void Init(void) { __disable_interrupt(); ENABLE_LCD_LED(); DISABLE_LCD_POWER(); /* clear shipping mode, if set to allow configuration */ PMMCTL0_H = PMMPW_H; PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5; PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; /* disable DMA during read-modify-write cycles */ DMACTL4 = DMARMWDIS; #ifdef BOOTLOADER /* * enable RAM alternate interrupt vectors * these are defined in AltVect.s43 and copied to RAM by cstartup */ SYSCTL |= SYSRIVECT; ClearBootloaderSignature(); #else SaveResetSource(); #endif SetupClockAndPowerManagementModule(); CheckResetCode(); if (niReset != NORMAL_RESET_CODE) { InitProperty(); } InitBufferPool(); // message queue InitBattery(); CheckClip(); PrintF("*** %s:%s", niReset == FLASH_RESET_CODE ? "FLASH" : (niReset == MASTER_RESET_CODE ? "MASTER" : "NORMAL"), niBuild); ShowWatchdogInfo(); WhoAmI(); /* timer for battery checking at a regular frequency. */ StartTimer(BatteryTimer); InitVibration(); InitRealTimeClock(); // enable rtc interrupt LcdPeripheralInit(); DrawSplashScreen(); SerialRamInit(); /* turn the radio on; initialize the serial port profile or BLE/GATT */ CreateAndSendMessage(TurnRadioOnMsg, MSG_OPT_NONE); DISABLE_LCD_LED(); }
static void InitDisplay(void) { __disable_interrupt(); ENABLE_LCD_LED(); DISABLE_LCD_POWER(); /* clear shipping mode, if set to allow configuration */ PMMCTL0_H = PMMPW_H; PM5CTL0 &= ~LOCKLPM5; PMMCTL0_H = 0x00; /* disable DMA during read-modify-write cycles */ DMACTL4 = DMARMWDIS; #if BOOTLOADER /* * enable RAM alternate interrupt vectors * these are defined in AltVect.s43 and copied to RAM by cstartup */ SYSCTL |= SYSRIVECT; ClearBootloaderSignature(); #endif SetupClockAndPowerManagementModule(); CheckClip(); // enable debuguart __enable_interrupt(); PrintF("\r\n*** %s:%c%c%c ***", (niResetType == NORMAL_RESET ? "NORMAL" : "MASTER"), BUILD[0], BUILD[1], BUILD[2]); if (niResetType != NORMAL_RESET) InitStateLog(); SaveStateLog(); WhoAmI(); ShowStateInfo(); InitAdc(); /* timer for battery checking at a regular frequency. */ StartTimer(BatteryTimer); InitVibration(); InitRealTimeClock(); // enable rtc interrupt LcdPeripheralInit(); DrawSplashScreen(); InitSerialRam(); /* turn the radio on; initialize the serial port profile or BLE/GATT */ SendMessage(TurnRadioOnMsg, MSG_OPT_NONE); DISABLE_LCD_LED(); }