Пример #1
/* Fully normalize or weak head normalize abstractions or implicit suspension 
   with abstractions as term skeletons. 
   The actions carried out are the same as the counter part in the head 
   normalization process, except that HN_lnormDispatch is invoked as opposed
   to HN_hnormDispatch when necessary.
static DF_TermPtr HN_lnormLam(DF_TermPtr lamPtr, Boolean whnf)
    DF_TermPtr rtPtr; //term pointer to be returned
    if (whnf) return rtPtr = lamPtr; //weak hn 
    else {  //whnf = FALSE
        int numabs = DF_lamNumAbs(lamPtr);
        DF_TermPtr newbody;

        if (HN_isEmptyEnv()){
            newbody = HN_lnormDispatch(DF_lamBody(lamPtr), FALSE);
            rtPtr = lamPtr; //body must have been adjusted in place
        } else {  // non-empty env 
            //[|lam(n,t),ol,nl,e|] ->lam(n,[|t,ol+n,nl+n,@nl+n-1...::@nl::e|]
            int newol = ol+numabs, newnl = nl+numabs;
            HN_setEnv(newol, newnl, HN_addNDummyEnv(numabs));
            newbody = HN_lnormDispatch(DF_lamBody(lamPtr), FALSE);
            /* create a new lam on the result of hn the lam body */
            rtPtr = (DF_TermPtr)AM_hreg;
            HNL_pushLam(newbody, numabs);
        }         // non-empty env
        AM_numAbs += numabs;
    }      //whnf == FALSE
    return rtPtr;
Пример #2
static void PRINT_writeAbst(WordPtr outStream, DF_TermPtr tmPtr, 
                            OP_FixityType fx, int prec, OP_TermContext tc)
    int     numabs = 0;
    Boolean pparen = PRINT_parenNeeded(OP_LAM_FIXITY,OP_LAM_PREC,tc,fx,prec);
    PRINT_BVList tmpbvs;
    int          tmpbvc = PRINT_bvcounter;
    if (pparen) PRINT_writeLParen(outStream);
    while (DF_isLam(tmPtr)){
        numabs += DF_lamNumAbs(tmPtr);
        tmPtr = DF_termDeref(DF_lamBody(tmPtr));
    PRINT_writeAbstBinders(outStream, numabs);
    PRINT_writeTerm(outStream, tmPtr, OP_LAM_FIXITY,OP_LAM_PREC,OP_RIGHT_TERM);
    if (pparen) PRINT_writeRParen(outStream);

    while (numabs > 0) {
      tmpbvs = PRINT_bvs;
      PRINT_bvs = PRINT_bvs->next;
    PRINT_bvcounter = tmpbvc;
Пример #3
static DF_TermPtr HN_pushSuspOverLam(DF_TermPtr lamPtr)
    DF_TermPtr    rtPtr;      //term pointer to be returned 
    DF_TermPtr    suspPtr;    //explicit susp as the lam body in the result
    int           numabs =DF_lamNumAbs(lamPtr);
    int           newol = ol + numabs, newnl = nl + numabs;
    MemPtr        newhtop = AM_hreg+ DF_TM_SUSP_SIZE+ numabs*DF_TM_ATOMIC_SIZE;
    DF_EnvPtr     newenv;

    newenv  = HN_addNDummyEnv(numabs);
    suspPtr = HNL_suspAsEnv(DF_lamBody(lamPtr), newol, newnl, newenv);
    rtPtr   = (DF_TermPtr)AM_hreg; //create lam over the susp
    DF_mkLam(AM_hreg, numabs, suspPtr);
    AM_hreg = newhtop;

    return rtPtr;
Пример #4
/* Fully normalize or weak head normalize application or implicit suspension 
   over application. The actions carried out here is the same as those in
   HN_hnormApp except that HN_lnormDispatch is invoked as HN_hnormDispatch, and
   in making argument vectors makeArgvecLnorm functions are used to fully
   normalize the arguments.
static DF_TermPtr HN_lnormApp(DF_TermPtr appPtr, Boolean whnf)
    DF_TermPtr funPtr = DF_appFunc(appPtr), argvec = DF_appArgs(appPtr),
               rtPtr; // term pointer to be returned
    DF_TermPtr oldFunPtr = funPtr;
    int        arity = DF_appArity(appPtr);
    Boolean    emptyTopEnv = HN_isEmptyEnv();
    int        myol, mynl;       //for book keeping the implicit suspension env
    DF_EnvPtr  myenvlist;        //for book keeping the implicit suspension env
    int        myarity = arity;  //book keeping the arity before contraction

    if (!emptyTopEnv) {          //book keeping the current environment
        myol = ol; mynl = nl; myenvlist = envlist; 
    funPtr = HN_lnormDispatch(funPtr, TRUE); //whf of the function    
    while ((arity > 0) && (DF_isLam(funPtr))) {
        //perform contraction on top-level redexes while you can
        DF_TermPtr  lamBody = DF_lamBody(funPtr); //abs body
        int         numAbsInFun = DF_lamNumAbs(funPtr);   
        int         numContract = ((arity<=numAbsInFun) ? arity : numAbsInFun);
        DF_EnvPtr   newenv;
        int         newol = ol + numContract;        

        if (emptyTopEnv) newenv = HN_addNPairEmpEnv(argvec, numContract);
        else newenv = HN_addNPair(argvec, myol, mynl, myenvlist, numContract);
        HN_setEnv(newol, nl, newenv);

        if (arity == numAbsInFun){            
            funPtr = HN_lnormDispatch(lamBody, whnf);
            arity = 0;
        } else if (arity > numAbsInFun) {
            funPtr = HN_lnormDispatch(lamBody, TRUE);
            arity -= numAbsInFun;
        } else {  //arity < numabsInFun
            DF_TermPtr newBody = (DF_TermPtr)AM_hreg;
            HNL_pushLam(lamBody, (numAbsInFun-arity));
            funPtr = HN_lnormDispatch(newBody, whnf);
            arity = 0;
    }// while ((arity >0) && (DF_IsLam(fun)))
    //update or create application
    if (arity == 0) {  //app disappears
        rtPtr = funPtr;
        if (emptyTopEnv && HN_isEmptyEnv()) HNL_updateToRef(appPtr, funPtr);
    } else {           //app persists; Note: now HN_isEmptyEnv must be TRUE
        Boolean changed;
        if (emptyTopEnv) changed = HN_makeArgvecEmpEnvLnorm(argvec, arity);
        else changed = HN_makeArgvecLnorm(argvec,arity,myol,mynl,myenvlist);

        if ((!changed) && (arity == myarity) && (oldFunPtr == funPtr)) { 
	  rtPtr = appPtr;
        } else {// create new app and in place update the old if empty top env
            rtPtr = (DF_TermPtr)AM_hreg;
            HNL_pushApp(AM_head, AM_argVec, AM_numArgs);
            if (emptyTopEnv) HNL_updateToRef(appPtr, rtPtr);
    return rtPtr;