Пример #1
void wxConvertVectorFontSize(
  FIXED                             fxPointSize
, PFATTRS                           pFattrs
    HPS                             hPS;
    HDC                             hDC;
    LONG                            lXFontResolution;
    LONG                            lYFontResolution;
    SIZEF                           vSizef;

    hPS = WinGetScreenPS(HWND_DESKTOP); // Screen presentation space

    //   Query device context for the screen and then query
    //   the resolution of the device for the device context.

    hDC = GpiQueryDevice(hPS);
    DevQueryCaps( hDC, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_FONT_RES, (LONG)1, &lXFontResolution);
    DevQueryCaps( hDC, CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES, (LONG)1, &lYFontResolution);

    //   Calculate the size of the character box, based on the
    //   point size selected and the resolution of the device.
    //   The size parameters are of type FIXED, NOT int.
    //   NOTE: 1 point == 1/72 of an inch.

    // multiply first to avoid getting vSizef.cx,cy = 0 since fxPointSize
    // is normally < 72 and FontResolution is typically ca. 100
    vSizef.cx = (FIXED)( (fxPointSize * lXFontResolution) / 72 );
    vSizef.cy = (FIXED)( (fxPointSize * lYFontResolution) / 72 );

    if (pFattrs)
        pFattrs->lMaxBaselineExt = MAKELONG( HIUSHORT( vSizef.cy ), 0 );
        pFattrs->lAveCharWidth   = MAKELONG( HIUSHORT( vSizef.cx ), 0 );

} // end of wxConvertVectorPointSize
Пример #2
 *  Name:ClkCreate()
 *  Purpose:Intialize a newly created client window
 *  Returns:
 *	    1 - if sucessful execution completed
 *	    0 - if error
VOID ClkCreate ( HWND hwnd )
    LONG cxScreen , cyScreen;  /* screen dimensions */
    LONG xLeft , yBottom ;	/* frame window location */
    ULONG cbBuf;
    LONG cyHeight;
    LONG cxWidth;

//    hwndClient = hwnd;

// extern SIZEL sizl;   clkdata.h
// SIZEL sizl = { 200 , 200 }; clkdata.c

    /* determine screen dimensions */
    /* open a device context and create a presentation space */

    hdc = WinOpenWindowDC (hwnd);
    hps = GpiCreatePS (hab, hdc, &sizl, PU_ARBITRARY | GPIT_MICRO |

     * Create our off-screen 'buffer'.
    hdcBuffer = DevOpenDC ( (HAB)0L, OD_MEMORY, "*", 0L, NULL, hdc);
    hpsBuffer = GpiCreatePS (hab, hdcBuffer, &sizl, PU_ARBITRARY |

    GpiCreateLogColorTable (hpsBuffer, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, (PLONG)NULL);

// ULONG cxRes , cyRes; clkdata.c
// ULONG cColorPlanes, cColorBitcount; clkdata.c

    /* get the device resolutions so we can make the face appear circular */
    DevQueryCaps (hdc, (LONG)CAPS_VERTICAL_RESOLUTION,(LONG) 1L, &cyRes);
    DevQueryCaps (hdc, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION, 1L, &cxRes);
    DevQueryCaps (hdc, CAPS_COLOR_PLANES, 1L, &cColorPlanes);
    DevQueryCaps (hdc, CAPS_COLOR_BITCOUNT, 1L, &cColorBitcount);

Пример #3
gfxOS2Surface::gfxOS2Surface(const gfxIntSize& aSize,
                             gfxImageFormat aImageFormat)
    : mWnd(0), mSize(aSize)
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes_2
    printf("gfxOS2Surface[%#x]::gfxOS2Surface(Size=%dx%d, %d)\n", (unsigned int)this,
           aSize.width, aSize.height, aImageFormat);
    // in this case we don't have a window, so we create a memory presentation
    // space to construct the cairo surface on

    // create a PS, partly taken from nsOffscreenSurface::Init(), i.e. nsDrawingSurfaceOS2.cpp
    DEVOPENSTRUC dop = { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0 };
    SIZEL sizel = { 0, 0 }; // use same page size as device
    mDC = DevOpenDC(0, OD_MEMORY, (PSZ)"*", 5, (PDEVOPENDATA)&dop, NULLHANDLE);
    NS_ASSERTION(mDC != DEV_ERROR, "Could not create memory DC");

    mPS = GpiCreatePS(0, mDC, &sizel, PU_PELS | GPIT_MICRO | GPIA_ASSOC);
    NS_ASSERTION(mPS != GPI_ERROR, "Could not create PS on memory DC!");

    // now create a bitmap of the right size
    BITMAPINFOHEADER2 hdr = { 0 };
    hdr.cbFix = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2);
    hdr.cx = mSize.width;
    hdr.cy = mSize.height;
    hdr.cPlanes = 1;

    // find bit depth
    LONG lBitCount = 0;
    DevQueryCaps(mDC, CAPS_COLOR_BITCOUNT, 1, &lBitCount);
    hdr.cBitCount = (USHORT)lBitCount;

    mBitmap = GpiCreateBitmap(mPS, &hdr, 0, 0, 0);
    NS_ASSERTION(mBitmap != GPI_ERROR, "Could not create bitmap in memory!");
    // set final stats & select bitmap into PS
    GpiSetBitmap(mPS, mBitmap);

    // now we can finally create the cairo surface on the in-memory PS
    cairo_surface_t *surf = cairo_os2_surface_create(mPS, mSize.width, mSize.height);
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes_2
    printf("  type(%#x)=%d (ID=%#x, h/w=%d/%d)\n", (unsigned int)surf,
           cairo_surface_get_type(surf), (unsigned int)mPS, mSize.width, mSize.height);
    // Normally, OS/2 cairo surfaces have to be forced to redraw completely
    // by calling cairo_surface_mark_dirty(surf), but Mozilla paints them in
    // full, so that is not necessary here.

    // manual refresh is done from nsWindow::OnPaint
    cairo_os2_surface_set_manual_window_refresh(surf, 1);

Пример #4
// initializes the window PS and the off-screen buffer
VOID InitPS( const HWND hwnd )
    SIZEL g = { 0, 0 };

    /* we are called before the global hwndFrame is valid */
    hwndFrame = WinQueryWindow ( hwnd , QW_PARENT) ;
    wcprintf("Muell: %x", WinGetLastError( hab ) );
    hdcGlob = WinOpenWindowDC( hwnd );
    hpsGlob = GpiCreatePS( hab, hdcGlob, &g, PU_ARBITRARY | GPIT_MICRO |
			   GPIA_ASSOC );
     * Create our off-screen 'buffer'.
    // hdcGlob als letzten Parameter ist neu:
    hdcBufferGlob = DevOpenDC( (HAB)0L, OD_MEMORY, "*", 0L, NULL, hdcGlob );
    hpsBufferGlob = GpiCreatePS( hab, hdcBufferGlob, &g, PU_ARBITRARY |

    /* get the device resolutions  */
    DevQueryCaps( hdcGlob, CAPS_COLOR_PLANES, 1L, &cColorPlanes );
    DevQueryCaps( hdcGlob, CAPS_COLOR_BITCOUNT, 1L, &cColorBitCount );
Пример #5
    // create DC compatible with the screen
    HDC dc = DevOpenDC((HAB)1, OD_MEMORY,"*",0L, NULL, NULLHANDLE);
    if (dc > 0) {
        // we do have a DC and we can query the DPI setting from it
        LONG lDPI;
        if (DevQueryCaps(dc, CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES, 1, &lDPI))
            gfxPlatform::sDPI = lDPI;

    if (gfxPlatform::sDPI <= 0) {
        // Fall back to something sane
        gfxPlatform::sDPI = 96;
Пример #6
gfxOS2Surface::gfxOS2Surface(HDC aDC, const gfxIntSize& aSize)
    : mWnd(0), mDC(aDC), mBitmap(nullptr), mSize(aSize)
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes_2
    printf("gfxOS2Surface[%#x]::gfxOS2Surface(HDC=%#x, Size=%dx%d)\n", (unsigned int)this,
           (unsigned int)aDC, aSize.width, aSize.height);
    SIZEL sizel = { 0, 0 }; // use same page size as device
    mPS = GpiCreatePS(0, mDC, &sizel, PU_PELS | GPIT_MICRO | GPIA_ASSOC);
    NS_ASSERTION(mPS != GPI_ERROR, "Could not create PS on print DC!");

    // now create a bitmap of the right size
    BITMAPINFOHEADER2 hdr = { 0 };
    hdr.cbFix = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2);
    hdr.cx = mSize.width;
    hdr.cy = mSize.height;
    hdr.cPlanes = 1;

    // find bit depth
    LONG lBitCount = 0;
    DevQueryCaps(mDC, CAPS_COLOR_BITCOUNT, 1, &lBitCount);
    hdr.cBitCount = (USHORT)lBitCount;

    mBitmap = GpiCreateBitmap(mPS, &hdr, 0, 0, 0);
    NS_ASSERTION(mBitmap != GPI_ERROR, "Could not create bitmap for printer!");
    // set final stats & select bitmap into PS
    GpiSetBitmap(mPS, mBitmap);

    // now we can finally create the cairo surface on the in-memory PS
    cairo_surface_t *surf = cairo_os2_surface_create(mPS, mSize.width, mSize.height);
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes_2
    printf("  type(%#x)=%d (ID=%#x, h/w=%d/%d)\n", (unsigned int)surf,
           cairo_surface_get_type(surf), (unsigned int)mPS, mSize.width, mSize.height);
    // Normally, OS/2 cairo surfaces have to be forced to redraw completely
    // by calling cairo_surface_mark_dirty(surf), but Mozilla paints them in
    // full, so that is not necessary here.

Пример #7
NS_IMETHODIMP nsDeviceContextSpecOS2::GetSurfaceForPrinter(gfxASurface **surface)
  NS_ASSERTION(mQueue, "Queue can't be NULL here");

  nsRefPtr<gfxASurface> newSurface;

  PRInt16 outputFormat;
  // for now always set the output format to PDF, see bug 415522:
  printf("print output format is %d but we are setting it to %d (PDF)\n",
         outputFormat, nsIPrintSettings::kOutputFormatPDF);
  outputFormat = nsIPrintSettings::kOutputFormatPDF;
  mPrintSettings->SetOutputFormat(outputFormat); // save PDF format in settings

  if (outputFormat == nsIPrintSettings::kOutputFormatPDF) {
    nsXPIDLString filename;
    nsresult rv;
    if (filename.IsEmpty()) {
      // print to a file that is visible, like one on the Desktop
      nsCOMPtr<nsIFile> pdfLocation;
      rv = NS_GetSpecialDirectory(NS_OS_DESKTOP_DIR, getter_AddRefs(pdfLocation));
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);

      // construct a print output name using the current time, to make it
      // unique and not overwrite existing files
      char printName[CCHMAXPATH];
      PRExplodedTime time;
      PR_ExplodeTime(PR_Now(), PR_LocalTimeParameters, &time);
      snprintf(printName, CCHMAXPATH-1, "%s_%04d%02d%02d_%02d%02d%02d.pdf",
               MOZ_APP_DISPLAYNAME, time.tm_year, time.tm_month+1, time.tm_mday,
               time.tm_hour, time.tm_min, time.tm_sec);
      printName[CCHMAXPATH-1] = '\0';

      nsCAutoString printString(printName);
      rv = pdfLocation->AppendNative(printString);
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
      rv = pdfLocation->GetPath(filename);
      NS_ENSURE_SUCCESS(rv, rv);
#ifdef debug_thebes_print
    printf("nsDeviceContextSpecOS2::GetSurfaceForPrinter(): print to filename=%s\n",

    double width, height;
    mPrintSettings->GetEffectivePageSize(&width, &height);
    // convert twips to points
    width  /= TWIPS_PER_POINT_FLOAT;
    height /= TWIPS_PER_POINT_FLOAT;

    nsCOMPtr<nsILocalFile> file = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/file/local;1");
    rv = file->InitWithPath(filename);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      return rv;

    nsCOMPtr<nsIFileOutputStream> stream = do_CreateInstance("@mozilla.org/network/file-output-stream;1");
    rv = stream->Init(file, -1, -1, 0);
    if (NS_FAILED(rv))
      return rv;

    newSurface = new(std::nothrow) gfxPDFSurface(stream, gfxSize(width, height));
  } else {
    int numCopies = 0;
    int printerDest = 0;
    char *filename = nsnull;

    if (!printerDest) {
    mPrintingStarted = PR_TRUE;
    mPrintDC = PrnOpenDC(mQueue, "Mozilla", numCopies, printerDest, filename);

    double width, height;
    mPrintSettings->GetEffectivePageSize(&width, &height);
#ifdef debug_thebes_print
    printf("nsDeviceContextSpecOS2::GetSurfaceForPrinter(): %fx%ftwips, copies=%d\n",
           width, height, numCopies);

    // we need pixels, so scale from twips to the printer resolution
    // and take into account that CAPS_*_RESOLUTION are in px/m, default
    // to approx. 100dpi
    double hDPI = 3937., vDPI = 3937.;
    LONG value;
    if (DevQueryCaps(mPrintDC, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION, 1, &value))
      hDPI = value * 0.0254;
    if (DevQueryCaps(mPrintDC, CAPS_VERTICAL_RESOLUTION, 1, &value))
      vDPI = value * 0.0254;
    width = width * hDPI / 1440;
    height = height * vDPI / 1440;
#ifdef debug_thebes_print
    printf("nsDeviceContextSpecOS2::GetSurfaceForPrinter(): %fx%fpx (res=%fx%f)\n"
           "  expected size: %7.2f MiB\n",
           width, height, hDPI, vDPI, width*height*4./1024./1024.);

    // perhaps restrict to usable area
    // (this or scaling down won't help, we will just get more pages and still crash!)
    if (DevQueryCaps(mPrintDC, CAPS_WIDTH, 1, &value) && width > (double)value)
      width = (double)value;
    if (DevQueryCaps(mPrintDC, CAPS_HEIGHT, 1, &value) && height > (double)value)
      height = (double)value;

#ifdef debug_thebes_print
    printf("nsDeviceContextSpecOS2::GetSurfaceForPrinter(): capped? %fx%fpx (res=%fx%f)\n"
           "  expected size: %7.2f MiB per page\n",
           width, height, hDPI, vDPI, width*height*4./1024./1024.);

    // Now pass the created DC into the thebes surface for printing.
    // It gets destroyed there.
    newSurface = new(std::nothrow)
      gfxOS2Surface(mPrintDC, gfxIntSize(int(ceil(width)), int(ceil(height))));
  if (!newSurface) {
    *surface = nsnull;
    return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;
  *surface = newSurface;
  return NS_OK;
Пример #8
 * Query the font used for various CSS properties (aID) from the system.
 * For OS/2, only very few fonts are defined in the system, so most of the IDs
 * resolve to the same system font.
 * The font queried will give back a string like
 *    9.WarpSans Bold
 *    12.Times New Roman Bold Italic
 *    10.Times New Roman.Strikeout.Underline
 *    20.Bitstream Vera Sans Mono Obli
 * (always restricted to 32 chars, at least before the second dot)
 * We use the value before the dot as the font size (in pt, and convert it to
 * px using the screen resolution) and then try to use the rest of the string
 * to determine the font style from it.
nsresult nsSystemFontsOS2::GetSystemFont(nsSystemFontID aID, nsString* aFontName,
                                         gfxFontStyle *aFontStyle) const
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
    printf("nsSystemFontsOS2::GetSystemFont: ");
    char szFontNameSize[MAXNAMEL];

    switch (aID)
    case eSystemFont_Icon:
        QueryFontFromINI("IconText", szFontNameSize, MAXNAMEL);
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
        printf("IconText ");

    case eSystemFont_Menu:
        QueryFontFromINI("Menus", szFontNameSize, MAXNAMEL);
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
        printf("Menus ");

    case eSystemFont_Caption:
    case eSystemFont_MessageBox:
    case eSystemFont_SmallCaption:
    case eSystemFont_StatusBar:
    case eSystemFont_Tooltips:
    case eSystemFont_Widget:

    case eSystemFont_Window:      // css3
    case eSystemFont_Document:
    case eSystemFont_Workspace:
    case eSystemFont_Desktop:
    case eSystemFont_Info:
    case eSystemFont_Dialog:
    case eSystemFont_Button:
    case eSystemFont_PullDownMenu:
    case eSystemFont_List:
    case eSystemFont_Field:
        QueryFontFromINI("WindowText", szFontNameSize, MAXNAMEL);
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
        printf("WindowText ");

        NS_WARNING("None of the listed font types, using WarpSans");
        if (!IsDBCS()) {
            strcpy(szFontNameSize, "9.WarpSans");
        } else {
            strcpy(szFontNameSize, "9.WarpSans Combined");
    } // switch
#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
    printf(" (%s)\n", szFontNameSize);

    char *szFacename = strchr(szFontNameSize, '.');
    if (!szFacename || (*(szFacename++) == '\0'))
        return NS_ERROR_FAILURE;

    // local DPI for size will be taken into account below
    aFontStyle->size = atof(szFontNameSize);

    // determine DPI resolution of screen device to compare compute
    // font size in pixels
    HPS ps = WinGetScreenPS(HWND_DESKTOP);
    HDC dc = GpiQueryDevice(ps);
    // effective vertical resolution in DPI
    LONG vertScreenRes = 120; // assume 120 dpi as default
    DevQueryCaps(dc, CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES, 1, &vertScreenRes);

    // now scale to make pixels from points (1 pt = 1/72in)
    aFontStyle->size *= vertScreenRes / 72.0;

    NS_ConvertUTF8toUTF16 fontFace(szFacename);
    int pos = 0;

    // this is a system font in any case
    aFontStyle->systemFont = true;

    // bold fonts should have " Bold" in their names, at least we hope that they
    // do, otherwise it's bad luck
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(spcBold, " Bold");
    if ((pos = fontFace.Find(spcBold.get(), false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        aFontStyle->weight = FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD;
        // strip the attribute, now that we have set it in the gfxFontStyle
        fontFace.Cut(pos, spcBold.Length());
    } else {
        aFontStyle->weight = FONT_WEIGHT_NORMAL;

    // FIXME: Set aFontStyle->stretch correctly!
    aFontStyle->stretch = NS_FONT_STRETCH_NORMAL;

    // similar hopes for italic and oblique fonts...
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(spcItalic, " Italic");
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(spcOblique, " Oblique");
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_CSTRING(spcObli, " Obli");
    if ((pos = fontFace.Find(spcItalic.get(), false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        aFontStyle->style = FONT_STYLE_ITALIC;
        fontFace.Cut(pos, spcItalic.Length());
    } else if ((pos = fontFace.Find(spcOblique.get(), false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        // oblique fonts are rare on OS/2 and not specially supported by
        // the GPI system, but at least we are trying...
        aFontStyle->style = FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE;
        fontFace.Cut(pos, spcOblique.Length());
    } else if ((pos = fontFace.Find(spcObli.get(), false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        // especially oblique often gets cut by the 32 char limit to "Obli",
        // so search for that, too (anything shorter would be ambiguous)
        aFontStyle->style = FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE;
        // In this case, assume that this is the last property in the line
        // and cut off everything else, too
        // This is needed in case it was really Obliq or Obliqu...
        fontFace.Cut(pos, fontFace.Length());
    } else {
        aFontStyle->style = FONT_STYLE_NORMAL;

    // just throw away any modifiers that are separated by dots (which are either
    // .Strikeout, .Underline, or .Outline, none of which have a corresponding
    // gfxFont property)
    if ((pos = fontFace.Find(".", false, 0, -1)) > -1) {
        fontFace.Cut(pos, fontFace.Length());

#ifdef DEBUG_thebes
    printf("  after=%s\n", NS_LossyConvertUTF16toASCII(fontFace).get());
    printf("  style: %s %s %s\n",
           (aFontStyle->weight == FONT_WEIGHT_BOLD) ? "BOLD" : "",
           (aFontStyle->style == FONT_STYLE_ITALIC) ? "ITALIC" : "",
           (aFontStyle->style == FONT_STYLE_OBLIQUE) ? "OBLIQUE" : "");
    NS_NAMED_LITERAL_STRING(quote, "\""); // seems like we need quotes around the font name
    *aFontName = quote + fontFace + quote;

    return NS_OK;
Пример #9
    float dpi = -1.0f;

    // PostScript, PDF and Mac (when printing) all use 72 dpi
    // Use a printing DC to determine the other dpi values
    if (mPrintingSurface) {
        switch (mPrintingSurface->GetType()) {
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypePDF:
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypePS:
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeQuartz:
                dpi = 72.0f;
#ifdef XP_WIN
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeWin32:
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeWin32Printing: {
                PRInt32 OSVal = GetDeviceCaps(GetPrintHDC(), LOGPIXELSY);
                dpi = 144.0f;
                mPrintingScale = float(OSVal) / dpi;
#ifdef XP_OS2
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeOS2:
                LONG lDPI;
                if (DevQueryCaps(GetPrintHDC(), CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES, 1, &lDPI))
                    dpi = lDPI;
                NS_NOTREACHED("Unexpected printing surface type");

        mAppUnitsPerDevNotScaledPixel =
          NS_lround((AppUnitsPerCSSPixel() * 96) / dpi);
    } else {
        nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs = do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID);

        // A value of -1 means use the maximum of 96 and the system DPI.
        // A value of 0 means use the system DPI. A positive value is used as the DPI.
        // This sets the physical size of a device pixel and thus controls the
        // interpretation of physical units.
        PRInt32 prefDPI = -1;
        if (prefs) {
            nsresult rv = prefs->GetIntPref("layout.css.dpi", &prefDPI);
            if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
                prefDPI = -1;

        if (prefDPI > 0) {
            dpi = prefDPI;
        } else if (mWidget) {
            dpi = mWidget->GetDPI();

            if (prefDPI < 0) {
                dpi = PR_MAX(96.0f, dpi);
        } else {
            dpi = 96.0f;

        // The number of device pixels per CSS pixel. A value <= 0 means choose
        // automatically based on the DPI. A positive value is used as-is. This effectively
        // controls the size of a CSS "px".
        float devPixelsPerCSSPixel = -1.0;

        if (prefs) {
            nsXPIDLCString prefString;
            nsresult rv = prefs->GetCharPref("layout.css.devPixelsPerPx", getter_Copies(prefString));
            if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !prefString.IsEmpty()) {
                devPixelsPerCSSPixel = static_cast<float>(atof(prefString));

        if (devPixelsPerCSSPixel <= 0) {
            if (mWidget) {
                devPixelsPerCSSPixel = mWidget->GetDefaultScale();
            } else {
                devPixelsPerCSSPixel = 1.0;

        mAppUnitsPerDevNotScaledPixel =
            PR_MAX(1, NS_lround(AppUnitsPerCSSPixel() / devPixelsPerCSSPixel));

    NS_ASSERTION(dpi != -1.0, "no dpi set");

    mAppUnitsPerPhysicalInch = NS_lround(dpi * mAppUnitsPerDevNotScaledPixel);

    return NS_OK;
Пример #10
/*@ XFont :: XFont(XGraphicDevice * dev, const char *fontName, const SHORT size, const LONG options)
@group constructors/destructors
@remarks Construct a font
@parameters   <t 'ø' c=2>
            øXGraphicDevice * device      øowner
            øchar * fontName            øname of the font
            øSHORT size                  øsize
            øLONG options               øoptions
XFont :: XFont(XGraphicDevice * dev, const char *fontName, const SHORT size, const LONG options)
   // dev->fontId+=1;
   fontId = dev->fonts + 1;
   fontSize = size;
   LONG cFont;               /* Fonts Count   */
   LONG lFontsTotal = 0L;      /* Fonts Total Count   */
   LONG lXDeviceRes;         /* x Device Resolution  */
   LONG lYDeviceRes;         /* y Device Resolution  */
   PFONTMETRICS pfmSelect;      /* Font Metrics Pointer  */
   FATTRS fat;               /* Font Attributes   */
   register INT i;            /* Loop Counter   */

   LONG lNominalPointSize = size * 10;

   DevQueryCaps(dev->hdc, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_FONT_RES, 1L, &lXDeviceRes);
   DevQueryCaps(dev->hdc, CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES, 1L, &lYDeviceRes);
   realSize = size;
   if ((cFont = GpiQueryFonts(dev->hps, QF_PUBLIC, (PSZ) fontName, &lFontsTotal, sizeof(FONTMETRICS), (PFONTMETRICS) NULL)) != 0L)
      DosAllocMem((PPVOID) (PVOID) & pfmSelect, (ULONG) (sizeof(FONTMETRICS) * cFont), PAG_READ | PAG_WRITE | PAG_COMMIT);

      GpiQueryFonts(dev->hps, QF_PUBLIC, (PSZ) fontName, &cFont, sizeof(FONTMETRICS), pfmSelect);

      for (i = 0; i < (INT) cFont; i++)
         if ((pfmSelect[i].sXDeviceRes == (SHORT) lXDeviceRes) && (pfmSelect[i].sYDeviceRes == (SHORT) lYDeviceRes) && ((LONG) pfmSelect[i].sNominalPointSize == lNominalPointSize))
            memset(&fat, 0, sizeof(FATTRS));
            fat.usRecordLength = sizeof(FATTRS);
            strcpy(fat.szFacename, fontName);
            fat.lMatch = pfmSelect[i].lMatch;
            fat.fsSelection = (USHORT) options;
            DosFreeMem((PVOID) pfmSelect);
            fixed = TRUE;
            GpiCreateLogFont(dev->hps, (PSTR8) NULL, fontId, &fat);

      for (i = 0; i < (INT) cFont; i++)
         if ((pfmSelect[i].sXDeviceRes == 1000) && (pfmSelect[i].sYDeviceRes == 1000))
            memset(&fat, 0, sizeof(FATTRS));
            fat.usRecordLength = sizeof(FATTRS);
            strcpy(fat.szFacename, fontName);
            fat.lMatch = pfmSelect[i].lMatch;
            fat.usCodePage = 850;
            fat.fsSelection = (USHORT) options;

            DosFreeMem((PVOID) pfmSelect);
            GpiCreateLogFont(dev->hps, (PSTR8) NULL, fontId, &fat);
            fontSize = lNominalPointSize;
            fixed = FALSE;
      DosFreeMem((PVOID) pfmSelect);
Пример #11
static VOID CreateROPBitmap(HWND hWnd)

BITMAPINFOHEADER  bmp;		   /* Bitmap Information Header		*/
BITMAPINFOHEADER2 bminfo2;	   /* Bitmap Information Header		*/
HBITMAP		  hbmConstruct;	   /* Bitmap Handle			*/
HDC		  hDC;		   /* Device Context Handle		*/
HPS		  hpsBitmap;	   /* Bitmap Presentation Space	Handle	*/
LONG		  cFormats;	   /* Formats Count			*/
LONG		  lROP = 0L;	   /* ROP Value				*/
PLONG		  plFormats;	   /* Formats Array			*/
POINTL		  aptl[4];	   /* Conversion Point			*/
RECTL		  rcl;		   /* Window Rectangle			*/
SIZEL		  sizl;		   /* Sizing Structure			*/
register INT i,	n;		   /* Loop Counters			*/

if ( hbmROP )

GpiQueryBitmapParameters(hbmView, &bmp);

		       /* Get bitmap device context handle for the main	*/
		       /* Client Window					*/

if ( !(hDC = DevOpenDC(hAB, OD_MEMORY, "*", 0L,	0L, 0L)) )
		       /* Create bitmap	presentation space specifying	*/
		       /* entire map Client Window for size required	*/

WinQueryWindowRect(hWnd, &rcl);
lHorzRange = (cxROP = sizl.cx =	bmp.cx * 16L + 150L) - (cxWindow = rcl.xRight -	rcl.xLeft);
lVertRange = (cyROP = sizl.cy =	bmp.cy * 16L + 150L) - (cyWindow = rcl.yTop - rcl.yBottom);

	   MPFROM2SHORT(0, lVertRange));
WinSendMsg(hwndVScroll,	SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE, MPFROM2SHORT(cyWindow, cyROP), 0L);

	   MPFROM2SHORT(0, lHorzRange));
WinSendMsg(hwndHScroll,	SBM_SETTHUMBSIZE, MPFROM2SHORT(cxWindow, cxROP), 0L);

rclROP.xLeft   = 0L;
rclROP.yBottom = cyROP - cyWindow;
rclROP.xRight  = cxWindow;
rclROP.yTop    = cyROP;

cxImage	= bmp.cx + 10L;
cyImage	= bmp.cy + 10L;

if ( !(hpsBitmap = GpiCreatePS(hAB, hDC, &sizl,	PU_PELS	| GPIT_NORMAL |	GPIA_ASSOC)) )
		       /* Error	occurred during	creation of		*/
		       /* presentation space, close device context	*/
		       /* Get the number of bitmap formats that	the	*/
		       /* display driver supports			*/

DevQueryCaps(hDC, CAPS_BITMAP_FORMATS, 1L, &cFormats);

		       /* Get the bitmap display formats.  The first	*/
		       /* set within the array will be the one that	*/
		       /* most closely matches the display device.	*/

GpiQueryDeviceBitmapFormats(hpsBitmap, cFormats	* 2L,
			    plFormats =	(PLONG)malloc(2UL * cFormats * sizeof(LONG)));

		       /* Create actual	bitmap storage for colour wheel	*/
		       /* having the default plane and bit count	*/

memset(&bminfo2, 0, sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2));
bminfo2.cbFix	  = sizeof(BITMAPINFOHEADER2);
bminfo2.cx	  = (ULONG)sizl.cx;
bminfo2.cy	  = (ULONG)sizl.cy;
bminfo2.cPlanes	  = (USHORT)plFormats[0];
bminfo2.cBitCount = (USHORT)plFormats[1];


if ( !(hbmConstruct = GpiCreateBitmap(hpsBitmap, &bminfo2, 0L, 0L, 0L))	)
		       /* Error	occurred during	creation of bitmap	*/
		       /* storage, destroy presentation	space created	*/
		       /* and close device context opened		*/

		       /* Set bitmap as	current	bitmap to use		*/

GpiSetBitmap(hpsBitmap,	hbmConstruct);

		       /* Draw the page					*/

aptl[0].x = 0L;
aptl[0].y = sizl.cy - bmp.cy;
aptl[1].x = bmp.cx;
aptl[1].y = sizl.cy;

aptl[2].x = aptl[2].y =	0L;
aptl[3].x = bmp.cx;
aptl[3].y = bmp.cy;

GpiSetPattern(hpsBitmap, lPattern);

for ( i	= 0; i < 16; i++ )
   for ( n = 0;	n < 16;	n++ )
       rcl.xLeft   = aptl[0].x;
       rcl.xRight  = aptl[1].x + 1L;
       rcl.yBottom = aptl[0].y;
       rcl.yTop	   = aptl[1].y + 1L;
       WinFillRect(hpsBitmap, &rcl, lFillColour);
       GpiWCBitBlt(hpsBitmap, hbmView, 4L, aptl, lROP++, BBO_IGNORE);
       aptl[0].x += (bmp.cx + 10L);
       aptl[1].x += (bmp.cx + 10L);
   aptl[0].y -=	(bmp.cy	+ 10L);
   aptl[1].y -=	(bmp.cy	+ 10L);
   aptl[0].x = 0L;
   aptl[1].x = bmp.cx;
		       /* Set the bitmap to allow completion of	bitmap	*/
		       /* in memory					*/

GpiSetBitmap(hpsBitmap,	(HDC)NULL);

		       /* Destroy the memory device context		*/

GpiAssociate(hpsBitmap,	(HDC)NULL);

		       /* Destroy the presentation spaces used		*/
		       /* Return the bitmap handle that	will be	used in	*/
		       /* painting the image on	the window		*/
hbmROP = hbmConstruct;
    PRInt32 dpi = -1;
    PRBool dotsArePixels = PR_TRUE;
    // The number of device pixels per CSS pixel. A value <= 0 means choose
    // automatically based on the DPI. A positive value is used as-is. This effectively
    // controls the size of a CSS "px".
    float prefDevPixelsPerCSSPixel = -1.0;

    nsCOMPtr<nsIPrefBranch> prefs = do_GetService(NS_PREFSERVICE_CONTRACTID);
    if (prefs) {
        nsXPIDLCString prefString;
        nsresult rv = prefs->GetCharPref("layout.css.devPixelsPerPx", getter_Copies(prefString));
        if (NS_SUCCEEDED(rv) && !prefString.IsEmpty()) {
            prefDevPixelsPerCSSPixel = static_cast<float>(atof(prefString));

    // PostScript, PDF and Mac (when printing) all use 72 dpi
    // Use a printing DC to determine the other dpi values
    if (mPrintingSurface) {
        switch (mPrintingSurface->GetType()) {
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypePDF:
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypePS:
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeQuartz:
                dpi = 72;
#ifdef XP_WIN
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeWin32:
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeWin32Printing: {
                PRInt32 OSVal = GetDeviceCaps(GetPrintHDC(), LOGPIXELSY);
                dpi = 144;
                mPrintingScale = float(OSVal) / dpi;
#ifdef XP_OS2
            case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeOS2:
                LONG lDPI;
                if (DevQueryCaps(GetPrintHDC(), CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES, 1, &lDPI))
                    dpi = lDPI;
                NS_NOTREACHED("Unexpected printing surface type");
        dotsArePixels = PR_FALSE;
    } else {
        nsresult rv;
        // A value of -1 means use the minimum of 96 and the system DPI.
        // A value of 0 means use the system DPI. A positive value is used as the DPI.
        // This sets the physical size of a device pixel and thus controls the
        // interpretation of physical units such as "pt".
        PRInt32 prefDPI = -1;
        if (prefs) {
            rv = prefs->GetIntPref("layout.css.dpi", &prefDPI);
            if (NS_FAILED(rv)) {
                prefDPI = -1;

        dpi = gfxPlatform::GetDPI();

        if (prefDPI < 0) // Clamp the minimum dpi to 96dpi
            dpi = PR_MAX(dpi, 96);
        if (prefDPI > 0 && !mPrintingSurface)
            dpi = prefDPI;

    NS_ASSERTION(dpi != -1, "no dpi set");

    if (dotsArePixels) {
        if (prefDevPixelsPerCSSPixel <= 0) {
            // Round down to multiple of 96, which is the number of dev pixels
            // per CSS pixel.  Then, divide that into AppUnitsPerCSSPixel()
            // to get the number of app units per dev pixel.  The PR_MAXes are
            // to make sure we don't end up dividing by zero.
            PRUint32 roundedDPIScaleFactor = dpi/96;
            mAppUnitsPerDevNotScaledPixel =
                PR_MAX(1, AppUnitsPerCSSPixel() / PR_MAX(1, roundedDPIScaleFactor));
        } else {
            mAppUnitsPerDevNotScaledPixel =
                PR_MAX(1, static_cast<PRInt32>(AppUnitsPerCSSPixel() /
    } else {
        /* set mAppUnitsPerDevPixel so we're using exactly 72 dpi, even
         * though that means we have a non-integer number of device "pixels"
         * per CSS pixel
        mAppUnitsPerDevNotScaledPixel = (AppUnitsPerCSSPixel() * 96) / dpi;

    mAppUnitsPerInch = NSIntPixelsToAppUnits(dpi, mAppUnitsPerDevNotScaledPixel);


    return NS_OK;
    if (!mPrintingSurface)

    PRBool inPoints = PR_TRUE;

    gfxSize size;
    switch (mPrintingSurface->GetType()) {
    case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeImage:
        inPoints = PR_FALSE;
        size = reinterpret_cast<gfxImageSurface*>(mPrintingSurface.get())->GetSize();

#if defined(MOZ_ENABLE_GTK2) || defined(XP_WIN) || defined(XP_OS2)
    case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypePDF:
        inPoints = PR_TRUE;
        size = reinterpret_cast<gfxPDFSurface*>(mPrintingSurface.get())->GetSize();

    case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypePS:
        inPoints = PR_TRUE;
        size = reinterpret_cast<gfxPSSurface*>(mPrintingSurface.get())->GetSize();

#ifdef XP_MACOSX
    case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeQuartz:
        inPoints = PR_TRUE; // this is really only true when we're printing
        size = reinterpret_cast<gfxQuartzSurface*>(mPrintingSurface.get())->GetSize();

#ifdef XP_WIN
    case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeWin32:
    case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeWin32Printing:
        inPoints = PR_FALSE;
        HDC dc =  GetPrintHDC();
        if (!dc)
            dc = GetDC((HWND)mWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WIDGET));
        size.width = NSFloatPixelsToAppUnits(::GetDeviceCaps(dc, HORZRES)/mPrintingScale, AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
        size.height = NSFloatPixelsToAppUnits(::GetDeviceCaps(dc, VERTRES)/mPrintingScale, AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
        mDepth = (PRUint32)::GetDeviceCaps(dc, BITSPIXEL);
        if (dc != (HDC)GetPrintHDC())
            ReleaseDC((HWND)mWidget->GetNativeData(NS_NATIVE_WIDGET), dc);

#ifdef XP_OS2
    case gfxASurface::SurfaceTypeOS2:
        inPoints = PR_FALSE;
        // we already set the size in the surface constructor we set for
        // printing, so just get those values here
        size = reinterpret_cast<gfxOS2Surface*>(mPrintingSurface.get())->GetSize();
        // as they are in pixels we need to scale them to app units
        size.width = NSFloatPixelsToAppUnits(size.width, AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
        size.height = NSFloatPixelsToAppUnits(size.height, AppUnitsPerDevPixel());
        // still need to get the depth from the device context
        HDC dc = GetPrintHDC();
        LONG value;
        if (DevQueryCaps(dc, CAPS_COLOR_BITCOUNT, 1, &value))
            mDepth = value;
            mDepth = 8; // default to 8bpp, should be enough for printers
        NS_ERROR("trying to print to unknown surface type");

    if (inPoints) {
        mWidth = NSToCoordRound(float(size.width) * AppUnitsPerInch() / 72);
        mHeight = NSToCoordRound(float(size.height) * AppUnitsPerInch() / 72);
    } else {
        mWidth = NSToIntRound(size.width);
        mHeight = NSToIntRound(size.height);
Пример #14
/* Open the os2prn driver */
static int
os2prn_open(gx_device * dev)
    int code;
    PTIB pptib;
    PPIB pppib;
    ULONG cbBuf;
    ULONG cbNeeded;
    APIRET rc;
    PBYTE pbuf;
    char *p;
    SIZEL sizlPage;
    LONG caps[2];
    HCINFO hcinfo;
    LONG nforms;
    float m[4];
    int depth;
    FILE *pfile;
    int i;
    char *prefix = "\\\\spool\\";	/* 8 characters long */

    PRQINFO3 *pprq;
    gx_device_os2prn *oprn;

    oprn = opdev;

    if (DosGetInfoBlocks(&pptib, &pppib)) {
	errprintf("\nos2prn_open: Couldn't get pid\n");
	return gs_error_limitcheck;
    if (pppib->pib_ultype != 3) {
	/* if caller is not PM app */
	errprintf("os2prn device can only be used from a PM application\n");
	return gs_error_limitcheck;
    opdev->hab = WinQueryAnchorBlock(hwndtext);
    opdev->newframe = 0;

    if (os2prn_get_queue_list(dev->memory, &opdev->ql))
	return gs_error_limitcheck;

    if (opdev->queue_name[0] == '\0') {
	/* obtain printer name from filename */
	p = opdev->fname;
	for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) {
	    if (prefix[i] == '\\') {
		if ((*p != '\\') && (*p != '/'))
	    } else if (tolower(*p) != prefix[i])
	if (i == 8 && (strlen(p) != 0))
	    strcpy(opdev->queue_name, p);
    pprq = NULL;
    if (opdev->queue_name[0] != '\0') {
	for (i = 0; i < opdev->ql.nqueues; i++) {
	    if (strcmp(opdev->ql.prq[i].pszName, opdev->queue_name) == 0) {
		pprq = &(opdev->ql.prq[i]);
    } else {
	/* use default queue */
	pprq = &(opdev->ql.prq[opdev->ql.defqueue]);
    if (pprq == (PRQINFO3 *) NULL) {
	errprintf("Invalid os2prn queue  name -sOS2QUEUE=\042%s\042\n", opdev->queue_name);
	errprintf("Valid device names are:\n");
	for (i = 0; i < opdev->ql.nqueues; i++) {
	    errprintf("  -sOS2QUEUE=\042%s\042\n", opdev->ql.prq[i].pszName);
	return gs_error_rangecheck;
    /* open printer device */
    memset(&dop, 0, sizeof(dop));
    dop.pszLogAddress = pprq->pszName;	/* queue name */
    p = strchr(pprq->pszDriverName, '.');
    if (p != (char *)NULL)
	*p = '\0';
    dop.pszDriverName = pprq->pszDriverName;
    dop.pszDataType = "PM_Q_STD";
    dop.pdriv = pprq->pDriverData;
    opdev->hdc = DevOpenDC(opdev->hab, OD_QUEUED, "*", 9L, (PDEVOPENDATA) & dop, (HDC) NULL);
    if (opdev->hdc == DEV_ERROR) {
	ERRORID eid = WinGetLastError(opdev->hab);

	errprintf("DevOpenDC for printer error 0x%x\n", eid);
	return gs_error_limitcheck;
    os2prn_free_queue_list(dev->memory, &opdev->ql);

    /* find out resolution of printer */
    /* this is returned in pixels/metre */
    DevQueryCaps(opdev->hdc, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION, 2, caps);
    dev->x_pixels_per_inch = (int)(caps[0] * 0.0254 + 0.5);
    dev->y_pixels_per_inch = (int)(caps[1] * 0.0254 + 0.5);

    /* find out page size and margins */
    /* these are returned in millimetres */
    nforms = DevQueryHardcopyCaps(opdev->hdc, 0, 0, &hcinfo);
    for (i = 0; i < nforms; i++) {
	DevQueryHardcopyCaps(opdev->hdc, i, 1, &hcinfo);
	if (hcinfo.flAttributes & HCAPS_CURRENT)
	    break;		/* this is the default page size */
    /* GS size is in pixels */
    dev->width = hcinfo.cx * caps[0] / 1000;
    dev->height = hcinfo.cy * caps[1] / 1000;
    /* GS margins are in inches */
    m[0] /*left */  = hcinfo.xLeftClip / 25.4;
    m[1] /*bottom */  = hcinfo.yBottomClip / 25.4;
    m[2] /*right */  = (hcinfo.cx - hcinfo.xRightClip) / 25.4;
    m[3] /*top */  = (hcinfo.cy - hcinfo.yTopClip) / 25.4;
    gx_device_set_margins(dev, m, true);
    /* set bounding box in pixels for later drawing */
    opdev->clipbox[0] = (int)(hcinfo.xLeftClip / 25.4 * dev->x_pixels_per_inch + 1);	/* round inwards */
    opdev->clipbox[1] = (int)(hcinfo.yBottomClip / 25.4 * dev->y_pixels_per_inch + 1);
    opdev->clipbox[2] = (int)(hcinfo.xRightClip / 25.4 * dev->x_pixels_per_inch);
    opdev->clipbox[3] = (int)(hcinfo.yTopClip / 25.4 * dev->y_pixels_per_inch);

    /* get presentation space */
    sizlPage.cx = dev->width;
    sizlPage.cy = dev->height;
    opdev->hps = GpiCreatePS(opdev->hab, opdev->hdc, &sizlPage,

    depth = dev->color_info.depth;
    if (depth == 0) {
	/* Set parameters that were unknown before opening device */
	/* Find out if the device supports color */
	/* We recognize 1 bit monochrome and 24 bit color devices */
	DevQueryCaps(opdev->hdc, CAPS_COLOR_PLANES, 2, caps);
	/* caps[0] is #color planes, caps[1] is #bits per plane */
	depth = caps[0] * caps[1];
	if (depth > 1)
	    depth = 24;
    os2prn_set_bpp(dev, depth);

    /* create a memory DC compatible with printer */
    opdev->hdcMem = DevOpenDC(opdev->hab, OD_MEMORY, "*", 0L, NULL, opdev->hdc);
    if (opdev->hdcMem == DEV_ERROR) {
	ERRORID eid = WinGetLastError(opdev->hab);

	errprintf("DevOpenDC for memory error 0x%x\n", eid);
	return gs_error_limitcheck;
    sizlPage.cx = dev->width;
    sizlPage.cy = dev->height;
    opdev->hpsMem = GpiCreatePS(opdev->hab, opdev->hdcMem, &sizlPage,
    if (opdev->hpsMem == GPI_ERROR) {
	ERRORID eid = WinGetLastError(opdev->hab);

	errprintf("GpiCreatePS for memory error 0x%x\n", eid);
	return gs_error_limitcheck;
    if (DevEscape(opdev->hdc, DEVESC_STARTDOC, (LONG) strlen(gs_product),
		  (char *)gs_product, NULL, NULL) == DEVESC_ERROR) {
	ERRORID eid = WinGetLastError(opdev->hab);

	errprintf("DEVESC_STARTDOC error 0x%x\n", eid);
	return gs_error_limitcheck;
    /* gdev_prn_open opens a temporary file which we don't want */
    /* so we specify the name now so we can delete it later */
    pfile = gp_open_scratch_file(gp_scratch_file_name_prefix,
				 opdev->fname, "wb");
    code = gdev_prn_open(dev);

    return code;
Пример #15
     static DATETIME   dtPrevious ;
     static HDC        hdc ;
     static LONG       xPixelsPerMeter, yPixelsPerMeter ;
     static POINTL     aptlHour   [5] = { 0,-15, 10,0, 0,60, -10,0, 0,-15 },
                       aptlMinute [5] = { 0,-20,  5,0, 0,80,  -5,0, 0,-20 },
                       aptlSecond [2] = { 0,  0,  0,80 } ;
     static WINDOWINFO wi ;
     DATETIME          dt ;
     HPS               hps ;
     INT               iDiamMM, iAngle ;
     POINTL            aptl [3] ;

     switch (msg)
          case WM_CREATE:
               hdc = WinOpenWindowDC (hwnd) ;

               DevQueryCaps (hdc, CAPS_VERTICAL_RESOLUTION,
                                  1L, &yPixelsPerMeter) ;
               DevQueryCaps (hdc, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION,
                                  1L, &xPixelsPerMeter) ;

               DosGetDateTime (&dtPrevious) ;
               dtPrevious.hours = (dtPrevious.hours * 5) % 60 +
                                   dtPrevious.minutes / 12 ;
               return 0 ;

          case WM_SIZE:
               wi.cxClient = SHORT1FROMMP (mp2) ;
               wi.cyClient = SHORT2FROMMP (mp2) ;

               iDiamMM = min (wi.cxClient * 1000L / xPixelsPerMeter,
                              wi.cyClient * 1000L / yPixelsPerMeter) ;

               wi.cxPixelDiam = xPixelsPerMeter * iDiamMM / 1000 ;
               wi.cyPixelDiam = yPixelsPerMeter * iDiamMM / 1000 ;
               return 0 ;

          case WM_TIMER:
               DosGetDateTime (&dt) ;
               dt.hours = (dt.hours * 5) % 60 + dt.minutes / 12 ;

               hps = WinGetPS (hwnd) ;
               GpiSetColor (hps, CLR_BACKGROUND) ;

               DrawHand (hps, aptlSecond, 2, dtPrevious.seconds, &wi) ;

               if (dt.hours   != dtPrevious.hours ||
                   dt.minutes != dtPrevious.minutes)
                    DrawHand (hps, aptlHour,   5, dtPrevious.hours,   &wi) ;
                    DrawHand (hps, aptlMinute, 5, dtPrevious.minutes, &wi) ;

               GpiSetColor (hps, CLR_NEUTRAL) ;

               DrawHand (hps, aptlHour,   5, dt.hours,   &wi) ;
               DrawHand (hps, aptlMinute, 5, dt.minutes, &wi) ;
               DrawHand (hps, aptlSecond, 2, dt.seconds, &wi) ;

               WinReleasePS (hps) ;
               dtPrevious = dt ;
               return 0 ;

          case WM_PAINT:
               hps = WinBeginPaint (hwnd, NULLHANDLE, NULL) ;
               GpiErase (hps) ;

               for (iAngle = 0 ; iAngle < 60 ; iAngle++)
                    aptl[0].x = 0 ;
                    aptl[0].y = 90 ;

                    RotatePoint    (aptl, 1, iAngle) ;
                    ScalePoint     (aptl, 1, &wi) ;
                    TranslatePoint (aptl, 1, &wi) ;

                    aptl[2].x = aptl[2].y = iAngle % 5 ? 2 : 10 ;

                    ScalePoint (aptl + 2, 1, &wi) ;

                    aptl[0].x -= aptl[2].x / 2 ;
                    aptl[0].y -= aptl[2].y / 2 ;

                    aptl[1].x = aptl[0].x + aptl[2].x ;
                    aptl[1].y = aptl[0].y + aptl[2].y ;

                    GpiMove (hps, aptl) ;
                    GpiBox (hps, DRO_OUTLINEFILL, aptl + 1,
                                 aptl[2].x, aptl[2].y) ;
               DrawHand (hps, aptlHour,   5, dtPrevious.hours,   &wi) ;
               DrawHand (hps, aptlMinute, 5, dtPrevious.minutes, &wi) ;
               DrawHand (hps, aptlSecond, 2, dtPrevious.seconds, &wi) ;

               WinEndPaint (hps) ;
               return 0 ;
     return WinDefWindowProc (hwnd, msg, mp1, mp2) ;
 *  Name:ClkCreate()
 *  Purpose:Intialize a newly created client window
 *  Usage:
 *  Method:
 *          -
 *          -
 *          -
 *          -
 *          -
 *  Returns:
 *          1 - if sucessful execution completed
 *          0 - if error
VOID ClkCreate ( HWND hwnd )
    LONG cxScreen , cyScreen;  /* screen dimensions */
    LONG xLeft , yBottom ;      /* frame window location */
    ULONG cbBuf;
    LONG cyHeight;
    LONG cxWidth;

    hwndClient = hwnd;

    WinLoadString(hab, NULLHANDLE, IDS_TITLE,  0, (PSZ)szTitle   );
    WinLoadString(hab, NULLHANDLE, IDS_HELPTITLE, 256, (PSZ)szHelpTitle);
    /* we are called before the global hwndFrame is valid */
    hwndFrame = WinQueryWindow ( hwnd , QW_PARENT) ;
    hwndTitleBar = WinWindowFromID ( hwndFrame , FID_TITLEBAR ) ;
    hwndSysMenu = WinWindowFromID ( hwndFrame , FID_SYSMENU ) ;
    hwndMinMax = WinWindowFromID ( hwndFrame , FID_MINMAX ) ;

    /* load our menus */
    hwndMenu = WinLoadMenu (hwndFrame, NULLHANDLE, IDR_MAIN);
    /* determine screen dimensions */
    /* open a device context and create a presentation space */

    hdc = WinOpenWindowDC (hwnd);
    hps = GpiCreatePS (hab, hdc, &sizl, PU_ARBITRARY | GPIT_MICRO |

     * Create our off-screen 'buffer'.
    hdcBuffer = DevOpenDC ( (HAB)0L, OD_MEMORY, "*", 0L, NULL, hdc);
    hpsBuffer = GpiCreatePS (hab, hdcBuffer, &sizl, PU_ARBITRARY |
                               GPIT_MICRO | GPIA_ASSOC);

    GpiCreateLogColorTable (hpsBuffer, 0, LCOLF_RGB, 0, 0, (PLONG)NULL);

    /* get the device resolutions so we can make the face appear circular */
    DevQueryCaps (hdc, (LONG)CAPS_VERTICAL_RESOLUTION,(LONG) 1L, &cyRes);
    DevQueryCaps (hdc, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_RESOLUTION, 1L, &cxRes);
    DevQueryCaps (hdc, CAPS_COLOR_PLANES, 1L, &cColorPlanes);
    DevQueryCaps (hdc, CAPS_COLOR_BITCOUNT, 1L, &cColorBitcount);

    cxScreen = WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CXSCREEN);
    cyScreen = WinQuerySysValue (HWND_DESKTOP, SV_CYSCREEN);

     * Calculate an initial window position and size.
    xLeft = cxScreen / 8;
    yBottom = cyScreen / 2;
    cxWidth = cxScreen / 3;
    cyHeight = cyScreen / 2;
    WinSetWindowPos (hwndFrame, NULLHANDLE, xLeft, yBottom,
                       cxWidth, cyHeight,
                       SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_ACTIVATE);

    cbBuf = sizeof(cp);
    if (!PrfQueryProfileData(HINI_USER, SZ_APPNAME, SZ_KEYNAME, &cp, &cbBuf))
        cp.usMajorTickPref = CLKTM_ALWAYS;
        cp.usMinorTickPref = CLKTM_NOTICONIC;
        cp.clrBackground = 0x00008080;
        cp.clrFace = 0x00008080;
        cp.clrHourHand = RGB_RED;
        cp.clrMinuteHand = RGB_RED;
        cp.fControlsHidden = FALSE;
        cp.usDispMode = DM_TIME | DM_ANALOG | DM_SECONDHAND;
        cp.alarm.uchHour = 0;
        cp.alarm.uchMinutes = 0;
        cp.alarm.usMode = 0;
        /* position the window and make it visible */
        WinSetWindowPos( hwndFrame , NULLHANDLE ,
                           xLeft , yBottom ,
                           cxWidth , cyHeight ,
                           SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_ACTIVATE);
        WinQueryWindowPos(hwndFrame, &cp.swp);
    { /*Protect against garbage swp*/

        cp.swp.hwnd = hwndFrame;
        cp.swp.hwndInsertBehind = HWND_TOP;

        cp.swp.fl = (cp.swp.fl & (SWP_MINIMIZE | SWP_MAXIMIZE)) | SWP_SIZE | SWP_MOVE | SWP_ACTIVATE;
        WinSetMultWindowPos(hab, &cp.swp, 1);

    if (cp.fControlsHidden)
        ClkHideFrameControls (hwndFrame);

     * Check relevant items.
    WinSendMsg( hwndMenu,
                MPFROM2SHORT( IDM_TIME, TRUE),
                MPFROM2SHORT( MIA_CHECKED,
                              ( (cp.usDispMode & DM_TIME)?  MIA_CHECKED
                                      : ~MIA_CHECKED) ) );
    WinSendMsg( hwndMenu,
                MPFROM2SHORT( IDM_DATE, TRUE),
                              ( (!(cp.usDispMode & DM_TIME))?  MIA_DISABLED
                                      : ~MIA_DISABLED) ) );
    WinSendMsg( hwndMenu,
                MPFROM2SHORT( IDM_DATE, TRUE),
                MPFROM2SHORT( MIA_CHECKED,
                              ( (cp.usDispMode & DM_DATE)?  MIA_CHECKED
                                      : ~MIA_CHECKED) ) );
    WinSendMsg( hwndMenu,
                MPFROM2SHORT( IDM_TIME, TRUE),
                              ( ((!(cp.usDispMode & DM_DATE) || (cp.usDispMode & DM_ANALOG)))?  MIA_DISABLED
                                      : ~MIA_DISABLED) ) );
    WinSendMsg( hwndMenu,
                MPFROM2SHORT( (cp.usDispMode & DM_DIGITAL)
                MPFROM2SHORT( MIA_CHECKED,

                MPFROM2SHORT( MIA_CHECKED,
                              ( (cp.usDispMode & DM_SECONDHAND) ? MIA_CHECKED
                                      : ~MIA_CHECKED)));

     * Disable these items if the digital clock is visible
     * since they won't apply.
    if (cp.usDispMode & DM_DIGITAL)
        WinSendMsg (hwndMenu, MM_SETITEMATTR,

        WinSendMsg (hwndMenu, MM_SETITEMATTR,

    /* have we been asked to start as an icon? */
    if (fStartAsIcon)
        WinSetWindowPos(hwndFrame, NULLHANDLE, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_MINIMIZE);

    WinShowWindow(hwndFrame, TRUE);

    /* get the time in a format for dislaying */
    dt.hours = (UCHAR )(dt.hours * (UCHAR) 5) % (UCHAR) 60 + dt.minutes / (UCHAR)12;

    /* start a timer */
    WinStartTimer (hab, hwnd, IDR_MAIN, 1000);

    WinLoadString(hab, NULLHANDLE, IDS_TITLE, 80, (PSZ)szTitle);

Пример #17
LONG SelectFont(HDC hDC, HPS hPS, CHAR *pszFacename, LONG lPoints)

LONG	     cFonts;		   /* Fonts Count			*/
LONG	     lFontsTotal = 0L;	   /* Fonts Total Count			*/
LONG	     lMatch = 1L;	   /* Font Match Value			*/
LONG	     lXDeviceRes;	   /* x	Device Resolution		*/
LONG	     lYDeviceRes;	   /* y	Device Resolution		*/
PFONTMETRICS pfm;		   /* Font Metrics Pointer		*/
register INT i;			   /* Loop Counter			*/

		       /* Get the height of the	screen in pels		*/

DevQueryCaps(hDC, CAPS_HORIZONTAL_FONT_RES, 1L,	&lXDeviceRes);
DevQueryCaps(hDC, CAPS_VERTICAL_FONT_RES,   1L,	&lYDeviceRes);

		       /* Get the number of fonts for the face name	*/
		       /* provided					*/

cFonts = GpiQueryFonts(hPS, QF_PUBLIC, pszFacename, &lFontsTotal,

		       /* Allocate space for the font metrics for the	*/
		       /* different font sizes and devices of the font	*/

DosAllocMem((PPVOID)(PVOID)&pfm, (ULONG)(sizeof(FONTMETRICS) * cFonts),

		       /* Make a pointer for the memory	allocated for	*/
		       /* the font metrics and get the font metrics for	*/
		       /* the number of	fonts for the face name		*/
		       /* provided					*/

GpiQueryFonts(hPS, QF_PUBLIC, pszFacename, &cFonts,
	      sizeof(FONTMETRICS), pfm);

		       /* Adjust the point size	to correspond to the	*/
		       /* the nominal point size that is contained	*/
		       /* within the font metrics structure		*/
lPoints	*= 10;
		       /* Loop through the font	metrics	returned to	*/
		       /* locate the desired font by matching the x and	*/
		       /* y device resolution of the font and the point	*/
		       /* size						*/

for ( i	= 0; i < (INT)cFonts; i++ )
   if (	(pfm[i].sXDeviceRes == (SHORT)lXDeviceRes) &&
	(pfm[i].sYDeviceRes == (SHORT)lYDeviceRes) &&
	((LONG)pfm[i].sNominalPointSize	== lPoints) )
		       /* Font found, get the match value to allow the	*/
		       /* exact	font to	be selected by the calling	*/
		       /* application					*/

       lMatch =	pfm[i].lMatch;
		       /* Release the memory allocated for the font	*/
		       /* metrics array					*/
		       /* Return the match value to the	calling		*/
		       /* application					*/