); trans.y = mat(1,3); trans.z = mat(2,3); // Coord3D trans = t0-t1; for(int i=0; i<3; i++) for(int j=0; j<3; j++) rotmatrix[i][j]=mat(i,j); // std::cout << trans.toString(); Screw screw; Coord3D eigenvect; Coord3D x,y,z; x.x = rotmatrix[0][0] ; x.y = rotmatrix[1][0]; x.z=rotmatrix[2][0]; y.x = rotmatrix[0][1] ; y.y = rotmatrix[1][1]; y.z=rotmatrix[2][1]; z.x = rotmatrix[0][2] ; z.y = rotmatrix[1][2]; z.z=rotmatrix[2][2]; Coord3D pt ; //un point de l'axe de rotation double a = rotmatrix[0][0] ; // Xx double b = rotmatrix[1][1] ; // Yy double c = rotmatrix[2][2] ; // Zz if (fabs(1+a-b-c) > EPSILON) { eigenvect.x = x.x + 1 - b - c ; eigenvect.y = x.y + y.x ; eigenvect.z = x.z + z.x ; screw.unitVector = eigenvect / Norm(eigenvect); screw.normtranslation = ScalProd(screw.unitVector,trans); Coord3D s = trans - screw.normtranslation*screw.unitVector ; screw.point.x = 0 ; screw.point.y = s.z*z.y + s.y*(1-z.z) ; screw.point.z = s.y*y.z+s.z*(1-y.y); screw.point = screw.point/(1+x.x-y.y-z.z) ; } else if (fabs(1-a+b-c)> EPSILON) { eigenvect.x = y.x + x.y; eigenvect.y = y.y + 1 - x.x - z.z ; eigenvect.z = y.z + z.y ; screw.unitVector = eigenvect / Norm(eigenvect); screw.normtranslation = ScalProd(screw.unitVector,trans); Coord3D s = trans - screw.normtranslation*screw.unitVector ; screw.point.x = s.z*z.x + s.x*(1-z.z); screw.point.y = 0 ; screw.point.z = s.x*x.z + s.z*(1-x.x); screw.point = screw.point/(1-x.x+y.y-z.z) ; } else if (fabs(1-a-b+c)>EPSILON) { eigenvect.x = z.x + x.z ; eigenvect.y = z.y + y.z ; eigenvect.z = z.z + 1 - x.x - y.y ; screw.unitVector = eigenvect / Norm(eigenvect); screw.normtranslation = ScalProd(screw.unitVector,trans); Coord3D s = trans - screw.normtranslation*screw.unitVector ; screw.point.x = s.y*y.x + s.x*(1-y.y) ; screw.point.y = s.x*x.y + s.y*(1-x.x) ; screw.point.z = 0 ; screw.point = screw.point/(1-x.x-y.y+z.z) ; } else // angle=0 { screw.point = Coord3D(0,0,0); if(Norm(trans)!=0) { screw.unitVector=trans /Norm(trans); } else { screw.unitVector = Coord3D(0,0,1); /*axe arbitraire*/ } screw.normtranslation=Norm(trans); screw.angle=0; return screw; } //creation d'un vecteur non aligne avec screw.unitVector: Coord3D v (1,0,0); if (fabs(Angle(screw.unitVector,v)) < 0.1) v= Coord3D(0,0,1); //v et axe colin�aires: on change v Coord3D u = v - ScalProd(v,screw.unitVector)*screw.unitVector ; u = u/Norm(u); Coord3D uprime; Mat33xcoord3D(rotmatrix,u,uprime); double cost = ScalProd(u,uprime); Coord3D usec; VectProd(screw.unitVector,u,usec); double sint = ScalProd(usec,uprime); if (cost < -1 ) cost=-1; if (cost >1 ) cost= 1 ; screw.angle = acos(cost); if (sint < 0) screw.angle = -screw.angle ; screw.angle *= -1; return screw ; }
// scaling for axes independent data like symbols and stroke fonts Coord3D OGL2DBase::GetIndependentScale(const double& inSize) const { return Coord3D(xPerPixel * inSize, yPerPixel * inSize, 1.0); }
virtual Coord3D maxRGB() { return Coord3D((float)maxR/255.0f, (float)maxG/255.0f, (float)maxB/255.0f); }
Coord3D operator-(int i, Coord3D &o) { return Coord3D(i - o.x, i - o.y, i - o.z); }
Coord3D operator+(int i, Coord3D &o) { return Coord3D(i + o.x, i + o.y, i + o.z); }
void PFO_GridContour:: CalcOutput(FOcalcType calcType) { DoStatusChk(); if (StatusNotOK()) return; SC_DoubleArray contourData; gridData->GetData(contourData); if (contourSpec.doLogContours) contourData.Log10(); if (contourData.GetnDataOK() < 3) { SetObjErrMsg("less than 3 valid data"); return; } SC_Triangulation& currTri = gridData->GetTriangulation(); contourLines.Alloc(contourSpec.Size()); SC_IntArray orderedPoints; Line3D cLine; Coord3D nextPoint; for (int i = 0; i < contourSpec.Size(); i++) { double currVal = contourSpec[i].contourVal; if (contourSpec.doLogContours) currVal = log10(currVal); if (currTri.GetConnectedEdgeList(contourData, currVal, orderedPoints)) { contourLines[i].Alloc(orderedPoints.Size()); for (int j = 0; j < orderedPoints.Size(); j++) { int edgeIndex = orderedPoints[j]; if (edgeIndex < 0) { nextPoint = Coord3D(); } else { const SC_Triangulation::TriangleEdge& currEdge = currTri.GetEdge(edgeIndex); currTri.GetNodeCoord(currEdge.stNode, cLine.stPt); currTri.GetNodeCoord(currEdge.endNode, cLine.endPt); // slight kluge: if Z is same, honor log stuff if ((zvalueSource == zvs_Same) && contourSpec.doLogContours) { cLine.stPt.cZ = contourData[currEdge.stNode]; cLine.endPt.cZ = contourData[currEdge.endNode]; nextPoint = cLine.PointOnLine(currEdge.cPos); nextPoint.cZ = InvLgt(nextPoint.cZ); } else { cLine.stPt.cZ = GetZVal(currEdge.stNode, *gridData); cLine.endPt.cZ = GetZVal(currEdge.endNode, *gridData); nextPoint = cLine.PointOnLine(currEdge.cPos); } // just affects X & Y gridData->UnTransformCoord(nextPoint); MapCoords(nextPoint); } contourLines[i] += nextPoint; } } } contourLines.SetSize(contourSpec.Size()); }
void OGL3DBase::PerspectiveSetup(double eyeSepMult) { Coord3D zeroOffset(0.0, 0.0, 0.0); Coord3D minCoord = plotBase.GetNormalizedCoord(currView.viewLimits.minLim, zeroOffset); Coord3D maxCoord = plotBase.GetNormalizedCoord(currView.viewLimits.maxLim, zeroOffset);; double maxSceneWidth = minCoord.Distance(maxCoord); double sceneWidth = maxSceneWidth / currView.scale; double fovRadians = Radians(plot3Dbase.fieldOfView); double focalLength = sceneWidth / 2.0 / tan(fovRadians / 2.0); double nearDist = focalLength / 5.0; double farDist = focalLength + maxSceneWidth * 4.0; double wd2 = nearDist * tan(fovRadians); double ndfl = nearDist / focalLength; double eyeSep = focalLength * eyeSepMult; int width, height; plotBase.CalcAvailablePixels(width, height); double aspect = double(width)/ double(height); double left = -aspect * wd2 + eyeSep * ndfl; double right = aspect * wd2 + eyeSep * ndfl; double top = wd2; double bottom = - wd2; glMatrixMode(GL_PROJECTION); glLoadIdentity(); glFrustum(left, right, bottom, top, nearDist, farDist); Coord3D spanOffset((1.0 - xOrthoSpan)/ 2.0 , (1.0 - yOrthoSpan)/ 2.0 , (1.0 - zOrthoSpan)/ 2.0 ); Coord3D translation = currView.translation + spanOffset; translation *= (maxCoord - minCoord); Coord3D lookAtPoint = (minCoord + maxCoord) / 2.0; lookAtPoint -= translation; double elevAngle = Radians(currView.elevation); double rotAngle = Radians(currView.azimuth); double dz = focalLength * sin(elevAngle); double xylen = focalLength * cos(elevAngle); double dx = - xylen * sin(rotAngle); double dy = - xylen * cos(rotAngle); Coord3D eyeCoord = lookAtPoint; eyeCoord.cX += dx; eyeCoord.cY += dy; eyeCoord.cZ += dz; Coord3D upVec(0.0, 0.0, 1.0); if (fabs(sin(elevAngle)) > 0.95) { upVec = Coord3D(sin(rotAngle), cos(rotAngle), 0.0); upVec.Normalize(); } if (eyeSep > stdEps) { Coord3D rsep = CrossProduct(eyeCoord, upVec); rsep.Normalize(); rsep *= eyeSep; eyeCoord += rsep; } glMatrixMode(GL_MODELVIEW); glLoadIdentity(); gluLookAt(eyeCoord.cX, eyeCoord.cY, eyeCoord.cZ, lookAtPoint.cX, lookAtPoint.cY, lookAtPoint.cZ, upVec.cX, upVec.cY, upVec.cZ); // denormalize // scale for normalizations glScaled(xOrthoSpan / normSpan.cX, yOrthoSpan / normSpan.cY, zOrthoSpan / normSpan.cZ); // translate again for normalizations glTranslated(-normMin.cX, -normMin.cY, -normMin.cZ); }
Coord3D PSC_TransparentObject::GetTransPolyCentroid(const SC_CoordArray& inPoly) { if (!transLimits.WithinLimits(inPoly)) return Coord3D(); return inPoly.CalcPolyCentroid(); }
void OGL3DBase::DrawAxesLabels(const SC_DoubleArray& xMajorIncs, const SC_DoubleArray& xtranMajorIncs, const SC_DoubleArray& yMajorIncs, const SC_DoubleArray& ytranMajorIncs, const SC_DoubleArray& zMajorIncs, const SC_DoubleArray& ztranMajorIncs, const SC_RealFormat& xFormat, const SC_RealFormat& yFormat, const SC_RealFormat& zFormat) { PC_3DAxesLabel& axesLabel = plot3Dbase.axesLabel; if (!(axesLabel.plotIncrementLabel || axesLabel.plotAxesLabel)) return; PC_3DAxesFormat& axesFormat = plot3Dbase.axesFormat; if (axesLabel.autoPositionLabels) { axesLabel.xyLabIsVert = (fabs(currView.elevation) < 45.0); axesLabel.xLabYPosIsMax = (fabs(currView.azimuth) >= 90.0); axesLabel.yLabXPosIsMax = (currView.azimuth < 0.0); axesLabel.zLabYPosIsMax = !axesLabel.yLabXPosIsMax; axesLabel.zLabXPosIsMax = axesLabel.xLabYPosIsMax; if (fabs(currView.azimuth) >= 135.0) axesLabel.zLabOrientation = PC_3DAxesLabel::zloXZr; else if (currView.azimuth < -45.0) axesLabel.zLabOrientation = PC_3DAxesLabel::zloYZn; else if (currView.azimuth < 45.0) axesLabel.zLabOrientation = PC_3DAxesLabel::zloXZn; else axesLabel.zLabOrientation = PC_3DAxesLabel::zloYZr; } SetDrawColor(plot3Dbase.defaultPenSet->GetColor(axesFormat.majorPen)); double fontRatio = double(axesLabel.incrementFont.fontSize) / double(axesLabel.labelFont.fontSize); char labStr[80]; Coord3D labLoc; int i; bool adjSt, adjEnd; Coord3D minLim, maxLim; GetTransformedLimits(minLim, maxLim); Coord3D offComp = GetPixelComponents(axesFormat.axesOffset); // x axis first SetAlignmentAdjust(xtranMajorIncs, minLim.cX, maxLim.cX, adjSt, adjEnd); labLoc = Coord3D(0.0, minLim.cY - offComp.cY, minLim.cZ - offComp.cZ); if (axesLabel.xLabYPosIsMax) labLoc.cY = maxLim.cY + offComp.cY; double rotVal = 0.0; if ((!axesLabel.xyLabIsVert) && axesLabel.xLabYPosIsMax) rotVal = 180.0; bool mirror = (axesLabel.xyLabIsVert) && axesLabel.xLabYPosIsMax; Plane3D txtPlane = p3D_XY; if (axesLabel.xyLabIsVert) txtPlane = p3D_XZ; HorizontalTextAlignment halign = hta_Center; if (adjSt) if (axesLabel.xLabYPosIsMax) halign = hta_Right; else halign = hta_Left; bool xyExponents = (xFormat.format > ncf_Scientific) || (yFormat.format > ncf_Scientific); double xyIncOffset = -0.25; if (xyExponents) xyIncOffset = -0.40; if (axesLabel.plotIncrementLabel) { for (i = 0; i < xMajorIncs.Size(); i++) { labLoc.cX = xtranMajorIncs[i]; if (Limit::WithinOneLimit(minLim.cX, maxLim.cX, labLoc.cX)) { xFormat.RealToString(xMajorIncs[i], labStr, 80); if (adjEnd && (i == (xMajorIncs.Size() - 1))) if (axesLabel.xLabYPosIsMax) halign = hta_Left; else halign = hta_Right; Axes3DLabel(axesLabel.incrementFont, labLoc, 0.0, xyIncOffset, rotVal, halign, vta_Top, txtPlane, mirror, labStr); } halign = hta_Center; } } // need to check both X&Y here double xyAxOffset = xyIncOffset - 1.15; if (axesLabel.plotAxesLabel) { if (!axesLabel.plotIncrementLabel) xyAxOffset = -.25; xyAxOffset *= fontRatio; double labWidth, xoverTop, yoverTop; GetLabelSpecs(axesLabel.labelFont, axesLabel.xaxesLabel, xoverTop, labWidth); GetLabelSpecs(axesLabel.labelFont, axesLabel.yaxesLabel, yoverTop, labWidth); if (xoverTop > yoverTop) xyAxOffset -= xoverTop; else xyAxOffset -= yoverTop; } if (axesLabel.plotAxesLabel && (StringLength(axesLabel.xaxesLabel) > 0)) { labLoc.cX = (minLim.cX + maxLim.cX) / 2.0; Axes3DLabel(axesLabel.labelFont, labLoc, 0.0, xyAxOffset, rotVal, hta_Center, vta_Top, txtPlane, mirror, axesLabel.xaxesLabel); } // y axes SetAlignmentAdjust(ytranMajorIncs, minLim.cY, maxLim.cY, adjSt, adjEnd); labLoc = Coord3D(minLim.cX - offComp.cX, 0.0, minLim.cZ - offComp.cZ); if (axesLabel.yLabXPosIsMax) labLoc.cX = maxLim.cX + offComp.cX; rotVal = 0.0; if (axesLabel.xyLabIsVert) txtPlane = p3D_YZ; else if (axesLabel.yLabXPosIsMax) rotVal = 90.0; else rotVal = -90.0; mirror = (axesLabel.xyLabIsVert) && (!axesLabel.yLabXPosIsMax); halign = hta_Center; if (adjSt) if (axesLabel.yLabXPosIsMax) halign = hta_Left; else halign = hta_Right; if (axesLabel.plotIncrementLabel) { for (i = 0; i < yMajorIncs.Size(); i++) { labLoc.cY = ytranMajorIncs[i]; if (Limit::WithinOneLimit(minLim.cY, maxLim.cY, labLoc.cY)) { yFormat.RealToString(yMajorIncs[i], labStr, 80); if (adjEnd && (i == (yMajorIncs.Size() - 1))) if (axesLabel.yLabXPosIsMax) halign = hta_Right; else halign = hta_Left; Axes3DLabel(axesLabel.incrementFont, labLoc, 0.0, xyIncOffset, rotVal, halign, vta_Top, txtPlane, mirror, labStr); } halign = hta_Center; } } if (axesLabel.plotAxesLabel && (StringLength(axesLabel.yaxesLabel) > 0)) { labLoc.cY = (minLim.cY + maxLim.cY) / 2.0; double fontOffset = -1.50; if (!axesLabel.plotIncrementLabel) fontOffset = -.25; Axes3DLabel(axesLabel.labelFont, labLoc,0.0, xyAxOffset, rotVal, hta_Center, vta_Top, txtPlane, mirror, axesLabel.yaxesLabel); } // zaxes bool doLeft = false; switch (axesLabel.zLabOrientation) { case PC_3DAxesLabel::zloXZn : { txtPlane = p3D_XZ; mirror = false; doLeft = axesLabel.zLabXPosIsMax; break; } case PC_3DAxesLabel::zloXZr : { txtPlane = p3D_XZ; mirror = true; doLeft = !axesLabel.zLabXPosIsMax; break; } case PC_3DAxesLabel::zloYZn : { txtPlane = p3D_YZ; mirror = false; doLeft = axesLabel.zLabYPosIsMax; break; } case PC_3DAxesLabel::zloYZr : { txtPlane = p3D_YZ; mirror = true; doLeft = !axesLabel.zLabYPosIsMax; break; } } double offsetMult = 1.0; if (doLeft) halign = hta_Left; else { halign = hta_Right; offsetMult = -1.0; } if (axesLabel.zLabYPosIsMax) labLoc.cY = maxLim.cY + offComp.cY; else labLoc.cY = minLim.cY - offComp.cY; if (axesLabel.zLabXPosIsMax) labLoc.cX = maxLim.cX + offComp.cX; else labLoc.cX = minLim.cX - offComp.cX; double zAxOffset = 0.0; if (axesLabel.plotIncrementLabel) { for (i = 0; i < zMajorIncs.Size(); i++) { labLoc.cZ = ztranMajorIncs[i]; if (Limit::WithinOneLimit(minLim.cZ, maxLim.cZ, labLoc.cZ)) { zFormat.RealToString(zMajorIncs[i], labStr, 80); double labLen, overTop; GetLabelSpecs(axesLabel.incrementFont, labStr, overTop, labLen); if (labLen > zAxOffset) zAxOffset = labLen; Axes3DLabel(axesLabel.incrementFont, labLoc, 0.5 * offsetMult, 0.0, 0.0, halign, vta_Center, txtPlane, mirror, labStr); } } } if (axesLabel.plotAxesLabel && (StringLength(axesLabel.zaxesLabel) > 0)) { labLoc.cZ = (minLim.cZ + maxLim.cZ) / 2.0; double fontOffset = - (zAxOffset + 0.75) * fontRatio * offsetMult; VerticalTextAlignment valign = vta_Bottom; if (fontOffset < 0.0) valign = vta_Top; Axes3DLabel(axesLabel.labelFont, labLoc, 0.0, fontOffset, 90.0, hta_Center, valign, txtPlane, mirror, axesLabel.zaxesLabel); } }
Coord3D PSC_TransparentObject::GetTransObjectCoord(int objIndex) { GenAppInternalError("PSC_TransparentObject::GetObjectCoord"); return Coord3D(); }