Пример #1
// read depth buffer and update visibility flag of depth points
static void UpdateDepthPointsVisibility( const CDrawPort *pdp, const INDEX iMirrorLevel,
                                         DepthInfo *pdi, const INDEX ctCount)
  const GfxAPIType eAPI = _pGfx->gl_eCurrentAPI;
  ASSERT( pdp!=NULL && ctCount>0);
  const CRaster *pra = pdp->dp_Raster;

  // OpenGL
  if( eAPI==GAT_OGL)
    FLOAT fPointOoK;
    // for each stored point
    for( INDEX idi=0; idi<ctCount; idi++) {
      DepthInfo &di = pdi[idi];
      // skip if not in required mirror level or was already checked in this iteration
      if( iMirrorLevel!=di.di_iMirrorLevel || _iCheckIteration!=di.di_iSwapLastRequest) continue;
      const PIX pixJ = pra->ra_Height-1 - di.di_pixJ; // OpenGL has Y-inversed buffer!
      pglReadPixels( di.di_pixI, pixJ, 1, 1, GL_DEPTH_COMPONENT, GL_FLOAT, &fPointOoK);
      // it is visible if there is nothing nearer in z-buffer already
      di.di_bVisible = (di.di_fOoK<fPointOoK);
    // done

  // Direct3D
#ifdef SE1_D3D
  if( eAPI==GAT_D3D)
    // ok, this will get really complicated ...
    // We'll have to do it thru back buffer because darn DX8 won't let us have values from z-buffer;
    // Anyway, we'll lock backbuffer, read color from the lens location and try to write little triangle there
    // with slightly modified color. Then we'll readout that color and see if triangle passes z-test. Voila! :)
    // P.S. To avoid lock-modify-lock, we need to batch all the locks in one. Uhhhh ... :(
    COLOR col;
    INDEX idi;
    SLONG slColSize;
    HRESULT hr;
    D3DLOCKED_RECT rectLocked;
    D3DSURFACE_DESC surfDesc;
    // fetch back buffer (different for full screen and windowed mode)
    const BOOL bFullScreen = _pGfx->gl_ulFlags & GLF_FULLSCREEN;
    if( bFullScreen) {
      hr = _pGfx->gl_pd3dDevice->GetBackBuffer( 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &pBackBuffer);
    } else {
      hr = pra->ra_pvpViewPort->vp_pSwapChain->GetBackBuffer( 0, D3DBACKBUFFER_TYPE_MONO, &pBackBuffer);
    // what, cannot get a back buffer?
    if( hr!=D3D_OK) { 
      // to hell with it all
    // keep format of back-buffer
    const D3DFORMAT d3dfBack = surfDesc.Format;
    // prepare array that'll back-buffer colors from depth point locations
    // store all colors
    for( idi=0; idi<ctCount; idi++) {
      DepthInfo &di = pdi[idi];
      // skip if not in required mirror level or was already checked in this iteration
      if( iMirrorLevel!=di.di_iMirrorLevel || _iCheckIteration!=di.di_iSwapLastRequest) continue;
      // fetch pixel
      _acolDelayed[idi] = 0;
      const RECT rectToLock = { di.di_pixI, di.di_pixJ, di.di_pixI+1, di.di_pixJ+1 };
      hr = pBackBuffer->LockRect( &rectLocked, &rectToLock, D3DLOCK_READONLY);
      if( hr!=D3D_OK) continue; // skip if lock didn't make it
      // read, convert and store original color
      _acolDelayed[idi] = UnpackColor_D3D( (UBYTE*)rectLocked.pBits, d3dfBack, slColSize) | CT_OPAQUE;

    // prepare to draw little triangles there with slightly adjusted colors
    // prepare array and shader

    // draw one trianle around each depth point
    INDEX ctVertex = 0;
    for( idi=0; idi<ctCount; idi++) {
      DepthInfo &di = pdi[idi];
      col = _acolDelayed[idi];
      // skip if not in required mirror level or was already checked in this iteration, or wasn't fetched at all
      if( iMirrorLevel!=di.di_iMirrorLevel || _iCheckIteration!=di.di_iSwapLastRequest || col==0) continue;
      const ULONG d3dCol = rgba2argb(col^0x20103000);
      const PIX pixI = di.di_pixI - pdp->dp_MinI; // convert raster loc to drawport loc
      const PIX pixJ = di.di_pixJ - pdp->dp_MinJ;
      // batch it and advance to next triangle
      CTVERTEX &vtx0 = _avtxDelayed[ctVertex++];
      CTVERTEX &vtx1 = _avtxDelayed[ctVertex++];
      CTVERTEX &vtx2 = _avtxDelayed[ctVertex++];
      vtx0.fX=pixI;   vtx0.fY=pixJ-2; vtx0.fZ=di.di_fOoK; vtx0.ulColor=d3dCol; vtx0.fU=vtx0.fV=0;
      vtx1.fX=pixI-2; vtx1.fY=pixJ+2; vtx1.fZ=di.di_fOoK; vtx1.ulColor=d3dCol; vtx1.fU=vtx0.fV=0;
      vtx2.fX=pixI+2; vtx2.fY=pixJ;   vtx2.fZ=di.di_fOoK; vtx2.ulColor=d3dCol; vtx2.fU=vtx0.fV=0;
    // draw a bunch
    hr = _pGfx->gl_pd3dDevice->DrawPrimitiveUP( D3DPT_TRIANGLELIST, ctVertex/3, &_avtxDelayed[0], sizeof(CTVERTEX));

    // readout colors again and compare to old ones
    for( idi=0; idi<ctCount; idi++) {
      DepthInfo &di = pdi[idi];
      col = _acolDelayed[idi];
      // skip if not in required mirror level or was already checked in this iteration, or wasn't fetched at all
      if( iMirrorLevel!=di.di_iMirrorLevel || _iCheckIteration!=di.di_iSwapLastRequest || col==0) continue;
      // fetch pixel
      const RECT rectToLock = { di.di_pixI, di.di_pixJ, di.di_pixI+1, di.di_pixJ+1 };
      hr = pBackBuffer->LockRect( &rectLocked, &rectToLock, D3DLOCK_READONLY);
      if( hr!=D3D_OK) continue; // skip if lock didn't make it
      // read new color
      const COLOR colNew = UnpackColor_D3D( (UBYTE*)rectLocked.pBits, d3dfBack, slColSize) | CT_OPAQUE;
      // if we managed to write adjusted color, point is visible!
      di.di_bVisible = (col!=colNew);
    // phew, done! :)
    D3DRELEASE( pBackBuffer, TRUE);
#endif // SE1_D3D
// upload context for current texture to accelerator's memory
// (returns format in which texture was really uploaded)
extern void UploadTexture_D3D( LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 *ppd3dTexture, ULONG *pulTexture,
                               PIX pixSizeU, PIX pixSizeV, D3DFORMAT eInternalFormat, BOOL bDiscard)
  // safeties
  ASSERT( pulTexture!=NULL);
  ASSERT( pixSizeU>0 && pixSizeV>0);
  _sfStats.StartTimer( CStatForm::STI_BINDTEXTURE);
  _pfGfxProfile.StartTimer( CGfxProfile::PTI_TEXTUREUPLOADING);

  // recreate texture if needed
  if( bDiscard) {
    if( (*ppd3dTexture)!=NULL) D3DRELEASE( (*ppd3dTexture), TRUE);
    hr = _pGfx->gl_pd3dDevice->CreateTexture( pixSizeU, pixSizeV, 0, 0, eInternalFormat, D3DPOOL_MANAGED, ppd3dTexture);
  // D3D texture must be valid now
  LPDIRECT3DTEXTURE8 pd3dTex = (*ppd3dTexture);
  ASSERT( pd3dTex!=NULL);

  // prepare routine for conversion
  // upload each mipmap
  INDEX iMip=0;
  PIX pixOffset=0;
  while( pixSizeU>0 && pixSizeV>0)
    // check that memory is readable and upload one mipmap
    ASSERT( pulTexture[pixOffset +pixSizeU*pixSizeV -1] != 0xDEADBEEF);
    UploadMipmap_D3D( pulTexture+pixOffset, pd3dTex, pixSizeU, pixSizeV, iMip);
    // advance to next mip-map
    pixOffset += pixSizeU*pixSizeV;
    pixSizeU >>=1;
    pixSizeV >>=1;
    // end here if there is only one mip-map to upload
    if( _tpCurrent->tp_bSingleMipmap) break;

  // see if we need to generate and upload additional mipmaps (those under 1*N or N*1)
  if( !_tpCurrent->tp_bSingleMipmap && pixSizeU!=pixSizeV)
  { // prepare variables
    PIX pixSize = Max(pixSizeU,pixSizeV);
    ASSERT( pixSize<=2048);
    ULONG *pulSrc = pulTexture+pixOffset-pixSize*2;
    ULONG *pulDst = _aulLastMipmaps;
    // loop thru mipmaps
    while( pixSizeU>0 || pixSizeV>0)
    { // make next mipmap
      if( pixSizeU==0) pixSizeU=1;
      if( pixSizeV==0) pixSizeV=1;
      pixSize = pixSizeU*pixSizeV;
      __asm {   
        pxor    mm0,mm0
        mov     esi,D [pulSrc]
        mov     edi,D [pulDst]
        mov     ecx,D [pixSize]
        movd    mm1,D [esi+0]
        movd    mm2,D [esi+4]
        punpcklbw mm1,mm0
        punpcklbw mm2,mm0
        paddw   mm1,mm2
        psrlw   mm1,1
        packuswb mm1,mm0
        movd    D [edi],mm1
        add     esi,4*2
        add     edi,4
        dec     ecx
        jnz     pixLoop
      // upload mipmap and advance
      UploadMipmap_D3D( pulDst, pd3dTex, pixSizeU, pixSizeV, iMip);
      pulSrc     = pulDst;
      pulDst    += pixSize;
      pixOffset += pixSize;
      pixSizeU >>=1;
      pixSizeV >>=1;