Пример #1
/* Main method */
int main(int argc, char *argv[]){

	/* Check to make sure there are no additional cmdline args */
	if(argc < 2){

		/* Initialize double values X and Y that will store the point values
		returned from the call to Data Points */
		double X, Y;

		/* Initialize double values A and B that represent the coefficients for
		the line of best fit. Passed into ComputeCoefficients by refence */
		double A, B;

		/* Variable that represents the index of the last element added to Payload  */

		/* Initialize variable for Dynamic Array */
		DArray array;

		/* Call CreateDArray to initialize array */
		CreateDArray(&array, INITIAL_CAPACITY);

		/* Gather X and Y values while DataPoints() supplies values */
		while (DataPoints(&X, &Y)==1){

			/* Initialize Data Object With values from DataPoints function */
			Data point;

			/* Send the data point to the dynamic array */
			PushToDArray(&array, &point);


		/* Compute the coefficients (Stores both A AND B) */
		ComputeCoefficients(&A, &B, &array);

		/* Produce Output */
		printf("\nThe line is: Y = %f * X + %f\n", A, B);
		printf("There were %d points in the data set\n\n", array.EntriesUsed);

		/* Destroy the DArray object, and free associated memory */


		/* Improper amount of cmdline args entered, alert user */
		printf("\nUsage: %s\n\n", argv[0]);

	/* End Cmdline args check */

	/* Return 1 to the operating system */
	return 1;
typename PointMatcher<T>::ErrorMinimizer::ErrorElements& PointMatcher<T>::ErrorMinimizer::getMatchedPoints(
		const DataPoints& requestedPts,
		const DataPoints& sourcePts,
		const Matches& matches, 
		const OutlierWeights& outlierWeights)
	typedef typename Matches::Ids Ids;
	typedef typename Matches::Dists Dists;
	assert(matches.ids.rows() > 0);
	assert(matches.ids.cols() > 0);
	assert(matches.ids.cols() == requestedPts.features.cols()); //nbpts
	assert(outlierWeights.rows() == matches.ids.rows());  // knn
	const int knn = outlierWeights.rows();
	const int dimFeat = requestedPts.features.rows();
	const int dimReqDesc = requestedPts.descriptors.rows();

	// Count points with no weights
	const int pointsCount = (outlierWeights.array() != 0.0).count();
	if (pointsCount == 0)
		throw ConvergenceError("ErrorMnimizer: no point to minimize");

	Matrix keptFeat(dimFeat, pointsCount);
	Matrix keptDesc;
	if(dimReqDesc > 0)
		keptDesc = Matrix(dimReqDesc, pointsCount);

	Matches keptMatches (Dists(1,pointsCount), Ids(1, pointsCount));
	OutlierWeights keptWeights(1, pointsCount);

	int j = 0;
	int rejectedMatchCount = 0;
	int rejectedPointCount = 0;
	bool matchExist = false;
	this->weightedPointUsedRatio = 0;
	for (int i = 0; i < requestedPts.features.cols(); ++i) //nb pts
		matchExist = false;
		for(int k = 0; k < knn; k++) // knn
			if (outlierWeights(k,i) != 0.0)
				if(dimReqDesc > 0)
					keptDesc.col(j) = requestedPts.descriptors.col(i);
				keptFeat.col(j) = requestedPts.features.col(i);
				keptMatches.ids(0, j) = matches.ids(k, i);
				keptMatches.dists(0, j) = matches.dists(k, i);
				keptWeights(0,j) = outlierWeights(k,i);
				this->weightedPointUsedRatio += outlierWeights(k,i);
				matchExist = true;

		if(matchExist == false)

	assert(j == pointsCount);

	this->pointUsedRatio = double(j)/double(knn*requestedPts.features.cols());
	this->weightedPointUsedRatio /= double(knn*requestedPts.features.cols());
	assert(dimFeat == sourcePts.features.rows());
	const int dimSourDesc = sourcePts.descriptors.rows();
	Matrix associatedFeat(dimFeat, pointsCount);
	Matrix associatedDesc;
	if(dimSourDesc > 0)
		associatedDesc = Matrix(dimSourDesc, pointsCount);

	// Fetch matched points
	for (int i = 0; i < pointsCount; ++i)
		const int refIndex(keptMatches.ids(i));
		associatedFeat.col(i) = sourcePts.features.block(0, refIndex, dimFeat, 1);
		if(dimSourDesc > 0)
			associatedDesc.col(i) = sourcePts.descriptors.block(0, refIndex, dimSourDesc, 1);

	this->lastErrorElements.reading = DataPoints(
	this->lastErrorElements.reference = DataPoints(
	this->lastErrorElements.weights = keptWeights;
	this->lastErrorElements.matches = keptMatches;
	this->lastErrorElements.nbRejectedMatches = rejectedMatchCount;
	this->lastErrorElements.nbRejectedPoints = rejectedPointCount;

	return this->lastErrorElements;