Пример #1
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

    if (argc != 2)
        fprintf(stderr, "Usage: Requires number of threads.");

    thread_count = atoi(argv[1]);

    Lab3LoadInput(&A, &size);
    x = CreateVec(size);

    double start, end;
    int i = 0;

    # pragma omp parallel num_threads(thread_count) \

        # pragma omp for
        for (i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
            x[i] = A[i][size] / A[i][i];


    Lab3SaveOutput(x, size, end-start);
    printf("time is: %e\n", end-start);

    DestroyMat(A, size);
    return EXIT_SUCCESS;
int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	int i, j, k, size;
	double** Au;
	double* X;
	double temp, error, Xnorm;
	int* index;
	FILE* fp;

	/*Load the datasize and verify it*/
	Lab3LoadInput(&Au, &size);
	if ((fp = fopen("data_output","r")) == NULL){
		printf("Fail to open the result data file!\n");
		return 2;
	fscanf(fp, "%d\n\n", &i);
	if (i != size){
		printf("The problem size of the input file and result file does not match!\n");
		return -1;
	/*Calculate the solution by serial code*/
	X = CreateVec(size);
    index = malloc(size * sizeof(int));
    for (i = 0; i < size; ++i)
        index[i] = i;

    if (size == 1)
        X[0] = Au[0][1] / Au[0][0];
        /*Gaussian elimination*/
        for (k = 0; k < size - 1; ++k){
            temp = 0;
            for (i = k, j = 0; i < size; ++i)
                if (temp < Au[index[i]][k] * Au[index[i]][k]){
                    temp = Au[index[i]][k] * Au[index[i]][k];
                    j = i;
            if (j != k)/*swap*/{
                i = index[j];
                index[j] = index[k];
                index[k] = i;
            for (i = k + 1; i < size; ++i){
                temp = Au[index[i]][k] / Au[index[k]][k];
                for (j = k; j < size + 1; ++j)
                    Au[index[i]][j] -= Au[index[k]][j] * temp;
        /*Jordan elimination*/
        for (k = size - 1; k > 0; --k){
            for (i = k - 1; i >= 0; --i ){
                temp = Au[index[i]][k] / Au[index[k]][k];
                Au[index[i]][k] -= temp * Au[index[k]][k];
                Au[index[i]][size] -= temp * Au[index[k]][size];
        for (k=0; k< size; ++k)
            X[k] = Au[index[k]][size] / Au[index[k]][k];

	/*compare the solution*/
	error = 0;
	Xnorm = 0;
	for (i = 0; i < size; ++i){
		fscanf(fp, "%lf\t", &temp);
		error += (temp-X[i]) * (temp-X[i]);
		Xnorm += X[i]*X[i];
	error = sqrt(error);
	Xnorm = sqrt(Xnorm);
	printf("The relative error to the reference solution is %e\n", error / Xnorm);
	if (error / Xnorm <= TOL)
		printf("Congratulation!!! Your result is accepted!\n");
		printf("Sorry, your result is wrong.\n");

    DestroyMat(Au, size);
	return 0;
Пример #3
Geometry CreateGeometry(int N[3], double h[3], int Npml[3], int Nc, int LowerPML, double *eps, double *epsI, double *fprof, double wa, double y){
	int i;

        Geometry geo = (Geometry) malloc(sizeof(struct Geometry_s));
	geo->Nc = Nc;
	geo->LowerPML = LowerPML;
	geo->interference = 0.0; // default no interference

	for(i=0; i<3; i++){
		geo->h[i] = h[i];
		geo->Npml[i] = Npml[i];

	CreateGrid(&geo->gN, N, geo->Nc, 2);
	CreateGrid(&geo->gM, N, 1, 1); // 3/3/14: set M = N as per Steven

	CreateVec(2*Nxyzc(geo)+2, &geo->vepspml);

	int manual_epspml = 0;
	PetscOptionsGetInt(PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,"-manual_epspml", &manual_epspml, NULL);

	if(manual_epspml == 0){
		Vecfun pml;
		for(i=pml.ns; i<pml.ne; i++){
			Point p;
			CreatePoint_i(&p, i, &geo->gN);
			project(&p, 3);
			dcomp eps_geoal;
			eps_geoal = pmlval(xyzc(&p), N, geo->Npml, geo->h, geo->LowerPML, 0);
			setr(&pml, i, p.ir? cimag(eps_geoal) : creal(eps_geoal) );

	CreateVec(Mxyz(geo), &geo->vMscratch[0]);

	for(i=0; i<SCRATCHNUM; i++){
		geo->vNhscratch[i] = 0; // allows checking whether vN created or not
		if(i>0)VecDuplicate(geo->vMscratch[0], &geo->vMscratch[i]);

	double *scratch;
	int ms, me;
	VecGetOwnershipRange(geo->vMscratch[0], &ms, &me);

	if( !manual_epspml){
		VecGetArray(geo->vMscratch[0], &scratch);
		for(i=ms; i<me;i++)
			scratch[i-ms] = eps[i-ms];
		VecRestoreArray(geo->vMscratch[0], &scratch);

	CreateVec(2*Nxyzc(geo)+2, &geo->vH);
	VecDuplicate(geo->vH, &geo->veps);
	VecDuplicate(geo->vH, &geo->vIeps);
	for(i=0; i<SCRATCHNUM; i++) VecDuplicate(geo->vH, &geo->vscratch[i]);
	VecSet(geo->vH, 1.0);

	if( !manual_epspml){
		VecShift(geo->vMscratch[0], -1.0); //hack, for background dielectric
		InterpolateVec(geo, geo->vMscratch[0], geo->vscratch[1]);

		VecShift(geo->vscratch[1], 1.0);
		VecPointwiseMult(geo->veps, geo->vscratch[1], geo->vepspml);

		if(epsI != NULL){ // imaginary part of passive dielectric
			VecGetArray(geo->vMscratch[0], &scratch);
			for(i=ms; i<me; i++){
				scratch[i-ms] = epsI[i-ms];
			VecRestoreArray(geo->vMscratch[0], &scratch);

			InterpolateVec(geo, geo->vMscratch[0], geo->vscratch[1]);
			VecPointwiseMult(geo->vscratch[1], geo->vscratch[1], geo->vepspml);

			TimesI(geo, geo->vscratch[1], geo->vscratch[2]);
			VecAXPY(geo->veps, 1.0, geo->vscratch[2]);

		char epsManualfile[PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN];
		PetscOptionsGetString(PETSC_NULL,PETSC_NULL,"-epsManualfile", epsManualfile, PETSC_MAX_PATH_LEN, NULL);
		FILE *fp = fopen(epsManualfile, "r");
		ReadVectorC(fp, 2*Nxyzc(geo)+2, geo->veps);
		// 07/11/15: if manual_epspml, then directly read in the Nxyzcr+2 vector

	TimesI(geo, geo->veps, geo->vIeps); 
	// vIeps for convenience only, make sure to update it later if eps ever changes!

	geo->D = 0.0;
	geo->wa = wa;
	geo->y = y;

	VecDuplicate(geo->veps, &geo->vf);
	VecDuplicate(geo->vMscratch[0], &geo->vfM);
	VecGetArray(geo->vfM, &scratch);
	for(i=ms; i<me;i++)
		scratch[i-ms] = fprof[i-ms];
	VecRestoreArray(geo->vfM, &scratch);

	InterpolateVec(geo, geo->vfM, geo->vf);

        return geo;