Пример #1
DecodingResult PKCS_EncryptionPaddingScheme::Unpad(const byte *pkcsBlock, unsigned int pkcsBlockLen, byte *output, const NameValuePairs &parameters) const
	bool invalid = false;
	unsigned int maxOutputLen = MaxUnpaddedLength(pkcsBlockLen);

	// convert from bit length to byte length
	if (pkcsBlockLen % 8 != 0)
		invalid = (pkcsBlock[0] != 0) || invalid;
	pkcsBlockLen /= 8;

	// Require block type 2.
	invalid = (pkcsBlock[0] != 2) || invalid;

	// skip past the padding until we find the separator
	unsigned i=1;
	while (i<pkcsBlockLen && pkcsBlock[i++]) { // null body
	assert(i==pkcsBlockLen || pkcsBlock[i-1]==0);

	unsigned int outputLen = pkcsBlockLen - i;
	invalid = (outputLen > maxOutputLen) || invalid;

	if (invalid)
		return DecodingResult();

	memcpy (output, pkcsBlock+i, outputLen);
	return DecodingResult(outputLen);
Пример #2
DecodingResult PKCS_SignaturePaddingScheme::Unpad(const byte *pkcsBlock, unsigned int pkcsBlockLen, byte *output) const
	unsigned int maxOutputLen = MaxUnpaddedLength(pkcsBlockLen);

	// convert from bit length to byte length
	if (pkcsBlockLen % 8 != 0)
		if (pkcsBlock[0] != 0)
			return DecodingResult();
	pkcsBlockLen /= 8;

	// Require block type 1.
	if (pkcsBlock[0] != 1)
		return DecodingResult();

	// skip past the padding until we find the seperator
	unsigned i=1;
	while (i<pkcsBlockLen && pkcsBlock[i++])
		if (pkcsBlock[i-1] != 0xff)     // not valid padding
			return DecodingResult();
	assert(i==pkcsBlockLen || pkcsBlock[i-1]==0);

	unsigned int outputLen = pkcsBlockLen - i;
	if (outputLen > maxOutputLen)
		return DecodingResult();

	memcpy (output, pkcsBlock+i, outputLen);
	return DecodingResult(outputLen);
Пример #3
DecodingResult OAEP_Base::Unpad(const byte *oaepBlock, size_t oaepBlockLen, byte *output, const NameValuePairs &parameters) const
	bool invalid = false;

#if defined(CRYPTOPP_CXX11)
	std::unique_ptr<HashTransformation> pHash(NewHash());
	std::auto_ptr<HashTransformation> pHash(NewHash());

	// convert from bit length to byte length
	if (oaepBlockLen % 8 != 0)
		invalid = (oaepBlock[0] != 0) || invalid;
	oaepBlockLen /= 8;

	const size_t hLen = pHash->DigestSize();
	const size_t seedLen = hLen, dbLen = oaepBlockLen-seedLen;

	invalid = (oaepBlockLen < 2*hLen+1) || invalid;

	SecByteBlock t(oaepBlock, oaepBlockLen);
	byte *const maskedSeed = t;
	byte *const maskedDB = t+seedLen;

#if defined(CRYPTOPP_CXX11)
	std::unique_ptr<MaskGeneratingFunction> pMGF(NewMGF());
	std::auto_ptr<MaskGeneratingFunction> pMGF(NewMGF());

	pMGF->GenerateAndMask(*pHash, maskedSeed, seedLen, maskedDB, dbLen);
	pMGF->GenerateAndMask(*pHash, maskedDB, dbLen, maskedSeed, seedLen);

	ConstByteArrayParameter encodingParameters;
	parameters.GetValue(Name::EncodingParameters(), encodingParameters);

	// DB = pHash' || 00 ... || 01 || M
	byte *M = std::find(maskedDB+hLen, maskedDB+dbLen, 0x01);
	invalid = (M == maskedDB+dbLen) || invalid;
	invalid = (std::find_if(maskedDB+hLen, M, std::bind2nd(std::not_equal_to<byte>(), byte(0))) != M) || invalid;
	invalid = !pHash->VerifyDigest(maskedDB, encodingParameters.begin(), encodingParameters.size()) || invalid;

	if (invalid)
		return DecodingResult();

	memcpy(output, M, maskedDB+dbLen-M);
	return DecodingResult(maskedDB+dbLen-M);
Пример #4
DecodingResult PK_FixedLengthDecryptor::Decrypt(const byte *cipherText, unsigned int cipherTextLength, byte *plainText) const
	if (cipherTextLength != FixedCiphertextLength())
		return DecodingResult();

	return FixedLengthDecrypt(cipherText, plainText);
Пример #5
DecodingResult OAEP<H,MGF,P,PLen>::Unpad(const byte *oaepBlock, unsigned int oaepBlockLen, byte *output) const
	bool invalid = false;

	// convert from bit length to byte length
	if (oaepBlockLen % 8 != 0)
		invalid = (oaepBlock[0] != 0) || invalid;
	oaepBlockLen /= 8;

	const unsigned int hLen = H::DIGESTSIZE;
	const unsigned int seedLen = hLen, dbLen = oaepBlockLen-seedLen;

	invalid = (oaepBlockLen < 2*hLen+1) || invalid;

	SecByteBlock t(oaepBlock, oaepBlockLen);
	byte *const maskedSeed = t;
	byte *const maskedDB = t+seedLen;

	H h;
	MGF mgf;
	mgf.GenerateAndMask(h, maskedSeed, seedLen, maskedDB, dbLen);
	mgf.GenerateAndMask(h, maskedDB, dbLen, maskedSeed, seedLen);

	// DB = pHash' || 00 ... || 01 || M

	byte *M = std::find(maskedDB+hLen, maskedDB+dbLen, 0x01);
	invalid = (M == maskedDB+dbLen) || invalid;
	invalid = (std::find_if(maskedDB+hLen, M, std::bind2nd(std::not_equal_to<byte>(), 0)) != M) || invalid;
	invalid = (memcmp(maskedDB, PHash<H,P,PLen>(), hLen) != 0) || invalid;

	if (invalid)
		return DecodingResult();

	memcpy(output, M, maskedDB+dbLen-M);
	return DecodingResult(maskedDB+dbLen-M);
Пример #6
bool CryptoSystemValidate(PK_Decryptor &priv, PK_Encryptor &pub, bool thorough = false)
	bool pass = true, fail;

	fail = !pub.GetMaterial().Validate(GlobalRNG(), thorough ? 3 : 2) || !priv.GetMaterial().Validate(GlobalRNG(), thorough ? 3 : 2);
	pass = pass && !fail;

	cout << (fail ? "FAILED    " : "passed    ");
	cout << "cryptosystem key validation\n";

	static const byte message[] = "test message";
	const int messageLen = COUNTOF(message);

	SecByteBlock ciphertext(priv.CiphertextLength(messageLen));
	SecByteBlock plaintext(priv.MaxPlaintextLength(ciphertext.size()));

	pub.Encrypt(GlobalRNG(), message, messageLen, ciphertext);
	fail = priv.Decrypt(GlobalRNG(), ciphertext, priv.CiphertextLength(messageLen), plaintext) != DecodingResult(messageLen);
	fail = fail || !VerifyBufsEqual(message, plaintext, messageLen);
	pass = pass && !fail;

	cout << (fail ? "FAILED    " : "passed    ");
	cout << "encryption and decryption\n";

	return pass;