Пример #1
void PacketCallback(u_char *user, const struct pcap_pkthdr *h, const u_char *p)
	unsigned int Counter;
	unsigned short SkipSrc = 0;
	unsigned short SkipDst = 0;
	u_int caplen = h->caplen;
	struct ether_header *eptr;
	struct VlanHeader *vlanhdr;
	const struct ip *ip;
	uint32_t srcip;
	uint32_t dstip;
	struct IPData *ptrIPData;
	int AlreadyTotaled = FALSE;
	PacketCallbackLock = TRUE;
	eptr = (struct ether_header *) p;
	vlanhdr = (struct vlanhdr *) p;
	if (eptr->ether_type == htons(1537))
	if (vlanhdr->ether_type[0]==0x81 && vlanhdr->ether_type[1]==0x00) //Two byte-wise checks instead of 1 word-wise check to avoid word boundary issues on some intel processors
	caplen -= IP_Offset;  // We're only measuring ip size, so pull off the ethernet header
	p += IP_Offset; // Move the pointer past the datalink header
	ip = (const struct ip *)p; // Point ip at the ip header
	if (ip->ip_v != 4) // then not an ip packet so skip it
	srcip = ntohl(*(uint32_t *) (&ip->ip_src));
	dstip = ntohl(*(uint32_t *) (&ip->ip_dst));
	for (Counter = 0; Counter < NotSubnetCount; Counter++)
		if (NotSubnetTable[Counter].ip == (srcip & NotSubnetTable[Counter].mask))  //In the list of subnets we're ignoring.
		if (NotSubnetTable[Counter].ip == (dstip & NotSubnetTable[Counter].mask))  //In the list of subnets we're ignoring.
	for (Counter = 0; Counter < SubnetCount; Counter++)
		// Packets from a monitored subnet to a monitored subnet will be
		// credited to both ip's
		// Totals are checked for first to speed up FindIp in the total case
		// That way the 0 entry is always first in the FindIp table
		if ((SubnetTable[Counter].ip == (srcip & SubnetTable[Counter].mask)) && !SkipSrc)
			if (!AlreadyTotaled)
				Credit(&(IpTable[0].Send), ip);
				AlreadyTotaled = TRUE;
			ptrIPData = FindIp(srcip);	// Return or create this ip's data structure
			if (ptrIPData)
				Credit(&(ptrIPData->Send), ip);
		if ((SubnetTable[Counter].ip == (dstip & SubnetTable[Counter].mask)) && !SkipDst)
			if (!AlreadyTotaled)
				Credit(&(IpTable[0].Receive), ip);
				AlreadyTotaled = TRUE;
			ptrIPData = FindIp(dstip);
			if (ptrIPData)
				Credit(&(ptrIPData->Receive), ip);
	PacketCallbackLock = FALSE;
//Begin excution of function main
int main()
	Menu *menuPtr[5];   //declare an array of pointer of class type Menu
   Menu menu;          //declare an object of the class type Menu

   Insurpolicy *Bpolicy;  //declare a pointer to the base class

   Homeinsurpolicy HCpolicy;         //declare an object of the class type Homeinsurpolicy
   Homeinsurpolicy blankHCpolicy;    //declare an object of the class type Homeinsurpolicy for initializing objects of its type to blank
   fstream HomeFile ("HomeFile.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);   //create a file for storing home insurance

   Lifeinsurpolicy LCpolicy;        //declare an object of the class type Lifeinsurpolicy
   Lifeinsurpolicy blankLCpolicy;   //declare an object of the class type Lifeinsurpolicy for initializing objects of its type to blank
   fstream LifeFile("LifeFile.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);    //create a file for storing life insurance

   MVinsurpolicy   MVCpolicy;       //declare an object of the class type MVinsurpolicy
   MVinsurpolicy   blankMVCpolicy;  //declare an object of the class type MVinsurpolicy for initializing objects of its type to blank
   fstream MVFile ("MVFile.txt", ios::in | ios::out | ios::binary);  //create a file for storing motor vehicle insurance

   int Option;  //Menu selection/option
   int Polopt;  //policy selection/option

   Startup( );  //call a function to display boot up screen

   //exit program if fstream cannot open file
   if (!HomeFile)
   	cerr << "HomeFile File could not be opened."<<endl;  //display error
      exit (1);
   }// end if

   //exit program if fstream cannot open file
   if (!LifeFile)
   	cerr << "LifeFile File could not be opened."<<endl;  //display error
      exit (1);
   }// end if

   //exit program if fstream cannot open file
   if (!MVFile)
   	cerr << "MVFile File could not be opened."<<endl;  //display error
      exit (1);
   }//end if

   system("title True Value Insurance Company Ltd.");  //programme title

   Option = menu.Popumenu(menuPtr);   //call function to get user option

   //while the option is not 5, do the following
   while (Option != 5) {

      //do a case on the option
   	switch (Option) {

      	case 1:           //Add policy

               // call a function to get the policy option that the user wants and set it to Polopt
               Polopt = Poloption();
               //do a case on the Polopt
               switch(Polopt) {
						case 1:                               //if 1 add home policy
                     HCpolicy.AddHomeDisplayScreen( );  //Create display screen
                     HCpolicy.addPolicy(HomeFile);      //call object method to add policy and send the home file to it
                     HCpolicy = blankHCpolicy;          //then initialize the object to be blank

						case 2:                              //if 2 add life policy
                     LCpolicy.AddLifeDisplayScreen( ); //Create display screen
                     LCpolicy.addPolicy(LifeFile);     //call object method to add policy and send the life file to it
                     LCpolicy = blankLCpolicy;         //then initialize the object to be blank

						case 3:                             //if 3 add motor vehicle policy
                     MVCpolicy.AddMotovDisplayScreen( ); //Create display screen
                     MVCpolicy.addPolicy(MVFile);        //call object method to add policy and send the motor vehicle file to it
                     MVCpolicy = blankMVCpolicy;         //then initialize the object to be blank

               }// end switch


      	case 2: 				//Delete policy

         		// call a function to get the policy option that the user wants and set it to Polopt
               Polopt = Poloption();
               //do a case on the Polopt
               switch(Polopt) {
						case 1:                            //if 1 delete home policy
                  	HCpolicy.DeleteHome(HomeFile);  //call object method to delete policy and send the home file to it
                     HCpolicy = blankHCpolicy;       //then initialize the object to be blank

						case 2:                           //if 2 delete life policy
                     LCpolicy.DeleteLife(LifeFile); //call object method to delete policy and send the life file to it
                     LCpolicy = blankLCpolicy;      //then initialize the object to be blank

						case 3:                           //if 3 delete a motor vehicle policy
                     MVCpolicy.DeleteMotov(MVFile); //call object method to delete policy and send the motor vehicle file to it
                     MVCpolicy = blankMVCpolicy;    //then initialize the object to be blank

               }// end switch


      	case 3: 				//Edit policy

         		// call a function to get the policy option that the user wants and set it to Polopt
               Polopt = Poloption();
               //do a case on the Polopt
               switch(Polopt) {
						case 1:                             //if 1 edit home policy
                     HCpolicy.EditPolicy( HomeFile ); //call object method to edit policy and send the home file to it

						case 2:                             //if 2 edit life policy
                     LCpolicy.EditPolicy( LifeFile ); //call object method to edit policy and send the life file to it

						case 3:                            //if 3 edit motor vehicle policy
                  	MVCpolicy.EditPolicy( MVFile ); //call object method to edit policy and send the motor vehicle file to it

               }// end switch


      	case 4:           //View policy

         		// call a function to get the policy option that the user wants and set it to Polopt
               Polopt = Poloption();
               //do a case on the Polopt
               switch(Polopt) {

						case 1:                         //if 1 view home policy

                  	Bpolicy = &HCpolicy;         //point the base class to the child class home

                     /*call the view method inside the child object to get policy to view
                       if it return a zero then dont enter the if statment
                     if ( HCpolicy.ViewHome(HomeFile) != 0 ){
                                                        //if not equal to 0
                        ThemeStyle1( );     //create screen theme
                  		Bpolicy->Insurpolicy::Display( ); //display the base class data
                  		Bpolicy->Display( );              //display the child class data
                     }//end if
                     gotoxy( 25, 22); system("PAUSE");

						case 2:                        //if 2 view life policy
                  	Bpolicy = &LCpolicy;        //point the base class to the child class life

                     /*call the view method inside the child object to get policy to view
                       if it return a zero then dont enter the if statment
                     if ( LCpolicy.ViewLife(LifeFile) != 0 ){
                                                     //if not equal to 0
                        ThemeStyle1( );             //create screen theme
                  		Bpolicy->Insurpolicy::Display( );  //display the base class data
                  		Bpolicy->Display( );               //display the child class data
                     }//end if
                     gotoxy( 25, 22); system("PAUSE");

						case 3:                     //if 3 view motor vehicle policy

                  	Bpolicy = &MVCpolicy;    //point the base class to the child class motor vehicle

                     /*call the view method inside the child object to get policy to view
                       if it return a zero then dont enter the if statment
                     if ( MVCpolicy.ViewMotov(MVFile) != 0 ){
                                                //if not equal to 0
                        ThemeStyle1( );        //create screen theme
                  		Bpolicy->Insurpolicy::Display( );   //display the base class data
                  		Bpolicy->Display( );                //display the child class data
                     } //end if
                     gotoxy( 25, 24); system("PAUSE");

               }// end switch


         case 6:
         	helpFile();  //function calls the help

         case 7:
            AboutUs();  //function tell about the program

         case 8:
            Credit();  //function gives credit to the programmers

         default :
         	cout<<"\a\a\a";  //sound the system alarm to notify wrong input

      }//end switch

      Option = menu.Popumenu(menuPtr);  //call function to get user option

   }//end while

   Shutdown( );  //display a shutdown screen
   return 0;  //the function has run successfully

}//end function main
void Parameter::PrintCredit()
  vector<Credit> everyone;
  srand ( time(NULL) );

  everyone.push_back(Credit("Nicola Bertoldi"
                            , "911"
                            , ""
                            , "scripts & other stuff"));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Ondrej Bojar"
                            , ""
                            , "czech this out!"
                            , ""));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Chris Callison-Burch"
                            , "anytime, anywhere"
                            , "international playboy"
                            , ""));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Alexandra Constantin"
                            , ""
                            , "eu sunt varza"
                            , ""));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Brooke Cowan"
                            , "*****@*****.**"
                            , "if you're going to san francisco, be sure to wear a flower in your hair"
                            , ""));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Chris Dyer"
                            , "can't. i'll be out driving my mustang"
                            , "driving my mustang"
                            , ""));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Marcello Federico"
                            , "federico at itc at it"
                            , "Researcher at ITC-irst, Trento, Italy"
                            , "IRST language model"));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Evan Herbst"
                            , "Small college in upstate New York"
                            , ""
                            , ""));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Philipp Koehn"
                            , "only between 2 and 4am"
                            , ""
                            , "Nothing fazes this dude"));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Christine Moran"
                            , "weird building at MIT"
                            , ""
                            , ""));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Wade Shen"
                            , "via morse code"
                            , "buying another laptop"
                            , ""));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Richard Zens"
                            , "richard at aachen dot de"
                            , ""
                            , "ambiguous source input, confusion networks, confusing source code"));
  everyone.push_back(Credit("Hieu Hoang", "http://www.hoang.co.uk/hieu/"
                            , "phd student at Edinburgh Uni. Original Moses developer"
                            , "general queries/ flames on Moses."));

  sort(everyone.begin(), everyone.end());

  cerr <<  "Moses - A beam search decoder for phrase-based statistical machine translation models" << endl
       << "Copyright (C) 2006 University of Edinburgh" << endl << endl

       << "This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or" << endl
       << "modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public" << endl
       << "License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either" << endl
       << "version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version." << endl << endl

       << "This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful," << endl
       << "but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of" << endl
       << "Lesser General Public License for more details." << endl << endl

       << "You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public" << endl
       << "License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software" << endl
       << "Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301  USA" << endl << endl
       << "***********************************************************************" << endl << endl
       << "Built on " << __DATE__ << " at " __TIME__ << endl << endl

  ostream_iterator<Credit> out(cerr, "\n");
  copy(everyone.begin(), everyone.end(), out);
  cerr <<  endl << endl;
Пример #4
void Player::PassGo()
	cout << name << " passed go and collected " << POUND << "200." << endl;