Пример #1
Matrix<double> Matrix<double>::Inverse(void) const
    if ( GetColumnLength() != GetRowLength() )
        return *this;
    // Calculate Inversed-Matrix<double> by Cofactors.
    const size_t rowCount = GetRowLength();
    const size_t colCount = GetColumnLength();
    Matrix<double> inversed(rowCount, colCount);

#if 0
    double det = Determinant();
    if ( 0 == det )
        return *this;
    for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
        for (size_t col = 0; col < colCount; ++col)
            int sign = ((row + col) & 1) ? -1 : 1;
            Matrix<double> m(GetCofactorMatrix(row, col));
            inversed[col][row] = GetCofactor(row, col) / det;
    // Gauss-Jordan
    const double threshold = 1.0e-10; // TBD

    Matrix<double> m(rowCount, colCount * 2);
    if ( m.IsNull() )
        return m;
    for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
        for (size_t col = 0; col < colCount; ++col)
            m[row][col] = (*this)[row][col];
    for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
        for (size_t col = colCount; col < colCount * 2; ++col)
            if (row == (col - colCount))
                m[row][col] = 1.0;
                m[row][col] = 0.0;

    // 各行を正規化
    for (size_t r = 0; r < m.GetRowLength(); ++r )
        m[r] /= m[r].GetMaximumAbsolute();
    for (size_t r = 0; r < m.GetRowLength(); ++r )
        // 注目している列の中で、最大値を持つ列を探す。
        size_t index = r;
        double maximum = fabs(m[r][r]);
        // "k < m.GetRowLength() - 1" となっていたが、意図不明なので修正。
        for (size_t k = index + 1; k < m.GetRowLength(); ++k )
            if ( fabs(m[k][r]) > maximum )
                index = k;
                maximum = fabs(m[k][r]);
        if ( maximum < threshold )
            // ここに到達することはないはず。
            DEBUG_LOG(" ~ 0 at r=%d\n", static_cast<int>(r));
            m.Resize(0, 0); // NULL を返す。
            return m;
        // 必要なら入れ替える
        if ( r != index )
            const Vectord tmp(m[r]);
            m[r] = m[index];
            m[index] = tmp;
        // 上で入れ替えたので 以降では index は不要、r を使用する。
        // 注目している行の、注目している列の値を 1.0 にする
        m[r] /= m[r][r]; // /= maximum; // maximum では符号が考慮されない。

        // 他の行から引く。
        for (size_t k = 0; k < m.GetRowLength(); ++k )
            if ( k == r )
            const Vectord tmp(m[r]);
            m[k] -= (tmp * m[k][r]);
    for (size_t row = 0; row < rowCount; ++row)
        for (size_t col = 0; col < colCount; ++col)
            inversed[row][col] = m[row][col+colCount];
    return inversed;
Пример #2
	Matrix4x4 Matrix4x4::operator-() const
		const FLOAT32 fDeterminant = Determinant();
		if(fabsf(fDeterminant) < FLT_EPSILON) {*this;}
		return MatAdjoint(this) / fDeterminant;
Пример #3
  double CalcTetBadnessGrad (const Point3d & p1, const Point3d & p2,
			     const Point3d & p3, const Point3d & p4, double h,
			     int pi, Vec<3> & grad)
    double vol, l, ll, lll;
    double err;

    const Point3d *pp1, *pp2, *pp3, *pp4;

    pp1 = &p1;
    pp2 = &p2;
    pp3 = &p3;
    pp4 = &p4;
    switch (pi)
      case 2:
	  swap (pp1, pp2);
	  swap (pp3, pp4);
      case 3:
	  swap (pp1, pp3);
	  swap (pp2, pp4);
      case 4:
	  swap (pp1, pp4);
	  swap (pp3, pp2);

    Vec3d v1 (*pp1, *pp2);
    Vec3d v2 (*pp1, *pp3);
    Vec3d v3 (*pp1, *pp4);

    Vec3d v4 (*pp2, *pp3);
    Vec3d v5 (*pp2, *pp4);
    Vec3d v6 (*pp3, *pp4);

    vol = -Determinant (v1, v2, v3) / 6;  

    Vec3d gradvol;
    Cross (v5, v4, gradvol);
    gradvol *= (-1.0/6.0);

    double ll1 = v1.Length2();
    double ll2 = v2.Length2();
    double ll3 = v3.Length2();
    double ll4 = v4.Length2();
    double ll5 = v5.Length2();
    double ll6 = v6.Length2();

    ll = ll1 + ll2 + ll3 + ll4 + ll5 + ll6;
    l = sqrt (ll);
    lll = l * ll;

    if (vol <= 1e-24 * lll)
	grad = Vec3d (0, 0, 0);
	return 1e24;

    Vec3d gradll1 (*pp2, *pp1);
    Vec3d gradll2 (*pp3, *pp1);
    Vec3d gradll3 (*pp4, *pp1);
    gradll1 *= 2;
    gradll2 *= 2;
    gradll3 *= 2;

    Vec3d gradll (gradll1);
    gradll += gradll2;
    gradll += gradll3;

    Vec3d gradll;
    gradll = v1+v2+v3;
    gradll *= -2;

    err = 0.0080187537 * lll / vol; 

    gradll *= (0.0080187537 * 1.5 * l / vol);
    Vec3d graderr(gradll);
    gradvol *= ( -0.0080187537 * lll / (vol * vol) );
    graderr += gradvol;
    if (h > 0)
	Vec3d gradll1 (*pp2, *pp1);
	Vec3d gradll2 (*pp3, *pp1);
	Vec3d gradll3 (*pp4, *pp1);
	gradll1 *= 2;
	gradll2 *= 2;
	gradll3 *= 2;
	err += ll / (h*h) + 
	  h*h * ( 1 / ll1 + 1 / ll2 + 1 / ll3 + 
		  1 / ll4 + 1 / ll5 + 1 / ll6 ) - 12;

	graderr += (1/(h*h) - h*h/(ll1*ll1)) * gradll1;
	graderr += (1/(h*h) - h*h/(ll2*ll2)) * gradll2;
	graderr += (1/(h*h) - h*h/(ll3*ll3)) * gradll3;
	cout << "?";

    double errpow;
    if (teterrpow == 2)
        errpow = err*err;   
        grad = (2 * err) * graderr;
        errpow = pow (err, teterrpow);
        grad = (teterrpow * errpow / err) * graderr;
    return errpow;
Пример #4
 inline T Det() throw(DimensionException) { return Determinant(); }
Пример #5
int Determinant(int a[][10],int n)
    int i,j,j1,j2 ;                    // general loop and matrix subscripts
    int det = 0 ;                   // init determinant
    int **m = NULL ;                // pointer to pointers to implement 2d
                                       // square array

    if (n < 1)    {   }                // error condition, should never get here

    else if (n == 1) {                 // should not get here
        det = a[0][0] ;

    else if (n == 2)  {                // basic 2X2 sub-matrix determinate
                                       // definition. When n==2, this ends the
        det = a[0][0] * a[1][1] - a[1][0] * a[0][1] ;// the recursion series

                                       // recursion continues, solve next sub-matrix
    else {                             // solve the next minor by building a
                                       // sub matrix
        det = 0 ;                      // initialize determinant of sub-matrix

                                           // for each column in sub-matrix
        for (j1 = 0 ; j1 < n ; j1++) {
                                           // get space for the pointer list
            m = (int **) malloc((n-1)* sizeof(int *)) ;

            for (i = 0 ; i < n-1 ; i++)
                m[i] = (int *) malloc((n-1)* sizeof(int)) ;
                       //     i[0][1][2][3]  first malloc
                       //  m -> +  +  +  +   space for 4 pointers
                       //       |  |  |  |          j  second malloc
                       //       |  |  |  +-> _ _ _ [0] pointers to
                       //       |  |  +----> _ _ _ [1] and memory for
                       //       |  +-------> _ a _ [2] 4 ints
                       //       +----------> _ _ _ [3]
                       //                   a[1][2]
                      // build sub-matrix with minor elements excluded
            for (i = 1 ; i < n ; i++) {
                j2 = 0 ;               // start at first sum-matrix column position
                                       // loop to copy source matrix less one column
                for (j = 0 ; j < n ; j++) {
                    if (j == j1) continue ; // don't copy the minor column element

                    m[i-1][j2] = a[i][j] ;  // copy source element into new sub-matrix
                                            // i-1 because new sub-matrix is one row
                                            // (and column) smaller with excluded minors
                    j2++ ;                  // move to next sub-matrix column position

            det += pow(-1.0,1.0 + j1 + 1.0) * a[0][j1] * Determinant(m,n-1) ;
                                            // sum x raised to y power
                                            // recursively get determinant of next
                                            // sub-matrix which is now one
                                            // row & column smaller

            for (i = 0 ; i < n-1 ; i++) free(m[i]) ;// free the storage allocated to
                                            // to this minor's set of pointers
            free(m) ;                       // free the storage for the original
                                            // pointer to pointer
    return(det) ;
Пример #6
 bool Matrix4::IsOrthogonal() const
    // Determinant is 1 or -1
    return Abs(1.0f - Abs(Determinant())) < EPSILON;
Пример #7
Matrix Matrix::Invert(MType eType) const
    Matrix invert(*this);
                invert.m00 = invert.m11 = invert.m22 = 1 / m00;
		Real reciprocalScale = 1 / m00;
                invert.m00 = invert.m11 = invert.m22 = reciprocalScale;
		invert.m03 *= -reciprocalScale;
		invert.m13 *= -reciprocalScale;
		invert.m23 *= -reciprocalScale;
	case MI_SCALE:
		Real s0Xs1 = m00 * m11;
		Real s1Xs2 = m11 * m22;
		Real s0Xs2 = m00 * m22;
		Real reciprocalS0Xs1Xs2 = 1 / (s0Xs1 * m22);
		invert.m00 = reciprocalS0Xs1Xs2 * s1Xs2;
		invert.m11 = reciprocalS0Xs1Xs2 * s0Xs2;
		invert.m22 = reciprocalS0Xs1Xs2 * s0Xs1;
	case MI_ROTATE:
		invert.m03 = -this->m03;
		invert.m13 = -this->m13;
		invert.m23 = -this->m23;
	case MI_3X3DMATRIX:
		Real det = Determinant(MI_AFFINE);
		if (Fabs(det) < 0.0)
		    throw NoInverse();

		// compute inverse to save divides
		Real det_inv = 1.0 / det;
		// // compute inverse using m-1 = adjoint(m)/det(m)
		invert.m00 =  det_inv * (this->m11*this->m22 - this->m21*this->m12);
		invert.m10 = -det_inv * (this->m10*this->m22 - this->m20*this->m12);
		invert.m20 =  det_inv * (this->m10*this->m21 - this->m20*this->m11);
		invert.m01 = -det_inv * (this->m01*this->m22 - this->m21*this->m02);
		invert.m11 =  det_inv * (this->m00*this->m22 - this->m20*this->m02);
		invert.m21 = -det_inv * (this->m00*this->m21 - this->m20*this->m01);
		invert.m02 =  det_inv * (this->m01*this->m12 - this->m11*this->m02);
		invert.m12 = -det_inv * (this->m00*this->m12 - this->m10*this->m02);
		invert.m22 =  det_inv * (this->m00*this->m11 - this->m10*this->m01);
		Real s0Xs1 = this->m00 * this->m11;
		Real s1Xs2 = this->m11 * this->m22;
		Real s0Xs2 = this->m00 * this->m22;
		Real reciprocalS0Xs1Xs2 = 1 / (s0Xs1 * m22);
		invert.m00 = reciprocalS0Xs1Xs2 * s1Xs2;
		invert.m11 = reciprocalS0Xs1Xs2 * s0Xs2;
		invert.m22 = reciprocalS0Xs1Xs2 * s0Xs1;

		invert.m03 *= -invert.m00;
		invert.m13 *= -invert.m11;
		invert.m23 *= -invert.m22;
	        invert.m03 = -(invert.m00 * this->m03 + invert.m01 * this->m13 + invert.m02 * this->m23);
                invert.m13 = -(invert.m10 * this->m03 + invert.m11 * this->m13 + invert.m12 * this->m23);
                invert.m23 = -(invert.m20 * this->m03 + invert.m21 * this->m13 + invert.m22 * this->m23);
	case MI_AFFINE:
		Real det = Determinant(MI_AFFINE);
		if (Fabs(det) < 0.0)
		    throw NoInverse();

		// compute inverse to save divides
		Real det_inv = 1.0 / det;
		// // compute inverse using m-1 = adjoint(m)/det(m)
		invert.m00 =  det_inv * (this->m11*this->m22 - this->m21*this->m12);
		invert.m10 = -det_inv * (this->m10*this->m22 - this->m20*this->m12);
		invert.m20 =  det_inv * (this->m10*this->m21 - this->m20*this->m11);
		invert.m01 = -det_inv * (this->m01*this->m22 - this->m21*this->m02);
		invert.m11 =  det_inv * (this->m00*this->m22 - this->m20*this->m02);
		invert.m21 = -det_inv * (this->m00*this->m21 - this->m20*this->m01);
		invert.m02 =  det_inv * (this->m01*this->m12 - this->m11*this->m02);
		invert.m12 = -det_inv * (this->m00*this->m12 - this->m10*this->m02);
		invert.m22 =  det_inv * (this->m00*this->m11 - this->m10*this->m01);
	        invert.m03 = -(invert.m00 * this->m03 + invert.m01 * this->m13 + invert.m02 * this->m23);
                invert.m13 = -(invert.m10 * this->m03 + invert.m11 * this->m13 + invert.m12 * this->m23);
                invert.m23 = -(invert.m20 * this->m03 + invert.m21 * this->m13 + invert.m22 * this->m23);
		Real det = Determinant(MI_GENERIC);
		if (Fabs(det) < 0.0)
		    throw NoInverse();

		// compute inverse to save divides
		Real det_inv = 1.0 / det;
		invert.m00 =  det_inv * Determinant3X3(m11,m12,m13,m21,m22,m23,m31,m32,m33);
		invert.m10 = -det_inv * Determinant3X3(m10,m12,m13,m20,m22,m23,m30,m32,m33);
		invert.m20 =  det_inv * Determinant3X3(m10,m11,m13,m20,m21,m23,m30,m31,m33);
		invert.m30 = -det_inv * Determinant3X3(m10,m11,m12,m20,m21,m22,m30,m31,m32);
		invert.m01 = -det_inv * Determinant3X3(m01,m02,m03,m21,m22,m23,m31,m32,m33);
		invert.m11 =  det_inv * Determinant3X3(m00,m02,m03,m20,m22,m23,m30,m32,m33);
		invert.m21 = -det_inv * Determinant3X3(m00,m01,m03,m20,m21,m23,m30,m31,m33);
		invert.m31 =  det_inv * Determinant3X3(m00,m01,m02,m20,m21,m22,m30,m31,m32);
		invert.m02 =  det_inv * Determinant3X3(m01,m02,m03,m11,m12,m13,m31,m32,m33);
		invert.m12 = -det_inv * Determinant3X3(m00,m02,m03,m10,m12,m13,m30,m32,m33);
		invert.m22 =  det_inv * Determinant3X3(m00,m01,m03,m10,m11,m13,m30,m31,m33);
		invert.m32 = -det_inv * Determinant3X3(m00,m01,m02,m10,m11,m12,m30,m31,m32);
		invert.m03 = -det_inv * Determinant3X3(m01,m02,m03,m11,m12,m13,m21,m22,m23);
		invert.m13 =  det_inv * Determinant3X3(m00,m02,m03,m10,m12,m13,m20,m22,m23);
		invert.m23 = -det_inv * Determinant3X3(m00,m01,m03,m10,m11,m13,m20,m21,m23);
		invert.m33 =  det_inv * Determinant3X3(m00,m01,m02,m10,m11,m12,m20,m21,m22);

    return invert;
Пример #8
double Matrixf3Measure(const Matrixf3& mx)
	double d = Determinant(mx);
	return (d >= 0 ? +1 : -1) * pow(fabs(d), 1.0 / 3.0);
Пример #9
bool float3x4::HasNegativeScale() const
	return Determinant() < 0.f;
Пример #10
Trivector<Scalar, ToFrame> Permutation<FromFrame, ToFrame>::operator()(
    Trivector<Scalar, FromFrame> const& trivector) const {
  return Trivector<Scalar, ToFrame>(Determinant() * trivector.coordinates());
void AbstractCardiacMechanicsSolver<ELASTICITY_SOLVER,DIM>::AddActiveStressAndStressDerivative(c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rC,
                                                                                               unsigned elementIndex,
                                                                                               unsigned currentQuadPointGlobalIndex,
                                                                                               c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rT,
                                                                                               FourthOrderTensor<DIM,DIM,DIM,DIM>& rDTdE,
                                                                                               bool addToDTdE)
    for(unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
        mCurrentElementFibreDirection(i) = this->mChangeOfBasisMatrix(i,0);

    //Compute the active tension and add to the stress and stress-derivative
    double I4_fibre = inner_prod(mCurrentElementFibreDirection, prod(rC, mCurrentElementFibreDirection));
    double lambda_fibre = sqrt(I4_fibre);

    double active_tension = 0;
    double d_act_tension_dlam = 0.0;     // Set and used if assembleJacobian==true
    double d_act_tension_d_dlamdt = 0.0; // Set and used if assembleJacobian==true

    GetActiveTensionAndTensionDerivs(lambda_fibre, currentQuadPointGlobalIndex, addToDTdE,
                                     active_tension, d_act_tension_dlam, d_act_tension_d_dlamdt);

    double detF = sqrt(Determinant(rC));
    rT += (active_tension*detF/I4_fibre)*outer_prod(mCurrentElementFibreDirection,mCurrentElementFibreDirection);

    // amend the stress and dTdE using the active tension
    double dTdE_coeff1 = -2*active_tension*detF/(I4_fibre*I4_fibre); // note: I4_fibre*I4_fibre = lam^4
    double dTdE_coeff2 = active_tension*detF/I4_fibre;
    double dTdE_coeff_s1 = 0.0; // only set non-zero if we apply cross fibre tension (in 2/3D)
    double dTdE_coeff_s2 = 0.0; // only set non-zero if we apply cross fibre tension (in 2/3D)
    double dTdE_coeff_s3 = 0.0; // only set non-zero if we apply cross fibre tension and implicit (in 2/3D)
    double dTdE_coeff_n1 = 0.0; // only set non-zero if we apply cross fibre tension in 3D
    double dTdE_coeff_n2 = 0.0; // only set non-zero if we apply cross fibre tension in 3D
    double dTdE_coeff_n3 = 0.0; // only set non-zero if we apply cross fibre tension in 3D and implicit

        double dt = mNextTime-mCurrentTime;
        //std::cout << "d sigma / d lamda = " << d_act_tension_dlam << ", d sigma / d lamdat = " << d_act_tension_d_dlamdt << "\n" << std::flush;
        dTdE_coeff1 += (d_act_tension_dlam + d_act_tension_d_dlamdt/dt)*detF/(lambda_fibre*I4_fibre); // note: I4_fibre*lam = lam^3

    bool apply_cross_fibre_tension = (this->mrElectroMechanicsProblemDefinition.GetApplyCrossFibreTension()) && (DIM > 1);
        double sheet_cross_fraction = mrElectroMechanicsProblemDefinition.GetSheetTensionFraction();

        for(unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
            mCurrentElementSheetDirection(i) = this->mChangeOfBasisMatrix(i,1);

        double I4_sheet = inner_prod(mCurrentElementSheetDirection, prod(rC, mCurrentElementSheetDirection));

        // amend the stress and dTdE using the active tension
        dTdE_coeff_s1 = -2*sheet_cross_fraction*detF*active_tension/(I4_sheet*I4_sheet); // note: I4*I4 = lam^4

            double dt = mNextTime-mCurrentTime;
            dTdE_coeff_s3 = sheet_cross_fraction*(d_act_tension_dlam + d_act_tension_d_dlamdt/dt)*detF/(lambda_fibre*I4_sheet); // note: I4*lam = lam^3

        rT += sheet_cross_fraction*(active_tension*detF/I4_sheet)*outer_prod(mCurrentElementSheetDirection,mCurrentElementSheetDirection);

        dTdE_coeff_s2 = active_tension*sheet_cross_fraction*detF/I4_sheet;

        if (DIM>2)
            double sheet_normal_cross_fraction = mrElectroMechanicsProblemDefinition.GetSheetNormalTensionFraction();
            for(unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
                mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection(i) = this->mChangeOfBasisMatrix(i,2);

            double I4_sheet_normal = inner_prod(mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection, prod(rC, mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection));

            dTdE_coeff_n1 =-2*sheet_normal_cross_fraction*detF*active_tension/(I4_sheet_normal*I4_sheet_normal); // note: I4*I4 = lam^4

            rT += sheet_normal_cross_fraction*(active_tension*detF/I4_sheet_normal)*outer_prod(mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection,mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection);

            dTdE_coeff_n2 = active_tension*sheet_normal_cross_fraction*detF/I4_sheet_normal;
                double dt = mNextTime-mCurrentTime;
                dTdE_coeff_n3 = sheet_normal_cross_fraction*(d_act_tension_dlam + d_act_tension_d_dlamdt/dt)*detF/(lambda_fibre*I4_sheet_normal); // note: I4*lam = lam^3

        c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> invC = Inverse(rC);

        for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
            for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
                for (unsigned P=0; P<DIM; P++)
                    for (unsigned Q=0; Q<DIM; Q++)
                        rDTdE(M,N,P,Q) +=   dTdE_coeff1 * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(M)
                                                        * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(N)
                                                        * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(P)
                                                        * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(Q)

                                         +  dTdE_coeff2 * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(M)
                                                        * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(N)
                                                        * invC(P,Q);
                            rDTdE(M,N,P,Q) += dTdE_coeff_s1 * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(M)
                                                            * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(N)
                                                            * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(P)
                                                            * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(Q)

                                           +  dTdE_coeff_s2 * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(M)
                                                            * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(N)
                                                            * invC(P,Q)

                                           + dTdE_coeff_s3 * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(M)
                                                           * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(N)
                                                           * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(P)
                                                           * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(Q);
                            if (DIM>2)
                                rDTdE(M,N,P,Q) += dTdE_coeff_n1 * mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection(M)
                                                                * mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection(N)
                                                                * mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection(P)
                                                                * mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection(Q)

                                                + dTdE_coeff_n2 * mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection(M)
                                                                * mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection(N)
                                                                * invC(P,Q)

                                                + dTdE_coeff_n3 * mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection(M)
                                                                * mCurrentElementSheetNormalDirection(N)
                                                                * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(P)
                                                                * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(Q);

//    ///\todo #2180 The code below applies a cross fibre tension in the 2D case. Things that need doing:
//    // * Refactor the common code between the block below and the block above to avoid duplication.
//    // * Handle the 3D case.
//    if(this->mrElectroMechanicsProblemDefinition.GetApplyCrossFibreTension() && DIM > 1)
//    {
//        double sheet_cross_fraction = mrElectroMechanicsProblemDefinition.GetSheetTensionFraction();
//        for(unsigned i=0; i<DIM; i++)
//        {
//            mCurrentElementSheetDirection(i) = this->mChangeOfBasisMatrix(i,1);
//        }
//        double I4_sheet = inner_prod(mCurrentElementSheetDirection, prod(rC, mCurrentElementSheetDirection));
//        // amend the stress and dTdE using the active tension
//        double dTdE_coeff_s1 = -2*sheet_cross_fraction*detF*active_tension/(I4_sheet*I4_sheet); // note: I4*I4 = lam^4
//        ///\todo #2180 The code below is specific to the implicit cardiac mechanics solver. Currently
//        // the cross-fibre code is only tested using the explicit solver so the code below fails coverage.
//        // This will need to be added back in once an implicit test is in place.
//        double lambda_sheet = sqrt(I4_sheet);
//        if(IsImplicitSolver())
//        {
//           double dt = mNextTime-mCurrentTime;
//           dTdE_coeff_s1 += (d_act_tension_dlam + d_act_tension_d_dlamdt/dt)/(lambda_sheet*I4_sheet); // note: I4*lam = lam^3
//        }
//        rT += sheet_cross_fraction*(active_tension*detF/I4_sheet)*outer_prod(mCurrentElementSheetDirection,mCurrentElementSheetDirection);
//        double dTdE_coeff_s2 = active_tension*detF/I4_sheet;
//        if(addToDTdE)
//        {
//           for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
//           {
//               for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
//               {
//                   for (unsigned P=0; P<DIM; P++)
//                   {
//                       for (unsigned Q=0; Q<DIM; Q++)
//                       {
//                           rDTdE(M,N,P,Q) +=  dTdE_coeff_s1 * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(M)
//                                                            * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(N)
//                                                            * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(P)
//                                                            * mCurrentElementSheetDirection(Q)
//                                           +  dTdE_coeff_s2 * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(M)
//                                                            * mCurrentElementFibreDirection(N)
//                                                            * invC(P,Q);
//                       }
//                   }
//               }
//           }
//        }
//    }
Пример #12
Bivector<Scalar, ToFrame> Permutation<FromFrame, ToFrame>::operator()(
    Bivector<Scalar, FromFrame> const& bivector) const {
  return Bivector<Scalar, ToFrame>(
      Determinant() * (*this)(bivector.coordinates()));
Пример #13
Matrix4& Matrix4::Invert() {
	Matrix4 output;
	Matrix3 tmp;

	// 为什么又错了??? //
	float firstPart;
	firstPart =
		(var[0][0] * var[1][1] * var[2][2] * var[3][3]) +
		(var[0][1] * var[1][2] * var[2][3] * var[3][0]) +
		(var[0][2] * var[1][3] * var[2][0] * var[3][1]) +
		(var[0][3] * var[1][0] * var[2][1] * var[3][2]) -
		(var[0][3] * var[1][2] * var[2][1] * var[3][0]) -
		(var[0][2] * var[1][1] * var[2][0] * var[3][3]) -
		(var[0][1] * var[1][0] * var[2][3] * var[3][2]) -
		(var[0][0] * var[1][3] * var[2][2] * var[3][1]);

	firstPart = 1.0f / firstPart;

	int x, y;
	//用于标识行列式的x y
	int x_tmp, y_tmp;

	for (int lop = 0; lop < 4; lop++) {
		for (int lop2 = 0; lop2 < 4; lop2++) {
			x_tmp = 0;
			y_tmp = 0;
			for (x = 0; x < 4; x++) {
				y_tmp = 0;
				if (x == lop) {
				for (y = 0; y < 4; y++) {
					if (y == lop2) {
					tmp.var[x_tmp][y_tmp++] = var[x][y];

			output.var[lop2][lop] = Determinant(tmp);

			if ((lop + 1 + lop2 + 1) % 2) {
				output.var[lop2][lop] = (-1.0f)*output.var[lop2][lop];
	//output = output * firstPart;
	*this = output;

	return *this;
Пример #14
 bool Matrix4::IsOrthonormal() const
    // Determinant is 1
    return Abs(1.0f - Determinant()) < EPSILON;
Пример #15
void CompressibleExponentialLaw<DIM>::ComputeStressAndStressDerivative(c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rC,
                                                                       c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rInvC,
                                                                       double                pressure /* not used */,
                                                                       c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM>& rT,
                                                                       FourthOrderTensor<DIM,DIM,DIM,DIM>& rDTdE,
                                                                       bool                  computeDTdE)
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> C_transformed;
    static c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> invC_transformed;

    // The material law parameters are set up assuming the fibre direction is (1,0,0)
    // and sheet direction is (0,1,0), so we have to transform C,inv(C),and T.
    // Let P be the change-of-basis matrix P = (\mathbf{m}_f, \mathbf{m}_s, \mathbf{m}_n).
    // The transformed C for the fibre/sheet basis is C* = P^T C P.
    // We then compute T* = T*(C*), and then compute T = P T* P^T.

    this->ComputeTransformedDeformationTensor(rC, rInvC, C_transformed, invC_transformed);

    // Compute T*

    c_matrix<double,DIM,DIM> E = 0.5*(C_transformed - mIdentity);

    double QQ = 0;
    for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
        for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
            QQ += mB[M][N]*E(M,N)*E(M,N);
    assert(QQ < 10.0);///\todo #2193 This line is to trap for large deformations which lead to blow up in the exponential Uysk model
    double multiplier = mA*exp(QQ);

    double J = sqrt(Determinant(rC));

    for (unsigned M=0; M<DIM; M++)
        for (unsigned N=0; N<DIM; N++)
            rT(M,N) = multiplier*mB[M][N]*E(M,N) + mCompressibilityParam * J*log(J)*invC_transformed(M,N);

            if (computeDTdE)
                for (unsigned P=0; P<DIM; P++)
                    for (unsigned Q=0; Q<DIM; Q++)
                        rDTdE(M,N,P,Q) =    multiplier * mB[M][N] * (M==P)*(N==Q)
                                         +  2*multiplier*mB[M][N]*mB[P][Q]*E(M,N)*E(P,Q)
                                         +  mCompressibilityParam * (J*log(J) + J) * invC_transformed(M,N) * invC_transformed(P,Q)
                                         -  mCompressibilityParam * 2*J*log(J) * invC_transformed(M,P) * invC_transformed(Q,N);

    // Now do:   T = P T* P^T   and   dTdE_{MNPQ}  =  P_{Mm}P_{Nn}P_{Pp}P_{Qq} dT*dE*_{mnpq}
    this->TransformStressAndStressDerivative(rT, rDTdE, computeDTdE);
Пример #16
// Is Invertible ?
bool Matrix3x3::IsInvertible() const
	return (Determinant() != 0.0f);
Пример #17
neBool SearchResult::SearchEETri(s32 flag, s32 aIndex, s32 bIndex, neBool & assigned)
	assigned = false;


	neByte edgeIndex;

	if (flag == 0) //fv
		// face of convex A
		// vertex of triangle B
		for (s32 i = 0; i < objA.mesh.numNeighbour; i++) // for each edge neighbour of Face aIndex
			int j = 0;

			while ((edgeIndex = objB.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(bIndex, j)) != 0xff)
				gEdgeStack.Push(objA.mesh.FaceGetEdgeNeighbour(aIndex, i),
								objB.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(bIndex, j));
	else //vf
		//vertex of convex A
		//face of triangle B
		s32 i = 0;

		//for each edge neighbour incident to Vertex aIndex
		while ((edgeIndex = objA.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(aIndex, i)) != 0xff)
			for (s32 j = 0; j < objB.mesh.numNeighbour; j++)
				gEdgeStack.Push(objA.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(aIndex, i),
								objB.mesh.FaceGetEdgeNeighbour(bIndex, j));
	while (!gEdgeStack.IsEmpty())

		s32 edgeP, edgeQ;

		gEdgeStack.Pop(edgeP, edgeQ);

		// does the edge form a face
		neV3 a = objA.GetWorldNormalByEdge1(edgeP);

		neV3 b = objA.GetWorldNormalByEdge2(edgeP);

		neV3 c = objB.GetWorldNormalByEdge1(edgeQ) * -1.0f;

		neV3 d = objB.GetWorldNormalByEdge2(edgeQ) * -1.0f;

		c += (TriEdgeDir[edgeQ] * 0.01f);

		d += (TriEdgeDir[edgeQ] * 0.01f);



		f32 cba = Determinant(c,b,a);

		f32 dba = Determinant(d,b,a);

		f32 prod0 = cba * dba;

		if (prod0 >= -1.0e-6f)

		f32 adc = Determinant(a,d,c);

		f32 bdc = Determinant(b,d,c);

		f32 prod1 = adc * bdc;

		if (prod1 >= -1.0e-6f)
		f32 prod2 = cba * bdc;

		if (prod2 <= 1.0e-6f)

		neV3 ai, bi;
		neV3 naj, nbj;

		objA.GetWorldEdgeVerts(edgeP, ai, bi);

		objB.GetWorldEdgeVerts(edgeQ, naj, nbj);
		naj *= -1.0f; nbj *= -1.0f;

		neV3 ainaj = ai + naj;
		neV3 ainbj = ai + nbj;
		neV3 binaj = bi + naj;
		//neV3 binbj = bi + nbj;

		neV3 diff1 = ainaj - ainbj;
		neV3 diff2 = ainaj - binaj ;

		Face testFace;

		testFace.normal = diff1.Cross(diff2);

		f32 len = testFace.normal.Length();

		if (neIsConsiderZero(len))
		testFace.normal *= (1.0f / len);

		testFace.k = testFace.normal.Dot(ainaj);

		f32 testD = funcD(testFace);

		if (testD >= 0)
			return false;

		if (testD <= dMax)

		assigned = true;
		dMax = testD;
		face = testFace;
		indexA = edgeP;
		indexB = edgeQ;
		typeA = SearchResult::EDGE; 
		typeB = SearchResult::EDGE;

		// push
		s32 i, j;

		s32 vindex;

		vindex = objB.mesh.EdgeGetVert1(edgeQ);

		i = 0;

		while ((j = objB.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(vindex, i)) != 0xff)
			if (j != edgeQ)
				gEdgeStack.Push(edgeP, j);


		vindex = objB.mesh.EdgeGetVert2(edgeQ);

		i = 0;

		while ((j = objB.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(vindex, i)) != 0xff)
			if (j != edgeQ)
				gEdgeStack.Push(edgeP, j);


		vindex = objA.mesh.EdgeGetVert1(edgeP);

		i = 0;
		while((j = objA.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(vindex, i)) != 0xff)
			if (j != edgeP)
				gEdgeStack.Push(j, edgeQ);


		vindex = objA.mesh.EdgeGetVert2(edgeP);

		//for (i = 0; i < objA.mesh.VertGetNumEdgeNeighbour(vindex); i++)
		i = 0;

		while ((j = objA.mesh.VertGetEdgeNeighbour(vindex, i)) != 0xff)
			if (j != edgeP)
				gEdgeStack.Push(j, edgeQ);

	return true;
Пример #18
 bool Matrix4::IsSingular() const
    return (Determinant() == 0);