Пример #1
void write_grid_file(void) {
/*    The following subroutine saves the depth, reduced gravity of    */
/*  each interface, the potential density of each layer, and the      */
/*  Coriolis parameter.  A variety of metric terms are written to a   */
/*  separate file.                                                    */
  char filename[40];           /* The file name of the save file.     */
  char filepath[120];          /* The path (dir/file) to the file.    */
  int i, j, cdfid, timeid;
  size_t err = 1;

  struct varcdfinfo varinfo[10];
/*   vardesc is a structure defined in HIM_io.h.   The elements of    */
/* this structure, in order, are: (1) the variable name for the NetCDF*/
/* file; (2) the variable's long name; (3) a character indicating the */
/* horizontal grid, which may be '1' (column), 'h', 'q', 'u', or 'v', */
/* for the corresponding C-grid variable; (4) a character indicating  */
/* the vertical grid, which may be 'L' (layer), 'i' (interface),      */
/* '2' (mixed-layers), or '1' (no vertical location); (5) a character */
/* indicating the time levels of the field, which may be 's' (snap-   */
/* shot), 'a' (average between snapshots), 'm' (monthly average), or  */
/* '1' (no time variation); (6) the variable's units; and (7) a       */
/* character indicating the size in memory to write, which may be     */
/* 'd' (8-byte) or 'f' (4-byte).                                      */
  vardesc vars[4] = {
    {"D","Basin Depth",'h','1','1',"meter", 'd'},
    {"g","Reduced gravity",'1','L','1',"meter second-2", 'd'},
    {"R","Target Potential Density",'1','L','1',"kilogram meter-3", 'd'},
    {"f","Coriolis Parameter",'q','1','1',"second-1", 'd'}

  strcpy(filepath, directory);
  strcat(filepath, filename);

  create_file(filepath, vars, 4, &cdfid, &timeid, varinfo);
  err *= write_field(cdfid, vars[0], varinfo[0], 0, D[0]);
  err *= write_field(cdfid, vars[1], varinfo[1], 0, g);
  err *= write_field(cdfid, vars[2], varinfo[2], 0, Rlay);
  err *= write_field(cdfid, vars[3], varinfo[3], 0, f[0]);

  if (err == 0)
    printf("Problems saving general parameters.\n");

    double out[NYMEM][NXMEM];     /* An array for output.  */
    extern double hmask[NYMEM][NXMEM];

    vardesc vars2[10]={
      {"geolatb","latitude at q points",'q','1','1',"degree",'d'},
      {"geolonb","longitude at q points",'q','1','1',"degree",'d'},
      {"wet", "land or ocean?", 'h','1','1',"none",'d'},
      {"geolat", "latitude at h points", 'h','1','1',"degree",'d'},
      {"geolon","longitude at h points",'h','1','1',"degree",'d'},
      {"dxh","Zonal grid spacing at h points",'h','1','1',"m",'d'},
      {"dxq","Zonal grid spacing at q points",'q','1','1',"m",'d'},
      {"dyh","Meridional grid spacing at h points",'h','1','1',"m",'d'},
      {"dyq","Meridional grid spacing at q points",'q','1','1',"m",'d'},
      {"Ah","Area of h cells",'h','1','1',"m2",'d'},

    strcpy(filepath, directory);
    strcat(filepath, filename);

    create_file(filepath, vars2, 10, &cdfid, &timeid, varinfo);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[0], varinfo[0], 0, geolatq[0]);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[1], varinfo[1], 0, geolonq[0]);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[2], varinfo[2], 0, hmask[0]);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[3], varinfo[3], 0, geolath[0]);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[4], varinfo[4], 0, geolonh[0]);

    for (j=0;j<NYMEM;j++) for (i=0;i<NXMEM;i++) out[j][i]=DXh(j,i);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[5], varinfo[5], 0, out[0]);
    for (j=0;j<NYMEM;j++) for (i=0;i<NXMEM;i++) out[j][i]=DXq(j,i);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[6], varinfo[6], 0, out[0]);
    for (j=0;j<NYMEM;j++) for (i=0;i<NXMEM;i++) out[j][i]=DYh(j,i);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[7], varinfo[7], 0, out[0]);
    for (j=0;j<NYMEM;j++) for (i=0;i<NXMEM;i++) out[j][i]=DYq(j,i);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[8], varinfo[8], 0, out[0]);
    for (j=0;j<NYMEM;j++) for (i=0;i<NXMEM;i++) out[j][i]=DXDYh(j,i);
    err *= write_field(cdfid, vars2[9], varinfo[9], 0, out[0]);


    if (err == 0)
      printf("Problems saving latitude and longitude and wet.\n");
Пример #2
void tracer(int itts)

/*    This subroutine time steps the tracer concentration.            */
/*  A positive definite scheme is used.                               */

  double minslope;          /* The maximum concentration slope per    */
                            /* grid point consistent with mono-       */
                            /* tonicity, in conc. (nondim.).          */

  double ***hvol; /* The cell volume of an h-element   */

  double slope[NXMEM+NYMEM][NTR]; /* The concentration slope per grid */
                        /* point in units of concentration (nondim.). */
  double fluxtr[NXMEM+NYMEM][NTR];/* The flux of tracer across a      */
                        /* boundary, in m3 * conc. (nondim.).         */

  double ***uhr; /* The remaining zonal and meridional */
  double ***vhr; /* thickness fluxes, in m3.*/

  double uhh[NXMEM];        /* uhh and vhh are the reduced fluxes     */
  double vhh[NYMEM];        /* during the current iteration, in m3.d  */

  double hup, hlos;         /* hup is the upwind volume, hlos is the  */
                            /* part of that volume that might be lost */
                            /* due to advection out the other side of */
                            /* the grid box, both in m3.              */
  double ts2;
  double landvolfill;       /* An arbitrary? nonzero cell volume, m3. */

  double ***ear;
  double ***ebr;
  double ***wdh;
  double bet[NXMEM];        /* bet and gam are variables used by the  */
  double gam[NZ][NXMEM];    /* tridiagonal solver.                    */
  double hnew0[NXMEM];      /* The original topmost layer thickness,  */
#if defined AGE2 || defined AGE3
  //  extern double hnew[NZ][NXMEM][NYMEM];
  extern double ***hnew;
  double ***hnew;

double hlst1, Ihnew;
double hlst[NYMEM];

//  double MLMIN = EPSILON;   /* min depth for ML			      */

	double MLMIN = 4.25;
	double BLMIN = 0.20;

#ifdef ENTRAIN
  double nts = dt/DT; /* number of timesteps (#day*86400/3600seconds) */
  int i, j, k, m, ii, pstage;
  int itt;
  double fract1;
  double fract2;
# ifdef WRTTS
  double wrts;
# endif

  hvol = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM);
    if(hvol == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for hvol!\n");
  uhr = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM);
    if(uhr == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for uhr!\n");
  vhr = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM);
    if(vhr == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for vhr!\n");
  ear = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM);
    if(ear == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for ear!\n");
  ebr = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM);
    if(ebr == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for ebr!\n");
  wdh = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM);
    if(wdh == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for wdh!\n");
#if !defined AGE2 && !defined AGE3
  hnew = alloc3d(NZ,NXMEM,NYMEM);
    if(hnew == NULL) {
	fprintf(stderr,"not enough memory for hnew!\n");

    landvolfill = EPSILON*1000000.0;    /* This is arbitrary.	*/

		/* zonal re-entrance		*/

#pragma omp parallel 
#pragma omp for  private(j,k)
    for (j=0;j<=NYMEM-1;j++) {
      for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) {
        uhtm[k][nx+1][j] = uhtm[k][2][j];
        uhtm[k][nx+2][j] = uhtm[k][3][j];
        uhtm[k][0][j] =   uhtm[k][nx-1][j];
        uhtm[k][1][j] =   uhtm[k][nx][j];
        vhtm[k][nx+1][j] = vhtm[k][2][j];
        vhtm[k][nx+2][j] = vhtm[k][3][j];
        vhtm[k][0][j] =   vhtm[k][nx-1][j];
        vhtm[k][1][j] =   vhtm[k][nx][j];

      for (k=0;k<NZ+1;k++) {
        wd[k][nx+1][j] = wd[k][2][j];
        wd[k][nx+2][j] = wd[k][3][j];
        wd[k][0][j] =   wd[k][nx-1][j];
        wd[k][1][j] =   wd[k][nx][j];

	/* meridional re-entrance            */
#pragma omp for  private(i,k,ii)
    for (i=2;i<=nx;i++) {
     ii = 363 - i;
      for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) {
        uhtm[k][ii][ny+1] = (-1)*uhtm[k][i][ny];
        uhtm[k][ii][ny+2] = (-1)*uhtm[k][i][ny-1];
        vhtm[k][ii][ny+1] = (-1)*vhtm[k][i][ny];
        vhtm[k][ii][ny+2] = (-1)*vhtm[k][i][ny-1];
       for (k=0;k<NZ+1;k++) {
        wd[k][ii][ny+1] = wd[k][i][ny];
        wd[k][ii][ny+2] = wd[k][i][ny-1];

#pragma omp for  private(i,j,k)
  for (k=0;k<NZ;k++)  {
/*  Put the thickness fluxes into uhr and vhr.                  */
    for (j=0;j<=ny+2;j++) {
	for (i=0;i<=nx+2;i++) {

	    uhr[k][i][j] = uhtm[k][i][j]*dt;
	    vhr[k][i][j] = vhtm[k][i][j]*dt;

	    if (h[k][i][j] < EPSILON) {
		h[k][i][j] = 1.0*EPSILON;

/*   This line calculates the cell volume                       */
        hvol[k][i][j] = DXDYh(i,j)*h[k][i][j];
        hnew[k][i][j] = h[k][i][j];

/* calculate the diapycnal velocities at the interfaces		*/
/*   if we read in the ea, eb and eaml variables                */
/*   Otherwise we read in wd directly                           */

#ifdef ENTRAIN

#pragma omp for  private(i,j)
  for (i=X0;i<=nx+1;i++)                               
      for (j=Y0;j<=ny;j++)
        wd[0][i][j] = nts*eaml[i][j];                        

#pragma omp for  private(i,j,k)
     for (k=1;k<NZ;k++) {
      for (i=X0;i<=nx+1;i++)
	  for (j=Y0;j<=ny;j++)
	      wd[k][i][j] = nts*(ea[k][i][j] - eb[k-1][i][j]); 

} // omp


  /* beginning of itt loop */
    for (itt = 0; itt < NUM_ADV_ITER; itt++) {

      /* big loop over k	 */
#pragma omp parallel 
#pragma omp for private(i,j,k,m,minslope,slope,uhh,vhh,fluxtr,hup,hlos,ts2,hlst,hlst1,Ihnew)
      for (k=0;k<NZ;k++)
/*    To insure positive definiteness of the thickness at each        */
/*  iteration, the mass fluxes out of each layer are checked each     */
/*  time.  This may not be very efficient, but it should be reliable. */

/* ============================================================ */
/*			first advect zonally			*/
/* ============================================================ */
#ifndef ADV1D
	  for (j=Y1;j<=ny;j++) {

/*   Calculate the i-direction profiles (slopes) of each tracer that  */
/* is being advected.                                                 */
//#pragma omp for  private(i,m,minslope)
	    for (i=X0;i<=nx+1;i++) {
	      for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
		minslope = 4.0*((fabs(tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i][j]) < 
				 fabs(tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i-1][j])) ? 
				(tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i][j]) :
		slope[i][m] = umask[i][j]*umask[i-1][j] *
		  (((tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i][j]) * 
		    (tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i-1][j]) < 0.0) ? 0.0 :
		   ((fabs(tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i-1][j])<fabs(minslope)) ?
		    0.5*(tr[m][k][i+1][j]-tr[m][k][i-1][j]) : 0.5*minslope));
            //#pragma omp barrier

/*   Calculate the i-direction fluxes of each tracer, using as much   */
/* the minimum of the remaining mass flux (uhr) and the half the mass */
/* in the cell plus whatever part of its half of the mass flux that   */
/* the flux through the other side does not require.                  */
//#pragma omp for  private(i,m,hup,hlos,ts2)
	    for (i=X0;i<=nx;i++) {
	      if (uhr[k][i][j] == 0.0) {
		uhh[i] = 0.0;
		for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) fluxtr[i][m] = 0.0;
	      else if (uhr[k][i][j] < 0.0) {

		if (k==0 || k==1 ) {
		  hup = (hvol[k][i+1][j]-DXDYh(i+1,j)*MLMIN);
                } else {
                  hup = (hvol[k][i+1][j]-DXDYh(i+1,j)*EPSILON);

		hlos = D_MAX(0.0,uhr[k][i+1][j]);
		if (((hup + uhr[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && 
		    ((0.5*hup + uhr[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
		  uhh[i] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos);
		else uhh[i] = uhr[k][i][j];
		ts2 = 0.5*(1.0 + uhh[i]/hvol[k][i+1][j]);
		for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
		  fluxtr[i][m] = uhh[i]*(tr[m][k][i+1][j] - slope[i+1][m]*ts2);
	      else {

                if (k==0 || k==1 ) {
                  hup = (hvol[k][i][j]-DXDYh(i,j)*MLMIN);
                } else {
                  hup = (hvol[k][i][j]-DXDYh(i,j)*EPSILON);

		hlos = D_MAX(0.0,-uhr[k][i-1][j]);
		if (((hup - uhr[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && 
		    ((0.5*hup - uhr[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
		  uhh[i] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos);
		else uhh[i] = uhr[k][i][j];
		ts2 = 0.5*(1.0 - uhh[i]/hvol[k][i][j]);

		for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
		  fluxtr[i][m] = uhh[i]*(tr[m][k][i][j] + slope[i][m]*ts2);
            //#pragma omp barrier
/*   Calculate new tracer concentration in each cell after accounting */
/* for the i-direction fluxes.                                        */

	    uhr[k][X0][j] -= uhh[X0];
           // #pragma omp barrier

//#pragma omp for  private(i,m,hlst1,Ihnew)
	    for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) {

	      if ((uhh[i] != 0.0) || (uhh[i-1] != 0.0)) 
		  uhr[k][i][j] -= uhh[i];
		  hlst1 = hvol[k][i][j];

		  hvol[k][i][j] -= (uhh[i] - uhh[i-1]);
		  Ihnew = 1.0 / hvol[k][i][j];
		  for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
		    tr[m][k][i][j] *= hlst1;
		    tr[m][k][i][j] = (tr[m][k][i][j] - 
				      (fluxtr[i][m]-fluxtr[i-1][m])) * Ihnew;

          //  #pragma omp barrier
	  } /* j loop */

/* ============================================================ */
/*			now advect meridionally			*/
/* ============================================================ */
#ifndef ADV1D
	  for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) {
/*   Calculate the j-direction profiles (slopes) of each tracer that  */
/* is being advected.                                                 */
//#pragma omp for  private(j,m,minslope)
	    for (j=Y0;j<=ny+1;j++) {
	      for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
		minslope = 4.0*((fabs(tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j]) <
				 fabs(tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i][j-1])) ?
				(tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j]) : 
		slope[j][m] = vmask[i][j] * vmask[i][j-1] *
		  (((tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j]) *
		    (tr[m][k][i][j]-tr[m][k][i][j-1]) < 0.0) ? 0.0 :
		   ((fabs(tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j-1])<fabs(minslope)) ?
		    0.5*(tr[m][k][i][j+1]-tr[m][k][i][j-1]) : 0.5*minslope));
        //    #pragma omp barrier
/*   Calculate the j-direction fluxes of each tracer, using as much   */
/* the minimum of the remaining mass flux (vhr) and the half the mass */
/* in the cell plus whatever part of its half of the mass flux that   */
/* the flux through the other side does not require.                  */
//#pragma omp for  private(j,m,hup,hlos,ts2)
	    for (j=Y0;j<=ny;j++) {
	      if (vhr[k][i][j] == 0.0) { 
		vhh[j] = 0.0;
		for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) fluxtr[j][m] = 0.0;
	      else if (vhr[k][i][j] < 0.0) {

                if (k==0 || k==1 ) {
                  hup = (hvol[k][i][j+1]-DXDYh(i,j+1)*MLMIN);
                } else {
                  hup = (hvol[k][i][j+1]-DXDYh(i,j+1)*EPSILON);

		hlos = D_MAX(0.0,vhr[k][i][j+1]);
		if (((hup + vhr[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) && 
		    ((0.5*hup + vhr[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
		  vhh[j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos);
		else vhh[j] = vhr[k][i][j];
		ts2 = 0.5*(1.0 + vhh[j]/(hvol[k][i][j+1]));
		for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
		  fluxtr[j][m] = vhh[j]*(tr[m][k][i][j+1] - slope[j+1][m]*ts2);
	      else {

                if (k==0 || k==1 ) {
                  hup = (hvol[k][i][j]-DXDYh(i,j)*MLMIN);
                } else {
                  hup = (hvol[k][i][j]-DXDYh(i,j)*EPSILON);

		hlos = D_MAX(0.0,-vhr[k][i][j-1]);
		if (((hup - vhr[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) 
		    && ((0.5*hup - vhr[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
		  vhh[j] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos);
		else vhh[j] = vhr[k][i][j];
		ts2 = 0.5*(1.0 - vhh[j] / (hvol[k][i][j]));
		for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
		  fluxtr[j][m] = vhh[j]*(tr[m][k][i][j] + slope[j][m]*ts2);
       //     #pragma omp barrier

/*   Calculate new tracer concentration in each cell after accounting */
/* for the j-direction fluxes.                                        */

	    vhr[k][i][Y0] -= vhh[Y0];
         //  #pragma omp barrier

//#pragma omp for private(j,m,Ihnew)
	    for (j=Y1;j<=ny;j++) {
	      if ((vhh[j] != 0.0) || (vhh[j-1] != 0.0)) {
		hlst[j] = hvol[k][i][j];
		hvol[k][i][j] -= (vhh[j] - vhh[j-1]);
		Ihnew = 1.0 / hvol[k][i][j];
		vhr[k][i][j] -= vhh[j];
		for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
		  tr[m][k][i][j] *= hlst[j];
		  tr[m][k][i][j] = (tr[m][k][i][j] - 
				    fluxtr[j][m] + fluxtr[j-1][m]) * Ihnew;
       //     #pragma omp barrier
	  } /* i loop */

	}			 /* end of big loop over k		*/

/*	calculate new thickness field - to be used for vertical 	*/
/*	tracer advection from updated volumes (vol + fluxes)		*/

#pragma omp for  private(i,j,k)
      for (k=0; k<=NZ-1; k++) {
	for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) {
          for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
	    hnew[k][i][j] = hvol[k][i][j]/DXDYh(i,j);
	    if (hnew[k][i][j] < EPSILON) {	
	      hnew[k][i][j] = EPSILON;     
/* ============================================================ */
/*			now advect vertically			*/
/* ============================================================ */
#pragma omp for private(i,j,hup,hlos)
      for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
	 for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) {
/*      work from top to bottom - by interfaces - interface k is the    */
/*      interface between layer k and layer k-1. net flux at this       */
/*      interface is wd[[k][i][j]= ea[k][i][j] and eb[k-1][i][j]        */
/* k=0 */
	  if (wd[0][i][j] == 0.0) {
	    wdh[0][i][j] = 0.0;
	  else if (wd[0][i][j] < 0.0) {
	    hup = hnew[0][i][j] - MLMIN;
	    hlos = D_MAX(0.0, wd[1][i][j]);
	    if (((hup + wd[0][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) &&
		((0.5*hup + wd[0][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
	      wdh[0][i][j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos);
	    else wdh[0][i][j] = wd[0][i][j];
	  else {
	    wdh[0][i][j] = wd[0][i][j];

#pragma omp for  private(i,j,hup,hlos)
      for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
	 for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) {
/* k=1 */

          if (wd[1][i][j] == 0.0) {
            wdh[1][i][j] = 0.0;
          else if (wd[1][i][j] > 0.0) {
            hup = hnew[0][i][j] - MLMIN;
            hlos = D_MAX(0.0, -wd[0][i][j]);
            if (((hup - wd[1][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) &&
                ((0.5*hup - wd[1][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
              wdh[1][i][j] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos);
            else wdh[1][i][j] = wd[1][i][j];
          else {
            hup = hnew[1][i][j] - MLMIN;
            hlos = D_MAX(0.0,wd[2][i][j]);
            if (((hup + wd[1][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) &&
                ((0.5*hup + wd[1][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
              wdh[1][i][j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos);
            else wdh[1][i][j] = wd[1][i][j];

#pragma omp for  private(i,j,hup,hlos)
      for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
	 for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) {
/* k=2 */

          if (wd[2][i][j] == 0.0) {
            wdh[2][i][j] = 0.0;
          else if (wd[2][i][j] > 0.0) {
            hup = hnew[1][i][j] - MLMIN;
            hlos = D_MAX(0.0, -wd[1][i][j]);
            if (((hup - wd[2][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) &&
                ((0.5*hup - wd[2][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
              wdh[2][i][j] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos);
            else wdh[2][i][j] = wd[2][i][j];
          else {
            hup = hnew[2][i][j] - EPSILON;
            hlos = D_MAX(0.0,wd[3][i][j]);
            if (((hup + wd[2][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) &&
                ((0.5*hup + wd[2][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
              wdh[2][i][j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos);
            else wdh[2][i][j] = wd[2][i][j];

/* k=3 --> NZ-1 */

#pragma omp for  private(i,j,k,hup,hlos)
	  for (k=3; k<=NZ-1; k++) {   	
      for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
	 for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) {

	    if (wd[k][i][j] == 0.0) {
	      wdh[k][i][j] = 0.0;
	    else if (wd[k][i][j] > 0.0) {
	      hup = hnew[k-1][i][j] - EPSILON;
	      hlos = D_MAX(0.0, -wd[k-1][i][j]);
	      if (((hup - wd[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) &&
		  ((0.5*hup - wd[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
		wdh[k][i][j] = D_MAX(0.5*hup,hup-hlos);
	      else wdh[k][i][j] = wd[k][i][j];
	    else {
	      hup = hnew[k][i][j] - EPSILON;
	      if (k != NZ-1) {
		hlos = D_MAX(0.0,wd[k+1][i][j]);
	      } else {
		hlos = 0.0;
	      if (((hup + wd[k][i][j] - hlos) < 0.0) &&
		  ((0.5*hup + wd[k][i][j]) < 0.0)) {
		wdh[k][i][j] = D_MIN(-0.5*hup,-hup+hlos);
	      else wdh[k][i][j] = wd[k][i][j];
	  } /* k */
	}   /* j */
      }     /* i */

#pragma omp for  private(i,j)
      for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++)
	  for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
	      ear[0][i][j] = wdh[0][i][j];
	      /* added by Curtis - bottom ebr wasn't set anywhere else */
	      ebr[NZ-1][i][j] = 0;  

#pragma omp for  private(i,j,k)
      for (k=1;k<=NZ-1;k++) { 
	  for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) {
	      for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {  
		  ear[k][i][j] =   0.5 * (fabs(wdh[k][i][j]) + wdh[k][i][j]);
		  ebr[k-1][i][j] = 0.5 * (fabs(wdh[k][i][j]) - wdh[k][i][j]);
#pragma omp for  private(i,j,k,m,hnew0,bet,gam)
      for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {

	  for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) {
	      hnew0[i] = hnew[0][i][j];
	      bet[i]=1.0/(hnew[0][i][j] + ebr[0][i][j] + wdh[0][i][j]);

	      for (m=0;m<NTR;m++)
		  tr[m][0][i][j] = bet[i]*(hnew0[i]*tr[m][0][i][j]);

	  for (k=1;k<=NZ-1;k++) {
	      for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) {
		  gam[k][i] = ebr[k-1][i][j] * bet[i];

		  bet[i]=1.0/(hnew[k][i][j] + ebr[k][i][j] +

		  for (m=0;m<NTR;m++)
		      tr[m][k][i][j] = bet[i] * (hnew[k][i][j]*tr[m][k][i][j] +
						 ear[k][i][j]*(tr[m][k-1][i][j]) );

	  for (m=0;m<NTR;m++)
	      for (k=NZ-2;k>=0;k--) {
		  for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) {
		      tr[m][k][i][j] += gam[k+1][i]*tr[m][k+1][i][j];
      } /*j*/

/* update hvol with diapycnal fluxes */
#pragma omp for  private(i,j,k)
      for (k=0;k<NZ-1;k++) {
	  for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++)
	      for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++)
		  hnew[k][i][j] += (wdh[k][i][j] - wdh[k+1][i][j]);

#pragma omp for  private(i,j)
      for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++)
	  for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++)
	      hnew[NZ-1][i][j] += wdh[NZ-1][i][j];

#pragma omp for  private(i,j,k)
      for (k=0;k<=NZ-1;k++)
	  for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++)
	      for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
		  if (hnew[k][i][j] < EPSILON) hnew[k][i][j] = EPSILON;
		  hvol[k][i][j] = DXDYh(i,j)*hnew[k][i][j];

		  if ( wd[k][i][j] > 0.0 && ( wdh[k][i][j] > wd[k][i][j] ))
		      printf("case 1 wdh[k]\n");

		  else if ( wd[k][i][j] < 0.0 && ( wdh[k][i][j] < wd[k][i][j] ))
		      printf("case 2 wdh[k]\n");
		  wd[k][i][j] -= wdh[k][i][j];	
      /* big loop over k	 */
//      printf("phos(%d,%d,%d)=%g,uhtm=%g\n",0,190,26,tr[mPHOSPHATE][0][190][26],
//      	     uhtm[0][190][26]);
//      exit(1);

//yanxu: note these are null cycles, so I comment them out
//yanxu      for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) {
	// first advect zonally
//yanxu	for (j=Y1;j<=ny;j++) {
//yanxu	  for (i=X0;i<=nx+1;i++) {
//yanxu	    for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
	      //	      fluxtr[i][m] = uhtm[i]*(tr[m][k][i][j]);
//yanxu	    }
//yanxu	  }
//yanxu	}

	// now advect meridionally
// null cycles again, yanxu
//yanxu	for (i=X1;i<=nx;i++) {

//yanxu	}
//yanxu      } /* end of big loop over k */

      /*  calculate new thickness field - to be used for vertical  */
      /*  tracer advection from updated volumes (vol + fluxes)     */
#pragma omp for  private(i,j,k)
      for (k=0; k<=NZ-1; k++) 
	for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) 
	  for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
	    hnew[k][i][j] = hvol[k][i][j]/DXDYh(i,j);
	    if (hnew[k][i][j] < EPSILON) hnew[k][i][j] = EPSILON;     

      // now advect vertically
//yanxu: null cycles
//yanxu      for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
//yanxu	for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) {
//yanxu	}
//yanxu      }


      /* zonal re-entrance */
#pragma omp for  private(j,k,m)
    for (j=0;j<NYMEM;j++) {
      for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) {
        uhr[k][nx+1][j] = uhr[k][2][j];
        uhr[k][nx+2][j] = uhr[k][3][j];
        uhr[k][0][j]    = uhr[k][nx-1][j];
        uhr[k][1][j]    = uhr[k][nx][j];

        vhr[k][nx+1][j] = vhr[k][2][j];
        vhr[k][nx+2][j] = vhr[k][3][j];
        vhr[k][0][j]    = vhr[k][nx-1][j];
        vhr[k][1][j]    = vhr[k][nx][j];

        hvol[k][nx+1][j] = hvol[k][2][j];
        hvol[k][nx+2][j] = hvol[k][3][j];
        hvol[k][0][j]    = hvol[k][nx-1][j];
        hvol[k][1][j]    = hvol[k][nx][j];

        for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
          tr[m][k][nx+1][j] = tr[m][k][2][j];
          tr[m][k][nx+2][j] = tr[m][k][3][j];
          tr[m][k][0][j]    = tr[m][k][nx-1][j];
          tr[m][k][1][j]    = tr[m][k][nx][j];


	/* meridional re-entrance            */

	/* meridional re-entrance            */
#pragma omp for  private(i,k,ii,m)
    for (i=2;i<=nx;i++) {
      ii = 363 - i;
      for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) {
        uhr[k][ii][ny+1] = (-1)*uhr[k][i][ny];
        uhr[k][ii][ny+2] = (-1)*uhr[k][i][ny-1];

        vhr[k][ii][ny+1] = (-1)*vhr[k][i][ny];
        vhr[k][ii][ny+2] = (-1)*vhr[k][i][ny-1];

        hvol[k][ii][ny+1] = hvol[k][i][ny];
        hvol[k][ii][ny+2] = hvol[k][i][ny-1];
        for (m=0;m<NTR;m++) {
          tr[m][k][ii][ny+1] = tr[m][k][i][ny];
          tr[m][k][ii][ny+2] = tr[m][k][i][ny-1];

} // omp

# ifdef WRTTS
      printf("itt = %i\n",itt);
      wrts = (double)(itts)+(double)(itt)/11.+0.0001;
# endif   // WRTTS

    }  /* end of temp itt iteration loop */
    fract1 = (double)(NTSTEP-itts) / (double)NTSTEP;
    fract2 = 1.0 - fract1;

//#pragma omp parallel for  private(i,j,k) schedule(dynamic)
    for (k=0;k<=NZ-1;k++) {
	for (i=X1; i<=nx; i++) {
	    for (j=Y1; j<=ny; j++) {
# ifdef USE_CALC_H
		h[k][i][j] = hnew[k][i][j];
		if (h[k][i][j] < 0.0)
		  printf("tracadv l 796 - h[%d][%d][%d] = %g\n", k,i,j,
# else
		h[k][i][j] = fract1*hstart[k][i][j] + fract2*hend[k][i][j];
//BX 		h[k][i][j] = hend[k][i][j];
# endif
#ifdef HTEST
	  	htest[k][i][j] = hnew[k][i][j]; 
//		htest[k][i][j] = h[k][i][j];

    //	zonal re-entrance
//#pragma omp parallel for  private(j,k) schedule(dynamic)
    for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) {
      for (j=0;j<=NYMEM-1;j++) {
	h[k][nx+1][j] = h[k][2][j];
	h[k][nx+2][j] = h[k][3][j];
	h[k][0][j] =   h[k][nx-1][j];
	h[k][1][j] =   h[k][nx][j];

    //      meridional re-entrance
//#pragma omp parallel for  private(i,k,ii) schedule(dynamic)
    for (i=2;i<=nx;i++) {
      ii = 363 - i;
      for (k=0;k<NZ;k++) {
        h[k][ii][ny+1] = h[k][i][ny];
        h[k][ii][ny+2]   = h[k][i][ny-1];

# ifdef WRTTS
      printf("End of tracadv\n");
      wrts = (double)(itts)+(double)(itt)/11.+0.0005;
# endif   // WRTTS

  if ((KD>0.0) || (KDML>0.0)) {


  if ((KHTR>0.0)) {

  free3d(hvol, NZ);
  free3d(uhr, NZ);
  free3d(vhr, NZ);
  free3d(ear, NZ);
  free3d(ebr, NZ);
  free3d(wdh, NZ);
#if !defined AGE2 && !defined AGE3
  free3d(hnew, NZ);
Пример #3
void set_metrics(void)
  int i,j;
  extern double areagr[NXMEM][NYMEM];
  double Iareagr[NXMEM][NYMEM];

/*    Calculate the values of the metric terms that might be used     */
/*  and save them in arrays.                                          */

/*   On a cartesian grid, the various DX... and DY... macros all      */
/* point to the same scalars.                                         */
  i = 0; j = 0;
  DXh(i,j) = RE * LENLON * M_PI / (180.0 * NXTOT);
  DYh(i,j) = RE * LENLAT * M_PI / (180.0 * NYTOT);
  IDXh(i,j) = 1.0 / DXh(i,j);
  IDYh(i,j) = 1.0 / DYh(i,j);
  DXDYh(i,j) = DXh(i,j) * DYh(i,j);
  IDXDYh(i,j) = IDXh(i,j) * IDYh(i,j);
  for (j=Y0-1;j<=ny+2;j++)
    latq[j] = LOWLAT + LENLAT*(double)(j-Y0+Y0abs)/(double)NYTOT;
  for (j=Y0;j<=ny;j++)
    lath[j] = LOWLAT + LENLAT*((double)(j-Y0+Y0abs)-0.5)/(double)NYTOT;
  for (i=X0-1;i<=nx+2;i++)
    lonq[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*(double)(i-X0+X0abs)/(double)NXTOT;
  for (i=X0;i<=nx;i++)
    lonh[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*((double)(i-X0+X0abs)-0.5)/(double)NXTOT;
# if defined(PARALLEL_Y) && !defined(PARALLEL_IO) && defined(NETCDF_OUTPUT)
  for (j=Y0;j<=NYTOT+Y0;j++)
    latq_tot[j] = LOWLAT + LENLAT*(double)(j-Y0)/(double)NYTOT;
  for (j=Y0;j<=NYTOT+Y0;j++)
    lath_tot[j] = LOWLAT + LENLAT*((double)(j-Y0)-0.5)/(double)NYTOT;
# endif
# if defined(PARALLEL_X) && !defined(PARALLEL_IO) && defined(NETCDF_OUTPUT)
  for (i=X0;i<=NXTOT+X0;i++)
    lonq_tot[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*(double)(i-X0)/(double)NXTOT;
  for (i=X0;i<=NXTOT+X0;i++)
    lonh_tot[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*((double)(i-X0)-0.5)/(double)NXTOT;
# endif

/*   All of the metric terms should be defined over the domain from   */
/* X0-1 to nx+2.  Outside of the physical domain, both the metrics    */
/* and their inverses may be set to zero.                             */
/*   Any points that are outside of the computational domain should   */
/* have their values set to zero _BEFORE_ setting the other metric    */
/* terms, because these macros may or may not expand to 2-dimensional */
/* arrays.                                                            */

/*  The metric terms within the computational domain are set here.    */


    double C0, I_C0, yq, yh, jd;
    double fnRef, yRef; /* fnRef is the value of the integral of      */
                        /* 1/(dx*cos(lat)) from the equator to a      */
                        /* reference latitude, while yRef is the      */
                        /* j-index of that reference latitude.        */
    int itt1, itt2;

    C0 = M_PI*((double) LENLON / (double) (180*NXTOT)); I_C0 = 1.0 / C0;

/*    With an isotropic grid, the north-south extent of the domain,   */
/*  the east-west extent, and the number of grid points in each       */
/*  direction are _not_ independent.  Here the north-south extent     */
/*  will be determined to fit the east-west extent and the number of  */
/*  grid points.  The grid is perfectly isotropic.                    */
/*  The following 2 lines fixes the refererence latitude at the       */
/*  northern edge of the domain, LOWLAT+LENLAT at j=NYTOT+Y0.         */
    yRef = Y0abs - Y0 - NYTOT;
    fnRef = I_C0 * INTSECY(((LOWLAT+LENLAT)*M_PI/180.0));
#  else
/*  The following line sets the refererence latitude LOWLAT at j=Y0.  */
    yRef = Y0abs - Y0;   fnRef = I_C0 * INTSECY((LOWLAT*M_PI/180.0));
#  endif

/*  Everything else should pretty much work.                          */
    yq = LOWLAT*M_PI/180.0;
/* If the model is in parallel in the Y-direction, do the same set of */
/* calculations which would occur on a single processor.              */
    for (j=Y0-1-Y0abs;j<Y0-1;j++) {
      jd = fnRef + (double) (j + yRef) - 0.5;
      yh = find_root(jd,yq,&itt1);

      jd = fnRef + (double) (j + yRef);
      yq = find_root(jd,yh,&itt2);
#  if defined(PARALLEL_Y) && !defined(PARALLEL_IO) && defined(NETCDF_OUTPUT)
      latq_tot[j+Y0abs] = yq*180.0/M_PI;
      lath_tot[j+Y0abs] = yh*180.0/M_PI;
#  endif
    for (j=Y0-1;j<=ny+2;j++) {
      jd = fnRef + (double) (j + yRef) - 0.5;
      yh = find_root(jd,yq,&itt1);

      jd = fnRef + (double) (j + yRef);
      yq = find_root(jd,yh,&itt2);

      latq[j] = yq*180.0/M_PI;
      lath[j] = yh*180.0/M_PI;
#  if defined(PARALLEL_Y) && !defined(PARALLEL_IO) && defined(NETCDF_OUTPUT)
      latq_tot[j+Y0abs] = yq*180.0/M_PI;
      lath_tot[j+Y0abs] = yh*180.0/M_PI;
#  endif

      for (i=X0-1;i<=nx+2;i++) {
        DXq(i,j) = cos(yq) * (RE * C0);
        DYq(i,j) = DXq(i,j);

        DXv(i,j) = DXq(i,j);
        DYv(i,j) = DYq(i,j);

        DXh(i,j) = cos(yh) * (RE * C0);
        DYh(i,j) = DXh(i,j);

        DXu(i,j) = DXh(i,j);
        DYu(i,j) = DYh(i,j);
#  if defined(PARALLEL_Y) && !defined(PARALLEL_IO) && defined(NETCDF_OUTPUT)
    for (j=ny+3;j<=NYTOT+Y0-Y0abs;j++) {
      jd = fnRef + (double) (j + yRef) - 0.5;
      yh = find_root(jd,yq,&itt1);

      jd = fnRef + (double) (j + yRef);
      yq = find_root(jd,yh,&itt2);
      latq_tot[j+Y0abs] = yq*180.0/M_PI;
      lath_tot[j+Y0abs] = yh*180.0/M_PI;
#  endif
  for (i=X0-1;i<=nx+2;i++)
    lonq[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*(double)(i-X0+X0abs)/(double)NXTOT;
  for (i=X0;i<=nx;i++)
    lonh[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*((double)(i-X0+X0abs)-0.5)/(double)NXTOT;
#  if defined(PARALLEL_X) && !defined(PARALLEL_IO) && defined(NETCDF_OUTPUT)
  for (i=X0;i<=NXTOT+X0;i++)
    lonq_tot[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*(double)(i-X0)/(double)NXTOT;
  for (i=X0;i<=NXTOT+X0;i++)
    lonh_tot[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*((double)(i-X0)-0.5)/(double)NXTOT;
#  endif

# else         /*  ISOTROPIC  */

/* This code implements latitude/longitude coordinates on a sphere.   */

//    for (j=0;j<=NYTOT-1;j++) {
//HF    for (j=Y0-1;j<=ny+2;j++) {
   for (j=2;j<NYTOT+2;j++) {
	latq[j] = qlat[j];
	lath[j] = hlat[j];
/* HF  for (i=0;i<=NXTOT-1;i++) {
    for (j=0;j<=NYTOT-1;j++) {
        DXq(i+2,j+2) = dxq[j][i];
	DYq(i+2,j+2) = dyq[j][i];
	DXv(i+2,j+2) = dxv[j][i];
	DYv(i+2,j+2) = dyv[j][i];
        DXh(i+2,j+2) = dxh[j][i];
	DYh(i+2,j+2) = dyh[j][i];
	DXu(i+2,j+2) = dxu[j][i];
	DYu(i+2,j+2) = dyu[j][i];
    } */

  for (i=X0-1;i<=nx+2;i++)
    lonq[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*(double)(i-X0+X0abs)/(double)NXTOT;

  for (i=X0;i<=nx;i++)
    lonh[i] = WESTLON + LENLON*((double)(i-X0+X0abs)-0.5)/(double)NXTOT;

/* The remaining code should not be changed.                         */
  for (i=X0-1;i<=nx+2;i++) {
    for (j=Y0-1;j<=ny+2;j++) {
      IDXh(i,j) = (DXh(i,j) > 0.0) ? (1.0 / DXh(i,j)) : 0.0;
      IDXu(i,j) = (DXu(i,j) > 0.0) ? (1.0 / DXu(i,j)) : 0.0;
      IDXv(i,j) = (DXv(i,j) > 0.0) ? (1.0 / DXv(i,j)) : 0.0;
      IDXq(i,j) = (DXq(i,j) > 0.0) ? (1.0 / DXq(i,j)) : 0.0;
      IDYh(i,j) = (DYh(i,j) > 0.0) ? (1.0 / DYh(i,j)) : 0.0;
      IDYu(i,j) = (DYu(i,j) > 0.0) ? (1.0 / DYu(i,j)) : 0.0;
      IDYv(i,j) = (DYv(i,j) > 0.0) ? (1.0 / DYv(i,j)) : 0.0;
      IDYq(i,j) = (DYq(i,j) > 0.0) ? (1.0 / DYq(i,j)) : 0.0;

      //HF alternate def: DXDYh(i,j) = DXh(i,j) * DYh(i,j);
      //HF alternate def: IDXDYh(i,j) = IDXh(i,j) * IDYh(i,j);
      DXDYq(i,j) = DXq(i,j) * DYq(i,j);
      IDXDYq(i,j) = IDXq(i,j) * IDYq(i,j);

      Iareagr[i][j] = (areagr[i][j] > 0.0) ? (1.0 / areagr[i][j]) : 0.0;
      DXDYh(i,j) = areagr[i][j];
      IDXDYh(i,j) = Iareagr[i][j];

#endif /* CARTESIAN */