const char *BZ2_bzlibVersion(void) { static const char *method = "BZ2_bzlibVersion"; static const char *saved_version = NULL; if (saved_version) { api_("%s() return '%s' <= (saved)", method, saved_version); return saved_version; } struct DriverConnection *conn = CreateConnection(); DBusMessage *msg = ConnectionNewRequest(conn, method); DBusError err; dbus_error_init(&err); api_("%s() =>", method); DBusMessage *rsp = ConnectionBlockingSendReply(conn, msg, &err); assert (rsp != NULL); DBusMessageIter rsp_it; dbus_message_iter_init(rsp, &rsp_it); assert (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&rsp_it) == DBUS_TYPE_STRING); const char *retval; dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&rsp_it, &retval); dbus_message_iter_next(&rsp_it); api_("%s() return '%s' <=", method, retval); saved_version = strdup(retval); dbus_message_unref(rsp); DestroyConnection(conn); return saved_version; }
int BZ2_bzTestStream(int ifd, int verbosity, int small) { static const char *method = "BZ2_bzTestStream"; struct DriverConnection *conn = CreateConnection(); DBusMessage *msg = ConnectionNewRequest(conn, method); DBusMessageIter msg_it; dbus_message_iter_init_append(msg, &msg_it); dbus_int32_t vx; vx = ifd; dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&msg_it, DBUS_TYPE_UNIX_FD, &vx); vx = verbosity; dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&msg_it, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &vx); vx = small; dbus_message_iter_append_basic(&msg_it, DBUS_TYPE_INT32, &vx); DBusError err; dbus_error_init(&err); api_("%s(%d, %d, %d) =>", method, ifd, verbosity, small); DBusMessage *rsp = ConnectionBlockingSendReply(conn, msg, &err); assert (rsp != NULL); DBusMessageIter rsp_it; dbus_message_iter_init(rsp, &rsp_it); assert (dbus_message_iter_get_arg_type(&rsp_it) == DBUS_TYPE_INT32); dbus_message_iter_get_basic(&rsp_it, &vx); dbus_message_iter_next(&rsp_it); int retval = vx; api_("%s(%d, %d, %d) return %d <=", method, ifd, verbosity, small, retval); dbus_message_unref(rsp); DestroyConnection(conn); return retval; }
//目前只保证connlist里面空闲连接被释放,剩下的分配出去的连接 //还没有去管,基于不是程序退出不会销毁线程池,所以也没关系 void ConnPool::DestroyConnPool(){ list<MysqlEncap *>::iterator iter; MutexGuard lock(mutex); for(iter=connList.begin(); iter!=connList.end(); iter++){ DestroyConnection(*iter); } curSize = 0; connList.clear(); }
ULONG GetServerTime(LPWSTR lpAddress) { PINFO pInfo; LPSTR lpAddr; DWORD dwSize = wcslen(lpAddress) + 1; ULONG ulTime = 0; pInfo = (PINFO)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(INFO)); lpAddr = (LPSTR)HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, dwSize); if (pInfo && lpAddr) { if (WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, lpAddress, -1, lpAddr, dwSize, NULL, NULL)) { if (InitConnection(pInfo, lpAddr)) { if (SendData(pInfo)) { ulTime = ReceiveData(pInfo); } } DestroyConnection(); } } if (pInfo) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, pInfo); if (lpAddr) HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpAddr); return ulTime; }
static struct DriverConnection *CreateConnection(void) { struct DriverConnection *conn = &g_conn; /* Create socket for bootstrap communication with child */ int socket_fds[2] = {-1, -1}; int rc = socketpair(AF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0, socket_fds); if (rc < 0) { error_("failed to open sockets, errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } api_("CreateConnection(g_exe_fd=%d, '%s')", g_exe_fd, g_exe_file); conn->pid = fork(); if (conn->pid < 0) { error_("failed to fork, errno=%d (%s)", errno, strerror(errno)); return NULL; } if (conn->pid == 0) { /* Child process: run the driver */ close(socket_fds[0]); RunDriver(g_exe_fd, g_exe_file, socket_fds[1]); } /* Read bootstrap information back from the child */ /* First: uint32_t len, char server_add[len] */ uint32_t len; rc = read(socket_fds[0], &len, sizeof(len)); assert (rc == sizeof(len)); char *server_address = (char *)malloc(len); rc = read(socket_fds[0], server_address, len); assert (rc == len); /* Second: uint64_t nonce (used to confirm that the D-Bus connection we set up * later is indeed to the child process */ uint64_t nonce; rc = read(socket_fds[0], &nonce, sizeof(nonce)); assert (rc == sizeof(nonce)); verbose_("started child process %d, read socket name '%s', nonce %ld", conn->pid, server_address, nonce); close(socket_fds[0]); close(socket_fds[1]); snprintf(conn->objpath, 20, "/nonce/%ld", nonce); /* Initialize D-Bus private connection; use the nonce as the object address */ DBusError err; dbus_error_init(&err); conn->dbus = dbus_connection_open_private(server_address, &err); if (!conn->dbus) { error_("!!! dbus_connection_open_private failed: %s: %s\n",, err.message); free(server_address); DestroyConnection(conn); return NULL; } log_("got connection %p to private bus '%s' with {pid=%d dbus_conn=%p objpath='%s'})", conn, server_address, conn->pid, conn->dbus, conn->objpath); free(server_address); /* Send a no-op message to work around a D-Bus problem (if the first message sent includes a file descriptor, it fails). */ DBusMessage *req = ConnectionNewRequest(conn, "__noop"); DBusMessage *rsp = ConnectionBlockingSendReply(conn, req, &err); if (rsp == NULL) { DestroyConnection(conn); return NULL; } dbus_message_unref(rsp); return conn; }
CNetClient::~CNetClient() { DestroyConnection(); JS_RemoveExtraGCRootsTracer(GetScriptInterface().GetJSRuntime(), CNetClient::Trace, this); }