Пример #1
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *bg_color_opt, *fg_color_opt, *coords, *n_arrow, *fsize,
        *width_opt, *rotation_opt, *lbl_opt;
    struct Flag *no_text, *rotate_text, *rads;
    double east, north;
    double rotation;
    double fontsize, line_width;
    int rot_with_text;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
        _("Displays a north arrow on the graphics monitor.");

    n_arrow = G_define_option();
    n_arrow->key = "style";
    n_arrow->description = _("North arrow style");
    n_arrow->options =
    G_asprintf((char **)&(n_arrow->descriptions),
               "1a;%s;" "1b;%s;" "2;%s;" "3;%s;" "4;%s;" "5;%s;" "6;%s;"
               "7a;%s;" "7b;%s;" "8a;%s;" "8b;%s;" "9;%s;" "fancy_compass;%s;"
               "basic_compass;%s;" "arrow1;%s;" "arrow2;%s;" "arrow3;%s;"
               _("Two color arrowhead"),
               _("Two color arrowhead with circle"),
               _("Narrow with blending N"), _("Long with small arrowhead"),
               _("Inverted narrow inside a circle"),
               _("Triangle and N inside a circle"),
               _("Arrowhead and N inside a circle"),
               _("Tall half convex arrowhead"),
               _("Tall half concave arrowhead"), _("Thin arrow in a circle"),
               _("Fat arrow in a circle"), _("One color arrowhead"),
               _("Fancy compass"), _("Basic compass"), _("Simple arrow"),
               _("Thin arrow"), _("Fat arrow"), _("4-point star"));
    n_arrow->answer = "1a";
    n_arrow->guisection = _("Style");
    n_arrow->gisprompt = "old,northarrow,northarrow";

    coords = G_define_option();
    coords->key = "at";
    coords->key_desc = "x,y";
    coords->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    coords->answer = "85.0,15.0";
    coords->options = "0-100";
    coords->label =
        _("Screen coordinates of the rectangle's top-left corner");
    coords->description = _("(0,0) is lower-left of the display frame");

    rotation_opt = G_define_option();
    rotation_opt->key = "rotation";
    rotation_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    rotation_opt->required = NO;
    rotation_opt->answer = "0";
    rotation_opt->description =
        _("Rotation angle in degrees (counter-clockwise)");

    lbl_opt = G_define_option();
    lbl_opt->key = "label";
    lbl_opt->required = NO;
    lbl_opt->answer = "N";
    lbl_opt->description =
        _("Displayed letter on the top of arrow");
    lbl_opt->guisection = _("Text");

    fg_color_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C);
    fg_color_opt->label = _("Line color");
    fg_color_opt->guisection = _("Colors");

    bg_color_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_CN);
    bg_color_opt->key = "fill_color";
    bg_color_opt->label = _("Fill color");
    bg_color_opt->answer = _("black");
    bg_color_opt->guisection = _("Colors");

    width_opt = G_define_option();
    width_opt->key = "width";
    width_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    width_opt->answer = "0";
    width_opt->description = _("Line width");

    fsize = G_define_option();
    fsize->key = "fontsize";
    fsize->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    fsize->required = NO;
    fsize->answer = "14";
    fsize->options = "1-360";
    fsize->description = _("Font size");
    fsize->guisection = _("Text");

    no_text = G_define_flag();
    no_text->key = 't';
    no_text->description = _("Draw the symbol without text");
    no_text->guisection = _("Text");

    rotate_text = G_define_flag();
    rotate_text->key = 'w';
    rotate_text->description = _("Do not rotate text with symbol");
    rotate_text->guisection = _("Text");

    rads = G_define_flag();
    rads->key = 'r';
    rads->description = _("Use radians instead of degrees for rotation");

    /* TODO:
       - add a -n flag to rotate to match true north instead of grid north.
       Similar to 'g.region -n' but use the at=x,y coord for the convergence
       angle calc. (assuming that's the center of the icon)

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    sscanf(coords->answers[0], "%lf", &east);
    sscanf(coords->answers[1], "%lf", &north);

    fontsize = atof(fsize->answer);
    if (no_text->answer)
        fontsize = -1;

    rot_with_text = 0;
    if (!rotate_text->answer)
        rot_with_text = 1;

    /* Convert to radians */
    rotation = atof(rotation_opt->answer);
    if (!rads->answer)
        rotation *= M_PI / 180.0;
    rotation = fmod(rotation, 2.0 * M_PI);
    if (rotation < 0.0)
        rotation += 2.0 * M_PI;

    /* Parse and select foreground color */
    fg_color = D_parse_color(fg_color_opt->answer, 0);

    /* Parse and select background color */
    bg_color = D_parse_color(bg_color_opt->answer, 1);
    if (bg_color == 0)
        do_background = FALSE;

    line_width = atof(width_opt->answer);
    if (line_width < 0)
        line_width = 0;
    else if (line_width > 72)
        line_width = 72;


    draw_n_arrow(east, north, rotation, lbl_opt->answer, rot_with_text,
                 fontsize, n_arrow->answer, line_width);


Пример #2
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct GModule *module;
	struct Option *text;
	struct Option *size;
	struct Option *fgcolor;
	struct Option *bgcolor;
	struct Option *line;
	struct Option *at;
	struct Option *rotation;
	struct Option *align;
	struct Option *linespacing;
	struct Option *font;
	struct Option *path;
	struct Option *charset;
	struct Option *input;
    } opt;
	struct Flag *p;
	struct Flag *g;
	struct Flag *b;
	struct Flag *r;
	struct Flag *s;
    } flag;

    /* options and flags */
    char *text;
    double size;
    double x, y;
    int line;
    double rotation;
    char align[3];
    double linespacing;

    char bold;

    /* window info */
    struct rectinfo win;

    /* command file */
    FILE *cmd_fp;

    char buf[512];

    int first_text;
    int linefeed;
    int set_l;
    double orig_x, orig_y;
    double prev_x, prev_y;
    double set_x, set_y;
    double east, north;
    int do_background, fg_color, bg_color;

    /* initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Draws text in the active display frame on the graphics monitor using the current font.");

    opt.text = G_define_option();
    opt.text->key = "text";
    opt.text->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt.text->required = NO;
    opt.text->description = _("Text to display");
    opt.text->guisection = _("Input");

    opt.input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    opt.input->required = NO;
    opt.input->description = _("Input file");
    opt.input->guisection = _("Input");

    opt.fgcolor = G_define_option();
    opt.fgcolor->key = "color";
    opt.fgcolor->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt.fgcolor->answer = DEFAULT_COLOR;
    opt.fgcolor->required = NO;
    opt.fgcolor->description =
	_("Text color, either a standard GRASS color or R:G:B triplet");
    opt.fgcolor->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color";
    opt.fgcolor->guisection = _("Text");

    opt.bgcolor = G_define_option();
    opt.bgcolor->key = "bgcolor";
    opt.bgcolor->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt.bgcolor->required = NO;
    opt.bgcolor->description =
        _("Text background color, either a standard GRASS color or R:G:B triplet");
    opt.bgcolor->gisprompt = "old_color,color,color";
    opt.bgcolor->guisection = _("Text");

    opt.rotation = G_define_option();
    opt.rotation->key = "rotation";
    opt.rotation->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt.rotation->required = NO;
    opt.rotation->answer = "0";
    opt.rotation->description =
    _("Rotation angle in degrees (counter-clockwise)");
    opt.rotation->guisection = _("Text");

    opt.linespacing = G_define_option();
    opt.linespacing->key = "linespacing";
    opt.linespacing->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt.linespacing->required = NO;
    opt.linespacing->answer = "1.25";
    opt.linespacing->description = _("Line spacing");
    opt.linespacing->guisection = _("Text");

    opt.at = G_define_option();
    opt.at->key = "at";
    opt.at->key_desc = "x,y";
    opt.at->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt.at->required = NO;
    opt.at->description =
	_("Screen position at which text will begin to be drawn (percentage, [0,0] is lower left)");
    opt.at->guisection = _("Position");

    opt.line = G_define_option();
    opt.line->key = "line";
    opt.line->required = NO;
    opt.line->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt.line->options = "1-1000";
    opt.line->description =
	_("The screen line number on which text will begin to be drawn");
    opt.line->guisection = _("Position");

    opt.align = G_define_option();
    opt.align->key = "align";
    opt.align->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt.align->required = NO;
    opt.align->answer = "ll";
    opt.align->options = "ll,lc,lr,cl,cc,cr,ul,uc,ur";
    opt.align->description = _("Text alignment");
    opt.align->guisection = _("Position");

    opt.font = G_define_option();
    opt.font->key = "font";
    opt.font->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt.font->required = NO;
    opt.font->description = _("Font name");
    opt.font->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt.size = G_define_option();
    opt.size->key = "size";
    opt.size->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt.size->required = NO;
    opt.size->answer = "5";
    opt.size->options = "0-100";
    opt.size->description =
    _("Height of letters in percentage of available frame height");
    opt.size->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt.path = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    opt.path->key = "path";
    opt.path->required = NO;
    opt.path->description = _("Path to font file");
    opt.path->gisprompt = "old,font,file";
    opt.path->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt.charset = G_define_option();
    opt.charset->key = "charset";
    opt.charset->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt.charset->required = NO;
    opt.charset->description =
	_("Text encoding (only applicable to TrueType fonts)");
    opt.charset->guisection = _("Font settings");

    flag.p = G_define_flag();
    flag.p->key = 'p';
    flag.p->description = _("Screen position in pixels ([0,0] is top left)");
    flag.p->guisection = _("Position");

    flag.g = G_define_flag();
    flag.g->key = 'g';
    flag.g->description = _("Screen position in geographic coordinates");
    flag.g->guisection = _("Position");

    flag.b = G_define_flag();
    flag.b->key = 'b';
    flag.b->description = _("Use bold text");
    flag.b->guisection = _("Text");

    flag.r = G_define_flag();
    flag.r->key = 'r';
    flag.r->description = _("Use radians instead of degrees for rotation");
    flag.r->guisection = _("Text");

    flag.s = G_define_flag();
    flag.s->key = 's';
    flag.s->description = _("Font size is height in pixels");
    flag.s->guisection = _("Font settings");

    /* check command line */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* parse and check options and flags */

    if ((opt.line->answer && opt.at->answer) ||
	(flag.p->answer && flag.g->answer))
	G_fatal_error(_("Please choose only one placement method"));

    text = opt.text->answer;

    line = (opt.line->answer ? atoi(opt.line->answer) : 1);

    /* calculate rotation angle in radian */
    rotation = atof(opt.rotation->answer);
    if (!flag.r->answer)
	rotation *= M_PI / 180.0;
    rotation = fmod(rotation, 2.0 * M_PI);
    if (rotation < 0.0)
	rotation += 2.0 * M_PI;

    strncpy(align, opt.align->answer, 2);
    linespacing = atof(opt.linespacing->answer);

    bold = flag.b->answer;

    if (opt.font->answer)
    else if (opt.path->answer)

    if (opt.charset->answer)


    /* figure out where to put text */
    D_get_src(&win.t, &win.b, &win.l, &win.r);

    if (flag.s->answer)
	size = atof(opt.size->answer);
	size = atof(opt.size->answer) / 100.0 * (win.b - win.t) / linespacing;
	size = atof(opt.size->answer) / 100.0 * (win.b - win.t);

    fg_color = D_parse_color(opt.fgcolor->answer, TRUE);
    if (opt.bgcolor->answer) {
	do_background = 1;
	bg_color = D_parse_color(opt.bgcolor->answer, TRUE);
	if (bg_color == 0) /* ie color="none" */
	    do_background = 0;
    } else
	do_background = 0;

    orig_x = orig_y = 0;

    if (opt.at->answer) {
	if (get_coordinates(&x, &y, &east, &north,
			    win, opt.at->answers,
			    flag.p->answer, flag.g->answer))
	    G_fatal_error(_("Invalid coordinates"));
	orig_x = x;
	orig_y = y;
    else {
	x = win.l + (size * linespacing + 0.5) - size;	/* d.text: +5 */
	y = win.t + line * (size * linespacing + 0.5);

    prev_x = x;
    prev_y = y;

    D_text_size(size, size);
    D_text_rotation(rotation * 180.0 / M_PI);

    if (text) {
	double x2, y2;

	x2 = x;
	y2 = y;

	if (text[0])
	    draw_text(text, &x2, &y2, size, align, rotation, bold, do_background, fg_color, bg_color);

	/* reset */
	D_text_size(5, 5);



    if (!opt.input->answer || strcmp(opt.input->answer, "-") == 0)
	cmd_fp = stdin;
    else {
	cmd_fp = fopen(opt.input->answer, "r");
	if (!cmd_fp)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open input file <%s>"), opt.input->answer);

    if (isatty(fileno(cmd_fp)))
		_("\nPlease enter text instructions.  Enter EOF (ctrl-d) on last line to quit\n"));

    set_x = set_y = set_l = 0;
    first_text = 1;
    linefeed = 1;
    /* do the plotting */
    while (fgets(buf, sizeof(buf), cmd_fp)) {
	int buf_len;
	char *buf_ptr, *ptr;

	buf_len = strlen(buf) - 1;
	for (; buf[buf_len] == '\r' || buf[buf_len] == '\n'; buf_len--) ;
	buf[buf_len + 1] = 0;

	if (buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] != '.') {
	    int i;
	    double d;

	    G_squeeze(buf);	/* added 6/91 DBS @ CWU */
	    for (buf_ptr = buf + 2; *buf_ptr == ' '; buf_ptr++) ;
	    buf_len = strlen(buf_ptr);

	    switch (buf[1] & 0x7f) {
	    case 'F':
		/* font */
		if ((ptr = strchr(buf_ptr, ':')))
		    *ptr = 0;
		if (ptr)
		    D_encoding(ptr + 1);
	    case 'C':
		/* color */
		fg_color = D_parse_color(buf_ptr, 1);
	    case 'G':
		/* background color */
		bg_color = D_parse_color(buf_ptr, 1);
		do_background = 1;
	    case 'S':
		/* size */
		i = 0;
		if (strchr("+-", buf_ptr[0]))
		    i = 1;
		d = atof(buf_ptr);
		if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] != 'p')
		    d *= (win.b - win.t) / 100.0 / linespacing;
		    d *= (win.b - win.t) / 100.0;
		size = d + (i ? size : 0);
		D_text_size(size, size);
	    case 'B':
		/* bold */
		bold = (atoi(buf_ptr) ? 1 : 0);
	    case 'A':
		/* align */
		strncpy(align, buf_ptr, 2);
	    case 'R':
		/* rotation */
		i = 0;
		if (strchr("+-", buf_ptr[0]))
		    i = 1;
		d = atof(buf_ptr);
		if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] != 'r')
		    d *= M_PI / 180.0;
		d += (i ? rotation : 0.0);
		rotation = fmod(d, 2.0 * M_PI);
		if (rotation < 0.0)
		    rotation += 2.0 * M_PI;
		D_text_rotation(rotation * 180.0 / M_PI);
	    case 'I':
		/* linespacing */
		linespacing = atof(buf_ptr);
	    case 'X':
		/* x */
		set_l = 0;
		set_x = 1;
		i = 0;
		if (strchr("+-", buf_ptr[0]))
		    i = 1;
		d = atof(buf_ptr);
		if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] == '%')
		    /* percentage */
		    d *= (win.r - win.l) / 100.0;
		else if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] != 'p')
		    /* column */
		    d = (d - 1) * size * linespacing + 0.5;
		x = prev_x = d + (i ? x : orig_x);
	    case 'Y':
		/* y */
		set_l = 0;
		set_y = 1;
		i = 0;
		if (strchr("+-", buf_ptr[0]))
		    i = 1;
		d = atof(buf_ptr);
		if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] == '%')
		    /* percentage */
		    d = win.b - d * (win.b - win.t) / 100.0;
		else if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] != 'p')
		    /* row */
		    d *= size * linespacing + 0.5;
		y = prev_y = d + (i ? y : orig_y);
	    case 'L':
		/* linefeed */
		set_l = 1;
		linefeed = (atoi(buf_ptr) ? 1 : 0);
	    case 'E':
		i = 0;
		if (strchr("+-", buf_ptr[0]))
		    i = 1;
		d = atof(buf_ptr);
		if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] == '%')
		    d *= (win.r - win.l) / 100.0;
		else if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] != 'p')
		    d = D_u_to_d_col(d);
		x = prev_x = orig_x = d + (i ? orig_x : win.l);
	    case 'N':
		i = 0;
		if (strchr("+-", buf_ptr[0]))
		    i = 1;
		d = atof(buf_ptr);
		if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] == '%')
		    d *= (win.b - win.t) / 100.0;
		else if (buf_ptr[buf_len - 1] != 'p')
		    d = D_u_to_d_row(d);
		y = prev_y = orig_y = d + (i ? orig_y : win.t);
	else {
	    buf_ptr = buf;
	    if (buf[0] == '.' && buf[1] == '.')

	    if (!first_text && (linefeed || set_l)) {
		/* if x is not given, increment x */
		if (!set_x)
		    x = prev_x +
			(size * linespacing + 0.5) * sin(rotation);
		/* if y is not given, increment y */
		if (!set_y)
		    y = prev_y +
			(size * linespacing + 0.5) * cos(rotation);
		prev_x = x;
		prev_y = y;
	    set_x = set_y = set_l = first_text = 0;

	    draw_text(buf_ptr, &x, &y, size, align, rotation, bold, do_background, fg_color, bg_color);

    if (cmd_fp != stdin)

    /* reset */
    D_text_size(5, 5);


Пример #3
int do_symbol(char *buff)
    double xper, yper;
    int size;
    int ix, iy;
    char *symb_name;
    SYMBOL *Symb;
    char *line_color_str, *fill_color_str;
    RGBA_Color *line_color, *fill_color;
    int R, G, B, ret;

    line_color = G_malloc(sizeof(RGBA_Color));
    fill_color = G_malloc(sizeof(RGBA_Color));

    symb_name = G_malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buff) + 1);	/* well, it won't be any bigger than this */
    line_color_str = G_malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buff) + 1);
    fill_color_str = G_malloc(sizeof(char) * strlen(buff) + 1);

    G_debug(3, "do_symbol() [%s]", buff);

    /* set default colors so colors are optional */
    strcpy(line_color_str, DEFAULT_FG_COLOR);
    strcpy(fill_color_str, "grey");

    if (sscanf
	(buff, "%*s %s %d %lf %lf %s %s", symb_name, &size, &xper, &yper,
	 line_color_str, fill_color_str) < 4) {
	G_warning(_("Problem parsing command [%s]"), buff);
	return (-1);

    if (mapunits) {
	ix = (int)(D_u_to_d_col(xper) + 0.5);
	iy = (int)(D_u_to_d_row(yper) + 0.5);
	/* consider size in map units too? maybe as percentage of display?
	   perhaps use "size * D_get_u_to_d_yconv()" to convert */
    else {
	if (xper < 0. || yper < 0. || xper > 100. || yper > 100.)
	    return (-1);
	ix = l + (int)(xper * xincr);
	iy = b - (int)(yper * yincr);

    /* parse line color */
    ret = G_str_to_color(line_color_str, &R, &G, &B);
    line_color->r = (unsigned char)R;
    line_color->g = (unsigned char)G;
    line_color->b = (unsigned char)B;

    if (ret == 1) {
	/* here alpha is only used as an on/off switch, otherwise unused by the display drivers */
	line_color->a = RGBA_COLOR_OPAQUE;
    else if (ret == 2)
	line_color->a = RGBA_COLOR_NONE;
    else {
	G_warning(_("[%s]: No such color"), line_color_str);
	return (-1);

    /* parse fill color */
    ret = G_str_to_color(fill_color_str, &R, &G, &B);
    fill_color->r = (unsigned char)R;
    fill_color->g = (unsigned char)G;
    fill_color->b = (unsigned char)B;

    if (ret == 1)
	fill_color->a = RGBA_COLOR_OPAQUE;
    else if (ret == 2)
	fill_color->a = RGBA_COLOR_NONE;
    else {
	G_warning(_("[%s]: No such color"), fill_color_str);
	return (-1);

    Symb = S_read(symb_name);

    if (Symb == NULL) {
	G_warning(_("Cannot read symbol, cannot display points"));
	return (-1);
	S_stroke(Symb, size, rotation, 0);

    D_symbol(Symb, ix, iy, line_color, fill_color);

    /* restore previous d.graph draw color */
    if (last_color.a == RGBA_COLOR_OPAQUE)
	R_RGB_color(last_color.r, last_color.g, last_color.b);
    else if (last_color.a == RGBA_COLOR_NONE)
	D_raster_use_color(D_parse_color(DEFAULT_BG_COLOR, 0));
    else			/* unset or bad */
	R_RGB_color(line_color->r, line_color->g, line_color->b);


    return (0);
Пример #4
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int text_height;
    int text_width;
    struct Categories cats;
    struct Range range;
    struct Colors pcolors;
    char title[GNAME_MAX];
    double tt, tb, tl, tr;
    double t, b, l, r;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *opt1;
    struct Option *opt2, *bg_opt;
    struct Option *opt4;
    struct Option *opt5;
    struct Flag *flag1;
    struct Flag *flag2;
    struct Flag *flag3;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
	_("Displays a histogram in the form of a pie or bar chart "
	  "for a user-specified raster map.");

    opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP);
    opt1->description = _("Raster map for which histogram will be displayed");

    opt4 = G_define_option();
    opt4->key = "style";
    opt4->description = _("Indicate if a pie or bar chart is desired");
    opt4->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt4->required = NO;
    opt4->options = "pie,bar";
    opt4->answer = "bar";

    /* The color option specifies the color for the labels, tic-marks,
     * and borders of the chart. */
    opt2 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C);
    opt2->label = _("Color for text and axes");

    bg_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_CN);
    bg_opt->key = "bgcolor";
    bg_opt->label = _("Background color");
    bg_opt->answer = DEFAULT_BG_COLOR;

    opt3 = G_define_option();
    opt3->key = "type";
    opt3->description =
	_("Indicate if cell counts or map areas should be displayed");
    opt3->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt3->required = NO;
    opt3->answer = "count";
    opt3->options = "count,area";

    opt5 = G_define_option();
    opt5->key = "nsteps";
    opt5->description =
	_("Number of steps to divide the data range into (fp maps only)");
    opt5->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt5->required = NO;
    opt5->answer = "255";

    flag1 = G_define_flag();
    flag1->key = 'n';
    flag1->description = _("Display information for null cells");

    flag3 = G_define_flag();
    flag3->key = 'c';
    flag3->description =
	_("Report for ranges defined in cats file (fp maps only)");

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    map_name = opt1->answer;

    color = D_parse_color(opt2->answer, FALSE);

    type = COUNT;
    if (strcmp(opt3->answer, "count") == 0)
	type = COUNT;
	type = AREA;

    if (strcmp(opt4->answer, "bar") == 0)
	style = BAR;
	style = PIE;

    if (sscanf(opt5->answer, "%d", &nsteps) != 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Invalid number of steps: %s"), opt5->answer);

    cat_ranges = flag3->answer;

    if (cat_ranges && nsteps != 255)
	G_warning(_("When -C flag is set, the nsteps argument is ignored"));

    nodata = flag1->answer;

    if (Rast_read_colors(map_name, "", &pcolors) == -1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Color file for <%s> not available"), map_name);

    if (Rast_read_cats(map_name, "", &cats) == -1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Category file for <%s> not available"), map_name);

    if (Rast_read_range(map_name, "", &range) == -1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Range information for <%s> not available"),

    /* get the distribution statistics */

    get_stats(map_name, &dist_stats);

    /* set up the graphics driver and initialize its color-table */

    D_setup_unity(0);			/* 0 = don't clear frame */
    D_get_src(&t, &b, &l, &r);

    /* clear the frame, if requested to do so */
    if (strcmp(bg_opt->answer, "none") != 0)

    /* draw a title for */
    sprintf(title, "%s", map_name);
    text_height = (b - t) * 0.05;
    text_width = (r - l) * 0.05 * 0.50;
    D_text_size(text_width, text_height);
    D_get_text_box(title, &tt, &tb, &tl, &tr);
    D_pos_abs(l + (r - l) / 2 - (tr - tl) / 2,
	      t + (b - t) * 0.07);

    /* plot the distributrion statistics */
    if (style == PIE)
	pie(&dist_stats, &pcolors);
	bar(&dist_stats, &pcolors);


Пример #5
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *bg_color_opt, *fg_color_opt, *coords, *fsize, *barstyle,
            *text_placement, *length_opt, *segm_opt, *units_opt, *label_opt,
    struct Flag *feet, *no_text, *n_symbol;
    struct Cell_head W;
    double east, north;
    double fontsize;
    int bar_style, text_position, units;
    double length;
    int segm;
    char *label;
    double width_scale;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description = _("Displays a barscale on the graphics monitor.");

    feet = G_define_flag();
    feet->key = 'f';
    feet->description = _("Use feet/miles instead of meters");

    no_text = G_define_flag();
    no_text->key = 't';
    no_text->description = _("Draw the scale bar without text");
    no_text->guisection = _("Text");

    n_symbol = G_define_flag();
    n_symbol->key = 'n';
    n_symbol->description = _("Display north-arrow symbol.");
    n_symbol->guisection = _("Style");

    barstyle = G_define_option();
    barstyle->key = "style";
    barstyle->description = _("Type of barscale to draw");
    barstyle->options =
    barstyle->answer = "classic";
    barstyle->gisprompt = "old,barscale,barscale";
    barstyle->guisection = _("Style");
    G_asprintf((char **)&(barstyle->descriptions),
               _("Classic style"),
               _("Line style"),
               _("Solid style"),
               _("Hollow style"),
               _("Full checker style"),
               _("Part checker style"),
               _("Mixed checker style"),
               _("Tail checker style"),
               _("Up ticks style"),
               _("Down ticks style"),
               _("Both ticks style"), _("Arrow ends style"));

    coords = G_define_option();
    coords->key = "at";
    coords->key_desc = "x,y";
    coords->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    coords->answer = "0.0,10.0";
    coords->options = "0-100";
    coords->label =
        _("Screen coordinates of the rectangle's top-left corner");
    coords->description = _("(0,0) is lower-left of the display frame");

    length_opt = G_define_option();
    length_opt->key = "length";
    length_opt->key_desc = "integer";
    length_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    length_opt->answer = "0";
    length_opt->options = "0-";
    length_opt->label = _("Length of barscale in map units");

    units_opt = G_define_option();
    units_opt->key = "units";
    units_opt->description = _("Barscale units to display");
    units_opt->options = "meters, kilometers, feet, miles";

    label_opt = G_define_option();
    label_opt->key = "label";
    label_opt->description = _("Custom label of unit");
    label_opt->type = TYPE_STRING;
    label_opt->guisection = _("Text");

    segm_opt = G_define_option();
    segm_opt->key = "segment";
    segm_opt->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    segm_opt->answer = "10";
    segm_opt->options = "1-100";
    segm_opt->label = _("Number of segments");
    segm_opt->guisection = _("Style");

    fg_color_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C);
    fg_color_opt->label = _("Bar scale and text color");
    fg_color_opt->guisection = _("Colors");

    bg_color_opt = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_CN);
    bg_color_opt->key = "bgcolor";
    bg_color_opt->answer = "white";
    bg_color_opt->label = _("Background color (drawn behind the bar)");
    bg_color_opt->guisection = _("Colors");

    text_placement = G_define_option();
    text_placement->key = "text_position";
    text_placement->description = _("Text position");
    text_placement->options = "under,over,left,right";
    text_placement->answer = "right";
    text_placement->guisection = _("Text");
    width_scale_opt = G_define_option();
    width_scale_opt->key = "width_scale";
    width_scale_opt->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    width_scale_opt->required = NO;
    width_scale_opt->answer = "1";
    width_scale_opt->options = "0.5-100";
    width_scale_opt->description = _("Scale factor to change bar width");

    fsize = G_define_option();
    fsize->key = "fontsize";
    fsize->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    fsize->required = NO;
    fsize->answer = "12";
    fsize->options = "1-360";
    fsize->description = _("Font size");
    fsize->guisection = _("Text");

     G_option_exclusive(feet, units_opt, NULL);

    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (W.proj == PROJECTION_LL)
        G_fatal_error(_("%s does not work with a latitude-longitude location"),

    north_arrow = n_symbol->answer ? TRUE : FALSE;

    switch (barstyle->answer[0]) {
    case 'c':
        bar_style = STYLE_CLASSIC_BAR;
    case 'p':
        bar_style = STYLE_PART_CHECKER;
    case 'f':
        bar_style = STYLE_FULL_CHECKER;
    case 'm':
        bar_style = STYLE_MIXED_CHECKER;
    case 't':
        bar_style = STYLE_TAIL_CHECKER;
    case 'l':
        bar_style = STYLE_THIN_WITH_ENDS;
    case 's':
        bar_style = STYLE_SOLID_BAR;
    case 'h':
        bar_style = STYLE_HOLLOW_BAR;
    case 'u':
        bar_style = STYLE_TICKS_UP;
    case 'd':
        bar_style = STYLE_TICKS_DOWN;
    case 'b':
        bar_style = STYLE_TICKS_BOTH;
    case 'a':
        bar_style = STYLE_ARROW_ENDS;
        G_fatal_error(_("Programmer error"));

    switch (text_placement->answer[0]) {
    case 'u':
        text_position = TEXT_UNDER;
    case 'o':
        text_position = TEXT_OVER;
    case 'l':
        text_position = TEXT_LEFT;
    case 'r':
        text_position = TEXT_RIGHT;
        G_fatal_error(_("Programmer error"));

    sscanf(coords->answers[0], "%lf", &east);
    sscanf(coords->answers[1], "%lf", &north);

    length = atof(length_opt->answer);
    sscanf(segm_opt->answer, "%d", &segm);

    if (feet->answer == 1){
        use_feet = 1;
        units = U_FEET;
        label = "ft";
    else {
        if (!units_opt->answer)
            units = G_database_unit();
            units = G_units(units_opt->answer);
        switch (units) {
        case U_METERS:
            label = "m";
        case U_KILOMETERS:
            label = "km";
        case U_FEET:
            use_feet = 1;
            label = "ft";
        case U_USFEET:
            use_feet = 1;
            label = "ft";
        case U_MILES:
            use_feet = 1;
            label = "mi";
            units = U_METERS;
            label = "m";

    if (label_opt->answer){
        label = label_opt->answer;

    fontsize = atof(fsize->answer);
    if (no_text->answer)
        fontsize = -1;

    width_scale = atof(width_scale_opt->answer);

    /* Parse and select foreground color */
    fg_color = D_parse_color(fg_color_opt->answer, 0);

    /* Parse and select background color */
    bg_color = D_parse_color(bg_color_opt->answer, 1);
    if (bg_color == 0)
        do_background = FALSE;



    draw_scale(east, north, length, segm, units, label, bar_style, text_position, width_scale, fontsize);


Пример #6
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    char *map_name;
    int maptype;
    int color;
    int i;
    int thin, lines, steps;
    int fp;
    int label_indent;
    int hide_catnum, hide_catstr, show_ticks, show_bg, hide_nodata, do_smooth;
    struct Categories cats;
    struct Colors colors;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *opt_rast2d, *opt_rast3d, *opt_color, *opt_lines,
        *opt_thin, *opt_labelnum, *opt_at, *opt_use, *opt_range,
        *opt_font, *opt_path, *opt_charset, *opt_fontsize, *opt_title,
        *opt_ticks, *opt_tstep, *opt_brdcolor, *opt_bgcolor,
        *opt_tit_fontsize, *opt_digits, *opt_units;
    struct Flag *hidestr, *hidenum, *hidenodata, *smooth, *flipit, *histo,
        *showtick, *showbg, *log_sc;
    double X0, X1, Y0, Y1;
    int flip, UserRange;
    double UserRangeMin, UserRangeMax, UserRangeTemp;
    double *catlist;
    int catlistCount, use_catlist, ticksCount;
    double fontsize;
    char *title;
    char *units;
    double *tick_values;
    double t_step;
    int colorb, colorbg;
    double tit_fontsize;
    int log_scale, digits;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
        _("Displays a legend for a 2D or 3D raster map in the active frame "
          "of the graphics monitor.");

    opt_rast2d = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R_MAP);
    opt_rast2d->key = "raster";
    opt_rast2d->required = NO;
    opt_rast2d->guisection = _("Input");

    opt_rast3d = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_R3_MAP);
    opt_rast3d->key = "raster_3d";
    opt_rast3d->required = NO;
    opt_rast3d->guisection = _("Input");

    opt_title = G_define_option();
    opt_title->key = "title";
    opt_title->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt_title->required = NO;
    opt_title->description = _("Legend title");
    opt_title->guisection = _("Title");

    opt_tit_fontsize = G_define_option();
    opt_tit_fontsize->key = "title_fontsize";
    opt_tit_fontsize->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt_tit_fontsize->required = NO;
    opt_tit_fontsize->options = "1-360";
    opt_tit_fontsize->label = _("Title font size");
    opt_tit_fontsize->description = _("Default: Same as fontsize");
    opt_tit_fontsize->guisection = _("Title");

    opt_lines = G_define_option();
    opt_lines->key = "lines";
    opt_lines->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt_lines->answer = "0";
    opt_lines->options = "0-1000";
    opt_lines->description =
        _("Number of text lines (useful for truncating long legends)");
    opt_lines->guisection = _("Advanced");

    opt_thin = G_define_option();
    opt_thin->key = "thin";
    opt_thin->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt_thin->required = NO;
    opt_thin->answer = "1";
    opt_thin->options = "1-1000";
    opt_thin->description =
        _("Thinning factor (thin=10 gives cats 0,10,20...)");
    opt_thin->guisection = _("Advanced");

    opt_units = G_define_option();
    opt_units->key = "units";
    opt_units->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt_units->required = NO;
    opt_units->description =
            _("Units to display after labels (e.g. meters)");
    opt_units->guisection = _("Advanced");

    opt_labelnum = G_define_option();
    opt_labelnum->key = "labelnum";
    opt_labelnum->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt_labelnum->answer = "5";
    opt_labelnum->options = "2-100";
    opt_labelnum->description =
        _("Number of text labels for smooth gradient legend");
    opt_labelnum->guisection = _("Gradient");

    opt_ticks = G_define_option();
    opt_ticks->key = "label_values";
    opt_ticks->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt_ticks->required = NO;
    opt_ticks->description = _("Specific values to draw ticks");
    opt_ticks->required = NO;
    opt_ticks->multiple = YES;
    opt_ticks->guisection = _("Gradient");

    opt_tstep = G_define_option();
    opt_tstep->key = "label_step";
    opt_tstep->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt_tstep->required = NO;
    opt_tstep->description = _("Display label every step");
    opt_tstep->guisection = _("Gradient");

    opt_digits = G_define_option();
    opt_digits->key = "digits";
    opt_digits->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt_digits->required = NO;
    opt_digits->description = _("Number of digits after decimal point");
    opt_digits->guisection = _("Advanced");
    opt_digits->answer = NULL;
    opt_digits->options = "0-6";

    opt_at = G_define_option();
    opt_at->key = "at";
    opt_at->key_desc = "bottom,top,left,right";
    opt_at->type = TYPE_DOUBLE; /* needs to be TYPE_DOUBLE to get past options check */
    opt_at->required = NO;
    opt_at->options = "0-100";
    opt_at->label =
        _("Size and placement as percentage of screen coordinates "
          "(0,0 is lower left)");
    opt_at->description = opt_at->key_desc;
    opt_at->answer = NULL;

    opt_use = G_define_option();
    opt_use->key = "use";
    opt_use->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;        /* string as it is fed through the parser? */
    opt_use->required = NO;
    opt_use->description =
        _("List of discrete category numbers/values for legend");
    opt_use->multiple = YES;
    opt_use->guisection = _("Subset");

    opt_range = G_define_option();
    opt_range->key = "range";
    opt_range->key_desc = "min,max";
    opt_range->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;      /* should it be type_double or _string ?? */
    opt_range->required = NO;
    opt_range->description =
        _("Use a subset of the map range for the legend (min,max)");
    opt_range->guisection = _("Subset");

    opt_color = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C);
    opt_color->label = _("Text color");
    opt_color->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_font = G_define_option();
    opt_font->key = "font";
    opt_font->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt_font->required = NO;
    opt_font->description = _("Font name");
    opt_font->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_fontsize = G_define_option();
    opt_fontsize->key = "fontsize";
    opt_fontsize->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt_fontsize->required = NO;
    opt_fontsize->options = "1-360";
    opt_fontsize->label = _("Font size");
    opt_fontsize->description = _("Default: Auto-scaled");
    opt_fontsize->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_path = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    opt_path->key = "path";
    opt_path->required = NO;
    opt_path->description = _("Path to font file");
    opt_path->gisprompt = "old_file,font,file";
    opt_path->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_charset = G_define_option();
    opt_charset->key = "charset";
    opt_charset->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt_charset->required = NO;
    opt_charset->description =
        _("Text encoding (only applicable to TrueType fonts)");
    opt_charset->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_brdcolor = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_CN);
    opt_brdcolor->key = "border_color";
    opt_brdcolor->answer = "black";
    opt_brdcolor->label = _("Border color");
    opt_brdcolor->guisection = _("Background");

    opt_bgcolor = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_CN);
    opt_bgcolor->key = "bgcolor";
    opt_bgcolor->answer = "white";
    opt_bgcolor->label = _("Background color");
    opt_bgcolor->guisection = _("Background");

    hidestr = G_define_flag();
    hidestr->key = 'v';
    hidestr->description = _("Do not show category labels");
    hidestr->guisection = _("Advanced");

    hidenum = G_define_flag();
    hidenum->key = 'c';
    hidenum->description = _("Do not show category numbers");
    hidenum->guisection = _("Advanced");

    showtick = G_define_flag();
    showtick->key = 't';
    showtick->description = _("Draw legend ticks for labels");
    showtick->guisection = _("Gradient");

    hidenodata = G_define_flag();
    hidenodata->key = 'n';
    hidenodata->description = _("Skip categories with no label");
    hidenodata->guisection = _("Advanced");

    smooth = G_define_flag();
    smooth->key = 's';
    smooth->description = _("Draw smooth gradient");
    smooth->guisection = _("Gradient");

    flipit = G_define_flag();
    flipit->key = 'f';
    flipit->description = _("Flip legend");
    flipit->guisection = _("Advanced");

    histo = G_define_flag();
    histo->key = 'd';
    histo->description = _("Add histogram to smoothed legend");
    histo->guisection = _("Gradient");

    showbg = G_define_flag();
    showbg->key = 'b';
    showbg->description = _("Show background");
    showbg->guisection = _("Background");

    log_sc = G_define_flag();
    log_sc->key = 'l';
    log_sc->description = _("Use logarithmic scale");
    log_sc->guisection = _("Advanced");

    G_option_required(opt_rast2d, opt_rast3d, NULL);
    G_option_exclusive(opt_rast2d, opt_rast3d, NULL);
    G_option_exclusive(hidenum, opt_ticks, NULL);
    G_option_exclusive(hidenum, opt_tstep, NULL);

    /* Check command line */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    if (opt_rast2d->answer) {
        map_name = opt_rast2d->answer;
        maptype = MAP_TYPE_RASTER2D;
    else {
        map_name = opt_rast3d->answer;
        maptype = MAP_TYPE_RASTER3D;

    if (opt_title->answer)
        title = opt_title->answer;
        title = "";

    if (opt_units->answer) {
        units = opt_units->answer;
        units = "";

    hide_catstr = hidestr->answer;      /* note hide_catstr gets changed and re-read below */
    hide_catnum = hidenum->answer;
    show_ticks = showtick->answer;
    hide_nodata = hidenodata->answer;
    do_smooth = smooth->answer;
    flip = flipit->answer;
    show_bg = showbg->answer;
    log_scale = log_sc->answer;

    if (showtick->answer) {
        label_indent = 12;
        label_indent = 6;

    if (opt_digits->answer != NULL)
        sscanf(opt_digits->answer, "%d", &digits);
        digits = -1;

    color = D_parse_color(opt_color->answer, TRUE);

    if (opt_lines->answer != NULL)
        sscanf(opt_lines->answer, "%d", &lines);

    thin = 1;
    if (opt_thin->answer != NULL)
        sscanf(opt_thin->answer, "%d", &thin);
    if (!thin)
        thin = 1;

    if (opt_labelnum->answer != NULL)
        sscanf(opt_labelnum->answer, "%d", &steps);

    if ((opt_tstep->answer) || (opt_ticks->answer))
        steps = 0;

    if (opt_tstep->answer != NULL)
        t_step = atof(opt_tstep->answer);

    ticksCount = 0;
    if (opt_ticks->answer != NULL) {
        tick_values = (double *)G_calloc(100 + 1, sizeof(double));
        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)       /* fill with dummy values */
            tick_values[i] = 1.0 * (i + 1);
        tick_values[i] = 0;

        for (i = 0; (opt_ticks->answers[i] != NULL) && i < 100; i++)
            tick_values[i] = atof(opt_ticks->answers[i]);
        ticksCount = i;

    catlistCount = 0;
    if (opt_use->answer != NULL) {      /* should this be answerS ? */
        use_catlist = TRUE;

        catlist = (double *)G_calloc(100 + 1, sizeof(double));
        for (i = 0; i < 100; i++)       /* fill with dummy values */
            catlist[i] = 1.0 * (i + 1);
        catlist[i] = 0;

        for (i = 0; (opt_use->answers[i] != NULL) && i < 100; i++)
            catlist[i] = atof(opt_use->answers[i]);

        catlistCount = i;
        use_catlist = FALSE;

    UserRange = FALSE;
    if (opt_range->answer != NULL) {    /* should this be answerS ? */
        sscanf(opt_range->answers[0], "%lf", &UserRangeMin);
        sscanf(opt_range->answers[1], "%lf", &UserRangeMax);
        UserRange = TRUE;
        if (UserRangeMin > UserRangeMax) {
            UserRangeTemp = UserRangeMax;
            UserRangeMax = UserRangeMin;
            UserRangeMin = UserRangeTemp;
            flip = !flip;

    if (maptype == MAP_TYPE_RASTER2D) {
        if (Rast_read_colors(map_name, "", &colors) == -1)
            G_fatal_error(_("Color file for <%s> not available"), map_name);

        fp = Rast_map_is_fp(map_name, "");

        Rast_read_cats(map_name, "", &cats);
    else {
        if (Rast3d_read_colors(map_name, "", &colors) == -1)
            G_fatal_error(_("Color file for <%s> not available"), map_name);

        fp = TRUE;              /* currently raster 3D is always floating point */

        Rast3d_read_cats(map_name, "", &cats);

    if (fp && !use_catlist) {
        do_smooth = TRUE;
        /* fprintf(stderr, "FP map found - switching gradient legend on\n"); */
        flip = !flip;


    /* Parse and select background color */
    colorb = D_parse_color(opt_brdcolor->answer, TRUE);
    colorbg = D_parse_color(opt_bgcolor->answer, TRUE);

    if (opt_font->answer)
    else if (opt_path->answer)

    if (opt_fontsize->answer != NULL)
        fontsize = atof(opt_fontsize->answer);
        fontsize = 12;          /* dummy placeholder, should never be called */

    if (opt_charset->answer)

    if (opt_tit_fontsize->answer != NULL)
        tit_fontsize = atof(opt_tit_fontsize->answer);
        tit_fontsize = 0;

    if (opt_at->answer != NULL) {
        sscanf(opt_at->answers[0], "%lf", &Y1);
        sscanf(opt_at->answers[1], "%lf", &Y0);
        sscanf(opt_at->answers[2], "%lf", &X0);
        sscanf(opt_at->answers[3], "%lf", &X1);
    else {                      /* default */
        Y1 = 12;
        Y0 = 88;
        X0 = 3;
        X1 = 7;

        if (histo->answer) {
            X0 += 5;
            X1 += 5;

    if (show_bg)
        draw(map_name, maptype, color, thin, lines, steps, fp, label_indent,
             hide_catnum, hide_catstr, show_ticks, hide_nodata, do_smooth,
             cats, colors, X0, X1, Y0, Y1, flip, UserRange, UserRangeMin,
             UserRangeMax, catlist, catlistCount, use_catlist, ticksCount,
             fontsize, tit_fontsize, title, tick_values, t_step, colorb,
             colorbg, opt_use, opt_at, opt_fontsize, opt_tstep,
             opt_range, histo, hidestr, log_scale, 0, digits, units);

    draw(map_name, maptype, color, thin, lines, steps, fp, label_indent,
         hide_catnum, hide_catstr, show_ticks, hide_nodata, do_smooth, cats,
         colors, X0, X1, Y0, Y1, flip, UserRange, UserRangeMin, UserRangeMax,
         catlist, catlistCount, use_catlist, ticksCount, fontsize,
         tit_fontsize, title, tick_values, t_step, colorb, colorbg, opt_use,
         opt_at, opt_fontsize, opt_tstep, opt_range, histo,
         hidestr, log_scale, 1, digits, units);


Пример #7
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int colorg = 0;
    int colorb = 0;
    int colort = 0;
    int colorbg = 0;
    double size = 0., gsize = 0.;       /* initialize to zero */
    double east, north;
    int do_text, fontsize, mark_type, line_width, dirn;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *opt1, *opt2, *opt3, *opt4, *fsize, *tcolor, *lwidth,
        *direction, *bgcolor;
    struct Flag *noborder, *notext, *geogrid, *nogrid, *wgs84, *cross,
        *fiducial, *dot, *align;
    struct pj_info info_in;     /* Proj structures */
    struct pj_info info_out;    /* Proj structures */
    struct Cell_head wind;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
        _("Overlays a user-specified grid "
          "in the active display frame on the graphics monitor.");

    opt2 = G_define_option();
    opt2->key = "size";
    opt2->key_desc = "value";
    opt2->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt2->required = YES;
    opt2->label = _("Size of grid to be drawn (in map units)");
    opt2->description =
        _("0 for north-south resolution of the current region. "
          "In map units or DDD:MM:SS format. "
          "Example: \"1000\" or \"0:10\"");

    opt3 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_M_COORDS);
    opt3->key = "origin";
    opt3->answer = "0,0";
    opt3->multiple = NO;
    opt3->description = _("Lines of the grid pass through this coordinate");

    direction = G_define_option();
    direction->key = "direction";
    direction->type = TYPE_STRING;
    direction->required = NO;
    direction->answer = "both";
    direction->options = "both,east-west,north-south";
    direction->description =
        _("Draw only east-west lines, north-south lines, or both ");
    direction->guisection = _("Disable");

    lwidth = G_define_option();
    lwidth->key = "width";
    lwidth->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    lwidth->required = NO;
    lwidth->description = _("Grid line width");

    opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C);
    opt1->answer = "gray";
    opt1->label = _("Grid color");
    opt1->guisection = _("Color");

    opt4 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C);
    opt4->key = "border_color";
    opt4->label = _("Border color");
    opt4->guisection = _("Color");

    tcolor = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C);
    tcolor->key = "text_color";
    tcolor->answer = "gray";
    tcolor->label = _("Text color");
    tcolor->guisection = _("Color");

    bgcolor = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_CN);
    bgcolor->key = "bgcolor";
    bgcolor->answer = "none";
    bgcolor->label = _("Background color");
    bgcolor->guisection = _("Color");

    fsize = G_define_option();
    fsize->key = "fontsize";
    fsize->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    fsize->required = NO;
    fsize->answer = "9";
    fsize->options = "1-72";
    fsize->description = _("Font size for gridline coordinate labels");

    align = G_define_flag();
    align->key = 'a';
    align->description =
        _("Align the origin to the east-north corner of the current region");

    geogrid = G_define_flag();
    geogrid->key = 'g';
    geogrid->description =
        _("Draw geographic grid (referenced to current ellipsoid)");
    geogrid->guisection = _("Draw");

    wgs84 = G_define_flag();
    wgs84->key = 'w';
    wgs84->description =
        _("Draw geographic grid (referenced to WGS84 ellipsoid)");
    wgs84->guisection = _("Draw");

    cross = G_define_flag();
    cross->key = 'c';
    cross->description = _("Draw '+' marks instead of grid lines");
    cross->guisection = _("Draw");

    dot = G_define_flag();
    dot->key = 'd';
    dot->description = _("Draw '.' marks instead of grid lines");
    dot->guisection = _("Draw");

    fiducial = G_define_flag();
    fiducial->key = 'f';
    fiducial->description = _("Draw fiducial marks instead of grid lines");
    fiducial->guisection = _("Draw");

    nogrid = G_define_flag();
    nogrid->key = 'n';
    nogrid->description = _("Disable grid drawing");
    nogrid->guisection = _("Disable");

    noborder = G_define_flag();
    noborder->key = 'b';
    noborder->description = _("Disable border drawing");
    noborder->guisection = _("Disable");

    notext = G_define_flag();
    notext->key = 't';
    notext->description = _("Disable text drawing");
    notext->guisection = _("Disable");

    /* Check command line */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* do some checking */
    if (nogrid->answer && noborder->answer)
        G_fatal_error(_("Both grid and border drawing are disabled"));
    if (wgs84->answer)
        geogrid->answer = 1;    /* -w implies -g */
    if (geogrid->answer && G_projection() == PROJECTION_LL)
        G_fatal_error(_("Geo-grid option not available for LL projection, use without -g/-w"));
    if (geogrid->answer && G_projection() == PROJECTION_XY)
        G_fatal_error(_("Geo-grid option not available for XY projection, use without -g/-w"));

    if (notext->answer)
        do_text = FALSE;
        do_text = TRUE;

    if (lwidth->answer) {
        line_width = atoi(lwidth->answer);
        if (line_width < 0 || line_width > 1e3)
            G_fatal_error("Invalid line width");
        line_width = 0;

    fontsize = atoi(fsize->answer);

    mark_type = MARK_GRID;
    if (cross->answer + fiducial->answer + dot->answer > 1)
        G_fatal_error(_("Choose a single mark style"));
    if (cross->answer)
        mark_type = MARK_CROSS;
    if (fiducial->answer)
        mark_type = MARK_FIDUCIAL;
    if (dot->answer)
        mark_type = MARK_DOT;

    if (G_strcasecmp(direction->answer, "both") == 0)
        dirn = DIRN_BOTH;
    else if (G_strcasecmp(direction->answer, "east-west") == 0)
        dirn = DIRN_LAT;
    else if (G_strcasecmp(direction->answer, "north-south") == 0)
        dirn = DIRN_LON;
        G_fatal_error("Invalid direction: %s", direction->answer);

    if (align->answer || strcmp(opt2->answer, "0") == 0)
        G_get_element_window(&wind, "", "WIND", G_mapset());

    if (strcmp(opt2->answer, "0") == 0) {
        if (geogrid->answer)
            gsize = wind.ns_res;
            size = wind.ns_res;
    else {
        /* get grid size */
        if (geogrid->answer) {
            if (!G_scan_resolution(opt2->answer, &gsize, PROJECTION_LL) ||
                gsize <= 0.0)
                G_fatal_error(_("Invalid geo-grid size <%s>"), opt2->answer);
        else {
            if (!G_scan_resolution(opt2->answer, &size, G_projection()) ||
                size <= 0.0)
                G_fatal_error(_("Invalid grid size <%s>"), opt2->answer);

    if (align->answer) {
        /* reduce accumulated errors when ew_res is not the same as ns_res. */
        struct Cell_head w;

        east =
            wind.west +
            (int)((w.west - wind.west) / wind.ew_res) * wind.ew_res;
        north =
            wind.south +
            (int)((w.south - wind.south) / wind.ns_res) * wind.ns_res;
    else {
        /* get grid easting start */
        if (!G_scan_easting(opt3->answers[0], &east, G_projection())) {
            G_fatal_error(_("Illegal east coordinate <%s>"),

        /* get grid northing start */
        if (!G_scan_northing(opt3->answers[1], &north, G_projection())) {
            G_fatal_error(_("Illegal north coordinate <%s>"),

    /* Setup driver and check important information */

    /* Parse and select grid color */
    colorg = D_parse_color(opt1->answer, FALSE);
    /* Parse and select border color */
    colorb = D_parse_color(opt4->answer, FALSE);
    /* Parse and select text color */
    colort = D_parse_color(tcolor->answer, FALSE);
    /* Parse and select background color */
    colorbg = D_parse_color(bgcolor->answer, TRUE);


    /* draw grid */
    if (!nogrid->answer) {
        if (geogrid->answer) {
            /* initialzie proj stuff */
            init_proj(&info_in, &info_out, wgs84->answer);
            plot_geogrid(gsize, info_in, info_out, do_text, colorg, colort,
                         colorbg, fontsize, mark_type, line_width, dirn);
        else {
            /* Do the grid plotting */
            plot_grid(size, east, north, do_text, colorg, colort, colorbg,
                      fontsize, mark_type, line_width, dirn);

    /* Draw border */
    if (!noborder->answer) {
        /* Set border color */

        /* Do the border plotting */
        plot_border(size, east, north, dirn);


Пример #8
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    struct GModule *module;
//    struct Option *opt_input, *opt_sep;
    struct Option *opt_at, *opt_cols, *opt_font, *opt_fontsize,
            *opt_fontcolor, *opt_title, *opt_tit_font, *opt_tit_fontsize, *opt_sub_font,
            *opt_sub_fontsize, *opt_bcolor, *opt_bgcolor, *opt_symb_size,
            *opt_bg_width, *opt_output, *opt_input, *opt_sep;
    struct Flag *fl_bg;

    double LL, LT;
    char *title, *file_name;
    int bcolor, bgcolor, do_bg;
    int fontsize, fontcolor, tit_size, sub_size;
    char *font, *tit_font, *sub_font;
    int cols, symb_size, bg_width;
    char *out_file;
    FILE *source;
    char buf[BUFFSIZE];
    char *sep;
    size_t nread;

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->description =
    _("Displays a vector legend "
      "in the active graphics frame.");

    opt_at = G_define_option();
    opt_at->key = "at";
    opt_at->key_desc = "left,top";
    opt_at->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt_at->options = "0-100";
    opt_at->answer = "10,40";
    opt_at->required = NO;
    opt_at->description =
    _("Screen position of legend to be drawn (percentage, [0,0] is lower left)");

    opt_cols = G_define_option();
    opt_cols->key = "columns";
    opt_cols->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt_cols->answer = "1";
    opt_cols->required = NO;
    opt_cols->description =
    _("Number of legend columns");
    opt_cols->guisection = _("Layout");

    opt_title = G_define_option();
    opt_title->key = "title";
    opt_title->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt_title->required = NO;
    opt_title->description = _("Legend title");
    opt_title->guisection = _("Title");

    opt_symb_size = G_define_option();
    opt_symb_size->key = "symbol_size";
    opt_symb_size->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt_symb_size->required = NO;
    opt_symb_size->description = _("Symbol size");
    opt_symb_size->answer = "20";
    opt_symb_size->guisection = _("Layout");

    opt_bcolor = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_CN);
    opt_bcolor->key = "border_color";
    opt_bcolor->answer = "black";
    opt_bcolor->label = _("Border color");
    opt_bcolor->guisection = _("Background");

    opt_bgcolor = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_CN);
    opt_bgcolor->key = "bgcolor";
    opt_bgcolor->answer = "white";
    opt_bgcolor->label = _("Background color");
    opt_bgcolor->guisection = _("Background");

    opt_bg_width = G_define_option();
    opt_bg_width->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    opt_bg_width->key = "border_width";
    opt_bg_width->answer = "2";
    opt_bg_width->label = _("Background border width");
    opt_bg_width->guisection = _("Background");

    opt_font = G_define_option();
    opt_font->key = "font";
    opt_font->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt_font->required = NO;
    opt_font->description = _("Font name");
    opt_font->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_fontsize = G_define_option();
    opt_fontsize->key = "fontsize";
    opt_fontsize->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt_fontsize->required = NO;
    opt_fontsize->options = "1-360";
    opt_fontsize->label = _("Font size");
    opt_fontsize->description = _("Default: 12");
    opt_fontsize->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_tit_font = G_define_option();
    opt_tit_font->key = "title_font";
    opt_tit_font->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt_tit_font->required = NO;
    opt_tit_font->description = _("Title font name");
    opt_tit_font->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_tit_fontsize = G_define_option();
    opt_tit_fontsize->key = "title_fontsize";
    opt_tit_fontsize->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt_tit_fontsize->required = NO;
    opt_tit_fontsize->options = "1-360";
    opt_tit_fontsize->label = _("Title font size");
    opt_tit_fontsize->description = _("Default: 18");
    opt_tit_fontsize->guisection = _("Title");

    opt_sub_font = G_define_option();
    opt_sub_font->key = "sub_font";
    opt_sub_font->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt_sub_font->required = NO;
    opt_sub_font->description = _("Subtitle font name");
    opt_sub_font->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_sub_fontsize = G_define_option();
    opt_sub_fontsize->key = "sub_fontsize";
    opt_sub_fontsize->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    opt_sub_fontsize->required = NO;
    opt_sub_fontsize->options = "1-360";
    opt_sub_fontsize->label = _("Subtitle font size");
    opt_sub_fontsize->description = _("Default: 14");
    opt_sub_fontsize->guisection = _("Font settings");

    opt_fontcolor = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C);
    opt_fontcolor->key = "fontcolor";
    opt_fontcolor->answer = "black";
    opt_fontcolor->label = _("Font color");
    opt_fontcolor->guisection = _("Font settings");

    fl_bg = G_define_flag();
    fl_bg->key = 'b';
    fl_bg->description = _("Display legend background");
    fl_bg->guisection = _("Background");

    opt_input = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_INPUT);
    opt_input->label = _("Input legend file");
    opt_input->description = _("Path to legend file ");
    opt_input->required = NO;
    opt_input->guisection = _("In/Out");

    opt_output = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_OUTPUT);
    opt_output->label = _("Output csv file");
    opt_output->description = _("Path to output file or '-' "
                                "for standard output");
    opt_output->required = NO;
    opt_output->guisection = _("In/Out");

    opt_sep = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_F_SEP);
    opt_sep->guisection = _("In/Out");

    /* Check command line */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv)) {


    /* parse and check options and flags */
    if (opt_at->answer) {
        sscanf(opt_at->answers[0], "%lf", &LL);
        sscanf(opt_at->answers[1], "%lf", &LT);
    else {
        LL = 10;
        LT = 40;

    if (opt_title->answer)
        title = opt_title->answer;
        title = "";

    if (opt_cols->answer)
        sscanf(opt_cols->answer, "%d", &cols);
        cols = 1;

    sscanf(opt_symb_size->answer, "%d", &symb_size);
    sscanf(opt_bg_width->answer, "%d", &bg_width);

    /* Background */
    do_bg = fl_bg->answer;
    bcolor = D_parse_color(opt_bcolor->answer, TRUE);
    bgcolor = D_parse_color(opt_bgcolor->answer, TRUE);

    /* Font settings */
    if (opt_font->answer)
        font = opt_font->answer;
        font = "sans";
    if (opt_fontsize->answer != NULL)
        sscanf(opt_fontsize->answer, "%d", &fontsize);
        fontsize = 14;

    if (opt_tit_font->answer)
        tit_font = opt_tit_font->answer;
        tit_font = font;
    if (opt_tit_fontsize->answer)
        sscanf(opt_tit_fontsize->answer, "%d", &tit_size);
        tit_size = fontsize;

    if (opt_sub_font->answer)
        sub_font = opt_sub_font->answer;
        sub_font = font;
    if (opt_sub_fontsize->answer)
        sscanf(opt_sub_fontsize->answer, "%d", &sub_size);
        sub_size = fontsize;

    fontcolor = D_parse_color(opt_fontcolor->answer, FALSE); /*default color: black */

    /* I/O */
    sep = G_option_to_separator(opt_sep);

    if (opt_input->answer) {
        file_name = opt_input->answer;
        if (!file_name)
            G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open input file <%s>"), file_name);
    else {
        file_name = getenv("GRASS_LEGEND_FILE");
        if (!file_name)
            G_fatal_error("No legend file defined.");

    if (opt_output->answer) {
        if (strcmp(opt_output->answer,"-") == 0) {
            source = fopen(file_name, "r");
            if (!source)
                G_fatal_error(_("Unable to open input file <%s>"), file_name);
            while ((nread = fread(buf, 1, sizeof(buf), source)))
                fwrite(buf, 1, nread, stdout);
        else {
            out_file = opt_output->answer;
            G_copy_file(file_name, out_file);

    /* Pre-calculate the layout */
    if (do_bg)
        draw(file_name, LL, LT, title, cols, bgcolor, bcolor, bg_width, 1, tit_font, tit_size, sub_font, sub_size, font, fontsize, fontcolor, symb_size, sep);

    /* Draw legend */
    draw(file_name, LL, LT, title, cols, bgcolor, bcolor, bg_width, 0, tit_font, tit_size, sub_font, sub_size, font, fontsize, fontcolor, symb_size, sep);


Пример #9
int main(int argc, char **argv)
    int colorg = 0;
    int colorb = 0;
    int colort = 0;
    double size = 0., gsize = 0.;	/* initialize to zero */
    double east, north;
    int do_text, fontsize, mark_type, line_width;
    struct GModule *module;
    struct Option *opt1, *opt2, *opt3, *opt4, *fsize, *tcolor, *lwidth;
    struct Flag *noborder, *notext, *geogrid, *nogrid, *wgs84, *cross,
	*fiducial, *dot;
    struct pj_info info_in;	/* Proj structures */
    struct pj_info info_out;	/* Proj structures */

    /* Initialize the GIS calls */

    module = G_define_module();
    module->keywords = _("display, cartography");
    module->description =
	_("Overlays a user-specified grid "
	  "in the active display frame on the graphics monitor.");

    opt2 = G_define_option();
    opt2->key = "size";
    opt2->key_desc = "value";
    opt2->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt2->required = YES;
    opt2->label = _("Size of grid to be drawn");
    opt2->description = _("In map units or DDD:MM:SS format. "
			  "Example: \"1000\" or \"0:10\"");

    opt3 = G_define_option();
    opt3->key = "origin";
    opt3->type = TYPE_STRING;
    opt3->key_desc = "easting,northing";
    opt3->answer = "0,0";
    opt3->multiple = NO;
    opt3->description = _("Lines of the grid pass through this coordinate");

    lwidth = G_define_option();
    lwidth->key = "width";
    lwidth->type = TYPE_DOUBLE;
    lwidth->required = NO;
    lwidth->description = _("Grid line width");

    opt1 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C_FG);
    opt1->answer = "gray";
    opt1->label = _("Grid color");
    opt1->guisection = _("Color");

    opt4 = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C_FG);
    opt4->key = "bordercolor";
    opt4->label = _("Border color");
    opt4->guisection = _("Color");

    tcolor = G_define_standard_option(G_OPT_C_FG);
    tcolor->key = "textcolor";
    tcolor->answer = "gray";
    tcolor->label = _("Text color");
    tcolor->guisection = _("Color");

    fsize = G_define_option();
    fsize->key = "fontsize";
    fsize->type = TYPE_INTEGER;
    fsize->required = NO;
    fsize->answer = "9";
    fsize->options = "1-72";
    fsize->description = _("Font size for gridline coordinate labels");

    geogrid = G_define_flag();
    geogrid->key = 'g';
    geogrid->description =
	_("Draw geographic grid (referenced to current ellipsoid)");

    wgs84 = G_define_flag();
    wgs84->key = 'w';
    wgs84->description =
	_("Draw geographic grid (referenced to WGS84 ellipsoid)");

    cross = G_define_flag();
    cross->key = 'c';
    cross->description = _("Draw '+' marks instead of grid lines");

    dot = G_define_flag();
    dot->key = 'd';
    dot->description = _("Draw '.' marks instead of grid lines");

    fiducial = G_define_flag();
    fiducial->key = 'f';
    fiducial->description = _("Draw fiducial marks instead of grid lines");

    nogrid = G_define_flag();
    nogrid->key = 'n';
    nogrid->description = _("Disable grid drawing");
    nogrid->guisection = _("Disable");

    noborder = G_define_flag();
    noborder->key = 'b';
    noborder->description = _("Disable border drawing");
    noborder->guisection = _("Disable");

    notext = G_define_flag();
    notext->key = 't';
    notext->description = _("Disable text drawing");
    notext->guisection = _("Disable");

    /* Check command line */
    if (G_parser(argc, argv))

    /* do some checking */
    if (nogrid->answer && noborder->answer)
	G_fatal_error(_("Both grid and border drawing are disabled"));
    if (wgs84->answer)
	geogrid->answer = 1;	/* -w implies -g */
    if (geogrid->answer && G_projection() == PROJECTION_LL)
	G_fatal_error(_("Geo-Grid option is not available for LL projection"));
    if (geogrid->answer && G_projection() == PROJECTION_XY)
	G_fatal_error(_("Geo-Grid option is not available for XY projection"));

    if (notext->answer)
	do_text = FALSE;
	do_text = TRUE;

    if (lwidth->answer) {
	line_width = atoi(lwidth->answer);
	if(line_width < 0 || line_width > 1e3)
	    G_fatal_error("Invalid line width.");
	line_width = 0;

    fontsize = atoi(fsize->answer);

    mark_type = MARK_GRID;
    if (cross->answer + fiducial->answer + dot->answer > 1)
	G_fatal_error(_("Choose a single mark style"));
    if (cross->answer)
	mark_type = MARK_CROSS;
    if (fiducial->answer)
	mark_type = MARK_FIDUCIAL;
    if (dot->answer)
	mark_type = MARK_DOT;

    /* get grid size */
    if (geogrid->answer) {
	if (!G_scan_resolution(opt2->answer, &gsize, PROJECTION_LL) ||
	    gsize <= 0.0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Invalid geo-grid size <%s>"), opt2->answer);
    else {
	if (!G_scan_resolution(opt2->answer, &size, G_projection()) ||
	    size <= 0.0)
	    G_fatal_error(_("Invalid grid size <%s>"), opt2->answer);

    /* get grid easting start */
    if (!G_scan_easting(opt3->answers[0], &east, G_projection())) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Illegal east coordinate <%s>"), opt3->answers[0]);

    /* get grid northing start */
    if (!G_scan_northing(opt3->answers[1], &north, G_projection())) {
	G_fatal_error(_("Illegal north coordinate <%s>"), opt3->answers[1]);

    /* Setup driver and check important information */
    if (R_open_driver() != 0)
	G_fatal_error(_("No graphics device selected"));

    /* Parse and select grid color */
    colorg = D_parse_color(opt1->answer, FALSE);
    /* Parse and select border color */
    colorb = D_parse_color(opt4->answer, FALSE);
    /* Parse and select text color */
    colort = D_parse_color(tcolor->answer, FALSE);


    /* draw grid */
    if (!nogrid->answer) {
	if (geogrid->answer) {
	    /* initialzie proj stuff */
	    init_proj(&info_in, &info_out, wgs84->answer);
	    plot_geogrid(gsize, info_in, info_out, do_text, colorg, colort,
			 fontsize, mark_type, line_width);
	else {
	    /* Do the grid plotting */
	    plot_grid(size, east, north, do_text, colorg, colort, fontsize,
		      mark_type, line_width);

    /* Draw border */
    if (!noborder->answer) {
	/* Set border color */

	/* Do the border plotting */
	plot_border(size, east, north);


