Пример #1
 * Parse XLOG_HEAP_UPDATE and XLOG_HEAP_HOT_UPDATE, which have the same layout
 * in the record, from wal into proper tuplebufs.
 * Updates can possibly contain a new tuple and the old primary key.
static void
DecodeUpdate(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx, XLogRecordBuffer *buf)
	XLogReaderState *r = buf->record;
	xl_heap_update *xlrec;
	ReorderBufferChange *change;
	char	   *data;
	RelFileNode target_node;

	xlrec = (xl_heap_update *) XLogRecGetData(r);

	/* only interested in our database */
	XLogRecGetBlockTag(r, 0, &target_node, NULL, NULL);
	if (target_node.dbNode != ctx->slot->data.database)

	/* output plugin doesn't look for this origin, no need to queue */
	if (FilterByOrigin(ctx, XLogRecGetOrigin(r)))

	change = ReorderBufferGetChange(ctx->reorder);
	change->origin_id = XLogRecGetOrigin(r);
	memcpy(&change->data.tp.relnode, &target_node, sizeof(RelFileNode));

	if (xlrec->flags & XLH_UPDATE_CONTAINS_NEW_TUPLE)
		Size		datalen;
		Size		tuplelen;

		data = XLogRecGetBlockData(r, 0, &datalen);

		tuplelen = datalen - SizeOfHeapHeader;

		change->data.tp.newtuple =
			ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ctx->reorder, tuplelen);

		DecodeXLogTuple(data, datalen, change->data.tp.newtuple);

	if (xlrec->flags & XLH_UPDATE_CONTAINS_OLD)
		Size		datalen;
		Size		tuplelen;

		/* caution, remaining data in record is not aligned */
		data = XLogRecGetData(r) + SizeOfHeapUpdate;
		datalen = XLogRecGetDataLen(r) - SizeOfHeapUpdate;
		tuplelen = datalen - SizeOfHeapHeader;

		change->data.tp.oldtuple =
			ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ctx->reorder, tuplelen);

		DecodeXLogTuple(data, datalen, change->data.tp.oldtuple);

	change->data.tp.clear_toast_afterwards = true;

	ReorderBufferQueueChange(ctx->reorder, XLogRecGetXid(r), buf->origptr, change);
Пример #2
 * Parse XLOG_HEAP_INSERT (not MULTI_INSERT!) records into tuplebufs.
 * Deletes can contain the new tuple.
static void
DecodeInsert(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx, XLogRecordBuffer *buf)
	XLogRecord *r = &buf->record;
	xl_heap_insert *xlrec;
	ReorderBufferChange *change;

	xlrec = (xl_heap_insert *) buf->record_data;

	/* only interested in our database */
	if (xlrec->target.node.dbNode != ctx->slot->data.database)

	change = ReorderBufferGetChange(ctx->reorder);
	memcpy(&change->data.tp.relnode, &xlrec->target.node, sizeof(RelFileNode));

	if (xlrec->flags & XLOG_HEAP_CONTAINS_NEW_TUPLE)
		Size		datalen = r->xl_len - SizeOfHeapInsert;
		Size		tuplelen = datalen - SizeOfHeapHeader;

		Assert(r->xl_len > (SizeOfHeapInsert + SizeOfHeapHeader));

		change->data.tp.newtuple =
			ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ctx->reorder, tuplelen);

		DecodeXLogTuple((char *) xlrec + SizeOfHeapInsert,
						datalen, change->data.tp.newtuple);

	change->data.tp.clear_toast_afterwards = true;

	ReorderBufferQueueChange(ctx->reorder, r->xl_xid, buf->origptr, change);
Пример #3
 * Parse XLOG_HEAP_INSERT (not MULTI_INSERT!) records into tuplebufs.
 * Deletes can contain the new tuple.
static void
DecodeInsert(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx, XLogRecordBuffer *buf)
	XLogReaderState *r = buf->record;
	xl_heap_insert *xlrec;
	ReorderBufferChange *change;
	RelFileNode target_node;

	xlrec = (xl_heap_insert *) XLogRecGetData(r);

	/* only interested in our database */
	XLogRecGetBlockTag(r, 0, &target_node, NULL, NULL);
	if (target_node.dbNode != ctx->slot->data.database)

	change = ReorderBufferGetChange(ctx->reorder);
	memcpy(&change->data.tp.relnode, &target_node, sizeof(RelFileNode));

	if (xlrec->flags & XLOG_HEAP_CONTAINS_NEW_TUPLE)
		Size		tuplelen;
		char	   *tupledata = XLogRecGetBlockData(r, 0, &tuplelen);

		change->data.tp.newtuple = ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ctx->reorder);

		DecodeXLogTuple(tupledata, tuplelen, change->data.tp.newtuple);

	change->data.tp.clear_toast_afterwards = true;

	ReorderBufferQueueChange(ctx->reorder, XLogRecGetXid(r), buf->origptr, change);
Пример #4
 * Parse XLOG_HEAP_DELETE from wal into proper tuplebufs.
 * Deletes can possibly contain the old primary key.
static void
DecodeDelete(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx, XLogRecordBuffer *buf)
	XLogReaderState *r = buf->record;
	xl_heap_delete *xlrec;
	ReorderBufferChange *change;
	RelFileNode target_node;

	xlrec = (xl_heap_delete *) XLogRecGetData(r);

	/* only interested in our database */
	XLogRecGetBlockTag(r, 0, &target_node, NULL, NULL);
	if (target_node.dbNode != ctx->slot->data.database)

	 * Super deletions are irrelevant for logical decoding, it's driven by the
	 * confirmation records.
	if (xlrec->flags & XLH_DELETE_IS_SUPER)

	/* output plugin doesn't look for this origin, no need to queue */
	if (FilterByOrigin(ctx, XLogRecGetOrigin(r)))

	change = ReorderBufferGetChange(ctx->reorder);
	change->origin_id = XLogRecGetOrigin(r);

	memcpy(&change->data.tp.relnode, &target_node, sizeof(RelFileNode));

	/* old primary key stored */
	if (xlrec->flags & XLH_DELETE_CONTAINS_OLD)
		Size		datalen = XLogRecGetDataLen(r) - SizeOfHeapDelete;
		Size		tuplelen = datalen - SizeOfHeapHeader;

		Assert(XLogRecGetDataLen(r) > (SizeOfHeapDelete + SizeOfHeapHeader));

		change->data.tp.oldtuple =
			ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ctx->reorder, tuplelen);

		DecodeXLogTuple((char *) xlrec + SizeOfHeapDelete,
						datalen, change->data.tp.oldtuple);

	change->data.tp.clear_toast_afterwards = true;

	ReorderBufferQueueChange(ctx->reorder, XLogRecGetXid(r), buf->origptr, change);
Пример #5
 * Parse XLOG_HEAP_INSERT (not MULTI_INSERT!) records into tuplebufs.
 * Deletes can contain the new tuple.
static void
DecodeInsert(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx, XLogRecordBuffer *buf)
	Size		datalen;
	char	   *tupledata;
	Size		tuplelen;
	XLogReaderState *r = buf->record;
	xl_heap_insert *xlrec;
	ReorderBufferChange *change;
	RelFileNode target_node;

	xlrec = (xl_heap_insert *) XLogRecGetData(r);

	 * Ignore insert records without new tuples (this does happen when
	 * raw_heap_insert marks the TOAST record as HEAP_INSERT_NO_LOGICAL).
	if (!(xlrec->flags & XLH_INSERT_CONTAINS_NEW_TUPLE))

	/* only interested in our database */
	XLogRecGetBlockTag(r, 0, &target_node, NULL, NULL);
	if (target_node.dbNode != ctx->slot->data.database)

	/* output plugin doesn't look for this origin, no need to queue */
	if (FilterByOrigin(ctx, XLogRecGetOrigin(r)))

	change = ReorderBufferGetChange(ctx->reorder);
	if (!(xlrec->flags & XLH_INSERT_IS_SPECULATIVE))
	change->origin_id = XLogRecGetOrigin(r);

	memcpy(&change->data.tp.relnode, &target_node, sizeof(RelFileNode));

	tupledata = XLogRecGetBlockData(r, 0, &datalen);
	tuplelen = datalen - SizeOfHeapHeader;

	change->data.tp.newtuple =
		ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ctx->reorder, tuplelen);

	DecodeXLogTuple(tupledata, datalen, change->data.tp.newtuple);

	change->data.tp.clear_toast_afterwards = true;

	ReorderBufferQueueChange(ctx->reorder, XLogRecGetXid(r), buf->origptr, change);
Пример #6
 * Parse XLOG_HEAP_DELETE from wal into proper tuplebufs.
 * Deletes can possibly contain the old primary key.
static void
DecodeDelete(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx, XLogRecordBuffer *buf)
	XLogReaderState *r = buf->record;
	xl_heap_delete *xlrec;
	ReorderBufferChange *change;
	RelFileNode target_node;

	xlrec = (xl_heap_delete *) XLogRecGetData(r);

	/* only interested in our database */
	XLogRecGetBlockTag(r, 0, &target_node, NULL, NULL);
	if (target_node.dbNode != ctx->slot->data.database)

	change = ReorderBufferGetChange(ctx->reorder);

	memcpy(&change->data.tp.relnode, &target_node, sizeof(RelFileNode));

	/* old primary key stored */
	if (xlrec->flags & XLOG_HEAP_CONTAINS_OLD)
		Assert(XLogRecGetDataLen(r) > (SizeOfHeapDelete + SizeOfHeapHeader));

		change->data.tp.oldtuple = ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ctx->reorder);

		DecodeXLogTuple((char *) xlrec + SizeOfHeapDelete,
						XLogRecGetDataLen(r) - SizeOfHeapDelete,

	change->data.tp.clear_toast_afterwards = true;

	ReorderBufferQueueChange(ctx->reorder, XLogRecGetXid(r), buf->origptr, change);
Пример #7
 * Parse XLOG_HEAP_UPDATE and XLOG_HEAP_HOT_UPDATE, which have the same layout
 * in the record, from wal into proper tuplebufs.
 * Updates can possibly contain a new tuple and the old primary key.
static void
DecodeUpdate(LogicalDecodingContext *ctx, XLogRecordBuffer *buf)
	XLogRecord *r = &buf->record;
	xl_heap_update *xlrec;
	ReorderBufferChange *change;
	char	   *data;
	size_t		remlen = r->xl_len;

	xlrec = (xl_heap_update *) buf->record_data;

	/* only interested in our database */
	if (xlrec->target.node.dbNode != ctx->slot->data.database)

	change = ReorderBufferGetChange(ctx->reorder);
	memcpy(&change->data.tp.relnode, &xlrec->target.node, sizeof(RelFileNode));

	/* caution, remaining data in record is not aligned */
	data = buf->record_data + SizeOfHeapUpdate;
	remlen -= SizeOfHeapUpdate;

	if (xlrec->flags & XLOG_HEAP_CONTAINS_NEW_TUPLE)
		Size		datalen;
		Size		tuplelen;
		xl_heap_header_len xlhdr;

		Assert(r->xl_len > (SizeOfHeapUpdate + SizeOfHeapHeaderLen));

		memcpy(&xlhdr, data, sizeof(xlhdr));
		data += offsetof(xl_heap_header_len, header);
		remlen -= offsetof(xl_heap_header_len, header);

		datalen = xlhdr.t_len + SizeOfHeapHeader;
		tuplelen = xlhdr.t_len;

		change->data.tp.newtuple =
			ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ctx->reorder, tuplelen);

		DecodeXLogTuple(data, datalen, change->data.tp.newtuple);
		/* skip over the rest of the tuple header */
		data += SizeOfHeapHeader;
		remlen -= SizeOfHeapHeader;
		/* skip over the tuple data */
		data += xlhdr.t_len;
		remlen -= xlhdr.t_len;

	if (xlrec->flags & XLOG_HEAP_CONTAINS_OLD)
		Size		datalen;
		Size		tuplelen;
		xl_heap_header_len xlhdr;

		memcpy(&xlhdr, data, sizeof(xlhdr));
		data += offsetof(xl_heap_header_len, header);
		remlen -= offsetof(xl_heap_header_len, header);

		 * NB: Even though xl_heap_header_len contains the tuple's length,
		 * it's length field is not wide enough. Use the whole record length
		 * minus the new tuple's length instead. We can't remove the record
		 * length from the WAL record format in 9.4 due to compatibility
		 * concerns - later versions don't have it anyway.
		datalen = remlen;
		tuplelen = datalen - SizeOfHeapHeader;

		change->data.tp.oldtuple =
			ReorderBufferGetTupleBuf(ctx->reorder, tuplelen);

		DecodeXLogTuple(data, datalen, change->data.tp.oldtuple);
#ifdef NOT_USED
		data += datalen;
		remlen -= datalen;

	change->data.tp.clear_toast_afterwards = true;

	ReorderBufferQueueChange(ctx->reorder, r->xl_xid, buf->origptr, change);