Пример #1
RuleResult_e BR_LLSC_0_1a( MYKI_BR_ContextData_t *pData )
    int                     i                       = 0;
    MYKI_CAIssuer_t        *pMYKI_CAIssuer          = NULL;
    MYKI_TAControl_t       *pMYKI_TAControl         = NULL;
    MYKI_TACapping_t       *pMYKI_TACapping         = NULL;
    MYKI_TAProduct_t       *pMYKI_TAProduct         = NULL;
    MYKI_Directory_t       *pDirectory              = NULL;
    int                     hasDailyCappingReset    = FALSE;
    int                     hasWeeklyCappingReset   = FALSE;
    int                     nResult                 = 0;

    CsDbg( BRLL_RULE, "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Start (Card Integrity Check - Part A)" );

    if ( ! pData )
        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Invalid argument(s)" );
        return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    //  Check Pre-conditions

    //  1. The card is a transit card i.e Dynamic.IsTransit = true

    if ( ! pData->DynamicData.isTransit )  // Application decides whether the card is a transit card or not based on device mode and card details
        CsDbg( BRLL_RULE, "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Pre-condition BR_LLSC_0_1.1 not met." );
        CsDbg( BRLL_RULE, "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Bypass - ! pData->DynamicData.isTransit" );
        pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode  = BYPASS_CODE( 0, 1, 1, 0 );
        return RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

    if ( ( nResult = MYKI_CS_CAIssuerGet( &pMYKI_CAIssuer ) ) < 0 )
        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : MYKI_CS_CAIssuerGet() failed (%d)", nResult );
        return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

        ( pMYKI_CAIssuer->OperationMode & OPERATION_MODE_TEST ) != 0 &&
        pData->TestData.condition == TEST_CONDITION_BYPASS_BR_LLSC_0_1
        //  Bypass BR_LLSC_0_1 (card integrity check) to simulate BR_LLSC_99_1
        //  (pre-commit check) conditions
        CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Bypass - TEST mode, bypass card integrity check" );
        pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode  = BYPASS_CODE( 0, 1, 2, 0 );
        return RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

    //  Execute Rule

    if ( ( nResult = MYKI_CS_TAControlGet( &pMYKI_TAControl ) ) < 0 )
        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : MYKI_CS_TAControlGet() failed(%d)", nResult );
        return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    for ( i = 1; i < DIMOF( pMYKI_TAControl->Directory ); i++ )     // Check all dir entries that map to products (ie, not the purse (0) entry)
        ProductType_e       productType;

        if ( ( nResult = myki_br_GetCardProduct( i, &pDirectory, NULL ) ) < 0 )
            CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : myki_br_GetCardProduct(%d) failed(%d)", i, nResult );
            return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

        //  1. For every product that has a status of Activated

        if ( pDirectory->Status == TAPP_CONTROL_DIRECTORY_STATUS_ACTIVATED )
            CsDbg( BRLL_RULE, "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d is activated", i );

            if ( ( nResult = myki_br_GetCardProduct( i, &pDirectory, &pMYKI_TAProduct ) ) < 0 )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Failed to get product %d details(%d)", i, nResult );
                return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

            productType = myki_br_cd_GetProductType( pDirectory->ProductId );

            //  a. If the start time2 is greater than the expiry time3 then
            //  i. On condition being found  create card snapshot
            //  ii.    Perform a Product Update/Invalidate On the affected product

            if ( pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime > pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime )
                CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d : StartDateTime(%d) > EndDateTime(%d)",
                        i, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime );

                myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );

                if ( ( nResult = myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate( pData, pDirectory ) ) < 0 )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate() failed(%d)", nResult );
                    return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;
                continue;   /* for-loop */

            //  b. Else if the product is of type Daily or Single Trip and further the difference between the start date2 and  expiry time3 is  greater than a 24 hours
            //  i. On condition being found  create card snapshot
            //  ii.    Perform a Product Update/Invalidate On the affected product

            else if
                ( productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_DAILY || productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_SINGLE ) &&
                ( pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime > ( pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime + HOURS_TO_SECONDS( 24 ) ) )
                CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d : %s and EndDateTime(%d) > StartDateTime(%d) + 24 hours",
                        i, myki_br_GetProductTypeName( productType ), pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime );

                myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );

                if ( ( nResult = myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate( pData, pDirectory ) ) < 0 )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate() failed(%d)", nResult );
                    return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;
                continue;   /* for-loop */

            //  c. Else if the product is of type Weekly  and  the difference between the start date2 end expiry time3 is greater than 8 days
            //  i. On condition being found  create card snapshot
            //  ii.    Perform a Product Update/Invalidate On the affected product

            else if
                ( productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_WEEKLY ) &&
                ( pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime > ( pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime + DAYS_TO_SECONDS( 8 ) ) )
                CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d : Weekly and EndDateTime(%d) > StartDateTime(%d) + 8 days",
                        i, pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime );

                myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );

                if ( ( nResult = myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate( pData, pDirectory ) ) < 0 )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate() failed(%d)", nResult );
                    return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;
                continue;   /* for-loop */

            //  d. Else if the product is of type e-Pass and ID = 2 and the instance count4  is not zero then if (either)
            //  i. the start date plus2 the instance count4  plus 1 is less  than  product end date3
            //  ii.    or the instance count4 greater than 1825 (5 years)
            //  (1)    On condition being found  create card snapshot

            else if
                ( productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_EPASS ) &&
                ( pDirectory->ProductId == 2 ) &&                       // KWS: Need a named constant for this
                ( pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount != 0 ) &&
                    ( pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime > ( pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime + DAYS_TO_SECONDS( pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount + 1 ) ) ) ||
                    ( pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount > 1825 )           // KWS: Need a named constant for this
                CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d : ePass and InstanceCount(%d) / StartDateTime(%d) / EndDateTime(%d) invalid",
                        i, pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime );

                myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );

            //  e. Else if the product is of type n-hour and either of the following is true
            //  i. The difference between start date2 and expiry time3 is greater than 24 hours
            //  ii.    On condition being found  create card snapshot
            //  iii.   Perform a Product Update/Invalidate On the affected product

            else if
                ( productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_NHOUR ) &&
                ( pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime > ( pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime + HOURS_TO_SECONDS( 24 ) ) )
                CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d : nHour and EndDateTime(%d) > StartDateTime(%d) + 24 hours",
                        i, pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime );

                myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );

                if ( ( nResult = myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate( pData, pDirectory ) ) < 0 )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate() failed(%d)", nResult );
                    return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;
                continue;   /* for-loop */

        //  2. For every product that has a status of Issued

        else if ( pDirectory->Status == TAPP_CONTROL_DIRECTORY_STATUS_ISSUED )
            CsDbg( BRLL_RULE, "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d is issued", i );

            if ( ( nResult = myki_br_GetCardProduct( i, &pDirectory, &pMYKI_TAProduct ) ) < 0 )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Failed(%d) to get product %d details", nResult, i );
                return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

            productType = myki_br_cd_GetProductType( pDirectory->ProductId );

            //  a. If the the product is not of type e-pass  (i.e only e-pass support issued products)
            //  i. On condition being found  create card snapshot

            if ( productType != PRODUCT_TYPE_EPASS )
                CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d : Invalid ISSUED %s(%d) product",
                        i, myki_br_GetProductTypeName( productType ), productType );

                myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );

            //  b. Else if the issued product is of type e-pass and the instance count is not zero  check the
            //  i.  the start time2 is greater than  the expiry time3 - or
            //  ii.    The instance count greater than 1825 (5 years)
            //  iii.   On condition being found  create card snapshot

            else if
                ( productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_EPASS ) &&
                ( pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount != 0 ) &&
                    ( pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime > pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime ) ||
                    ( pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount > 1825 )           // KWS: Need a named constant for this
                CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d : ePass and InstanceCount(%d) / StartDateTime(%d) / EndDateTime(%d) invalid",
                        i, pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime );

                myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );

        //  Not strictly part of BR, but print it for info

            CsDbg( BRLL_RULE, "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d is neither issued nor activated (status = %d)", i, pDirectory->Status );
            continue;   // No further processing of this product, go on to next product

        //  3. For every product where Product.ControlBitmap6  provisional bit is set, where the product is not of type n-hour
        //  i. On condition being found  create card snapshot
        //  ii.    Perform a Product Update/Invalidate On the affected product
        //  Assumes product is either Issued or Activated, or else this would be meaningless.

            ( pMYKI_TAProduct->ControlBitmap & TAPP_TPRODUCT_CONTROL_PROVISIONAL_BITMAP ) &&
            ( productType != PRODUCT_TYPE_NHOUR )
            CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d : PROVISIONAL set on %s(%d) product",
                    i, myki_br_GetProductTypeName( productType ), productType );

            myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );

            if ( ( nResult = myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate( pData, pDirectory ) ) < 0 )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate() failed(%d)", nResult );
                return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;
            continue;   /* for-loop */

        //  4. For every product where the Product Control bitmap provisional6 bit is set, where they are not the product in use.
        //  a. On condition being found create card snapshot
        //  b. Perform a Product Update/Invalidate
        //  Assumes product is either Issued or Activated, or else this would be meaningless.

            ( pMYKI_TAProduct->ControlBitmap & TAPP_TPRODUCT_CONTROL_PROVISIONAL_BITMAP ) &&
            ( i != pMYKI_TAControl->ProductInUse )
            CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Product %d : PROVISIONAL product but not in use(%d)",
                    i, pMYKI_TAControl->ProductInUse );

            myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );

            if ( ( nResult = myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate( pData, pDirectory ) ) < 0 )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : myki_br_ldt_ProductUpdate_Invalidate() failed(%d)", nResult );
                return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    //  5. If the product in use16 refers to a product slot17 that is unused then perform TAppUpdate/SetProductInUse
    //      Implies we should only perform this check if there is a product in use (ie, ProductInUse > 0)

    if ( pMYKI_TAControl->ProductInUse > 0 )
        if ( myki_br_GetCardProduct( pMYKI_TAControl->ProductInUse, &pDirectory, NULL ) < 0 )
            CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Failed to get product %d details", pMYKI_TAControl->ProductInUse );
            return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

        if ( pDirectory->Status == TAPP_CONTROL_DIRECTORY_STATUS_UNUSED )
            CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : In Use Product (%d) not in use", pMYKI_TAControl->ProductInUse );

            //  Clear product in use
            if ( ( nResult = myki_br_ldt_AppUpdate_SetProductInUse( pData, NULL ) ) < 0 )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : myki_br_ldt_AppUpdate_SetProductInUse() failed(%d)", nResult );
                return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    //  6.  If the daily capping counter expiry7 less 2 days is greater than than the current business date15
    //  i. Create a card snapshot
    //  ii.    Perform a CappingUpdate/None
    //  (1)    Set the low daily capping zone9 and high daily capping zone10 to 0.
    //  (2)    Set the daily capping fares total8 to 0.
    //  (3)    Set the daily capping counter expiry7 to end of business day time15 on the following day.

    if ( ( nResult = MYKI_CS_TACappingGet( &pMYKI_TACapping ) ) < 0 )
        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : MYKI_CS_TACappingGet() failed(%d)", nResult );
        return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    if ( pMYKI_TACapping->Daily.Expiry > ( pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate + 2 ) )
        CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Daily capping counter expiry(%d) > current(%d) + 2",
                pMYKI_TACapping->Daily.Expiry, pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate );

        myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );
        hasDailyCappingReset    = TRUE;

    //  7. If the weekly capping counter expiry11 less 8 days is greater than the current business day15:
    //  i. Create a card snapshot
    //  ii.    Perform a CappingUpdate/None
    //  (1)    Set the low weekly capping zone13 and high weekly capping zone14 to 0.
    //  (2)    Set the weekly capping fares total12 to 0.
    //  (3)    Set the weekly capping counter expiry11 to end of business day time15 of the following Monday.

    if ( pMYKI_TACapping->Weekly.Expiry > ( pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate + 8 ) )
        CsWarnx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Weekly capping counter expiry(%d) > current(%d) + 8",
                pMYKI_TACapping->Weekly.Expiry, pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate );

        myki_br_CreateCardSnapshot( pData );
        hasWeeklyCappingReset   = TRUE;

    if ( hasDailyCappingReset == TRUE || hasWeeklyCappingReset == TRUE )
        if ( ( nResult = myki_br_ldt_PerformCappingReset( pData, hasDailyCappingReset, hasWeeklyCappingReset ) ) < 0 )
            CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_0_1a : myki_br_ldt_PerformCappingReset() failed(%d)", nResult );
            return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    CsDbg( BRLL_RULE, "BR_LLSC_0_1a : Executed" );
Пример #2
static void
displayed_im_cb(PurpleAccount *account, const char *who, char *message,
                PurpleConversation *conv, PurpleMessageFlags flags)
    GMatchInfo *match_info = NULL;
    gchar *user_name = NULL;
    GtkIMHtml *imhtml;
    GtkTextBuffer *text_buffer;
    GtkTextIter insertion_point;
    gint service = get_service_type(conv);
    icon_data *data = NULL;
    gint linenumber;
    GHashTable *hash = NULL;
    gboolean renew = FALSE;


    if(service == unknown_service) {
        twitter_debug("unknown service\n");

    /* get user's name */
    g_regex_match(regp[USER], message, 0, &match_info);
    if(!g_match_info_matches(match_info)) {
        twitter_debug("message was not matched : %s\n", message);

    user_name = g_match_info_fetch(match_info, 1);

    /* insert icon */
    imhtml = GTK_IMHTML(PIDGIN_CONVERSATION(conv)->imhtml);
    text_buffer = gtk_text_view_get_buffer(GTK_TEXT_VIEW(imhtml));

    /* get GtkTextIter in the target line */
    linenumber = GPOINTER_TO_INT(g_hash_table_lookup(conv_hash, conv));

    switch(service) {
    case twitter_service:
    case wassr_service:
    case identica_service:
    case jisko_service:
    case ffeed_service:
        hash = icon_hash[service];
        twitter_debug("unknown service\n");

        data = g_hash_table_lookup(hash, user_name);

    if(data) {
        /* check validity of icon */
        int count_thres = purple_prefs_get_int(OPT_ICON_MAX_COUNT);
        int days_thres =

        if(data->use_count > count_thres ||
           (data->mtime && ((time(NULL) - data->mtime)) > days_thres)) {
            twitter_debug("count=%d mtime=%d\n",
                          data->use_count, (int)(data->mtime));
            renew = TRUE;
            request_icon(user_name, service, renew);

    /* if we don't have the icon for this user, put a mark instead and
     * request the icon */
    if(!data || !data->pixbuf) {
        twitter_debug("%s's icon is not in memory.\n", user_name);
                               text_buffer, NULL, &insertion_point, FALSE),
                           user_name, service);
        /* request to attach icon to the buffer */
        request_icon(user_name, service, renew);
        g_free(user_name); user_name = NULL;

    /* if we have the icon for this user, insert the icon immediately */
    if(purple_prefs_get_bool(OPT_SHOW_ICON)) {
    g_free(user_name); user_name = NULL;

    twitter_debug("reach end of function\n");
Пример #3
int test_SEQ_OSC_UpdatePin_001( MYKI_BR_ContextData_t *pData )
    MYKI_CAControl_t       *pMYKI_CAControl         = NULL;
    MYKI_CAIssuer_t        *pMYKI_CAIssuer          = NULL;
    MYKI_OAControl_t       *pMYKI_OAControl         = NULL;
    MYKI_OAPIN_t           *pMYKI_OAPIN             = NULL;
    int                     EntryPointId            = 53;
    int                     LineId                  = 66;
    int                     StopId                  = 79;
    int                     ServiceProviderId       = 100;
    int                     MaxPinRetries           = 10;
    int                     InvalidPinCount         = MaxPinRetries;
    char                   *OperatorPin             = "12345678";
    char                   *NewOperatorPin          = "87654321";
    BusinessRulesResult_e   RuleResult              = MYKI_BR_RESULT_ERROR;

    if ( pData == NULL ||
         MYKI_CS_CAControlGet(  &pMYKI_CAControl    ) != MYKI_CS_OK ||
         MYKI_CS_CAIssuerGet(   &pMYKI_CAIssuer     ) != MYKI_CS_OK ||
         MYKI_CS_OAControlGet(  &pMYKI_OAControl    ) != MYKI_CS_OK ||
         MYKI_CS_OAPINGet(      &pMYKI_OAPIN        ) != MYKI_CS_OK )
        return FALSE;

    /*  GIVEN */
        /*  Card image */
            pMYKI_CAControl->Status                                         = CARD_CONTROL_STATUS_ACTIVATED;
            pMYKI_CAControl->ExpiryDate                                     = pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate + DAYS_TO_SECONDS( 2 );
            pMYKI_CAIssuer->OperationMode                                   = 0;
            pMYKI_OAControl->Status                                         = OAPP_CONTROL_STATUS_BLOCKED;
            pMYKI_OAControl->BlockingReason                                 = OAPP_CONTROL_BLOCKING_REASON_INVALID_PIN;
            pMYKI_OAControl->ExpiryDate                                     = pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate + DAYS_TO_SECONDS( 1 );
            pMYKI_OAControl->StaffProviderId                                = ServiceProviderId;
            pMYKI_OAControl->InvalidPinCount                                = InvalidPinCount;
            memcpy( pMYKI_OAPIN->Pin, OperatorPin, sizeof( pMYKI_OAPIN->Pin ) );

        /*  BR context data */
            pData->DynamicData.entryPointId                                 = EntryPointId;
            pData->DynamicData.lineId                                       = LineId;
            pData->DynamicData.stopId                                       = StopId;
            pData->DynamicData.isOperator                                   = TRUE;

            pData->StaticData.serviceProviderId                             = ServiceProviderId;
            pData->StaticData.maxPinRetries                                 = MaxPinRetries;

    /*  WHEN */
        /*  New PIN entered */
            memcpy( pData->DynamicData.operatorPin, NewOperatorPin, sizeof( pData->DynamicData.operatorPin ) );

        /*  Executes business sequence */
        RuleResult  = (BusinessRulesResult_e)MYKI_BR_ExecuteSequence( pData, SEQ_FUNCTION_UPDATE_PIN );

    /*  THEN */
        UT_Start( );

        /*  Make sure business rule is bypassed */
        UT_Assert( RuleResult == MYKI_BR_RESULT_SUCCESS );

        /*  Make sure card image is correctly updated */
        UT_Assert( memcmp( pData->DynamicData.operatorPin, NewOperatorPin, sizeof( pData->DynamicData.operatorPin ) ) == 0 );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAControl->Status == OAPP_CONTROL_STATUS_ACTIVATED );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAControl->BlockingReason == OAPP_CONTROL_BLOCKING_REASON_RESERVED );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAControl->InvalidPinCount == 0 );

        /*  Make sure accept/reject code is correct */
        UT_Assert( pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason == MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_NOT_APPLICABLE );
        UT_Assert( pData->ReturnedData.acceptReason == MYKI_BR_ACCEPT_REASON_NOT_APPLICABLE );

        return  UT_Result( );
}   /* test_SEQ_OSC_UpdatePin_001( ) */
Пример #4
int test_SEQ_OSC_ValidatePin_001( MYKI_BR_ContextData_t *pData )
    MYKI_CAControl_t               *pMYKI_CAControl             = NULL;
    MYKI_CAIssuer_t                *pMYKI_CAIssuer              = NULL;
    MYKI_OAControl_t               *pMYKI_OAControl             = NULL;
    MYKI_OAPIN_t                   *pMYKI_OAPIN                 = NULL;
    MYKI_OARoles_t                 *pMYKI_OARoles               = NULL;
    MYKI_OAShiftDataControl_t      *pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl    = NULL;
    MYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList_t   *pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList = NULL;
    int                             EntryPointId                = 53;
    int                             LineId                      = 66;
    int                             StopId                      = 79;
    int                             ServiceProviderId           = 100;
    int                             MaxPinRetries               = 10;
    int                             InvalidPinCount             = 5;
    char                           *OperatorPin                 = "12345678";
    MYKI_BR_ShiftData_t             MYKI_BR_ShiftData           = { 0 };
    U8_t                            RoleType_Driver             = 1;
    U8_t                            RoleProfile_Driver          = 2;
    int                             NumberOfHoursBetweenShifts  = 12;
    int                             MaxShiftDownTime            = 2;
    int                             ShiftId_Low                 = 761;
    int                             ShiftId_High                = 912;
    int                             ShiftId                     = ( ( ShiftId_High << 16 ) | ShiftId_Low );
    Time_t                          ShiftStartTime              = pData->DynamicData.currentDateTime - HOURS_TO_SECONDS( 3 );
    Time_t                          ShiftEndTime                = pData->DynamicData.currentDateTime - HOURS_TO_SECONDS( 1 );
    int                             SalesCountCash              = 3;
    int                             SalesValueCash              = 1300;
    int                             ReversalsCountCash          = 2;
    int                             ReversalsValueCash          = 760;
    int                             SalesCountTPurse            = 8;
    int                             SalesValueTPurse            = 980;
    int                             ReversalsCountTPurse        = 4;
    int                             ReversalsValueTPurse        = 320;
    BusinessRulesResult_e           RuleResult                  = MYKI_BR_RESULT_ERROR;

    if ( pData == NULL ||
         MYKI_CS_CAControlGet(              &pMYKI_CAControl                ) != MYKI_CS_OK ||
         MYKI_CS_CAIssuerGet(               &pMYKI_CAIssuer                 ) != MYKI_CS_OK ||
         MYKI_CS_OAControlGet(              &pMYKI_OAControl                ) != MYKI_CS_OK ||
         MYKI_CS_OAPINGet(                  &pMYKI_OAPIN                    ) != MYKI_CS_OK ||
         MYKI_CS_OARolesGet(                &pMYKI_OARoles                  ) != MYKI_CS_OK ||
         MYKI_CS_OAShiftDataControlGet(     &pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl       ) != MYKI_CS_OK ||
         MYKI_CS_OAShiftDataRecordsGet( 0,  &pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList    ) != MYKI_CS_OK )
        return FALSE;

    /*  GIVEN */
        /*  Card image */
            pMYKI_CAControl->Status                                                 = CARD_CONTROL_STATUS_ACTIVATED;
            pMYKI_CAControl->ExpiryDate                                             = pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate + DAYS_TO_SECONDS( 2 );
            pMYKI_CAIssuer->OperationMode                                           = 0;
            pMYKI_OAControl->Status                                                 = OAPP_CONTROL_STATUS_ACTIVATED;
            pMYKI_OAControl->BlockingReason                                         = OAPP_CONTROL_BLOCKING_REASON_RESERVED;
            pMYKI_OAControl->ExpiryDate                                             = pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate + DAYS_TO_SECONDS( 1 );
            pMYKI_OAControl->StaffProviderId                                        = ServiceProviderId;
            pMYKI_OAControl->InvalidPinCount                                        = InvalidPinCount;
            pMYKI_OAControl->RolesCount                                             = 1;
            memcpy( pMYKI_OAPIN->Pin, OperatorPin, sizeof( pMYKI_OAPIN->Pin ) );
            pMYKI_OARoles->Role[ 0 ].Type                                           = RoleType_Driver;
            pMYKI_OARoles->Role[ 0 ].Profile                                        = RoleProfile_Driver;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->Status                                        = OAPP_SHIFT_DATA_STATUS_SUSPENDED;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->ActiveRecordCount                             = 2;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->ShiftId                                       = ShiftId_Low;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->ShiftSeqNo                                    = ShiftId_High;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->StartTime                                     = ShiftStartTime;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->CloseTime                                     = ShiftEndTime;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->NumberOfRecords                            = 2;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].RecordType       = PAYMENT_METHOD_CASH;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].SalesCount       = SalesCountCash;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].SalesValue       = SalesValueCash;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].ReversalsCount   = ReversalsCountCash;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].ReversalsValue   = ReversalsValueCash;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].RecordType       = PAYMENT_METHOD_TPURSE;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].SalesCount       = SalesCountTPurse;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].SalesValue       = SalesValueTPurse;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].ReversalsCount   = ReversalsCountTPurse;
            pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].ReversalsValue   = ReversalsValueTPurse;

        /*  BR context data */
            pData->DynamicData.entryPointId                                         = EntryPointId;
            pData->DynamicData.lineId                                               = LineId;
            pData->DynamicData.stopId                                               = StopId;
            pData->DynamicData.isOperator                                           = TRUE;
            pData->DynamicData.pShiftData                                           = &MYKI_BR_ShiftData;

            pData->StaticData.serviceProviderId                                     = ServiceProviderId;
            pData->StaticData.maxPinRetries                                         = MaxPinRetries;
            memset( pData->StaticData.staffRoles, 0, sizeof( pData->StaticData.staffRoles ) );
            pData->StaticData.staffRoles[ 0 ].type                                  = RoleType_Driver;
            pData->StaticData.staffRoles[ 0 ].profile                               = RoleProfile_Driver;
            pData->StaticData.staffRoles[ 0 ].operatorType                          = OperatorType_DRIVER;
            pData->StaticData.numberOfHoursBetweenShifts                            = NumberOfHoursBetweenShifts;
            pData->StaticData.maxShiftDownTime                                      = MaxShiftDownTime;

    /*  WHEN */
        /*  Valid PIN entered */
            memcpy( pData->DynamicData.operatorPin, OperatorPin, sizeof( pData->DynamicData.operatorPin ) );

        /*  Executes business sequence */
        RuleResult  = (BusinessRulesResult_e)MYKI_BR_ExecuteSequence( pData, SEQ_FUNCTION_VALIDATE_PIN );

    /*  THEN */
        UT_Start( );

        /*  Make sure business rule is bypassed */
        UT_Assert( RuleResult == MYKI_BR_RESULT_SUCCESS );

        /*  Make sure card image is correctly updated */
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAControl->InvalidPinCount == 0 );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->Status == OAPP_SHIFT_DATA_STATUS_ACTIVATED );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->ActiveRecordCount == 2 );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->ShiftId == ShiftId_Low );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->ShiftSeqNo == ShiftId_High );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->StartTime == ShiftStartTime );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataControl->CloseTime == TIME_NOT_SET );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->NumberOfRecords == 2 );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].RecordType == PAYMENT_METHOD_CASH );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].SalesCount == SalesCountCash );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].SalesValue == SalesValueCash );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].ReversalsCount == ReversalsCountCash );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 0 ].ReversalsValue == ReversalsValueCash );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].RecordType == PAYMENT_METHOD_TPURSE );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].SalesCount == SalesCountTPurse );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].SalesValue == SalesValueTPurse );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].ReversalsCount == ReversalsCountTPurse );
        UT_Assert( pMYKI_OAShiftDataRecordList->MYKI_ShiftDataRecord[ 1 ].ReversalsValue == ReversalsValueTPurse );

        /*  Make sure accept/reject code is correct */
        UT_Assert( pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason == MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_NOT_APPLICABLE );
        UT_Assert( pData->ReturnedData.acceptReason == MYKI_BR_ACCEPT_REASON_NOT_APPLICABLE );

        /*  Make sure returned shift data is correct */
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftStatus == OAPP_SHIFT_DATA_STATUS_ACTIVATED );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftId == ShiftId );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftStartTime == ShiftStartTime );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftEndTime == TIME_NOT_SET );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_TPURSE ].RecordType == PAYMENT_METHOD_TPURSE );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_TPURSE ].SalesCount == SalesCountTPurse );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_TPURSE ].SalesValue == SalesValueTPurse );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_TPURSE ].ReversalsCount == ReversalsCountTPurse );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_TPURSE ].ReversalsValue == ReversalsValueTPurse );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_CASH   ].RecordType == PAYMENT_METHOD_CASH );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_CASH   ].SalesCount == SalesCountCash );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_CASH   ].SalesValue == SalesValueCash );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_CASH   ].ReversalsCount == ReversalsCountCash );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftTotals[ PAYMENT_METHOD_CASH   ].ReversalsValue == ReversalsValueCash );
        UT_Assert( MYKI_BR_ShiftData.shiftPortionStatus == SHIFT_PORTION_BROUGHT_FORWARD );

        return  UT_Result( );
}   /*  test_SEQ_OSC_ValidatePin_001( ) */
Пример #5
BR_LLSC_99_1( MYKI_BR_ContextData_t *pData )
    int                     dirIndex                = 0;
    MYKI_TAControl_t       *pMYKI_TAControl         = NULL;
    MYKI_TACapping_t       *pMYKI_TACapping         = NULL;
    MYKI_TAProduct_t       *pMYKI_TAProduct         = NULL;
    MYKI_TAPurseBalance_t  *pMYKI_TAPurseBalance    = NULL;
    MYKI_TAPurseControl_t  *pMYKI_TAPurseControl    = NULL;
    MYKI_Directory_t       *pDirectory              = NULL;
    ProductType_e           productType             = PRODUCT_TYPE_UNKNOWN;
    Currency_t              minTPurseBalance        = 0;
    Currency_t              maxTPurseBalance        = 0;
    int                     nResult                 = 0;

    CsDbg( BRLL_RULE, "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Start (LLSC Pre-commit Check)" );

    if ( pData == NULL )
        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Invalid argument(s)" );
        return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    if ( ( nResult = MYKI_CS_TAControlGet( &pMYKI_TAControl ) ) < 0 )
        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : MYKI_CS_TAControlGet() failed (%d)", nResult );
        return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    if ( ( nResult = MYKI_CS_TACappingGet( &pMYKI_TACapping ) ) < 0 )
        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : MYKI_CS_TACappingGet() failed (%d)", nResult );
        return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    if ( ( nResult = MYKI_CS_TAPurseBalanceGet( &pMYKI_TAPurseBalance ) ) < 0 )
        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : MYKI_CS_TAPurseBalanceGet() failed (%d)", nResult );
        return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

    if ( ( nResult = MYKI_CS_TAPurseControlGet( &pMYKI_TAPurseControl ) ) < 0 )
        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : MYKI_CS_TAPurseControlGet() failed (%d)", nResult );
        return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;

        for ( dirIndex = 1; dirIndex < DIMOF( pMYKI_TAControl->Directory ); dirIndex++ )
            if ( ( nResult = myki_br_GetCardProduct( dirIndex, &pDirectory, NULL ) ) < 0 )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : myki_br_GetCardProduct(%d) failed (%d)", dirIndex, nResult );
                return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;
            }   /*  end-of-if */

            /*  1.  For each product that is allocated (TAppControl.Directory[n].Status
                    not Unused) */
            if ( pDirectory->Status == TAPP_CONTROL_DIRECTORY_STATUS_UNUSED )
            }   /*  end-of-if */

            if ( ( nResult = myki_br_GetCardProduct( dirIndex, &pDirectory, &pMYKI_TAProduct ) ) < 0 )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : myki_br_GetCardProduct(%d) failed (%d)", dirIndex, nResult );
                return RULE_RESULT_ERROR;
            }   /*  end-of-if */

            productType = myki_br_cd_GetProductType( pDirectory->ProductId );

            if ( pDirectory->Status == TAPP_CONTROL_DIRECTORY_STATUS_ACTIVATED )
                /*  a.  If the product is activated and the Start date time is greater
                        than the End date time. (Snapshot Reason Code: BR_LLSC_0_1_Check1a) */
                if ( pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime > pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - Product %d : StartDateTime(%d) > EndDateTime(%d)",
                            dirIndex, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime );
                    pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                    pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 1, 1 );
                    return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

                /*  b.  If the product is activated and is of type daily or n-hour or
                        Single Trip and the difference between the start date and expiry
                        time is greater than 24 hours. (Snapshot Reason Code:
                        BR_LLSC_0_1_Check1b) */
                    ( productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_DAILY || productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_SINGLE ) &&
                    ( pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime > ( pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime + HOURS_TO_SECONDS( 24 ) ) )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - Product %d : %s and EndDateTime(%d) > StartDateTime(%d) + 24 hours",
                            dirIndex, myki_br_GetProductTypeName( productType ),
                            pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime );
                    pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                    pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 1, 2 );
                    return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

                /*  c.  If the product is activated and is of type weekly and the
                        difference between the start date and expiry time is greater
                        than 8 days. (Snapshot Reason Code: BR_LLSC_0_1_Check1c) */
                    ( productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_WEEKLY ) &&
                    ( pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime > ( pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime + DAYS_TO_SECONDS( 8 ) ) )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - Product %d : Weekly and EndDateTime(%d) > StartDateTime(%d) + 8 days",
                            dirIndex, pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime );
                    pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                    pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 1, 3 );
                    return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

                /*  d.  If the product is of subtype Epass (not fixed epass) and status
                        is activated and the instance count is not zero, RoundUP to
                        Days (Product[n].EndDateTime minus Product[n].StartDateTime)
                        should be equal to the Instance Count (Snapsot Reason Code:
                        BR_LLSC_0_1_Check1d). */
                    ( productType == PRODUCT_TYPE_EPASS ) && ( myki_br_cd_IsFixedePass( pDirectory->ProductId ) == FALSE ) &&
                    ( pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount != 0 )
                    Time_t  EPassDuration   = ( pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime - pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime + DAYS_TO_SECONDS( 1 ) - 1 ) / DAYS_TO_SECONDS( 1 );

                    if ( EPassDuration != pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount )
                        CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - Product %d : ePass and InstanceCount(%d) / StartDateTime(%d) / EndDateTime(%d) invalid",
                                dirIndex, pMYKI_TAProduct->InstanceCount, pMYKI_TAProduct->StartDateTime, pMYKI_TAProduct->EndDateTime );
                        pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                        pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 1, 4 );
                        return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

            /*  e.  If the product is “Issued” status and is product subtype is not
                    (e-pass or fixed e-pass). (Snapshot Reason Code: BR_LLSC_0_1_Check2a) */
            if ( pDirectory->Status == TAPP_CONTROL_DIRECTORY_STATUS_ISSUED )
                if ( productType != PRODUCT_TYPE_EPASS )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - Product %d : Invalid ISSUED %s(%d) product",
                            dirIndex, myki_br_GetProductTypeName( productType ), productType );
                    pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                    pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 1, 5 );
                    return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

            if ( ( pMYKI_TAProduct->ControlBitmap & TAPP_TPRODUCT_CONTROL_PROVISIONAL_BITMAP ) != 0 )
                /*  f.  If the product is not an n-hour and Product.ControlBitmap
                        provisional bit is set. (Snapshot Reason Code: BR_LLSC_0_1_Check3) */
                if ( productType != PRODUCT_TYPE_NHOUR )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - Product %d : PROVISIONAL set on %s(%d) product",
                            dirIndex, myki_br_GetProductTypeName( productType ), productType );
                    pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                    pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 1, 6 );
                    return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

                /*  g.  If the Product.ControlBitmap provisional bit is set and it is not
                        the product in use. (Snapshot Reason Code: BR_LLSC_0_1_Check3) */
                if ( dirIndex != pMYKI_TAControl->ProductInUse )
                    CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - Product %d : PROVISIONAL product but not in use(%d)",
                            dirIndex, pMYKI_TAControl->ProductInUse );
                    pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                    pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 1, 7 );
                    return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

            /*  2.  If the TApp.Daily.CappingExpiry is more than 1 day in the future.
                    (Snapshot Reason Code: BR_LLSC_0_1_Check4And5) */
            if ( pMYKI_TACapping->Daily.Expiry > ( pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate + 1 ) )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - Daily capping counter expiry(%d) > current(%d) + 1",
                        pMYKI_TACapping->Daily.Expiry, pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate );
                pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 2, 0 );
                pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

            /*  3.  If the TApp.Weekly.CappingExpiry is more than 8 day into the
                    future. (Snapshot Reason Code: BR_LLSC_0_1_Check4And5) */
            if ( pMYKI_TACapping->Weekly.Expiry > ( pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate + 8 ) )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - Weekly capping counter expiry(%d) > current(%d) + 8",
                        pMYKI_TACapping->Weekly.Expiry, pData->DynamicData.currentBusinessDate );
                pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 3, 0 );
                return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

            /*  4.  If the TApp.TPurse.Balance is less than two (2) times the negative
                    (Tariff.MaximumTPurseBalance) OR if TApp.TPurse.Balance is greater
                    than two (2) times the Tariff.MaximumTPurseBalance. (Snapshot
                    Reason Code: TPurseBalanceExcess) */
            minTPurseBalance    = - ( pData->Tariff.TPurseMaximumBalance * 2 );
            if ( pMYKI_TAPurseBalance->Balance < minTPurseBalance )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - TAPurseBalance(%d) < Minimum (%d)",
                        pMYKI_TAPurseBalance->Balance, minTPurseBalance );
                pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 4, 1 );
                return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;
            maxTPurseBalance    = ( pData->Tariff.TPurseMaximumBalance * 2 );
            if ( pMYKI_TAPurseBalance->Balance > maxTPurseBalance )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - TAPurseBalance(%d) > Maximum (%d)",
                        pMYKI_TAPurseBalance->Balance, maxTPurseBalance );
                pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 4, 2 );
                return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

            /*  5.  If the TApp.TPurse.Balance is NOT equal to the
                    TApp.TPurseControl.LastChangeNewBalance. (Snapshot Reason Code:
                    TPurseBalance) */
            if ( pMYKI_TAPurseBalance->Balance != pMYKI_TAPurseControl->LastChangeNewBalance )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - TAPurseBalance(%d) != TAPurseControl.LastChangeNewBalance(%d)",
                        pMYKI_TAPurseBalance->Balance, pMYKI_TAPurseControl->LastChangeNewBalance );
                pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 5, 0 );
                return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;

            /*  6.  If TApp.TPurseControl.NextTxSeqNo is NOT equal to
                    TApp.TPurseControl.LastChangeTxSeqNo +1. (Snapshot Reason Code:
                    TPurseTxSeqNo) */
            if ( pMYKI_TAPurseControl->NextTxSeqNo != (U16_t)( pMYKI_TAPurseControl->LastChangeTxSeqNo + 1 ) )
                CsErrx( "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Bypassed - TAPurseControl.NextTxSeqNo(%d) != TAPurseControl.LastChangeTxSeqNo(%d) + 1",
                        pMYKI_TAPurseControl->NextTxSeqNo, (U16_t)( pMYKI_TAPurseControl->LastChangeTxSeqNo + 1 ) );
                pData->ReturnedData.rejectReason    = MYKI_BR_REJECT_REASON_PRECOMMIT_CHECK_FAILED;
                pData->ReturnedData.bypassCode      = BYPASS_CODE( 99, 1, 6, 0 );
                return  RULE_RESULT_BYPASSED;
        }   /*  end-of-for */

    /*  PROCESSING */
        /*  DONOTHING! */

    CsDbg( BRLL_RULE, "BR_LLSC_99_1 : Executed" );
}   /* BR_LLSC_99_1( ) */