Пример #1
/* Do smoothness scaling check & return results */
static double do_stest(
	int verb,			/* Verbosity */
	int di,				/* Dimensions */
	int its,			/* Number of function tests */
	int res				/* RSPL grid resolution */
) {
	funcp fp;			/* Function parameters */
	DCOUNT(gc, MXDIDO, di, 1, 1, res-1);
	int it;
	double atse = 0.0;

	/* Make repeatable by setting random seed before a test set. */

	for (it = 0; it < its; it++) {
		double tse;
		setup_func(&fp, di);		/* New function */

		tse = 0.0;
		for (; !DC_DONE(gc);) {
			double g[MXDI];
			int e, k;
			double y1, y2, y3;
			double del;

			for (e = 0; e < di; e++)
				g[e] = gc[e]/(res-1.0);
			y2 = lookup_func(&fp, g);

			del = 1.0/(res-1.0);

			for (k = 0 ; k < di; k++) {
				double err;

				g[k] -= del;
				y1 = lookup_func(&fp, g);
				g[k] += 2.0 * del;
				y3 = lookup_func(&fp, g);
				g[k] -= del;

				err = 0.5 * (y3 + y1) - y2;
				tse += err * err;

		/* Apply adjustments and corrections */
		tse *= pow((res-1.0), 4.0);					/* Aprox. geometric resolution factor */
		tse /= pow((res-2.0),(double)di);			/* Average squared non-smoothness */

		if (verb)
			printf("smf for it %d = %f\n",it,tse);
		atse += tse;

	return atse/(double)its;
Пример #2
/* device space "fold-over" */
static void diag_gamut(
icxLuBase *p,		/* Lookup object */
double detail,		/* Gamut resolution detail */
int doaxes,			/* Do Lab axes */
double tlimit,		/* Total ink limit */
double klimit,		/* K ink limit */
char *outname		/* Output VRML file */
) {
	int i, j;
	FILE *wrl;
	struct {
		double x, y, z;
		double wx, wy, wz;
		double r, g, b;
	} axes[5] = {
		{ 0, 0,  50-GAMUT_LCENT,  2, 2, 100,  .7, .7, .7 },	/* L axis */
		{ 50, 0,  0-GAMUT_LCENT,  100, 2, 2,   1,  0,  0 },	/* +a (red) axis */
		{ 0, -50, 0-GAMUT_LCENT,  2, 100, 2,   0,  0,  1 },	/* -b (blue) axis */
		{ -50, 0, 0-GAMUT_LCENT,  100, 2, 2,   0,  1,  0 },	/* -a (green) axis */
		{ 0,  50, 0-GAMUT_LCENT,  2, 100, 2,   1,  1,  0 },	/* +b (yellow) axis */
	int vix;						/* Vertex index */
	DCOUNT(coa, MXDI, p->inputChan, 0, 0, 2);

	double col[1 << MXDI][3];		/* Color asigned to each major vertex */
	int res;

	if (tlimit < 0.0)
		tlimit = p->inputChan;
	if (klimit < 0.0)
		klimit = 1.0;

	/* Asign some colors to the combination nodes */
	for (i = 0; i < (1 << p->inputChan); i++) {
		int a, b, c, j;
		double h;

		j = (i ^ 0x5a5a5a5a) % (1 << p->inputChan);
		h = (double)j/((1 << p->inputChan)-1);

		/* Make fully saturated with chosen hue */
		if (h < 1.0/3.0) {
			a = 0;
			b = 1;
			c = 2;
		} else if (h < 2.0/3.0) {
			a = 1;
			b = 2;
			c = 0;
			h -= 1.0/3.0;
		} else {
			a = 2;
			b = 0;
			c = 1;
			h -= 2.0/3.0;
		h *= 3.0;

		col[i][a] = (1.0 - h);
		col[i][b] = h;
		col[i][c] = d_rand(0.0, 1.0);

	if (detail > 0.0)
		res = (int)(100.0/detail);	/* Establish an appropriate sampling density */
		res = 4;

	if (res < 2)
		res = 2;

	if ((wrl = fopen(outname,"w")) == NULL)
		error("Error opening wrl output file '%s'",outname);

	/* Spit out a VRML 2 Object surface of gamut */
	fprintf(wrl,"#VRML V2.0 utf8\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"# Created by the Argyll CMS\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"Transform {\n");
  	fprintf(wrl,"children [\n");
    fprintf(wrl,"	NavigationInfo {\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		type \"EXAMINE\"        # It's an object we examine\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"	} # We'll add our own light\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"    DirectionalLight {\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"        direction 0 0 -1      # Light illuminating the scene\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"        direction 0 -1 0      # Light illuminating the scene\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"    }\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"    Viewpoint {\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"        position 0 0 340      # Position we view from\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"    }\n");
	if (doaxes != 0) {
		fprintf(wrl,"# Lab axes as boxes:\n");
		for (i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
			fprintf(wrl,"Transform { translation %f %f %f\n", axes[i].x, axes[i].y, axes[i].z);
			fprintf(wrl,"\tchildren [\n");
			fprintf(wrl,"\t\t\tgeometry Box { size %f %f %f }\n",
			                  axes[i].wx, axes[i].wy, axes[i].wz);
			fprintf(wrl,"\t\t\tappearance Appearance { material Material ");
			fprintf(wrl,"{ diffuseColor %f %f %f} }\n", axes[i].r, axes[i].g, axes[i].b);
	fprintf(wrl,"    Transform {\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"      translation 0 0 0\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"      children [\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		Shape { \n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		    geometry IndexedFaceSet {\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"				solid FALSE\n");		/* Don't back face cull */
	fprintf(wrl,"				convex TRUE\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		        coord Coordinate { \n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		            point [			# Verticy coordinates\n");

	/* Itterate over all the faces in the device space */
	/* generating the vertx positions. */
	vix = 0;
	while(!DC_DONE(coa)) {
		int e, m1, m2;
		double in[MXDI];
		double inl[MXDI];
		double out[3];
		double sum;

		/* Scan only device surface */
		for (m1 = 0; m1 < p->inputChan; m1++) {
			if (coa[m1] != 0)

			for (m2 = m1 + 1; m2 < p->inputChan; m2++) {
				int x, y;

				if (coa[m2] != 0)

				for (e = 0; e < p->inputChan; e++)
					in[e] = (double)coa[e];		/* Base value */

				/* Scan over 2D device space face */
				for (x = 0; x < res; x++) {				/* step over surface */
					in[m1] = x/(res - 1.0);
					for (y = 0; y < res; y++) {
						in[m2] = y/(res - 1.0);

						for (sum = 0.0, e = 0; e < p->inputChan; e++) {
							sum += inl[e] = in[e];
						if (sum >= tlimit) {
							for (e = 0; e < p->inputChan; e++)
								inl[e] *= tlimit/sum;
						if (p->inputChan >= 3 && inl[3] >= klimit)
							inl[3] = klimit;
						p->lookup(p, out, inl);
						fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",out[1], out[2], out[0]-50.0);
		/* Increment index within block */

	fprintf(wrl,"					]\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		        }\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		        coordIndex [ 		# Indexes of poligon Verticies \n");

	/* Itterate over all the faces in the device space */
	/* generating the quadrilateral indexes. */
	vix = 0;
	while(!DC_DONE(coa)) {
		int e, m1, m2;
		double in[MXDI];

		/* Scan only device surface */
		for (m1 = 0; m1 < p->inputChan; m1++) {
			if (coa[m1] != 0)

			for (m2 = m1 + 1; m2 < p->inputChan; m2++) {
				int x, y;

				if (coa[m2] != 0)

				for (e = 0; e < p->inputChan; e++)
					in[e] = (double)coa[e];		/* Base value */

				/* Scan over 2D device space face */
				/* Only output quads under the total ink limit */
				/* Scan over 2D device space face */
				for (x = 0; x < res; x++) {				/* step over surface */
					for (y = 0; y < res; y++) {
						if (x < (res-1) && y < (res-1)) {
							fprintf(wrl,"%d, %d, %d, %d, -1\n", 
							vix, vix + 1, vix + 1 + res, vix + res);
		/* Increment index within block */

	fprintf(wrl,"				]\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"				colorPerVertex TRUE\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		        color Color {\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		            color [			# RGB colors of each vertex\n");

	/* Itterate over all the faces in the device space */
	/* generating the vertx colors. */
	vix = 0;
	while(!DC_DONE(coa)) {
		int e, m1, m2;
		double in[MXDI];

		/* Scan only device surface */
		for (m1 = 0; m1 < p->inputChan; m1++) {
			if (coa[m1] != 0)

			for (m2 = m1 + 1; m2 < p->inputChan; m2++) {
				int x, y;

				if (coa[m2] != 0)

				for (e = 0; e < p->inputChan; e++)
					in[e] = (double)coa[e];		/* Base value */

				/* Scan over 2D device space face */
				for (x = 0; x < res; x++) {				/* step over surface */
					double xb = x/(res - 1.0);
					for (y = 0; y < res; y++) {
						int v0, v1, v2, v3;
						double yb = y/(res - 1.0);
						double rgb[3];

						for (v0 = 0, e = 0; e < p->inputChan; e++)
							v0 |= coa[e] ? (1 << e) : 0;		/* Binary index */

						v1 = v0 | (1 << m2);				/* Y offset */
						v2 = v0 | (1 << m2) | (1 << m1);	/* X+Y offset */
						v3 = v0 | (1 << m1);				/* Y offset */

						/* Linear interp between the main verticies */
						for (j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
							rgb[j] = (1.0 - yb) * (1.0 - xb) * col[v0][j]
							       +        yb  * (1.0 - xb) * col[v1][j]
							       + (1.0 - yb) *        xb  * col[v3][j]
							       +        yb  *        xb  * col[v2][j];
						fprintf(wrl,"%f %f %f,\n",rgb[1], rgb[2], rgb[0]);
		/* Increment index within block */

	fprintf(wrl,"					] \n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		        }\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		    }\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		    appearance Appearance { \n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		        material Material {\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"					transparency 0.0\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"					ambientIntensity 0.3\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"					shininess 0.5\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"				}\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		    }\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"		}	# end Shape\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"      ]\n");
	fprintf(wrl,"    }\n");

	fprintf(wrl,"  ] # end of children for world\n");

	if (fclose(wrl) != 0)
		error("Error closing output file '%s'",outname);
Пример #3
/* Return NULL on error, check errc+err for reason */
static gamut *icxLuMatrixGamut(
icxLuBase   *plu,		/* this */
double       detail		/* gamut detail level, 0.0 = def */
) {
	xicc     *p = plu->pp;				/* parent xicc */
	icxLuMatrix *lumat = (icxLuMatrix *)plu;	/* Lookup xMatrix type object */
	icColorSpaceSignature pcs;
	icmLookupFunc func;
	double white[3], black[3], kblack[3];
	gamut *gam;
	int res;		/* Sample point resolution */
	int i, e;

	if (detail == 0.0)
		detail = 10.0;

	/* get some details */
	plu->spaces(plu, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, &func, &pcs);

	if (func != icmFwd && func != icmBwd) {
		p->errc = 1;
		sprintf(p->err,"Creating Gamut surface for anything other than Device <-> PCS is not supported.");
		return NULL;

	if (pcs != icSigLabData && pcs != icxSigJabData) {
		p->errc = 1;
		sprintf(p->err,"Creating Gamut surface PCS of other than Lab or Jab is not supported.");
		return NULL;

	gam = new_gamut(detail, pcs == icxSigJabData, 0);

	/* Explore the gamut by itterating through */
	/* it with sample points in device space. */

	res = (int)(600.0/detail);	/* Establish an appropriate sampling density */

	if (res < 40)
		res = 40;

	/* Since matrix profiles can't be non-monotonic, */
	/* just itterate through the surface colors. */
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		int co[3];
		int ep[3];
		int co_e = 0;

		for (e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
			co[e] = 0;
			ep[e] = res;
		ep[i] = 2;

		while (co_e < 3) {
			double in[3];
			double out[3];
			for (e = 0; e < 3; e++) 		/* Convert count to input value */
				in[e] = co[e]/(ep[e]-1.0);
			/* Always use the device->PCS conversion */
			if (lumat->fwd_lookup((icxLuBase *)lumat, out, in) > 1)
				error ("%d, %s",p->errc,p->err);
			gam->expand(gam, out);
			/* Increment the counter */
			for (co_e = 0; co_e < 3; co_e++) {
				if (co[co_e] < ep[co_e])
					break;	/* No carry */
				co[co_e] = 0;

#ifdef NEVER
	/* Try it twice */
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		int co[3];
		int ep[3];
		int co_e = 0;

		for (e = 0; e < 3; e++) {
			co[e] = 0;
			ep[e] = res;
		ep[i] = 2;

		while (co_e < 3) {
			double in[3];
			double out[3];
			for (e = 0; e < 3; e++) 		/* Convert count to input value */
				in[e] = co[e]/(ep[e]-1.0);
			/* Always use the device->PCS conversion */
			if (lumat->fwd_lookup((icxLuBase *)lumat, out, in) > 1)
				error ("%d, %s",p->errc,p->err);
			gam->expand(gam, out);
			/* Increment the counter */
			for (co_e = 0; co_e < 3; co_e++) {
				if (co[co_e] < ep[co_e])
					break;	/* No carry */
				co[co_e] = 0;

#ifdef NEVER	// (doesn't seem to make much difference) 
	/* run along the primary ridges in more detail too */
	/* just itterate through the surface colors. */
	for (i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
		int j;
		double in[3];
		double out[3];
		res *= 4;

		for (j = 0; j < res; j++) {
			double vv = i/(res-1.0);

			in[0] = in[1] = in[2] = vv;
			in[i] = 0.0;

			if (lumat->fwd_lookup((icxLuBase *)lumat, out, in) > 1)
				error ("%d, %s",p->errc,p->err);
			gam->expand(gam, out);

			in[0] = in[1] = in[2] = 0.0;
			in[i] = vv;

			if (lumat->fwd_lookup((icxLuBase *)lumat, out, in) > 1)
				error ("%d, %s",p->errc,p->err);
			gam->expand(gam, out);

	/* Put the white and black points in the gamut */
	plu->efv_wh_bk_points(plu, white, black, kblack);
	gam->setwb(gam, white, black, kblack);

	/* set the cusp points by itterating through the 0 & 100% colorant combinations */
		DCOUNT(co, 3, 3, 0, 0, 2);

		gam->setcusps(gam, 0, NULL);
		while(!DC_DONE(co)) {
			int e;
			double in[3];
			double out[3];
			if (!(co[0] == 0 && co[1] == 0 && co[2] == 0)
			 && !(co[0] == 1 && co[1] == 1 && co[2] == 1)) {	/* Skip white and black */
				for (e = 0; e < 3; e++)
					in[e] = (double)co[e];
				/* Always use the device->PCS conversion */
				if (lumat->fwd_lookup((icxLuBase *)lumat, out, in) > 1)
					error ("%d, %s",p->errc,p->err);
				gam->setcusps(gam, 3, out);

		gam->setcusps(gam, 2, NULL);

#ifdef NEVER		/* Not sure if this is a good idea ?? */
	gam->getwb(gam, NULL, NULL, white, black);	/* Get the actual gamut white and black points */
	gam->setwb(gam, white, black);				/* Put it back as colorspace one */

	return gam;
Пример #4
/* Do a reverse lookup on the mpp */
static void mpp_rev(
mpp *mppo,
double limit,		/* Ink limit */
double *out,		/* Device value */
double *in			/* Lab target */
) {
	int i, j;
	inkmask imask;	/* Device Ink mask */
	int inn;
	revlus rs;		/* Reverse lookup structure */
	double sr[MAX_CHAN];	/* Search radius */
	double tt;
	/* !!! This needs to be cached elsewhere !!!! */
	static saent *start = NULL;	/* Start array */
	static int nisay = 0;		/* Number in start array */

	mppo->get_info(mppo, &imask, &inn, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL);

	rs.di = inn;				/* Number of device channels */

	rs.Lab[0] = in[0];		/* Target PCS value */
	rs.Lab[1] = in[1];
	rs.Lab[2] = in[2];

	rs.dev2lab = mppo->lookup;	/* Dev->PCS Lookup function and context */
	rs.d2lcntx = (void *)mppo;

	rs.ilimit = limit;		/* Total ink limit */

		double Labw[3];				/* Lab value of white */
		double Lab[MAX_CHAN][3];	/* Lab value of device primaries */
		double min, max;
		/* Lookup the L value of all the device primaries */
		for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
			out[j] = 0.0;
		mppo->lookup(mppo, Labw, out);

		for (i = 0; i < inn; i++) {
			double tt;
			double de;

			out[i] = 1.0;
			mppo->lookup(mppo, Lab[i], out);

			/* Use DE measure heavily weighted towards L only */
			tt = L_WEIGHT * (Labw[0] - Lab[i][0]);
			de = tt * tt;
			tt = 0.4 * (Labw[1] - Lab[i][1]);
			de += tt * tt;
			tt = 0.2 * (Labw[2] - Lab[i][2]);
			de += tt * tt;
			rs.oweight[i] = sqrt(de);
			out[i] = 0.0;

		/* Normalise weights from 0 .. 1.0 */
		min = 1e6, max = 0.0;
		for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
			if (rs.oweight[j] < min)
				min = rs.oweight[j];
			if (rs.oweight[j] > max)
				max = rs.oweight[j];
		for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
			rs.oweight[j] = (rs.oweight[j] - min)/(max - min);

			for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
				rs.sord[j] = j;

			for (i = 0; i < (inn-1); i++) {
				for (j = i+1; j < inn; j++) {
					if (rs.oweight[rs.sord[i]] > rs.oweight[rs.sord[j]]) {
						int xx;
						xx = rs.sord[i];
						rs.sord[i] = rs.sord[j];
						rs.sord[j] = xx;

for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
printf("~1 oweight[%d] = %f\n",j,rs.oweight[j]);
for (j = 0; j < inn; j++)
printf("~1 sorted oweight[%d] = %f\n",j,rs.oweight[rs.sord[j]]);

	/* Initialise the start point array */
	if (start == NULL) {
		int mxstart;
		int steps = 4;

		DCOUNT(dix, MAX_CHAN, inn, 0, 0, steps);

printf("~1 initing start point array\n");
		for (mxstart = 1, j = 0; j < inn; j++) 		/* Compute maximum entries */
			mxstart *= steps;

printf("~1 mxstart = %d\n",mxstart);
		if ((start = malloc(sizeof(saent) * mxstart)) == NULL)
			error("mpp_rev malloc of start array failed\n");

		nisay = 0;

		while(!DC_DONE(dix)) {
			double sum = 0.0;

			/* Figure device values */
			for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
				sum += start[nisay].dev[j] = dix[j]/(steps-1.0);

			if (sum <= limit) {		/* Within ink limit */
				double oerr;
				double tot;

				/* Compute Lab */
				mppo->lookup(mppo, start[nisay].Lab, start[nisay].dev);

				/* Compute order error */
				/* Skip first 3 colorants */
				oerr = tot = 0.0;
				for (j = 3; j < inn; j++) {
					int ix = rs.sord[j];		/* Sorted order index */
					double vv = start[nisay].dev[ix];
					double we = (double)j - 2.0;	/* Increasing weight */
					if (vv > 0.0001) {
						oerr += tot + we * vv;
					tot += we;
				oerr /= tot;
				start[nisay].oerr = oerr;


printf("~1 start point array done, %d out of %d valid\n",nisay,mxstart);

	/* Search the start array for closest matching point */
		double bde = 1e38;
		int bix = 0;

		for (i = 0; i < nisay; i++) {
			double de;
			/* Compute delta E */
			for (de = 0.0, j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
				double tt = rs.Lab[j] - start[i].Lab[j];
				de += tt * tt;
			de += 0.0 * start[i].oerr;
			if (de < bde) {
				bde = de;
				bix = i;
printf("Start point at index %d, bde = %f, dev = ",bix,bde);
for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
if (j < (inn-1))
printf(" ");

		for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
			out[j] = start[bix].dev[j];
			sr[j] = 0.1;

#ifdef NEVER
	out[0] = 0.0;
	out[1] = 0.0;
	out[2] = 0.45;
	out[3] = 0.0;
	out[4] = 0.0;
	out[5] = 0.0;
	out[6] = 0.6;
	out[7] = 1.0;

#ifdef NEVER
	out[0] = 1.0;
	out[1] = 0.0;
	out[2] = 0.0;
	out[3] = 0.0;
	out[4] = 0.0;
	out[5] = 0.0;
	out[6] = 0.0;
	out[7] = 0.0;

#ifdef NEVER
	rs.pass = 0;
	if (powell(&tt, inn, out, sr,  0.001, 5000, revoptfunc, (void *)&rs) != 0) {
		error("Powell failed inside mpp_rev()");
printf("~1 after first pass got ");
for (j = 0; j < inn; j++) {
if (j < (inn-1))
printf(" ");

#ifndef NEVER
	out[0] = 0.0;
	out[1] = 0.0;
	out[2] = 0.0;
	out[3] = 0.0;
	out[4] = 0.0;
	out[5] = 1.0;
	out[6] = 0.0;
	out[7] = 0.0;
#ifndef NEVER
	rs.pass = 1;
	if (powell(&tt, inn, out, sr,  0.00001, 5000, revoptfunc, (void *)&rs, NULL, NULL) != 0) {
		error("Powell failed inside mpp_rev()");

	snap2gamut(&rs, out);