Пример #1
int ann_train( CvANN_MLP* ann, CvMLData* _data, Mat& new_responses, CvANN_MLP_TrainParams _params, int flags = 0 )
    const CvMat* train_sidx = _data->get_train_sample_idx();
    CvMat predictors;
    ann_check_data_and_get_predictors( _data, &predictors );
    CvMat _new_responses = CvMat( new_responses );
    return ann->train( &predictors, &_new_responses, 0, train_sidx, _params, flags );
Пример #2
float ann_calc_error( CvANN_MLP* ann, CvMLData* _data, map<int, int>& cls_map, int type , vector<float> *resp_labels )
    float err = 0;
    const CvMat* responses = _data->get_responses();
    const CvMat* sample_idx = (type == CV_TEST_ERROR) ? _data->get_test_sample_idx() : _data->get_train_sample_idx();
    int* sidx = sample_idx ? sample_idx->data.i : 0;
    int r_step = CV_IS_MAT_CONT(responses->type) ?
        1 : responses->step / CV_ELEM_SIZE(responses->type);
    CvMat predictors;
    ann_check_data_and_get_predictors( _data, &predictors );
    int sample_count = sample_idx ? sample_idx->cols : 0;
    sample_count = (type == CV_TRAIN_ERROR && sample_count == 0) ? predictors.rows : sample_count;
    float* pred_resp = 0;
    vector<float> innresp;
    if( sample_count > 0 )
        if( resp_labels )
            resp_labels->resize( sample_count );
            pred_resp = &((*resp_labels)[0]);
            innresp.resize( sample_count );
            pred_resp = &(innresp[0]);
    int cls_count = (int)cls_map.size();
    Mat output( 1, cls_count, CV_32FC1 );
    CvMat _output = CvMat(output);
    map<int, int>::iterator b_it = cls_map.begin();
    for( int i = 0; i < sample_count; i++ )
        CvMat sample;
        int si = sidx ? sidx[i] : i;
        cvGetRow( &predictors, &sample, si ); 
        ann->predict( &sample, &_output );
        CvPoint best_cls = {0,0};
        cvMinMaxLoc( &_output, 0, 0, 0, &best_cls, 0 );
        int r = cvRound(responses->data.fl[si*r_step]);
        CV_DbgAssert( fabs(responses->data.fl[si*r_step]-r) < FLT_EPSILON );
        r = cls_map[r];
        int d = best_cls.x == r ? 0 : 1;
        err += d;
        pred_resp[i] = (float)best_cls.x;
    err = sample_count ? err / (float)sample_count * 100 : -FLT_MAX;
    return err;
Пример #3
int main(void)
        printf("ORF pid %d\n", (int) getpid());
        SRCAM cam;
        // int ret = SR_OpenDlg(&cam, 2, 0); // 2: call open dialog, 0: no parent window
        // int ret = SR_OpenETH(&cam, "");
        int ret = SR_OpenETH(&cam, "");
        if(ret<=0) return -1; // ret holds the number of cameras found
        cv::Size imsize(SR_GetCols(cam), SR_GetRows(cam)); // SR image size
        int sizebytes = 2 * imsize.area() * sizeof(unsigned short); // number of bytes sent from the SR 
        // namedWindow("mainWin",WINDOW_AUTOSIZE );
        cvNamedWindow("mainWin", CV_WINDOW_AUTOSIZE); 
        int sizestep = sizeof(float)*3; // size step from one xyz component to the next
        int c=-1; // user input variable
        // enable software trigger mode so that the LEDs will only turn
        // on when SR_Acquire() is called
        std::time_t start_time = std::time(0);
        while(c==-1) // infinite loop, breaks if key pressed
                ret = SR_Acquire(cam);
                cv::Mat xyz(imsize, CV_32FC3, cv::Scalar::all(0));
                if(ret!=sizebytes) break;
                // the coordinates are stored as three channels in the format
                // (x1, y1, z1, x2, y2, z2, ... ) squentially row by row
                SR_CoordTrfFlt( cam,
                                &((float*)xyz.ptr())[0], // pointer to first x
                                &((float*)xyz.ptr())[1], // pointer to first y
                                &((float*)xyz.ptr())[2], // pointer to first z
                                sizestep, sizestep, sizestep); // increments to next element

                cv::Mat z, z_display; // z channel and output image
                extractImageCOI(&CvMat(xyz), z, 2); // extract the z channel (change the 2 for another channel)
                z.convertTo(z_display, CV_8UC1, 256.0 / 5.0, 0); // convert to 8 bit (0..255) values, here for 5 meter camera
                cv::imshow("mainWin", z_display); // display image
                std::time_t t = std::time() - start_time;
                printf("ORF data taken at %d seconds\n", t);
                //std::cout << "ORF data taken at" << t << "seconds\n";
                std::stringstream filename;
                filename << "./ORF_photos/" << t << ".bmp"
                c = cvWaitKey(1000); // wait 1 sec before continuing loop. if user presses a button, the loop will exit
        return 0;
Пример #4
void   boxtrackproperties::
correct(const cv::Mat &m) { //m, measurement cv::Mat_<float>(5,1)
  CvMat _z=CvMat(m);