Пример #1
void InsertTree(TreePtr tree,void* key,void* value)
	NodePosition position;
	TreeNodePtr node;
	if ((NULL != tree) && (NULL != key))
		node = CreateTreeNode(tree,key,value);
		position = InsertTreeNode(tree,node);
		if (position == RootNode)
			//node->color = BlackNode;
		else if ((position == LeftNode) || (position == RightNode))
Пример #2
void InOrderCreateTree(int Nodes){
	enum Last { pop,push } last;
	int i;
	int number = -1;
	char op[5];
	Stack * PtrS = (Stack*)CreateStack();			//这里栈内存放的元素是二叉树(结点) 
	BinTree BT,T;
	int first = 1;
	last = push;
		if( strcmp(op,"Pop")==0 ){
			T = (BinTree)Pop(PtrS);
			last = pop;
		}else if( strcmp(op,"Push")==0 ){
			if( last==push ){
				if( first ){
					BT = CreateTreeNode(number);
					first = 0;
					T = BT;
				T->Left = CreateTreeNode(number);
				T = T->Left;
			}else if( last==pop ){
				T->Right = CreateTreeNode(number);
		 		T = T->Right;
			last = push;
//		LevelOrderTraversal(BT);
	return ;
Пример #3
void CSGPQuadTree::InitializeFromTerrain(CSGPTerrain* pTerrain)
	// Calculate the center x,z and the width of the whole terrain.
	Vector2D terrain_center = pTerrain->GetTerrainCenter();
	float width = pTerrain->GetTerrainWidth();

	// Create the parent node for the quad tree.
	m_parentNode = new NodeType;

	// Recursively build the quad tree based on the vertex list data and mesh dimensions.
	CreateTreeNode(pTerrain, m_parentNode, terrain_center.x, terrain_center.y, width);

Пример #4
void MakeNewRoot(AVL_tree* tree, const void* value)
   TreeNode* root = 0;

   tree->root = CreateTreeNode();
   root = tree->root;
   tree->root->value = tree->functions->constructor(value);
   root->left_child = 0;
   root->right_child = 0;
   root->parent = 0;
   root->bal = 0;
   root->valuecount = 1;
   root->nodecount = 1;
Пример #5
void AttachNode(AVL_tree* tree, TreeNode* parent, 
		TreeNode** child, const void* insertValue)
   //TreeNode* child = *child_ptr;
   (*child) = CreateTreeNode();

   //tree->functions->constructor(&((*child)->value), insertValue);
   (*child)->value = tree->functions->constructor(insertValue);
   (*child)->left_child = 0;
   (*child)->right_child = 0;
   (*child)->parent = parent;
   (*child)->nodecount = 1;
   (*child)->valuecount = 1;
   (*child)->bal = 0;
Пример #6
void CWndMoveOrPasteTo::EnumFileHandleTreeAddToTree( CTreeNodeUI *pParent )
	CFileHandle *pParentFileHandle = (CFileHandle*)(pParent->GetTag());

	int count = pParentFileHandle->GetChildrenCount();

	for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
		CFileHandle *pFileHandle = static_cast<CFileHandle*>(pParentFileHandle->GetChild(i));

		if (!m_IsShowDestFileHandle)
			vector<CFileHandle*> * vecFrom = m_WndMain->GetMoveOrCopyFrom();
			BOOL IsCreate = TRUE;
			int FromCount = vecFrom->size();
			for (int k=0; k<FromCount; k++)
				if (StrCmp(pFileHandle->GetFileID().c_str(), vecFrom->at(k)->GetFileID().c_str()) == 0)
					IsCreate = FALSE;

			if (!IsCreate)

		if (pFileHandle->GetFileType() != 0)

		CTreeNodeUI *pNode = CreateTreeNode(pFileHandle);

		pParent->SetAttribute(_T("folderattr"), _T("padding=\"0,5,0,5\" width=\"7\" height=\"9\" normalimage=\"file=\'open.png\'\" hotimage=\"file=\'openHover.png\'\" selectedimage=\"file=\'close.png\'\" selectedhotimage=\"file=\'closeHover.png\'\""));


Пример #7
bool QuadTreeClass::Initialize(TerrainClass* terrain, ID3D10Device* device, D3DXVECTOR3 offset)
	int vertexCount;
	float centerX, centerZ, width;
	terrain_offset = offset;

	// Get the number of vertices in the terrain vertex array.
	vertexCount = terrain->GetVertexCount();

	// Store the total triangle count for the vertex list.
	m_triangleCount = vertexCount / 3;

	// Create a vertex array to hold all of the terrain vertices.
	m_vertexList = new VertexType[vertexCount];
	if (!m_vertexList)
		return false;

	// Copy the terrain vertices into the vertex list.

	// Calculate the center x,z and the width of the mesh.
	CalculateMeshDimensions(vertexCount, centerX, centerZ, width);

	// Create the parent node for the quad tree.
	m_parentNode = new NodeType;
	if (!m_parentNode)
		return false;

	// Recursively build the quad tree based on the vertex list data and mesh dimensions.
	CreateTreeNode(m_parentNode, centerX, centerZ, width, device);

	// Release the vertex list since the quad tree now has the vertices in each node.
	if (m_vertexList)
		delete[] m_vertexList;
		m_vertexList = 0;

	return true;
Пример #8
bool QuadTree::Init(Terrain* terrain,ResourceManager<Shader>* shaderMan,ResourceManager<Texture>* texMan,ResourceManager<StaticMesh>* meshMan){

	float centerX,centerZ,width;

	m_nodeCount = 0;

	int vertexCount = terrain->GetVertexCount();

	m_triangleCount = vertexCount/3;



	m_width = width;

	m_root = new QuadTreeNode();

	double StartTime = glfwGetTime();


	std::cout<<"time taken: "<<(glfwGetTime() - StartTime)<<std::endl;

	m_vertexBuffer = new ObjectData(3,m_triangleCount);

	unsigned int meshHandle = meshMan->Add("palm_lod0.obj","tree\\");

	m_tree = meshMan->GetElement(meshHandle);

	m_treeShader = shaderMan->Add("TexturedMeshShader","shaders\\");

	m_shaderMan  = shaderMan;

	return true;
Пример #9
void CLeftView::OnUpdate(CView* pSender, LPARAM /*lHint*/, CObject* /*pHint*/)
	if (pSender != this)

		// 注意这里的实现对多次刷新支持不佳

		HTREEITEM root = GetTreeCtrl().InsertItem( TEXT("Data"), m_iFolderCloseIcon, m_iFolderOpenIcon,TVI_ROOT, TVI_LAST);

		for (auto iter = GetDocument()->m_resContainerMap.begin();iter != GetDocument()->m_resContainerMap.end();++iter)
			CString path = iter->first;
			HTREEITEM hItem = CreateTreeNode(root, path);


Пример #10
void QuadTreeClass::CreateTreeNode(NodeType* node, float positionX, float positionZ, float width, ID3D10Device* device)
	int numTriangles, i, count, vertexCount, index, vertexIndex;
	float offsetX, offsetZ;
	VertexType* vertices;
	unsigned long* indices;
	bool result;
	D3D10_BUFFER_DESC vertexBufferDesc, indexBufferDesc;
	D3D10_SUBRESOURCE_DATA vertexData, indexData;

	// Store the node position and size.
	node->positionX = positionX;
	node->positionZ = positionZ;
	node->width = width;

	// Initialize the triangle count to zero for the node.
	node->triangleCount = 0;

	// Initialize the vertex and index buffer to null.
	node->vertexBuffer = 0;
	node->indexBuffer = 0;

	// Initialize the vertex array to null.
	node->vertexArray = 0;

	// Initialize the children nodes of this node to null.
	node->nodes[0] = 0;
	node->nodes[1] = 0;
	node->nodes[2] = 0;
	node->nodes[3] = 0;

	// Count the number of triangles that are inside this node.
	numTriangles = CountTriangles(positionX, positionZ, width);

	// Case 1: If there are no triangles in this node then return as it is empty and requires no processing.
	if (numTriangles == 0)

	// Case 2: If there are too many triangles in this node then split it into four equal sized smaller tree nodes.
	if (numTriangles > MAX_TRIANGLES)
		for (i = 0; i<4; i++)
			// Calculate the position offsets for the new child node.
			offsetX = (((i % 2) < 1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width / 4.0f);
			offsetZ = (((i % 4) < 2) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width / 4.0f);

			// See if there are any triangles in the new node.
			count = CountTriangles((positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (width / 2.0f));
			if (count > 0)
				// If there are triangles inside where this new node would be then create the child node.
				node->nodes[i] = new NodeType;

				// Extend the tree starting from this new child node now.
				CreateTreeNode(node->nodes[i], (positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (width / 2.0f), device);


	// Case 3: If this node is not empty and the triangle count for it is less than the max then 
	// this node is at the bottom of the tree so create the list of triangles to store in it.
	node->triangleCount = numTriangles;

	// Calculate the number of vertices.
	vertexCount = numTriangles * 3;

	// Create the vertex array.
	vertices = new VertexType[vertexCount];

	// Create the index array.
	indices = new unsigned long[vertexCount];

	// Create the vertex array.
	node->vertexArray = new VectorType[vertexCount];

	// Initialize the index for this new vertex and index array.
	index = 0;

	// Go through all the triangles in the vertex list.
	for (i = 0; i<m_triangleCount; i++)
		// If the triangle is inside this node then add it to the vertex array.
		result = IsTriangleContained(i, positionX, positionZ, width);
		if (result == true)
			// Calculate the index into the terrain vertex list.
			vertexIndex = i * 3;

			// Get the three vertices of this triangle from the vertex list.
			vertices[index].position = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position;
			vertices[index].texture = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].texture;
			vertices[index].normal = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].normal;
			indices[index] = index;

			// Also store the vertex position information in the node vertex array.
			node->vertexArray[index].x = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.x;
			node->vertexArray[index].y = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.y;
			node->vertexArray[index].z = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.z;

			// Increment the indexes.

			// Do the same for the next point.
			vertices[index].position = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position;
			vertices[index].texture = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].texture;
			vertices[index].normal = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].normal;
			indices[index] = index;
			node->vertexArray[index].x = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.x;
			node->vertexArray[index].y = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.y;
			node->vertexArray[index].z = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.z;

			// Do the same for the next point also.
			vertices[index].position = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position;
			vertices[index].texture = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].texture;
			vertices[index].normal = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].normal;
			indices[index] = index;
			node->vertexArray[index].x = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.x;
			node->vertexArray[index].y = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.y;
			node->vertexArray[index].z = m_vertexList[vertexIndex].position.z;

	// Set up the description of the vertex buffer.
	vertexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_DEFAULT;
	vertexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(VertexType) * vertexCount;
	vertexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_VERTEX_BUFFER;
	vertexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
	vertexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
	//vertexBufferDesc.StructureByteStride = 0;

	// Give the subresource structure a pointer to the vertex data.
	vertexData.pSysMem = vertices;
	vertexData.SysMemPitch = 0;
	vertexData.SysMemSlicePitch = 0;

	// Now finally create the vertex buffer.
	device->CreateBuffer(&vertexBufferDesc, &vertexData, &node->vertexBuffer);

	// Set up the description of the index buffer.
	indexBufferDesc.Usage = D3D10_USAGE_DEFAULT;
	indexBufferDesc.ByteWidth = sizeof(unsigned long) * vertexCount;
	indexBufferDesc.BindFlags = D3D10_BIND_INDEX_BUFFER;
	indexBufferDesc.CPUAccessFlags = 0;
	indexBufferDesc.MiscFlags = 0;
	//indexBufferDesc.StructureByteStride = 0;

	// Give the subresource structure a pointer to the index data.
	indexData.pSysMem = indices;
	indexData.SysMemPitch = 0;
	indexData.SysMemSlicePitch = 0;

	// Create the index buffer.
	device->CreateBuffer(&indexBufferDesc, &indexData, &node->indexBuffer);

	// Release the vertex and index arrays now that the data is stored in the buffers in the node.
	delete[] vertices;
	vertices = 0;

	delete[] indices;
	indices = 0;

Пример #11
void QuadTree::CreateTreeNode(QuadTreeNode* node,vec2 pos,int width,int numObjs){
	float offsetX,offsetZ;

	node->position.x = pos.x;
	node->position.y = pos.y;
	node->size       = width;
	node->culled     = false;

	node->triangleCount = 0;
	node->indices    = NULL;

	node->objPositions = NULL;
	node->numObjs	   = MAX_TREES;

	for(int child = 0; child < 4; child++)
	  node->nodes[child] = NULL;

	std::vector<unsigned int> triList;

	int numTriangles = CountTriangles(pos,width,triList);

	if(numTriangles == 0) return;

	if(numTriangles > MAX_TRIANGLES){

	  for(int child = 0; child < 4; child++){
		offsetX = (((child % 2) < 1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width/4.0f);
		offsetZ = (((child % 4) < 2) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width/4.0f);

		node->nodes[child] = new QuadTreeNode();
		CreateTreeNode(node->nodes[child],vec2(pos.x + offsetX,pos.y + offsetZ),width/2,numObjs/2); 


	node->triangleCount = numTriangles;

	int vertexCount = numTriangles * 3;

	node->indices = new unsigned int[vertexCount];

	int index = 0;

	int numTris = triList.size();

	double startTime2 = glfwGetTime();

	for(int triangle = 0; triangle < numTris; triangle++){

		  int vertIndex = triList[triangle] * 3;

		  node->indices[index++]  = vertIndex++;
		  node->indices[index++]  = vertIndex++;
		  node->indices[index++]  = vertIndex++;

	node->objPositions = new vec3[numObjs];
	node->numObjs = numObjs;

	//generate tree coords
	for(int obj = 0; obj < numObjs; obj++){
		int index = (rand() << 3) % vertexCount;

		float slope = 1.0f - m_normals[node->indices[index]].y;

		if(slope > 0.7f) continue;

		node->objPositions[obj] = m_vertices[node->indices[index]];

Пример #12
bool ExpressionTree::BuildExpressionTree()
    nDepthOfTree = 0;    

    stack<expression_node*> treeNodeStack;
    stack<expression_node*> funcArgsNodeStack;

    for (vector<ItemTokenInfo>::iterator it = vecPostfixResult.begin(); it != vecPostfixResult.end(); ++it)
        if (IsUserFunction(&(*it)))
            int nArgCnt = it->userFuncInfo.ntotalInputArgCnt;
            if (nArgCnt == 0)
                expression_node* node = CreateTreeNode();
                expression_node* nodeEmptyR = CreateTreeNode(); //empty node
                expression_node* nodeEmptyL = CreateTreeNode(); //empty node   
                nodeEmptyR->nType = NODE_EMPTY;
                nodeEmptyL->nType = NODE_EMPTY;
                node->right = nodeEmptyR;
                node->left = nodeEmptyL;
                node->nType = it->nType;
                node->nDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;
                node->expressionResult.nResultType = it->nType;
                node->expressionResult.nResultDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;

                memcpy(&node->userFuncInfo, &it->userFuncInfo, sizeof(node->userFuncInfo));
            else if (nArgCnt == 1)
                int nArgType = it->userFuncInfo.nFuncArgsTypes[0];
                if (treeNodeStack.empty()) //20140314
                    cout << "ERROR : Wrong Expression!!\n";
                    return false;
                expression_node* nodeStack = treeNodeStack.top(); 
                if (FUNC_ARG_STR == nArgType)
                    userFuncs.GetStringSingleQuotationsBothSidesRemoved ( nodeStack->expressionResult.strResult  );

                expression_node* nodeEmpty = CreateTreeNode(); //empty node   
                nodeEmpty->nType = NODE_EMPTY;
                expression_node* node = CreateTreeNode();                
                node->left = nodeStack ;
                node->right = nodeEmpty;
                node->nType = it->nType;
                node->nDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;
                node->expressionResult.nResultType = it->nType;
                node->expressionResult.nResultDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;
                memcpy(&node->userFuncInfo, &it->userFuncInfo, sizeof(node->userFuncInfo));
            else if (nArgCnt == 2)
                int nArgType = it->userFuncInfo.nFuncArgsTypes[1];  // 1
                if (treeNodeStack.empty()) //20140314
                    cout << "ERROR : Wrong Expression!!\n";
                    return false;
                expression_node* nodeArgR = treeNodeStack.top();
                if (FUNC_ARG_STR == nArgType)
                    userFuncs.GetStringSingleQuotationsBothSidesRemoved ( nodeArgR->expressionResult.strResult );

                nArgType = it->userFuncInfo.nFuncArgsTypes[0];  
                if (treeNodeStack.empty()) //20140314
                    cout << "ERROR : Wrong Expression!!\n";
                    return false;
                expression_node* nodeArgL = treeNodeStack.top();                
                if (FUNC_ARG_STR == nArgType)
                    userFuncs.GetStringSingleQuotationsBothSidesRemoved ( nodeArgL->expressionResult.strResult );
                expression_node* node = CreateTreeNode();
                node->right = nodeArgR; //스택에서 먼저 나온것이 오른쪽. 
                node->left = nodeArgL;
                node->nType = it->nType;
                node->nDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;
                node->expressionResult.nResultType = it->nType;
                node->expressionResult.nResultDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;

                memcpy(&node->userFuncInfo, &it->userFuncInfo, sizeof(node->userFuncInfo));
            else if (nArgCnt > 2)
                expression_node* node = CreateTreeNode();   
                expression_node* nodeRight = NULL;
                for (int i = 0; i < nArgCnt; i++)
                    int nArgType = it->userFuncInfo.nFuncArgsTypes[nArgCnt -i -1]; //args type XXX 
                    //'1','2','3' 경우 '3','2',1' 순서로 pop
                    //         StrCat3 
                    //   '1'             '2','3'

                    if (i == nArgCnt - 1) // last pop -> left
                        if (treeNodeStack.empty()) //20140314
                            cout << "ERROR : Wrong Expression!!\n";
                            return false;
                        expression_node* nodeLeft = treeNodeStack.top();
                        if (FUNC_ARG_STR == nArgType)
                            userFuncs.GetStringSingleQuotationsBothSidesRemoved ( nodeLeft->expressionResult.strResult );
                        node->left = nodeLeft;
                    else if (i == nArgCnt - 2) // right
                        if (treeNodeStack.empty()) //20140314
                            cout << "ERROR : Wrong Expression!!\n";
                            return false;
                        nodeRight = treeNodeStack.top();
                        if (FUNC_ARG_STR == nArgType)
                            userFuncs.GetStringSingleQuotationsBothSidesRemoved ( nodeRight->expressionResult.strResult );
                        if (treeNodeStack.empty()) //20140314
                            cout << "ERROR : Wrong Expression!!\n";
                            return false;
                        expression_node* nodeForMore2Args = treeNodeStack.top();
                        if (FUNC_ARG_STR == nArgType)
                            userFuncs.GetStringSingleQuotationsBothSidesRemoved ( nodeForMore2Args->expressionResult.strResult );
                expression_node* nodePosForFuncArgs = NULL;
                while (!funcArgsNodeStack.empty() ) 
                    if (nodePosForFuncArgs == NULL)
                        nodePosForFuncArgs = nodeRight->rightSiblingForMore2funcArgs = funcArgsNodeStack.top();
                        nodePosForFuncArgs->rightSiblingForMore2funcArgs = CreateTreeNode();
                        nodePosForFuncArgs->rightSiblingForMore2funcArgs = funcArgsNodeStack.top();
                        nodePosForFuncArgs = nodePosForFuncArgs->rightSiblingForMore2funcArgs;

                node->right = nodeRight;
                node->nType = it->nType;
                node->nDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;
                node->expressionResult.nResultType = it->nType;
                node->expressionResult.nResultDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;

                memcpy(&node->userFuncInfo, &it->userFuncInfo, sizeof(node->userFuncInfo));
        else if (IsOperand(&(*it)))
            expression_node* node = CreateTreeNode();
            if (NODE_NUMBER == it->nType)
                if (NUMBER_LONG == it->nDetailedType)
                    node-> nLongValue = atol(it->strValue);
                    node->expressionResult.nResultLong = node->nLongValue;
                else if (NUMBER_FLOAT == it->nDetailedType)
                    node-> nFloatValue = (float)atof(it->strValue);
                    node->expressionResult.nResultFloat = node->nFloatValue;
                    cout << "Error \n";                    
                memcpy(&node->strVal, it->strValue, sizeof(node->strVal));
                memcpy ( &node->expressionResult.strResult, it->strValue, sizeof( node->expressionResult.strResult ) );
            node->nType = it->nType;
            node->nDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;
            node->expressionResult.nResultType = it->nType;
            node->expressionResult.nResultDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;
        else if (IsOperator(&(*it)))
            if (treeNodeStack.empty()) //2-14-314
                return false;
            expression_node* node1 = treeNodeStack.top();

            if (treeNodeStack.empty()) //2-14-314
                return false;

            expression_node* node2 = treeNodeStack.top();

            expression_node* node = CreateTreeNode();
            node->right = node1;  
            node->left = node2;

            node->nType = it->nType;
            node->nDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;
            node->expressionResult.nResultType = it->nType;
            node->expressionResult.nResultDetailedType = it->nDetailedType;

            cout << "-- Not Operator/Operand" << "\n";

    if (treeNodeStack.empty()) //20140314
        cout << "ERROR : Wrong Expression!!\n";
        return false;
    root_node = treeNodeStack.top();

    return true;
Пример #13
void Terrain::CreateTreeNode(TerrainNode *node, float positionX, float positionZ, float diameter){
	int vertexCount, index;
	float offsetX, offsetZ;
	VertexNT* nodeVertices;
	DWORD* nodeIndices;
	bool result;	
	int intDiameter = (int)diameter;

	// Store the node position and size.
	node->positionX = positionX;
	node->positionZ = positionZ;
	node->diameter = diameter;

	// Count the number of triangles that are inside this node.
	vertexCount = GetVertexCount(positionX, positionZ, diameter);

	// Case 1: If there are no vertices in this node then return as it is empty and requires no processing.
	if(vertexCount == 0){

	// Case 2: If there are too many vertices in this node then split it into four equal sized smaller tree nodes.
	if(vertexCount > MAX_VERTICES){
		for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++){
			// Calculate the position offsets for the new child node.
			offsetX = (((i % 2) < 1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (diameter / 4.0f);
			offsetZ = (((i % 4) < 2) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (diameter / 4.0f);

			// See if there are any vertices in the new node.
			vertexCount = GetVertexCount((positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (diameter / 2.0f));
			if(vertexCount > 0){
				// If there are vertices inside where this new node would be then create the child node.
				node->childNodes[i] = new TerrainNode();

				// Extend the tree starting from this new child node now.
				CreateTreeNode(node->childNodes[i], (positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (diameter / 2.0f));

	std::cout << "Initializing node " << mNodeCount << " out of " << mTotalNodes << std::endl;

	// Case 3: If this node is not empty and the vertex count for it is less than the max then 
	// this node is at the bottom of the tree so create the list of vertecies to store in it.
	// Create the vertex array.
	nodeVertices = new VertexNT[vertexCount];	
	// Initialize the index for this new vertex array.
	index = 0;
	int totalVertexCount = gridWidth*gridDepth;
	// Go through all the vertcies in the vertex list.
	for(int loop = 0; loop < totalVertexCount; loop++){
		// If the vertex is inside this node then add it to the vertex array.
		result = IsVertexContained(loop, positionX, positionZ, diameter);
		if(result == true){			
			// Calculate the index into the terrain vertex list.
			nodeVertices[index].pos = vertices[loop].pos;
			nodeVertices[index].texC = vertices[loop].texC;
			nodeVertices[index].normal = vertices[loop].normal;

	int k = 0;
	bool switchPtrn = false;
	int indexCount = intDiameter*intDiameter*6;
	nodeIndices = new DWORD[indexCount];
	for(int i = 0; i < intDiameter; ++i){
		for(int j = 0; j < intDiameter; ++j){

			if (switchPtrn == false){
				nodeIndices[k] = i*(intDiameter+1)+j;
				nodeIndices[k+1] = i*(intDiameter+1)+j+1;
				nodeIndices[k+2] = (i+1)*(intDiameter+1)+j;

				nodeIndices[k+3] = (i+1)*(intDiameter+1)+j;
				nodeIndices[k+4] = i*(intDiameter+1)+j+1;
				nodeIndices[k+5] = (i+1)*(intDiameter+1)+j+1;
				nodeIndices[k] = i*(intDiameter+1)+j;
				nodeIndices[k+1] = i*(intDiameter+1)+j+1;
				nodeIndices[k+2] = (i+1)*(intDiameter+1)+j+1;

				nodeIndices[k+3] = (i+1)*(intDiameter+1)+j+1;
				nodeIndices[k+4] = (i+1)*(intDiameter+1)+j;
				nodeIndices[k+5] = i*(intDiameter+1)+j;
			switchPtrn = !switchPtrn;
			k += 6; // next quad
		switchPtrn = ((intDiameter+1) % 2 == 1) ?  !switchPtrn : switchPtrn;

	result = node->nodeRenderer->InitializeBuffers(md3dDevice,nodeIndices,nodeVertices,sizeof(VertexNT),vertexCount,indexCount);

	// Release the vertex and index arrays now that the data is stored in the buffers in the node.
	delete [] nodeIndices;
	nodeIndices = nullptr;

	delete [] nodeVertices;
	nodeVertices = nullptr;
Пример #14
void Terrain::ComputeMeshQuadTree(){
	int indexCount, vertexCount;
	float centerX, centerZ, meshDiameter;
	float maxWidth, maxDepth, minWidth, minDepth, width, depth, maxX, maxZ;

	vertexCount = gridWidth*gridDepth;
	indexCount = ((gridWidth-1)*(gridDepth-1)*6);

	//find out how many nodes this terrain is going to be split into
	mVerteciesPerNode = vertexCount;
	while (mVerteciesPerNode > MAX_VERTICES){
		mVerteciesPerNode /= 2;
	mTotalNodes = vertexCount/mVerteciesPerNode;

	// Initialize the center position of the mesh to zero.
	centerX = 0.0f;
	centerZ = 0.0f;

	// Sum all the vertices in the mesh.
	for(int i=0; i<vertexCount; i++){
		centerX += vertices[i].pos.x;
		centerZ += vertices[i].pos.z;

	// And then divide it by the number of vertices to find the mid-point of the mesh.
	centerX = centerX / (float)vertexCount;
	centerZ = centerZ / (float)vertexCount;

	// Initialize the maximum and minimum size of the mesh.
	maxWidth = 0.0f;
	maxDepth = 0.0f;

	minWidth = fabsf(vertices[0].pos.x - centerX);
	minDepth = fabsf(vertices[0].pos.z - centerZ);

	// Go through all the vertices and find the maximum and minimum width and depth of the mesh.
	for(int i=0; i<vertexCount; i++){
		width = fabsf(vertices[i].pos.x - centerX);	
		depth = fabsf(vertices[i].pos.z - centerZ);	

		if(width > maxWidth) { maxWidth = width; }
		if(depth > maxDepth) { maxDepth = depth; }
		if(width < minWidth) { minWidth = width; }
		if(depth < minDepth) { minDepth = depth; }

	// Find the absolute maximum value between the min and max depth and width.
	maxX = (float)max(fabs(minWidth), fabs(maxWidth));
	maxZ = (float)max(fabs(minDepth), fabs(maxDepth));
	// Calculate the maximum diameter of the mesh.
	meshDiameter = max(maxX, maxZ) * 2.0f;

	// Create the parent node for the quad tree.
	mBaseNode = new TerrainNode();

	// Recursively build the quad tree based on the vertex list data and mesh dimensions.
	CreateTreeNode(mBaseNode, centerX, centerZ, meshDiameter);
Пример #15
void CSGPQuadTree::CreateTreeNode(CSGPTerrain* pTerrain, NodeType* node, float positionX, float positionZ, float width)
	// Store the node position and size.
	node->positionX = positionX;
	node->positionZ = positionZ;
	node->width = width;

	// Initialize the triangle count to zero for the node.
	node->triangleCount = 0;

	// Initialize the children nodes of this node to null.
	node->nodes[0] = NULL;
	node->nodes[1] = NULL;
	node->nodes[2] = NULL;
	node->nodes[3] = NULL;

	// Initialize the terrain chunks of this node to null.

	// Count the number of triangles that are inside this node.
	uint32 numTriangles = CountTriangles(pTerrain, positionX, positionZ, width);

	// Case 1: If there are no triangles in this node then return as it is empty and requires no processing.
	if(numTriangles == 0)

	// Case 2: If there are too many triangles in this node then split it into four equal sized smaller tree nodes.
	// If QuadNode smaller than one chunk, Do not split!
	float offsetX, offsetZ;
	if( (numTriangles > MAX_QUAD_TRIANGLES) && (width > SGPTT_TILE_METER * SGPTT_TILENUM) )
		for(int i=0; i<4; i++)
			// Calculate the position offsets for the new child node.
			offsetX = (((i % 2) < 1) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width / 4.0f);
			offsetZ = (((i % 4) < 2) ? -1.0f : 1.0f) * (width / 4.0f);

			// See if there are any triangles in the new node.
			uint32 count = CountTriangles(pTerrain, (positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (width / 2.0f));
			if(count > 0)
				// If there are triangles inside where this new node would be then create the child node.
				node->nodes[i] = new NodeType;

				// Extend the tree starting from this new child node now.
				CreateTreeNode(pTerrain, node->nodes[i], (positionX + offsetX), (positionZ + offsetZ), (width / 2.0f));
				node->NodeBoundingBox += node->nodes[i]->NodeBoundingBox;


	// Case 3: If this node is not empty and the triangle count for it is less than the max then 
	// this node is at the bottom of the tree so the list of terrain chunks to store in it.
	node->triangleCount = numTriangles;

	// Go through all the terrain chunks in this zone
	uint32 center_x = uint32(positionX / SGPTT_TILE_METER / SGPTT_TILENUM);
	uint32 center_z = uint32(positionZ / SGPTT_TILE_METER / SGPTT_TILENUM);
	int32 center_width = int32(width / SGPTT_TILE_METER / SGPTT_TILENUM);
	uint32 chunk_index = 0;
	if( center_width == 1 )
		chunk_index = (pTerrain->GetTerrainChunkSize() - 1 - center_z) * pTerrain->GetTerrainChunkSize() + center_x;
		node->terrainchunks.add( pTerrain->m_TerrainChunks[chunk_index] );
		node->NodeBoundingBox += pTerrain->m_TerrainChunks[chunk_index]->m_BoundingBox;
		for( int32 j = -center_width/2; j<center_width/2; j++ )
			for( int32 i = -center_width/2; i<center_width/2; i++ )
				chunk_index = (pTerrain->GetTerrainChunkSize() - center_z + j) * pTerrain->GetTerrainChunkSize() +
					(center_x + i);
				node->terrainchunks.add( pTerrain->m_TerrainChunks[chunk_index] );
				node->NodeBoundingBox += pTerrain->m_TerrainChunks[chunk_index]->m_BoundingBox;