Пример #1
void __fastcall TForm6::MyActionExecute(TObject *Sender)
	VacationTabControl->ActiveTab = WeatherTabItem;
	TListBoxItem * MyListBoxItem;

	// days to vacation
	CountdownLabel->Text =
		"Days to Vacation: "
		+ IntToStr(DaysBetween(

	if (FoundAddrLatLong) {
		// uses WeatherBug REST API
		// http://developer.weatherbug.com/docs/read/WeatherBug_Rest_XML_API
		// update RESTRequest Resource property
		// with latitude, longitude and API key
		RESTRequest1->Resource =
			+ FloatToStr(FoundLatitude)
			+ "&lo="
			+ FloatToStr(FoundLongitude)
			+ "&ht=t&ht=i&ht=d&api_key="
			+ APIKeyString;

		// get weather temperatures

		// Populate listbox with temperatures for next 7 days
		// TODO: get day and night icons for condition codes
		//   For now just display strings
		while (!ClientDataSet1->Eof) {
			MyListBoxItem = new TListBoxItem(WeatherListBox);
			MyListBoxItem->Text =
			  + ": High: "
			  + ClientDataSet1->FieldByName("high")->AsString
			  + ", Low: "
			  + ClientDataSet1->FieldByName("low")->AsString
			  + " "
			  + ClientDataSet1->FieldByName("dayDesc")->AsString;
Пример #2
// Check to see if SelfImage is up-to-date - notify the user if it isn't
void CheckVersion(void) {

  TDateTime *dtLastCheck = NULL;
  char *filename = NULL;
  char *buffer = NULL;
  char *verbuff = NULL;
  unsigned nVersionInfoSize;
  int nBuildPos;
  static AnsiString sMyVersion = "";
  static int nMyBuild = 0;
  AnsiString sCurrentVersion, sURL;
  int nCurrentBuild = 0;
  DWORD nDummy;


  try {
    try {
      formSelfImageNewVersionNotify = NULL;
      if (!SelfImageConfig->Values["Update Notify"]) {
        LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Update Notify is turned off - not checking for new version.");
        goto END;  // Ugly - C++ Builder silently ignores a __finally block if a return is process from a nested try.
      }  // if (!SelfImageConfig->Values["Update Notify"])

      if (String(SelfImageConfig->Values["Last Version Check"]).IsEmpty())
        SelfImageConfig->Values["Last Version Check"] = (Now()-1).DateTimeString();
      dtLastCheck = new TDateTime(String(SelfImageConfig->Values["Last Version Check"]));
      if (!DaysBetween(Now(), *dtLastCheck)) {
        LOG1(LOG_DEBUG, "Last new version check was performed %s - not checking again.", dtLastCheck->DateTimeString().c_str());
        goto END;  // Ugly - C++ Builder silently ignores a __finally block if a return is process from a nested try.
      }  // if (!DaysBetween(Now(), *dtLastCheck))

      SelfImageConfig->Values["Last Version Check"] = Now().DateTimeString();

      // Get this executable's version - this is a pain, so let's just do it once for each time SelfImage is instantiated
      if (!nMyBuild) {
        LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Retrieving internal version number.");
        filename = (char *)malloc(MAXPATH);
        GetModuleFileName(HInstance, filename, MAXPATH);
        nVersionInfoSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize(filename, &nDummy);
        // These following three exceptions should never make it to the user except through the logs in a debug build.
        // Since they are only for logging, they are allowed to have text that doesn't come from the string table.
        if (!nVersionInfoSize)
          throw ESelfImageSystemError("GetFileVersionInfoSize() failed: " + GetLastErrorMessage());
        buffer = (char *)malloc(nVersionInfoSize);
        if (!GetFileVersionInfo(filename, NULL, nVersionInfoSize, buffer))
          throw ESelfImageSystemError("GetFileVersionInfo() failed:" + GetLastErrorMessage());
        if (!VerQueryValue(buffer, "\\StringFileInfo\\100904E4\\FileVersion", (void **)&verbuff, NULL))
          throw ESelfImageSystemError("VerQueryValue() failed:" + GetLastErrorMessage());
        sMyVersion = verbuff;
        nBuildPos = sMyVersion.LastDelimiter(".");
        nMyBuild = sMyVersion.SubString(nBuildPos + 1, sMyVersion.Length() - nBuildPos).ToInt();
        sMyVersion = sMyVersion.SubString(1,nBuildPos-1) + " (Build " + String(nMyBuild) + ")";
        LOG1(LOG_MESSAGE, "Internal version string retrieved from resources: \"%s\".", sMyVersion.c_str());
      }  // if (sMyVersion.IsEmpty())

      // Get SelfImage's current version from the interweb - woo, this is cool
      HTTP = new TIdHTTP(NULL);
      sURL = SelfImageConfig->Values["Version URL"];
      LOG1(LOG_DEBUG, "Attempting to retrieve version string from URL \"%s\".", sURL.c_str());
      try {
        sCurrentVersion = HTTP->Get(SelfImageConfig->Values["Version URL"]);
        nBuildPos = sCurrentVersion.Pos("(Build ");
        nCurrentBuild = sCurrentVersion.SubString(nBuildPos + 7, sCurrentVersion.Length() - nBuildPos - 7).ToInt();
      catch (...) { sCurrentVersion = ""; }
      delete HTTP;
      #ifdef __LOGGINGENABLED__
      if (!sCurrentVersion.IsEmpty())
        LOG2(LOG_MESSAGE, "Version string \"%s\" retrieved from %s.", sCurrentVersion.c_str(), sURL.c_str())
        LOG2(LOG_WARNING, "Unable to retrieve version string from URL \"%s\": %s", sURL.c_str(), HTTP->ResponseText.c_str());

      // Compare the two...
      if (nCurrentBuild && nMyBuild < nCurrentBuild && sCurrentVersion != String(SelfImageConfig->Values["Notify Squelch"])) {
        LOG(LOG_DEBUG, "Notifying user of new version.");
        formSelfImageNewVersionNotify = new TformSelfImageNewVersionNotify(NULL, sMyVersion, sCurrentVersion);
        if (formSelfImageNewVersionNotify->ShowModal() == mrCancel)
          SelfImageConfig->Values["Notify Squelch"] = sCurrentVersion;
      }  // if (different versions)
    }  // inner try
    catch (Exception &e) {
      LOG2(LOG_ERROR, "Exception of type \"%s\" raised during new version check with message \"%s\"", String(e.ClassName()).c_str(), e.Message.c_str());
    }  // catch
  }  // outer try
  __finally {
    if (dtLastCheck)
      delete dtLastCheck;
    if (filename)
    if (buffer)
    if (formSelfImageNewVersionNotify) {
      delete formSelfImageNewVersionNotify;
      formSelfImageNewVersionNotify = NULL;
    }  // if (formSelfImageNewVersionNotify)
}  // void CheckVersion(void)