Пример #1
int Region::ReadMatter(istream &input)
   char tmp[256],tmp1[256];
   int k;NumIntPar=0;
#ifdef InternalPointsUrs
cout<<" NumMatter "<<NumMatter<<"\n";
   for (k=1;k<NumMatter;k++) input>>BndMatter[k];
   for (k=1;k<=NumMatter;k++) 
      if (!MatterRegister(input,Matter[k]) ) 
        { cout<<"RegionIO::ReadIni;  Could not register matter. Exiting.\n";
          for (int i=1;i<k;i++) delete Matter[i];
          return 0;

   for (k=1;k<=NumMatter;k++) B[k]=new Body(BndMatter[k]-BndMatter[k-1]+1,NumIntPar,Matter[k],
   return 1;
Пример #2
static void FinishRegion( wrath_GLUtesselator *tess, ActiveRegion *reg )
 * Delete a region from the sweep line.  This happens when the upper
 * and lower chains of a region meet (at a vertex on the sweep line).
 * The "inside" flag is copied to the appropriate mesh face (we could
 * not do this before -- since the structure of the mesh is always
 * changing, this face may not have even existed until now).
  GLUhalfEdge *e = reg->eUp;
  GLUface *f = e->Lface;

  f->inside = reg->inside;
  f->winding_number = reg->windingNumber;

  if(CALL_TESS_WINDING_OR_WINDING_DATA(f->winding_number) && !f->inside)
        Look at each of the vertices of the Face,
        if any of the vertices are marked as "DO NOT TRIANGULATE".
        This essentially means iterating over the vertex linked
        list f->next checking each of their Org to see if that
        vertex is a DO NOT TRIANGULATE vertex.     

  f->anEdge = e;   /* optimization for glu_wrath_gl_meshTessellateMonoRegion() */
  DeleteRegion( tess, reg );
Пример #3
static void ConnectLeftDegenerate( TESStesselator *tess,
								  ActiveRegion *regUp, TESSvertex *vEvent )
* The event vertex lies exacty on an already-processed edge or vertex.
* Adding the new vertex involves splicing it into the already-processed
* part of the mesh.
	TESShalfEdge *e, *eTopLeft, *eTopRight, *eLast;
	ActiveRegion *reg;

	e = regUp->eUp;
	if( VertEq( e->Org, vEvent )) {
		/* e->Org is an unprocessed vertex - just combine them, and wait
		* for e->Org to be pulled from the queue
		SpliceMergeVertices( tess, e, vEvent->anEdge );

	if( ! VertEq( e->Dst, vEvent )) {
		/* General case -- splice vEvent into edge e which passes through it */
		if (tessMeshSplitEdge( tess->mesh, e->Sym ) == NULL) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		if( regUp->fixUpperEdge ) {
			/* This edge was fixable -- delete unused portion of original edge */
			if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, e->Onext ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			regUp->fixUpperEdge = FALSE;
		if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, vEvent->anEdge, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		SweepEvent( tess, vEvent );	/* recurse */

	/* vEvent coincides with e->Dst, which has already been processed.
	* Splice in the additional right-going edges.
	regUp = TopRightRegion( regUp );
	reg = RegionBelow( regUp );
	eTopRight = reg->eUp->Sym;
	eTopLeft = eLast = eTopRight->Onext;
	if( reg->fixUpperEdge ) {
		/* Here e->Dst has only a single fixable edge going right.
		* We can delete it since now we have some real right-going edges.
		assert( eTopLeft != eTopRight );   /* there are some left edges too */
		DeleteRegion( tess, reg );
		if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, eTopRight ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		eTopRight = eTopLeft->Oprev;
	if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, vEvent->anEdge, eTopRight ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
	if( ! EdgeGoesLeft( eTopLeft )) {
		/* e->Dst had no left-going edges -- indicate this to AddRightEdges() */
		eTopLeft = NULL;
	AddRightEdges( tess, regUp, eTopRight->Onext, eLast, eTopLeft, TRUE );
Пример #4
int Region::ReadData(istream &input)
   char tmp[256];
cout<<" Reading Param RegionIO::ReadData Num "<<NumPnt<<" Coreleft "<<Coreleft()<<"\n";
   input.getline(tmp,255);// EndIter
   input.getline(tmp,255);// Pos Pres...
   for (int k=1;k<=NumMatter;k++) 
     if (!B[k]->ReadData(input))
      {cout<<"Region::ReadData; Entered only part of points NumMatter i "
       return 0;
   return 1;
Пример #5
static void FinishRegion( TESStesselator *tess, ActiveRegion *reg )
* Delete a region from the sweep line.  This happens when the upper
* and lower chains of a region meet (at a vertex on the sweep line).
* The "inside" flag is copied to the appropriate mesh face (we could
* not do this before -- since the structure of the mesh is always
* changing, this face may not have even existed until now).
	TESShalfEdge *e = reg->eUp;
	TESSface *f = e->Lface;

	f->inside = reg->inside;
	f->anEdge = e;   /* optimization for tessMeshTessellateMonoRegion() */
	DeleteRegion( tess, reg );
Пример #6
static void DoneEdgeDict( TESStesselator *tess )
	ActiveRegion *reg;

	while( (reg = (ActiveRegion *)dictKey( dictMin( tess->dict ))) != NULL ) {
		* At the end of all processing, the dictionary should contain
		* only the two sentinel edges, plus at most one "fixable" edge
		* created by ConnectRightVertex().
		if( ! reg->sentinel ) {
			assert( reg->fixUpperEdge );
      //assert( ++fixedEdges == 1 );
		assert( reg->windingNumber == 0 );
		DeleteRegion( tess, reg );
		/*    tessMeshDelete( reg->eUp );*/
	dictDeleteDict( &tess->alloc, tess->dict );
Пример #7
static void DoneEdgeDict( GLUtesselator *tess )
  ActiveRegion *reg;
  int fixedEdges = 0;

  while( (reg = (ActiveRegion *)dictKey( dictMin( tess->dict ))) != NULL ) {
     * At the end of all processing, the dictionary should contain
     * only the two sentinel edges, plus at most one "fixable" edge
     * created by ConnectRightVertex().
    if( ! reg->sentinel ) {
      assert( reg->fixUpperEdge );
      assert( ++fixedEdges == 1 );
    assert( reg->windingNumber == 0 );
    DeleteRegion( tess, reg );
/*    __gl_meshDelete( reg->eUp );*/
  dictDeleteDict( tess->dict );	/* __gl_dictListDeleteDict */
Пример #8
 * @implemented
CreateRectRgn(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2)
    PRGN_ATTR pRgn_Attr;
    HRGN hrgn;
    int tmp;

/// <-
//// Remove when Brush/Pen/Rgn Attr is ready!
    return NtGdiCreateRectRgn(x1,y1,x2,y2);

    /* Normalize points */
    tmp = x1;
    if ( x1 > x2 )
        x1 = x2;
        x2 = tmp;

    tmp = y1;
    if ( y1 > y2 )
        y1 = y2;
        y2 = tmp;
    /* Check outside 24 bit limit for universal set. Chp 9 Areas, pg 560.*/
    if ( x1 < -(1<<27)  ||
            y1 < -(1<<27)  ||
            x2 > (1<<27)-1 ||
            y2 > (1<<27)-1 )
        return NULL;

    hrgn = hGetPEBHandle(hctRegionHandle, 0);

    if (!hrgn)
        hrgn = NtGdiCreateRectRgn(0, 0, 1, 1);

    if (!hrgn)
        return hrgn;

    if (!GdiGetHandleUserData((HGDIOBJ) hrgn, GDI_OBJECT_TYPE_REGION, (PVOID) &pRgn_Attr))
        DPRINT1("No Attr for Region handle!!!\n");
        return NULL;

    if (( x1 == x2) || (y1 == y2))
        pRgn_Attr->iComplexity = NULLREGION;
        pRgn_Attr->Rect.left = pRgn_Attr->Rect.top =
                                   pRgn_Attr->Rect.right = pRgn_Attr->Rect.bottom = 0;
        pRgn_Attr->iComplexity = SIMPLEREGION;
        pRgn_Attr->Rect.left   = x1;
        pRgn_Attr->Rect.top    = y1;
        pRgn_Attr->Rect.right  = x2;
        pRgn_Attr->Rect.bottom = y2;

    pRgn_Attr->AttrFlags = (ATTR_RGN_DIRTY|ATTR_RGN_VALID);

    return hrgn;
Пример #9
static void WalkDirtyRegions( TESStesselator *tess, ActiveRegion *regUp )
* When the upper or lower edge of any region changes, the region is
* marked "dirty".  This routine walks through all the dirty regions
* and makes sure that the dictionary invariants are satisfied
* (see the comments at the beginning of this file).  Of course
* new dirty regions can be created as we make changes to restore
* the invariants.
	ActiveRegion *regLo = RegionBelow(regUp);
	TESShalfEdge *eUp, *eLo;

	for( ;; ) {
		/* Find the lowest dirty region (we walk from the bottom up). */
		while( regLo->dirty ) {
			regUp = regLo;
			regLo = RegionBelow(regLo);
		if( ! regUp->dirty ) {
			regLo = regUp;
			regUp = RegionAbove( regUp );
			if( regUp == NULL || ! regUp->dirty ) {
				/* We've walked all the dirty regions */
		regUp->dirty = FALSE;
		eUp = regUp->eUp;
		eLo = regLo->eUp;

		if( eUp->Dst != eLo->Dst ) {
			/* Check that the edge ordering is obeyed at the Dst vertices. */
			if( CheckForLeftSplice( tess, regUp )) {

				/* If the upper or lower edge was marked fixUpperEdge, then
				* we no longer need it (since these edges are needed only for
				* vertices which otherwise have no right-going edges).
				if( regLo->fixUpperEdge ) {
					DeleteRegion( tess, regLo );
					if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, eLo ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
					regLo = RegionBelow( regUp );
					eLo = regLo->eUp;
				} else if( regUp->fixUpperEdge ) {
					DeleteRegion( tess, regUp );
					if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, eUp ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
					regUp = RegionAbove( regLo );
					eUp = regUp->eUp;
		if( eUp->Org != eLo->Org ) {
			if(    eUp->Dst != eLo->Dst
				&& ! regUp->fixUpperEdge && ! regLo->fixUpperEdge
				&& (eUp->Dst == tess->event || eLo->Dst == tess->event) )
				/* When all else fails in CheckForIntersect(), it uses tess->event
				* as the intersection location.  To make this possible, it requires
				* that tess->event lie between the upper and lower edges, and also
				* that neither of these is marked fixUpperEdge (since in the worst
				* case it might splice one of these edges into tess->event, and
				* violate the invariant that fixable edges are the only right-going
				* edge from their associated vertex).
				if( CheckForIntersect( tess, regUp )) {
					/* WalkDirtyRegions() was called recursively; we're done */
			} else {
				/* Even though we can't use CheckForIntersect(), the Org vertices
				* may violate the dictionary edge ordering.  Check and correct this.
				(void) CheckForRightSplice( tess, regUp );
		if( eUp->Org == eLo->Org && eUp->Dst == eLo->Dst ) {
			/* A degenerate loop consisting of only two edges -- delete it. */
			AddWinding( eLo, eUp );
			DeleteRegion( tess, regUp );
			if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, eUp ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			regUp = RegionAbove( regLo );
Пример #10
static void AddRightEdges( TESStesselator *tess, ActiveRegion *regUp,
						  TESShalfEdge *eFirst, TESShalfEdge *eLast, TESShalfEdge *eTopLeft,
						  int cleanUp )
* Purpose: insert right-going edges into the edge dictionary, and update
* winding numbers and mesh connectivity appropriately.  All right-going
* edges share a common origin vOrg.  Edges are inserted CCW starting at
* eFirst; the last edge inserted is eLast->Oprev.  If vOrg has any
* left-going edges already processed, then eTopLeft must be the edge
* such that an imaginary upward vertical segment from vOrg would be
* contained between eTopLeft->Oprev and eTopLeft; otherwise eTopLeft
* should be NULL.
	ActiveRegion *reg, *regPrev;
	TESShalfEdge *e, *ePrev;
	int firstTime = TRUE;

	/* Insert the new right-going edges in the dictionary */
	e = eFirst;
	do {
		assert( VertLeq( e->Org, e->Dst ));
		AddRegionBelow( tess, regUp, e->Sym );
		e = e->Onext;
	} while ( e != eLast );

	/* Walk *all* right-going edges from e->Org, in the dictionary order,
	* updating the winding numbers of each region, and re-linking the mesh
	* edges to match the dictionary ordering (if necessary).
	if( eTopLeft == NULL ) {
		eTopLeft = RegionBelow( regUp )->eUp->Rprev;
	regPrev = regUp;
	ePrev = eTopLeft;
	for( ;; ) {
		reg = RegionBelow( regPrev );
		e = reg->eUp->Sym;
		if( e->Org != ePrev->Org ) break;

		if( e->Onext != ePrev ) {
			/* Unlink e from its current position, and relink below ePrev */
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, e->Oprev, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
			if ( !tessMeshSplice( tess->mesh, ePrev->Oprev, e ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		/* Compute the winding number and "inside" flag for the new regions */
		reg->windingNumber = regPrev->windingNumber - e->winding;
		reg->inside = IsWindingInside( tess, reg->windingNumber );

		/* Check for two outgoing edges with same slope -- process these
		* before any intersection tests (see example in tessComputeInterior).
		regPrev->dirty = TRUE;
		if( ! firstTime && CheckForRightSplice( tess, regPrev )) {
			AddWinding( e, ePrev );
			DeleteRegion( tess, regPrev );
			if ( !tessMeshDelete( tess->mesh, ePrev ) ) longjmp(tess->env,1);
		firstTime = FALSE;
		regPrev = reg;
		ePrev = e;
	regPrev->dirty = TRUE;
	assert( regPrev->windingNumber - e->winding == reg->windingNumber );

	if( cleanUp ) {
		/* Check for intersections between newly adjacent edges. */
		WalkDirtyRegions( tess, regPrev );
Пример #11
void CTrack_DSP::Delete_Selection(tint32 iCmd, tuint64 uiSelection_Pos, tuint64 uiSelection_Duration)

	tint32 iNewRegionID	= -1;
	miFade_Pos			= 0;

	// List of regions to delete
	std::list<tuint32> lRegionsToDelete;
	// Look at all regions on track
	std::list<SChannelRegionInfo*>::iterator it = mRegionInfoList.begin();
	for (; it != mRegionInfoList.end(); it++) {
		CRegion_DSP* pRegion_DSP			=	(*it)->pRegion;
		tint32 iRegionID					=	(*it)->uiRegionID;
		tuint64 uiSample_Duration			=	pRegion_DSP->Get_Duration();
		std::string sSample_Name				=	pRegion_DSP->Get_Sample_Name();
		tuint64 uiRegion_Pos				=	(*it)->uiTrack_Pos;
		tuint64 uiRegion_End				=	uiRegion_Pos + uiSample_Duration - 1;
		tuint64 uiSample_Offset				=	pRegion_DSP->Get_Sample_Offset();
		tuint64 uiSelection_End				=	uiSelection_Pos + uiSelection_Duration;
		tfloat32 fVolume					=	pRegion_DSP->Volume();
		tuint uiFade_Out_Duration			=	pRegion_DSP->Fade_Out_Duration();

		// Prevent feedback on new fade in regions
		//!!! BUG? has to come up with somthing better
		//!!! Make list of regions to add
		//!!! find start sample and end sample, use it for fading
		if(iNewRegionID != iRegionID){
			// delete region start
			if(uiSelection_Pos <= uiRegion_Pos && uiSelection_End < uiRegion_End && uiSelection_End > uiRegion_Pos){
				uiSelection_Duration	-=	(uiRegion_Pos - uiSelection_Pos)-1;
				Resize_Region(iRegionID, uiRegion_Pos + uiSelection_Duration, uiSample_Offset + uiSelection_Duration, uiSample_Duration - uiSelection_Duration);
				mpDSP->Refresh_Region_GUI(iRegionID, miTrack);
			// delete region
			else if(uiSelection_Pos <= uiRegion_Pos && uiSelection_End >= uiRegion_End){
				lRegionsToDelete.insert(lRegionsToDelete.begin(), iRegionID);
			// delete region end
			else if(uiSelection_Pos > uiRegion_Pos && uiSelection_End > uiRegion_End && uiRegion_End > uiSelection_Pos  ){
				uiSample_Duration	=	uiSelection_Pos - uiRegion_Pos;
				Resize_Region(iRegionID, uiRegion_Pos , uiSample_Offset , uiSample_Duration);
				mpDSP->Refresh_Region_GUI(iRegionID, miTrack);
			// delete midt of region
			else if(uiSelection_Pos > uiRegion_Pos && uiSelection_End < uiRegion_End){
				//delete region end
				tuint64 uiNew_Sample_Duration	=	uiSelection_Pos - uiRegion_Pos;
				Resize_Region(iRegionID, uiRegion_Pos , uiSample_Offset , uiNew_Sample_Duration);
				mpDSP->Refresh_Region_GUI(iRegionID, miTrack);

				// create new region
				tuint64 uiDelta		=	uiNew_Sample_Duration + uiSelection_Duration;
				mpDSP->CreateRegion(sSample_Name, miTrack, uiRegion_Pos + uiDelta, uiSample_Offset + uiDelta , uiSample_Duration - uiDelta, 0,uiFade_Out_Duration, fVolume );
	// Delete Regions on Channels and GUI and erase then from list to delete
	while (lRegionsToDelete.size()) {
		tint32 iRegionID = *(lRegionsToDelete.begin());
		// Delet region
		// Delete region on GUI
		mpDSP->Delete_Region_View(miTrack, iRegionID);
		// Delete region from list of regions