char* PathBuffer::Set( const char* path ) { Clear(); if ( !currentFsParam ) { return; } if ( currentFsParam->server[0] ) { if ( currentFsParam->user[0] ) { Cut( const_cast<char*>( currentFsParam->user ) ); Cut( "@" ); } Cut( const_cast<char*>( currentFsParam->server ) ); Cut( "/" ); } if ( path ) { if ( path[0] == '/' ) { path++; } Cut( path ); } return; }
void TectonicPlateSimulation::randomCut(int n = 1) { for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if(drand48() < 0.5) { b2Vec2 v1(-20, drand48() * 40); b2Vec2 v2(20, drand48() * 40); Cut(v1, v2); } else { b2Vec2 v1(drand48() * 40 - 20, 0); b2Vec2 v2(drand48() * 40 - 20, 40); Cut(v1, v2); } } }
int main() { int n, m, op; scanf("%d", &n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) scanf("%d", K + i); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) Link(&T[i], &T[min(i + K[i], n)]); scanf("%d", &m); while (m--) { scanf("%d", &op); if (op == 1) { int x; scanf("%d", &x); makeRoot(&T[n]); access(&T[x]), splay(&T[x]); printf("%d\n", T[x].ch[0] ? T[x].ch[0]->sz : 0); } if (op == 2) { int x, y; scanf("%d%d", &x, &y); Cut(&T[x], &T[min(x + K[x], n)]); K[x] = y; Link(&T[x], &T[min(x + K[x], n)]); } } return 0; }
void SkimFlatCat::Loop() { if (fChain == 0) return; TFile *skimfile = new TFile("Skim.root","recreate"); fChain->LoadTree(0); TTree *newtree = fChain->CloneTree(0); Long64_t nentries = fChain->GetEntriesFast(); Int_t nselected = 0; Long64_t nbytes = 0, nb = 0; for (Long64_t jentry=0; jentry<nentries;jentry++) { if(!(jentry%10000)) std::cout << jentry << " : "<< fChain->GetEntries() << std::endl; Long64_t ientry = LoadTree(jentry); if (ientry < 0) break; nb = fChain->GetEntry(jentry); nbytes += nb; if (Cut(ientry) < 0) continue; nselected++; newtree->Fill(); } std::cout << "Selected " << nselected << " out of " << fChain->GetEntries() << std::endl; newtree->Write(); skimfile->Close(); }
vi_rc Yank( range *r ) { vi_rc rc; if( r->line_based ) { rc = YankLineRange( r->start.line, r->end.line ); } else if( r->start.line == r->end.line ) { assert( CurrentPos.line == r->start.line ); AddLineToSavebuf( CurrentLine->data, r->start.column, r->end.column ); #ifdef __WIN__ if( LastSavebuf == 0 ) { Message1( "%d characters copied into the clipboard", r->end.column - r->start.column + 1 ); } else { #endif Message1( "%d %s yanked into buffer %c", r->end.column - r->start.column + 1, MSG_CHARACTERS, LastSavebuf ); #ifdef __WIN__ } #endif rc = DO_NOT_CLEAR_MESSAGE_WINDOW; } else { rc = Cut( r->start.line, r->start.column, r->end.line, r->end.column, false ); } if( rc != ERR_NO_ERR ) { rc = DO_NOT_CLEAR_MESSAGE_WINDOW; } return( rc ); } /* Yank */
void wxTextCtrl::OnKeyDown(wxKeyEvent& event) { if ( event.GetModifiers() == wxMOD_CONTROL ) { switch( event.GetKeyCode() ) { case 'A': SelectAll(); return; case 'C': if ( CanCopy() ) Copy() ; return; case 'V': if ( CanPaste() ) Paste() ; return; case 'X': if ( CanCut() ) Cut() ; return; default: break; } } // no, we didn't process it event.Skip(); }
vi_rc Delete( range *r ) { vi_rc rc; // need to perform the actual delete if( r->line_based ) { rc = DeleteLineRange( r->start.line, r->end.line, SAVEBUF_FLAG ); DCDisplayAllLines(); LineDeleteMessage( r->start.line, r->end.line ); } else if( r->start.line != r->end.line ) { rc = Cut( r->start.line, r->start.column, r->end.line, r->end.column, true ); DCDisplayAllLines(); } else { GoToLineNoRelCurs( r->start.line ); rc = DeleteRangeOnCurrentLine( r->start.column, r->end.column, true ); } // move cursor to tl corner of region if( rc == ERR_NO_ERR ) { GoToLineNoRelCurs( r->start.line ); r->start.column += 1; if( r->start.column > CurrentLine->len ) { if( EditFlags.Modeless ) { r->start.column = CurrentLine->len + 1; } else { r->start.column = CurrentLine->len; } } GoToColumnOnCurrentLine( r->start.column ); EditFlags.Dotable = true; } else { rc = DO_NOT_CLEAR_MESSAGE_WINDOW; } return( rc ); } /* Delete */
void cut_input (char *DICT_PATH, char *HMM_PATH, char *USER_DICT) { char *s; Jieba handle = NewJieba (DICT_PATH, HMM_PATH, USER_DICT); setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); printf ("Chinese word segmentation\n=========================\n\n"); while (s = getstr ()) { if (strcmp (s, "EOF") == 0) { free (s); printf ("bye\n"); break; } else { size_t len = strlen (s); CJiebaWord* words = Cut (handle, s, len); CJiebaWord* x; for (x = words; x && x->word; x++) { /* printf ("%*.*s/", x->len, x->len, x->word); */ printf ("%d ", x->len / CJIEBA_WCHAR_SIZE); } printf ("\n"); free (s); FreeWords (words); } } FreeJieba (handle); }
void Cut(const string& sentence, vector<string>& words, size_t max_word_len) const { vector<Word> tmp; Cut(sentence, tmp, max_word_len); GetStringsFromWords(tmp, words); }
void CColorEdit::OnChar(UINT nChar, UINT nRepCnt, UINT nFlags) { // TODO: Add your message handler code here and/or call default switch (nChar) { case 0x01:// Ctrl-A => handle SELECT_ALL SetSel(0, -1); return; case 0x03:// Ctrl-C => handle WM_COPY Copy(); return; case 0x16:// Ctrl-V => handle WM_PASTE Paste(); return; case 0x18:// Ctrl-X => handle WM_CUT Cut(); return; case 0x1A:// Ctrl-Z => handle ID_EDIT_UNDO (EM_UNDO) if(CanUndo()) Undo(); return; } CEdit::OnChar(nChar, nRepCnt, nFlags); }
bool Track::SyncLockAdjust(double oldT1, double newT1) { if (newT1 > oldT1) { // Insert space within the track if (oldT1 > GetEndTime()) return true; Track *tmp; bool ret; ret = Cut(oldT1, GetEndTime(), &tmp); if (!ret) return false; ret = Paste(newT1, tmp); wxASSERT(ret); delete tmp; return ret; } else if (newT1 < oldT1) { // Remove from the track return Clear(newT1, oldT1); } // fall-through: no change return true; }
static void dfs(Agraph_t * g, Agnode_t * u, bcstate * stp, Agnode_t * parent) { Agnode_t *v; Agedge_t *e; Agedge_t *ep; Agraph_t *sg; stp->count++; Low(u) = N(u) = stp->count; for (e = agfstedge(g, u); e; e = agnxtedge(g, e, u)) { if ((v = aghead(e)) == u) v = agtail(e); if (v == u) continue; if (N(v) == 0) { push(&stp->stk, e); dfs(g, v, stp, u); Low(u) = min(Low(u), Low(v)); if (Low(v) >= N(u)) { /* u is an articulation point */ Cut(u) = 1; sg = mkBlock(g, stp); do { ep = pop(&stp->stk); agsubnode(sg, aghead(ep), 1); agsubnode(sg, agtail(ep), 1); } while (ep != e); } } else if (parent != v) { Low(u) = min(Low(u), N(v)); if (N(v) < N(u)) push(&stp->stk, e); } } }
STDMETHODIMP CECR::MoveCash(BSTR FirmID, LONG Money, LONG DirectionIn, LONG* ErrorCode) { DWORD dwDocType; DirectionIn ? dwDocType = CashInDocument : dwDocType = CashOutDocument; // открыть документ OpenDocument(FirmID, DEP_NO, ErrorCode, dwDocType); if (*ErrorCode == E_SUCCESS) { PrintBuffer(FirmID, ErrorCode); if (*ErrorCode == E_SUCCESS) { InitCmd(); // команда to_numeric(214, m_Cmd, 3, m_Len); //SETTENDER // пароль to_char(OPERATOR_PASSWD, m_Cmd + m_Len, 4, m_Len); // тип оплаты to_numeric(0, m_Cmd + m_Len, 2, m_Len); // сумма to_smoney(Money, m_Cmd + m_Len, 10, m_Len); m_RspLen = 11; m_ECRList.PassCmd(FirmID, m_Cmd, m_Len, m_Rsp, m_RspLen, ErrorCode); if (*ErrorCode == E_SUCCESS) Cut(FirmID, 1, ErrorCode); } } return S_OK; }
BOOL CMyComboBox::PreTranslateMessage(MSG* pMsg) { bool ctrl = (GetKeyState(VK_CONTROL) & 0x8000) != 0; if ( pMsg->message == WM_KEYDOWN){ switch( pMsg->wParam ){ case 'C': if ( ctrl ){ Copy(); return TRUE; } break; case 'X': if ( ctrl ) { Cut(); return TRUE; } break; case 'V': if ( ctrl ) { Paste(); return TRUE; } break; case VK_DOWN: if ( GetDroppedState() == FALSE ){ ShowDropDown( TRUE ); } break; } } return CComboBox::PreTranslateMessage(pMsg); }
void CPlainTextEditor::CutLine(CChars* pszDest) { int iCount; int iStart; int iEnd; if (!IsSelected()) { iCount = GetCharCountAlongLine(miEditPos); iStart = FindStartOfLine(miEditPos); iEnd = FindEndOfLine(miEditPos); if (CanGoRight(iEnd)) { iEnd++; } pszDest->AppendSubString(mszText, iStart, iEnd); mszText.Remove(iStart, iEnd); ResetUpDown(); miEditPos = FindPositionAlongLine(iStart, iCount); } else { Cut(pszDest); } }
void CSimpleReport::RowDownMulti() { CXTPReportSelectedRows* pRows = GetSelectedRows(); if (!pRows) return; int total = GetRows()->GetCount() - 1; int cnt = pRows->GetCount(); CXTPReportRow* pRow = pRows->GetAt(cnt-1); // 선택 영역의 마지막 row if (!pRow) return; int n = pRow->GetIndex(); if (n >= total) // 더이상 내려갈 수 없음 return; // 마지막 row 뒤에 paste하기 위해 m_bAdd를 true로 만듬. // 그럼 cut후 add가 됨 if (n+1 >= total) m_bAdd = true; // focus는 cut된 시점에서 첫번째로 잡음. pRow = pRows->GetAt(0); n = pRow->GetIndex(); Cut(); // 컷하면 선택된 갯수는 제거되므로 total-cnt가 RowSetFocused(n+1); Paste(); SetFocus(); }
void fbtTextFile::cutEvent(wxCommandEvent& evt) { if (GetReadOnly() || GetSelectionEnd() - GetSelectionStart() <= 0) return; Cut(); }
void solve(void) { Input(); Cut(); Bfs(vs[1][0], vs[1][1]); Work(vs[0][0], vs[0][1]); int t1 = tim[vt[0]][vt[1]]; puts(t1?"YES":"NO"); }
void SFileWorker::MoveToTrash(const SFile *srcFolder, const SFileList *fileList) { BEntry entry(TRASH_ENTRY); SFile trashFolder(&entry); ModifyRestoreAttribute(fileList,true); Cut(srcFolder, fileList); Paste(&trashFolder); }
void CSlmBuilder::Build() { CountNr(); AppendTails(); Cut(); Discount(); CalcBOW(); }
void CuttingThread::run() { Error e = Cut(_cuts, _mediawidth, _mediaheight, _media, _speed, _pressure, _trackenhancing, _regmark, _regsearch, _regwidth, _reglength); if (e) emit success(); else emit error(e.message().c_str()); exec(); }
void Cut(int iBegin,int iTarget) { char cPart[MAX];int i; for(i=iBegin+1;i<=iLen;i++) { memcpy(cPart,cNumber+iBegin,i-iBegin);cPart[i-iBegin]='\0'; if(Try(i,iTarget-atoi(cPart))==TRUE) {cout<<" "<<cPart;Cut(i,iTarget-atoi(cPart));} } }
FibonacciHeapNode<Key, Data> * FibonacciHeap<Key, Data>::Delete(FibonacciHeapNode<Key, Data> * node) { FibonacciHeapNode<Key, Data> * parent = node->m_pParent; if (parent != NULL) { Cut(node, parent); CascadingCut(parent); } m_pMin = node; return ExtractMin(); }
void Cut(const string& sentence, vector<string>& words, bool hmm = true) const { PreFilter pre_filter(symbols_, sentence); PreFilter::Range range; vector<Unicode> uwords; uwords.reserve(sentence.size()); while (pre_filter.HasNext()) { range = pre_filter.Next(); Cut(range.begin, range.end, uwords, hmm); } TransCode::Encode(uwords, words); }
void fibonacci_heap::CascadingCut(Node* y) { Node* z = y->parent; if (z != nullptr) { if (y->marked == false) { y->marked = true; } else { Cut(y,z); CascadingCut(z); } } }
void Cascading_Cut (struct heap* H, struct node* y){ struct node* z = y->p; if (z){ if (y->mark == false){ y->mark = true; } else { Cut (H, y, z); Cascading_Cut(H,z); } } }
static int process(Agraph_t * g, int gcnt) { Agnode_t *n; bcstate state; Agraph_t *blk; Agraph_t *tree; int bcnt; aginit(g, AGNODE, "info", sizeof(Agnodeinfo_t), TRUE); aginit(g, AGEDGE, "info", sizeof(Agedgeinfo_t), TRUE); aginit(g, AGRAPH, "info", sizeof(Agraphinfo_t), TRUE); state.count = 0; state.nComp = 0; state.stk = 0; state.blks = 0; for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) { if (N(n) == 0) dfs(g, n, &state, 0); } for (blk = state.blks; blk; blk = NEXTBLK(blk)) { nodeInduce(blk, g); } if (external) { bcnt = 0; for (blk = state.blks; blk; blk = NEXTBLK(blk)) { gwrite(blk, gcnt, bcnt++); } } else gwrite(g, gcnt, 0); if (doTree) { tree = agopen("blkcut_tree", Agstrictundirected, 0); for (blk = state.blks; blk; blk = NEXTBLK(blk)) addCutPts(tree, blk); gwrite(tree, gcnt, -1); agclose(tree); } if (verbose) { int cuts = 0; bcnt = 0; for (blk = state.blks; blk; blk = NEXTBLK(blk)) bcnt++; for (n = agfstnode(g); n; n = agnxtnode(g, n)) if (Cut(n)) cuts++; fprintf(stderr, "%s: %d blocks %d cutpoints\n", agnameof(g), bcnt, cuts); } if (state.blks && NEXTBLK(state.blks)) return 1; /* >= 2 blocks */ else return 0; }
static void * ReplaceKeyData(PQueue *h, PQueueElement *x, intptr_t key, void *data) { void *odata; int okey; PQueueElement *y; int r; odata = x->Data; okey = x->Key; /* * we can increase a key by deleting and reinserting, that * requires O(lgn) time. */ if ((r = comparedata(h, key, data, x)) > 0) { /* XXX - bad code! */ abort(); DeleteElement(h, x); if (data) memcpy(x->Data , data,h->ElementSize); x->Key = key; insertel(h, x); return odata; } if (data) memcpy(x->Data , data, h->ElementSize); x->Key = key; /* because they are equal, we don't have to do anything */ if (r == 0) return odata; y = x->Parent; if (okey == key) return odata; if (y != NULL && compare(h, x, y) <= 0) { Cut(h, x, y); CascadingCut(h, y); } /* * the = is so that the call from delete will delete the proper * element. */ if (compare(h, x, h->Minimum) <= 0) h->Minimum = x; return odata; }
void FibonacciHeap<Key, Data>::CascadingCut(FibonacciHeapNode<Key, Data> * node) { FibonacciHeapNode<Key, Data> * parent = node->m_pParent; if (parent != NULL) { if (!node->m_bMarked) node->m_bMarked = true; else { Cut(node, parent); CascadingCut(parent); } } }
void Snake::CheckCollision() { if (_body.size() < 5) { return; } auto head = _body.front(); for (auto itr = _body.begin() + 1; itr != _body.end(); ++itr) { if (itr->position == head.position) { // current position intersected with head int segments = _body.end() - itr; Cut(segments); break; } } }