Пример #1
int main( int argc , char * argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset * dset ;
   THD_dataxes      * daxes ;
   FD_brick        ** brarr , * baxi , * bsag , * bcor ;

   int iarg , ii ;
   Boolean ok ;
   MRI_IMAGE * pim , * flim , * slim ;
   float * flar ;
   dset_range dr ;
   float val , fimfac ;
   int  ival,ityp , kk ;

   float xbot=BIGG,xtop=BIGG , ybot=BIGG,ytop=BIGG , zbot=BIGG,ztop=BIGG ;
   int   xgood=0 , ygood=0 , zgood=0 ,
         proj_code=PROJ_SUM , mirror_code=MIRR_NO , nsize=0 ;
   char  root[THD_MAX_NAME] = "proj." ;
   char  fname[THD_MAX_NAME] ;

   int ixbot=0,ixtop=0 , jybot=0,jytop=0 , kzbot=0,kztop=0 ;
   THD_fvec3 fv ;
   THD_ivec3 iv ;

   /*--- read command line arguments ---*/

   if( argc < 2 || strncmp(argv[1],"-help",6) == 0 ) Syntax() ;

   INIT_EDOPT( &PRED_edopt ) ;
   iarg = 1 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

DB("new arg:",argv[iarg]) ;

      /**** check for editing option ****/

      ii = EDIT_check_argv( argc , argv , iarg , &PRED_edopt ) ;
      if( ii > 0 ){
         iarg += ii ;
         continue ;

      /**** -sum or -max ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-sum",6) == 0 ){
         proj_code = PROJ_SUM ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-max",6) == 0 ){
         proj_code = PROJ_MMAX ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-amax",6) == 0 ){
         proj_code = PROJ_AMAX ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-smax",6) == 0 ){
         proj_code = PROJ_SMAX ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-first") == 0 ){  /* 02 Nov 2000 */
         proj_code = PROJ_FIRST ;
         first_thresh = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -mirror ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-mirror",6) == 0 ){
         mirror_code = MIRR_YES ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -nsize ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-nsize",6) == 0 ){
         nsize = 1 ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -output root ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-output",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-root",6)   == 0   ){

         if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         MCW_strncpy( root , argv[++iarg] , THD_MAX_NAME-1 ) ;
         ii = strlen(root) ;
         if( ii == 0 ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal rootname!\n") ; exit(-1) ;
         if( root[ii-1] != '.' ){ root[ii] = '.' ; root[ii+1] = '\0' ; }
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -ALL ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-ALL",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-all",6) == 0   ){

         xgood = ygood = zgood = 1 ;
         xbot  = ybot  = zbot  = -BIGG ;
         xtop  = ytop  = ztop  =  BIGG ;
         iarg++ ; continue ;

      /**** -RL {all | x1 x2} ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-RL",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-LR",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-rl",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-lr",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-sag",6)== 0  ){

         char * cerr ; float tf ;

         xgood = 1 ;  /* mark for x projection */

         if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         if( strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"all",6) == 0 ||
             strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"ALL",6) == 0   ){

            xbot = -BIGG;
            xtop =  BIGG ;
            iarg += 2 ; continue ;

         if( iarg+2 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         xbot = strtod( argv[iarg+1] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+1] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+1] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'R' && xbot > 0.0 ) xbot = -xbot ;

         xtop = strtod( argv[iarg+2] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+2] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+2] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'R' && xtop > 0.0 ) xtop = -xtop ;

         if( xbot > xtop ){ tf = xbot ; xbot = xtop ; xtop = tf ; }
         iarg +=3 ; continue ;

      /**** -AP {all | y1 y2} ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-AP",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-PA",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-ap",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-pa",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-cor",6)== 0  ){

         char * cerr ; float tf ;

         ygood = 1 ;  /* mark for y projection */

         if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         if( strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"all",6) == 0 ||
             strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"ALL",6) == 0   ){

            ybot = -BIGG ;
            ytop =  BIGG ;
            iarg += 2 ; continue ;

         if( iarg+2 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         ybot = strtod( argv[iarg+1] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+1] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+1] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'A' && ybot > 0.0 ) ybot = -ybot ;

         ytop = strtod( argv[iarg+2] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+2] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+2] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'A' && ytop > 0.0 ) ytop = -ytop ;

         if( ybot > ytop ){ tf = ybot ; ybot = ytop ; ytop = tf ; }
         iarg +=3 ; continue ;

      /**** -IS {all | z1 z2} ****/

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-IS",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-SI",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-is",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-si",6) == 0 ||
          strncmp(argv[iarg],"-axi",6)== 0   ){

         char * cerr ; float tf ;

         zgood = 1 ;  /* mark for y projection */

         if( iarg+1 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         if( strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"all",6) == 0 ||
             strncmp(argv[iarg+1],"ALL",6) == 0   ){

            zbot = -BIGG ;
            ztop =  BIGG ;
            iarg += 2 ; continue ;

         if( iarg+2 >= argc ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** no argument after option %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
            exit(-1) ;

         zbot = strtod( argv[iarg+1] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+1] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+1] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'I' && zbot > 0.0 ) zbot = -zbot ;

         ztop = strtod( argv[iarg+2] , &cerr ) ;
         if( cerr == argv[iarg+2] ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** illegal argument after %s: %s\n",
                    argv[iarg],argv[iarg+2] ) ; exit(-1) ;
         if( *cerr == 'I' && ztop > 0.0 ) ztop = -ztop ;

         if( zbot > ztop ){ tf = zbot ; zbot = ztop ; ztop = tf ; }
         iarg +=3 ; continue ;

      /**** unknown option ****/

      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** Unknown option: %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
      exit(-1) ;
   }  /* end of loop over input options */

   if( ! xgood && ! ygood && ! zgood ){
      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** No projections ordered!?\n") ; exit(-1) ;

   /*--- open dataset and set up to extract data slices ---*/

   dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
   if( dset == NULL ){
      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** Can't open dataset file %s\n",argv[iarg]) ;
      exit(-1) ;
   if( DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) > 1 ){
      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** Can't project time-dependent dataset!\n") ;
      exit(1) ;
   EDIT_one_dataset( dset, &PRED_edopt ) ;
   daxes = dset->daxes ;
   brarr = THD_setup_bricks( dset ) ;
   baxi  = brarr[0] ; bsag = brarr[1] ; bcor = brarr[2] ;

   /*--- determine index range for each direction ---*/

   dr = PR_get_range( dset ) ;

   if( xgood ){
      if( xbot < dr.xbot ) xbot = dr.xbot ;
      if( xtop > dr.xtop ) xtop = dr.xtop ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(xbot,0,0) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( bsag , iv ) ; ixbot = iv.ijk[2] ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(xtop,0,0) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( bsag , iv ) ; ixtop = iv.ijk[2] ;

      if( ixbot > ixtop ) { ii = ixbot ; ixbot = ixtop ; ixtop = ii ; }

      if( ixbot <  0        ) ixbot = 0 ;
      if( ixtop >= bsag->n3 ) ixtop = bsag->n3 - 1 ;

   if( ygood ){
      if( ybot < dr.ybot ) ybot = dr.ybot ;
      if( ytop > dr.ytop ) ytop = dr.ytop ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(0,ybot,0) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( bcor , iv ) ; jybot = iv.ijk[2] ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(0,ytop,0) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( bcor , iv ) ; jytop = iv.ijk[2] ;

      if( jybot > jytop ) { ii = jybot ; jybot = jytop ; jytop = ii ; }

      if( jybot <  0        ) jybot = 0 ;
      if( jytop >= bcor->n3 ) jytop = bcor->n3 - 1 ;

   if( zgood ){
      if( zbot < dr.zbot ) zbot = dr.zbot ;
      if( ztop > dr.ztop ) ztop = dr.ztop ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(0,0,zbot) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( baxi , iv ) ; kzbot = iv.ijk[2] ;

      fv = THD_dicomm_to_3dmm( dset , TEMP_FVEC3(0,0,ztop) ) ;
      iv = THD_3dmm_to_3dind ( dset , fv ) ;
      iv = THD_3dind_to_fdind( baxi , iv ) ; kztop = iv.ijk[2] ;

      if( kzbot > kztop ) { ii = kzbot ; kzbot = kztop ; kztop = ii ; }

      if( kzbot <  0        ) kzbot = 0 ;
      if( kztop >= baxi->n3 ) kztop = baxi->n3 - 1 ;

   ival   = DSET_PRINCIPAL_VALUE(dset) ;    /* index to project */
   ityp   = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ival) ;    /* type of this data */
   fimfac = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ival) ;  /* scale factor of this data */

   /*--- project the x direction, if desired ---*/

   if( xgood ){
      int n1 = bsag->n1 , n2 = bsag->n2 ;
      int ss , npix ;
      float fmax , fmin , scl ;

      /*-- set up --*/

      npix = n1*n2 ;
      flim = mri_new( n1 , n2 , MRI_float ) ;
      flar = mri_data_pointer( flim ) ;
      for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ) flar[ii] = 0.0 ;

      /*-- actually project --*/

      for( ss=ixbot ; ss <= ixtop ; ss++ ){
         slim = FD_brick_to_mri( ss , ival , bsag ) ;
         if( slim->kind != MRI_float ){
            pim = mri_to_float( slim ) ;
            mri_free( slim ) ; slim = pim ;
         PR_one_slice( proj_code , slim , flim ) ;
         mri_free( slim ) ;

      /*-- form output --*/

      if( fimfac != 0.0 && fimfac != 1.0 ){
         slim = mri_scale_to_float( 1.0/fimfac , flim ) ;
         mri_free(flim) ; flim = slim ;

      scl = PR_type_scale( ityp , flim ) ;
      pim = mri_to_mri_scl( ityp , scl , flim ) ; mri_free( flim ) ;
      if( nsize ){
         slim = mri_nsize( pim ) ;
         if( slim != NULL && slim != pim ) { mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ; }

      if( scl != 1.0 )
         printf("Sagittal projection pixels scaled by %g to avoid overflow!\n",
                scl ) ;

      fmax = mri_max(pim) ; fmin = mri_min(pim) ;
      printf("Sagittal projection min = %g  max = %g\n",fmin,fmax) ;

      strcpy(fname,root) ; strcat(fname,"sag") ;
      mri_write( fname, pim ) ;
      mri_free(pim) ;

   /*--- project the y direction, if desired ---*/

   if( ygood ){
      int n1 = bcor->n1 , n2 = bcor->n2 ;
      int ss , npix ;
      float fmax , fmin , scl ;

      /*-- set up --*/

      npix = n1*n2 ;
      flim = mri_new( n1 , n2 , MRI_float ) ;
      flar = mri_data_pointer( flim ) ;
      for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ) flar[ii] = 0.0 ;

      /*-- actually project --*/

      for( ss=jybot ; ss <= jytop ; ss++ ){
         slim = FD_brick_to_mri( ss , ival , bcor ) ;
         if( slim->kind != MRI_float ){
            pim = mri_to_float( slim ) ;
            mri_free( slim ) ; slim = pim ;
         PR_one_slice( proj_code , slim , flim ) ;
         mri_free( slim ) ;

      /*-- form output --*/

      if( fimfac != 0.0 && fimfac != 1.0 ){
         slim = mri_scale_to_float( 1.0/fimfac , flim ) ;
         mri_free(flim) ; flim = slim ;

      scl = PR_type_scale( ityp , flim ) ;
      pim = mri_to_mri_scl( ityp , scl , flim ) ; mri_free( flim ) ;
      if( nsize ){
         slim = mri_nsize( pim ) ;
         if( slim != NULL && slim != pim ) { mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ; }

      if( scl != 1.0 )
         printf("Coronal projection pixels scaled by %g to avoid overflow!\n",
                scl ) ;

      fmax = mri_max(pim) ; fmin = mri_min(pim) ;
      printf("Coronal projection min = %g  max = %g\n",fmin,fmax) ;

      if( mirror_code == MIRR_YES ){
         slim = mri_flippo( MRI_ROT_0 , TRUE , pim ) ;
         mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ;
      strcpy(fname,root) ; strcat(fname,"cor") ;
      mri_write( fname, pim ) ;
      mri_free(pim) ;

   /*--- project the z direction, if desired ---*/

   if( zgood ){
      int n1 = baxi->n1 , n2 = baxi->n2 ;
      int ss , npix ;
      float fmax , fmin , scl ;

      /*-- set up --*/

      npix = n1*n2 ;
      flim = mri_new( n1 , n2 , MRI_float ) ;
      flar = mri_data_pointer( flim ) ;
      for( ii=0 ; ii < npix ; ii++ ) flar[ii] = 0.0 ;

      /*-- actually project --*/

      for( ss=kzbot ; ss <= kztop ; ss++ ){
         slim = FD_brick_to_mri( ss , ival , baxi ) ;
         if( slim->kind != MRI_float ){
            pim = mri_to_float( slim ) ;
            mri_free( slim ) ; slim = pim ;
         PR_one_slice( proj_code , slim , flim ) ;
         mri_free( slim ) ;

      /*-- form output --*/

      if( fimfac != 0.0 && fimfac != 1.0 ){
         slim = mri_scale_to_float( 1.0/fimfac , flim ) ;
         mri_free(flim) ; flim = slim ;

      scl = PR_type_scale( ityp , flim ) ;
      pim = mri_to_mri_scl( ityp , scl , flim ) ; mri_free( flim ) ;
      if( nsize ){
         slim = mri_nsize( pim ) ;
         if( slim != NULL && slim != pim ) { mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ; }

      if( scl != 1.0 )
         printf("Axial projection pixels scaled by %g to avoid overflow!\n",
                scl ) ;

      fmax = mri_max(pim) ; fmin = mri_min(pim) ;
      printf("Axial projection min = %g  max = %g\n",fmin,fmax) ;

      if( mirror_code == MIRR_YES ){
         slim = mri_flippo( MRI_ROT_0 , TRUE , pim ) ;
         mri_free(pim) ; pim = slim ;
      strcpy(fname,root) ; strcat(fname,"axi") ;
      mri_write( fname, pim ) ;
      mri_free(pim) ;

   exit(0) ;
Пример #2
char * POWER_main( PLUGIN_interface * plint )
   MCW_idcode * idc ;                          /* input dataset idcode */
   THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , * new_dsetD3 , * new_dsetA3, * new_dsetavgD3 ; /* input and output datasets */
   char * new_prefix , * str , * namestr, * filename;                 /* strings from user */
   int   new_datum , ignore , nfft , ninp ,    /* control parameters */
         old_datum , nuse , ntaper , ktbot,
         image_type, scale,OutputFlag ,numT,flip;
  float avFac;

   byte   ** bptr  = NULL ;  /* one of these will be the array of */
   short  ** sptr  = NULL ;  /* pointers to input dataset sub-bricks */
   float  ** fptr  = NULL ;  /* (depending on input datum type) */

   float   * this  = NULL ;  /* array loaded from input dataset */

   float  ** foutD3  = NULL ;  /* will be array of output floats */
   float  ** foutA3  = NULL ;  /* will be array of output floats */
   float  ** foutavgD3  = NULL ;  /* will be array of output floats */

   float   * tarD3   = NULL ;  /* will be array of taper coefficients */
   float   * tarA3   = NULL ;  /* will be array of taper coefficients */
   float   * taravgD3   = NULL ;  /* will be array of taper coefficients */

   /*float   * flip;*/
   float   * numAv;
   float dfreq , pfact , phi , xr,xi , yr,yi ;
   float x0,x1 , y0,y1 , d0fac,d1fac ;
   int   nfreq , nvox , perc , new_units ;
   int   istr , ii,iip , ibot,itop , kk , icx ;       /* temp variables */

   new_prefix = (char *)calloc(100, sizeof(char));
   filename = (char *)calloc(100, sizeof(char));
   str = (char *)calloc(100, sizeof(char));
   namestr = (char *)calloc(100, sizeof(char));
   /*----- Check inputs from AFNI to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   /*--------- go to first input line ---------*/

   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

   idc      = PLUTO_get_idcode(plint) ;   /* get dataset item */
   old_dset = PLUTO_find_dset(idc) ;      /* get ptr to dataset */
   namestr  = DSET_PREFIX(old_dset) ;

   if( old_dset == NULL )
      return "*************************\n"
             "Cannot find Input Dataset\n"
             "*************************"  ;

   /*--------- go to second input line ---------*/

   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

  filename = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;   /* get string item (the output prefix) */


  if (strcmp(new_prefix,"_D3")==0){

   if (! PLUTO_prefix_ok(new_prefix) ){
     return "*************************\n"
             "Output filename already exists\n"
             "*************************"  ;

   PLUTO_popup_transient(plint,"Output file tags set automatically");

   str  = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;              /* get string item (the datum type) */
   istr = PLUTO_string_index( str ,              /* find it in the list it came from */
                              NUM_TYPE_STRINGS ,
                              type_strings ) ;
   switch( istr ){
      case 0:
         new_datum = MRI_float ; break ;
	 break ;

      case 1: new_datum = MRI_byte  ; break ;  /* assign type of user's choice */
      case 2: new_datum = MRI_short ; break ;
      case 3: new_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE( old_dset , 0 ) ;  /* use old dataset type */

  /*--------- go to next input lines ---------*/

   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;                 /* skip to next line */
   ignore = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;         /* get number item (ignore) */

   ninp = DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) ;   /* number of values in input */
   nuse = ninp;              /* number of values to actually use */

   str  = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;              /* get string item (the datum type) */
   istr = PLUTO_string_index( str ,              /* find it in the list it came from */
                              NUM_TYPE_STRINGSX ,
                              type_stringsx ) ;
   switch( istr ){
      case 0: image_type = 0; break;

  PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;                 /* skip to next line */
  scale = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;         /* get number item (scale) */

   /*---------- At this point, the inputs are OK ----------*/

   PLUTO_popup_meter( plint ) ;  /* popup a progress meter */

   /*--------- set up pointers to each sub-brick in the input dataset ---------*/

   DSET_load( old_dset ) ;  /* must be in memory before we get pointers to it */

   old_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE( old_dset , 0 ) ; /* get old dataset datum type */

   switch( old_datum ){  /* pointer type depends on input datum type */

         return "******************************\n"
                "Illegal datum in Input Dataset\n"
                "******************************"  ;

      /** create array of pointers into old dataset sub-bricks **/
      /** Note that we skip the first 'ignore' sub-bricks here **/

      /*--------- input is bytes ----------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is bptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_byte:
         bptr = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * nuse ) ;
         if( bptr == NULL ) return "Malloc\nFailure!\n [bptr]" ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            bptr[kk] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is shorts ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is sptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_short:
         sptr = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * nuse ) ;
         if( sptr == NULL ) return "Malloc\nFailure!\n [sptr]" ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            sptr[kk] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is floats ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is fptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_float:
         fptr = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nuse ) ;
         if( fptr == NULL ) return "Malloc\nFailure!\n [fptr]" ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            fptr[kk] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on input type */

   /*---- allocate space for 2 voxel timeseries and 1 FFT ----*/

   this = (float *)   malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;   /* input */
   tarD3 = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * MAX(nuse,nfreq) ) ;
   tarA3 = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * MAX(nuse,nfreq) ) ;
   taravgD3 = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * MAX(nuse,nfreq) ) ;
   /*flip = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * 1);*/
   numAv = (float *)malloc( sizeof(float) * 1);


  if (OutputFlag==1)

  new_dsetD3 = EDIT_empty_copy( old_dset );

  { char * his = PLUTO_commandstring(plint) ;
  tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dsetD3 ) ;
  tross_Append_History( new_dsetD3 , his ) ; free(his) ;

   	/*-- edit some of its internal parameters --*/

  ii = EDIT_dset_items(
       new_dsetD3 ,
         ADN_prefix      , new_prefix ,           /* filename prefix */
         ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , /* store in memory */
         ADN_datum_all   , new_datum ,            /* atomic datum */
	 ADN_nvals	      , numT ,
	 ADN_ntt	,numT,
         ADN_none ) ;

  if (OutputFlag==1)

  new_dsetA3 = EDIT_empty_copy( old_dset );

  { char * his = PLUTO_commandstring(plint) ;
  tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dsetA3 ) ;
  tross_Append_History( new_dsetA3 , his ) ; free(his) ;

   	/*-- edit some of its internal parameters --*/

  ii = EDIT_dset_items(
       new_dsetA3 ,
         ADN_prefix      , new_prefix ,           /* filename prefix */
         ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , /* store in memory */
         ADN_datum_all   , new_datum ,            /* atomic datum */
	 ADN_nvals	      , numT,
	 ADN_ntt	,numT,
         ADN_none ) ;

  if (OutputFlag==1)

  new_dsetavgD3 = EDIT_empty_copy( old_dset );

  { char * his = PLUTO_commandstring(plint) ;
  tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dsetavgD3 ) ;
  tross_Append_History( new_dsetavgD3 , his ) ; free(his) ;

   	/*-- edit some of its internal parameters --*/

  ii = EDIT_dset_items(
        new_dsetavgD3 ,
          ADN_prefix      , new_prefix ,           /* filename prefix */
          ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , /* store in memory */
          ADN_datum_all   , new_datum ,            /* atomic datum */
	  ADN_nvals	      , 1,
	  ADN_ntt	,1,
          ADN_none ) ;

   /*---------------------- make a new dataset ----------------------*/

/*-------------------making a new dataset------------------------------------*/

   /*------ make floating point output sub-bricks
            (only at the end will scale to byte or shorts)

            Output #ii at freq #kk will go into fout[kk][ii],
            for kk=0..nfreq-1, and for ii=0..nvox-1.          ------*/

   nvox = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy * old_dset->daxes->nzz ;

   foutD3 = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nuse ) ;  /* ptrs to sub-bricks */
   foutA3 = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nuse ) ;  /* ptrs to sub-bricks */
   foutavgD3 = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * 1 ) ;  /* ptrs to sub-bricks */

   if( foutD3 == NULL | foutA3 == NULL | foutavgD3 == NULL){
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dsetD3 , False ) ;
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dsetA3 , False ) ;
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dsetavgD3 , False ) ;
      return "Malloc\nFailure!\n [fout]" ;

   for( kk=0 ; kk < nfreq ; kk++ ){
      foutD3[kk] = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox ) ; /* sub-brick # kk */
      foutA3[kk] = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox ) ; /* sub-brick # kk */
      foutavgD3[0] = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox ) ; /* sub-brick # kk */
      if( foutD3[kk] == NULL ) break ;
      if( foutA3[kk] == NULL ) break ;
      if( foutavgD3[0] == NULL ) break ;

   if( kk < nfreq ){
      for( ; kk >= 0 ; kk-- ){
       FREEUP(foutD3[kk]) ;
       FREEUP(foutA3[kk]) ;
       FREEUP(foutavgD3[0]) ;
       }/* free all we did get */
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dsetD3 , False ) ;
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dsetA3 , False ) ;
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dsetavgD3 , False ) ;
      return "Malloc\nFailure!\n [arrays]" ;

   { char buf[128] ;
     ii = (nfreq * nvox * sizeof(float)) / (1024*1024) ;
     sprintf( buf , "  \n"
                    "*** 3D+time ASL a3/d3:\n"
                    "*** Using %d MBytes of workspace,\n "
                    "*** with # time points = %d\n" , ii,numT ) ;
     PLUTO_popup_transient( plint , buf ) ;

   /*----- Setup has ended.  Now do some real work. -----*/

   /***** loop over voxels *****/

/* *(flip)=scale; */

*(numAv)= nuse-ignore;

   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii ++ ){  /* time series */

      switch( old_datum ){

	case MRI_byte:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
            	this[kk] =  bptr[kk][ii] ;

         break ;

         case MRI_short:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
             this[kk] =  sptr[kk][ii] ;

         break ;

         case MRI_float:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
             this[kk] =  fptr[kk][ii] ;


         break ;


      for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse-ignore ; kk++ ){

      		if (kk==nuse-1-ignore){
			flip*( *(this+kk+ignore-1)-*(this+kk+ignore) );


		else if (kk==0){
						/*D3 tag - control*/
			flip*( *(this+kk+ignore)-*(this+kk+ignore+1) );



			flip*( 1*(*(this+kk+ignore-1))+-2*(*(this+kk+ignore))+1*(*(this+kk+ignore+1)) );





      for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse-ignore ; kk++ )
     *(*(foutavgD3)+ii)= *(*(foutavgD3)+ii)+(*(*(foutD3+kk)+ii));

     *(*(foutavgD3)+ii)=*(*(foutavgD3)+ii) / (*(numAv));


   DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;  /* don't need this no more */

   switch( new_datum ){

      /*** output is floats is the simplest:
           we just have to attach the fout bricks to the dataset ***/

      case MRI_float:
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse-ignore ; kk++ )
            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dsetD3 , kk , MRI_float , foutD3[kk] ) ;
      break ;

      /*** output is shorts:
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_short:{
         short * boutD3 ;
         float facD3 ;

         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse-ignore ; kk++ ){  /* loop over sub-bricks */

            /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

            boutD3 = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nvox ) ;
            if( boutD3 == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_power!\n\a") ;
               EXIT(1) ;

            /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

            facD3  = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , foutD3[kk] ) ;
            if( facD3  > 0.0 ){
               facD3  = 32767.0 / facD3  ;
               EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,facD3  ,
                                       MRI_float,foutD3[kk] , MRI_short,boutD3  ) ;
               facD3  = 1.0 / facD3  ;

            free( foutD3[kk] ) ;  /* don't need this anymore */

            /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dsetD3 , kk , MRI_short , boutD3  ) ;
            tarD3 [kk] = facD3  ;


         /*-- save scale factor array into dataset --*/

         EDIT_dset_items( new_dsetD3 , ADN_brick_fac , tarD3  , ADN_none ) ;

      break ;

      /*** output is bytes (byte = unsigned char)
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte * boutD3  ;
         float facD3  ;

         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse-ignore ; kk++ ){  /* loop over sub-bricks */

            /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

            boutD3  = (byte *) malloc( sizeof(byte) * nvox ) ;
            if( boutD3  == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_power!\n\a") ;
               EXIT(1) ;

            /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

            facD3  = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , foutD3[kk] ) ;
            if( facD3  > 0.0 ){
               facD3  = 255.0 / facD3  ;
               EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,facD3  ,
                                       MRI_float,foutD3[kk] , MRI_byte,boutD3 ) ;
               facD3 = 1.0 / facD3  ;

            free( foutD3[kk] ) ;  /* don't need this anymore */

            /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dsetD3 , kk , MRI_byte , boutD3  ) ;
            tarD3 [kk] = facD3  ;


         /*-- save scale factor array into dataset --*/

         EDIT_dset_items( new_dsetD3 , ADN_brick_fac , tarD3  , ADN_none ) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on output data type */

   switch( new_datum ){

      /*** output is floats is the simplest:
           we just have to attach the fout bricks to the dataset ***/

      case MRI_float:
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse-ignore ; kk++ )
            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dsetA3 , kk , MRI_float , foutA3[kk] ) ;
      break ;

      /*** output is shorts:
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_short:{
         short * boutA3 ;
         float facA3 ;

         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse-ignore ; kk++ ){  /* loop over sub-bricks */

            /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

            boutA3 = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nvox ) ;
            if( boutA3 == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_power!\n\a") ;
               EXIT(1) ;

            /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

            facA3 = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , foutA3[kk] ) ;
            if( facA3 > 0.0 ){
               facA3 = 32767.0 / facA3 ;
               EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,facA3 ,
                                       MRI_float,foutA3[kk] , MRI_short,boutA3 ) ;
               facA3 = 1.0 / facA3 ;

            free( foutA3[kk] ) ;  /* don't need this anymore */

            /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dsetA3 , kk , MRI_short , boutA3 ) ;
            tarA3[kk] = facA3 ;


         /*-- save scale factor array into dataset --*/

         EDIT_dset_items( new_dsetA3 , ADN_brick_fac , tarA3 , ADN_none ) ;

      break ;

      /*** output is bytes (byte = unsigned char)
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte * boutA3 ;
         float facA3 ;

         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse-ignore ; kk++ ){  /* loop over sub-bricks */

            /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

            boutA3 = (byte *) malloc( sizeof(byte) * nvox ) ;
            if( boutA3 == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_power!\n\a") ;
               EXIT(1) ;

            /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

            facA3 = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , foutA3[kk] ) ;
            if( facA3 > 0.0 ){
               facA3 = 255.0 / facA3 ;
               EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,facA3 ,
                                       MRI_float,foutA3[kk] , MRI_byte,boutA3 ) ;
               facA3 = 1.0 / facA3 ;

            free( foutA3[kk] ) ;  /* don't need this anymore */

            /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dsetA3 , kk , MRI_byte , boutA3 ) ;
            tarA3[kk]= facA3 ;


         /*-- save scale factor array into dataset --*/

         EDIT_dset_items( new_dsetA3 , ADN_brick_fac , tarA3 , ADN_none ) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on output data type */

     switch( new_datum ){

      case MRI_float:{

            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dsetavgD3 , 0 , MRI_float , foutavgD3[0] ) ;

      break ;

      case MRI_short:{
         short * boutavgD3 ;
         float facavgD3 ;

            boutavgD3 = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nvox ) ;
            if( boutavgD3 == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_power!\n\a") ;
               EXIT(1) ;

            facavgD3 = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , foutavgD3[0] ) ;
            if( facavgD3 > 0.0 ){
               facavgD3 = 32767.0 / facavgD3 ;
               EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,facavgD3 ,
                                       MRI_float,foutavgD3[0] , MRI_short,boutavgD3 ) ;
               facavgD3 = 1.0 / facavgD3 ;

            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dsetavgD3 , 0 , MRI_short , boutavgD3 ) ;
            taravgD3[0] = facavgD3 ;

             EDIT_dset_items( new_dsetavgD3 , ADN_brick_fac , taravgD3 , ADN_none ) ;

      break ;

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte * boutavgD3 ;
         float facavgD3 ;

            boutavgD3 = (byte *) malloc( sizeof(byte) * nvox ) ;
            if( boutavgD3 == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_power!\n\a") ;
               EXIT(1) ;

            facavgD3 = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , foutavgD3[0] ) ;
            if( facavgD3 > 0.0 ){
               facavgD3 = 255.0 / facavgD3 ;
               EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,facavgD3 ,
                                       MRI_float,foutavgD3[0] , MRI_byte,boutavgD3 ) ;
               facavgD3 = 1.0 / facavgD3 ;

            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dsetavgD3 , 0 , MRI_byte , boutavgD3 ) ;
            taravgD3[0]= facavgD3 ;

            EDIT_dset_items( new_dsetavgD3 , ADN_brick_fac , taravgD3 , ADN_none ) ;

      break ;

   } /* endasda of switch on output data type */

   /*-------------- Cleanup and go home ----------------*/

   PLUTO_add_dset( plint , new_dsetD3 , DSET_ACTION_NONE ) ;
  PLUTO_add_dset( plint , new_dsetA3 , DSET_ACTION_NONE ) ;
  PLUTO_add_dset( plint , new_dsetavgD3 , DSET_ACTION_NONE ) ;


   return NULL ;  /* null string returned means all was OK */
char * THD_dataset_info( THD_3dim_dataset *dset , int verbose )
   THD_dataxes      *daxes ;
   THD_fvec3 fv1 , fv2 , fv3 ;
   int ival , ntimes , nval_per , n1,n2,n3 , kv,npar ;
   float tf, angle=0.0;
   long long tb ;

   static char *RR="[R]" , *LL="[L]" ,
               *PP="[P]" , *AA="[A]" ,
               *SS="[S]" , *II="[I]" , *ZZ="   " ;
   char *xlbot , *xltop , *ylbot , *yltop , *zlbot , *zltop , *cpt ;
   char str[1024], soblq[1024] ;
   int nstr , obliquity;

   char *outbuf = NULL ;  /* output buffer */

ENTRY("THD_dataset_info") ;


   daxes = dset->daxes ;

   if( DSET_IS_BRIK(dset) )
     outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Dataset File:    %s\n" , DSET_FILECODE(dset) ) ;
     outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Dataset File:    %s\n" , DSET_BRIKNAME(dset) ) ;

   outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Identifier Code: %s  Creation Date: %s\n" ,
             dset->idcode.str , dset->idcode.date ) ;
   outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,   "Template Space:  %s\n", dset->atlas_space);

   if( ISANAT(dset) ){
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Dataset Type:    %s (-%s)\n",
                ANAT_typestr[dset->func_type] , ANAT_prefixstr[dset->func_type] ) ;
   } else {
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Dataset Type:    %s (-%s)\n",
                FUNC_typestr[dset->func_type] , FUNC_prefixstr[dset->func_type] ) ;

   /* 25 April 1998: do byte order stuff */

   switch( DSET_BYTEORDER(dset) ){
      case LSB_FIRST:
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Byte Order:      %s" , LSB_FIRST_STRING) ;
      break ;
      case MSB_FIRST:
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Byte Order:      %s" , MSB_FIRST_STRING) ;
      break ;

   if( THD_find_string_atr(dset->dblk,ATRNAME_BYTEORDER) == NULL ) /* 19 Sep 1999 */
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," {assumed}") ;

   kv = mri_short_order() ;
   switch( kv ){
      case LSB_FIRST:
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," [this CPU native = %s]\n" , LSB_FIRST_STRING) ;
      break ;
      case MSB_FIRST:
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," [this CPU native = %s]\n" , MSB_FIRST_STRING) ;
      break ;

   /*-- 21 Jun 2002: print storage mode --*/
   if( dset->dblk->diskptr != NULL ){
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Storage Mode:    %s\n",

   tb = dset->dblk->total_bytes ;
   if( tb > 0 )
     outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Storage Space:   %s (%s) bytes\n",
                           commaized_integer_string(dset->dblk->total_bytes) ,
                           approximate_number_string(dset->dblk->total_bytes) ) ;

   /*-- keywords --*/

   if( verbose >= 0 ){
     cpt = DSET_KEYWORDS(dset) ;
     if( cpt != NULL && cpt[0] != '\0' ){
       int j = strlen(cpt) ;
       if( j < 99 ){
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Keywords:        %s\n" , cpt ) ;
       } else {
        int k ;
        outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n----- KEYWORDS -----\n") ;
        for( k=0 ; k < j ; k += ZMAX )
          outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,SZMAX,cpt+k) ;
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;

   /*-- idcodes --*/

  if( verbose >= 0 ){
   if( ! ISZERO_IDCODE(dset->anat_parent_idcode) )
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Anatomy Parent:  %s [%s]\n" ,
                dset->anat_parent_name , dset->anat_parent_idcode.str ) ;
   else if( strlen(dset->anat_parent_name) > 0 )
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Anatomy Parent:  %s\n" , dset->anat_parent_name ) ;

   if( ! ISZERO_IDCODE(dset->warp_parent_idcode) )
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Warp Parent:     %s [%s]\n" ,
                 dset->warp_parent_name , dset->warp_parent_idcode.str) ;
   else if( strlen(dset->warp_parent_name) > 0 )
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Warp Parent:     %s\n" , dset->warp_parent_name ) ;

   /*-- tagset --*/
   if( verbose > 0 && dset->tagset != NULL && dset->tagset->num > 0 ){
      int ii , ns=0 ;
      for( ii=0 ; ii < dset->tagset->num ; ii++ )
         if( dset->tagset->tag[ii].set ) ns++ ;

      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Tagset:          %d set [out of %d total]\n",
                            ns , dset->tagset->num ) ;

   /* are we oblique ? */
   if((obliquity = dset_obliquity(dset, &angle)) >= 0) {
      if(angle>0.0) {
         sprintf (soblq,
            "Data Axes Tilt:  Oblique (%.3f deg. from plumb)\n"
            "Data Axes Approximate Orientation:",
      } else {
         sprintf (soblq,
            "Data Axes Tilt:  Plumb\n"
            "Data Axes Orientation:");
      { char *gstr = EDIT_get_geometry_string(dset) ;
        if( gstr != NULL && *gstr != '\0' )
          outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Geometry String: \"%s\"\n",gstr) ;
   } else {
      sprintf (soblq,
            "Data Axes Tilt:  Unspecified, assumed plumb\n"
            "Data Axes Orientation:");

   outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
      "  first  (x) = %s\n"
      "  second (y) = %s\n"
      "  third  (z) = %s   [-orient %c%c%c]\n" ,
    ORIENT_typestr[daxes->xxorient] ,
      ORIENT_typestr[daxes->yyorient] ,
      ORIENT_typestr[daxes->zzorient] ,
    ORIENT_typestr[daxes->xxorient][0] ,
      ORIENT_typestr[daxes->yyorient][0] ,
      ORIENT_typestr[daxes->zzorient][0]  ) ;

   LOAD_FVEC3(fv1 , daxes->xxorg , daxes->yyorg , daxes->zzorg) ;
   fv1 = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( dset , fv1 ) ;

   LOAD_FVEC3(fv2 , daxes->xxorg + (daxes->nxx-1)*daxes->xxdel ,
                    daxes->yyorg + (daxes->nyy-1)*daxes->yydel ,
                    daxes->zzorg + (daxes->nzz-1)*daxes->zzdel  ) ;
   fv2 = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( dset , fv2 ) ;

   if( fv1.xyz[0] > fv2.xyz[0] ) FSWAP( fv1.xyz[0] , fv2.xyz[0] ) ;
   if( fv1.xyz[1] > fv2.xyz[1] ) FSWAP( fv1.xyz[1] , fv2.xyz[1] ) ;
   if( fv1.xyz[2] > fv2.xyz[2] ) FSWAP( fv1.xyz[2] , fv2.xyz[2] ) ;

   LOAD_FVEC3(fv3 , daxes->xxdel , daxes->yydel , daxes->zzdel) ;
   fv3 = THD_3dmm_to_dicomm( dset , fv3 ) ;

   XLAB(xlbot,fv1.xyz[0]) ; YLAB(ylbot,fv1.xyz[1]) ; ZLAB(zlbot,fv1.xyz[2]) ;
   XLAB(xltop,fv2.xyz[0]) ; YLAB(yltop,fv2.xyz[1]) ; ZLAB(zltop,fv2.xyz[2]) ;

   n1 = DAXES_NUM(daxes,ORI_R2L_TYPE) ;
   n2 = DAXES_NUM(daxes,ORI_A2P_TYPE) ;
   n3 = DAXES_NUM(daxes,ORI_I2S_TYPE) ;

   outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
      "R-to-L extent: %9.3f %s -to- %9.3f %s -step- %9.3f mm [%3d voxels]\n"
      "A-to-P extent: %9.3f %s -to- %9.3f %s -step- %9.3f mm [%3d voxels]\n"
      "I-to-S extent: %9.3f %s -to- %9.3f %s -step- %9.3f mm [%3d voxels]\n" ,
    fv1.xyz[0],xlbot , fv2.xyz[0],xltop , fabs(fv3.xyz[0]) , n1 ,
    fv1.xyz[1],ylbot , fv2.xyz[1],yltop , fabs(fv3.xyz[1]) , n2 ,
    fv1.xyz[2],zlbot , fv2.xyz[2],zltop , fabs(fv3.xyz[2]) , n3  ) ;

   /*-- 01 Feb 2001: print the center of the dataset as well --*/

   if( verbose > 0 ){
    fv1.xyz[0] = 0.5*(fv1.xyz[0]+fv2.xyz[0]) ; XLAB(xlbot,fv1.xyz[0]) ;
    fv1.xyz[1] = 0.5*(fv1.xyz[1]+fv2.xyz[1]) ; YLAB(ylbot,fv1.xyz[1]) ;
    fv1.xyz[2] = 0.5*(fv1.xyz[2]+fv2.xyz[2]) ; ZLAB(zlbot,fv1.xyz[2]) ;

    outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
                            "R-to-L center: %9.3f %s\n"
                            "A-to-P center: %9.3f %s\n"
                            "I-to-S center: %9.3f %s\n" ,
                          fv1.xyz[0],xlbot ,
                          fv1.xyz[1],ylbot ,
                          fv1.xyz[2],zlbot  ) ;

   ntimes   = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) ;
   nval_per = DSET_NVALS_PER_TIME(dset) ;
   if( ntimes > 1 ){

      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
         "Number of time steps = %d" , ntimes ) ;

      STATUS("timestep") ;

      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf, "  Time step = %.5f%s  Origin = %.5f%s" ,
                 dset->taxis->ttdel ,
                 UNITS_TYPE_LABEL(dset->taxis->units_type) ,
                 dset->taxis->ttorg ,
                 UNITS_TYPE_LABEL(dset->taxis->units_type)  ) ;
      if( dset->taxis->nsl > 0 )
        outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"  Number time-offset slices = %d  Thickness = %.3f",
                  dset->taxis->nsl , fabs(dset->taxis->dz_sl) ) ;
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;

      STATUS("nsl done") ;

      if( verbose > 0 && dset->taxis->nsl > 0 && dset->taxis->toff_sl != NULL ){
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Time-offsets per slice:") ;
         for( ival=0 ; ival < dset->taxis->nsl ; ival++ )
           outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf, " %.3f" , dset->taxis->toff_sl[ival] ) ;
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;
   } else {
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
           "Number of values stored at each pixel = %d\n" , nval_per ) ;

#if 0
   if( verbose > 0 && ntimes > 1 ) nval_per = dset->dblk->nvals ;
   else                            nval_per = 1 ;                 /* 12 Feb 2002 */
   nval_per = dset->dblk->nvals ;
   if( verbose < 0 && nval_per > 5 ) nval_per = 3 ;

   /* print out stuff for each sub-brick */

   for( ival=0 ; ival < nval_per ; ival++ ){

     STATUS("ival a") ;

      sprintf( str ,
               "  -- At sub-brick #%d '%s' datum type is %s" ,
               ival , DSET_BRICK_LAB(dset,ival) ,
               MRI_TYPE_name[DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,ival)] ) ;
      nstr = strlen(str) ;

      tf = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(dset,ival) ;

      if( ISVALID_STATISTIC(dset->stats) ){

         if( tf != 0.0 ){
            sprintf( str+nstr ,
                                ":%13.6g to %13.6g [internal]\n"
                    "%*s[*%13.6g] %13.6g to %13.6g [scaled]\n" ,
                    dset->stats->bstat[ival].min/tf ,
                    dset->stats->bstat[ival].max/tf ,
                    nstr-16," " , tf ,
                    dset->stats->bstat[ival].min , dset->stats->bstat[ival].max ) ;
          } else {
            sprintf( str+nstr , ":%13.6g to %13.6g\n" ,
                    dset->stats->bstat[ival].min , dset->stats->bstat[ival].max ) ;
      } else if( tf != 0.0 ){
         sprintf( str+nstr , " [*%g]\n",tf) ;
      } else {
         sprintf( str+nstr , "\n") ;
     STATUS("ival b") ;
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"%s",str) ;

      /** 30 Nov 1997: print sub-brick stat params **/

      kv = DSET_BRICK_STATCODE(dset,ival) ;
      if( FUNC_IS_STAT(kv) ){
     STATUS("ival c") ;
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"     statcode = %s",FUNC_prefixstr[kv] ) ;
         npar = FUNC_need_stat_aux[kv] ;
         if( npar > 0 ){
            outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,";  statpar =") ;
            for( kv=0 ; kv < npar ; kv++ )
               outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," %g",DSET_BRICK_STATPAR(dset,ival,kv)) ;
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;
     STATUS("ival d") ;

      cpt = DSET_BRICK_KEYWORDS(dset,ival) ;
      if( cpt != NULL && cpt[0] != '\0' ){
        outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"     keywords = %.66s\n",cpt) ;

     STATUS("ival z") ;
   if( verbose < 0 && nval_per < dset->dblk->nvals )  /* 21 Sep 2007 */
     outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,
                "** For info on all %d sub-bricks, use '3dinfo -verb' **\n",
                dset->dblk->nvals) ;

   /** print out dataset global statistical parameters **/

   if( ISFUNC(dset) && FUNC_need_stat_aux[dset->func_type] > 0 ){
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"Auxiliary functional statistical parameters:\n %s\n",
             FUNC_label_stat_aux[dset->func_type] ) ;
      for( ival=0 ; ival < FUNC_need_stat_aux[dset->func_type] ; ival++ )
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf," %g",dset->stat_aux[ival]) ;
      outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;

   /** If present, print out History **/

   { char *chn ; int j,k ;
     chn = tross_Get_History(dset) ;
     if( chn != NULL ){
       j = strlen(chn) ;
       outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n----- HISTORY -----\n") ;
       for( k=0 ; k < j ; k += ZMAX )
         outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,SZMAX,chn+k) ;
       free(chn) ;
       outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n") ;

   /** If present, print out Notes **/

   if( verbose >= 0 ){
     ATR_int *notecount;
     int num_notes, i, j, mmm ;
     char *chn , *chd ;

     notecount = THD_find_int_atr(dset->dblk, "NOTES_COUNT");
     if( notecount != NULL ){
        num_notes = notecount->in[0] ;
        if( verbose == 0 && num_notes > 5 ) num_notes = 5 ;
        mmm = (verbose > 0) ? ZMAX : 1200 ;   /* 400 it was!
                                                 Come on Bob, have a heart! -ZSS */
        for (i=1; i<= num_notes; i++) {
           chn = tross_Get_Note( dset , i ) ;
           if( chn != NULL ){
              j = strlen(chn) ; if( j > mmm ) chn[mmm] = '\0' ;
              chd = tross_Get_Notedate(dset,i) ;
              if( chd == NULL ){ chd = AFMALL(char,16) ; strcpy(chd,"no date") ; }
              outbuf = THD_zzprintf(outbuf,"\n----- NOTE %d [%s] -----\n%s\n",i,chd,chn) ;
              free(chn) ; free(chd) ;
Пример #4
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   int vstep=0 , ii,nvox , ntin , ntout , do_one=0 , nup=-1 ;
   THD_3dim_dataset *inset=NULL , *outset ;
   char *prefix="Upsam", *dsetname=NULL ;
   int verb=0 , iarg=1, datum = MRI_float;
   float *ivec , *ovec , trin , trout, *fac=NULL, *ofac=NULL, 
         top=0.0, maxtop=0.0;

   /*------- help the pitifully ignorant user? -------*/

   if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
      "Usage: 3dUpsample [options] n dataset\n"
      "* Upsamples a 3D+time dataset, in the time direction,\n"
      "   by a factor of 'n'.\n"
      "* The value of 'n' must be between 2 and 320 (inclusive).\n"
      "* The output dataset is in float format by default.\n"
      " -1 or -one = Use linear interpolation. Otherwise,\n"
      " or -linear   7th order polynomial interpolation is used.\n"
      " -prefix pp = Define the prefix name of the output dataset.\n"
      "              [default prefix is 'Upsam']\n"
      " -verb      = Be eloquently and mellifluosly verbose.\n"
      " -n n       = An alternate way to specify n\n"
      " -input dataset = An alternate way to specify dataset\n"
      " -datum ddd = Use datatype ddd at output. Choose from\n"
      "              float (default), short, byte.\n"
      " 3dUpsample -prefix LongFred 5 Fred+orig\n"
      "Nota Bene:\n"
      "* You should not use this for files that were 3dTcat-ed across\n"
      "   imaging run boundaries, since that will result in interpolating\n"
      "   between non-contiguous time samples!\n"
      "* If the input has M time points, the output will have n*M time\n"
      "   points.  The last n-1 of them will be past the end of the original\n"
      "   time series.\n"
      "* This program gobbles up memory and diskspace as a function of n.\n"
      "  You can reduce output file size with -datum option.\n"
      "--- RW Cox - April 2008\n"
     ) ;
     PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;

   mainENTRY("3dUpsample"); machdep();
   PRINT_VERSION("3dUpsample"); AUTHOR("RWCox") ;

   /*------- read command line args -------*/

   datum = MRI_float;
   iarg = 1 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix",5) == 0 ){
       if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
       prefix = argv[iarg] ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )
         ERROR_exit("Illegal string after -prefix: '%s'",prefix) ;
       iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-one",4) == 0 ||
         strcmp     (argv[iarg],"-1"    ) == 0 ||
         strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-lin",4) == 0   ){
       do_one = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strncasecmp(argv[iarg],"-verb",3) == 0 ){
       verb = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-n") == 0 ){
      if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
      nup = (int)strtod(argv[iarg],NULL) ;
      if( nup < 2 || nup > 320 )
        ERROR_exit("3dUpsample rate '%d' is outside range 2..320",nup) ;
      iarg++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-input") == 0 ){
      if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
      dsetname = argv[iarg];
      iarg++ ; continue ;
     if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-datum") == 0 ){
      if( ++iarg >= argc )
         ERROR_exit("Need argument after '%s'",argv[iarg-1]);
         if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"short") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_short ;
         } else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"float") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_float ;
         } else if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"byte") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_byte ;
         } else {
            ERROR_message("-datum of type '%s' not supported in 3dUpsample!\n",
                    argv[iarg] ) ;
            exit(1) ;
      iarg++ ; continue ;
     ERROR_message("Unknown argument on command line: '%s'",argv[iarg]) ;
     suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);
     exit (1);

   /*------- check options for completeness and consistency -----*/
   if (nup == -1) {
      if( iarg+1 >= argc )
        ERROR_exit("need 'n' and 'dataset' on command line!") ;

      nup = (int)strtod(argv[iarg++],NULL) ;
      if( nup < 2 || nup > 320 )
        ERROR_exit("3dUpsample rate '%d' is outside range 2..320",nup) ;
   if (!dsetname) {
      if( iarg >= argc )
        ERROR_exit("need 'dataset' on command line!") ;
      dsetname = argv[iarg];
   inset = THD_open_dataset(dsetname) ;
   if( !ISVALID_DSET(inset) )
     ERROR_exit("3dUpsample can't open dataset '%s'", dsetname) ;
   ntin = DSET_NVALS(inset) ; trin = DSET_TR(inset) ;
   if( ntin < 2 )
     ERROR_exit("dataset '%s' has only 1 value per voxel?!",dsetname) ;

   nvox = DSET_NVOX(inset) ;

   if( verb ) INFO_message("loading input dataset into memory") ;

   DSET_load(inset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(inset) ;

   /*------ create output dataset ------*/

   ntout = ntin * nup ; trout = trin / nup ;

   /* scaling factor for output */
   fac = NULL; maxtop = 0.0;
   if (MRI_IS_INT_TYPE(datum)) {
      fac = (float *)calloc(DSET_NVALS(inset), sizeof(float));
      ofac = (float *)calloc(ntout, sizeof(float));
      for (ii=0; ii<DSET_NVALS(inset); ++ii) {
         top = MCW_vol_amax( DSET_NVOX(inset),1,1 , 
                             DSET_BRICK_ARRAY(inset,ii) ) ;
         if (DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(inset, ii)) 
            top = top * DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(inset,ii);
         fac[ii] = (top > MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum]) ? 
                        top/MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum] : 0.0 ;
         if (top > maxtop) maxtop = top;
      if (storage_mode_from_filename(prefix) != STORAGE_BY_BRICK) {
         fac[0] = (maxtop > MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum]) ? 
                        maxtop/MRI_TYPE_maxval[datum] : 0.0 ;
         for (ii=0; ii<ntout; ++ii) 
            ofac[ii] = fac[0];
         if (verb) INFO_message("Forcing global scaling, Max = %f, fac = %f\n", 
                        maxtop, fac[0]);
      } else {
         if (verb) INFO_message("Reusing scaling factors of input dset\n");
         upsample_1( nup, DSET_NVALS(inset), fac, ofac);
   free(fac); fac = NULL;
   outset = EDIT_empty_copy(inset) ;
   EDIT_dset_items( outset ,
                        ADN_nvals     , ntout          ,
                        ADN_ntt       , DSET_NUM_TIMES(inset) > 1 ? ntout : 0 ,
                        ADN_datum_all , datum      ,
                        ADN_brick_fac , ofac           ,
                        ADN_prefix    , prefix         ,
                      ADN_none ) ;
   tross_Copy_History( inset , outset ) ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dUpsample" , argc,argv , outset ) ;
   free(ofac); ofac = NULL;
   if( outset->taxis != NULL ){
     outset->taxis->ttdel /= nup ;
     outset->taxis->ttdur /= nup ;
     if( outset->taxis->toff_sl != NULL ){
       for( ii=0 ; ii < outset->taxis->nsl ; ii++ )
         outset->taxis->toff_sl[ii] /= nup ;

   for( ii=0 ; ii < ntout ; ii++ ){ /* create empty bricks to be filled below */
     EDIT_substitute_brick( outset , ii , datum , NULL ) ;

   /*------- loop over voxels and process them one at a time ---------*/

   if( verb )
     INFO_message("Upsampling time series from %d to %d: %s interpolation",
                  ntin , ntout , (do_one) ? "linear" : "heptic" ) ;

   if( verb && nvox > 499 ) vstep = nvox / 50 ;
   if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr,"++ voxel loop: ") ;

   ivec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntin) ;
   ovec = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*ntout) ;

   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++ ){

     if( vstep > 0 && ii%vstep==vstep-1 ) vstep_print() ;

     THD_extract_array( ii , inset , 0 , ivec ) ;

     if( do_one ) upsample_1( nup , ntin , ivec , ovec ) ;
     else         upsample_7( nup , ntin , ivec , ovec ) ;

     THD_insert_series( ii , outset , ntout , MRI_float , ovec , 
                        datum==MRI_float ? 1:0 ) ;
   } /* end of loop over voxels */

   if( vstep > 0 ) fprintf(stderr," Done!\n") ;

   /*----- clean up and go away -----*/

   DSET_write(outset) ;
   if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(outset) ;
   if( verb ) INFO_message("Total CPU time = %.1f s",COX_cpu_time()) ;
Пример #5
static int * PLUTO_4D_to_nothing (THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , int ignore , int detrend ,
                         generic_func * user_func, void * user_data )

   byte    ** bptr = NULL ;  /* one of these will be the array of */
   short   ** sptr = NULL ;  /* pointers to input dataset sub-bricks */
   float   ** fptr = NULL ;  /* (depending on input datum type) */
   complex ** cptr = NULL ;

   float * fxar = NULL ;  /* array loaded from input dataset */
   float * fac  = NULL ;  /* array of brick scaling factors */
   float * dtr  = NULL ;  /* will be array of detrending coeff */

   float val , d0fac , d1fac , x0,x1;
   double tzero=0.0 , tdelta , ts_mean , ts_slope ;
   int   ii , old_datum , nuse , use_fac , iz,izold, nxy,nvox ;
   static int retval;
	register int kk ;

   /*----- Check inputs to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(old_dset) ) return NULL ;

   if( user_func == NULL ) return NULL ;

   if( ignore < 0 ) ignore = 0 ;

   /*--------- set up pointers to each sub-brick in the input dataset ---------*/

   old_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE( old_dset , 0 ) ;   /* get old dataset datum */
   nuse      = DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) - ignore ; /* # of points on time axis */
   if( nuse < 2 ) return NULL ;

   DSET_load( old_dset ) ;  /* must be in memory before we get pointers to it */

   kk = THD_count_databricks( old_dset->dblk ) ;  /* check if it was */
   if( kk < DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ){               /* loaded correctly */
      DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;
      return NULL ;

   switch( old_datum ){  /* pointer type depends on input datum type */

      default:                      /** don't know what to do **/
         DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;
         return NULL ;

      /** create array of pointers into old dataset sub-bricks **/

      /*--------- input is bytes ----------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is bptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_byte:
         bptr = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * nuse ) ;
         if( bptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            bptr[kk] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is shorts ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is sptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_short:
         sptr = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * nuse ) ;
         if( sptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            sptr[kk] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is floats ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is fptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_float:
         fptr = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nuse ) ;
         if( fptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            fptr[kk] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is complex ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is cptr[k][i]  */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.   */

      case MRI_complex:
         cptr = (complex **) malloc( sizeof(complex *) * nuse ) ;
         if( cptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            cptr[kk] = (complex *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on input type */

	nvox = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy * old_dset->daxes->nzz ;

   /*---- allocate space for 1 voxel timeseries ----*/

   fxar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;   /* voxel timeseries */
   if( fxar == NULL ){ ZFREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   /*--- get scaling factors for sub-bricks ---*/

   fac = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;   /* factors */
   if( fac == NULL ){ ZFREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   use_fac = 0 ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
      fac[kk] = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      if( fac[kk] != 0.0 ) use_fac++ ;
      else                 fac[kk] = 1.0 ;
   if( !use_fac ) ZFREEUP(fac) ;

   /*--- setup for detrending ---*/

   dtr = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;
   if( dtr == NULL ){ ZFREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   d0fac = 1.0 / nuse ;
   d1fac = 12.0 / nuse / (nuse*nuse - 1.0) ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
      dtr[kk] = kk - 0.5 * (nuse-1) ;  /* linear trend, orthogonal to 1 */

   /*----- set up to find time at each voxel -----*/

   tdelta = old_dset->taxis->ttdel ;
   if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) tdelta *= 0.001 ;
   if( tdelta == 0.0 ) tdelta = 1.0 ;

   izold  = -666 ;
   nxy    = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy ;

   /*----- Setup has ended.  Now do some real work. -----*/

   /* start notification */
#if 0
   user_func(  0.0 , 0.0 , nvox , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data ) ;
   { void (*uf)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *) =
     (void (*)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *))(user_func) ;
     uf( 0.0l,0.0l , nvox , NULL , 0.0l,0.0l , user_data ) ;

   /***** loop over voxels *****/   
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++  ){  /* 1 time series at a time */
      /*** load data from input dataset, depending on type ***/

      switch( old_datum ){

         /*** input = bytes ***/

         case MRI_byte:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = bptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = shorts ***/

         case MRI_short:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = sptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = floats ***/

         case MRI_float:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = fptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = complex (note we use absolute value) ***/

         case MRI_complex:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = CABS(cptr[kk][ii]) ;
         break ;

      } /* end of switch over input type */

      /*** scale? ***/
     if( use_fac )
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] *= fac[kk] ;

      /** compute mean and slope **/

      x0 = x1 = 0.0 ;
      for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
         x0 += fxar[kk] ; x1 += fxar[kk] * dtr[kk] ;

      x0 *= d0fac ; x1 *= d1fac ;  /* factors to remove mean and trend */

      ts_mean  = x0 ;
      ts_slope = x1 / tdelta ;
      /** detrend? **/

      if( detrend )
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] -= (x0 + x1 * dtr[kk]) ;

      /** compute start time of this timeseries **/
		/* The info computed here is not being used in this version*/
      iz = ii / nxy ;    /* which slice am I in? */

      if( iz != izold ){          /* in a new slice? */
         tzero = THD_timeof( ignore ,
                           + iz*old_dset->daxes->zzdel , old_dset->taxis ) ;
         izold = iz ;

         if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) tzero *= 0.001 ;

      /*** Send data to user function ***/
#if 0
      user_func( tzero,tdelta , nuse,fxar,ts_mean,ts_slope , user_data) ;
     { void (*uf)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *) =
       (void (*)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *))(user_func) ;
       uf( tzero,tdelta , nuse,fxar,ts_mean,ts_slope , user_data) ;


   } /* end of outer loop over 1 voxels at a time */

   DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;  

   /* end notification */
#if 0
   user_func( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data ) ;
   { void (*uf)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *) =
     (void (*)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *))(user_func) ;
     uf( 0.0l,0.0l, 0 , NULL,0.0l,0.0l, user_data ) ;

   /*-------------- Cleanup and go home ----------------*/
	retval = 0;
	return &retval; /* this value is not used for now .... */

Пример #6
static char *Fourier_Filter_Driver(PLUGIN_interface *plint, THD_3dim_dataset *input, float low_fc, float high_fc, int ignore, int autocorr, int retrend, char *output_prefix)  {
static char *Fourier_Filter_Driver(THD_3dim_dataset *input, float low_fc, float high_fc, int ignore, int autocorr, int retrend, char *output_prefix)  {
	int i, j;
	int ntimes, nvox;
	float **out_data, *out_temp, *scale, *input_data_f, period;
	byte *input_data_b;
	short *input_data_s;
	THD_3dim_dataset *output=NULL;
	char *err;

	/* should be a valid 3d+time input */	
	ntimes = DSET_NUM_TIMES(input);
	nvox = DSET_NVOX(input);
	/* Create a float array for the output */
	out_data = (float **)My_Malloc(ntimes * sizeof(float *));
	for (i=0; i<ntimes; out_data[i++] = (float *)My_Malloc(nvox * sizeof(float)));
	/* Create the tempory float array */
	out_temp = (float *)My_Malloc(ntimes*sizeof(float));
	/* Get the scale factors for later */
	scale = (float *)My_Malloc(ntimes*sizeof(float));
	for (i=0; i<ntimes; i++) {
		if (!DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input,i))
			scale[i] = 1.0;
			scale[i] = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(input,i);
	/* get the sampling period */
	period = DSET_TIMESTEP(input);
	switch (DSET_TIMEUNITS(input)) {
		case UNITS_MSEC_TYPE: {period/=1000; break; }
		case UNITS_SEC_TYPE:   break;
		case UNITS_HZ_TYPE:   return ("FIlter_Driver Error:\nHmm, you would think I could handle a 3d+time that is already\nfrequency, but Im lame");
		default: return("Filter_Driver Error:\nI dont understand the units of the 3d+time");

	/* Loop over voxels, pull out the time series and filter */
	for (i=0; i< nvox; i++) {
		for (j=0; j<ntimes; j++) {
			switch(DSET_BRICK_TYPE(input,j)) {
				case MRI_byte: {
					input_data_b = (byte *)DSET_ARRAY(input,j);
					out_temp[j] = scale[j] * (float)input_data_b[i];

				case MRI_short: {
					input_data_s = (short *)DSET_ARRAY(input,j);
					out_temp[j] = scale[j] * (float)input_data_s[i];

				case MRI_float: {
					input_data_f = (float *)DSET_ARRAY(input,j);
					out_temp[j] = scale[j] * input_data_f[i];
				default : {
					return("FIlter_Driver Error:\nInvalid data type for one of the sub-bricks");
		err = filter(out_temp, low_fc, high_fc, ntimes, period, ignore, retrend, FALSE);
		if (err != NULL)
			return err;
		for(j=0; j<ntimes; j++)
			out_data[j][i] = out_temp[j];
		PLUTO_set_meter(plint, (int)(100.0*((float)i/(float)nvox)));
	/* create new dataset and convert, etc. */
	output = EDIT_empty_copy(input);

        tross_Copy_History(output,input) ;  /* Jul 2010 */
#if defined(ARGC) && defined(ARGV)
        tross_Make_History( "3dFourier" , ARGC,ARGV , output ) ;
		ADN_prefix, output_prefix,
	for (j=0; j<ntimes; j++) {
		switch(DSET_BRICK_TYPE(input,j)) {
			case MRI_byte: {
				input_data_b = (byte *)My_Malloc(nvox*sizeof(byte));
				for (i=0; i<nvox; i++) 
					input_data_b[i] = (byte)(out_data[j][i] / scale[j]);
				EDIT_substitute_brick(output, j, MRI_byte, (byte *)input_data_b); 
			case MRI_short: {
				input_data_s = (short *)My_Malloc(nvox*sizeof(short));
				for (i=0; i<nvox; i++) 
					input_data_s[i] = (short)(out_data[j][i] / scale[j]);
				EDIT_substitute_brick(output, j, MRI_short, (short *)input_data_s); 
			case MRI_float: {
				input_data_f = (float *)My_Malloc(nvox*sizeof(float));
				for (i=0; i<nvox; i++) 
					input_data_f[i] = (float)(out_data[j][i] / scale[j]);
				EDIT_substitute_brick(output, j, MRI_float, (float *)input_data_f); 
		PLUTO_set_meter(plint, (int)(100.0*((float)j/(float)ntimes)));
	/* Write out the new brick at let the memory be free */
	PLUTO_add_dset(plint, output, DSET_ACTION_MAKE_CURRENT);
	for (i=0; i<ntimes; free(out_data[i++]));
	free (out_data);
	free (scale);
	free (out_temp);

	return NULL;
Пример #7
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset=NULL;
   int iarg , verbose = -1 ;
   char *outbuf, *stmp=NULL;
   char *labelName = NULL;
   char *sbdelim = {"|"};
   char *NAflag = {"NA"};
   char *atrdelim = {"\t"}, *form=NULL;
   INFO_FIELDS sing[512];
   int iis=0, N_sing = 0, isb=0, withhead = 0, itmp=0;
   int ip=0, needpair = 0, namelen=0, monog_pairs = 0;
   THD_3dim_dataset *tttdset=NULL, *dsetp=NULL;
   char *tempstr = NULL;
   int extinit = 0;
   float RL_AP_IS[6];

   mainENTRY("3dinfo main") ; machdep() ;

   if( argc < 2) { Syntax(TXT,1) ; RETURN(0); }

   iarg = 1 ;
   while (iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-') {
           if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-verb" ,5) == 0 ){
            verbose =  0; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-VERB" ,5) == 0 ){
            verbose =  1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-short",5) == 0 ){
            verbose = -1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-header_line") == 0 ||
               strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-hdr") == 0 ){
            withhead = 1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-monog_pairs") == 0 ){
            monog_pairs = 1; iarg++; continue; }
      else if ( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-label2",7) == 0 )
        if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs an argument after -label2number\n");
        labelName = malloc(sizeof(char) * 2048);
        strcpy(labelName, argv[iarg]);
        iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-sb_delim") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs a string after -sb_delim\n");
         sbdelim = argv[iarg];
         iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-NA_flag") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs a string after -NA_flag\n");
         NAflag = argv[iarg];
         iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-atr_delim") == 0) {
         if (iarg >= argc)
           ERROR_exit( "3dinfo needs a string after -atr_delim\n");
         atrdelim = argv[iarg];
         iarg++; continue;
      else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-space") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DSET_SPACE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-av_space") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = AV_DSET_SPACE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-gen_space") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DSET_GEN_SPACE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-is_nifti") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = IS_NIFTI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-is_atlas") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = IS_ATLAS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-exists") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DSET_EXISTS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-is_oblique") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = IS_OBLIQUE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-obliquity") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OBLIQUITY; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-handedness") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = HANDEDNESS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = PREFIX; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix_noext") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = PREFIX_NOEXT; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ni") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-n4") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NI;
         sing[N_sing++] = NJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = NK;
         sing[N_sing++] = NV; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Rextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_R; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Lextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_L; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Aextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_A; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Pextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_P; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Iextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_I; iarg++;
      }  else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-Sextent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_S; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-extent") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_R;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_L;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_A;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_P;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_I;
         sing[N_sing++] = EXTENT_S;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-di") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-d3") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DI;
         sing[N_sing++] = DJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = DK; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-adi") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-adj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-adk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ad3") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ADI;
         sing[N_sing++] = ADJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = ADK; iarg++;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-voxvol") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = VOXVOL; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-iname") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = INAME; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-oi") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-oj") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OJ; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ok") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-o3") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = OI;
         sing[N_sing++] = OJ;
         sing[N_sing++] = OK; iarg++;
      }else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nt") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NT; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nti") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NTI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nv") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NV; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nvi") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NVI; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-ntimes") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NTIMES; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-max_node") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MAX_NODE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-nijk") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = NIJK; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-labeltable") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = LTABLE; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-labeltable_as_atlas_points") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = LTABLE_AS_ATLAS_POINT_LIST; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-atlas_points") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ATLAS_POINTS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-fac") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = FAC; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-datum") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DATUM; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-label") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = LABEL; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-min") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MIN; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-max") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MAX; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-minus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MINUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-maxus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = MAXUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dmin") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMIN; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dmax") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMAX; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dminus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMINUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-dmaxus") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = DMAXUS; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-TR") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = TR; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-header_name") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = HEADER_NAME; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-brick_name") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = BRICK_NAME; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-history") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = HISTORY; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-all_names") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ALL_NAMES; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-orient") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ORIENT; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_grid") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_GRID; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_dim") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DIM; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_delta") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DELTA; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_orient") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_ORIENT; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_center") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_CENTER; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_obl") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_OBL; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-slice_timing") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SLICE_TIMING; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-sval_diff") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SVAL_DIFF; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-val_diff") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = VAL_DIFF; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-same_all_grid") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DIM;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_DELTA;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_ORIENT;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_CENTER;
         sing[N_sing++] = SAME_OBL; needpair = 1; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-id") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = ID; iarg++; continue;
      } else if( strcasecmp(argv[iarg],"-smode") == 0) {
         sing[N_sing++] = SMODE; iarg++; continue;
      } else {
         ERROR_message("Option %s unknown", argv[iarg]);
         suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[iarg]);

   if (N_sing == 0) {
      sing[N_sing++] = CLASSIC;

   if (sing[iis] == CLASSIC) PRINT_VERSION("3dinfo") ;

   THD_allow_empty_dataset(1) ;  /* 21 Mar 2007 */

   if (iarg == argc) {
      ERROR_message("No dsets on command line? I have nothing to do.\n");

   if (needpair && monog_pairs) needpair = 2; /* pair each couple separately */

   if (needpair==2 && (argc-iarg) % 2) {
      ERROR_message("Using options requiring dset pairs but have odd number\n"
                    "of dsets (%d) on command line.\n", (argc-iarg));
      exit (1);
   } else if (needpair==1 && (argc-iarg) < 2) {
      ERROR_message("Using options requiring dset pairs but have less than\n"
                    "two dsets (%d) on command line.\n", (argc-iarg));
      exit (1);

   ip = 0;
   for( ; iarg < argc ; iarg++ ){
      if (ip == 0) {
         int kkk, nml; char *etr;
         namelen = 0;
         for (kkk=iarg; kkk<argc; ++kkk) {
            if ((etr = THD_trailname(argv[kkk],0))) {
               if (nml < 48 && nml > namelen) namelen = nml;
         if (namelen < 6) namelen = 6;
         if (withhead) {
            int havenew=0;
            for (iis = 0; iis < N_sing; ++iis) {
               if (sing[iis] != CLASSIC) {
                  form = PrintForm(sing[iis], namelen, 1);
                  /*fprintf(stderr,"ZSS: %d %s >%s<\n",
                           sing[iis], Field_Names[sing[iis]], form);*/

                  fprintf(stdout, form, Field_Names[sing[iis]]);
               if (havenew) {
                  if (N_sing > 1 && iis < N_sing-1)
                  else fprintf(stdout,"\n");
     if( argv[iarg][0] == '\0' ) continue ;  /* bad filename */

     set_obliquity_report(0); /* silence obliquity */

     if (!needpair) {
      if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg]))) {
        /* exit(1); */
     } else {
      if (needpair == 2) { /* Crazy idea of comparing each pair separately */
         if (ip % 2 == 0) {
            if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg] ))) {
               /* exit(1); */
            if (iarg+1==argc || argv[iarg+1][0] == '\0') {
               ERROR_message("Bad dset pair for %s\n", argv[iarg]);
            if (!(dsetp = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg+1] ))) {
               /* exit(1); */
         } else { /* swap the pair - this allows non pair requiring functions
                     to work as before.*/
            tttdset = dsetp;
            dsetp = dset;
            dset = tttdset; tttdset=NULL;
      } else { /* always compare to very first dset */
         if (ip==0) {
            if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg] ))) {
            if (!(dsetp = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg+1] ))) {
         } else if (ip==1) { /* switch order of first two */
            tttdset = dsetp;
            dsetp = dset; /* now dsetp is the very first dset */
            dset = tttdset; tttdset=NULL;
         } else { /* pair with very first, which is dsetp */
            if (!(dset = load_3dinfo_dataset(argv[iarg] ))) {

     if (0 && !dset) { /* allow for DSET_EXISTS option */
         ERROR_exit("Should not get here");

     /* we should re-capture this per dataset   5 Feb 2019 [rickr] */
     extinit = 0;

     for (iis = 0; iis < N_sing; ++iis) {
        if (!dset) {
         if (sing[iis] == CLASSIC) {
            if( dset == NULL ){  /* still not open? */
               ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset %s\n", argv[iarg]) ;
         } else if (sing[iis] != DSET_EXISTS && sing[iis] != INAME) {
            fprintf(stdout, "NO-DSET");
            SPIT_DELIM(iis, N_sing, atrdelim);
        switch (sing[iis]) {
         case CLASSIC:
            if (labelName == NULL )  /*** get and output info ***/
             outbuf = THD_dataset_info( dset , verbose ) ;
             if( outbuf != NULL ){
               printf("\n") ;
               puts(outbuf) ;
               free(outbuf) ; outbuf = NULL ;
             } else {
               ERROR_exit("Can't get info for dataset %s",argv[iarg]) ;
            else   /*** get and output label ***/
             int nval_per = dset->dblk->nvals;
             int foundLabel = 0;
             int ival=0;

             for (ival=0 ; ival < nval_per && !foundLabel; ival++ )
               if (strcmp(DSET_BRICK_LAB(dset,ival), labelName) == 0)
                 printf("%d\n", ival); foundLabel = 1;
             } /* end of for (ival=0 ; ival < nval_per ; ival++ ) */
             if (!foundLabel) printf("\n");

            THD_delete_3dim_dataset( dset , False ) ;
         case DSET_EXISTS:
            fprintf(stdout, "%d", dset ? 1:0);
         case DSET_SPACE:
            tempstr = THD_get_space(dset);
                  fprintf(stdout, "-----");
                  fprintf(stdout, "%s", tempstr);
         case DSET_GEN_SPACE:
            tempstr = THD_get_generic_space(dset);
                  fprintf(stdout, "-----");
                  fprintf(stdout, "%s", tempstr);
         case AV_DSET_SPACE:
            /* don't allow anything but the three AFNI views */
            tempstr = THD_get_view_space(dset);
                  fprintf(stdout, "+orig");
            else if (!strncasecmp(tempstr,"ORIG",4))
                  fprintf(stdout, "+orig");
            else if (!strncasecmp(tempstr,"ACPC",4))
                  fprintf(stdout, "+acpc");
            else if (!strncasecmp(tempstr,"TLRC",4))
                  fprintf(stdout, "+tlrc");
            else  /* shouldn't get here */
                  fprintf(stdout, "+orig");
         case IS_NIFTI:
            if (  dset->dblk->diskptr &&
                  dset->dblk->diskptr->storage_mode == STORAGE_BY_NIFTI ) {
            } else {
         case IS_ATLAS:
            if (  is_Dset_Atlasy(dset, NULL) ) {
            } else {
         case IS_OBLIQUE:
            if (dset_obliquity(dset,NULL) > 0) {
            } else {
         case HANDEDNESS:
            if (THD_handedness(dset) > 0) {
            } else {
         case OBLIQUITY:
                  THD_compute_oblique_angle(dset->daxes->ijk_to_dicom_real, 0));
         case PREFIX:
            form = PrintForm(sing[iis], namelen, 1);
            fprintf(stdout,form, DSET_PREFIX(dset));
         case PREFIX_NOEXT:
               form = PrintForm(sing[iis], namelen, 1);
               fprintf(stdout,form, stmp);
               free(stmp); stmp=NULL;
         case HEADER_NAME:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", dset->dblk->diskptr->header_name);
         case BRICK_NAME:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", dset->dblk->diskptr->brick_name);
         case ALL_NAMES:
            THD_show_dataset_names(dset, "FOR_3DINFO", stdout);
         case HISTORY:
            stmp = tross_Get_History(dset);
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", stmp ? stmp:NAflag);
            if (stmp) free(stmp); stmp=NULL;
         case NI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NX(dset));
         case NJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NY(dset));
         case NK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NZ(dset));
         case NIJK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NVOX(dset));
         case NTIMES:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset));
         case MAX_NODE:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", itmp);
         case NT:
         case NV:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NVALS(dset));
         case NTI:
         case NVI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%d", DSET_NVALS(dset)-1);
         case DI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_DX(dset));
         case DJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_DY(dset));
         case DK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_DZ(dset));
         case OI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_XORG(dset));
         case OJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_YORG(dset));
         case OK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_ZORG(dset));
         case ADI:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DX(dset)));
         case EXTENT_R:
         case EXTENT_L:
         case EXTENT_A:
         case EXTENT_P:
         case EXTENT_I:
         case EXTENT_S:
               if (!extinit) {
                  THD_dset_extent(dset, '-', RL_AP_IS);
                  extinit = 1;
               fprintf(stdout,"%f", RL_AP_IS[sing[iis]-EXTENT_R]);

         case ADJ:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DY(dset)));
         case ADK:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DZ(dset)));
         case VOXVOL:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", fabs(DSET_DX(dset))*
         case INAME:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", argv[iarg]);
         case LTABLE:
               char *str;
               if ((str = Dtable_to_nimlstring(DSET_Label_Dtable(dset),                                                          "VALUE_LABEL_DTABLE"))) {
                  fprintf(stdout,"%s", str);
               } else {
               ATLAS_POINT_LIST *apl=NULL;
               if ((apl =
                     label_table_to_atlas_point_list(DSET_Label_Dtable(dset)))) {
               } else {
         case  ATLAS_POINTS:
               ATR_string *atr =
                  THD_find_string_atr( dset->dblk, "ATLAS_LABEL_TABLE");
               if (atr) {
                  fprintf(stdout,"%s", atr->ch);
               }  else {
         case FAC:
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case DATUM:
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case LABEL:
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
               DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset,isb) ? DSET_BRICK_LABEL(dset,isb):NAflag,
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case MIN:
         case MINUS:
         case MAX:
         case MAXUS:
               float vv=0.0, min, max;
               for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NVALS(dset); ++isb) {
                  if (!THD_subbrick_minmax(dset, isb,
                        (sing[iis] == MINUS || sing[iis] == MAXUS) ? 0:1,
                        &min, &max)) {
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
                  } else {
                          if (sing[iis] == MINUS)
                        vv = min;
                     else if (sing[iis] == MAXUS)
                        vv = max;
                     else if (sing[iis] == MIN)
                        vv = min;
                     else if (sing[iis] == MAX)
                        vv = max;
                        (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case DMIN:
         case DMINUS:
         case DMAX:
         case DMAXUS:
               float vv=0.0, min, max;
               if (!THD_dset_minmax(dset,
                     (sing[iis] == DMINUS || sing[iis] == DMAXUS) ? 0:1,
                     &min, &max)) {
                     (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
               } else {
                       if (sing[iis] == DMINUS)
                     vv = min;
                  else if (sing[iis] == DMAXUS)
                     vv = max;
                  else if (sing[iis] == DMIN)
                     vv = min;
                  else if (sing[iis] == DMAX)
                     vv = max;
                     (isb == (DSET_NVALS(dset)-1)) ? "" : sbdelim);
         case TR:
#if 0
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_TR_SEC(dset));
            fprintf(stdout,"%f", DSET_TR(dset));
         case ORIENT:
               /* fprintf(stdout,"%c%c%c",
                *         ORIENT_typestr[dset->daxes->xxorient][0], ... ); */
               char ostr[4];    /* just to show        23 Jan 2013 [rickr] */
               THD_fill_orient_str_3(dset->daxes, ostr);
               fprintf(stdout,"%3s", ostr);
         case SAME_GRID:
               !THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ));
         case SAME_DIM:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_DIMEN));
         case SAME_DELTA:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_DELTA));
         case SAME_ORIENT:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_ORIENT));
         case SAME_CENTER:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_CENTER));
         case SAME_OBL:
               !(THD_dataset_mismatch( dset , dsetp ) & MISMATCH_OBLIQ));
         case SLICE_TIMING:     /* 6 May 2013 [rickr] */
               if( DSET_HAS_SLICE_TIMING(dset) ) {
                  DSET_UNMSEC(dset); /* make sure times are in seconds */
                  for (isb=0; isb<dset->taxis->nsl; ++isb) {
                           (isb > 0) ? sbdelim : "",
               } else { /* all slices times are at t=0.0 */
                  for (isb=0; isb<DSET_NZ(dset); ++isb) {
                     fprintf(stdout,"%s%f", (isb > 0) ? sbdelim : "", 0.0);
         case SVAL_DIFF:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f",THD_diff_vol_vals(dset, dsetp, 1));
         case VAL_DIFF:
            fprintf(stdout,"%f",THD_diff_vol_vals(dset, dsetp, 0));
         case ID:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", DSET_IDCODE_STR(dset));
         case SMODE:
            fprintf(stdout,"%s", DSET_STORAGE_MODE_STR(dset));
            ERROR_message("Info field not set properly (%d)\n", sing[iis]);
        if (sing[iis] != CLASSIC) {
         SPIT_DELIM(iis, N_sing, atrdelim);

   exit(0) ;
Пример #8
THD_3dim_dataset * MAKER_4D_to_typed_fim( THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset ,
                                          char * new_prefix , int new_datum ,
                                          int ignore , int detrend ,
                                          generic_func * user_func ,
                                          void * user_data )
   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset ;  /* output dataset */

   byte    ** bptr = NULL ;  /* one of these will be the array of */
   short   ** sptr = NULL ;  /* pointers to input dataset sub-bricks */
   float   ** fptr = NULL ;  /* (depending on input datum type) */
   complex ** cptr = NULL ;

   float * fxar = NULL ;  /* array loaded from input dataset */
   float * fac  = NULL ;  /* array of brick scaling factors */
   float * fout = NULL ;  /* will be array of output floats */
   float * dtr  = NULL ;  /* will be array of detrending coeff */

   float val , d0fac , d1fac , x0,x1;
   double tzero=0 , tdelta , ts_mean , ts_slope ;
   int   ii , old_datum , nuse , use_fac , iz,izold, nxy,nvox , nbad ;
   register int kk ;

   void (*ufunc)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *,float *)
     = (void (*)(double,double,int,float *,double,double,void *,float *)) user_func ;

   /*----- Check inputs to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   if( ! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(old_dset) ) return NULL ;

   if( new_datum >= 0         &&
       new_datum != MRI_byte  &&
       new_datum != MRI_short &&
       new_datum != MRI_float   ) return NULL ;

   if( user_func == NULL ) return NULL ;

   if( ignore < 0 ) ignore = 0 ;

   /*--------- set up pointers to each sub-brick in the input dataset ---------*/

   old_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE( old_dset , 0 ) ;   /* get old dataset datum */
   nuse      = DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) - ignore ; /* # of points on time axis */
   if( nuse < 2 ) return NULL ;

   if( new_datum < 0 ) new_datum = old_datum ;   /* output datum = input */
   if( new_datum == MRI_complex ) return NULL ;  /* but complex = bad news */

   DSET_load( old_dset ) ;  /* must be in memory before we get pointers to it */

   kk = THD_count_databricks( old_dset->dblk ) ;  /* check if it was */
   if( kk < DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ){               /* loaded correctly */
      DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;
      return NULL ;

   switch( old_datum ){  /* pointer type depends on input datum type */

      default:                      /** don't know what to do **/
         DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;
         return NULL ;

      /** create array of pointers into old dataset sub-bricks **/

      /*--------- input is bytes ----------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is bptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_byte:
         bptr = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * nuse ) ;
         if( bptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            bptr[kk] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is shorts ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is sptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_short:
         sptr = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * nuse ) ;
         if( sptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            sptr[kk] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is floats ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is fptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.  */

      case MRI_float:
         fptr = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nuse ) ;
         if( fptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            fptr[kk] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is complex ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is cptr[k][i]  */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..nuse-1.   */

      case MRI_complex:
         cptr = (complex **) malloc( sizeof(complex *) * nuse ) ;
         if( cptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
            cptr[kk] = (complex *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on input type */

   /*---- allocate space for 1 voxel timeseries ----*/

   fxar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;   /* voxel timeseries */
   if( fxar == NULL ){ FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   /*--- get scaling factors for sub-bricks ---*/

   fac = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;   /* factors */
   if( fac == NULL ){ FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   use_fac = 0 ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
      fac[kk] = DSET_BRICK_FACTOR(old_dset,kk+ignore) ;
      if( fac[kk] != 0.0 ) use_fac++ ;
      else                 fac[kk] = 1.0 ;
   if( !use_fac ) FREEUP(fac) ;

   /*--- setup for detrending ---*/

   dtr = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;
   if( dtr == NULL ){ FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ; }

   d0fac = 1.0 / nuse ;
   d1fac = 12.0 / nuse / (nuse*nuse - 1.0) ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ )
      dtr[kk] = kk - 0.5 * (nuse-1) ;  /* linear trend, orthogonal to 1 */

   /*---------------------- make a new dataset ----------------------*/

   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( old_dset ) ; /* start with copy of old one */

   /*-- edit some of its internal parameters --*/

   ii = EDIT_dset_items(
           new_dset ,
              ADN_prefix      , new_prefix ,           /* filename prefix */
              ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , /* store in memory */
              ADN_datum_all   , new_datum ,            /* atomic datum */
              ADN_nvals       , 1 ,                    /* # sub-bricks */
              ADN_ntt         , 0 ,                    /* # time points */
              ADN_type        , ISHEAD(old_dset)       /* dataset type */
                                 ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE
                                 : GEN_FUNC_TYPE ,
              ADN_func_type   , FUNC_FIM_TYPE ,        /* function type */
           ADN_none ) ;

   if( ii != 0 ){
      ERROR_message("Error creating dataset '%s'",new_prefix) ;
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;  /* some error above */
      FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ;

   /*------ make floating point output brick
            (only at the end will scale to byte or shorts) ------*/

   nvox = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy * old_dset->daxes->nzz ;

   fout = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox ) ;  /* ptr to brick */

   if( fout == NULL ){
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
      FREE_WORKSPACE ; return NULL ;

   /*----- set up to find time at each voxel -----*/

   tdelta = old_dset->taxis->ttdel ;
   if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) tdelta *= 0.001 ;
   if( tdelta == 0.0 ) tdelta = 1.0 ;

   izold  = -666 ;
   nxy    = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy ;

   /*----- Setup has ended.  Now do some real work. -----*/

   /* start notification */

#if 0
   user_func(  0.0 , 0.0 , nvox , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data , NULL ) ;
   ufunc(  0.0 , 0.0 , nvox , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data , NULL ) ;

   /***** loop over voxels *****/

   for( ii=0 ; ii < nvox ; ii++  ){  /* 1 time series at a time */

      /*** load data from input dataset, depending on type ***/

      switch( old_datum ){

         /*** input = bytes ***/

         case MRI_byte:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = bptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = shorts ***/

         case MRI_short:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = sptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = floats ***/

         case MRI_float:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = fptr[kk][ii] ;
         break ;

         /*** input = complex (note we use absolute value) ***/

         case MRI_complex:
            for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] = CABS(cptr[kk][ii]) ;
         break ;

      } /* end of switch over input type */

      /*** scale? ***/

      if( use_fac )
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] *= fac[kk] ;

      /** compute mean and slope **/

      x0 = x1 = 0.0 ;
      for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ){
         x0 += fxar[kk] ; x1 += fxar[kk] * dtr[kk] ;

      x0 *= d0fac ; x1 *= d1fac ;  /* factors to remove mean and trend */

      ts_mean  = x0 ;
      ts_slope = x1 / tdelta ;

      /** detrend? **/

      if( detrend )
         for( kk=0 ; kk < nuse ; kk++ ) fxar[kk] -= (x0 + x1 * dtr[kk]) ;

      /** compute start time of this timeseries **/

      iz = ii / nxy ;    /* which slice am I in? */

      if( iz != izold ){          /* in a new slice? */
         tzero = THD_timeof( ignore ,
                           + iz*old_dset->daxes->zzdel , old_dset->taxis ) ;
         izold = iz ;

         if( DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) == UNITS_MSEC_TYPE ) tzero *= 0.001 ;

      /*** compute output ***/

#if 0
      user_func( tzero,tdelta , nuse,fxar,ts_mean,ts_slope , user_data , fout+ii ) ;
      ufunc( tzero,tdelta , nuse,fxar,ts_mean,ts_slope , user_data , fout+ii ) ;

   } /* end of outer loop over 1 voxels at a time */

   DSET_unload( old_dset ) ;  /* don't need this no more */

   /* end notification */

#if 0
   user_func( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data , NULL ) ;
   ufunc( 0.0 , 0.0 , 0 , NULL,0.0,0.0 , user_data , NULL ) ;

   nbad = thd_floatscan( nvox , fout ) ;  /* 08 Aug 2000 */
   if( nbad > 0 )
              "++ Warning: %d bad floats computed in MAKER_4D_to_typed_fim\n\a",
              nbad ) ;

   /*------- The output is now in fout[ii], ii=0..nvox-1.
             We must now put this into the output dataset -------*/

   switch( new_datum ){

      /*** output is floats is the simplest:
           we just have to attach the fout brick to the dataset ***/

      case MRI_float:
         EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , 0 , MRI_float , fout ) ;
         fout = NULL ;  /* so it won't be freed later */
      break ;

      /*** output is shorts:
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_short:{
         short * bout ;
         float sfac ;

         /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

         bout = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nvox ) ;
         if( bout == NULL ){
             "\nFinal malloc error in MAKER_4D_to_fim - is memory exhausted?\n\a");
            EXIT(1) ;

         /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

         sfac = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , fout ) ;
         if( sfac > 0.0 ){
            sfac = 32767.0 / sfac ;
            EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,sfac ,
                                    MRI_float,fout , MRI_short,bout ) ;
            sfac = 1.0 / sfac ;

         /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

         EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , 0 , MRI_short , bout ) ;
         EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_fac , &sfac , ADN_none ) ;
      break ;

      /*** output is bytes (byte = unsigned char)
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte * bout ;
         float sfac ;

         /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

         bout = (byte *) malloc( sizeof(byte) * nvox ) ;
         if( bout == NULL ){
             "\nFinal malloc error in MAKER_4D_to_fim - is memory exhausted?\n\a");
            EXIT(1) ;

         /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

         sfac = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , fout ) ;
         if( sfac > 0.0 ){
            sfac = 255.0 / sfac ;
            EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,sfac ,
                                    MRI_float,fout , MRI_byte,bout ) ;
            sfac = 1.0 / sfac ;

         /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

         EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , 0 , MRI_byte , bout ) ;
         EDIT_dset_items( new_dset , ADN_brick_fac , &sfac , ADN_none ) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on output data type */

   /*-------------- Cleanup and go home ----------------*/

   return new_dset ;
Пример #9
   Put some help like for function thd_polyfit
int thd_Acluster (  THD_3dim_dataset *in_set,
                  byte *mask, int nmask,
                  THD_3dim_dataset **clust_set,
                  THD_3dim_dataset **dist_set,
                  OPT_KMEANS oc )
   int ii, nl, nc;
   double **D=NULL, **distmatrix=NULL;  /* this double business is a waste of
                                           memory, at least for D..*/
   int ncol = -1;
   float *dvec=NULL;
   int* clusterid = NULL;
   short *sc = NULL;
   if (!clust_set || *clust_set) {
               "ERROR: output volume pointer pointers must point to NULL\n");
   if (!mask) nmask = DSET_NVOX(in_set);
   ncol = DSET_NVALS(in_set); 
   if (ncol < DSET_NUM_TIMES(in_set)) ncol = DSET_NUM_TIMES(in_set);
   if (oc.verb) {
      ININFO_message("Have %d/%d voxels to process "
                     "with %d dimensions per voxel.\n",
                     nmask, DSET_NVOX(in_set), ncol);
   /* Create data matrix */
   D = (double **)calloc(sizeof(double*), nmask);
   for (ii=0;ii<(nmask);++ii) {
      if (!(D[ii] = (double *)calloc(sizeof(double), ncol))) {
         fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Failed while allocating %dx%d double matrix\n", 
                        nmask, ncol);

   dvec = (float * )malloc(sizeof(float)*ncol) ;  /* array to hold series */
   if (oc.verb) {
      ININFO_message("Filling D(%dx%d) (mask=%p).\n", nmask, ncol, mask);
   ii = 0;
   for (nl=0; nl<DSET_NVOX(in_set); ++nl) {
      if (!mask || mask[nl]) {
         THD_extract_array( nl , in_set , 0 , dvec ) ; 
         for (nc=0; nc<ncol; ++nc) D[ii][nc] = dvec[nc]; 

   /* allocate for answer arrays */
   if (!(clusterid = (int *)calloc(sizeof(int), nmask))) {
      fprintf(stderr,"ERROR: Failed to allocate for clusterid\n");

   /* now do the clustering 
     (ANDREJ: I do not know why the counting skipped 1st row and 1st col....) */
   if (oc.k > 0) {
      if (oc.verb) {
         ININFO_message("Going to cluster: k=%d, r=%d\n"
                        "distmetric %c, jobname %s\n",
                        oc.k, oc.r, oc.distmetric, oc.jobname);
      example_kmeans(   nmask, ncol, D, 
                        oc.k, oc.r, oc.distmetric, 
                        oc.jobname, clusterid);
   } else if (oc.kh > 0) {
      if (oc.verb) {
         ININFO_message("Going to h cluster: kh=%d\n"
                        "jobname %s\n",
                        oc.kh, oc.jobname);
      if ((distmatrix = example_distance_gene(nmask, ncol, D))) {
         example_hierarchical(   nmask, ncol, D, 
                                 oc.jobname, oc.kh, 
         /* YOU SHOULD FREE distmatrix here ...*/
      } else {
         ERROR_message("Failed to create distmatrix");
   } else {
      ERROR_message("Bad option selection");
   /* create output datasets, if required*/
   *clust_set = EDIT_empty_copy(in_set) ;
   EDIT_dset_items(  *clust_set ,
                     ADN_nvals     , 1           ,
                     ADN_ntt       , 1          ,
                     ADN_datum_all , MRI_short      ,
                     ADN_brick_fac , NULL           ,
                     ADN_prefix    , "OML!"   ,
                     ADN_none ) ;
   /* MRI_float */
   if (oc.verb) {
      ININFO_message("loading results into %s\n",
   /* transfer ints in clusterid to shorts array */
   sc = (short *)calloc(sizeof(short),DSET_NVOX(in_set));
   ii = 0;
   for (nl=0; nl<DSET_NVOX(in_set); ++nl) {
      if (!mask || mask[nl]) {
         sc[nl] = (short)clusterid[ii]+1;
   free(clusterid); clusterid = NULL;
   EDIT_substitute_brick( *clust_set , 0 , MRI_short , sc ) ;
   sc = NULL; /* array now in brick */
   if (oc.verb) {
   if (dvec) free(dvec); dvec=NULL;
   // To free D 
   for (ii=0;ii<nmask;++ii) {
    if (D[ii]) free(D[ii]);
   free(D); D = NULL;
Пример #10
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *old_dset=NULL , *new_dset=NULL ;
   char *prefix = "Filtered" ;
   int hh=0 ;
   int nvals , nopt ;

   if( argc < 2 || strcasecmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
      "3dTfilter takes as input a dataset, filters the time series in\n"
      "each voxel as ordered by the user, and outputs a new dataset.\n"
      "The data in each voxel is processed separately.\n"
      "The user (you?) specifies the filter functions to apply.\n"
      "They are applied in the order given on the command line:\n"
      "  -filter rank -filter adaptive:7\n"
      "means to do the following operations\n"
      "  (1) turn the data into ranks\n"
      "  (2) apply the adaptive mean filter to the ranks\n"
      "** This program is a work in progress, and more capabilities\n"
      "   will be added as time allows, as the need arises, and as\n"
      "   the author's whims bubble to the surface of his febrile brain.\n"
      "** This program is for people who have Sisu.\n"
      " -input inputdataset\n"
      " -prefix outputdataset\n"
      " -filter FunctionName\n"
      "     At least one '-filter' option is required!\n"
      "     The FunctionName values that you can give are:\n"
      "        rank       = smallest value is replaced by 0,\n"
      "                     next smallest value by 1, and so forth.\n"
      "                     ** This filter is pretty useless.\n"
      "        adaptive:H = adaptive mean filter with half-width of\n"
      "                     'H' time points (H > 0).\n"
      "                     ** At most one 'adaptive' filter can be used!\n"
      "                     ** The filter 'footprint' is 2*H+1 points.\n"
      "                     ** This filter does local smoothing over the\n"
      "                        'footprint', with values far away from\n"
      "                        the local median being weighted less.\n"
      "        detrend:P  = (least squares) detrend with polynomials of up\n"
      "                     order 'P' for P=0, 1, 2, ....\n"
      "                     ** At most one 'detrend' filter can be used!\n"
      "        despike    = apply the 'NEW25' despiking algorithm, as in\n"
      "                     program 3dDespike.\n"
      " 3dTfilter -input fred.nii -prefix fred.af.nii -filter adaptive:7\n"
      "Author: The Programmer with No Name\n"
     ) ;
     exit(0) ;

   /* bureaucracy */

   mainENTRY("3dTfilter main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dTfilter",argc,argv);
   PRINT_VERSION("3dTfilter"); AUTHOR("Thorby Baslim");

   /*--- scan command line for options ---*/

   nopt = 1 ;
   while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){

      /*-- prefix --*/

     if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 ){
       if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("%s needs an argument!",argv[nopt-1]);
       prefix = strdup(argv[nopt]) ;
       if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )
         ERROR_exit("%s is not a valid prefix!",prefix);
       nopt++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-input") == 0 ||
         strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-inset") == 0   ){
       if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("%s needs an argument!",argv[nopt-1]);
       if( old_dset != NULL ) ERROR_exit("you can't have 2 input datasets!") ;
       old_dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[nopt]) ;
       CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(old_dset,argv[nopt]) ;
       nopt++ ; continue ;

     if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-filter") == 0 ){
       if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("%s needs an argument!",argv[nopt-1]);

       if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"rank") == 0 ){
         ADD_FILTER(rank_order_float) ;
         INFO_message("Filter #%d = rank",nffunc) ;

       } else if( strncasecmp(argv[nopt],"adaptive:",9) == 0 ){
         char *cpt=argv[nopt]+9 ;
         if( hh > 0 )
           ERROR_exit("You can't use more than one 'adaptive' filter :(") ;
         if( !isdigit(*cpt) )
           ERROR_exit("'%s' is not a valid 'adaptive' filter name",argv[nopt]) ;
         hh = (int)strtod(cpt,NULL) ;
         if( hh > 29 )
           WARNING_message("Very long filter '%s' will be very slow",argv[nopt]) ;
         else if( hh <= 0 )
           ERROR_exit("'%s' is not a legal 'adaptive' filter name",argv[nopt]) ;
         ADD_FILTER(adaptive_filter) ;
         INFO_message("Filter #%d = adaptive:%d",nffunc,hh) ;

       } else if( strncasecmp(argv[nopt],"detrend:",8) == 0 ){
         char *cpt=argv[nopt]+8 ;
         if( polort > 0 )
           ERROR_exit("You can't use more than one 'detrend' filter :(") ;
         if( !isdigit(*cpt) )
           ERROR_exit("'%s' is not a valid 'detrend' filter name",argv[nopt]) ;
         polort = (int)strtod(cpt,NULL) ;
         if( polort < 0 )
           ERROR_exit("'%s' is not a legal 'detrend' filter name",argv[nopt]) ;
         ADD_FILTER(polort_filter) ;
         INFO_message("Filter #%d = detrend:%d",nffunc,polort) ;

       } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"despike") == 0 ){
         ADD_FILTER(DES_despike25) ;
         INFO_message("Filter #%d = despike",nffunc) ;

       } else {
         ERROR_exit("Unkown filter type '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;
       nopt++ ; continue ;

     ERROR_exit("Unknown option: '%s'",argv[nopt]) ;

   if( nffunc == 0 ) ERROR_exit("No -filter options given !? :(") ;

   if( old_dset == NULL ){
     if( nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("no input dataset?") ;
     old_dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[nopt]) ;
     CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(old_dset,argv[nopt]) ;

   nvals = DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ;
   if( nvals < 2 ) ERROR_exit("Input dataset too short to filter!") ;

   if( hh > 0 ) setup_adaptive_filter( hh , nvals ) ;

   INFO_message("Load input dataset") ;

   DSET_load(old_dset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(old_dset) ;

   /** do the work **/

   INFO_message("Start processing") ;

   new_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc(
                    old_dset ,             /* input dataset */
                    prefix ,               /* output prefix */
                    MRI_float ,            /* output datum  */
                    0 ,                    /* ignore count  */
                    0 ,                    /* don't detrend */
                    nvals ,                /* number of briks */
                    FILTER_tsfunc ,        /* timeseries processor */
                    NULL,                  /* data for tsfunc */
                    NULL,                  /* mask */
                    0                      /* Allow auto scaling of output */
                 ) ;

   DSET_unload(old_dset) ;

   if( new_dset != NULL ){
     tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dset ) ;
     tross_Make_History( "3dTfilter" , argc,argv , new_dset ) ;
     if( DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) > 1 )
       EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
                         ADN_ntt    , DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ,
                         ADN_ttorg  , DSET_TIMEORIGIN(old_dset) ,
                         ADN_ttdel  , DSET_TR(old_dset) ,
                         ADN_tunits , UNITS_SEC_TYPE ,
                       NULL ) ;
     DSET_write( new_dset ) ; WROTE_DSET( new_dset ) ;
   } else {
     ERROR_exit("Unable to compute output dataset!\n") ;

   exit(0) ;
Пример #11
THD_3dim_dataset * fim3d_fimmer_compute ( THD_3dim_dataset * dset_time ,
   time_series_array * ref_ts , time_series_array * ort_ts , 
   int itbot, char * new_prefix, 
   float max_percent        /* 19 May 1997 */ ) 
   THD_3dim_dataset * new_dset ;
   int ifim , it,iv , nvox=0 , ngood_ref , ntime , it1 , dtyp , nxyz;
   float * vval , * tsar , * aval , * rbest , * abest ;
   int   * indx=NULL ;
   short * bar ;
   void  * ptr ;
   float stataux[MAX_STAT_AUX];
   float fthr , topval ;
   int nx_ref , ny_ref , ivec , nnow ;
   PCOR_references ** pc_ref ;
   PCOR_voxel_corr ** pc_vc ;
   int save_resam ;

   int fim_nref , nx_ort , ny_ort=0 , internal_ort ;    /* 10 Dec 1996 */
   static float * ref_vec = NULL ;
   static int    nref_vec = -666 ;

   float * ref_ts_min = NULL, 
         * ref_ts_max = NULL, 
         * baseline   = NULL;      /* 19 May 1997 */

   int i;
   int nupdt      = 0 ,  /* number of updates done yet */
       min_updt   = 5 ;  /* min number needed for display */

   /*--- check for legal inputs ---*/      /* 14 Jan 1998 */

   if (!DSET_GRAPHABLE(dset_time)) 
       fprintf (stderr, "Error:  Invalid 3d+time input data file \n");
       RETURN (NULL);
   if (ref_ts == NULL)
       fprintf (stderr, "Error:  No ideal time series \n");
       RETURN (NULL);

   for (i = 0;  i < ref_ts->num;  i++)
     if (ref_ts->tsarr[i]->len < DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset_time))
	 fprintf (stderr,
	   "Error:  ideal time series is too short: ntime=%d num_ts=%d \n",

   /** 10 Dec 1996: allow for orts **/

   if( ort_ts->num > 0 )      /** 05 Sept 1997 **/
       internal_ort = 0;
       ny_ort = ort_ts->num;
       for (i = 0;  i < ny_ort;  i++)
	   nx_ort = ort_ts->tsarr[i]->len ;
	   if (nx_ort < DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset_time))   /* 14 Jan 1998 */
	       fprintf (stderr,
		 "Error:  ort time series is too short: ntime=%d ort_ts=%d \n",
	       RETURN (NULL) ;
       internal_ort = 1 ;
   fim_nref = (internal_ort) ? 3 : (ny_ort+3) ;

   if( nref_vec < fim_nref )
       ref_vec = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float)*fim_nref) ;
       nref_vec = fim_nref;

   /* arrays to store maximum change in the ideal time series */
   if (max_percent > 0.0)    /* 19 May 1997 */
       ref_ts_max = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (ref_ts->num));
       ref_ts_min = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * (ref_ts->num));

   nx_ref    = ref_ts->tsarr[0]->len;
   ny_ref    = ref_ts->num;
   ntime     = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset_time) ;
   ngood_ref = 0 ;
   it1      = -1 ;
   for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){
      tsar = ref_ts->tsarr[ivec]->ts;
      ifim = 0 ;

      if (max_percent > 0.0)       /* 19 May 1997 */
	  ref_ts_min[ivec] = (float) SO_BIG;              
	  ref_ts_max[ivec] = - (float) SO_BIG;

      for( it=itbot ; it < ntime ; it++ )
         if( tsar[it] < SO_BIG )
	     ifim++ ; 
	     if( it1 < 0 ) it1 = it ;

	     if (max_percent > 0.0)      /* 19 May 1997 */
		 if (tsar[it] > ref_ts_max[ivec])  ref_ts_max[ivec] = tsar[it];
		 if (tsar[it] < ref_ts_min[ivec])  ref_ts_min[ivec] = tsar[it];

      if( ifim < min_updt ){
	 STATUS("ref_ts has too few good entries!") ;
         RETURN(NULL) ;

      ngood_ref = MAX( ifim , ngood_ref ) ;

   /** at this point, ngood_ref = max number of good reference points,
       and                  it1 = index of first point used in first reference **/
   dtyp = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset_time,it1) ;
   if( ! AFNI_GOOD_FUNC_DTYPE(dtyp) ){
      STATUS("illegal input data type!") ;
      RETURN(NULL) ;

{ char str[256] ;
  sprintf(str,"new prefix = %s",new_prefix) ; STATUS(str) ; }

   /*--- FIM: find values above threshold to fim ---*/

   DSET_load(dset_time); CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset_time);

   nxyz =  dset_time->dblk->diskptr->dimsizes[0]
         * dset_time->dblk->diskptr->dimsizes[1]
         * dset_time->dblk->diskptr->dimsizes[2] ;

   /** find the mean of the first array,
       compute the threshold (fthr) from it,
       make indx[i] be the 3D index of the i-th voxel above threshold **/

   switch( dtyp ){

      case MRI_short:{
         short * dar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it1) ;
         for( iv=0,fthr=0.0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) fthr += abs(dar[iv]) ;
         fthr = FIM_THR * fthr / nxyz ;
         for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ )
            if( abs(dar[iv]) > fthr ) nvox++ ;
         indx = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * nvox ) ;
         if( indx == NULL ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** indx malloc failure in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n") ;
            RETURN(NULL) ;
         for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ )
            if( abs(dar[iv]) > fthr ) indx[nvox++] = iv ;
      break ;

      case MRI_float:{
         float * dar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it1) ;
         for( iv=0,fthr=0.0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) fthr += fabs(dar[iv]) ;
         fthr = FIM_THR * fthr / nxyz ;
         for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ )
            if( fabs(dar[iv]) > fthr ) nvox++ ;
         indx = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * nvox ) ;
         if( indx == NULL ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** indx malloc failure in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n") ;
            RETURN(NULL) ;
         for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ )
            if( fabs(dar[iv]) > fthr ) indx[nvox++] = iv ;
      break ;

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte * dar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it1) ;
         for( iv=0,fthr=0.0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ ) fthr += dar[iv] ;
         fthr = FIM_THR * fthr / nxyz ;
         for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ )
            if( dar[iv] > fthr ) nvox++ ;
         indx = (int *) malloc( sizeof(int) * nvox ) ;
         if( indx == NULL ){
            fprintf(stderr,"\n*** indx malloc failure in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n") ;
            RETURN(NULL) ;
         for( iv=0,nvox=0 ; iv < nxyz ; iv++ )
            if( dar[iv] > fthr ) indx[nvox++] = iv ;
      break ;

   /** allocate space for voxel values **/

   vval = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox) ;
   if( vval == NULL ){
      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** vval malloc failure in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n") ;
      free(indx) ; RETURN(NULL) ;

   /*----- allocate space for baseline values -----*/
   if (max_percent > 0.0)    /* 19 May 1997 */
       baseline = (float *) malloc (sizeof(float) * nvox);
       if (baseline == NULL)
		   "\n*** baseline malloc failure in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n") ;
	   free(indx) ; free(vval); RETURN(NULL) ;
       else  /* initialize baseline values to zero */
	 for (iv = 0;  iv < nvox;  iv++)
	   baseline[iv] = 0.0;

   /** allocate extra space for comparing results from multiple ref vectors **/

   if( ny_ref > 1 ){
      aval  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox) ;
      rbest = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox) ;
      abest = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvox) ;
      if( aval==NULL || rbest==NULL || abest==NULL ){
         fprintf(stderr,"\n*** abest malloc failure in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n") ;
         free(vval) ; free(indx) ;
         if( aval  != NULL ) free(aval) ;
         if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ;
         if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ;
         RETURN(NULL) ;
   } else {
      aval = rbest = abest = NULL ;

{ char str[256] ;
  sprintf(str,"nxyz = %d  nvox = %d",nxyz,nvox) ; STATUS(str) ; }

   /*--- FIM: initialize recursive updates ---*/

   pc_ref = (PCOR_references **) malloc( sizeof(PCOR_references *) * ny_ref ) ;
   pc_vc  = (PCOR_voxel_corr **) malloc( sizeof(PCOR_voxel_corr *) * ny_ref ) ;

   if( pc_ref == NULL || pc_vc == NULL ){
      free(vval) ; free(indx) ; free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ;
      if( aval  != NULL ) free(aval) ;
      if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ;
      if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ;
      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** FIM initialization fails in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n") ;
      RETURN(NULL) ;

   ifim = 0 ;
   for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){
      pc_ref[ivec] = new_PCOR_references( fim_nref ) ;
      pc_vc[ivec]  = new_PCOR_voxel_corr( nvox , fim_nref ) ;
      if( pc_ref[ivec] == NULL || pc_vc[ivec] == NULL ) ifim++ ;

   if( ifim > 0 ){
      for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){
         free_PCOR_references(pc_ref[ivec]) ;
         free_PCOR_voxel_corr(pc_vc[ivec]) ;
      free(vval) ; free(indx) ; free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ;
      if( aval  != NULL ) free(aval) ;
      if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ;
      if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ;
      fprintf(stderr,"\n*** FIM initialization fails in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n") ;
      RETURN(NULL) ;

   /*--- Make a new dataset to hold the output ---*/

   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset_time ) ;

   it = EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
                            ADN_prefix      , new_prefix ,
                            ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC ,
                            ADN_type        , ISHEAD(dset_time)
                                              ? HEAD_FUNC_TYPE : GEN_FUNC_TYPE ,
                            ADN_func_type   , FUNC_COR_TYPE ,
                            ADN_nvals       , FUNC_nvals[FUNC_COR_TYPE] ,
                            ADN_datum_all   , MRI_short ,
                            ADN_ntt         , 0 ,
                         ADN_none ) ;

   if( it > 0 ){
              "\n*** EDIT_dset_items error %d in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n",it) ;
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
      for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){
         free_PCOR_references(pc_ref[ivec]) ;
         free_PCOR_voxel_corr(pc_vc[ivec]) ;
      free(vval) ; free(indx) ; free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ;
      if( aval  != NULL ) free(aval) ;
      if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ;
      if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ;
      RETURN(NULL) ;

   for( iv=0 ; iv < new_dset->dblk->nvals ; iv++ ){
      ptr = malloc( DSET_BRICK_BYTES(new_dset,iv) ) ;
      mri_fix_data_pointer( ptr ,  DSET_BRICK(new_dset,iv) ) ;

   if( THD_count_databricks(new_dset->dblk) < new_dset->dblk->nvals ){
              "\n*** failure to malloc new bricks in fim3d_fimmer_compute\n") ;
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
      for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){
         free_PCOR_references(pc_ref[ivec]) ;
         free_PCOR_voxel_corr(pc_vc[ivec]) ;
      free(vval) ; free(indx) ; free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ;
      if( aval  != NULL ) free(aval) ;
      if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ;
      if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ;
      RETURN(NULL) ;

   /*--- FIM: do recursive updates ---*/

   for( it=itbot ; it < ntime ; it++ ){

      nnow = 0 ;
      for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){
         tsar = ref_ts->tsarr[ivec]->ts ;
         if( tsar[it] >= SO_BIG ) continue ;  /* skip this */

         ref_vec[0] = 1.0 ;         /* we always supply orts */
         ref_vec[1] = (float) it ;  /* for mean and linear trend */

         if (internal_ort)          /* 10 Dec 1996 */
	     ref_vec[2] = tsar[it] ;
	     for( iv=0 ; iv < ny_ort ; iv++ )
               ref_vec[iv+2] = ort_ts->tsarr[iv]->ts[it];
	     ref_vec[ny_ort+2] = tsar[it] ;

{ char str[256] ;
  sprintf(str,"time index=%d  ideal[%d]=%f" , it,ivec,tsar[it] ) ;
  if (ivec == 0) STATUS(str) ; }

         update_PCOR_references( ref_vec , pc_ref[ivec] ) ;

         switch( dtyp ){
            case MRI_short:{
               short * dar = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it) ;
               for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) vval[iv] = (float) dar[indx[iv]] ;
            break ;

            case MRI_float:{
               float * dar = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it) ;
               for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) vval[iv] = (float) dar[indx[iv]] ;
            break ;

            case MRI_byte:{
               byte * dar = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(dset_time,it) ;
               for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ) vval[iv] = (float) dar[indx[iv]] ;
            break ;

         PCOR_update_float( vval , pc_ref[ivec] , pc_vc[ivec] ) ;
         nnow++ ;

	 /*----- update baseline value calculation -----*/
	 if (max_percent > 0.0)    /* 19 May 1997 */
	   if (ivec == 0)
	     for (iv = 0;  iv < nvox;  iv++)
	       baseline[iv] += vval[iv] / ngood_ref;
      if( nnow > 0 ) nupdt++ ;

      /*--- Load results into the dataset and redisplay it ---*/

      if( nupdt == ngood_ref ) 
         /*--- set the statistical parameters ---*/

         stataux[0] = nupdt ;               /* number of points used */
         stataux[1] = (ny_ref==1) ? 1 : 2 ; /* number of references  */
         stataux[2] = fim_nref - 1 ;     /* number of orts */  /* 12 Dec 96 */
         for( iv=3 ; iv < MAX_STAT_AUX ; iv++ ) stataux[iv] = 0.0 ;

STATUS("setting statistical parameters") ;

         (void) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
                                    ADN_stat_aux , stataux ,
                                 ADN_none ) ;

         /*** Compute brick arrays for new dataset ***/

         if( ny_ref == 1 ){

         /*** Just 1 ref vector --> load values directly into dataset ***/

            /*--- get alpha (coef) into vval,
                  find max value, scale into brick array ---*/

STATUS("getting 1 ref alpha") ;

            PCOR_get_coef( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , vval ) ;

	    /*--- replace alpha with percentage change, if so requested ---*/
	    if (max_percent > 0.0)    /* 19 May 1997 */
		for (iv = 0;  iv < nvox;  iv++)
		    vval[iv] *= 100.0 * (ref_ts_max[0] - ref_ts_min[0]);
		    if (fabs(vval[iv]) < max_percent * fabs(baseline[iv]))
		      vval[iv] = fabs( vval[iv] / baseline[iv] );
		      vval[iv] = max_percent;
		topval = max_percent;
		topval = 0.0 ;
		for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ )
		  if( fabs(vval[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(vval[iv]) ;

            bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , FUNC_ival_fim[FUNC_COR_TYPE] ) ;
            memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ;

            if( topval > 0.0 ){
               topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ;
               for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ )
                  bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * vval[iv] + 0.499) ;

               stataux[0] = 1.0/topval ;
            } else {
               stataux[0] = 0.0 ;

            /*--- get correlation coefficient (pcor) into vval,
                  scale into brick array (with fixed scaling factor) ---*/

STATUS("getting 1 ref pcor") ;

            PCOR_get_pcor( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , vval ) ;

            bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , FUNC_ival_thr[FUNC_COR_TYPE] ) ;
            memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ;

            for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ )
               bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(FUNC_COR_SCALE_SHORT * vval[iv] + 0.499) ;

            stataux[1] = 1.0 / FUNC_COR_SCALE_SHORT ;

         } else {

         /*** Multiple references --> find best correlation at each voxel ***/

            /*--- get first ref results into abest and rbest (best so far) ---*/

            PCOR_get_coef( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , abest ) ;

	    /*--- modify alpha for percentage change calculation ---*/
	    if (max_percent > 0.0)    /* 19 May 1997 */
	      for (iv = 0;  iv < nvox;  iv++)
		abest[iv] *= 100.0 * (ref_ts_max[0] - ref_ts_min[0]);	       
            PCOR_get_pcor( pc_ref[0] , pc_vc[0] , rbest ) ;

            /*--- for each succeeding ref vector,
                  get results into aval and vval,
                  if |vval| > |rbest|, then use that result instead ---*/

            for( ivec=1 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){

               PCOR_get_coef( pc_ref[ivec] , pc_vc[ivec] , aval ) ;

               PCOR_get_pcor( pc_ref[ivec] , pc_vc[ivec] , vval ) ;

               for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ ){
                  if( fabs(vval[iv]) > fabs(rbest[iv]) ){
                     rbest[iv] = vval[iv] ;
                     abest[iv] = aval[iv] ;

		     /*--- modify alpha for percentage change calculation ---*/
		     if (max_percent > 0.0)    /* 19 May 1997 */
		       abest[iv] *= 100.0 *
			 (ref_ts_max[ivec] - ref_ts_min[ivec]);



            /*--- at this point, abest and rbest are the best
                  results, so scale them into the dataset bricks ---*/

	    /*--- finish percentage change calculation, if so requested ---*/
	    if (max_percent > 0.0)    /* 19 May 1997 */
		for (iv = 0;  iv < nvox;  iv++)
		    if (fabs(abest[iv]) < max_percent * fabs(baseline[iv]))
		      abest[iv] = fabs( abest[iv] / baseline[iv] );
		      abest[iv] = max_percent;
		topval = max_percent;
		topval = 0.0 ;
		for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ )
		  if( fabs(abest[iv]) > topval ) topval = fabs(abest[iv]) ;

            bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , FUNC_ival_fim[FUNC_COR_TYPE] ) ;
            memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ;

            if( topval > 0.0 ){
               topval = MRI_TYPE_maxval[MRI_short] / topval ;
               for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ )
                  bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(topval * abest[iv] + 0.499) ;

               stataux[0] = 1.0/topval ;
            } else {
               stataux[0] = 0.0 ;

            bar = DSET_ARRAY( new_dset , FUNC_ival_thr[FUNC_COR_TYPE] ) ;
            memset( bar , 0 , sizeof(short)*nxyz ) ;

            for( iv=0 ; iv < nvox ; iv++ )
               bar[indx[iv]] = (short)(FUNC_COR_SCALE_SHORT * rbest[iv] + 0.499) ;

            stataux[1] = 1.0 / FUNC_COR_SCALE_SHORT ;


STATUS("setting brick_fac") ;

         (void) EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
                                    ADN_brick_fac , stataux ,
                                 ADN_none ) ;


   /*--- End of recursive updates; now free temporary workspaces ---*/

   for( ivec=0 ; ivec < ny_ref ; ivec++ ){
      free_PCOR_references(pc_ref[ivec]) ;
      free_PCOR_voxel_corr(pc_vc[ivec]) ;
   free(vval) ; free(indx) ; free(pc_ref) ; free(pc_vc) ;
   if( aval  != NULL ) free(aval) ;
   if( rbest != NULL ) free(rbest) ;
   if( abest != NULL ) free(abest) ;

   if (ref_ts_min != NULL)  free (ref_ts_min);    /* 19 May 1997 */
   if (ref_ts_max != NULL)  free (ref_ts_max);
   if (baseline != NULL)    free (baseline);

   /* --- load the statistics --- */
   THD_load_statistics (new_dset);
   /*--- Return new dataset ---*/

   RETURN(new_dset) ;
Пример #12
int main(int argc, char * argv[])
   char cphase1d[256] = "\0", rphase1d[256] = "\0";
   char new_prefix[THD_MAX_PREFIX] = TRIC_O_DEF_NEWPREFIX;
   MCW_idcode * idc ;
   THD_3dim_dataset * dset , * new_dset;
   double * avg = NULL;
   double * ca , * cb, * ra, * rb;
   MRI_IMAGE * card = NULL, * resp = NULL;
   MRI_IMAGE * cardphase = NULL, * respphase = NULL;
   float threshold = TRIC_C_DEF_THRESHOLD;
   int ignore = TRIC_I_DEF_IGNORE;
   int M = TRIC_M_DEF_ORDER;
   int winsize = TRIC_R_DEF_WINSIZE;
   float tr;
   int ival, nvals;
   FILE * fp;
   float * cpdata, * rpdata;
   int argi = 1;

   /*----- Check arguments to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   if (argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1], "-help") == 0) {

   mainENTRY("3dretroicor main"); PRINT_VERSION("3dretroicor") ;
   AFNI_logger("3dretroicor", argc, argv);

   /* Iterate over commandline args */
   while (argi < argc && argv[argi][0] == '-') {

       /*-- ignore --*/

       if (strcmp(argv[argi], "-ignore") == 0) {
	   if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** -ignore needs an argument!\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   ignore = atoi(argv[argi]);
	   if (ignore < 0) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** %i is not a valid number to ignore!\n",
	   argi += 1;
	   continue;  /* Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next arg */

       /*-- prefix --*/

       if (strcmp(argv[argi], "-prefix") == 0) {
	   if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** -prefix needs an argument!\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   MCW_strncpy(new_prefix, argv[argi], THD_MAX_PREFIX);
	   if (! THD_filename_ok(new_prefix)) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** %s is not a valid prefix!\n", new_prefix);
	   argi += 1;
	   continue;  /* Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next arg */

       /*-- card --*/

       if (strcmp(argv[argi], "-card") == 0) {
	   if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** -card needs an argument!\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   card = mri_read_1D(argv[argi]);
	   if (card == NULL) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** Can't read -card %s\n", argv[argi]);
	   argi += 1;
	   continue;  /* Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next arg */

       /*-- cardphase --*/

       if (strcmp(argv[argi], "-cardphase") == 0) {
	   if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** -cardphase needs an argument!\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   MCW_strncpy(cphase1d, argv[argi], 256);
	   if (! THD_filename_ok(cphase1d)) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** Bad name argument for -cardphase\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   continue;  /* Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next arg */

       /*-- threshold --*/

       if (strcmp(argv[argi], "-threshold") == 0) {
	   if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** -threshold needs an argument!\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   threshold = atof(argv[argi]);
	   argi += 1;
	   continue;  /* Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next arg */

       /*-- resp --*/

       if (strcmp(argv[argi], "-resp") == 0) {
	   if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** -resp needs an argument!\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   resp = mri_read_1D(argv[argi]);
	   if (resp == NULL) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** Can't read -resp %s\n", argv[argi]);
	   argi += 1;
	   continue;  /* Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next arg */

       /*-- respphase --*/

       if (strcmp(argv[argi], "-respphase") == 0) {
	   if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** -respphase needs an argument!\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   MCW_strncpy(rphase1d, argv[argi], 256);
	   if (! THD_filename_ok(rphase1d)) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** Bad name argument for -respphase\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   continue;  /* Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next arg */

       /*-- window --*/

       /*-- removed winsize ui --*/
#if 0
       if (strcmp(argv[argi], "-window") == 0) {
	   if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** -window needs an argument!\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   winsize = atoi(argv[argi]);
	   argi += 1;
	   continue;  /* Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next arg */
       /*-- removed winsize ui --*/

       /*-- order --*/

       if (strcmp(argv[argi], "-order") == 0) {
	   if (argi + 1 >= argc) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** -order needs an argument!\n");
	   argi += 1;
	   M = atoi(argv[argi]);
	   if (M < 1) {
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** %i is not a valid order number\n", M);
	   argi += 1;
	   continue;  /* Skip the rest of the loop and go to the next arg */
   } /* End iterating over commandline args */

   /* Check that at least one of Cardiac and Resp were selected */
   if (card == NULL && resp == NULL) {
       fprintf(stderr, "*** Need at least one correction (-card, -resp)\n");

   /*-- Open and check input dataset --*/

   if (argi >= argc) {
       fprintf(stderr, "*** No input dataset!?\n");
   } else if (argi < argc - 1) {
       fprintf(stderr, "*** Too many input datasets?!\n");

   dset = THD_open_dataset(argv[argi]);
   if (! ISVALID_3DIM_DATASET(dset)) {
       fprintf(stderr, "*** Can't open dataset %s\n", argv[argi]);
   if (DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) < 2) {
       fprintf(stderr, "*** Input dataset is not 3D+time!\n");

   /*---------- At this point, the inputs are OK-ish ----------*/

   /*-- copy the image data for editing in place --*/

   new_dset = EDIT_full_copy( dset , new_prefix );
   if( new_dset == NULL ) {
       fprintf(stderr, "*** Error copying dataset\n");
   tross_Copy_History(dset, new_dset); /* Copy and add to new_dset history */
   tross_Make_History("3dretroicor", argc, argv, new_dset);
   DSET_unload( dset ) ;  /* We won't need the old dataset anymore */

   /*-- calculate cardiac correction coefficients if requested --*/

   if (card != NULL) {
       /*-- convert cardiac waveform to phase --*/
       cardphase = RIC_ToCardiacPhase(card, threshold) ;
       if (cardphase == NULL) {
	   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
	   fprintf(stderr, "*** Error transforming cardiac data\n");

       /*-- calculate dataset voxel means --*/
       avg = RIC_CalcVoxelMeans(new_dset, ignore);
       if (avg == NULL) {
	   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
	   fprintf(stderr, "*** Error calculating dataset voxel means\n");

       /*-- calculate coefficients for each voxel --*/
       if (RIC_CalcCoeffAB(new_dset, cardphase, avg, &ca, &cb, M, ignore)
	   != 0) {

	   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
	   fprintf(stderr, "*** Error calculating cardiac a b coefficients\n");

   /*-- calculate respiratory correction coefficients if requested --*/

   if (resp != NULL) {
       /*-- Set winsize to 1/2 sampling rate of resp in Hz --*/
       tr = new_dset->taxis->ttdel;
       switch (new_dset->taxis->units_type) {
       case UNITS_MSEC_TYPE: tr /= 1000; break;
       case UNITS_SEC_TYPE:  break;
       case UNITS_HZ_TYPE:   tr = 1 / tr; break;
	   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
	   fprintf(stderr, "*** Bad time units type in dataset\n");
       winsize = ceil(resp->nx / (tr * DSET_NVALS(new_dset)) / 2.0);

       /*-- convert respiratory waveform to phase --*/
       respphase = RIC_ToRespPhase(resp, winsize) ;
       if (respphase == NULL) {
	   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
	   fprintf(stderr, "*** Error transforming resp data\n");

       /*-- calculate dataset voxel means if not already done --*/
       if (avg == NULL) {
	   avg = RIC_CalcVoxelMeans(new_dset, ignore);
	   if (avg == NULL) {
	       THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
	       fprintf(stderr, "*** Error calculating dataset voxel means2\n");

       /*-- calculate coefficients for each voxel --*/
       if (RIC_CalcCoeffAB(new_dset, respphase, avg, &ra, &rb, M, ignore)
	   != 0) {

	   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
	   fprintf(stderr, "*** Error calculating resp a, b coefficients\n");

   /*-- do cardiac correction if requested --*/

   if (card != NULL) {
       /*-- correct the image data --*/
       if (RIC_CorrectDataset(new_dset, cardphase, ca, cb, M, ignore) != 0) {
	   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
	   free(ca); free(cb);
	   fprintf(stderr, "*** Error applying cardiac correction\n");

       /*-- if requested, write phase data to file and pass to AFNI --*/
       if ( THD_filename_ok(cphase1d) ) {
	   /* Write the file */
	   fp = fopen(cphase1d, "w");
	   nvals = cardphase->nx;
	   cpdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(cardphase);
	   for (ival = 0; ival < nvals; ival += 1) {
	       fprintf(fp, "%f\n", cpdata[ival]);

       free(ca); free(cb); free(avg); avg = NULL;

   /*-- do resp correction if requested --*/

   if (resp != NULL) {
       /*-- correct the image data --*/
       if (RIC_CorrectDataset(new_dset, respphase, ra, rb, M, ignore) != 0) {
	   THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
	   free(ra); free(rb);
	   fprintf(stderr, "*** Error applying resp correction\n");

       /*-- if requested, write phase data to file and pass to AFNI --*/
       if ( THD_filename_ok(rphase1d) ) {
	   /* Write the file */
	   fp = fopen(rphase1d, "w");
	   nvals = respphase->nx;
	   rpdata = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(respphase);
	   for (ival = 0; ival < nvals; ival += 1) {
	       fprintf(fp, "%f\n", rpdata[ival]);

       free(ra); free(rb); if (avg != NULL) free(avg);

   /*-- write out new dataset --*/

   if (DSET_write(new_dset) != False) {
      fprintf(stderr,"++ output dataset: %s\n",DSET_BRIKNAME(new_dset)) ;
      exit(0) ;
   } else {
         "** 3dretroicor: Failed to write output!\n" ) ;
      exit(1) ;

   /*-- done successfully!!! --*/

Пример #13
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *dset , *oset=NULL , *tset=NULL ;
   int nvals , iv , nxyz , ii,jj,kk , iarg , kz,kzold ;
   float cut1=2.5,cut2=4.0 , sq2p,sfac , fq ;
   MRI_IMAGE *flim ;
   char *prefix="despike" , *tprefix=NULL ;

   int corder=-1 , nref , ignore=0 , polort=2 , nuse , nomask=0 ;
   int nspike, nbig, nproc ;
   float **ref ;
   float  c21,ic21 , pspike,pbig ;
   short  *sar , *qar ;
   byte   *tar , *mask=NULL ;
   float  *zar , *yar ;
   int     datum ;
   int     localedit=0 ;  /* 04 Apr 2007 */
   int     verb=1 ;

   int     do_NEW = 0 ;   /* 29 Nov 2013 */
   MRI_IMAGE *NEW_psinv=NULL ;
   int     dilate = 4 ;   /* 04 Dec 2013 */
   int     ctim   = 0 ;

   /*----- Read command line -----*/

   AFNI_SETUP_OMP(0) ;  /* 24 Jun 2013 */

   if( argc < 2 || strcmp(argv[1],"-help") == 0 ){
      printf("Usage: 3dDespike [options] dataset\n"
             "Removes 'spikes' from the 3D+time input dataset and writes\n"
             "a new dataset with the spike values replaced by something\n"
             "more pleasing to the eye.\n"
             " * L1 fit a smooth-ish curve to each voxel time series\n"
             "    [see -corder option for description of the curve]\n"
             "    [see -NEW option for a different & faster fitting method]\n"
             " * Compute the MAD of the difference between the curve and\n"
             "    the data time series (the residuals).\n"
             " * Estimate the standard deviation 'sigma' of the residuals\n"
             "    as sqrt(PI/2)*MAD.\n"
             " * For each voxel value, define s = (value-curve)/sigma.\n"
             " * Values with s > c1 are replaced with a value that yields\n"
             "    a modified s' = c1+(c2-c1)*tanh((s-c1)/(c2-c1)).\n"
             " * c1 is the threshold value of s for a 'spike' [default c1=2.5].\n"
             " * c2 is the upper range of the allowed deviation from the curve:\n"
             "    s=[c1..infinity) is mapped to s'=[c1..c2)   [default c2=4].\n"
             " -ignore I  = Ignore the first I points in the time series:\n"
             "               these values will just be copied to the\n"
             "               output dataset [default I=0].\n"
             " -corder L  = Set the curve fit order to L:\n"
             "               the curve that is fit to voxel data v(t) is\n"
             "                       k=L [        (2*PI*k*t)          (2*PI*k*t) ]\n"
             " f(t) = a+b*t+c*t*t + SUM  [ d * sin(--------) + e * cos(--------) ]\n"
             "                       k=1 [  k     (    T   )    k     (    T   ) ]\n"
             "               where T = duration of time series;\n"
             "               the a,b,c,d,e parameters are chosen to minimize\n"
             "               the sum over t of |v(t)-f(t)| (L1 regression);\n"
             "               this type of fitting is is insensitive to large\n"
             "               spikes in the data.  The default value of L is\n"
             "               NT/30, where NT = number of time points.\n"
             " -cut c1 c2 = Alter default values for the spike cut values\n"
             "               [default c1=2.5, c2=4.0].\n"
             " -prefix pp = Save de-spiked dataset with prefix 'pp'\n"
             "               [default pp='despike']\n"
             " -ssave ttt = Save 'spikiness' measure s for each voxel into a\n"
             "               3D+time dataset with prefix 'ttt' [default=no save]\n"
             " -nomask    = Process all voxels\n"
             "               [default=use a mask of high-intensity voxels, ]\n"
             "               [as created via '3dAutomask -dilate 4 dataset'].\n"
             " -dilate nd = Dilate 'nd' times (as in 3dAutomask).  The default\n"
             "               value of 'nd' is 4.\n"
             " -q[uiet]   = Don't print '++' informational messages.\n"
             " -localedit = Change the editing process to the following:\n"
             "                If a voxel |s| value is >= c2, then replace\n"
             "                the voxel value with the average of the two\n"
             "                nearest non-spike (|s| < c2) values; the first\n"
             "                one previous and the first one after.\n"
             "                Note that the c1 cut value is not used here.\n"
             " -NEW       = Use the 'new' method for computing the fit, which\n"
             "              should be faster than the L1 method for long time\n"
             "              series (200+ time points); however, the results\n"
             "              are similar but NOT identical. [29 Nov 2013]\n"
             "              * You can also make the program use the 'new'\n"
             "                method by setting the environment variable\n"
             "                  AFNI_3dDespike_NEW\n"
             "                to the value YES; as in\n"
             "                  setenv AFNI_3dDespike_NEW YES  (csh)\n"
             "                  export AFNI_3dDespike_NEW=YES  (bash)\n"
             "              * If this variable is set to YES, you can turn off\n"
             "                the '-NEW' processing by using the '-OLD' option.\n"
             "          -->>* For time series more than 500 points long, the\n"
             "                '-OLD' algorithm is tremendously slow.  You should\n"
             "                use the '-NEW' algorith in such cases.\n"
             "             ** At some indeterminate point in the future, the '-NEW'\n"
             "                method will become the default!\n"
             "          -->>* As of 29 Sep 2016, '-NEW' is the default if there\n"
             "                is more than 500 points in the time series dataset.\n"
             " -NEW25     = A slightly more aggressive despiking approach than\n"
             "              the '-NEW' method.\n"
             "* Despiking may interfere with image registration, since head\n"
             "   movement may produce 'spikes' at the edge of the brain, and\n"
             "   this information would be used in the registration process.\n"
             "   This possibility has not been explored or calibrated.\n"
             "* [LATER] Actually, it seems like the registration problem\n"
             "   does NOT happen, and in fact, despiking seems to help!\n"
             "* Check your data visually before and after despiking and\n"
             "   registration!\n"
             "   [Hint: open 2 AFNI controllers, and turn Time Lock on.]\n"
            ) ;

      PRINT_AFNI_OMP_USAGE("3dDespike",NULL) ;
      PRINT_COMPILE_DATE ; exit(0) ;

   /** AFNI package setup and logging **/

   mainENTRY("3dDespike main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dDespike",argc,argv);
   PRINT_VERSION("3dDespike") ; AUTHOR("RW Cox") ;

   /** parse options **/

   if( AFNI_yesenv("AFNI_3dDespike_NEW") ) do_NEW = 1 ;  /* 29 Nov 2013 */

   iarg = 1 ;
   while( iarg < argc && argv[iarg][0] == '-' ){

      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-q",2) == 0 ){       /* 04 Apr 2007 */
        verb = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strncmp(argv[iarg],"-v",2) == 0 ){
        verb++ ; iarg++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-NEW") == 0 ){       /* 29 Nov 2013 */
        do_NEW = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-NEW25") == 0 ){     /* 29 Sep 2016 */
        do_NEW = 1 ; use_des25 = 1 ; cut1 = 2.5f ; cut2 = 3.2f ; iarg++ ; continue ;
      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-OLD") == 0 ){
        do_NEW = 0 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

      /** -localedit **/

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-localedit") == 0 ){  /* 04 Apr 2007 */
        localedit = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

      /** don't use masking **/

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-nomask") == 0 ){
        nomask = 1 ; iarg++ ; continue ;

      /** dilation count [04 Dec 2013] **/

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-dilate") == 0 ){
        dilate = (int)strtod(argv[++iarg],NULL) ;
             if( dilate <=  0 ) dilate = 1 ;
        else if( dilate >  99 ) dilate = 99 ;
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      /** output dataset prefix **/

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-prefix") == 0 ){
        prefix = argv[++iarg] ;
        if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) ) ERROR_exit("-prefix is not good");
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      /** ratio dataset prefix **/

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ssave") == 0 ){
        tprefix = argv[++iarg] ;
        if( !THD_filename_ok(tprefix) ) ERROR_exit("-ssave prefix is not good");
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      /** trigonometric polynomial order **/

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-corder") == 0 ){
        corder = strtol( argv[++iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ;
        if( corder < 0 ) ERROR_exit("Illegal value of -corder");
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      /** how much to ignore at start **/

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-ignore") == 0 ){
        ignore = strtol( argv[++iarg] , NULL , 10 ) ;
        if( ignore < 0 ) ERROR_exit("Illegal value of -ignore");
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      /** thresholds for s ratio **/

      if( strcmp(argv[iarg],"-cut") == 0 ){
        cut1 = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
        cut2 = strtod( argv[++iarg] , NULL ) ;
        if( cut1 < 1.0 || cut2 < cut1+0.5 )
          ERROR_exit("Illegal values after -cut");
        iarg++ ; continue ;

      ERROR_exit("Unknown option: %s",argv[iarg]) ;

   c21 = cut2-cut1 ; ic21 = 1.0/c21 ;

   /*----- read input dataset -----*/

   if( iarg >= argc ) ERROR_exit("No input dataset!!??");

   dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[iarg] ) ;
   CHECK_OPEN_ERROR(dset,argv[iarg]) ;
   datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(dset,0) ;
   if( (datum != MRI_short && datum != MRI_float) || !DSET_datum_constant(dset) )
     ERROR_exit("Can't process non-short, non-float dataset!") ;

   if( verb ) INFO_message("Input data type = %s\n",MRI_TYPE_name[datum]) ;
   nvals = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) ; nuse = nvals - ignore ;
   if( nuse < 15 )
     ERROR_exit("Can't use dataset with < 15 time points per voxel!") ;

   if( nuse > 500 && !do_NEW ){
     INFO_message("Switching to '-NEW' method since number of time points = %d > 500",nuse) ;
     do_NEW = 1 ;
   if( use_des25 && nuse < 99 ) use_des25 = 0 ;

   if( verb ) INFO_message("ignoring first %d time points, using last %d",ignore,nuse);
   if( corder > 0 && 4*corder+2 > nuse ){
     ERROR_exit("-corder %d is too big for NT=%d",corder,nvals) ;
   } else if( corder < 0 ){
     corder = rint(nuse/30.0) ; if( corder > 50 && !do_NEW ) corder = 50 ;
     if( verb ) INFO_message("using %d time points => -corder %d",nuse,corder) ;
   } else {
     if( verb ) INFO_message("-corder %d set from command line",corder) ;
   nxyz = DSET_NVOX(dset) ;
   if( verb ) INFO_message("Loading dataset %s",argv[iarg]) ;
   DSET_load(dset) ; CHECK_LOAD_ERROR(dset) ;

   /*-- create automask --*/

   if( !nomask ){
     mask = THD_automask( dset ) ;
     if( verb ){
       ii = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(dset) , mask ) ;
       INFO_message("%d voxels in the automask [out of %d in dataset]",ii,DSET_NVOX(dset)) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < dilate ; ii++ )
       THD_mask_dilate( DSET_NX(dset), DSET_NY(dset), DSET_NZ(dset), mask, 3 ) ;
     if( verb ){
       ii = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(dset) , mask ) ;
       INFO_message("%d voxels in the dilated automask [out of %d in dataset]",ii,DSET_NVOX(dset)) ;
   } else {
     if( verb ) INFO_message("processing all %d voxels in dataset",DSET_NVOX(dset)) ;

   /*-- create empty despiked dataset --*/

   oset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset ) ;
   EDIT_dset_items( oset ,
                      ADN_prefix    , prefix ,
                      ADN_brick_fac , NULL ,
                      ADN_datum_all , datum ,
                    ADN_none ) ;

   if( THD_deathcon() && THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(oset)) )
     ERROR_exit("output dataset already exists: %s",DSET_HEADNAME(oset));

   tross_Copy_History( oset , dset ) ;
   tross_Make_History( "3dDespike" , argc , argv , oset ) ;

   /* create bricks (will be filled with zeros) */

   for( iv=0 ; iv < nvals ; iv++ )
     EDIT_substitute_brick( oset , iv , datum , NULL ) ;

   /* copy the ignored bricks */

   switch( datum ){
     case MRI_short:
       for( iv=0 ; iv < ignore ; iv++ ){
         sar = DSET_ARRAY(oset,iv) ;
         qar = DSET_ARRAY(dset,iv) ;
         memcpy( sar , qar , DSET_BRICK_BYTES(dset,iv) ) ;
         DSET_unload_one(dset,iv) ;
     break ;
     case MRI_float:
       for( iv=0 ; iv < ignore ; iv++ ){
         zar = DSET_ARRAY(oset,iv) ;
         yar = DSET_ARRAY(dset,iv) ;
         memcpy( zar , yar , DSET_BRICK_BYTES(dset,iv) ) ;
         DSET_unload_one(dset,iv) ;
     break ;

   /*-- setup to save a threshold statistic dataset, if desired --*/

   if( tprefix != NULL ){
     float *fac ;
     tset = EDIT_empty_copy( dset ) ;
     fac  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvals ) ;
     for( ii=0 ; ii < nvals ; ii++ ) fac[ii] = TFAC ;
     EDIT_dset_items( tset ,
                        ADN_prefix    , tprefix ,
                        ADN_brick_fac , fac ,
                        ADN_datum_all , MRI_byte ,
                        ADN_func_type , FUNC_FIM_TYPE ,
                      ADN_none ) ;
     free(fac) ;

     tross_Copy_History( tset , dset ) ;
     tross_Make_History( "3dDespike" , argc , argv , tset ) ;

#if 0
     if( THD_is_file(DSET_HEADNAME(tset)) )
       ERROR_exit("-ssave dataset already exists");

     tross_Copy_History( tset , dset ) ;
     tross_Make_History( "3dDespike" , argc , argv , tset ) ;

     for( iv=0 ; iv < nvals ; iv++ )
       EDIT_substitute_brick( tset , iv , MRI_byte , NULL ) ;

   /*-- setup to find spikes --*/

   sq2p  = sqrt(0.5*PI) ;
   sfac  = sq2p / 1.4826f ;

   /* make ref functions */

   nref = 2*corder+3 ;
   ref  = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * nref ) ;
   for( jj=0 ; jj < nref ; jj++ )
     ref[jj] = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nuse ) ;

   /* r(t) = 1 */

   for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ) ref[0][iv] = 1.0 ;
   jj = 1 ;

   /* r(t) = t - tmid */

   { float tm = 0.5 * (nuse-1.0) ; float fac = 2.0 / nuse ;
     for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ) ref[1][iv] = (iv-tm)*fac ;
     jj = 2 ;

     /* r(t) = (t-tmid)**jj */

     for( ; jj <= polort ; jj++ )
       for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ )
         ref[jj][iv] = pow( (iv-tm)*fac , (double)jj ) ;

   for( kk=1 ; kk <= corder ; kk++ ){
     fq = (2.0*PI*kk)/nuse ;

     /* r(t) = sin(2*PI*k*t/N) */

     for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ )
       ref[jj][iv] = sin(fq*iv) ;
     jj++ ;

     /* r(t) = cos(2*PI*k*t/N) */

     for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ )
       ref[jj][iv] = cos(fq*iv) ;
     jj++ ;

   /****** setup for the NEW solution method [29 Nov 2013] ******/

   if( do_NEW ){
     NEW_psinv = DES_get_psinv(nuse,nref,ref) ;
     INFO_message("Procesing time series with NEW model fit algorithm") ;
   } else {
     INFO_message("Procesing time series with OLD model fit algorithm") ;

   /*--- loop over voxels and do work ---*/

#define Laplace_t2p(val) ( 1.0 - nifti_stat2cdf( (val), 15, 0.0, 1.4427 , 0.0 ) )

   if( verb ){
    if( !localedit ){
      INFO_message("smash edit thresholds: %.1f .. %.1f MADs",cut1*sq2p,cut2*sq2p) ;
      ININFO_message("  [ %.3f%% .. %.3f%% of normal distribution]",
                     200.0*qg(cut1*sfac) , 200.0*qg(cut2*sfac) ) ;
      ININFO_message("  [ %.3f%% .. %.3f%% of Laplace distribution]" ,
                   100.0*Laplace_t2p(cut1) , 100.0*Laplace_t2p(cut2) ) ;
    } else {
      INFO_message("local edit threshold:  %.1f MADS",cut2*sq2p) ;
      ININFO_message("  [ %.3f%% of normal distribution]",
                    200.0*qg(cut2*sfac) ) ;
      ININFO_message("  [ %.3f%% of Laplace distribution]",
                   100.0*Laplace_t2p(cut1) ) ;
    INFO_message("%d slices to process",DSET_NZ(dset)) ;
   kzold  = -1 ;
   nspike =  0 ; nbig = 0 ; nproc = 0 ; ctim = NI_clock_time() ;

#pragma omp parallel if( nxyz > 6666 )
 { int ii , iv , iu , id , jj ;
   float *far , *dar , *var , *fitar , *ssp , *fit , *zar ;
   short *sar , *qar ; byte *tar ;
   float fsig , fq , cls , snew , val ;
   float *NEW_wks=NULL ;

#pragma omp critical (DESPIKE_malloc)
  { far   = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvals ) ;
    dar   = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvals ) ;
    var   = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvals ) ;
    fitar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvals ) ;
    ssp   = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nvals ) ;
    fit   = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * nref  ) ;
    if( do_NEW ) NEW_wks = (float *)malloc(sizeof(float)*DES_workspace_size(nuse,nref)) ;

#ifdef USE_OMP
   INFO_message("start OpenMP thread #%d",omp_get_thread_num()) ;

#pragma omp for
   for( ii=0 ; ii < nxyz ; ii++ ){   /* ii = voxel index */

      if( mask != NULL && mask[ii] == 0 ) continue ;   /* skip this voxel */

#ifndef USE_OMP
      kz = DSET_index_to_kz(dset,ii) ;       /* starting a new slice */
      if( kz != kzold ){
        if( verb ){
          fprintf(stderr, "++ start slice %2d",kz ) ;
          if( nproc > 0 ){
            pspike = (100.0*nspike)/nproc ;
            pbig   = (100.0*nbig  )/nproc ;
                    "; so far %d data points, %d edits [%.3f%%], %d big edits [%.3f%%]",
                    nproc,nspike,pspike,nbig,pbig ) ;
          fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
        kzold = kz ;
      if( verb && ii % 2345 == 1234 ) fprintf(stderr,".") ;

      /*** extract ii-th time series into far[] ***/

      switch( datum ){
        case MRI_short:
          for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ){
            qar = DSET_ARRAY(dset,iv+ignore) ;   /* skip ignored data */
            far[iv] = (float)qar[ii] ;
        break ;
        case MRI_float:
          for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ){
            zar = DSET_ARRAY(dset,iv+ignore) ;
            far[iv] = zar[ii] ;
        break ;

      AAmemcpy(dar,far,sizeof(float)*nuse) ;   /* copy time series into dar[] */

      /*** solve for L1 fit ***/

      if( do_NEW )
        cls = DES_solve( NEW_psinv , far , fit , NEW_wks ) ; /* 29 Nov 2013 */
        cls = cl1_solve( nuse , nref , far , ref , fit,0 ) ; /* the slow part */

      if( cls < 0.0f ){                      /* fit failed! */
#if 0
        fprintf(stderr,"curve fit fails at voxel %d %d %d\n",
                DSET_index_to_ix(dset,ii) ,
                DSET_index_to_jy(dset,ii) ,
                DSET_index_to_kz(dset,ii)  ) ;
        continue ;                           /* skip this voxel */

      for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ){        /* detrend */
        val =  fit[0]
             + fit[1]*ref[1][iv]             /* quadratic part of curve fit */
             + fit[2]*ref[2][iv] ;
        for( jj=3 ; jj < nref ; jj++ )       /* rest of curve fit */
          val += fit[jj] * ref[jj][iv] ;

        fitar[iv] = val ;                    /* save curve fit value */
        var[iv]   = dar[iv]-val ;            /* remove fitted value = resid */
        far[iv]   = fabsf(var[iv]) ;         /* abs value of resid */

      /*** compute estimate standard deviation of detrended data ***/

      fsig = sq2p * qmed_float(nuse,far) ;   /* also mangles far array */

      /*** process time series for spikes, editing data in dar[] ***/

      if( fsig > 0.0f ){                     /* data wasn't fit perfectly */

        /* find spikiness for each point in time */

        fq = 1.0f / fsig ;
        for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ){
          ssp[iv] = fq * var[iv] ;           /* spikiness s = how many sigma out */

        /* save spikiness in -ssave datset */

        if( tset != NULL ){
          for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ){
            tar     = DSET_ARRAY(tset,iv+ignore) ;
            snew    = ITFAC*fabsf(ssp[iv]) ;  /* scale for byte storage */
            tar[ii] = BYTEIZE(snew) ;         /* cf. mrilib.h */

        /* process values of |s| > cut1, editing dar[] */

        for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ){ /* loop over time points */
          if( !localedit ){             /** classic 'smash' edit **/
            if( ssp[iv] > cut1 ){
              snew = cut1 + c21*mytanh((ssp[iv]-cut1)*ic21) ;   /* edit s down */
              dar[iv] = fitar[iv] + snew*fsig ;
#pragma omp critical (DESPIKE_counter)
              { nspike++ ; if( ssp[iv] > cut2 ) nbig++ ; }
            } else if( ssp[iv] < -cut1 ){
              snew = -cut1 + c21*mytanh((ssp[iv]+cut1)*ic21) ;  /* edit s up */
              dar[iv] = fitar[iv] + snew*fsig ;
#pragma omp critical (DESPIKE_counter)
              { nspike++ ; if( ssp[iv] < -cut2 ) nbig++ ; }
          } else {                      /** local edit: 04 Apr 2007 **/
            if( ssp[iv] >= cut2 || ssp[iv] <= -cut2 ){
              for( iu=iv+1 ; iu < nuse ; iu++ )  /* find non-spike above */
                if( ssp[iu] < cut2 && ssp[iu] > -cut2 ) break ;
              for( id=iv-1 ; id >= 0   ; id-- )  /* find non-spike below */
                if( ssp[id] < cut2 && ssp[id] > -cut2 ) break ;
              switch( (id>=0) + 2*(iu<nuse) ){   /* compute replacement val */
                case 3: val = 0.5*(dar[iu]+dar[id]); break; /* iu and id OK */
                case 2: val =      dar[iu]         ; break; /* only iu OK   */
                case 1: val =              dar[id] ; break; /* only id OK   */
               default: val = fitar[iv]            ; break; /* shouldn't be */
              dar[iv] = val ;
#pragma omp critical (DESPIKE_counter)
              { nspike++ ; nbig++ ; }
        } /* end of loop over time points */
#pragma omp atomic
        nproc += nuse ;  /* number data points processed */

      } /* end of processing time series when fsig is positive */

      /* put dar[] time series (possibly edited above) into output bricks */

      switch( datum ){
        case MRI_short:
          for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ){
            sar = DSET_ARRAY(oset,iv+ignore) ; /* output brick */
            sar[ii] = (short)dar[iv] ;         /* original or mutated data */
        break ;
        case MRI_float:
          for( iv=0 ; iv < nuse ; iv++ ){
            zar = DSET_ARRAY(oset,iv+ignore) ; /* output brick */
            zar[ii] = dar[iv] ;                /* original or mutated data */
        break ;

   } /* end of loop over voxels #ii */

#pragma omp critical (DESPIKE_malloc)
   { free(fit); free(ssp); free(fitar); free(var); free(dar); free(far);
     if( do_NEW ) free(NEW_wks) ; }

 } /* end OpenMP */

#ifdef USE_OMP
   if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;
   ctim = NI_clock_time() - ctim ;
   INFO_message( "Elapsed despike time = %s" , nice_time_string(ctim) ) ;
   if( ctim > 345678 && !do_NEW )
     ININFO_message("That was SLOW -- try the '-NEW' option for a speedup") ;

#ifdef USE_OMP
   if( verb ) fprintf(stderr,"\n") ;

   /*--- finish up ---*/

   if( do_NEW ) mri_free(NEW_psinv) ;

   DSET_delete(dset) ; /* delete input dataset */

   if( verb ){
     if( nproc > 0 ){
       pspike = (100.0*nspike)/nproc ;
       pbig   = (100.0*nbig  )/nproc ;
       INFO_message("FINAL: %d data points, %d edits [%.3f%%], %d big edits [%.3f%%]",
               nproc,nspike,pspike,nbig,pbig ) ;
     } else {
       INFO_message("FINAL: no good voxels found to process!!??") ;

   /* write results */

   DSET_write(oset) ;
   if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(oset) ;
   DSET_delete(oset) ;

   if( tset != NULL ){
     DSET_write(tset) ;
     if( verb ) WROTE_DSET(tset) ;
     DSET_delete(tset) ;

   exit( THD_get_write_error_count() ) ;
Пример #14
static char * DELAY_main( PLUGIN_interface * plint )
   hilbert_data_V2 uda,*ud;
   MRI_IMAGE * tsim;
   MCW_idcode * idc ;         /* input dataset idcode */
   THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , * new_dset ;  /* input and output datasets */
   char *tmpstr , * str , *nprfxstr;                 /* strings from user */
   int   ntime, nvec ,nprfx, i;
	float * vec , fs , T ;
	/* Allocate as much character space as Bob specifies in afni.h + a bit more */
	tmpstr = (char *) calloc (PLUGIN_MAX_STRING_RANGE+10,sizeof(char));
	nprfxstr = (char *) calloc (PLUGIN_MAX_STRING_RANGE+10,sizeof(char));
	if (tmpstr == NULL || nprfxstr == NULL) 
									  return "********************\n"
												"Could not Allocate\n"
												"a teeni weeni bit of\n"
												"Memory ! \n"
	ud = &uda;		/* ud now points to an allocated space */
	ud->errcode = 0;	/*reset error flag */
   /*----- Check inputs from AFNI to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   /*--------- go to first input line ---------*/
   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

   idc      = PLUTO_get_idcode(plint) ;   /* get dataset item */
   old_dset = PLUTO_find_dset(idc) ;      /* get ptr to dataset */
   if( old_dset == NULL )
      return "*************************\n"
             "Cannot find Input Dataset\n"
             "*************************"  ;
   ud->dsetname = DSET_FILECODE (old_dset);
	ud->nsamp = DSET_NUM_TIMES (old_dset);
	ud->Navg = 1 ;    /* Navg does not play a role for the p value, averaging increases sensitivity */
	ud->Nort = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ; /* Should be two by default, for mean and linear trend */
	ud->Nfit = 2 ;  /* Always 2 for phase and amplitude for this plugin */
	/*--------- go to 2nd input line, input time series ---------*/
	PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;
	tsim = PLUTO_get_timeseries(plint);
	if (tsim == NULL) return "No Timeseries Input";
	ud->ln = (int)tsim -> nx;									/* number of points in each vector */
	nvec 	= tsim -> ny;									/* number of vectors */
	ud->rvec   = (float *) MRI_FLOAT_PTR(tsim);	/* vec[i+j*nx] = ith point of jth vector */
																/* for i=0 .. ntime-1 and j=0 .. nvec-1 */
	if (is_vect_null (ud->rvec,ud->ln) == 1) 	/* check if ref vect is all zeroes */
			return "Reference vector is all zeros";	
	ud->refname = tsim->name;
	ud->ignore = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
	str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;
   ud->Dsamp = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings ) ;
   /*--------- go to 3rd input line, sampling frequency, and stimulus period ---------*/
   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;
   ud->fs = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   ud->T = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   ud->co = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;
   ud->biasrem = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings ) ;
   /*--------- go to 4th input line, delay units and wrp option---------*/
   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

   ud->Nseg = (int)PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   ud->Pover = (int)PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;    /* get number item */
   str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;      						/* get string item (the method) */
   ud->unt = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str ,      				/* find it in list it is from */
             	 NUM_METHOD_STRINGS ,
             	 method_strings ) ;
	str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;  
	ud->wrp = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings ) ;
   /*--------- go to 5th input line Output prefix ---------*/
   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;
   ud->new_prefix = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;   /* get string item (the output prefix) */
	/* check to see if the field is empty */
	if (ud->new_prefix == NULL)
			nprfx = 0;
			nprfx = 1;
	/* check if the size is larger than 0. I did not want to check for this unless it's allocated */
	if (nprfx == 1 && (int)strlen (ud->new_prefix) == 0)
		nprfx = 0;
	if (nprfx == 0)		/* now create the new name and make new_prefix point to it */
			sprintf (nprfxstr,"%s.DEL",DSET_PREFIX (old_dset));
			ud->new_prefix = nprfxstr;
			/*printf ("New prefix is set to be : %s\n\a",ud->new_prefix);*/
   if( ! PLUTO_prefix_ok(ud->new_prefix) )      /* check if it is OK */
      return "************************\n"
             "Output Prefix is illegal\n"
             "************************"  ;
	str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ; 				/* write delays to file ? */
	ud->out = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings );
	ud->strout = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ; 				/* strout is for the outiflename, which will be used after the debugging section */
	if (ud->strout == NULL)						/* if no output name is given, use the new_prefix */
		{ud->strout = ud->new_prefix;}
				if((int)strlen (ud->strout) == 0) ud->strout = ud->new_prefix;
	str = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ; 
	ud->outts = (int)PLUTO_string_index( str , NUM_YN_STRINGS , yn_strings );
	/* ------------------Done with user parameters ---------------------------- */
	ud->nxx = (int)old_dset->daxes->nxx;				/* get data set dimensions */
	ud->nyy = (int)old_dset->daxes->nyy;
	ud->nzz = (int)old_dset->daxes->nzz;
	/* No need for users to set these options ...*/
	ud->dtrnd = 0;
	if (ud->ln != (ud->nsamp - ud->ignore))
			ud->errcode = ERROR_BADLENGTH;
			return "***************************\n"
					 "Bad time series length \n"
					 "Check reference time series\n"
					 " or the ignore parameter   \n"
	if ((ud->unt < 0) || (ud->unt > 2))										/* unt error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_WRONGUNIT;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "unt values out of bound\n"
					 "***********************\n";			/*unt must be between 0 and 2 */
	  if ((ud->wrp < 0) || (ud->wrp > 1))										/* wrp error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_WARPVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "wrp values out of bound\n"
					 "***********************\n";			/* wrp must be between 0 and 1*/
	  if (ud->fs < 0.0) {       /* fs error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_FSVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "fs value is negative !\n"
					 "***********************\n";			/* fs must be >= 0*/
	  if (ud->T < 0.0) {        /* T error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_TVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "T value is negative !\n"
					 "***********************\n";					/*T must be >= 0  */
     if ((ud->T == 0.0) && (ud->unt > 0))                /* unt error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_TaUNITVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "T and unt val. mismatch\n"
					 "***********************\n";			/*T must be specified, and > 0 in order to use polar units*/

    if ((ud->wrp == 1) && (ud->T == 0.0))                  /* wrp error Check */
         ud->errcode = ERROR_TaWRAPVALUES;
         return "***********************\n"
         		 " internal error: (ziad)\n"
					 "wrp and T val. mismatch\n"
					 "***********************\n"; 			/*T must be specified, and > 0 in order to use polar warp*/
	 if ((ud->out == NOPE) && (ud->outts == YUP))
	 		 ud->errcode = ERROR_OUTCONFLICT;
         		 "error: \n"
					 "Write flag must be on\n"
					 "to use Write ts\n"

	/* Open the logfile, regardless of the ascii output files */
	sprintf ( tmpstr , "%s.log" , ud->strout);
	ud->outlogfile = fopen (tmpstr,"w");

	if (ud->out == YUP)									/* open outfile */
					ud->outwrite = fopen (ud->strout,"w");
					if (ud->outts == YUP)
							sprintf ( tmpstr , "%s.ts" , ud->strout);
							ud->outwritets = fopen (tmpstr,"w");
					if ((ud->outwrite == NULL) || (ud->outlogfile == NULL) ||\
					    (ud->outwritets == NULL && ud->outts == YUP) )
							ud->errcode = ERROR_FILEOPEN; 
							return "***********************\n"
									 "Could Not Write Outfile\n"
	/* Write out user variables to Logfile */
	write_ud (ud);			/* writes user data to a file */
	/*show_ud (ud,0);	*/			/* For some debugging */

   /*------------- ready to compute new dataset -----------*/

   new_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc ( old_dset ,             /* input dataset */
          ud->new_prefix ,           /* output prefix */
          -1,	/* negative value indicating data type is like original brick */
          ud->ignore ,               /* ignore count */
          1 ,   /* detrend = ON Let BOB do it*/
          NBUCKETS,					/*Number of values at each voxel*/
			 DELAY_tsfuncV2 ,         /* timeseries processor (bucket version)*/
			 (void *)ud,          /* data for tsfunc */
			 NULL, 0							) ; 
   /* Setup the label, keywords and types of subbricks */
	i = 0;
	while (i < NBUCKETS)
			switch (i)
					case DELINDX:					/* delay value in results vector */
						EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset,i,"Delay");
						EDIT_BRICK_ADDKEY (new_dset,i,"D");
					case COVINDX:					/* covariance value in results vector */
						EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset,i,"Covariance");
						EDIT_BRICK_ADDKEY (new_dset,i,"I");
					case COFINDX:					/* cross correlation coefficient value in results vector */
						EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset,i,"Corr. Coef.");
						EDIT_BRICK_ADDKEY (new_dset,i,"r");
						/* Here you must modify either ud->Nfit or ud->Nort or most likely ud->nsamp based on ud->Navg */
						EDIT_BRICK_TO_FICO (new_dset,i,ud->nsamp - ud->ignore,ud->Nfit,ud->Nort);
					case VARINDX:					/* FMRI time course variance value in results vector */
						EDIT_BRICK_LABEL (new_dset,i,"Variance");
						EDIT_BRICK_ADDKEY (new_dset,i,"S2");
					default :
						return "*********************\n"
								 "Internal Error (ziad)\n"
								 " Bad i value \n"
   if (!AFNI_noenv("AFNI_AUTOMATIC_FDR")) {
      THD_create_all_fdrcurves( new_dset );
	PLUTO_add_dset( plint , new_dset , DSET_ACTION_MAKE_CURRENT ) ;

   if (ud->out == YUP)									/* close outfile and outlogfile*/
					fclose (ud->outlogfile);
					fclose (ud->outwrite);
					if (ud->outts  == YUP) fclose (ud->outwritets);
					if (ud->outlogfile != NULL)	fclose (ud->outlogfile);		/* close outlogfile */
	free (tmpstr);		
	free (nprfxstr);
   return NULL ;  /* null string returned means all was OK */
Пример #15
char * STAVG_main( PLUGIN_interface * plint )
   MCW_idcode * idc ;                          /* input dataset idcode */
   THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , * new_dset ;  /* input and output datasets */
   char * new_prefix , * str , * str2;         /* strings from user */
   int   meth;                                 /* chosen computation method */
   int   new_datum ,                           /* control parameters */
         old_datum , ntime ;

   int   te, ne, tinc, kim, nia;
   int   numepochs, minlength, maxlength, lastindex, navgpts;
   int   nvox , perc , new_units, old_units ;
   int   ii, ibot,itop , kk, jj; 
   int   no1, user_maxlength, delta;
   int   *pEpochLength, *pTimeIndex;
   int   nx, ny, nz, npix;
   float *pNumAvg;
   float old_dtime;

   MRI_IMAGE * stimim;
   MRI_IMARR *avgimar;

   byte   ** bptr  = NULL ;  /* one of these will be the array of */
   short  ** sptr  = NULL ;  /* pointers to input dataset sub-bricks */
   float  ** fptr  = NULL ;  /* (depending on input datum type) */

   float   * fxar  = NULL ;  /* array loaded from input dataset */
   float   * stimar = NULL ;
   float  ** fout  = NULL ;  /* will be array of output floats */

   float   * tar   = NULL ;  /* will be array of taper coefficients */

   float   * nstimar;

   /*----- Check inputs from AFNI to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

   /*--------- go to first input line ---------*/

   PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

   idc      = PLUTO_get_idcode(plint) ;   /* get dataset item */
   old_dset = PLUTO_find_dset(idc) ;      /* get ptr to dataset */
   if( old_dset == NULL )
      return "*************************\n"
             "Cannot find Input Dataset\n"
             "*************************"  ;

   ntime = DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) ;
   if( ntime < 2 )
      return "*****************************\n"
             "Dataset has only 1 time point\n"
             "*****************************"  ;

   ii = DSET_NVALS_PER_TIME(old_dset) ;
   if( ii > 1 )
      return "************************************\n"
             "Dataset has > 1 value per time point\n"
             "************************************"  ;
   old_datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE( old_dset , 0 ) ; /* get old dataset datum type */
   new_datum = old_datum;
   old_dtime = DSET_TIMESTEP(old_dset);
   old_units = DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset);
   nvox = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy * old_dset->daxes->nzz;
   npix = old_dset->daxes->nxx * old_dset->daxes->nyy;
   nx = old_dset->daxes->nxx;

   new_prefix = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;   /* get string item (the output prefix) */
   if( ! PLUTO_prefix_ok(new_prefix) )      /* check if it is OK */
      return "************************\n"
             "Output Prefix is illegal\n"
             "************************"  ;

   /*--------- go to next input line ---------*/


   stimim = PLUTO_get_timeseries(plint);
   if( stimim == NULL ) return "Please specify stimulus timing";

   if( stimim->nx < ntime ){
      return "**************************************\n"
             "Not enough pts in stimulus time-series\n"

   stimar = MRI_FLOAT_PTR(stimim);

   delta = PLUTO_get_number(plint);

   if( abs(delta) > ntime ){
      return "************************\n"
             "Delta shift is too large\n"
   /*initialize variables if not user specified */
   user_maxlength = ntime;
   no1 = 0;

   /*--------- go to next input line ---------*/


   str  = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;      /* get string item (the method) */
   meth = PLUTO_string_index( str ,      /* find it in list it is from */
                              _STAVG_NUM_METHODS ,
                              method_strings ) ;

   /*--------- see if the 4th option line is present --------*/

   str = PLUTO_get_optiontag( plint ) ;
   if( str != NULL ){
      user_maxlength = (int) PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
      str2  = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;      /* get string item (the method) */
      no1   = PLUTO_string_index( str2 ,      /* find it in list it is from */
                                 2 ,
                                 yes_no_strings) ;

   /*---------- At this point, the inputs are OK ----------*/

   PLUTO_popup_meter( plint ) ;  /* popup a progress meter */

   /*________________[ Main Code ]_________________________*/
   fout = avg_epochs( old_dset, stimar, user_maxlength, 1, meth, plint );
   if( fout == NULL ) return " \nError in avg_epochs() function!\n " ;
   if( RMB_DEBUG ) fprintf(stderr, "Done with avg_epochs\n");
   maxlength = M_maxlength;

   new_dset = EDIT_empty_copy( old_dset ) ; /* start with copy of old one */

   { char * his = PLUTO_commandstring(plint) ;
     tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dset ) ;
     tross_Append_History( new_dset , his ) ; free( his ) ;
   /*-- edit some of its internal parameters --*/
   ii = EDIT_dset_items(
           new_dset ,
              ADN_prefix      , new_prefix ,           /* filename prefix */
              ADN_malloc_type , DATABLOCK_MEM_MALLOC , /* store in memory */
              ADN_datum_all   , new_datum ,            /* atomic datum */
              ADN_nvals       , maxlength ,            /* # sub-bricks */
              ADN_ntt         , maxlength ,            /* # time points */
           /*   ADN_ttorg       , old_dtime ,  */              /* time origin */
           /*   ADN_ttdel       , old_dtime ,  */            /* time step */
           /*   ADN_ttdur       , old_dtime ,  */            /* time duration */
           /*   ADN_nsl         , 0 ,          */        /* z-axis time slicing */
           /*   ADN_tunits      , old_units ,  */        /* time units */
           ADN_none ) ;

   if( ii != 0 ){
      THD_delete_3dim_dataset( new_dset , False ) ;
      return "***********************************\n"
             "Error while creating output dataset\n"
             "***********************************"  ;

   /*------- The output is now in fout[kk][ii],
             for kk=0..maxlength-1 , ii=0..nvox-1.
             We must now put this into the output dataset -------*/

   switch( new_datum ){

      /*** output is floats is the simplest:
           we just have to attach the fout bricks to the dataset ***/

      case MRI_float:
         for( kk=0 ; kk < maxlength ; kk++ )
            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , kk , MRI_float , fout[kk] ) ;
      break ;

      /*** output is shorts:
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_short:{
         short * bout ;
         float fac ; 

         for( kk=0 ; kk < maxlength ; kk++ ){  /* loop over sub-bricks */

            /*-- get output sub-brick --*/
            bout = (short *) malloc( sizeof(short) * nvox ) ;
            if( bout == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_stavg!\n\a") ;
               return("Final malloc error in plug_stavg!"); ;
               /*  exit(1) ;*/

            /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/
            /*fac = MCW_vol_amax( nvox,1,1 , MRI_float , fout[kk] ) ;*/
            fac = 1.0;
            EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,fac ,
                                    MRI_float,fout[kk] , MRI_short,bout ) ;
            free( fout[kk] ) ;  /* don't need this anymore */

            /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/
            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , kk , MRI_short , bout ) ;
      break ;

      /*** output is bytes (byte = unsigned char)
           we have to create a scaled sub-brick from fout ***/

      case MRI_byte:{
         byte * bout ;
         float fac ;

         for( kk=0 ; kk < maxlength ; kk++ ){  /* loop over sub-bricks */

            /*-- get output sub-brick --*/

            bout = (byte *) malloc( sizeof(byte) * nvox ) ;
            if( bout == NULL ){
               fprintf(stderr,"\nFinal malloc error in plug_stavg!\n\a") ;
               return("Final malloc error in plug_stavg!"); ;
	       /*               exit(1) ;*/

            /*-- find scaling and then scale --*/

            fac = 1.0;
            EDIT_coerce_scale_type( nvox,fac ,
                                    MRI_float,fout[kk] , MRI_byte,bout ) ;

            free( fout[kk] ) ;  /* don't need this anymore */

            /*-- put output brick into dataset, and store scale factor --*/

            EDIT_substitute_brick( new_dset , kk , MRI_byte , bout ) ;

      break ;

   } /* end of switch on output data type */

   /*-------------- Cleanup and go home ----------------*/

   PLUTO_set_meter( plint , 100 ) ;  /* set progress meter to 100% */

   PLUTO_add_dset( plint , new_dset , DSET_ACTION_MAKE_CURRENT ) ;

   return NULL ;  /* null string returned means all was OK */
Пример #16
int main( int argc , char *argv[] )
   THD_3dim_dataset *old_dset , *new_dset ;  /* input and output datasets */
   THD_3dim_dataset *mask_dset=NULL  ;
   float mask_bot=666.0 , mask_top=-666.0 ;
   byte *cmask=NULL ; int ncmask=0 ;
   byte *mmm   = NULL ;
   int mcount=0, verb=0;
   int nopt, nbriks, ii ;
   int addBriks = 0 ;   /* n-1 sub-bricks out */
   int fullBriks = 0 ;  /* n   sub-bricks out */
   int tsout = 0 ;      /* flag to output a time series (not a stat bucket) */
   int numMultBriks,methIndex,brikIndex;

   /*----- Help the pitiful user? -----*/

   /* bureaucracy */
   mainENTRY("3dTstat main"); machdep(); AFNI_logger("3dTstat",argc,argv);
   PRINT_VERSION("3dTstat"); AUTHOR("KR Hammett & RW Cox");

   /*--- scan command line for options ---*/

   if (argc == 1) { usage_3dTstat(1); exit(0); } /* Bob's help shortcut */
   nopt = 1 ;
   nbriks = 0 ;
   nmeths = 0 ;
   verb = 0;
   while( nopt < argc && argv[nopt][0] == '-' ){
      if (strcmp(argv[nopt], "-h") == 0 || strcmp(argv[nopt], "-help") == 0) {
         usage_3dTstat(strlen(argv[nopt]) > 3 ? 2:1);

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-verb") == 0 ){
        verb++ ; nopt++ ; continue ;
      /*-- methods --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-centromean") == 0 ){ /* 01 Nov 2010 */
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CENTROMEAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-bmv") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_BMV ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-median") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MEDIAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nzmedian") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_NZMEDIAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-DW") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_DW ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-zcount") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ZCOUNT ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nzcount") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_NZCOUNT ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-MAD") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MAD ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-mean") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MEAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sum") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SUM ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;
      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sos") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SUM_SQUARES ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-abssum") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ABSSUM ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-slope") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SLOPE ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-stdev") == 0 ||
          strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sigma") == 0   ){

         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SIGMA ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-cvar") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CVAR ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-cvarinv") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CVARINV ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-stdevNOD") == 0 ||
          strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-sigmaNOD") == 0   ){  /* 07 Dec 2001 */

         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SIGMA_NOD ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-cvarNOD") == 0 ){     /* 07 Dec 2001 */
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CVAR_NOD ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-cvarinvNOD") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CVARINVNOD ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-min") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MIN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-max") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_MAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-absmax") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ABSMAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-signed_absmax") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_SIGNED_ABSMAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argmin") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGMIN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argmin1") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGMIN1 ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argmax") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGMAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argmax1") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGMAX1 ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argabsmax") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGABSMAX ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-argabsmax1") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ARGABSMAX1;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-duration") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_DURATION ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-onset") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ONSET ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-offset") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_OFFSET ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-centroid") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CENTROID ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;
      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-centduration") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_CENTDURATION ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nzmean") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_NZMEAN ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-mask",5) == 0 ){
         if( mask_dset != NULL )
           ERROR_exit("Cannot have two -mask options!\n") ;
         if( nopt+1 >= argc )
           ERROR_exit("-mask option requires a following argument!\n");
         mask_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[++nopt] ) ;
         if( mask_dset == NULL )
           ERROR_exit("Cannot open mask dataset!\n") ;
         if( DSET_BRICK_TYPE(mask_dset,0) == MRI_complex )
           ERROR_exit("Cannot deal with complex-valued mask dataset!\n");
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strncmp(argv[nopt],"-mrange",5) == 0 ){
         if( nopt+2 >= argc )
           ERROR_exit("-mrange option requires 2 following arguments!\n");
         mask_bot = strtod( argv[++nopt] , NULL ) ;
         mask_top = strtod( argv[++nopt] , NULL ) ;
         if( mask_top < mask_top )
           ERROR_exit("-mrange inputs are illegal!\n") ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcmp(argv[nopt],"-cmask") == 0 ){  /* 16 Mar 2000 */
         if( nopt+1 >= argc )
            ERROR_exit("-cmask option requires a following argument!\n");
         cmask = EDT_calcmask( argv[++nopt] , &ncmask, 0 ) ;
         if( cmask == NULL ) ERROR_exit("Can't compute -cmask!\n");
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-autocorr") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_AUTOCORR ;
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-autocorr needs an argument!\n");
         meth[nmeths++] = atoi(argv[nopt++]);
         if (meth[nmeths - 1] == 0) {
         } else {
           nbriks+=meth[nmeths - 1] ;
         continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-autoreg") == 0 ){
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_AUTOREGP ;
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-autoreg needs an argument!\n");
         meth[nmeths++] = atoi(argv[nopt++]);
         if (meth[nmeths - 1] == 0) {
         } else {
           nbriks+=meth[nmeths - 1] ;
         continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-accumulate") == 0 ){  /* 4 Mar 2008 [rickr] */
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_ACCUMULATE ;
         meth[nmeths++] = -1;   /* flag to add N (not N-1) output bricks */
         tsout = 1;             /* flag to output a timeseries */
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-l2norm") == 0 ){  /* 07 Jan 2013 [rickr] */
         meth[nmeths++] = METH_L2_NORM ;
         nbriks++ ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      /*-- prefix --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-prefix") == 0 ){
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-prefix needs an argument!\n");
         MCW_strncpy(prefix,argv[nopt],THD_MAX_PREFIX) ;
         if( !THD_filename_ok(prefix) )
           ERROR_exit("%s is not a valid prefix!\n",prefix);
         nopt++ ; continue ;

      /*-- tdiff --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-tdiff") == 0 ){  /* 25 May 2011 */
        do_tdiff = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;

      /*-- nscale --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-nscale") == 0 ){  /* 25 May 2011 */
        nscale = 1 ; nopt++ ; continue ;
      /*-- datum --*/

      if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"-datum") == 0 ){
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-datum needs an argument!\n");
         if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"short") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_short ;
         } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"float") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_float ;
         } else if( strcasecmp(argv[nopt],"byte") == 0 ){
            datum = MRI_byte ;
         } else {
            ERROR_exit("-datum of type '%s' is not supported!\n",
                       argv[nopt] ) ;
         nopt++ ; continue ;

     /* base percentage for duration calcs */
     if (strcasecmp (argv[nopt], "-basepercent") == 0) {
         if( ++nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit("-basepercent needs an argument!\n");
         basepercent = strtod(argv[nopt], NULL);
         if(basepercent>1) basepercent /= 100.0;  /* assume integer percent if >1*/
         nopt++;  continue;

      /*-- Quien sabe'? --*/

      ERROR_message("Unknown option: %s\n",argv[nopt]) ;
      suggest_best_prog_option(argv[0], argv[nopt]);

    if (argc < 2) {
      ERROR_message("Too few options, use -help for details");

   /*--- If no options selected, default to single stat MEAN -- KRH ---*/

   if (nmeths == 0) nmeths = 1;
   if (nbriks == 0 && addBriks == 0 && fullBriks == 0) nbriks = 1;

   /*----- read input dataset -----*/

   if( nopt >= argc ) ERROR_exit(" No input dataset!?") ;

   old_dset = THD_open_dataset( argv[nopt] ) ;
   if( !ISVALID_DSET(old_dset) )
     ERROR_exit("Can't open dataset %s\n",argv[nopt]);

   nopt++ ;
   if( nopt < argc )
     WARNING_message("Trailing datasets on command line ignored: %s ...",argv[nopt]) ;

   if( DSET_NVALS(old_dset) == 1 ){
     WARNING_message("Input dataset has 1 sub-brick ==> -tdiff is turned off") ;
     do_tdiff = 0 ;

   /* no input volumes is bad, 1 volume applies to only certain methods */
   /*                                                2 Nov 2010 [rickr] */
   if( DSET_NVALS(old_dset) == 0 ) {
      ERROR_exit("Time series is of length 0?\n") ;
   else if( DSET_NVALS(old_dset) == 1 || (do_tdiff && DSET_NVALS(old_dset)==2) ) {
     int methOK, OK = 1;
     /* see if each method is valid for nvals == 1 */
     for( methIndex = 0; methIndex < nmeths; methIndex++ ) {
        methOK = 0;
        for( ii = 0; ii < NUM_1_INPUT_METHODS; ii++ ) {
            if( meth[methIndex] == valid_1_input_methods[ii] ) {
                methOK = 1;
        if( ! methOK )
           ERROR_exit("Can't use dataset with %d values per voxel!" ,
                      DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ) ;
     /* tell the library function that this case is okay */
     g_thd_maker_allow_1brick = 1;

   if( DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) < 2 ){
     WARNING_message("Input dataset is not 3D+time; assuming TR=1.0") ;
     EDIT_dset_items( old_dset ,
                        ADN_ntt    , DSET_NVALS(old_dset) ,
                        ADN_ttorg  , 0.0 ,
                        ADN_ttdel  , 1.0 ,
                        ADN_tunits , UNITS_SEC_TYPE ,
                      NULL ) ;

   /* If one or more of the -autocorr/-autoreg options was called with */
   /* an argument of 0, then I'll now add extra BRIKs for the N-1 data */
   /* output points for each.                                          */
   nbriks += ((DSET_NVALS(old_dset)-1) * addBriks);
   nbriks += ((DSET_NVALS(old_dset)  ) * fullBriks);

   /* ------------- Mask business -----------------*/
   if( mask_dset == NULL ){
      mmm = NULL ;
      if( verb )
         INFO_message("%d voxels in the entire dataset (no mask)\n",
                     DSET_NVOX(old_dset)) ;
   } else {
      if( DSET_NVOX(mask_dset) != DSET_NVOX(old_dset) )
        ERROR_exit("Input and mask datasets are not same dimensions!\n");
      mmm = THD_makemask( mask_dset , 0 , mask_bot, mask_top ) ;
      mcount = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(old_dset) , mmm ) ;
      if( mcount <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("No voxels in the mask!\n") ;
      if( verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the mask\n",mcount) ;
      DSET_delete(mask_dset) ;

   if( cmask != NULL ){
      if( ncmask != DSET_NVOX(old_dset) )
        ERROR_exit("Input and cmask datasets are not same dimensions!\n");
      if( mmm != NULL ){
         for( ii=0 ; ii < DSET_NVOX(old_dset) ; ii++ )
            mmm[ii] = (mmm[ii] && cmask[ii]) ;
         free(cmask) ;
         mcount = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(old_dset) , mmm ) ;
         if( mcount <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("No voxels in the mask+cmask!\n") ;
         if( verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the mask+cmask\n",mcount) ;
      } else {
         mmm = cmask ;
         mcount = THD_countmask( DSET_NVOX(old_dset) , mmm ) ;
         if( mcount <= 0 ) ERROR_exit("No voxels in the cmask!\n") ;
         if( verb ) INFO_message("%d voxels in the cmask\n",mcount) ;

   /*------------- ready to compute new dataset -----------*/

   new_dset = MAKER_4D_to_typed_fbuc(
                 old_dset ,             /* input dataset */
                 prefix ,               /* output prefix */
                 datum ,                /* output datum  */
                 0 ,                    /* ignore count  */
                 0 ,              /* can't detrend in maker function  KRH 12/02*/
                 nbriks ,               /* number of briks */
                 STATS_tsfunc ,         /* timeseries processor */
                 NULL,                  /* data for tsfunc */
              ) ;

   if( new_dset != NULL ){
      tross_Copy_History( old_dset , new_dset ) ;
      tross_Make_History( "3dTstat" , argc,argv , new_dset ) ;
      for (methIndex = 0,brikIndex = 0; methIndex < nmeths;
           methIndex++, brikIndex++) {
        if ((meth[methIndex] == METH_AUTOCORR)   ||
            (meth[methIndex] == METH_ACCUMULATE) ||
            (meth[methIndex] == METH_AUTOREGP)) {
          numMultBriks = meth[methIndex+1];

          /* note: this looks like it should be NV-1   4 Mar 2008 [rickr] */
          if (numMultBriks ==  0) numMultBriks = DSET_NVALS(old_dset)-1;
          /* new flag for NVALS [rickr] */
          if (numMultBriks == -1) numMultBriks = DSET_NVALS(old_dset);

          for (ii = 1; ii <= numMultBriks; ii++) {
            char tmpstr[25];
            if (meth[methIndex] == METH_AUTOREGP) {
            } else {
            EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(new_dset, (brikIndex + ii - 1), tmpstr) ;
          brikIndex += numMultBriks - 1;
        } else {
          EDIT_BRICK_LABEL(new_dset, brikIndex, meth_names[meth[methIndex]]) ;

      if( tsout ) /* then change output to a time series */
         EDIT_dset_items( new_dset ,
                        ADN_ntt    , brikIndex ,
                        ADN_ttorg  , DSET_TIMEORIGIN(old_dset) ,
                        ADN_ttdel  , DSET_TIMESTEP(old_dset) ,
                        ADN_tunits , DSET_TIMEUNITS(old_dset) ,
                      NULL ) ;

      DSET_write( new_dset ) ;
      WROTE_DSET( new_dset ) ;
   } else {
      ERROR_exit("Unable to compute output dataset!\n") ;

   exit(0) ;
Пример #17
MRI_IMARR * dset_to_mri(THD_3dim_dataset * dset)

   int ii, kk, ntime, datum;
   int nvox, nx, ny, nz;
   int use_fac;
   MRI_IMARR * ims_in;
   MRI_IMAGE * im, *temp_im;

   byte   ** bptr  = NULL ;  /* one of these will be the array of */
   short  ** sptr  = NULL ;  /* pointers to input dataset sub-bricks */
   float  ** fptr  = NULL ;  /* (depending on input datum type) */
   float * fac  = NULL ;  /* array of brick scaling factors */
   float * fout;

   ntime = DSET_NUM_TIMES(dset) ;
   nx = dset->daxes->nxx;
   ny = dset->daxes->nyy;
   nz = dset->daxes->nzz;
   nvox = dset->daxes->nxx * dset->daxes->nyy * dset->daxes->nzz ;
   datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE( dset , 0 ) ; /* get dataset datum type */

   switch( datum ){  /* pointer type depends on input datum type */

         return NULL  ;

      /** create array of pointers into old dataset sub-bricks **/

      /*--------- input is bytes ----------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is bptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..ntime-1.  */

      case MRI_byte:
         bptr = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * ntime ) ;
         if( bptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < ntime ; kk++ )
            bptr[kk] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,kk) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is shorts ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is sptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..ntime-1.  */

      case MRI_short:
         sptr = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * ntime ) ;
         if( sptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < ntime; kk++ )
            sptr[kk] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,kk) ;
      break ;

      /*--------- input is floats ---------*/
      /* voxel #i at time #k is fptr[k][i] */
      /* for i=0..nvox-1 and k=0..ntime-1.  */

      case MRI_float:
         fptr = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * ntime) ;
         if( fptr == NULL ) return NULL ;
         for( kk=0 ; kk < ntime; kk++ )
            fptr[kk] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(dset,kk) ;
      break ;

   } /* end of switch on input type */
   INIT_IMARR(ims_in) ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < ntime ; kk++ ){
      im = mri_new_vol_empty( nx , ny , nz , datum ) ;
      ADDTO_IMARR(ims_in,im) ;
   for( kk=0 ; kk < ntime ; kk++ ){
      im = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_in,kk) ;
      switch( datum ){
         case MRI_byte:  mri_fix_data_pointer( bptr[kk], im ) ; break ;
         case MRI_short: mri_fix_data_pointer( sptr[kk], im ) ; break ;
         case MRI_float: mri_fix_data_pointer( fptr[kk], im ) ; break ;

Пример #18
char * IMREG_main( PLUGIN_interface * plint )
    MCW_idcode * idc ;                          /* input dataset idcode */
    THD_3dim_dataset * old_dset , * new_dset ;  /* input and output datasets */
    char * new_prefix , * str ;                 /* strings from user */
    int base , ntime , datum , nx,ny,nz , ii,kk , npix ;
    float                      dx,dy,dz ;
    MRI_IMARR * ims_in , * ims_out ;
    MRI_IMAGE * im , * imbase ;

    byte   ** bptr = NULL , ** bout = NULL ;
    short  ** sptr = NULL , ** sout = NULL ;
    float  ** fptr = NULL , ** fout = NULL ;

    float * dxar = NULL , * dyar = NULL , * phiar = NULL ;

    /*----- Check inputs from AFNI to see if they are reasonable-ish -----*/

    /*--------- go to first input line ---------*/

    PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

    idc      = PLUTO_get_idcode(plint) ;   /* get dataset item */
    old_dset = PLUTO_find_dset(idc) ;      /* get ptr to dataset */
    if( old_dset == NULL )
        return "*************************\n"
               "Cannot find Input Dataset\n"
               "*************************"  ;

    ntime = DSET_NUM_TIMES(old_dset) ;
    if( ntime < 2 )
        return "*****************************\n"
               "Dataset has only 1 time point\n"
               "*****************************"  ;

    ii = DSET_NVALS_PER_TIME(old_dset) ;
    if( ii > 1 )
        return "************************************\n"
               "Dataset has > 1 value per time point\n"
               "************************************"  ;

    nx = old_dset->daxes->nxx ;
    dx = old_dset->daxes->xxdel ;
    ny = old_dset->daxes->nyy ;
    dy = old_dset->daxes->yydel ;
    npix = nx*ny ;
    nz = old_dset->daxes->nzz ;
    dz = old_dset->daxes->zzdel ;

    if( nx != ny || fabs(dx) != fabs(dy) ) {

        fprintf(stderr,"\nIMREG: nx=%d ny=%d nz=%d  dx=%f dy=%f dz=%f\n",
                nx,ny,nz,dx,dy,dz ) ;

        return "***********************************\n"
               "Dataset does not have square slices\n"
               "***********************************"  ;

    new_prefix = PLUTO_get_string(plint) ;   /* get string item (the output prefix) */
    if( ! PLUTO_prefix_ok(new_prefix) )      /* check if it is OK */
        return "************************\n"
               "Output Prefix is illegal\n"
               "************************"  ;

    /*--------- go to next input line ---------*/

    PLUTO_next_option(plint) ;

    base = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
    if( base >= ntime )
        return "********************\n"
               "Base value too large\n"
               "********************"  ;

    /*--------- see if the 3rd option line is present --------*/

    str = PLUTO_get_optiontag( plint ) ;
    if( str != NULL ) {
        float fsig , fdxy , fdph ;
        fsig = PLUTO_get_number(plint) * 0.42466090 ;
        fdxy = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
        fdph = PLUTO_get_number(plint) ;
        mri_align_params( 0 , 0.0,0.0,0.0 , fsig,fdxy,fdph ) ;
        /* fprintf(stderr,"Set fine params = %f %f %f\n",fsig,fdxy,fdph) ; */

    /*------------- ready to compute new dataset -----------*/

    fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: loading dataset\n") ;

    DSET_load( old_dset ) ;

    /*** 1) Copy the dataset in toto ***/

    fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: Copying dataset\n") ;

    new_dset = PLUTO_copy_dset( old_dset , new_prefix ) ;
    if( new_dset == NULL )
        return "****************************\n"
               "Failed to copy input dataset\n"
               "****************************"  ;

    /*** 2) Make an array of empty images ***/

    fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: making empty images\n") ;

    datum = DSET_BRICK_TYPE(new_dset,0) ;

    INIT_IMARR(ims_in) ;
    for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) {
        im = mri_new_vol_empty( nx , ny , 1 , datum ) ;
        ADDTO_IMARR(ims_in,im) ;

    imbase = mri_new_vol_empty( nx , ny , 1 , datum ) ;

    dxar  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ntime ) ;
    dyar  = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ntime ) ;
    phiar = (float *) malloc( sizeof(float) * ntime ) ;

    /*** 3) Get pointers to sub-bricks in old and new datasets ***/

    fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: getting input brick pointers\n") ;

    switch( datum ) { /* pointer type depends on input datum type */
    case MRI_byte:
        bptr = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * ntime ) ;
        bout = (byte **) malloc( sizeof(byte *) * ntime ) ;
        for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) {
            bptr[ii] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,ii) ;
            bout[ii] = (byte *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,ii) ;
        break ;

    case MRI_short:
        sptr = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * ntime ) ;
        sout = (short **) malloc( sizeof(short *) * ntime ) ;
        for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) {
            sptr[ii] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,ii) ;
            sout[ii] = (short *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,ii) ;

        fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: sptr[0] = %p  sout[0] = %p\n",sptr[0],sout[0]) ;

        break ;

    case MRI_float:
        fptr = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * ntime ) ;
        fout = (float **) malloc( sizeof(float *) * ntime ) ;
        for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) {
            fptr[ii] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(old_dset,ii) ;
            fout[ii] = (float *) DSET_ARRAY(new_dset,ii) ;
        break ;

    /*** 4) Loop over slices ***/

    PLUTO_popup_meter(plint) ;

    for( kk=0 ; kk < nz ; kk++ ) {

        /*** 4a) Setup ims_in images to point to input slices ***/

        fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: slice %d -- setup input images\n",kk) ;

        for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) {
            im = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_in,ii) ;
            switch( datum ) {
            case MRI_byte:
                mri_fix_data_pointer( bptr[ii] + kk*npix, im ) ;
                break ;
            case MRI_short:
                mri_fix_data_pointer( sptr[ii] + kk*npix, im ) ;
                break ;
            case MRI_float:
                mri_fix_data_pointer( fptr[ii] + kk*npix, im ) ;
                break ;

        /*** 4b) Setup im to point to base image ***/

        fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: slice %d -- setup base image\n",kk) ;

        switch( datum ) {
        case MRI_byte:
            mri_fix_data_pointer( bptr[base] + kk*npix, imbase ) ;
            break ;
        case MRI_short:
            mri_fix_data_pointer( sptr[base] + kk*npix, imbase ) ;
            break ;
        case MRI_float:
            mri_fix_data_pointer( fptr[base] + kk*npix, imbase ) ;
            break ;

        /*** 4c) Register this slice at all times ***/

        fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: slice %d -- register\n",kk) ;

        ims_out = mri_align_dfspace( imbase , NULL , ims_in ,
                                     ALIGN_REGISTER_CODE , dxar,dyar,phiar ) ;

        if( ims_out == NULL )
            fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: mri_align_dfspace return NULL\n") ;

        /*** 4d) Put the output back in on top of the input;
                 note that the output is always in MRI_float format ***/

        fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: slice %d -- put output back into dataset\n",kk) ;

        for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) {
            switch( datum ) {
            case MRI_byte:
                im = mri_to_mri( MRI_byte , IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_out,ii) ) ;
                memcpy( bout[ii] + kk*npix , MRI_BYTE_PTR(im) , sizeof(byte)*npix ) ;
                mri_free(im) ;
                break ;

            case MRI_short:
                if( ii==0 )fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: conversion to short at ii=%d\n",ii) ;

                im = mri_to_mri( MRI_short , IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_out,ii) ) ;

                if( ii==0 )fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: copying to %p from %p\n",sout[ii] + kk*npix,MRI_SHORT_PTR(im)) ;

                memcpy( sout[ii] + kk*npix , MRI_SHORT_PTR(im) , sizeof(short)*npix ) ;

                if( ii==0 )fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: freeing\n") ;

                mri_free(im) ;
                break ;

            case MRI_float:
                im = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_out,ii) ;
                memcpy( fout[ii] + kk*npix , MRI_FLOAT_PTR(im) , sizeof(float)*npix ) ;
                break ;

        PLUTO_set_meter(plint, (100*(kk+1))/nz ) ;

        /*** 4e) Destroy the output images ***/

        fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: destroying aligned output\n") ;

        DESTROY_IMARR( ims_out ) ;

    /*** 5) Destroy the empty images and other workspaces ***/

    fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: destroy workspaces\n") ;

    mri_clear_data_pointer(imbase) ;
    mri_free(imbase) ;
    for( ii=0 ; ii < ntime ; ii++ ) {
        im = IMARR_SUBIMAGE(ims_in,ii) ;
        mri_clear_data_pointer(im) ;
    DESTROY_IMARR(ims_in) ;

    /*------------- let AFNI know about the new dataset ------------*/

    fprintf(stderr,"IMREG: send result to AFNI\n") ;

    PLUTO_add_dset( plint , new_dset , DSET_ACTION_MAKE_CURRENT ) ;

    return NULL ;  /* null string returned means all was OK */