Пример #1
wxString CTransferSocket::SetupActiveTransfer(const wxString& ip)
	m_pSocketServer = CreateSocketServer();

	if (!m_pSocketServer)
		m_pControlSocket->LogMessage(::Debug_Warning, _T("CreateSocketServer failed"));
		return _T("");

	int error;
	int port = m_pSocketServer->GetLocalPort(error);
	if (port == -1)

		m_pControlSocket->LogMessage(::Debug_Warning, _T("GetLocalPort failed: %s"), CSocket::GetErrorDescription(error).c_str());
		return _T("");

	wxString portArguments;
	if (m_pSocketServer->GetAddressFamily() == CSocket::ipv6)
		portArguments = wxString::Format(_T("|2|%s|%d|"), ip.c_str(), port);
		portArguments = ip;
		portArguments += wxString::Format(_T(",%d,%d"), port / 256, port % 256);
		portArguments.Replace(_T("."), _T(","));

	return portArguments;
Пример #2
CSocket* CTransferSocket::CreateSocketServer()
	if (!m_pEngine->GetOptions()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LIMITPORTS))
		// Ask the systen for a port
		CSocket* pServer = CreateSocketServer(0);
		return pServer;

	// Try out all ports in the port range.
	// Upon first call, we try to use a random port fist, after that
	// increase the port step by step

	// Windows only: I think there's a bug in the socket implementation of
	// Windows: Even if using SO_REUSEADDR, using the same local address
	// twice will fail unless there are a couple of minutes between the
	// connection attempts. This may cause problems if transferring lots of
	// files with a narrow port range.

	static int start = 0;

	int low = m_pEngine->GetOptions()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LIMITPORTS_LOW);
	int high = m_pEngine->GetOptions()->GetOptionVal(OPTION_LIMITPORTS_HIGH);
	if (low > high)
		low = high;

	if (start < low || start > high)
		start = GetRandomNumber(low, high);
		wxASSERT(start >= low && start <= high);

	CSocket* pServer = 0;

	int count = high - low + 1;
	while (count--)
		pServer = CreateSocketServer(start++);
		if (pServer)
		if (start > high)
			start = low;

	return pServer;
Пример #3
BOOL CxServerSocketTCP::StartServer( int nPort, int nIOBufferSize /*=15*1024*1024*/ )
	m_nPort = nPort;
	m_nIOBufferSize = nIOBufferSize;

	if ( !CreateSocketServer() )
		return FALSE;
	unsigned int nThreadID = 0;
	m_ThreadContext.hThread = (HANDLE)::_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, WorkerThread, &m_ThreadContext, 0, &nThreadID );

	if ( m_ThreadContext.hThread == NULL )
		return FALSE;

	m_bStarted = TRUE;
	return TRUE;
Пример #4
std::wstring CTransferSocket::SetupActiveTransfer(std::string const& ip)
	m_pSocketServer = CreateSocketServer();

	if (!m_pSocketServer) {
		controlSocket_.LogMessage(MessageType::Debug_Warning, _T("CreateSocketServer failed"));
		return std::wstring();

	int error;
	int port = m_pSocketServer->GetLocalPort(error);
	if (port == -1)	{

		controlSocket_.LogMessage(MessageType::Debug_Warning, _T("GetLocalPort failed: %s"), CSocket::GetErrorDescription(error));
		return std::wstring();

	if (engine_.GetOptions().GetOptionVal(OPTION_LIMITPORTS)) {
		port += static_cast<int>(engine_.GetOptions().GetOptionVal(OPTION_LIMITPORTS_OFFSET));
		if (port <= 0 || port >= 65536) {
			controlSocket_.LogMessage(MessageType::Debug_Warning, _T("Port outside valid range"));
			return std::wstring();

	std::wstring portArguments;
	if (m_pSocketServer->GetAddressFamily() == CSocket::ipv6) {
		portArguments = fz::sprintf(L"|2|%s|%d|", ip, port);
	else {
		portArguments = fz::to_wstring(ip);
		fz::replace_substrings(portArguments, L".", L",");
		portArguments += fz::sprintf(L",%d,%d", port / 256, port % 256);

	return portArguments;