VbCodeExpressionPtr VbCodeExpressionFactory::CreateDefaultValue(const optional<Sentence>& sentence)
	if (!sentence)
		return nullptr;
	VbDefaultValue defaultValue{ *sentence };
	return CreateExpression(defaultValue.expression);
Пример #2
 Expression ESolver::CreateExpression(const ConcreteValueBase* TheValue)
     // Create an anonymous constant operator for this value
     vector<const ESFixedTypeBase*> EmptyVec;
     auto FuncType = TypeMgr->CreateType<ESFunctionType>(EmptyVec, TheValue->GetType());
     auto Op = ConstMgr->GetOp(TheValue, FuncType);
     return CreateExpression(Op);
Пример #3
nsXPathEvaluator::CreateExpression(const nsAString & aExpression,
                                   nsIDOMXPathNSResolver *aResolver,
                                   nsIDOMXPathExpression **aResult)
    return CreateExpression(aExpression, aResolver, (nsTArray<int32_t>*)nullptr,
                            nullptr, nullptr, aResult);
Пример #4
PHPExpression::PHPExpression(const wxString& fulltext, const wxString& exprText)
    : m_type(kNone)
    , m_text(fulltext)
    if(exprText.IsEmpty()) {
        // use the full text to extract the expression
        m_expression = CreateExpression(fulltext);

    } else {
        wxString phpExprText = exprText;
        if(!exprText.StartsWith("<?php")) {
            // without this, the parser will refuse to work :)
            phpExprText.Prepend("<?php ");
        m_expression = CreateExpression(phpExprText);
Пример #5
XPathEvaluator::CreateExpression(const nsAString& aExpression,
                                 nsIDOMXPathNSResolver* aResolver,
                                 ErrorResult& rv)
  nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXPathExpression> expr;
  rv = CreateExpression(aExpression, aResolver, getter_AddRefs(expr));
  return expr.forget();
Пример #6
 Expression ESolver::CreateAuxVarExpression(uint64 AuxID, const ESFixedTypeBase* Type)
     auto Op = CreateAuxVariable(AuxID, Type);
     if (Op->GetEvalType() != Type) {
         throw TypeException((string)"Aux Var with ID " + to_string(AuxID) + " has already " + 
                             "been declared with a different type!");
     return CreateExpression(Op);
Пример #7
 Expression ESolver::CreateExpression(const string& OperatorName,
                                      const Expression& Exp1,
                                      const Expression& Exp2)
     vector<Expression> Children(2);
     Children[0] = Exp1;
     Children[1] = Exp2;
     return CreateExpression(OperatorName, Children);
Пример #8
XPathEvaluator::CreateExpression(const nsAString& aExpression,
                                 nsINode* aResolver, ErrorResult& aRv)
    nsCOMPtr<nsIDocument> doc = do_QueryReferent(mDocument);
    XPathEvaluatorParseContext pContext(aResolver,
                                        !(doc && doc->IsHTMLDocument()));
    return CreateExpression(aExpression, &pContext, doc, aRv);
Пример #9
XPathEvaluator::Evaluate(JSContext* aCx, const nsAString& aExpression,
                         nsINode& aContextNode, XPathNSResolver* aResolver,
                         uint16_t aType, JS::Handle<JSObject*> aResult,
                         ErrorResult& rv)
    nsAutoPtr<XPathExpression> expression(CreateExpression(aExpression,
                                                           aResolver, rv));
    if (rv.Failed()) {
        return nullptr;
    return expression->Evaluate(aCx, aContextNode, aType, aResult, rv);
Пример #10
    Expression ESolver::CreateExpression(const string& OperatorName,
                                         const Expression& Exp1,
                                         const Expression& Exp2,
                                         const Expression& Exp3)
        // special case for bv extract

        if (OperatorName == "bvextract") {
            if (Exp2->As<UserConstExpression>() == nullptr ||
                Exp3->As<UserConstExpression>() == nullptr) {
                throw TypeException((string)"bvextract can only be applied to constant indices");
            if (Exp2->GetType() != IntType ||
                Exp3->GetType() != IntType) {
                throw TypeException((string)"bvextract can only be applied to constant integer indices");

            auto OpName = BVLogic::GetExtractOpName(Exp1->GetType(), 
            // recurse with new name
            auto Op = LookupOperator(OpName);
            if (Op == nullptr) {
                Op = LookupOperator(OpName);
            vector<Expression> Children = { Exp1 };
            return CreateExpression(Op, Children);

        vector<Expression> Children(3);
        Children[0] = Exp1;
        Children[1] = Exp2;
        Children[2] = Exp3;
        return CreateExpression(OperatorName, Children);
Пример #11
 Expression ESolver::CreateExpression(const string& OperatorName,
                                      const vector<Expression>& Children)
     vector<const ESFixedTypeBase*> ArgTypes;
     for(uint32 i = 0; i < Children.size(); ++i) {
     const OperatorBase* OpInfo = LookupOperator(OperatorName, ArgTypes);
     if(OpInfo == NULL) {
         throw TypeException((string)"No overloaded operator found for operator name: \"" +
                             OperatorName + "\"");
     return CreateExpression(OpInfo, Children);
Пример #12
nsXPathEvaluator::Evaluate(const nsAString & aExpression,
                           nsIDOMNode *aContextNode,
                           nsIDOMXPathNSResolver *aResolver,
                           uint16_t aType,
                           nsISupports *aInResult,
                           nsISupports **aResult)
    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXPathExpression> expression;
    nsresult rv = CreateExpression(aExpression, aResolver,
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    return expression->Evaluate(aContextNode, aType, aInResult, aResult);
VbCodeExpressionPtr VbCodeExpressionFactory::CreatePrimaryExpression(const Sentence& sentence)
	VbPrimaryExpression expression{ sentence };
	if (expression.literal)
		return CreateConstantExpression(*expression.literal);
	if (expression.wsDot)
		return std::make_shared<VbCodeWithExpression>(ToDotType(*expression.wsDot), expression.id->GetValue());
	if (expression.expression2)
		throw std::runtime_error("Not implemented: (expression, expression)");
	if (expression.expression1)
		return std::make_shared<VbCodeParenthesisExpression>(CreateExpression(*expression.expression1));
	if (*expression.id == "me")
		return std::make_shared<VbCodeMeExpression>();
	return std::make_shared<VbCodeIdExpression>(expression.id->GetValue());
Пример #14
    Expression ESolver::CreateOrExpression(const vector<Expression>& Disjuncts)
        if(Disjuncts.size() == 0) {
            return Expression::NullObject;
        if(Disjuncts.size() == 1) {
            return Disjuncts[0];

        Expression Current = CreateOrExpression(Disjuncts[0], Disjuncts[1]);
        uint32 NumDisjuncts = Disjuncts.size();
        for(uint32 i = 2; i < NumDisjuncts; ++i) {
            Current = CreateOrExpression(Current, Disjuncts[i]);
        return CreateExpression("or", Current->GetChildren());
Пример #15
    Expression ESolver::CreateAndExpression(const vector<Expression>& Conjuncts)
        if(Conjuncts.size() == 0) {
            return Expression::NullObject;
        if(Conjuncts.size() == 1) {
            return Conjuncts[0];

        Expression Current = CreateAndExpression(Conjuncts[0], Conjuncts[1]);
        uint32 NumConjuncts = Conjuncts.size();
        for(uint32 i = 2; i < NumConjuncts; ++i) {
            Current = CreateAndExpression(Current, Conjuncts[i]);
        return CreateExpression("and", Current->GetChildren());
Пример #16
 Expression ESolver::CreateExpression(const string& VariableName)
     vector<Expression> Args;
     const OperatorBase* Op = ScopeMgr->LookupOperator(VariableName)->As<VarOperatorBase>();
     if (Op == nullptr) {
         Op = ScopeMgr->LookupOperator(VariableName)->As<ConstOperator>();
     // audupa: it might just be a constant macro
     if (Op == nullptr) {
         Op = ScopeMgr->LookupOperator(VariableName)->As<MacroOperator>();
     if(Op == NULL) {
         throw UndefinedVarException((string)"Variable or constant \"" + VariableName +
                                     + "\" not found to create expression");
     return CreateExpression(Op, Args);
Пример #17
nsXPathEvaluator::Evaluate(const nsAString & aExpression,
                           nsIDOMNode *aContextNode,
                           nsIDOMXPathNSResolver *aResolver,
                           PRUint16 aType,
                           nsISupports *aInResult,
                           nsISupports **aResult)
    // XXX Need to check document of aContextNode if created by
    //     QI'ing a document.

    nsCOMPtr<nsIDOMXPathExpression> expression;
    nsresult rv = CreateExpression(aExpression, aResolver,
    NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

    return expression->Evaluate(aContextNode, aType, aInResult, aResult);
std::vector<VbCodeExpressionPtr> VbCodeExpressionFactory::CreateExpressionList(const Sentence& sentence)
	std::vector<VbCodeExpressionPtr> expressions;
	VbExpressionList expressionList{ sentence };
	if (expressionList.separator && *expressionList.separator != ",")
		throw std::runtime_error("';' statement separator not yet implemented.");
	for (auto& expressionItemSentence : expressionList.expressionItems)
		VbExpressionItem expressionItem{ expressionItemSentence };
		if (!expressionItem.expression)
			if (expressionItem.passBy)
				throw std::runtime_error("Pass-by on expression item not yet implemented.");
			if (expressionItem.name)
				throw std::runtime_error("Named expression items not yet implemented.");
	return expressions;
Пример #19
wxString PHPExpression::DoSimplifyExpression(int depth, PHPSourceFile::Ptr_t sourceFile)
    if(depth > 5 || sourceFile == NULL) {
        // avoid infinite recursion, by limiting the nest level to 5
        return "";

    // Use the provided sourceFile if 'm_sourceFile' is NULL
    if(!m_sourceFile) {
        m_sourceFile = sourceFile;

    // Parse the input source file
    PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t scope = sourceFile->CurrentScope();
    const PHPEntityBase* innerClass = sourceFile->Class();

    // Check the first token

    // Phase 1:
    // Loop over the expression and resolve as much as we can here for the first token
    // (mainly, replace $this, self, static, $variable)

    phpLexerToken token;
    wxString newExpr;
    wxString firstToken;
    int firstTokenType = wxNOT_FOUND;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_expression.size(); ++i) {
        token = m_expression.at(i);
        if(i == 0) {
            // Perform basic replacements that we can conduct here without the need of the global
            // lookup table
            if(token.type == kPHP_T_PARENT) {
                if(!innerClass) return "";
                firstToken = innerClass->GetFullName();
                firstTokenType = kPHP_T_PARENT;

            } else if(token.type == kPHP_T_THIS) {
                // the first token is $this
                // replace it with the current class absolute path
                if(!innerClass) return "";
                firstToken = innerClass->GetFullName(); // Is always in absolute path

            } else if(token.type == kPHP_T_SELF) {
                // Same as $this: replace it with the current class absolute path
                if(!innerClass) return "";
                firstToken = innerClass->GetFullName(); // Is always in absolute path
                firstTokenType = kPHP_T_SELF;

            } else if(token.type == kPHP_T_STATIC) {
                // Same as $this: replace it with the current class absolute path
                if(!innerClass) return "";
                firstToken = innerClass->GetFullName(); // Is always in absolute path
                firstTokenType = kPHP_T_STATIC;

            } else if(token.type == kPHP_T_VARIABLE) {
                // the expression being evaluated starts with a variable (e.g. $a->something()->)
                // in this case, use the current scope ('scope') and replace it with the real type
                // Note that the type can be another expression
                // e.g.:
                // $a = $this->getQuery();
                // $b = $a->fetchAll()->
                // so if the expression being evaluated is "$a->fetchAll()->"
                // we first replace $a with '$this->getQuery()' so it becomes:
                // $this->getQuery()->fetchAll()->
                // However, $this also need a replacement so eventually, it becomes like this:
                // \MyClass->getQuery->fetchAll-> and this is something that we can evaluate easily using
                // our lookup tables (note that the parenthessis are missing on purpose)
                PHPEntityBase::Ptr_t local = scope->FindChild(token.text);
                if(local && local->Cast<PHPEntityVariable>()) {
                    if(!local->Cast<PHPEntityVariable>()->GetTypeHint().IsEmpty()) {
                        // we have type hint! - use it
                        firstToken = local->Cast<PHPEntityVariable>()->GetTypeHint();

                    } else if(!local->Cast<PHPEntityVariable>()->GetExpressionHint().IsEmpty()) {
                        // we have an expression hint - use it
                        // append the "->" to the expression to make sure that the parser will understand it
                        // as an expression
                        PHPExpression e(m_text, local->Cast<PHPEntityVariable>()->GetExpressionHint() + "->");
                        firstToken = e.DoSimplifyExpression(depth + 1, m_sourceFile);
                        if(firstToken.EndsWith("->")) {
                            // remove the last 2 characters
                } else {
                    // this local variable does not exist in the current scope
                    // This is probably a word-completion for local variable
                    m_filter = token.text;
                    return "";

            } else if(token.type == kPHP_T_IDENTIFIER) {
                // an identifier, convert it to the fullpath
                firstToken = sourceFile->MakeIdentifierAbsolute(token.text);

        if(!firstToken.IsEmpty()) {
            newExpr = firstToken;
        } else {
            newExpr << " " << token.text;

    // Phase 2:
    // Now break the tokens from the lexers into something that we can work with
    // when using the lookup table.

    // The split in this phase is done by searching for kPHP_T_OBJECT_OPERATOR and kPHP_T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
    // separators
    m_expression = CreateExpression("<?php " + newExpr);
    Part part;
    wxString currentText;
    for(size_t i = 0; i < m_expression.size(); ++i) {
        token = m_expression.at(i);
        // Remove any braces and split by object kPHP_T_OBJECT_OPERATOR and kPHP_T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM
        switch(token.type) {
        case kPHP_T_OPEN_TAG:
        case '(':
            if(!currentText.IsEmpty()) {
                part.m_text = currentText;
        case ')':
            // skip it
        case kPHP_T_OBJECT_OPERATOR:
            if(!currentText.IsEmpty() && part.m_text.IsEmpty()) {
                if(m_parts.empty() && token.type == kPHP_T_PAAMAYIM_NEKUDOTAYIM) {
                    // The first token in the "parts" list has a scope resolving operator ("::")
                    // we need to make sure that the indetifier is provided in fullpath
                    part.m_text = sourceFile->MakeIdentifierAbsolute(currentText);
                } else {
                    part.m_text = currentText;

            if(m_parts.empty()) {
                // If the first token before the simplication was 'parent'
                // keyword, we need to carry this over
                part.m_textType = firstTokenType;

            part.m_operator = token.type;
            part.m_operatorText = token.text;

            // cleanup
            part.m_operator = wxNOT_FOUND;
        case kPHP_T_THIS:
        case kPHP_T_SELF:
        case kPHP_T_STATIC:
            part.m_textType = token.type;
            currentText << token.text;
            currentText << token.text;

    if(!currentText.IsEmpty()) {
        m_filter = currentText;

    wxString simplified;
    List_t::iterator iter = m_parts.begin();
    for(; iter != m_parts.end(); ++iter) {
        simplified << iter->m_text << iter->m_operatorText;
    return simplified.Trim().Trim(false);
Пример #20
 Expression ESolver::CreateNotExpression(const Expression& Exp)
     return CreateExpression("not", Exp);
Пример #21
 Expression ESolver::CreateOrExpression(const Expression& Exp1,
                                        const Expression& Exp2)
     return CreateExpression("or", Exp1, Exp2);
Пример #22
 Expression ESolver::CreateExpression(const ESFixedTypeBase* Type,
                                      const string& ConstantString)
     const ConcreteValueBase* TheValue = CreateValue(Type, ConstantString);
     return CreateExpression(TheValue);
Пример #23
 Expression ESolver::CreateTrueExpression()
     return CreateExpression(TrueValue);
Пример #24
 Expression ESolver::CreateExpression(const OperatorBase* OpInfo)
     vector<Expression> ArgTypes;
     return CreateExpression(OpInfo, ArgTypes);
Пример #25
 Expression ESolver::CreateAndExpression(const Expression& Exp1,
                                         const Expression& Exp2)
     return CreateExpression("and", Exp1, Exp2);
Пример #26
 Expression ESolver::CreateFalseExpression()
     return CreateExpression(FalseValue);
Пример #27
 Expression ESolver::CreateFreshLetBoundVarExpression(const string& VarName,
                                                      const ESFixedTypeBase* Type)
     auto Op = CreateLetBoundVariable(VarName, Type);
     return CreateExpression(Op);