LIST list_CopyWithElement(const LIST List, POINTER (*CopyElement)(POINTER)) /************************************************************** INPUT: A List and a copy function for the elements. RETURNS: The copy of the list. CAUTION: The entries of the list are NOT copied ! The function needs time O(n*c), where <n> is the length of the list and <c> is the time for a call of the element copy function. ***************************************************************/ { LIST Copy; LIST Scan1,Scan2; if (list_Empty(List)) return list_Nil(); Copy = list_List(CopyElement(list_Car(List))); Scan1 = Copy; Scan2 = list_Cdr(List); while (!list_Empty(Scan2)) { list_Rplacd(Scan1, list_List(CopyElement(list_Car(Scan2)))); Scan1 = list_Cdr(Scan1); Scan2 = list_Cdr(Scan2); } return Copy; }
cv::Mat EMat::combine(cv::Mat &src1, cv::Mat &src2, int rowstep, int colstep) { assert((rowstep >= 0) && (colstep >= 0) && (src1.type() == src2.type())); assert((src1.rows == src2.rows) && (src1.cols == src2.cols)); assert((rowstep != 0) || (colstep != 0)); create(src1.rows + src1.rows * (rowstep && 1), src1.cols + src1.cols * (colstep && 1), src1.type()); uchar *tptr = data; int i, j, k, increment; cv::Mat *first = &src1; cv::Mat *second = &src2; for (i = 0; i < src1.rows; i++) { uchar *firstptr = first->ptr(i); uchar *secondptr = second->ptr(i); if (colstep != 0) { for (j = 0; j < src1.cols; j += colstep) { for (k = 0; k < colstep; k++) { increment = CopyElement(firstptr, tptr); tptr += increment; firstptr += increment; } for (k = 0; k < colstep; k++) { increment = CopyElement(secondptr, tptr); tptr += increment; secondptr += increment; } } if ((rowstep != 0) && ((i + 1) % rowstep)) { cv::Mat *tmp = first; first = second; second = tmp; } } else // Rowstep != 0 but colstep does { for (int j = 0; j < src1.cols; j++) { increment = CopyElement(firstptr, tptr); tptr += increment; firstptr += increment; } for (int j = 0; j < src2.cols; j++) { increment = CopyElement(secondptr, tptr); tptr += increment; secondptr += increment; } } } return *this; }
//================================================================================================ // // DeviceRemoved // // This routine will get called whenever any kIOGeneralInterest notification happens. We are // interested in the kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated message so that's what we look for. Other // messages are defined in IOMessage.h. // //================================================================================================ static void DeviceRemoved(void *refCon, io_service_t service, natural_t messageType, void *messageArgument) { kern_return_t kr; stDeviceListItem* deviceListItem = (stDeviceListItem *) refCon; DeviceItem_t* deviceItem = deviceListItem->deviceItem; if(messageType == kIOMessageServiceIsTerminated) { if(deviceListItem->deviceInterface) { kr = (*deviceListItem->deviceInterface)->Release(deviceListItem->deviceInterface); } kr = IOObjectRelease(deviceListItem->notification); ListResultItem_t* item = NULL; if(deviceItem) { item = CopyElement(&deviceItem->deviceParams); RemoveItemFromList(deviceItem); delete deviceItem; } else { item = new ListResultItem_t(); } WaitForDeviceHandled(); currentItem = item; isAdded = false; uv_async_send(&async_handler); } }
cv::Mat EMat::operator()(cv::Range rowRange, cv::Range colRange, int rowstep, int colstep) { assert((rowstep > 0) && (colstep > 0)); cv::Mat ranged_mat = cv::Mat::operator()(rowRange, colRange); if ((rowstep == 1) && (colstep == 1)) return ranged_mat; int new_cols = (ranged_mat.cols / colstep) + ((ranged_mat.cols % colstep) && 1); int new_rows = (ranged_mat.rows / rowstep) + ((ranged_mat.rows % rowstep) && 1); cv::Mat newmat(new_rows, new_cols, type()); uchar *tptr =; for (int i=0; i<ranged_mat.rows; i+=rowstep) { uchar *fptr = ranged_mat.ptr(i); for (int j=0; j<newmat.cols; j++) { int increment = CopyElement(fptr, tptr); tptr += increment; fptr += increment; fptr += ((colstep-1)*ranged_mat.elemSize()); } } return newmat; }
void XGArray::InsertElement(long index, void *ptr) { long j; /* * Range check */ Assert((index >= 0) && (index <= fLength)); /* * Change the allocation if needed */ j = fLength + 1; if (j % 16) j += 16 - (j % 16); if (j != fAlloc) { ChangeArray(j,fLength); fAlloc = j; } /* * Insert the element */ for (j = fLength; j > index; j--) { CopyArray(j,j-1); } CopyElement(index,ptr); fLength++; }
cv::Mat EMat::shift(cv::Mat dst, int amount, bool row) { cv::Mat newmat(rows, cols, type()); if (row) { assert(amount < cols); for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { uchar *fptr = ptr(i) + (amount * elemSize()); uchar *tptr = newmat.ptr(i); for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { int increment = CopyElement(fptr, tptr); fptr += increment; tptr += increment; } // Start over our from pointer if (++amount > cols) fptr = ptr(i); } } else { assert(amount < rows); int offset = amount; for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++) { // wrap our rows if (offset + i >= rows) offset = -i; uchar *fptr = ptr(i); uchar *tptr = newmat.ptr(i + offset); for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { int increment = CopyElement(fptr, tptr); fptr += increment; tptr += increment; } } } // Add column code here later on (it's a bit messier) dst = newmat; return dst; }
/*GoChildByPath tpath - path of child element (ie. /parentelement[1]/childelement) telement - on success, navigates to element specified by tpath return True if element found */ Bool CXMLElement::GoChildByPath(char *tpath) { if (!isinited()) return False; char *sptr = tpath; char *childpointer = NULL; CXMLElement telement; telement.CopyElement(this); if (*sptr == '/') sptr++; //skip first slash Bool foundmatch = False; char *endptr = sptr + strlen(sptr); while (sptr < endptr) { char *namestart,*nameend,*nextname,*numpointer; nextname = strchr(sptr, '/' ); if (!nextname) nextname = endptr; namestart = sptr; nameend = nextname; bool t_is_text; t_is_text = (nameend == namestart) || (namestart[0] == '['); if (!telement.GoChild(NULL, t_is_text)) return False; int whichchild = 1; numpointer = util_strchr(sptr,'[',nameend-sptr); if (numpointer) { whichchild = strtol((const char *)++numpointer, NULL, 10); nameend = numpointer-1; } Bool foundmatch = False; int childcounter = 0; do { if ((!t_is_text && util_strnicmp(telement.GetName(),namestart,nameend-namestart)==0) || (t_is_text && telement.IsTextNode())) { childcounter++; if (childcounter == whichchild) { sptr = nextname+1; foundmatch = True; } } } while (!foundmatch && telement.GoNext(NULL, t_is_text)); if (!foundmatch) return False; } CopyElement(&telement); return True; }
void XGArray::Copy(const XGArray &a) { long i; if (fAlloc != a.fAlloc) { ChangeArray(a.fAlloc,0); fAlloc = a.fAlloc; } fLength = a.fLength; for (i = 0; i < fLength; i++) { CopyElement(i,a.GetElement(i)); } }
BOOL KDicomDS::CopyDS(KDicomDS * pDS, BOOL bValue) { KDicomElement * pSrc, * pDst; Reset(); TransferSyntax = pDS->TransferSyntax; m_nTSOrg = pDS->m_nTSOrg; POSITION pos = pDS->m_listDE.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos != NULL) { pSrc = pDS->m_listDE.GetNext(pos); pDst = AddElement(pSrc->GetTag()); CopyElement(pDS, pSrc, pDst, bValue); } return TRUE; }
unsigned int KDicomDS::CopyElement(KDicomDS * pSrcDS, KDicomElement * pSrc, KDicomElement * pDst, BOOL bValue) { KD_TAG tag = pSrc->GetTag(); if(pSrc->m_listDE.GetCount() > 0) { KDicomElement * pSrcChild, * pDstChild; POSITION pos = pSrc->m_listDE.GetHeadPosition(); while(pos != NULL) { pSrcChild = pSrc->m_listDE.GetNext(pos); pDstChild = new KDicomElement(this); pDst->m_listDE.AddTail(pDstChild); CopyElement(pSrcDS, pSrcChild, pDstChild, bValue); } } // Tag pDst->SetTag(tag); // VR pDst->SetVR(pSrc->GetVR()); pDst->SetchVR(pSrc->GetchVR()); // Length if(pSrc->GetLength() == 0xFFFFFFFF) { pDst->SetLength(0xFFFFFFFF); return 0; } // Value if(bValue) { int length = pSrc->GetLength(); if((length > 0) && (pSrc->GetTag().group != 0xFFFE) && (pSrc->GetVR() != SQ)) { unsigned char * temp; if((temp = pDst->ValueAlloc(length, 0)) != NULL) { memcpy(temp, pSrc->m_pValue, length); } } pDst->m_nVM = pSrc->m_nVM; } else { pDst->SetLength(0); } return 0; }
/* --------------------------------------------------------------------------- * pastes the contents of the buffer to the layout. Only visible objects * are handled by the routine. */ bool CopyPastebufferToLayout (Coord X, Coord Y) { Cardinal i; bool changed = false; #ifdef DEBUG printf("Entering CopyPastebufferToLayout.....\n"); #endif /* set movement vector */ DeltaX = X - PASTEBUFFER->X, DeltaY = Y - PASTEBUFFER->Y; /* paste all layers */ for (i = 0; i < max_copper_layer + 2; i++) { LayerType *sourcelayer = &PASTEBUFFER->Data->Layer[i]; LayerType *destlayer = LAYER_PTR (i); if (destlayer->On) { changed = changed || (sourcelayer->LineN != 0) || (sourcelayer->ArcN != 0) || (sourcelayer->PolygonN != 0) || (sourcelayer->TextN != 0); LINE_LOOP (sourcelayer); { CopyLine (destlayer, line); } END_LOOP; ARC_LOOP (sourcelayer); { CopyArc (destlayer, arc); } END_LOOP; TEXT_LOOP (sourcelayer); { CopyText (destlayer, text); } END_LOOP; POLYGON_LOOP (sourcelayer); { CopyPolygon (destlayer, polygon); } END_LOOP; } } /* paste elements */ if (PCB->PinOn && PCB->ElementOn) { ELEMENT_LOOP (PASTEBUFFER->Data); { #ifdef DEBUG printf("In CopyPastebufferToLayout, pasting element %s\n", element->Name[1].TextString); #endif if (FRONT (element) || PCB->InvisibleObjectsOn) { CopyElement (element); changed = true; } } END_LOOP; } /* finally the vias */ if (PCB->ViaOn) { changed |= (PASTEBUFFER->Data->ViaN != 0); VIA_LOOP (PASTEBUFFER->Data); { CopyVia (via); } END_LOOP; } if (changed) { Draw (); IncrementUndoSerialNumber (); } #ifdef DEBUG printf(" .... Leaving CopyPastebufferToLayout.\n"); #endif return (changed); }
int CombineButPMScaled() { //Connect to all existing histograms RootFileP = new TFile(Str_RootFilesButResultsP); TH1D *hP = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObject("PhotonFluxLTCorrected"); double SumP = hP->Integral(); RootFileM = new TFile(Str_RootFilesButResultsM); TH1D *hM = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObject("PhotonFluxLTCorrected"); double SumM = hM->Integral(); ScaleFactor = SumM/SumP; printf("Scale by: %f\n", ScaleFactor); // gROOT->cd(); RootFile2 = new TFile(Str_RootFilesResultsSignal, "RECREATE"); TH1D *hDiff = hM->Clone("PhotonFluxRatioT"); hDiff->Divide(hP); if (DebugOptionScaleTargetMinusBeamtime) { printf("WARNING: Debug Option active: Scale Target Minus Beamtime.\n"); ScaleFactor = ScaleFactor * ScaleTargetMinusBeamtime; hDiff->Scale(ScaleTargetMinusBeamtime); printf("Now: Scale by: %f\n", ScaleFactor); } if (DebugOptionAllChannelsRatioEqual) { printf("WARNING: Debug Option active: Flux Ratio is set to 1 for channels.\n"); for (int i=1;i<=(hDiff->GetNbinsX());i++) { hDiff->SetBinContent(i,ScaleFactor); hDiff->SetBinError(i,0); } } //hDiff->Draw(); Scale2D("MissingMassCombinedSignal", hDiff); CopyElement("CountNumberOfHistos"); Scale1DSimple("hDroppedEvents", ScaleFactor); Scale1D("TaggerScalerAccum", hDiff); Scale2D("hTaggerTime", hDiff); Scale1DSimple("LiveTimeAccum", ScaleFactor); Scale2D("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrected", hDiff); Scale2D("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrectedFPrimeP", hDiff); Scale2D("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrectedFPrimeM", hDiff); Scale2D("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrectedTPrimeP", hDiff); Scale2D("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrectedTPrimeM", hDiff); Scale1D("TaggerScalerAccumLTCorrectedInclDroppedEvents", hDiff); Scale1D("TaggerScalerAccumLTCorrected", hDiff); Scale1D("PhotonFluxLTCorrectedWOTaggEff", hDiff); Scale1D("PhotonFluxLTCorrected", hDiff); Scale2D("BeamPol", hDiff); Scale2D("TargetPolFPrime", hDiff); Scale2D("TargetPolTPrime", hDiff); Scale2D("TaggEffAbsTPrime", hDiff); Scale2D("TaggEffAbsFPrime", hDiff); Scale2D("TaggEffAbsAll", hDiff); //gROOT->cd(); TH1D *hDiffAfter = hP->Clone("PhotonFluxRatioTAfter"); hDiffAfter->Divide(hM); hDiffAfter->SetLineColor(kRed); //hDiffAfter->Draw("same"); RootFileP->Close(); RootFileM->Close(); RootFile2->Write(); RootFile2->Close(); printf("Finished.\n"); }
cv::Mat EMat::padarray(int x_padsize, int y_padsize, pad_method method, pad_dir dir) { // Create a new matrix of the appropriate size and initialize it cv::Mat new_mat; if ((dir == pre) || (dir == post)) new_mat.create(rows + y_padsize, cols + x_padsize, type()); else new_mat.create(rows + (y_padsize * 2), cols + (x_padsize * 2), type()); int padmult = 1; if (dir == both) padmult = 2; assert((new_mat.rows == (rows + (y_padsize * padmult))) && (new_mat.cols + (x_padsize * padmult))); int dsize = elemSize(); // Mirror our matrix if (method == symmetric) { // for each line, we have a reverse, followed by a forward, etc. We just have to find a good starting point // First find a direction: int start_x_dir, x_dir, y_dir; int start_x, cur_x, cur_y; // Now find our starting position in our source matrix if ((x_padsize / cols) % 2) // If we have an odd multiple (plus some), go Forward { start_x_dir = 1; start_x = cols - (x_padsize % cols) - 1; } else { start_x_dir = -1; start_x = (x_padsize % cols) - 1; } if ((y_padsize / rows) % 2) { y_dir = 1; cur_y = rows - (y_padsize % rows) - 1; } else { y_dir = -1; cur_y = (y_padsize % rows) - 1; } // Loop through every matrix of the old matrix uchar *fptr, *tptr; for (int i = 0; i < new_mat.rows; i++) { // Always reset initial conditions for x values cur_x = start_x; x_dir = start_x_dir; // New row for the to matrix tptr = new_mat.ptr(i); fptr = ptr(cur_y) + (cur_x * dsize); for (int j = 0; j < new_mat.cols; j++) { // Copy the element and increment applicable pointers CopyElement(fptr, tptr); tptr += dsize; // Handle incrementing from row ptr and reversing directions if necessary cur_x += x_dir; if ((cur_x == cols) || (cur_x < 0)) { x_dir = x_dir * (-1); // reverse direction cur_x += x_dir; // Go back into safe areas } fptr = ptr(cur_y) + (cur_x * dsize); } // Handle incrementing from matrix column and reversing if necessary cur_y += y_dir; if ((cur_y == rows) || (cur_y < 0)) { y_dir = y_dir * (-1); // reverse direction cur_y += y_dir; // Go back into safe areas } } } else if (method == circular) assert(0); // Not coded yet else if (method == replicate) assert(0); // Not coded yet else assert(0); // Probably should raise an exception here *this = new_mat; return new_mat; }
int ScalerFPosBinDebug() { //Connect to all existing histograms RootFileInput = new TFile(Str_RootFilesButInput); printf("Scale by: %f\n", ScaleFactor); // gROOT->cd(); RootFileOutput = new TFile(Str_RootFilesButOutput, "RECREATE"); CopyElement("MissingMassCombinedSignal"); CopyElement("CountNumberOfHistos"); CopyElement("hDroppedEvents"); CopyElement("TaggerScalerAccum"); CopyElement("hTaggerTime"); CopyElement("LiveTimeAccum"); CopyElement("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrected"); Scale2DSimple("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrectedFP", ScaleFactor); CopyElement("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrectedFM"); CopyElement("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrectedTP"); CopyElement("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrectedTM"); CopyElement("TaggerScalerAccumLTCorrectedInclDroppedEvents"); CopyElement("TaggerScalerAccumLTCorrected"); CopyElement ("PhotonFluxLTCorrectedWOTaggEff"); CopyElement("PhotonFluxLTCorrected"); CopyElement("BeamPol"); CopyElement("TargetPolF"); CopyElement("TargetPolT"); CopyElement("TaggEffAbsT"); CopyElement("TaggEffAbsF"); CopyElement("TaggEffAbsAll"); RootFileInput->Close(); RootFileOutput->Write(); RootFileOutput->Close(); printf("Finished.\n"); }
void RescaleH() { Char_t Name[256]; Char_t *VarName; TH1D *h1PhotonFluxBut, *h1PhotonFluxH; TH1D *h1PhotonFluxCorrection; //Connect to all existing histograms RootFileButHistograms = new TFile(Str_RootFilesButResults); h1PhotonFluxBut = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObject("PhotonFluxLTCorrected"); RootFileHHistograms = new TFile(Str_RootFilesHResults); h2TempH = (TH2D*)gROOT->FindObject("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrected"); h1PhotonFluxH = (TH1D*)gROOT->FindObject("PhotonFluxLTCorrected"); //Calculate RootFileHHistograms_Rescaled = new TFile(Str_RootFilesHResults_Rescaled,"RECREATE"); //Ratio of Photon Flux betwen Combined But and H TH1D *hFluxRatio = (TH1D*)h1PhotonFluxBut->Clone("PhotonFluxRatio"); hFluxRatio->Divide(h1PhotonFluxH); for (int i=1;i<=(hFluxRatio->GetNbinsX());i++) { if (hFluxRatio->GetBinContent(i) > 1E3) { hFluxRatio->SetBinContent(i,0); hFluxRatio->SetBinError(i,0); } } TF1 *AverageRatioFit = new TF1("AvgRatioFit","[0]",0,351); TFitResultPtr MyFitResult = hFluxRatio->Fit("AvgRatioFit", "0qFUW"); //0 = do not draw, q=quiet, R = respect range, f = special min finder, W=Set all weights to 1 for non empty bins; ignore error bars Int_t MyFitStatus = MyFitResult; //0 = alles okay, 4 fehler beim Fit, -1 = no data, //see: double AverageRatio = 0; if (MyFitStatus == 0) { AverageRatio = AverageRatioFit->GetParameter(0); printf("Flux Ratio Fit result: %f +- %f\n", AverageRatioFit->GetParameter(0), AverageRatioFit->GetParError(0)); } else { printf("ERROR: Fit did not converge.\n"); } double ScaleFactor = 1/AverageRatio; hFluxRatio->Scale(ScaleFactor); if (DebugOptionAllChannelsRatioEqual) { printf("WARNING: Debug Option active: Flux Ratio is set to 1 for channels.\n"); for (int i=1;i<=(hFluxRatio->GetNbinsX());i++) { hFluxRatio->SetBinContent(i,1); hFluxRatio->SetBinError(i,0); } } //Now Rescale the H-Results individually Scale2D("MissingMassCombinedSignal", hFluxRatio); CopyElement("CountNumberOfHistos"); CopyElement("hDroppedEvents"); Scale1D("TaggerScalerAccum", hFluxRatio); Scale2D("hTaggerTime", hFluxRatio); CopyElement("LiveTimeAccum"); Scale2D("MissingMassCombinedSignalLTCorrected", hFluxRatio); Scale1D("TaggerScalerAccumLTCorrected", hFluxRatio); Scale1D("PhotonFluxLTCorrectedWOTaggEff", hFluxRatio); Scale1D("PhotonFluxLTCorrected", hFluxRatio); CopyElement("TaggEffAbsAll"); RootFileHHistograms_Rescaled->Write(); RootFileButHistograms->Close(); RootFileHHistograms->Close(); RootFileHHistograms_Rescaled->Close(); printf("Finished.\n"); }