void SoD00V::ReadHeader(QDataStream &datastr){ QMutexLocker locker(&readmutex); char tmp[4]; for(int i=0;i<252;i++){ char c=0; datastr.readRawData(&c,1); Set_description(Description()+ QChar(c)); } datastr.readRawData(tmp,2); datastr.readRawData(tmp,1); Set_NADC( tmp[0]); datastr.readRawData(tmp,1); char nmon=tmp[0]*4; if(nmon>63){ nmon=63; Set_Warning(); error("Data header contains wrong data about monitor detectors count."); } for(int i=0; i<63; i++){ uint cnt=0; datastr.readRawData((char*)&cnt,4); double val=cnt; if(i<nmon) ApplyConstant("M#"+QString::number(i),val); } m_events_header=0; datastr.readRawData((char*)&m_events_header,4); }
QgsGrassModule::Description QgsGrassModule::description( QString path ) { QgsDebugMsg( "called." ); // Open QGIS module description path.append( ".qgm" ); QFile qFile( path ); if ( !qFile.exists() ) { return Description( tr( "Not available, description not found (%1)" ).arg( path ) ); } if ( ! qFile.open( QIODevice::ReadOnly ) ) { return Description( tr( "Not available, cannot open description (%1)" ).arg( path ) ); } QDomDocument qDoc( QStringLiteral( "qgisgrassmodule" ) ); QString err; int line, column; if ( !qDoc.setContent( &qFile, &err, &line, &column ) ) { QString errmsg = tr( "Cannot read module file (%1)" ).arg( path ) + tr( "\n%1\nat line %2 column %3" ).arg( err ).arg( line ).arg( column ); QgsDebugMsg( errmsg ); QMessageBox::warning( 0, tr( "Warning" ), errmsg ); qFile.close(); return Description( tr( "Not available, incorrect description (%1)" ).arg( path ) ); } qFile.close(); QDomElement qDocElem = qDoc.documentElement(); QString label = QApplication::translate( "grasslabel", qDocElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "label" ) ).trimmed().toUtf8() ); bool direct = qDocElem.attribute( QStringLiteral( "direct" ) ) == QLatin1String( "1" ); return Description( label, direct ); }
DragValueCtrl* grid_text(wxWindow* parent, wxSizer* sizer, winvec_t& showhide, const Art& art, StatusInterface& statusInfo, const DialogFunc& showDialog) { // Create the drag-adjustable grid spacing text auto text = make_wx<DragValueCtrl>(parent, IntRange(min_t(1)), Description( "Grid: Drag to adjust spacing. " "Right-Click to disable. " "Double-click for dialog"), DragCursor(art.Get(Cursor::DRAG_SCALE)), HoverCursor(art.Get(Cursor::MOVE_POINT)), statusInfo); showhide.push_back(text); text->Hide(); events::on_mouse_left_double_click(text, [=](const IntPoint&){ showDialog(); }); sizer->Add(text, 0, wxALIGN_CENTER_VERTICAL); return text; }
void Attack::Act(IGame& game) const { State attacker = game.Get(actor); auto& targetActor = dynamic_cast<const Identity&>(target); State victim(game.Get(targetActor)); if (!part) { Engage(attacker); game.Adjust(actor, attacker, skill.name); game.Adjust(targetActor, victim, L"Miss " + skill.name); return; } auto skillLevel = attacker.SkillLevel(skill, &victim); if (skillLevel.Value() == 0) { Engage(attacker); game.Adjust(actor, attacker, skill.name); game.Adjust(targetActor, victim, L"Resist " + skill.name + L":" + skillLevel.Description()); return; } auto damage = attacker.AttackDamage(skill, skillLevel); Damage pain = damage - victim.Mitigation(*part); if (!victim.Hurt(*part, pain, actor.Description()+L"'"+skill.description)) { Engage(attacker); game.Adjust(actor, attacker, skill.name); game.Adjust(targetActor, victim, L"Mitigate " + skill.name + L"@" + part->Name() + L":" + pain.ActionDescription()); return; } Engage(attacker); game.Adjust(actor, attacker, skill.name); game.Adjust(targetActor, victim, L"Hit " + skill.name + L"@" + part->Name() + L":" + pain.ActionDescription()); }
bool TransferQueueRequest::SendGoAhead(XFER_QUEUE_ENUM go_ahead,char const *reason) { ASSERT( m_sock ); m_sock->encode(); ClassAd msg; msg.Assign(ATTR_RESULT,(int)go_ahead); if( reason ) { msg.Assign(ATTR_ERROR_STRING,reason); } // how often should transfer processes send a report of I/O activity // 0 means never int report_interval = param_integer("TRANSFER_IO_REPORT_INTERVAL",10,0); msg.Assign(ATTR_REPORT_INTERVAL,report_interval); if(!putClassAd( m_sock, msg ) || !m_sock->end_of_message()) { dprintf(D_ALWAYS, "TransferQueueRequest: failed to send GoAhead to %s\n", Description() ); return false; } m_gave_go_ahead = true; m_time_go_ahead = time(NULL); return true; }
int main(int ac, const char* av[]) { try { if(ac != 3) throw Exception("Usage: CreateTicks <filename> <number of ticks>"); const char* filename = av[1]; int n = boost::lexical_cast<int>(av[2]); // create sample ticks clockTime = boost::posix_time::second_clock::local_time(); auto tf = TeaFile<Tick>::Create(filename); cout << tf->Description() << endl; for(int i=0; i < n; i++) { tf->Write(GetRandomTick()); } cout << "added " << n << " Ticks" << endl; } catch(exception &e) { cout << e.what() << endl; return -1; } catch(...) { cout << "unspecified error" << endl; return -1; } return 0; }
void configure() { ::configure(); set_forfeit_name("death"); set_forfeit_rarity(Rarity_Unusual); set_forfeit_value(Travelers_Forfeit_Value_Moderate); set_forfeit_initialize_description("death"); set_forfeit_eligibility_condition(([ Condition_Type_Code : Condition_Type_Trait, Condition_Info : Trait_Perdition, Condition_Flags : Condition_Flag_Inverse, ])); set_challenge_component_selection_adjustments(([ "dismemberment" : 0.00, "dying" : 0.00, ])); set_forfeit_message(([ Message_Content : ({ 'a', ([ Message_Content : ({ "ominous", }), Message_Senses : Message_Sense_Emotive, ]), "gong sound fills the", Description(Description_Type_Ambient_Medium_Colored_Name), }),
vector<MergerCreator::Description> HighwaySnapMergerCreator::getAllCreators() const { vector<Description> result; result.push_back(Description(className(), "Highway Snap Merge Creator", false)); return result; }
vector<MergerCreator::Description> PoiPolygonMergerCreator::getAllCreators() const { vector<Description> result; result.push_back(Description(className(), "POI to Polygon Merge Creator", true)); return result; }
bool doSetFormat() { m_frameBuffer.resize(m_config.width() * m_config.height() * 4); // 4 bytes per pixel should be enought m_description = Description(m_config.width(), m_config.height(), m_config.format(), 0, 0); return true; }
const QString CameraDescription::ToPlainText() const { const QString plainText( QString( "%1\n%2\n%3" ) .arg( QString::fromStdWString( Name() ) ) .arg( QString::fromStdWString( Description() ) ) .arg( QString::fromStdWString( UniqueId() ) ) ); return plainText; }
vector<MergerCreator::Description> PlacesPoiMergerCreator::getAllCreators() const { vector<Description> result; result.push_back(Description(className(), "PLACES Merge Creator", false)); return result; }
void CommandBase::PrintDescription(std::ostream& out) { out<<"-"<<Name(); for(size_t i=0; i<args.size(); i++) { out << " " << args[i].name; } out<<": "<<Description()<<endl; }
//Default version bool OBPlugin::Display(string& txt, const char* param, const char* ID) { //Use the provided ID if possible. if(ID) txt = ID; else txt = GetID(); txt += " ";// was '\t'; but caused problems in GUI menu if(param && !strcasecmp(param, "verbose")) { txt += Description(); txt += '\n'; } else txt += FirstLine(Description()); return true; }
std::string SetFieldValueCommand::getCommandDescription(void) const { GetFieldHandlePtr TheFieldHandle = _FC->getField(_FieldId); std::string Description(""); Description = Description + "Set " + TheFieldHandle->getDescription()->getName() + " to " + _Value; return Description; }
std::string InsertFieldElementCommand::getCommandDescription(void) const { GetFieldHandlePtr TheFieldHandle = _FC->getField(_FieldId); std::string Description(""); Description = Description + "Insert " + _Value + " to " + TheFieldHandle->getDescription()->getName() + " at index " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(_Index); return Description; }
TEST(BookmarkTest,BookmarkCreation) { std::wstring Name(L"Test name"); std::wstring Location(L"Test location"); std::wstring Description(L"Test description"); CBookmark Bookmark(Name,Location,Description); EXPECT_EQ(Name,Bookmark.GetName()); EXPECT_EQ(Location,Bookmark.GetLocation()); EXPECT_EQ(Description,Bookmark.GetDescription()); }
CString GetError(_com_error &e) { CString MsgBug; _bstr_t Source(e.Source()); _bstr_t Description(e.Description()); MsgBug.Format( "Ups!!! \nSource = %s\nDescription= %s\n",(LPCSTR)Source, (LPCSTR)Description ); #ifdef _DEBUG AfxMessageBox( MsgBug, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR ); #endif return MsgBug; }
void Progress::Start(BOOL Delay, UINT32 DescriptionID, INT32 IntendedFinalCount) { if (!DescriptionID) Progress::Start(Delay, (StringBase *)NULL, IntendedFinalCount); else { String_256 Description(DescriptionID); Progress::Start(Delay, (StringBase *)&Description, IntendedFinalCount); } }
/* * Check for loops. */ bool ShowNetOutputPort::PreSetUniverse(Universe *old_universe, Universe *new_universe) { (void) old_universe; (void) new_universe; AbstractDevice *device = GetDevice(); InputPort *input_port = device->GetInputPort(PortId()); if (input_port && input_port->GetUniverse()) { OLA_WARN << "Avoiding possible shownet loop on " << Description(); return false; } return true; }
std::string SwapFieldElementCommand::getCommandDescription(void) const { GetFieldHandlePtr TheFieldHandle = _FC->getField(_FieldId); std::string Description(""); Description = Description + "Move " + TheFieldHandle->getDescription()->getName() + " index " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(_FromIndex) + " to index " + boost::lexical_cast<std::string>(_ToIndex); return Description; }
void CBkmrkProperties::TransSaveL() { SetModified (); TUint32 indexBase = IndexBase(); TUint32 timeLo = I64LOW(iLastModified.Int64()); TUint32 timeHi = I64HIGH(iLastModified.Int64()); iRepository->Set(indexBase + KBkmrkLastModifiedLoIndex, static_cast<TInt>(timeLo)); iRepository->Set(indexBase + KBkmrkLastModifiedHiIndex, static_cast<TInt>(timeHi)); iRepository->Set(indexBase + KCmnDescriptionIndex, Description()); iRepository->Set(indexBase + KCmnIconIndex, static_cast<TInt>(iIconId)); iCustomProperties->TransSaveL(); }
void ToolButton::ResetKeepStyle() { repeat = false; accel = 0; checked = false; NoWantFocus(); minsize = Size(0, 0); maxiconsize = Size(INT_MAX, INT_MAX); Tip(""); Help(""); Topic(""); Description(""); }
void MimeTypeItem::AddSubtype() { if (fSubtype == Text()) return; BString text = Description(); text.Append(" ("); text.Append(fSubtype); text.Append(")"); SetText(text.String()); }
const QString CameraDescription::ToRichText() const { const QString richText( QCoreApplication::translate( "CameraDescription", "<head/>\n" "<body>\n" "<p><strong>Name:</strong> %1</p>\n" "<p><strong>Description:</strong> %2</p>\n" "<p><strong>Unique ID:</strong> %3</p>\n" "</body>" ) .arg( QString::fromStdWString( Name() ) ) .arg( QString::fromStdWString( Description() ) ) .arg( QString::fromStdWString( UniqueId() ) ) ); return richText; }
/// Define the complete view structure of the storage void c4_Storage::SetStructure(const char *description_) { d4_assert(description_ != 0); if (description_ != Description()) { c4_String s = "[" + c4_String(description_) + "]"; description_ = s; c4_Field *field = d4_new c4_Field(description_); d4_assert(! *description_); d4_assert(field != 0); Persist()->Root().Restructure(*field, false); } }
std::string CompileGroupRanks(const std::string& section, Timeframe tf, Direction dir, SortField sf, int max, text::Template& templ) { auto groups = ::db::stats::CalculateGroupRanks(section, tf, dir, sf); std::ostringstream os; text::TemplateSection& head = templ.Head(); head.RegisterValue("section", section.empty() ? "ALL" : section); os << head.Compile(); text::TemplateSection& body = templ.Body(); long long totalKBytes = 0; long long totalFiles = 0; long long totalXfertime = 0; int index = 0; unsigned total = 0; for (const auto& g : groups) { if (g.Files() <= 0) break; if (index < max) { auto group = acl::Group::Load(g.ID()); body.RegisterValue("index", ++index); body.RegisterValue("group", group ? group->Name() : "unknown"); body.RegisterValue("descr", group ? group->Description() : ""); body.RegisterValue("files", g.Files()); body.RegisterSize("size", g.KBytes()); body.RegisterSpeed("speed", g.Speed()); os << body.Compile(); } totalKBytes += g.KBytes(); totalFiles += g.Files(); totalXfertime += g.Xfertime(); ++total; } text::TemplateSection& foot = templ.Foot(); foot.RegisterValue("groups", total); foot.RegisterSize("size", totalKBytes); foot.RegisterValue("files" ,totalFiles); foot.RegisterSpeed("speed", totalXfertime == 0 ? totalKBytes : totalKBytes / (totalXfertime / 1000.0)); os << foot.Compile(); return os.str(); }
char const * TransferQueueRequest::SinlessDescription() { char const *s = Description(); // get rid of the sinful string, which is at the beginning of the description char const *pos = strchr(s,'>'); if( pos ) { if( pos[1] == ' ' ) { s = pos+2; } else { s = pos+1; } } return s; }
void configure() { ::configure(); set_forfeit_name("insanity"); set_forfeit_rarity(Rarity_Very_Rare); set_forfeit_value(Travelers_Forfeit_Value_Very_High); set_forfeit_initialize_description("insanity and mania"); set_forfeit_message(([ Message_Content : ({ 'a', ([ Message_Content : ({ "eerie", }), Message_Senses : Message_Sense_Emotive, ]), "chime sound fills the", Description(Description_Type_Ambient_Medium_Colored_Name), }),
TEST(BookmarkTest,BookmarkUpdates) { std::wstring Name(L"Test name"); std::wstring Location(L"Test location"); std::wstring Description(L"Test description"); CBookmark Bookmark(Name,Location,Description); std::wstring NewName(L"New test name"); Bookmark.SetName(NewName); EXPECT_EQ(NewName,Bookmark.GetName()); std::wstring NewLocation(L"New test location"); Bookmark.SetLocation(NewLocation); EXPECT_EQ(NewLocation,Bookmark.GetLocation()); std::wstring NewDescription(L"New test description"); Bookmark.SetDescription(NewDescription); EXPECT_EQ(NewDescription,Bookmark.GetDescription()); }