Пример #1
bool psEntity::CanPlay(int time, float range) const
    EntityState* entityState;

    // checking if it is in the undefined state
    entityState = states.Get(state, 0);
    if(entityState == 0)
        Debug3(LOG_SOUND, 0, "psEntity::CanPlay %s meshid: %u undefined state.", entityName.GetData(), GetMeshID());
        return false;

    // checking time, range and delay
    if(range < minRange || range > maxRange)
        Debug6(LOG_SOUND, 0, "psEntity::CanPlay %s meshid: %u range %f %f %f", entityName.GetData(),GetMeshID(), minRange, range, maxRange);
        return false;
    else if(time < entityState->timeOfDayStart || entityState->timeOfDayEnd < time)
        Debug6(LOG_SOUND, 0, "psEntity::CanPlay %s meshid: %u time of day %d %d %d", entityName.GetData(),GetMeshID(), entityState->timeOfDayStart,time,entityState->timeOfDayEnd);
        return false;
    else if(when <= 0)
        Debug4(LOG_SOUND, 0, "psEntity::CanPlay TRUE %s meshid: %u when <0 : %d", entityName.GetData(),GetMeshID(), when);
        return true;
    Debug4(LOG_SOUND, 0, "psEntity::CanPlay %s meshid: %u when : %d", entityName.GetData(),GetMeshID(), when);

    return false;
Пример #2
int Execvp(const char *file, char *const argv[]) {
   int result, _errno;
   if (argv[1] == NULL)
      Debug2("execvp(\"%s\", \"%s\")", file, argv[0]);
   else if (argv[2] == NULL)
      Debug3("execvp(\"%s\", \"%s\" \"%s\")", file, argv[0], argv[1]);
   else if (argv[3] == NULL)
      Debug4("execvp(\"%s\", \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\")", file, argv[0], argv[1], argv[2]);
   else if (argv[4] == NULL)
      Debug5("execvp(\"%s\", \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\")", file, argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3]);
   else if (argv[5] == NULL)
      Debug6("execvp(\"%s\", \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\")", file, argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);
      Debug6("execvp(\"%s\", \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\" ...)", file, argv[0], argv[1], argv[2], argv[3], argv[4]);

   result = execvp(file, argv);
   _errno = errno;
   Debug1("execvp() -> %d", result);
   errno = _errno;
   return result;
Пример #3
int Uname(struct utsname *buf) {
   int result, _errno;
   Debug1("uname(%p)", buf);
   result = uname(buf);
   _errno = errno;
   Debug6("uname({%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s})",
	  buf->sysname, buf->nodename, buf->release,
	  buf->version, buf->machine, buf->domainname);
   Debug5("uname({%s, %s, %s, %s, %s})",
	  buf->sysname, buf->nodename, buf->release,
	  buf->version, buf->machine);
   errno = _errno;
   return result;
Пример #4
int Setsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, const void *optval, int optlen) {
   int result, _errno;
   if (optlen <= sizeof(int)) {
      Debug5("setsockopt(%d, %d, %d, {0x%x}, %d)",
       s, level, optname, *(unsigned int *)optval, optlen);
   } else {
      Debug6("setsockopt(%d, %d, %d, {0x%08x,%08x}, %d)",
	     s, level, optname,
	     ((unsigned int *)optval)[0], ((unsigned int *)optval)[1],
   result = setsockopt(s, level, optname, optval, optlen);
   _errno = errno;
   Debug1("setsockopt() -> %d", result);
   errno = _errno;
   return result;
Пример #5
int Tcgetattr(int fd, struct termios *termios_p) {
   int i, result, _errno;
   char chars[5*NCCS], *cp = chars;

   Debug2("tcgetattr(%d, %p)", fd, termios_p);
   result = tcgetattr(fd, termios_p);
   _errno = errno;

   for (i = 0; i < NCCS-1; ++i) {
      cp += sprintf(cp, "%02x,", termios_p->c_cc[i]);
   sprintf(cp, "%02x", termios_p->c_cc[i]);
   Debug6("tcgetattr(, {%08x,%08x,%08x,%08x,%s}) -> %d",
	  termios_p->c_iflag, termios_p->c_oflag,
	  termios_p->c_cflag, termios_p->c_lflag, 
	  chars, result);
   errno = _errno;
   return result;
Пример #6
int Recvfrom(int s, void *buf, size_t len, int flags, struct sockaddr *from,
	     socklen_t *fromlen) {
   int retval, _errno;
   char infobuff[256];
   Debug6("recvfrom(%d, %p, "F_Zu", %d, %p, "F_Zu")",
	  s, buf, len, flags, from, *fromlen);
   retval = recvfrom(s, buf, len, flags, from, fromlen);
   _errno = errno;
   if (from) {
      Debug4("recvfrom(,,,, {%d,%s}, "F_Zd") -> %d",
	     sockaddr_info(from, *fromlen, infobuff, sizeof(infobuff)),
	     *fromlen, retval);
   } else {
      Debug1("recvfrom(,,,, NULL, NULL) -> %d", retval);
   errno = _errno;
   return retval;
Пример #7
bool PaladinJr::SpeedCheck(Client* client, gemActor* actor, psDRMessage& currUpdate)
    csVector3 oldpos;
    // Dummy variables
    float yrot;
    iSector* sector;
    psWorld * world = entitymanager->GetWorld();
    int violation = NOVIOLATION;

    actor->pcmove->GetLastClientPosition (oldpos, yrot, sector);
    // If no previous observations then we have nothing to check against.
    if (!sector)
        return true;

    // define cheating variables
    float dist;
    float reported_distance;
    float max_noncheat_distance;
    float lag_distance;
    csTicks timedelta;
    csVector3 vel;

    // check for warpviolation
    if (sector != currUpdate.sector && !world->WarpSpace(sector, currUpdate.sector, oldpos))
        if (checks & WARPVIOLATION)
            violation = WARPVIOLATION;
            // we don't do warp checking and crossed a sector
            // skip this round
            return true;

    if (checks & SPEEDVIOLATION)
        // we don't use the absolute value of the vertical
        // speed in order to let falls go through
        if (fabs(currUpdate.vel.x) <= maxVelocity.x &&
                 currUpdate.vel.y  <= maxVelocity.y &&
            fabs(currUpdate.vel.z) <= maxVelocity.z)
            violation |= SPEEDVIOLATION;

    // distance check is skipped on warp violation as it would be wrong
    if (checks & DISTVIOLATION && !(violation & WARPVIOLATION))
        dist = (currUpdate.pos-oldpos).Norm();
        timedelta = actor->pcmove->ClientTimeDiff();

        // We use the last reported vel, not the new vel, to calculate how far he should have gone since the last DR update
        vel = actor->pcmove->GetVelocity();
        vel.y = 0; // ignore vertical velocity
        reported_distance = vel.Norm()*timedelta/1000;

        Debug4(LOG_CHEAT, client->GetClientNum(),"Player went %1.3fm in %u ticks when %1.3fm was allowed.\n",dist, timedelta, reported_distance);

        max_noncheat_distance = maxSpeed*timedelta/1000;
        lag_distance          = maxSpeed*client->accumulatedLag/1000;

        if (dist < max_noncheat_distance + lag_distance)
            if(dist == 0)
                // player is stationary - reset accumulated lag
                NetBase::Connection * connection = client->GetConnection();
                client->accumulatedLag = connection->estRTT + connection->devRTT;
            else if(fabs(dist-reported_distance) < dist/20)
                // ignore jitter caused differences
                Debug1(LOG_CHEAT, client->GetClientNum(),"Ignoring lag jitter.");
                // adjust accumulated lag
                float lag = (reported_distance - dist) * 1000.f/maxSpeed + client->accumulatedLag;

                // cap to meaningful values
                lag = lag < 0 ? 0 : lag > MAX_ACCUMULATED_LAG ? MAX_ACCUMULATED_LAG : lag;

                client->accumulatedLag = (csTicks)lag;

                Debug2(LOG_CHEAT, client->GetClientNum(),"Accumulated lag: %u\n",client->accumulatedLag);
            violation |= DISTVIOLATION;

    if (violation != NOVIOLATION)
        if (client->GetCheatMask(MOVE_CHEAT))
            //printf("Server has pre-authorized this apparent speed violation.\n");
            client->SetCheatMask(MOVE_CHEAT, false);  // now clear the Get Out of Jail Free card
            return true;  // not cheating

        Debug6(LOG_CHEAT, client->GetClientNum(),"Went %1.2f in %u ticks when %1.2f was expected plus %1.2f allowed lag distance (%1.2f)\n", dist, timedelta, max_noncheat_distance, lag_distance, max_noncheat_distance+lag_distance);
        //printf("Z Vel is %1.2f\n", currUpdate.vel.z);
        //printf("MaxSpeed is %1.2f\n", maxSpeed);

        // Report cheater
        csVector3 angVel;
        csString buf;
        csString type;
        csString sectorName(sector->QueryObject()->GetName());

        // Player has probably been warped
        if (violation & WARPVIOLATION)
            sectorName.Append(" to ");
            type = "Warp Violation";

        if (violation & SPEEDVIOLATION)
                type += "|";
            type += "Speed Violation (Hack confirmed)";

        if (violation & DISTVIOLATION)
                type += "|";
            type += "Distance Violation";

        if (enforcing)
        buf.Format("%s, %s, %s, %.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f 0 %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f, %.3f %.3f %.3f, %s\n",
                   client->GetName(), type.GetData(), sectorName.GetData(),oldpos.x, oldpos.y, oldpos.z,
                   max_noncheat_distance, max_noncheat_distance, 
                   currUpdate.pos.x - oldpos.x, currUpdate.pos.y - oldpos.y, currUpdate.pos.z - oldpos.z,
                   vel.x, vel.y, vel.z, angVel.x, angVel.y, angVel.z, PALADIN_VERSION);

        psserver->GetLogCSV()->Write(CSV_PALADIN, buf);

        Debug5(LOG_CHEAT, client->GetClientNum(),"Player %s traversed %1.2fm in %u msec with an accumulated lag allowance of %u ms. Cheat detected!\n",
            client->GetName (),dist,timedelta,client->accumulatedLag);

        //printf("Client has %d detected cheats now.\n", client->GetDetectedCheatCount());
        if (client->GetDetectedCheatCount() % warnCount == 0)
            psserver->SendSystemError(client->GetClientNum(),"You have been flagged as using speed hacks.  You will be disconnected if you continue.");
        if (client->GetDetectedCheatCount() >= maxCount)
            //printf("Disconnecting a cheating client.\n");
            psserver->RemovePlayer(client->GetClientNum(),"Paladin has kicked you from the server for cheating.");
            return false;

        return !enforcing;
        return true;