DaoRoutine* DaoClass_FindOperator( DaoClass *self, const char *oper, DaoClass *scoped ) { DaoValue *V = NULL; DString name = DString_WrapMBS( oper ); DaoClass_GetData( self, & name, & V, scoped ); if( V == NULL || V->type != DAO_ROUTINE ) return NULL; return (DaoRoutine*) V; }
void DaoxDataFrame_AddLabel( DaoxDataFrame *self, int dim, const char *lab, daoint idx ) { DString slab = DString_WrapMBS( lab ); DMap *labmap = NULL; if( dim < 0 || dim >= 3 ) return; if( idx < 0 || idx >= self->dims[dim] ) return; if( self->groups[dim] >= self->labels[dim]->size ) return; labmap = self->labels[dim]->items.pMap[ self->groups[dim] ]; if( labmap != NULL ) DMap_Insert( labmap, & slab, (void*)(size_t) idx ); }
void DaoxShader_AddShader( DaoxShader *self, int type, const char *codes ) { DString source = DString_WrapMBS( codes ); switch( type ){ case GL_VERTEX_SHADER : DArray_Append( self->vertexSources, & source ); break; case GL_FRAGMENT_SHADER : DArray_Append( self->fragmentSources, & source ); break; } }
void DaoLexer_Append( DaoLexer *self, int name, int line, const char *data ) { DaoToken token = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 }; token.type = token.name = name; token.line = line; if( name > DAO_NOKEY1 ) token.type = DTOK_IDENTIFIER; if( name == DTOK_ID_THTYPE || name == DTOK_ID_SYMBOL ) token.type = DTOK_IDENTIFIER; token.string = DString_WrapMBS( data ); DaoLexer_AppendToken( self, & token ); }
daoint DaoxDataFrame_GetIndex( DaoxDataFrame *self, int dim, const char *label ) { DString slab = DString_WrapMBS( label ); DMap *labmap = NULL; DNode *it; if( dim < 0 || dim >= 3 ) return -1; if( self->groups[dim] >= self->labels[dim]->size ) return -1; labmap = self->labels[dim]->items.pMap[ self->groups[dim] ]; it = labmap == NULL ? NULL : DMap_Find( labmap, & slab ); if( it ) return it->value.pInt; return -1; }
static int DaoObject_Serialize( DaoObject *self, DString *serial, DaoNamespace *ns, DaoProcess *proc, DString *buf, DMap *omap ) { DaoType *type; DaoValue *value = NULL; DaoValue *selfpar = (DaoValue*) self; DString name = DString_WrapMBS( "serialize" ); int errcode = DaoObject_GetData( self, & name, & value, NULL ); if( errcode || value == NULL || value->type != DAO_ROUTINE ) return 0; if( DaoProcess_Call( proc, (DaoRoutine*)value, selfpar, NULL, 0 ) ) return 0; type = DaoNamespace_GetType( ns, proc->stackValues[0] ); DaoValue_Serialize2( proc->stackValues[0], serial, ns, proc, type, buf, omap ); return 1; }
static int DaoRoutine_GetFieldIndex( DaoRoutine *self, DString *name ) { DString none = DString_WrapMBS( "" ); DaoString str = {DAO_STRING,0,0,0,0,NULL}; DaoString *s = & str; daoint i; if( name == NULL ) name = & none; for(i=0; i<self->routConsts->items.size; ++i){ DaoValue *item = DaoList_GetItem( self->routConsts, i ); DString *field = DaoValue_TryGetString( item ); if( field == NULL ) continue; if( DString_EQ( field, name ) ) return i; } str.data = name; return DaoRoutine_AddConstant( self, (DaoValue*) s ); }
static void DaoIO_ReadLines2( DaoProcess *proc, DaoValue *p[], int N ) { DaoValue *res; DaoString *line; DaoVmCode *sect = DaoGetSectionCode( proc->activeCode ); DaoList *list = DaoProcess_PutList( proc ); DaoStream *self = & p[0]->xStream; daoint i = 0, count = p[1]->xInteger.value; int chop = p[2]->xInteger.value; if( sect == NULL || DaoProcess_PushSectionFrame( proc ) == NULL ){ line = DaoString_New(1); while( (i++) < count && DaoStream_ReadLine( self, line->data ) ){ if( chop ) DString_Chop( line->data ); DaoList_Append( list, (DaoValue*) line ); } DaoString_Delete( line ); }else{ ushort_t entry = proc->topFrame->entry; DaoString tmp = {DAO_STRING,0,0,0,1,NULL}; DString tmp2 = DString_WrapMBS( "" ); tmp.data = & tmp2; line = (DaoString*) DaoProcess_SetValue( proc, sect->a, (DaoValue*)(void*) &tmp ); DaoProcess_AcquireCV( proc ); while( (i++) < count && DaoStream_ReadLine( self, line->data ) ){ if( chop ) DString_Chop( line->data ); proc->topFrame->entry = entry; DaoProcess_Execute( proc ); if( proc->status == DAO_PROCESS_ABORTED ) break; res = proc->stackValues[0]; if( res && res->type != DAO_NONE ) DaoList_Append( list, res ); } DaoProcess_ReleaseCV( proc ); DaoProcess_PopFrame( proc ); } }
int DArray_MatchAffix( DArray *self, DString *name ) { daoint i, pos; if( self == NULL ) return 0; for(i=0; i<self->size; ++i){ DString tmp, *pat = self->items.pString[i]; daoint pos = DString_FindChar( pat, '~', 0 ); if( pos < 0 ){ if( DString_EQ( pat, name ) ) return 1; continue; } if( pos ){ tmp = *pat; tmp.size = pos; if( DString_Find( name, & tmp, 0 ) != 0 ) continue; } if( pos < pat->size-1 ){ tmp = DString_WrapMBS( pat->mbs + pos + 1 ); if( DString_RFind( name, & tmp, -1 ) != (name->size - 1) ) continue; } return 1; } return 0; }
/* assumed to be called before parsing class body */ int DaoClass_DeriveClassData( DaoClass *self ) { DaoType *type; DaoValue *value; DString *mbs; DNode *it, *search; DaoMethodFields *mf; daoint i, j, k, id; if( DaoCass_DeriveMixinData( self ) == 0 ) return 0; mbs = DString_New(1); mf = DaoMethodFields_New(); if( self->clsType->bases == NULL ) self->clsType->bases = DArray_New(D_VALUE); if( self->objType->bases == NULL ) self->objType->bases = DArray_New(D_VALUE); DArray_Clear( self->clsType->bases ); DArray_Clear( self->objType->bases ); self->cstParentStart = self->constants->size; self->glbParentStart = self->variables->size; DVector_PushUshort( self->offsets, self->constants->size ); DVector_PushUshort( self->offsets, self->variables->size ); if( self->parent && self->parent->type == DAO_CLASS ){ DaoClass *klass = (DaoClass*) self->parent; DArray_Append( self->clsType->bases, klass->clsType ); DArray_Append( self->objType->bases, klass->objType ); DArray_AppendArray( self->cstDataName, klass->cstDataName ); DArray_AppendArray( self->glbDataName, klass->glbDataName ); for(j=0; j<klass->constants->size; ++j){ DaoValue *cst = klass->constants->items.pConst[j]->value; DArray_Append( self->constants, klass->constants->items.pVoid[j] ); } for(j=0; j<klass->variables->size; ++j){ DArray_Append( self->variables, klass->variables->items.pVoid[j] ); } for(it=DMap_First(klass->lookupTable); it; it=DMap_Next(klass->lookupTable,it)){ daoint pm = LOOKUP_PM( it->value.pInt ); daoint st = LOOKUP_ST( it->value.pInt ); daoint up = LOOKUP_UP( it->value.pInt ); daoint id = LOOKUP_ID( it->value.pInt ); DaoValue *cst; if( st == DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT ){ id = LOOKUP_ID( it->value.pInt ); cst = klass->constants->items.pConst[id]->value; if( cst->type == DAO_ROUTINE ){ DArray_Append( mf->names, it->key.pString ); DArray_Append( mf->perms, IntToPointer( pm ) ); DArray_Append( mf->routines, cst ); } } if( st == DAO_OBJECT_VARIABLE ) continue; if( pm == DAO_DATA_PRIVATE ) continue; if( DMap_Find( self->lookupTable, it->key.pString ) ) continue; switch( st ){ case DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT : id += self->cstParentStart; break; case DAO_CLASS_VARIABLE : id += self->glbParentStart; break; case DAO_OBJECT_VARIABLE : continue; } id = LOOKUP_BIND( st, pm, up+1, id ); DMap_Insert( self->lookupTable, it->key.pString, (void*)id ); } }else if( self->parent && self->parent->type == DAO_CTYPE ){ DaoCtype *cdata = (DaoCtype*) self->parent; DaoTypeKernel *kernel = cdata->ctype->kernel; DaoTypeBase *typer = kernel->typer; DMap *methods = kernel->methods; DMap *values = kernel->values; DArray_Append( self->clsType->bases, cdata->ctype ); DArray_Append( self->objType->bases, cdata->cdtype ); DaoClass_AddConst( self, cdata->ctype->name, (DaoValue*)cdata, DAO_DATA_PUBLIC ); if( kernel->SetupValues ) kernel->SetupValues( kernel->nspace, kernel->typer ); if( kernel->SetupMethods ) kernel->SetupMethods( kernel->nspace, kernel->typer ); DaoCdataType_SpecializeMethods( cdata->ctype ); kernel = cdata->ctype->kernel; values = kernel->values; methods = kernel->methods; if( typer->numItems ){ for(j=0; typer->numItems[j].name!=NULL; j++){ DString name = DString_WrapMBS( typer->numItems[j].name ); it = DMap_Find( values, & name ); if( it == NULL ) continue; if( DMap_Find( self->lookupTable, it->key.pString ) ) continue; id = self->constants->size; id = LOOKUP_BIND( DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT, DAO_DATA_PUBLIC, 1, id ); DMap_Insert( self->lookupTable, it->key.pString, IntToPointer( id ) ); DArray_Append( self->cstDataName, it->key.pString ); DArray_Append( self->constants, DaoConstant_New( it->value.pValue ) ); } } for(it=DMap_First( methods ); it; it=DMap_Next( methods, it )){ if( DMap_Find( self->lookupTable, it->key.pString ) ) continue; id = self->constants->size; id = LOOKUP_BIND( DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT, DAO_DATA_PUBLIC, 1, id ); DMap_Insert( self->lookupTable, it->key.pString, IntToPointer( id ) ); DArray_Append( self->cstDataName, it->key.pString ); DArray_Append( self->constants, DaoConstant_New( it->value.pValue ) ); DArray_Append( mf->names, it->key.pString ); DArray_Append( mf->perms, IntToPointer( DAO_DATA_PUBLIC ) ); DArray_Append( mf->routines, it->value.pValue ); } } DaoClass_SetupMethodFields( self, mf ); DaoMethodFields_Delete( mf ); self->cstParentEnd = self->constants->size; self->glbParentEnd = self->variables->size; #if 0 for(j=0; j<self->constants->size; ++j){ DaoValue *value = self->constants->items.pConst[j]->value; DaoRoutine *routine = (DaoRoutine*) value; printf( "%3i: %3i %s\n", j, value->type, self->cstDataName->items.pString[j]->mbs ); if( value->type != DAO_ROUTINE ) continue; printf( "%3i: %3i %s\n", j, value->type, routine->routName->mbs ); if( routine->overloads ){ DArray *routs = routine->overloads->routines; for(k=0; k<routs->size; ++k){ DaoRoutine *rout = routs->items.pRoutine[k]; } }else{ if( routine->attribs & DAO_ROUT_PRIVATE ) continue; } } for(it=DMap_First(self->lookupTable); it; it=DMap_Next(self->lookupTable,it)){ printf( "%s %i\n", it->key.pString->mbs, it->value.pInt ); if( LOOKUP_ST( it->value.pInt ) != DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT ) continue; DaoValue *value = DaoClass_GetConst( self, it->value.pInt ); printf( "%i\n", value->type ); } #endif DString_Delete( mbs ); return 1; }
/* assumed to be called before parsing class body */ void DaoClass_DeriveClassData( DaoClass *self ) { DaoType *type; DaoValue *value; DArray *parents, *offsets; DString *mbs; DNode *it, *search; daoint i, k, id, perm, index; mbs = DString_New(1); if( self->clsType->bases == NULL ) self->clsType->bases = DArray_New(D_VALUE); if( self->objType->bases == NULL ) self->objType->bases = DArray_New(D_VALUE); DArray_Clear( self->clsType->bases ); DArray_Clear( self->objType->bases ); for(i=0; i<self->superClass->size; i++){ if( self->superClass->items.pValue[i]->type == DAO_CLASS ){ DaoValue *klass = self->superClass->items.pValue[i]; DArray_Append( self->clsType->bases, klass->xClass.clsType ); DArray_Append( self->objType->bases, klass->xClass.objType ); DString_Assign( mbs, klass->xClass.className ); DString_AppendChar( mbs, '#' ); DString_AppendInteger( mbs, i+1 ); DaoClass_AddConst( self, mbs, klass, DAO_DATA_PRIVATE ); }else if( self->superClass->items.pValue[i]->type == DAO_CTYPE ){ DaoCtype *cdata = (DaoCtype*) self->superClass->items.pValue[i]; DaoTypeKernel *kernel = cdata->ctype->kernel; DMap *values = kernel->values; DMap *methods = kernel->methods; DArray_Append( self->clsType->bases, cdata->ctype ); DArray_Append( self->objType->bases, cdata->cdtype ); if( values == NULL ){ DaoNamespace_SetupValues( kernel->nspace, kernel->typer ); values = kernel->values; } if( methods == NULL ){ DaoNamespace_SetupMethods( kernel->nspace, kernel->typer ); methods = kernel->methods; } DString_Assign( mbs, cdata->ctype->name ); // XXX DaoClass_AddConst( self, mbs, (DaoValue*)cdata, DAO_DATA_PRIVATE ); DString_AppendChar( mbs, '#' ); DString_AppendInteger( mbs, i+1 ); DaoClass_AddConst( self, mbs, (DaoValue*)cdata, DAO_DATA_PRIVATE ); } } parents = DArray_New(0); offsets = DArray_New(0); DaoClass_Parents( self, parents, offsets ); for(i=1; i<parents->size; i++){ DaoClass *klass = parents->items.pClass[i]; DaoCdata *cdata = parents->items.pCdata[i]; if( klass->type == DAO_CLASS ){ if( klass->vtable ){ if( self->vtable == NULL ) self->vtable = DHash_New(0,0); for(it=DMap_First(klass->vtable); it; it=DMap_Next(klass->vtable,it)){ DMap_Insert( self->vtable, it->key.pVoid, it->value.pVoid ); } } /* For class data: */ for( id=0; id<klass->cstDataName->size; id++ ){ DString *name = klass->cstDataName->items.pString[id]; value = klass->constants->items.pConst[ id ]->value; search = MAP_Find( klass->lookupTable, name ); if( search == NULL ) continue; perm = LOOKUP_PM( search->value.pInt ); /* NO deriving private member: */ if( perm <= DAO_DATA_PRIVATE ) continue; if( value->type == DAO_ROUTINE ){ if( DString_EQ( value->xRoutine.routName, klass->className ) ) continue; } search = MAP_Find( self->lookupTable, name ); if( search == NULL && value->type == DAO_ROUTINE && value->xRoutine.overloads ){ /* To skip the private methods: */ DaoClass_AddConst( self, name, (DaoValue*)value, perm ); }else if( search == NULL ){ index = LOOKUP_BIND( DAO_CLASS_CONSTANT, perm, i+1, self->constants->size ); MAP_Insert( self->lookupTable, name, index ); DArray_Append( self->constants, klass->constants->items.pConst[id] ); DArray_Append( self->cstDataName, (void*)name ); if( value->type == DAO_ROUTINE && (value->xRoutine.attribs & DAO_ROUT_VIRTUAL) ){ if( self->vtable == NULL ) self->vtable = DHash_New(0,0); MAP_Insert( self->vtable, value, value ); } }else if( value->type == DAO_ROUTINE && value->xRoutine.overloads ){ DRoutines *routs = value->xRoutine.overloads; for(k=0; k<routs->routines->size; k++){ DaoRoutine *rout = routs->routines->items.pRoutine[k]; /* skip methods not defined in this parent type */ if( rout->routHost != klass->objType ) continue; if( rout->attribs & DAO_ROUT_PRIVATE ) continue; DaoClass_AddConst( self, name, (DaoValue*)rout, perm ); } }else if( value->type == DAO_ROUTINE ){ /* skip methods not defined in this parent type */ if( value->xRoutine.routHost != klass->objType ) continue; if( value->xRoutine.attribs & DAO_ROUT_PRIVATE ) continue; DaoClass_AddConst( self, name, value, perm ); } } /* class global data */ for( id=0; id<klass->glbDataName->size; id ++ ){ DString *name = klass->glbDataName->items.pString[id]; DaoVariable *var = klass->variables->items.pVar[id]; search = MAP_Find( klass->lookupTable, name ); perm = LOOKUP_PM( search->value.pInt ); /* NO deriving private member: */ if( perm <= DAO_DATA_PRIVATE ) continue; search = MAP_Find( self->lookupTable, name ); /* To overide data: */ if( search == NULL ){ index = LOOKUP_BIND( DAO_CLASS_VARIABLE, perm, i+1, self->variables->size ); MAP_Insert( self->lookupTable, name, index ); DArray_Append( self->variables, var ); DArray_Append( self->glbDataName, (void*)name ); } } }else if( cdata->type == DAO_CTYPE ){ DaoCtype *ctypeobj = (DaoCtype*) cdata; DaoTypeKernel *kernel = cdata->ctype->kernel; DaoTypeBase *typer = kernel->typer; DMap *values = kernel->values; DMap *methods = kernel->methods; DNode *it; int j; DaoCdataType_SpecializeMethods( cdata->ctype ); kernel = cdata->ctype->kernel; methods = kernel->methods; if( typer->numItems ){ for(j=0; typer->numItems[j].name!=NULL; j++){ DString name = DString_WrapMBS( typer->numItems[j].name ); it = DMap_Find( values, & name ); if( it && DMap_Find( self->lookupTable, & name ) == NULL ) DaoClass_AddConst( self, it->key.pString, it->value.pValue, DAO_DATA_PUBLIC ); } } for(it=DMap_First( methods ); it; it=DMap_Next( methods, it )){ DaoRoutine *func = it->value.pRoutine; DaoRoutine **funcs = & func; int k, count = 1; if( it->value.pValue->type == DAO_ROUTINE && it->value.pRoutine->overloads ){ DRoutines *routs = it->value.pRoutine->overloads; funcs = routs->routines->items.pRoutine; count = routs->routines->size; } for(k=0; k<count; k++){ DaoRoutine *func = funcs[k]; if( func->routHost != ctypeobj->cdtype ) continue; if( func->attribs & DAO_ROUT_INITOR ) continue; DaoClass_AddConst( self, it->key.pString, (DaoValue*)func, DAO_DATA_PUBLIC ); } } } } DArray_Delete( parents ); DArray_Delete( offsets ); DString_Delete( mbs ); }