Пример #1
int tRecursivelyCreateDirectory() {
    int retC;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/dir2d");

    if (retC < 0)
        return -1;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/dir2d/dir3d");

    return (retC >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
Пример #2
bool Win32_Platform::Create_Directory(const char* path, bool recursive)
	if (recursive == true)
		std::vector<std::string> cracked;
		std::string crack_path = "";

		Crack_Path(path, cracked);
		for (int i = 0; i < (int)cracked.size(); i++)
			if (crack_path != "")
				crack_path += "/";
			crack_path += cracked.at(i);
			if (!Is_Directory(crack_path.c_str()))
				bool result = Create_Directory(crack_path.c_str(), false);
				if (result == false)
					return false;

		return true;
		int result = CreateDirectoryA(path, NULL);
		return (result != 0);
Пример #3
int tBasicCreateDirectory()
  int retC;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/dir1d");

  return (retC >= 0)  ? 1 : -1;
Пример #4
int tBasicCreateDirectory() {
    int retC;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/dir1d");

    (void)Delete("/d/dir1d", false);

    return (retC >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
Пример #5
 * Create directory
 * Params:
 *   state->ebx - address of user string containing path of new directory
 *   state->ecx - length of path
 * Returns: 0 if successful, error code (< 0) if unsuccessful
static int Sys_CreateDir(struct Interrupt_State *state) {
  char *path;
  int rc = get_path_from_registers(state->ebx, state->ecx, &path);
  if(rc) { return rc; }
  // Print("creating %s\n", path);
  rc = Create_Directory(path);
  return rc;
Пример #6
int tRecursivelyCreateDirectory()
  int retC;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/dir2d");

  if (retC < 0) {
    Print("failed to create directory /d/dir2d: %d\n", retC);
    return -1;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/dir2d/dir3d");
  if (retC < 0) {
    Print("failed to create directory /d/dir2d/dir3d: %d\n", retC);
    return -1;

  return (retC >= 0)  ? 1 : -1;
Пример #7
int tDeleteEmptyDirectory() {
    int retC, retD;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/dir3d");
    if (retC < 0)
        return -1;

    retD = Delete("/d/dir3d", false);

    return (retD >= 0) ? 1 : -1;
Пример #8
void cResource_Manager :: Init_User_Directory( void )
	// Create user directory
	if( !Dir_Exists( user_data_dir ) )
		// first run if not available
		Create_Directory( user_data_dir );
	// Create savegame directory
	if( !Dir_Exists( user_data_dir + USER_SAVEGAME_DIR ) )
		Create_Directory( user_data_dir + USER_SAVEGAME_DIR );
	// Create screenshot directory
	if( !Dir_Exists( user_data_dir + USER_SCREENSHOT_DIR ) )
		Create_Directory( user_data_dir + USER_SCREENSHOT_DIR );
	// Create level directory
	if( !Dir_Exists( user_data_dir + USER_LEVEL_DIR ) )
		Create_Directory( user_data_dir + USER_LEVEL_DIR );
	// Create world directory
	if( !Dir_Exists( user_data_dir + USER_WORLD_DIR ) )
		Create_Directory( user_data_dir + USER_WORLD_DIR );
	// Create cache directory
	if( !Dir_Exists( user_data_dir + USER_IMGCACHE_DIR ) )
		Create_Directory( user_data_dir + USER_IMGCACHE_DIR );
Пример #9
 * Create directory
 * Params:
 *   state->ebx - address of user string containing path of new directory
 *   state->ecx - length of path
 * Returns: 0 if successful, error code (< 0) if unsuccessful
static int Sys_CreateDir(struct Interrupt_State *state)
	char path[VFS_MAX_PATH_LEN] = {'\0', };
	int rc;

	Copy_From_User(path, state->ebx, state->ecx);
	if((rc = Create_Directory(path)) < 0){
	return rc;
    //TODO("CreateDir system call");
Пример #10
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
    int rc;

    if (argc != 2) {
        Print("Usage: mkdir <directory>\n");

    rc = Create_Directory(argv[1]);
    if (rc != 0)
	Print("Could not create directory: %s\n", Get_Error_String(rc));

    return !(rc == 0);
Пример #11
int tDeleteNonEmptyDirectory()
  int retC, retD, fd;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/dir4d");
  if (retC < 0)
    return -1;

  fd = Open("/d/dir4d/file", O_CREATE|O_READ);
  if (fd < 0)
    return -1;


  retD = Delete("/d/dir4d");

  return (retD >= 0) ? -1 : 1;
Пример #12
int tStatDirectory()
  int fd, retS, retC;
  struct VFS_File_Stat s;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic10d");
  if (retC < 0)
    return -1;

  fd = Open_Directory("/d/basic10d");
  if (fd < 0)
    return -1;

  retS = FStat(fd, &s);


  return ( (retS >= 0) && (s.isDirectory)  ) ? 1 : -1;
Пример #13
int tDeleteNonEmptyDirectory() {
    int retC, retD, fd;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/dir4d");
    if (retC < 0)
        return -1;

    fd = Open("/d/dir4d/file", O_CREATE | O_READ);
    if (fd < 0)
        return -1;

    if (Close(fd) < 0) {
        Print("failed to close");
        return -1;

    retD = Delete("/d/dir4d", false);

    (void)Delete("/d/dir4d/file", false);
    (void)Delete("/d/dir4d", false);

    return (retD >= 0) ? -1 : 1;
Пример #14
int tStatDirectory() {
    int fd, retS, retC;
    struct VFS_File_Stat s;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic10d");
    if (retC < 0) {
        Print("couldn't create basic10d: %d %s\n", retC,
        return -1;

    fd = Open_Directory("/d/basic10d");
    if (fd < 0) {
        Print("couldn't reopen basic10d: %d %s\n", fd, Get_Error_String(fd));
        return -1;

    retS = FStat(fd, &s);

    if (Close(fd) < 0) {
        Print("failed to close");
        return -1;
    (void)Delete("/d/basic10d", false);

    if (retS < 0) {
        Print("couldn't fstat opened basic10d: %d %s\n", retS,
    if (!s.isDirectory) {
        Print("fstat didn't think basic10d was a directory\n");

    return ((retS >= 0) && (s.isDirectory)) ? 1 : -1;
Пример #15
int tReadEntry() {
    int fd, retR, retC;
    struct VFS_Dir_Entry dirEntry;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic11d");
    if (retC < 0) {
        Print("couldn't create basic11d: %d %s\n", retC,
        return -1;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic11d/d1");
    if (retC < 0) {
        Print("couldn't create basic11d/d1: %d %s\n", retC,
        return -1;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic11d/d2");
    if (retC < 0) {
        Print("couldn't create basic11d/d2: %d %s\n", retC,
        return -1;

    fd = Open("/d/basic11d/f1", O_CREATE);
    if (fd < 0) {
        Print("couldn't open basic11d/f1: %d %s\n", fd, Get_Error_String(fd));
        return -1;

    if (Close(fd) < 0) {
        Print("failed to close");
        return -1;

    fd = Open_Directory("/d/basic11d");
    if (fd < 0) {
        Print("couldn't opendir basic11d: %d %s\n", fd, Get_Error_String(fd));
        return -1;

    retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);

    if ((retR < 0) ||
        (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "d1", 2) != 0) ||
        return -1;

    retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);

    if ((retR < 0) ||
        (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "d2", 2) != 0) ||
        return -1;

    retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);

    if ((retR < 0) ||
        (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "f1", 2) != 0) ||
        return -1;

    if (Close(fd) < 0) {
        Print("failed to close");
        return -1;

    fd = Open_Directory("/d/basic11d");
    if (fd < 0)
        return -1;

    // no  retR = Seek(fd, 2);
    // no if (retR < 0)
    // no   return -1;

    // no retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);

    // no if ((retR < 0) ||
    // no     (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "f1", 2) != 0) ||
    // no      (dirEntry.stats.isDirectory))
    // no   return -1;

    if (Close(fd) < 0) {
        Print("failed to close");
        return -1;

    (void)Delete("/d/basic11d/d1", false);
    (void)Delete("/d/basic11d/d2", false);
    (void)Delete("/d/basic11d/f1", false);

    (void)Delete("/d/basic11d", false);

    return 1;
Пример #16
int tRecursiveStat() {
    int retC, retS, fd;
    struct VFS_File_Stat s;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/recursive_stat1");
    if (retC < 0)
        return -1;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/recursive_stat1/recursive_stat2");
    if (retC < 0)
        return -1;

    retC =
    if (retC < 0)
        return -1;

    fd = Open
         O_CREATE | O_WRITE);
    if (fd < 0)
        return -1;

    retC = Close(fd);

    retS = Stat("/d/recursive_stat1", &s);
    if (retS < 0)
        return -1;

    retS = Stat("/d/recursive_stat1x", &s);
    if (retS == 0)
        return -1;

    retS = Stat("/d/recursive_stat1/recursive_stat2", &s);
    if (retS < 0)
        return -1;

    retS = Stat("/d/recursive_stat1x/recursive_stat2", &s);
    if (retS == 0)
        return -1;

    retS = Stat("/d/recursive_stat1/../recursive_stat1", &s);
    if (retS < 0)
        return -1;

    retS = Stat("/d/recursive_stat1/../recursive_stat2", &s);
    if (retS == 0)
        return -1;

    retS = Stat("/d/recursive_stat1/./recursive_stat2", &s);
    if (retS < 0)
        return -1;

    retS = Stat("/d/recursive_stat1/./recursive_stat1", &s);
    if (retS == 0)
        return -1;

    retS =
    if (retS < 0)
        return -1;

    retS =
    if (retS == 0)
        return -1;

    retS =
    if (retS < 0)
        return -1;

    retS =
    if (retS == 0)
        return -1;

    (void)Delete("/d/recursive_stat1/recursive_stat2/recursive_stat3", false);
    (void)Delete("/d/recursive_stat1/recursive_stat2", false);
    (void)Delete("/d/recursive_stat1", false);

    return 0;

Пример #17
void cOverworld :: Save( void )
	pAudio->Play_Sound( "editor/save.ogg" );

	std::string save_dir = pResource_Manager->user_data_dir + USER_WORLD_DIR + "/" + m_description->m_path;
	// Create directory if new world
	if( !Dir_Exists( save_dir ) )
		Create_Directory( save_dir );

	std::string filename = save_dir + "/world.xml";

// fixme : Check if there is a more portable way f.e. with imbue()
#ifdef _WIN32
	ofstream file( utf8_to_ucs2( filename ).c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc );
	ofstream file( filename.c_str(), ios::out | ios::trunc );

	if( !file )
		printf( "Error : Couldn't open world file for saving. Is the file read-only ?" );
		pHud_Debug->Set_Text( _("Couldn't save world ") + filename, speedfactor_fps * 5.0f );

	CEGUI::XMLSerializer stream( file );

	// begin
	stream.openTag( "overworld" );

	// begin
	stream.openTag( "information" );
		// game version
		Write_Property( stream, "game_version", int_to_string(SMC_VERSION_MAJOR) + "." + int_to_string(SMC_VERSION_MINOR) + "." + int_to_string(SMC_VERSION_PATCH) );
		// engine version
		Write_Property( stream, "engine_version", world_engine_version );
		// time ( seconds since 1970 )
		Write_Property( stream, "save_time", static_cast<Uint64>( time( NULL ) ) );
	// end information

	// begin
	stream.openTag( "settings" );
		// music
		Write_Property( stream, "music", m_musicfile );
	// end settings

	// begin
	stream.openTag( "background" );
		// color
		Write_Property( stream, "color_red", static_cast<int>(m_background_color.red) );
		Write_Property( stream, "color_green", static_cast<int>(m_background_color.green) );
		Write_Property( stream, "color_blue", static_cast<int>(m_background_color.blue) );
	// end background

	// begin
	stream.openTag( "player" );
		// start waypoint
		Write_Property( stream, "waypoint", m_player_start_waypoint );
		// moving state
		Write_Property( stream, "moving_state", static_cast<int>(m_player_moving_state) );
	// end player

	// objects
	for( cSprite_List::iterator itr = m_sprite_manager->objects.begin(); itr != m_sprite_manager->objects.end(); ++itr )
		cSprite *obj = (*itr);

		// skip spawned and destroyed objects
		if( obj->m_spawned || obj->m_auto_destroy )

		// save to file stream
		obj->Save_To_XML( stream );

	// end overworld


	// save layer
	m_layer->Save( save_dir + "/layer.xml" );
	// save description

	// show info
	pHud_Debug->Set_Text( _("World ") + m_description->m_name + _(" saved") );
Пример #18
int tReadEntry()
  int fd, retR, retC;
  struct VFS_Dir_Entry dirEntry;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic11d");
  if (retC < 0) {
    Print("couldn't create basic11d: %d\n", retC);
    return -1;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic11d/d1");
  if (retC < 0) {
    Print("couldn't create basic11d/d1: %d\n", retC);
    return -1;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic11d/d2");
  if (retC < 0) {
    Print("couldn't create basic11d/d2: %d\n", retC);
    return -1;

  fd = Open("/d/basic11d/f1", O_CREATE);
  if (fd < 0) {
    Print("couldn't create basic11d/f1: %d\n", fd);
    return -1;


  fd = Open_Directory("/d/basic11d");
  if (fd < 0) {
    Print("couldn't opendir basic11d: %d\n", fd);
    return -1;

  do {
    retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);
  } while(retR == 0 && dirEntry.name[0] == '.');

  if ((retR < 0) ||
      (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "d1", 2) != 0) ||
       (! dirEntry.stats.isDirectory))
    return -1;

  retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);

  if ((retR < 0) ||
      (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "d2", 2) != 0) ||
       (! dirEntry.stats.isDirectory))
    return -1;

  retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);

  if ((retR < 0) ||
      (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "f1", 2) != 0) ||
    return -1;

  fd = Open_Directory("/d/basic11d");
  if (fd < 0)
    return -1;

  retR = Seek(fd, 2);
  if (retR < 0)
    return -1;

  retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);

  if ((retR < 0) ||
      (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "f1", 2) != 0) ||
    return -1;

  return 1;
Пример #19
int tBigDir() {
    int retC, retD, fi, retS;
    char fname[50];
    struct VFS_File_Stat s;

    retC = Create_Directory("/d/bigdir");
    if (retC == EEXIST) {
        Delete("/d/bigdir", false);
        retC = Create_Directory("/d/bigdir");
    if (retC != 0) {
        Print("couldn't create /d/bigdir: %d\n", retC);
        return -1;

    for (fi = 0; fi < 100; fi++) {
        int fd;

        snprintf(fname, 50, "/d/bigdir/%04dabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%04d",
                 fi, fi);
        Print((fi % 25 == 0) ? ":" : ".");
        fd = Open(fname, O_WRITE | O_CREATE);
        if (fd < 0) {
            Print("bad open/creat at %d\n", fi);
            return -1;
        if (Close(fd) < 0) {
            Print("failed to close");
            return -1;
        retS = Stat(fname, &s);
        if (retS < 0) {
            Print("bad stat at %d\n", fi);
            return -1;

    snprintf(fname, 50, "/d/bigdir/%04dabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%04d", fi,
    retS = Stat(fname, &s);
    if (retS == 0) {
        Print("bad extra stat at %d\n", fi);
        return -1;

    for (fi = 0; fi < 100; fi++) {
        snprintf(fname, 50, "/d/bigdir/%04dabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz%04d",
                 fi, fi);
        Print((fi % 25 == 0) ? ":" : ".");
        (void)Delete(fname, false);
        retS = Stat(fname, &s);
        if (retS == 0) {
            return -1;

    retD = Delete("/d/bigdir", false);
    if (retD != 0) {
        Print("failed to remove /d/bigdir: %d", retD);
        return retD;

    return 0;
Пример #20
int tExhaustDisk() {
    /* (indirect + direct) * blocksize div by B/KB */
    unsigned int max_file_size_k = ((blocksize / 4) + 4) * blocksize / 1024;
    int files_needed_to_fill_disk =
        disksize_mb * 1024 * 63 / 64 / max_file_size_k;
    int files_needed_to_use_inodes =
        disksize_mb * 1024 * 1024 / 64 / sizeof(struct gfs2_inode);
    unsigned int i;
    int fi, retC, retW, retD;
    char writeme[512];
    char fname[50];
    char dirname[25] = "";
    int repetition;

    Print("need %d files to fill disk, %d to use all inodes\n",
          files_needed_to_fill_disk, files_needed_to_use_inodes);

    if (files_needed_to_fill_disk > files_needed_to_use_inodes) {
        files_needed_to_fill_disk = files_needed_to_use_inodes;
#define MARK  Print("%d:", __LINE__);
    retC = Create_Directory("/d/exhaust");
    if (retC != 0) {
        Print("couldn't create /d/exhaust\n");
        return -1;

    for (i = 0; i < sizeof(writeme); i++) {
        writeme[i] = i % 256;

    for (repetition = 0; repetition < 3; repetition++) {
        int files_worked_on;
        retW = 0;
        for (fi = 0; retW >= 0 && fi < files_needed_to_fill_disk; fi++) {
            int fd;
            unsigned long b;

            if (fi % 100 == 0) {
                snprintf(dirname, 25, "/d/exhaust/%d", fi / 100);
                retC = Create_Directory(dirname);
                Print("%d/%d", fi, files_needed_to_fill_disk);

            snprintf(fname, 50, "%s/%d", dirname, fi);
            Print((fi % 25 == 0) ? ":" : ".");

            fd = Open(fname, O_WRITE | O_CREATE);
            if (fd < 0) {
                Print("failed to open %s\n", fname);
                return -1;

            for (b = 0; b < (unsigned long)max_file_size_k * 1024 - 100;
                 b += retW) {
                retW = Write(fd, writeme, 100);
                if (retW < 0) {
                    Print("write %s %lu failed: %d", fname, b, retW);

            if (Close(fd) < 0) {
                Print("failed to close");
                return -1;
        files_worked_on = fi;
        for (; fi >= 0; fi--) {
            snprintf(dirname, 25, "/d/exhaust/%d", fi / 100);
            snprintf(fname, 50, "%s/%d", dirname, fi);
            (void)Delete(fname, false);
        for (fi = 0; fi < files_worked_on; fi += 100) {
            snprintf(dirname, 25, "/d/exhaust/%d", fi / 100);
            if (Delete(dirname, false) < 0) {
                Print("couldnt remove %s", dirname);
                return -1;


    retD = Delete("/d/exhaust", false);
    if (retD != 0) {
        Print("failed to remove /d/exhaust: %d", retD);
        return retD;

    return 0;
Пример #21
int tReadEntry()
  int fd, retR, retC;
  struct VFS_Dir_Entry dirEntry;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic11d");
  if (retC < 0)
    return -1;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic11d/d1");
  if (retC < 0)
    return -1;

  retC = Create_Directory("/d/basic11d/d2");
  if (retC < 0)
    return -1;

  fd = Open("/d/basic11d/f1", O_CREATE);
  if (fd < 0)
    return -1;


Print("all file/dir created.\n");

  fd = Open_Directory("/d/basic11d");
  if (fd < 0)
    return -1;

  retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);
Print("read 1 entry.\n");

  if ((retR < 0) ||
      (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "d1", 2) != 0) ||
       (! dirEntry.stats.isDirectory))
    return -1;

  retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);
Print("read 2 entry.\n");

  if ((retR < 0) ||
      (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "d2", 2) != 0) ||
       (! dirEntry.stats.isDirectory))
    return -1;

  retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);
Print("read 3 entry.\n");

  if ((retR < 0) ||
      (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "f1", 2) != 0) ||
    return -1;

  fd = Open_Directory("/d/basic11d");
  if (fd < 0)
    return -1;
Print("opened basic11d.\n");

  retR = Seek(fd, 2);
  if (retR < 0)
   	Print("failed seek.\n");
	 return -1;

  retR = Read_Entry(fd, &dirEntry);
Print("read no2 entry.\n");

  if ((retR < 0) ||
      (strncmp(dirEntry.name, "f1", 2) != 0) ||
    return -1;



	Print("all files deleted.\n");
  return 1;