Пример #1
  Reads I/O registers.

  The I/O operations are carried out exactly as requested.  The caller is 
  responsible for any alignment and I/O width issues that the bus, device, 
  platform, or type of I/O might require.

  @param[in]  This     The EFI_SMM_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]  Width    Signifies the width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in]  Address  The base address of the I/O operations.  The caller is 
                       responsible for aligning the Address if required. 
  @param[in]  Count    The number of I/O operations to perform.
  @param[out] Buffer   For read operations, the destination buffer to store 
                       the results.  For write operations, the source buffer 
                       from which to write data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The data was read from or written to the device.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The Address is not valid for this system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Width or Count, or both, were invalid.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   The request could not be completed due to a 
                                 lack of resources

CpuIoServiceRead (
  IN  EFI_SMM_IO_WIDTH                Width,
  IN  UINT64                          Address,
  IN  UINTN                           Count,
  OUT VOID                            *Buffer
  EFI_STATUS  Status;
  UINT8       Stride;
  UINT8       *Uint8Buffer;

  Status = CpuIoCheckParameter (FALSE, Width, Address, Count, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Select loop based on the width of the transfer
  Stride = mStride[Width];
  for (Uint8Buffer = Buffer; Count > 0; Address += Stride, Uint8Buffer += Stride, Count--) {
    if (Width == SMM_IO_UINT8) {
      *Uint8Buffer = IoRead8 ((UINTN)Address);
    } else if (Width == SMM_IO_UINT16) {
      *((UINT16 *)Uint8Buffer) = IoRead16 ((UINTN)Address);
    } else if (Width == SMM_IO_UINT32) {
      *((UINT32 *)Uint8Buffer) = IoRead32 ((UINTN)Address);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #2
CpuMemoryServiceWrite (
  IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL        *This,
  IN UINT64                     Address,
  IN UINTN                      Count,
  IN VOID                       *Buffer

Routine Description:

  Perform the memory mapped I/O write service


  This    - Pointer to an instance of the CPU I/O Protocol
  Width   - Width of the memory mapped I/O operation
  Address - Base address of the memory mapped I/O operation
  Count   - Count of the number of accesses to perform
  Buffer  - Pointer to the source buffer from which to write data


  EFI_SUCCESS           - The data was written.
  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Width is invalid.
  EFI_UNSUPPORTED       - The Buffer is not aligned for the given Width.
  EFI_UNSUPPORTED       - The address range specified by Address, Width,
                          and Count is not valid.

  PTR        Source;
  PTR        Destination;
  EFI_STATUS Status;

  Status = CpuIoCheckParameter (Width, Address, Count, Buffer, EFI_MAX_ADDRESS);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  Destination.buf = (VOID *) (UINTN) Address;
  Source.buf      = Buffer;

  if (Width >= EfiCpuIoWidthUint8 && Width <= EfiCpuIoWidthUint64) {
    return CpuIoMemRW (Width, Count, TRUE, Destination, TRUE, Source);

  if (Width >= EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint8 && Width <= EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint64) {
    return CpuIoMemRW (Width, Count, FALSE, Destination, TRUE, Source);

  if (Width >= EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint8 && Width <= EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint64) {
    return CpuIoMemRW (Width, Count, TRUE, Destination, FALSE, Source);

Пример #3
  Writes memory-mapped registers.

  @param[in]  PeiServices  An indirect pointer to the PEI Services Table
                           published by the PEI Foundation.
  @param[in]  This         Pointer to local data for the interface.
  @param[in]  Width        The width of the access. Enumerated in bytes.
  @param[in]  Address      The physical address of the access.
  @param[in]  Count        The number of accesses to perform.
  @param[in]  Buffer       A pointer to the buffer of data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The function completed successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Width is invalid for this EFI system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Buffer is NULL.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The address range specified by Address, Width,
                                 and Count is not valid for this EFI system.

CpuMemoryServiceWrite (
  IN UINT64                    Address,
  IN UINTN                     Count,
  IN VOID                      *Buffer
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  UINT8                     InStride;
  UINT8                     OutStride;
  EFI_PEI_CPU_IO_PPI_WIDTH  OperationWidth;
  BOOLEAN                   Aligned;
  UINT8                     *Uint8Buffer;

  Status = CpuIoCheckParameter (TRUE, Width, Address, Count, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Select loop based on the width of the transfer
  InStride = mInStride[Width];
  OutStride = mOutStride[Width];
  OperationWidth = (EFI_PEI_CPU_IO_PPI_WIDTH) (Width & 0x03);
  Aligned = (BOOLEAN)(((UINTN)Buffer & (mInStride[OperationWidth] - 1)) == 0x00);
  for (Uint8Buffer = Buffer; Count > 0; Address += InStride, Uint8Buffer += OutStride, Count--) {
    if (OperationWidth == EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint8) {
      MmioWrite8 ((UINTN)Address, *Uint8Buffer);
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint16) {
      if (Aligned) {
        MmioWrite16 ((UINTN)Address, *((UINT16 *)Uint8Buffer));
      } else {
        MmioWrite16 ((UINTN)Address, ReadUnaligned16 ((UINT16 *)Uint8Buffer));
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint32) {
      if (Aligned) {
        MmioWrite32 ((UINTN)Address, *((UINT32 *)Uint8Buffer));
      } else {
        MmioWrite32 ((UINTN)Address, ReadUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)Uint8Buffer));
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint64) {
      if (Aligned) {
        MmioWrite64 ((UINTN)Address, *((UINT64 *)Uint8Buffer));
      } else {
        MmioWrite64 ((UINTN)Address, ReadUnaligned64 ((UINT64 *)Uint8Buffer));
  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #4
  Write I/O registers.

  The I/O operations are carried out exactly as requested. The caller is responsible
  for satisfying any alignment and I/O width restrictions that a PI System on a
  platform might require. For example on some platforms, width requests of
  EfiCpuIoWidthUint64 do not work. Misaligned buffers, on the other hand, will
  be handled by the driver.

  If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthUint16, EfiCpuIoWidthUint32,
  or EfiCpuIoWidthUint64, then both Address and Buffer are incremented for
  each of the Count operations that is performed.

  If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint16,
  EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint32, or EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint64, then only Buffer is
  incremented for each of the Count operations that is performed. The read or
  write operation is performed Count times on the same Address.

  If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint16,
  EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint32, or EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint64, then only Address is
  incremented for each of the Count operations that is performed. The read or
  write operation is performed Count times from the first element of Buffer.

  @param[in]  This     A pointer to the EFI_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]  Width    Signifies the width of the I/O or Memory operation.
  @param[in]  Address  The base address of the I/O operation.
  @param[in]  Count    The number of I/O operations to perform. The number of
                       bytes moved is Width size * Count, starting at Address.
  @param[in]  Buffer   For read operations, the destination buffer to store the results.
                       For write operations, the source buffer from which to write data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The data was read from or written to the PI system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Width is invalid for this PI system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Buffer is NULL.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The Buffer is not aligned for the given Width.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The address range specified by Address, Width,
                                 and Count is not valid for this PI system.

CpuIoServiceWrite (
  IN EFI_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL       *This,
  IN UINT64                     Address,
  IN UINTN                      Count,
  IN VOID                       *Buffer
  EFI_STATUS                 Status;
  UINT8                      InStride;
  UINT8                      OutStride;
  UINT8                      *Uint8Buffer;

  // Make sure the parameters are valid
  Status = CpuIoCheckParameter (FALSE, Width, Address, Count, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  Address += PcdGet64 (PcdPciIoTranslation);

  // Select loop based on the width of the transfer
  InStride = mInStride[Width];
  OutStride = mOutStride[Width];
  OperationWidth = (EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) (Width & 0x03);

  for (Uint8Buffer = (UINT8 *)Buffer; Count > 0; Address += InStride, Uint8Buffer += OutStride, Count--) {
    if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint8) {
      MmioWrite8 ((UINTN)Address, *Uint8Buffer);
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint16) {
      MmioWrite16 ((UINTN)Address, *((UINT16 *)Uint8Buffer));
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint32) {
      MmioWrite32 ((UINTN)Address, *((UINT32 *)Uint8Buffer));

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #5
  Reads memory-mapped registers.

  The I/O operations are carried out exactly as requested. The caller is responsible
  for satisfying any alignment and I/O width restrictions that a PI System on a
  platform might require. For example on some platforms, width requests of
  EfiCpuIoWidthUint64 do not work. Misaligned buffers, on the other hand, will
  be handled by the driver.

  If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthUint16, EfiCpuIoWidthUint32,
  or EfiCpuIoWidthUint64, then both Address and Buffer are incremented for
  each of the Count operations that is performed.

  If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint16,
  EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint32, or EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint64, then only Buffer is
  incremented for each of the Count operations that is performed. The read or
  write operation is performed Count times on the same Address.

  If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint16,
  EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint32, or EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint64, then only Address is
  incremented for each of the Count operations that is performed. The read or
  write operation is performed Count times from the first element of Buffer.

  @param[in]  This     A pointer to the EFI_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]  Width    Signifies the width of the I/O or Memory operation.
  @param[in]  Address  The base address of the I/O operation.
  @param[in]  Count    The number of I/O operations to perform. The number of
                       bytes moved is Width size * Count, starting at Address.
  @param[out] Buffer   For read operations, the destination buffer to store the results.
                       For write operations, the source buffer from which to write data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The data was read from or written to the PI system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Width is invalid for this PI system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Buffer is NULL.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The Buffer is not aligned for the given Width.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The address range specified by Address, Width,
                                 and Count is not valid for this PI system.

CpuMemoryServiceRead (
  IN  EFI_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL       *This,
  IN  UINT64                     Address,
  IN  UINTN                      Count,
  OUT VOID                       *Buffer
  EFI_STATUS                 Status;
  UINT8                      InStride;
  UINT8                      OutStride;
  UINT8                      *Uint8Buffer;

  Status = CpuIoCheckParameter (TRUE, Width, Address, Count, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Select loop based on the width of the transfer
  InStride = mInStride[Width];
  OutStride = mOutStride[Width];
  OperationWidth = (EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) (Width & 0x03);
  for (Uint8Buffer = Buffer; Count > 0; Address += InStride, Uint8Buffer += OutStride, Count--) {
    if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint8) {
      *Uint8Buffer = MmioRead8 ((UINTN)Address);
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint16) {
      *((UINT16 *)Uint8Buffer) = MmioRead16 ((UINTN)Address);
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint32) {
      *((UINT32 *)Uint8Buffer) = MmioRead32 ((UINTN)Address);
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint64) {
      *((UINT64 *)Uint8Buffer) = MmioRead64 ((UINTN)Address);
  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #6
  Write I/O registers.

  The I/O operations are carried out exactly as requested.  The caller is 
  responsible for any alignment and I/O width issues that the bus, device, 
  platform, or type of I/O might require.

  @param[in]  This     The EFI_SMM_CPU_IO2_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]  Width    Signifies the width of the I/O operations.
  @param[in]  Address  The base address of the I/O operations.  The caller is 
                       responsible for aligning the Address if required. 
  @param[in]  Count    The number of I/O operations to perform.
  @param[in]  Buffer   For read operations, the destination buffer to store 
                       the results.  For write operations, the source buffer 
                       from which to write data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The data was read from or written to the device.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The Address is not valid for this system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Width or Count, or both, were invalid.
  @retval EFI_OUT_OF_RESOURCES   The request could not be completed due to a 
                                 lack of resources

CpuIoServiceWrite (
  IN EFI_SMM_IO_WIDTH                Width,
  IN UINT64                          Address,
  IN UINTN                           Count,
  IN VOID                            *Buffer
  EFI_STATUS  Status;
  UINT8       Stride;
  UINT8       *Uint8Buffer;

  // Make sure the parameters are valid
  Status = CpuIoCheckParameter (FALSE, Width, Address, Count, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Select loop based on the width of the transfer
  Stride = mStride[Width];
  for (Uint8Buffer = (UINT8 *)Buffer; Count > 0; Address += Stride, Uint8Buffer += Stride, Count--) {
    if (Width == SMM_IO_UINT8) {
      IoWrite8 ((UINTN)Address, *Uint8Buffer);
    } else if (Width == SMM_IO_UINT16) {
      IoWrite16 ((UINTN)Address, *((UINT16 *)Uint8Buffer));
    } else if (Width == SMM_IO_UINT32) {
      IoWrite32 ((UINTN)Address, *((UINT32 *)Uint8Buffer));
  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #7
  Write I/O registers.

  @param[in]  PeiServices  An indirect pointer to the PEI Services Table
                           published by the PEI Foundation.
  @param[in]  This         Pointer to local data for the interface.
  @param[in]  Width        The width of the access. Enumerated in bytes.
  @param[in]  Address      The physical address of the access.
  @param[in]  Count        The number of accesses to perform.
  @param[in]  Buffer       A pointer to the buffer of data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The function completed successfully.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Width is invalid for this EFI system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Buffer is NULL.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The address range specified by Address, Width,
                                 and Count is not valid for this EFI system.

CpuIoServiceWrite (
  IN UINT64                    Address,
  IN UINTN                     Count,
  IN VOID                      *Buffer
  EFI_STATUS                Status;
  UINT8                     InStride;
  UINT8                     OutStride;
  EFI_PEI_CPU_IO_PPI_WIDTH  OperationWidth;
  BOOLEAN                   Aligned;
  UINT8                     *Uint8Buffer;

  // Make sure the parameters are valid
  Status = CpuIoCheckParameter (FALSE, Width, Address, Count, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Select loop based on the width of the transfer
  InStride = mInStride[Width];
  OutStride = mOutStride[Width];
  OperationWidth = (EFI_PEI_CPU_IO_PPI_WIDTH) (Width & 0x03);

  // Fifo operations supported for (mInStride[Width] == 0)
  if (InStride == 0) {
    switch (OperationWidth) {
    case EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint8:
      IoWriteFifo8 ((UINTN)Address, Count, Buffer);
      return EFI_SUCCESS;
    case EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint16:
      IoWriteFifo16 ((UINTN)Address, Count, Buffer);
      return EFI_SUCCESS;
    case EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint32:
      IoWriteFifo32 ((UINTN)Address, Count, Buffer);
      return EFI_SUCCESS;
      // The CpuIoCheckParameter call above will ensure that this
      // path is not taken.

  Aligned = (BOOLEAN)(((UINTN)Buffer & (mInStride[OperationWidth] - 1)) == 0x00);
  for (Uint8Buffer = (UINT8 *)Buffer; Count > 0; Address += InStride, Uint8Buffer += OutStride, Count--) {
    if (OperationWidth == EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint8) {
      IoWrite8 ((UINTN)Address, *Uint8Buffer);
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint16) {
      if (Aligned) {
        IoWrite16 ((UINTN)Address, *((UINT16 *)Uint8Buffer));
      } else {
        IoWrite16 ((UINTN)Address, ReadUnaligned16 ((UINT16 *)Uint8Buffer));
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiPeiCpuIoWidthUint32) {
      if (Aligned) {
        IoWrite32 ((UINTN)Address, *((UINT32 *)Uint8Buffer));
      } else {
        IoWrite32 ((UINTN)Address, ReadUnaligned32 ((UINT32 *)Uint8Buffer));

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #8
  Reads I/O registers.

  The I/O operations are carried out exactly as requested. The caller is responsible
  for satisfying any alignment and I/O width restrictions that a PI System on a
  platform might require. For example on some platforms, width requests of
  EfiCpuIoWidthUint64 do not work. Misaligned buffers, on the other hand, will
  be handled by the driver.

  If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthUint16, EfiCpuIoWidthUint32,
  or EfiCpuIoWidthUint64, then both Address and Buffer are incremented for
  each of the Count operations that is performed.

  If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint16,
  EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint32, or EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint64, then only Buffer is
  incremented for each of the Count operations that is performed. The read or
  write operation is performed Count times on the same Address.

  If Width is EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint8, EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint16,
  EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint32, or EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint64, then only Address is
  incremented for each of the Count operations that is performed. The read or
  write operation is performed Count times from the first element of Buffer.

  @param[in]  This     A pointer to the EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL instance.
  @param[in]  Width    Signifies the width of the I/O or Memory operation.
  @param[in]  Address  The base address of the I/O operation.
  @param[in]  Count    The number of I/O operations to perform. The number of
                       bytes moved is Width size * Count, starting at Address.
  @param[out] Buffer   For read operations, the destination buffer to store the results.
                       For write operations, the source buffer from which to write data.

  @retval EFI_SUCCESS            The data was read from or written to the PI system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Width is invalid for this PI system.
  @retval EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER  Buffer is NULL.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The Buffer is not aligned for the given Width.
  @retval EFI_UNSUPPORTED        The address range specified by Address, Width,
                                 and Count is not valid for this PI system.

CpuIoServiceRead (
  IN  EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL        *This,
  IN  UINT64                     Address,
  IN  UINTN                      Count,
  OUT VOID                       *Buffer
  EFI_STATUS  Status;
  UINT8                      InStride;
  UINT8                      OutStride;
  UINT8       *Uint8Buffer;

  Status = CpuIoCheckParameter (FALSE, Width, Address, Count, Buffer);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  // Select loop based on the width of the transfer
  InStride = mInStride[Width];
  OutStride = mOutStride[Width];
  OperationWidth = (EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL_WIDTH) (Width & 0x03);

  // Fifo operations supported for (mInStride[Width] == 0)
  if (InStride == 0) {
    switch (OperationWidth) {
    case EfiCpuIoWidthUint8:
      IoReadFifo8 ((UINTN)Address, Count, Buffer);
      return EFI_SUCCESS;
    case EfiCpuIoWidthUint16:
      IoReadFifo16 ((UINTN)Address, Count, Buffer);
      return EFI_SUCCESS;
    case EfiCpuIoWidthUint32:
      IoReadFifo32 ((UINTN)Address, Count, Buffer);
      return EFI_SUCCESS;
      // The CpuIoCheckParameter call above will ensure that this
      // path is not taken.

  for (Uint8Buffer = Buffer; Count > 0; Address += InStride, Uint8Buffer += OutStride, Count--) {
    if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint8) {
      *Uint8Buffer = IoRead8 ((UINTN)Address);
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint16) {
      *((UINT16 *)Uint8Buffer) = IoRead16 ((UINTN)Address);
    } else if (OperationWidth == EfiCpuIoWidthUint32) {
      *((UINT32 *)Uint8Buffer) = IoRead32 ((UINTN)Address);

  return EFI_SUCCESS;
Пример #9
CpuIoServiceWrite (
  IN EFI_CPU_IO_PROTOCOL        *This,
  IN UINT64                     UserAddress,
  IN UINTN                      Count,
  IN VOID                       *UserBuffer

Routine Description:

  Perform the port I/O write service


  This    - Pointer to an instance of the CPU I/O Protocol
  Width   - Width of the port I/O operation
  Address - Base address of the port I/O operation
  Count   - Count of the number of accesses to perform
  Buffer  - Pointer to the source buffer from which to write data


  EFI_SUCCESS           - The data was written.
  EFI_INVALID_PARAMETER - Width is invalid.
  EFI_UNSUPPORTED       - The Buffer is not aligned for the given Width.
  EFI_UNSUPPORTED       - The address range specified by Address, Width,
                          and Count is not valid.

  UINTN      InStride;
  UINTN      OutStride;
  UINTN      Address;
  PTR        Buffer;
  EFI_STATUS Status;

  Buffer.buf = (UINT8 *) UserBuffer;

  if (Width >= EfiCpuIoWidthMaximum) {

  Status = CpuIoCheckParameter (Width, UserAddress, Count, UserBuffer, IA32_MAX_IO_ADDRESS);
  if (EFI_ERROR (Status)) {
    return Status;

  Address   = (UINTN) UserAddress;
  InStride  = (UINTN)1 << (Width & 0x03);
  OutStride = InStride;
  if (Width >= EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint8 && Width <= EfiCpuIoWidthFifoUint64) {
    InStride = 0;

  if (Width >= EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint8 && Width <= EfiCpuIoWidthFillUint64) {
    OutStride = 0;

  Width = Width & 0x03;

  // Loop for each iteration and move the data
  switch (Width) {
  case EfiCpuIoWidthUint8:
    for (; Count > 0; Count--, Buffer.buf += OutStride, Address += InStride) {
      CpuIoWrite8 ((UINT16) Address, *Buffer.ui8);

  case EfiCpuIoWidthUint16:
    for (; Count > 0; Count--, Buffer.buf += OutStride, Address += InStride) {
      CpuIoWrite16 ((UINT16) Address, *Buffer.ui16);

  case EfiCpuIoWidthUint32:
    for (; Count > 0; Count--, Buffer.buf += OutStride, Address += InStride) {
      CpuIoWrite32 ((UINT16) Address, *Buffer.ui32);


  return EFI_SUCCESS;