Пример #1
SAVESTATE_t* SaveSlot(void *lpInput) {
	CALC* lpCalc = (CALC*) lpInput;
	SAVESTATE_t* save;
	bool runsave;
	if (lpCalc->active == false) return nullptr;

	runsave = lpCalc->running;
	lpCalc->running = false;
	save = CreateSave(("Revsoft"), ("Test save"), lpCalc->model);

	SaveCPU(save, &lpCalc->cpu);
	SaveMEM(save, &lpCalc->mem_c);
	SaveTIMER(save, &lpCalc->timer_c);
	SaveLCD(save, lpCalc->cpu.pio.lcd);
	SaveLINK(save, lpCalc->cpu.pio.link);
	SaveSTDINT(save, lpCalc->cpu.pio.stdint);
	SaveSE_AUX(save, lpCalc->cpu.pio.se_aux);

	lpCalc->running = runsave;
	return save;
Пример #2
SAVESTATE_t* SaveSlot(void *lpInput) {
	LPCALC lpCalc = (LPCALC) lpInput;
	SAVESTATE_t* save;
	BOOL runsave;
	if (lpCalc->active == FALSE) return NULL;

	runsave = lpCalc->running;
	lpCalc->running = FALSE;
	save = CreateSave(_T("Revsoft"), _T("Test save"), lpCalc->model);

	SaveCPU(save, &lpCalc->cpu);
	SaveMEM(save, &lpCalc->mem_c);
	SaveTIMER(save, &lpCalc->timer_c);
	SaveLCD(save, lpCalc->cpu.pio.lcd);
	SaveLINK(save, lpCalc->cpu.pio.link);
	SaveSTDINT(save, lpCalc->cpu.pio.stdint);
	SaveSE_AUX(save, lpCalc->cpu.pio.se_aux);

	lpCalc->running = runsave;
	return save;
Пример #3
int main() {

	int fd, ret;
	int i;

	// Initialise
#ifdef TYPE_MC
	if(mcInit(MC_TYPE_MC) < 0) {
		printf("Failed to initialise memcard server!\n");
	if(mcInit(MC_TYPE_XMC) < 0) {
		printf("Failed to initialise memcard server!\n");

	printf("\nMemory card library example code - by Sjeep\n\n");

	// int mcGetInfo(int port, int slot, int* type, int* free, int* format);
	// mcGetInfo retrieves memcard state info, such as the memcard type, free blocks and
	// the format status.
	// mcGetInfo is passed pointers to three variables, which are filled upon completion
	// of the getinfo rpc command. The mcGetInfo return values are as follows:
	//  0 : The same memory card has been connected since the last mcGetInfo call.
	// -1 : Switched to a formatted memory card.
	// -2 : Switched to an unformatted memory card.
	// -10 or less : The memory card could not be detected.
	// NOTE: With the MCMAN/MCSERV, *format is always returned as 0 regardless of if
	//       if the memcard is formatted or not.

	// Since this is the first call, -1 should be returned.
	mcGetInfo(0, 0, &mc_Type, &mc_Free, &mc_Format);
	mcSync(0, NULL, &ret);
	printf("mcGetInfo returned %d\n",ret);
	printf("Type: %d Free: %d Format: %d\n\n", mc_Type, mc_Free, mc_Format);

	// Assuming that the same memory card is connected, this should return 0
	mcSync(0, NULL, &ret);
	printf("mcGetInfo returned %d\n",ret);
	printf("Type: %d Free: %d Format: %d\n\n", mc_Type, mc_Free, mc_Format);

	// int mcGetDir(int port, int slot, char *name, unsigned mode, int maxent, mcTable* table);
	// mcGetDir retrieves the directory structure of a specific path on the memory card.
	// The filename is relative to the root of the memory card. Wildcards such as '*' and '?'
	// may be used. "maxent" is the maximum number of mcTable elements your array specified
	// by "table" can hold. The mc_getdir return values are as follows:
	// 0 or more : The number of file entries that were obtained.
	// -2 : The memory card is unformatted
	// -4 : A non-existant path was specified in the "name" parameter
	// -10 or less : The memory card could not be detected.

	mcGetDir(0, 0, "/*", 0, ARRAY_ENTRIES - 10, mcDir);
	mcSync(0, NULL, &ret);
	printf("mcGetDir returned %d\n\nListing of root directory on memory card:\n\n", ret);

	for(i=0; i < ret; i++)
		if(mcDir[i].attrFile & MC_ATTR_SUBDIR)
			printf("[DIR] %s\n", mcDir[i].name);
			printf("%s - %d bytes\n", mcDir[i].name, mcDir[i].fileSizeByte);

	// Check if existing save is present
	fd = fioOpen("mc0:PS2DEV/icon.sys", O_RDONLY);
	if(fd <= 0) {

		printf("\nNo previous save exists, creating...\n");

		if((ret = CreateSave()) < 0) {

			printf("Failed to create save! Errorno: %d\n",ret);

	} else {

		printf("\nPrevious save exists, listing directory\n\n");

		ret = mcGetDir(0, 0, "/PS2DEV/*", 0, ARRAY_ENTRIES, mcDir);
		printf("mcGetDir returned %d\n\n", ret);

		for(i=0; i < ret; i++)
			if(mcDir[i].attrFile & MC_ATTR_SUBDIR)
				printf("[DIR] %s\n", mcDir[i].name);
				printf("%s - %d bytes\n", mcDir[i].name, mcDir[i].fileSizeByte);

	// Return to the browser, so you can see the PS2Dev icon :)
	return 0;